We are building a private house. We are building a private house New articles about house construction

Many owners of private houses are thinking about arranging storage for their harvest - canned food and vegetables. At the same time, some do not understand the difference between a basement, a cellar and a basement. Let's work with the RMNT website to figure out how these underground storage options differ....

Organizing a storage system in a barn

A barn is a necessary outbuilding that can be found on almost every summer cottage and household plot. At proper organization Storage systems in the barn can accommodate all the necessary household items. The RMNT website will give you tips to help you effectively use all the space in your shed....

Choosing a mesh for a sauna stove

In this article we will talk about such an important part of any heater for a traditional Russian bath as a grid for stones. Without this addition, the stove will not be a heater, and the owner of the bathhouse and his guests will lose the opportunity to add steam. The RMNT website will tell you about choosing a mesh for a sauna stove....

Non-trivial ways to protect your dacha from thieves

Protecting your own property from robbers is a headache for many summer residents. When leaving for the winter, they are concerned that everything will remain safe until the owners return. The RMNT website has collected advice and reviews from summer residents who have taken measures to protect themselves from thieves....

House building in Finnish – Asuntomessut-2019

Every year Finland hosts an unusual exhibition of ready-made residential buildings. Anyone can come in and see what a house built for specific customers looks like. And the owners will move into it later, when the exhibition is over. The RMNT website has selected the main trends of Asuntomessut-2019....

Choosing a place for the stairs in the house

Of course, you need to plan a place for stairs in the house at the stage of developing or selecting a project. This is an important architectural element, which also takes up a lot of space. The RMNT website decided to look into the pros and cons of various options for staircase placement in a private house....

Dunit - stone for baths and saunas

Natural stone is an invariable attribute of a Russian sauna with a heater. And just in the decoration of steam rooms, stones are often used. Today the RMNT website will talk about such an interesting stone as dunite, which will be an excellent choice for arranging a bathhouse and sauna, as it has a number of positive characteristics....

Construction of houses is the main activity of our construction company. However, the services of our craftsmen can also be ordered to carry out work on external and interior decoration, for the construction of various extensions to the house or for redevelopment of the building. The prices for house construction services will please you. You can always order from our company services for the construction and organization of the entire site: extensions for the farm, house, garage and many others various structures. In the house itself, we will carry out a variety of construction work: building fireplaces, stairs, balconies, preparing a place for a swimming pool, installing communication networks and much more.

According to statistics, the pace of low-rise housing construction is constantly gaining momentum, despite the financial crises, political reforms and other circumstances. This is not the first year that our company has been offering consumers such a service as inexpensive turnkey construction of private houses and cottages. A wide range of contractors in this area puts forward high demands to quality construction work all directions. Only by offering consumers a high-quality final product at a relatively low price can you successfully compete with other organizations. The positive long-term experience of our company in the turnkey house construction market in Moscow and the Moscow region is a clear indicator of the trust of our clients. Ordering such a service from us means getting a beautiful, comfortable home in the near future and relatively cheaply.

Aerated concrete and aerated block are almost ten times superior in thermal protection, which means that in the future you will significantly save on heating. You will be surprised, but the thermal conductivity of gas blocks standard thickness equal to 60 cm of brickwork. The air enclosed in the voids of aerated concrete blocks provides not only a heat- but also a sound-insulating effect that is 3-5 times superior to brick. Due to its high air and vapor permeability, aerated concrete provides an ideal indoor microclimate. This material is resistant to dampness, which means you are not afraid of fungus and mold. Which will be very useful for those who suffer from diseases of the respiratory tract or joints.

Construction individual house or cottage - this is labor-intensive and very complex process, which consists of many stages. In order to easily overcome one stage after another, you need to have specialized knowledge in the field of design and construction. It is better to entrust the construction of a private house to responsible professionals from the very beginning. This will not only protect you from many problems and errors in the process, but will also save financial resources by 15-18%.

Cinder blocks are popular due to their low cost, which is an order of magnitude lower than, for example, the price of brick. Enough large sizes blocks allow you to quickly build walls from it, which significantly reduces the time spent building a house. Simple technology laying is no different from brick masonry; any qualified mason can lay such masonry. A room made from such blocks is beautiful, durable and quite warm. As you can see, there are many positive aspects.

Everyone wants to live in a cozy and good home. Therefore, when constructing private houses in Moscow and the Moscow region, we constantly introduce new technologies and use the best building materials that provide environmentally friendly and comfortable living. A new material in the construction of new private houses is cellular concrete. It is 85% filled with pores. Foam concrete is considered one of the most common and affordable concretes. This material perfectly insulates sounds and has good thermal insulation, unlike ceramic bricks. In addition, its price is much lower.

The construction of houses from blocks is a fairly popular category of all methods of constructing buildings. Now the use of various blocks in construction exceeds the share of the use of brick as a material for the construction of load-bearing structures. If we are talking about facing bricks, this is a completely different story. Many customers have this finishing material is still associated with presentability and representativeness. However, the choice of brick for all major work is not always sufficiently justified. Firstly, bricklaying is a labor-intensive process that requires not only a lot of effort, but also time. Secondly, high price material in in this case negatively affects the overall cost of work. Thirdly, brick cannot provide high thermal insulation properties, equal to these indicators when using various types blocks for building a house, so we recommend this particular material for building walls.

Houses made from high-tech gas silicate blocks are becoming increasingly popular not only in Europe, but also in middle lane Russia, thanks to good performance characteristics, environmental friendliness and affordable price. Gas silicate is a lightweight (5 times lighter than concrete), durable and inexpensive building material with low thermal conductivity and high fire resistance.

We have considerable experience in construction country houses, cottages and bathhouses, which we build mainly in Moscow and the Moscow region. By contacting our company, you are expected not only low prices, but also the quality of construction work carried out taking into account modern fashionable trends. Moreover, the cost of our services is low, which is achieved not by a loss in quality, but by reducing unnecessary costs and providing good discounts.

Brick walls are the optimal location of the thermal contour of the cottage, the dew point is brought out, the internal walls do not fog up, the ideal microclimate is maintained in the rooms, there is no fogging. The cost of building a brick house is low; when choosing a project for a one-story building with an attic, the developer fits into the average construction budget.

One expanded clay concrete block can replace 7-8 bricks at once. Thanks to this, the construction time for expanded clay concrete houses is reduced by 3 times. The specific time frame depends on how complex the project is. One way or another, our employees will use their time very efficiently, which will allow us to complete the construction of a house made of expanded clay concrete in a short time.

The preparation of estimates for the construction of a house is regulated by regulations. Provided by the standards complex shapes calculations are required for budget work. For private orders, the estimate can be used in a simplified form that is more understandable to the customer. The principle of calculation is simple: each position (line) represents an indication of the volume of work performed, the price for its implementation and the cost of the specified volume, equal to the quantity multiplied by the price. It is in this simple and understandable form that our estimates for the construction of houses are compiled.

The popularity of the stone is explained by many positive characteristics, such as high strength and resistance to sudden temperature changes. Moreover, it is important to note that natural stone It is environmentally friendly and does not emit harmful fumes, so it can be safely used when carrying out work in residential premises. Usage natural stone as the main building material allows you to get a home, the advantages of which will be reliability, durability and comfort.

Houses made of porous blocks are increasingly found among individual construction projects. This modern material based on ceramics, it is a large-format block of baked clay with a large percentage of air cavities in the structure. This material is not yet widespread; its popularity is only gaining momentum. Therefore, it is not possible to order a house from it and receive high-quality and competently constructed housing.

Monolithic construction of houses is made from concrete mixture high quality and can be carried out in a fixed or in removable formwork. With the help of formwork, contours of the architectural form are made, which are intended to be filled with concrete. To enhance strength load-bearing structure Steel reinforcement is installed in the formwork.

Our company is engaged in the construction and renovation of houses and cottages in Moscow and the Moscow region at a professional level. The advantages of our company over competing organizations lie in an integrated approach to organizing the construction and renovation of a house. The success of such undertakings directly depends on a competent assessment of the condition of the site or a completed facility, the development of the project, and the implementation of the construction activities planned by the plan.

Among the newest modern methods In the construction of houses and cottages, it is worth highlighting the use of thermally efficient blocks, which are an excellent material for building walls. This technology allows us to significantly reduce construction time. Modern construction of monolithic buildings also speeds up the process. This technology is actively used for the construction of low-rise buildings. Here they apply reinforced concrete frame, which guarantees the durability of the structure. In addition, the owners of such a building will be able to make redevelopment at any time.

Often people living in apartments dream of country cottage, which will fully meet their needs, desires and dreams. To build a house according to the needs of the whole family or those who will live in it, you need to work hard, because creating something unique and individual is not so easy. To do this, you need to have a solid base of knowledge in many areas of construction, starting with design. If the idea of ​​owning your own cottage has nevertheless occurred to you, then you should know that you need to start by purchasing a profitable land plot and drawing up a house construction plan.

Building a house is a responsible matter and there are no trifles here. Therefore, the question is: “Where is it better to start construction?” - is very relevant, especially for those who do not have experience in the construction of such facilities. First of all, you need to assess your capabilities and the feasibility of carrying out this large-scale and expensive event. If you come to the conclusion that you want to start building a house, then experts advise starting with the steps below.

Houses with an attic have a number of advantages, thanks to which their construction is becoming increasingly popular among developers every day. Our company’s specialists have extensive experience in performing such work, which allows them to quickly complete construction tasks of any complexity, the cost of which is affordable. It is important to note that we offer our services at a very competitive price in Moscow and the Moscow region. Cooperation with our company allows you to guarantee the expected high-quality result.

Currently, the range of materials intended for the construction of private houses is extremely large. The choice of one material or another depends on the structural features of the building itself, as well as on climate zone, in which it will be located. On the market you can find both traditional materials for building houses, used for many centuries, and high-tech ones with improved technical characteristics and completely new properties.

Organizing the construction of a house is a complex matter and requires both specific knowledge and a systematic approach, without which the construction procedure may be disrupted, deadlines may be missed, and work technology may not be followed. In order for the construction process to take its course, it is necessary to break it down into stages, think through and develop each of them, and adhere to the plan in execution.

The types of house construction are different, as are the modern technologies used to build them. The building can be small, large, or just a huge mansion. In addition, its appearance can be no less diverse. Someone wants to get a two- or three-story cottage, someone one-story, with or without an attic, a simple classical shape or individual design. Our company can build any type of turnkey house according to the customer’s design or developed by us.

Currently, the construction of houses from foam blocks is one of the most popular and popular services in the domestic market. This fact is not at all surprising, because the presented material has excellent technical and operational characteristics. It should not be confused with a gas block, as they are two different material. Compared to it, the foam block has greater moisture resistance, softness, and a low price, which makes it more attractive.

A garage located in the basement allows for efficient use of the area if the area is small. However, when constructing such a garage, it is necessary to follow the appropriate technology, which in this case involves installing a storm grate directly in front of its gate, as well as creating an artificial elevation near the gate, which prevents atmospheric precipitation from penetrating inside. These measures are necessary, since if it is located on the ground floor, its floor level is below the soil level, which can lead to flooding of the floor of the building if the construction technology is incorrect.

Modern chalet-style houses, which Europeans love, are reminiscent of houses from good old fairy tales. In buildings with a high stone plinth convenient layout, everything here is conducive to a comfortable stay. The ceilings are low, ceiling beams are not closed, which creates additional charm and comfort. Chalet houses are built from natural materials. Their exterior and interior decoration is characterized by natural color shades.

The technology for building German houses was invented back in the Middle Ages and from the 16th century. actively used in Western Europe. The technique allows you to break down all the work into several successive stages. Depending on the chosen project, the fasteners used in construction may differ. These may be real oak dowels or more modern options, for example, strong bolted connections.

Before starting to build a house, the soil is analyzed. Unstable soil is an indicator for the implementation of a pile-bearing structure. Before the construction of such a foundation, the soil undergoes additional analysis to determine the depth of immersion of the supports. The type of piles determines the method of their immersion into the ground. They are installed into the soil by driving, vibrating, pressing or screwing. The supports are immersed into incompressible layers of soil using special equipment. In weakened soils with an abundance groundwater It is preferable to build a pile foundation. Driving supports into weak soils is easier than laying a strip base.

Construction of a house with basement costs a little more than usual, but in the end, additional costs are justified, and you get continuous benefits. The basement, first of all, is a powerful thermal insulation layer. Secondly, it can store firewood and coal, which are used to heat the building. You can also place a heating boiler here. The basement is ideal for arranging it as a recreation center, laundry room, wine cellar, billiard room or cozy home cinema. Such premises play a special role in rural areas. The basement in a house is usually buried in the ground to a depth of 2-2.5 meters.

What is the difference between winter construction and summer construction? First of all, a customer who has chosen winter to build a house will not experience any difficulties with either labor or special equipment, since unlike summer, when both are in great demand, during this season any work is very rare . In addition to the fact that there are no problems with labor, labor costs will be noticeably reduced due to the same high competition in winter. When starting to build houses in winter, you should, if possible, carry out concrete work during periods with above-zero temperatures. However, if this fails, disaster will not happen - heating mats and antifreeze additives for the solution.

To ensure that communications in the house work properly for a long time, a special project is being developed. It wouldn't hurt to consider various options construction of utility networks, including autonomous ones. This way, it will be possible to choose an option that will take into account all the features of a residential building and at the same time be justified from an economic point of view. Therefore, you need to contact only specialized companies that have already earned a good reputation and have the appropriate license. This project is then agreed upon with interested organizations. Doing this yourself is not always easy.

When building a house, special attention is paid to its appearance, since the future construction should please the eye not only of the owner, but also of ordinary passers-by. There are several features that are taken into account when building beautiful houses. Firstly, the materials used. In order to build beautiful house, you need to choose these building materials which will have a wonderful appearance. As a rule, the choice in this component is made in favor of wood and brick.

The construction of a small house is carried out on a plot of land owned by the client. The site is first studied by the company’s specialists: the composition of the soil, the depth of its freezing, the features of the site’s topography, the depth of groundwater, etc. are determined. The information listed is necessary for calculating the foundation of a small house. Particular attention is paid to the presence on or near the site of engineering, technical and electrical networks and points of connection of the future building to communications. Coordination is carried out with companies providing water supply, sewerage, energy and gas supply services project documentation. The boundary zones for the placement of buildings on the ground are determined.

A house built according to a standard design is obviously free from construction defects inherent in new buildings. Price simple construction is clearly stated in advance and you can be sure that the costs will be exactly as stated in design and estimate documentation. The use of unified technology and standardized structural elements makes it possible to speed up the building construction process several times compared to working on an individual solution.

Construction and finishing of cottages and houses is a very serious and responsible task that requires great skills, experience and professionalism. In addition, upon completion of construction, the finished house needs both interior and exterior finishing. The business card of a house is its facade, which creates general impression about the construction. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the issue of choosing materials for the facade with all seriousness. In addition, these construction works should be trusted exclusively to specialists. Do not forget that the facade is not just appearance throughout the house, but also to perform functions such as thermal insulation and sound insulation.

Luxury houses are selected buildings, the best and most sophisticated. They are completely different from everyone else, they stand out and attract attention. They represent a precisely selected ensemble of design ideas, its material embodiment in stone or wood, thoughtful surroundings and the very atmosphere of luxury and splendor.

Construction of houses from scratch on a turnkey basis is one of the most popular services today. It allows you to get your own cottage in a short time and significantly minimize financial costs. Thanks to modern building materials, it is now possible to build almost any structure that fully meets the wishes of customers.

All efforts in the design and construction of energy-efficient houses are aimed at preserving heat by any means. In this case, conditions are created in which the building is an independent structure, independent of other energy sources. Such houses can serve themselves independently, using the energy that they themselves produce. In conventional buildings, about 90% of energy is spent on heating the room and heating water. That is why in energy-saving houses the issue of heating is given a lot of attention.

If you are planning to move outside the city for year-round residence, then you need a winter house. In some cases, it makes sense to remodel a summer cottage building, but it is more promising to build a new permanent building, since you will have to live in it for more than one or two years. A house for permanent residence is in many ways different from country houses summer houses. This and design features, and selection of materials, and characteristics of engineering communications. Today, the construction market offers a great variety of different high-tech materials that will make even a frame house warm and comfortable in the Russian winter.

Depending on whether the house is insulated and how well the thermal insulation work was carried out, it depends how much money will be spent on heating it during the cold season. Building an insulated house is a great opportunity to significantly save on heating costs, avoid dampness and mold, and create an ideal microclimate in the house. Using thermal insulation you can reduce energy costs by 40-50%. If you immediately build an insulated house, you will not have to think about how to modernize it in the future.

When thinking about building an underground house, you should understand that the costs will be much higher than in the case of constructing a simple building. You need to make sure that the materials are available and that their cost is reasonable. As a rule, the construction of an underground house begins with the selection of a plot of land. The location for the future building needs to be studied based on the terrain and soil composition. In addition, it is important to determine the presence and level of groundwater, as well as other important factors affecting the reliability of the structure. It is imperative to consult with architects who will competently and within the specified time frame draw up a detailed project. In addition, specialists compare the desired project with existing similar buildings.

Today, quickly erected buildings from a variety of designs are quite popular in all countries. All this is due to the fact that the need for real estate is rapidly increasing in commercial markets, as well as the need for rapid commissioning of facilities, and thus this development becomes the most relevant and in demand. Frameless construction of houses is one of the most reliable and fastest methods that does not Not only is it accessible to any class of the population, but it is also more effective in many respects.

The demolition of houses for construction is based on a well-designed project for future work. Only a comprehensive analysis of the existing terrain conditions, the characteristics of the structure intended for demolition, and the customer’s requirements allows us to obtain a result at the final stage of work that fully satisfies the set conditions. Demolition of houses for construction in urban conditions requires a balanced approach, as well as careful removal of dismantled materials. At the same time, we should not forget about organizing events aimed at ensuring the safety of passers-by and neighboring buildings. With proper dismantling of the building, it is possible to extract used building materials suitable for further use.

An examination of the construction of a house allows us to determine all the shortcomings of the erected structures that were made during the design and construction work. Our organization carries out construction examination of wooden and any other houses in the capital and the Moscow region. This study will be conducted in as soon as possible at a reasonable price. Experienced experts can identify many defects.

When developing a project, the customer is faced with a number of important and often quite complex tasks. It is necessary to select the most suitable materials for construction, decide on the design of the facade and roof, develop optimal layout and solve many other issues. Not every person is able to cope with all these difficulties on their own, so the most correct way out of the situation is to use the services of professionals.

A significant advantage of building houses on a slope is significant savings cash and materials through the use of height differences. When the slope is more than 8%, it becomes possible to locate utility rooms under the first floor, which significantly reduces the number of earthworks. But do not forget about the waterproofing layer, which is placed under the foundation slab and on its surface. With a slope of less than 3%, money savings come from purchasing a simple standard project, since when erecting a building, to create a level area it is enough to just add required quantity soil underneath it.

Many people want to live near the water, but not every city dweller has this opportunity. In this case, optimal solution will be the construction of your own country houseboat. Buildings on the water can be called a real dream for those people who cannot imagine life without fishing or hunting. It is worth noting that citizens living within the city also have the right to build floating houses on the water, but this requires collecting all the necessary documentation.

The part of the building located directly on the foundation is called the plinth by builders. It is made from materials designed for long-term use. This is especially important for the external surface. The room, which has blind areas and is located in the depths, is called ground floor. When constructing a house with a basement, you need to know that these floors have several varieties. It may coincide with the surface of the wall, perhaps it will be protruding or, on the contrary, sinking.

To build a balcony, a slab with different types of fastening is most often used. For example, if we are talking about mounting a platform in the roof of a house, then it will be an attic. In this case, the balcony seems to be recessed into the roof and is more reminiscent of a loggia, since it often has two walls. However, other structures are most often used - a cantilevered slab or cantilever beams for fastening, depending on the wishes of the client and construction needs.

A house with a bay window on the façade attracts attention with its sophisticated and stylish appearance. Due to the protruding part of the building, the volume increases internal space and the panorama of the view expands. A unique solution allows a large amount of light to penetrate into the rooms and allows the premises to be used for any purpose.

Living in the private sector in Moscow and the Moscow region has always been considered more comfortable and convenient. Unlike an apartment in a high-rise building, your own house has a lot of advantages: the presence of a yard and vegetable garden, more free space, lack of noisy neighbors, the ability to arrange your home and site at your own discretion. Therefore, most people strive to acquire their own home, saving money for its construction. Many people want to build housing from scratch in order to make all their planning wishes come true. After all, having bought a ready-made house, something has to be altered, completed, decorated, and this requires considerable expenses.

It is not surprising that those who want to build their own house in Elektrostal, Noginsk and the region are always looking for help; at some stage they realize that it is impossible to do everything on their own. Knowing everything that is necessary about each stage of construction is simply beyond the power of one person (or even an entire family). The process will involve dozens of people (from a surveyor to a heating engineer) of various specialties. And the qualifications of each of them will ultimately determine how good the result will be. Our company offers you its assistance in the design, construction and finishing of buildings in Elektrostal, Noginsk and the region.

Our company provides professional services for the construction of houses and cottages in Moscow and the Moscow region, including in the city of Zheleznodorozhny. We build private cottages, both according to standard designs and individual architectural solutions. The engineering department of our organization, even at the design stage, will model a three-dimensional projection of the building, as well as the appearance of the accompanying infrastructure, so before starting work you can visually assess what your house will look like after construction is completed. The cost of construction for each building is calculated separately, taking into account all factors influencing the work: terrain, distance from infrastructure, deadlines for completing tasks.

Having your own house near Moscow allows you to conduct labor activity in the capital and enjoy the benefits of civilization. It gives you the opportunity to fully relax within your own walls, on your garden plot and surrounded by nature. Our company specializes in the construction of cottages and buildings of any type along the Kyiv Highway, including Obninsk, Naro-Fominsk, Maloyaroslavets. We offer future homeowners high-quality, inexpensive and prompt services for the implementation of planned construction.

We build houses in Yegoryevsk and the surrounding area according to standard or original projects, not only stone (brick, porous ceramic blocks or foam blocks), but also wooden houses. Construction mastered combined buildings, whose stone first floor guarantees solidity and reliability, and wooden attic gives you the opportunity to enjoy the environment of natural materials.

The villages of Ramensky district have very convenient location, which has a positive effect on all their characteristics and thereby determines the popularity of these sites for the construction of buildings. The main indicators include several positive aspects. Firstly, all roads are completely asphalted, which allows cars to move safely along the highway. There are no traffic jams, which ensures complete transport accessibility. Secondly, the weather and climatic conditions in the Ramensky district are quite favorable, which cannot please the customer, since the design of any house can be implemented in reality at any slope and on the desired site. Thirdly, having your own recreational area allows you to enjoy the picturesque places of the city and region, as well as have a pleasant vacation with health benefits.

Our company provides professional services related to the construction of houses on Shchelkovskoye Highway. The main development areas are Medvezhye Lakes and Shchelkovo itself.

Many people do not fully understand the meaning of the term "house box", which can lead to misunderstandings with contractors. To avoid problems, you should immediately specify what exactly is included in the range of services. As a rule, this is a structure consisting of a foundation, walls with floor slabs, and a roof. If the project involves flights of stairs, then they are also included in general complex. However, in each specific case the list of services can be significantly changed, naturally by agreement of the parties. Thus, builders can include in their work the construction of some structural elements: screeds around the house, porch construction, window and door openings, drainage systems and much more.

Thanks to guest house comfort and coziness for vacationers is significantly increased, since it is possible to provide them with separate housing. The construction of a separate guest house also indicates the high status and level of hospitality of the owner of the country estate. Even if there is sufficient space to accommodate relatives in the main building, separate accommodation will still be the best option for both hosts and guests.

Round houses cope with snow loads much better than their traditional counterparts. In addition, the streamlined shape helps reduce negative impact strong winds. For example, round houses actively resist a snow load equal to 700 kg of precipitation per square meter. The building, made in the form of a sphere, is not afraid of winds with air mass movement speeds of up to 250 km/h.

The main indicator of effective construction planning perfect home- this is a comfortable stay for the whole family. First of all, this is a separate room for each family member. In addition to the master bedroom, you also need a guest room, which is best placed on the quiet side of the building, away from the noise of the yard.

Vertical construction of houses is the most optimal architectural solution, for carrying out work in urban conditions of Moscow and the region. Our company provides services for the vertical planning of sites intended for the construction of houses, the construction of functional high-rise buildings and the reconstruction of existing ones at fair prices. Vertical layout allows you to preserve green spaces, the natural topography of the area, and also ensures a complete arrangement of communications for the drainage of wastewater and storm water.

Recently, they have become quite popular among the population of our country and many other countries. autonomous houses, which allow for independence from traditional energy sources. Construction requirements autonomous houses have not yet been formed, so for each potential owner of such a structure there are ample opportunities in terms of creating and implementing this or that project.

Services for the construction of new turnkey cottages in Moscow and the Moscow region are in particular demand, since all more people trying to spend the weekend in the fresh air, away from the noise and dust of the metropolis. Some families with children spend the whole summer in the countryside, and only at the beginning academic year return to the capital. That is why modern cottages are being approached special requirements. They should be not just a place where a person spends only a few days, but a full-fledged home where one can live on a permanent basis.

The process of building cottages using monolithic technology occurs in several main stages. First on construction site special formwork is installed. Its type is selected depending on the type of future structure and the assigned architectural tasks. A special mixture is poured into the finished formwork, and the frame of the future building is made. The cost of work is determined based on the individual characteristics of the work.

Designing and building cottages is what our company has been doing for several years. Our tall professional level combined with reasonable prices, as well as the use of the most modern technologies and a responsible approach to any business we engage in, has created for us an excellent reputation and a wide range of clients. People turn to us when they need not just cozy, beautiful and warm home, but the confidence that all stages of the construction of the house will go according to the planned plan, and after commissioning the owner will not face any unpleasant surprises.

If you plan to build cottages from blocks, then the most ordinary mortar. As well as special glue made specifically for such purposes. There will always be some foundation irregularities present. Therefore, it is important to accurately measure the corners using a level, and start laying with the one that is on maximum height. To level the masonry in a vertical plane, a special mooring rope is used. It is stretched between the corners, and the masonry of the walls of the future cottage is aligned strictly along it. In the horizontal plane, alignment is carried out using a level. If irregularities are found, they are ground down using a special plane. The resulting dust is removed with a soft brush. Walls can also be leveled using a level, which can simultaneously work in three planes. Using such a device makes the work more accurate and simpler.

One of the most promising areas modern construction cottages is the use of aerated concrete blocks. This is an opportunity to low price and for a short time temporary period build a comfortable cottage. The presented technology is distinguished by the use of innovative solutions and high efficiency. The use of aerated concrete allows you to build a country house or a comfortable cottage of any layout and architectural level of complexity. According to experts in this field, the pace of construction in this sector is increasing by more than 12% every year.

Cottages built from foam blocks are very durable, since these materials are highly resistant to adverse factors environment. Unlike materials such as aerated concrete, foam blocks are made with more closed pores. Thanks to this structural feature, they are much less able to absorb moisture. A house made of foam blocks always remains dry and not susceptible to mold and moisture accumulation between the walls. Despite this feature, cottages made of foam blocks have the same high frost resistance and the same excellent sound insulation properties as other well-known building materials.

A modern luxury cottage is not only a beautiful appearance, but also comfort, convenience and coziness. When ordering or purchasing such an object, future residents expect that it will be exclusive and meet their ideas about ideal home. The location of the home also plays an important role. Our specialists are ready to answer all your questions about the construction of an elite cottage and give comprehensive explanations on construction technology and materials used. Using a 3D visualizer, they will create a visual image of the future home and help you choose the most suitable interior, an integral part of which will be exclusive finishing made from high-quality materials.

After completion of the work, communications are carried out and the ceilings are finished. In this case, the wires are laid in such a way that they are carefully hidden. As for the ceiling, it can be covered protective composition, and subsequently varnished, whitewashed or sheathed wood panels(lining). If the cottage is built of wood, then a special protective agent is applied to its walls. After this, the surface is varnished (this allows you to preserve the natural color of the wood). In the bathroom, the walls are leveled using plasterboard, and then the tiles are laid.

A typical cottage is a house built using time-tested technologies and designs. In this case, “standard” does not mean “standard”, “stamped” or “same”. In the process of creating such a dwelling, they put together a huge amount of developments, analyzed the experience gained over many years and created a housing project that has a lot of advantages in terms of basic structures, utility systems and other technical aspects. At the same time, no one limits the freedom of the future owner square meters in the implementation of original design solutions.

Many who want to build their own house choose brick as a material, its excellent performance characteristics, decorativeness and durability make it attractive to many potential customers. High-quality and environmentally friendly brick is an excellent solution that allows you to get a cozy and warm home that will not only serve you, but will also be inherited by your children. The construction of a brick cottage has its own characteristics, and this applies to every stage, from pouring the foundation to erecting the roof.

There are many requirements for a modern cottage - it must be as functional, beautiful, comfortable as possible, and, of course, cozy, so that you want to return to it again and again. So, what are the main requirements that our company is guided by when building modern, and, most importantly, comfortable housing?

Our company provides services not only for the construction of modern cottages, you can also contact us to carry out repairs in your home. If necessary, we can not only change the design of the room so that it meets your requirements, but also carry out major repairs, including replacement of roofing and flooring. You can also use the “turnkey repair” service and save yourself from unnecessary hassle by entrusting the work to a team of specialists who will help transform your home with high quality and in the shortest possible time.

For recent years Old technologies and building materials have changed significantly and new ones have appeared that are used in the construction of cottages, country houses and other low-rise residential buildings. In the construction of modern cottages, materials such as brick, aerated concrete and ceramic blocks are widely used. The choice of cottage construction technology depends on the purposes of using the future building, the characteristics of the land plot, as well as the personal preferences of the customer.

Individual design and turnkey construction of cottages has a number of advantages that distinguishes it from other methods - the entire cottage project is created by you, here you indicate your wishes, starting from the number of floors and rooms and ending with the location of the furniture. A fixed budget is one of the main advantages of individual construction of cottages, that is, no unexpected expenses or additional payments. Design and construction are carried out under the leadership of one company, which is good news. This guarantees that the entire process of creating a home will take place without your intervention. Quick move, the house is equipped with everything necessary for living.

Typically, economy class cottages are inexpensive, but quality houses, which are quite remote from large cities. All necessary communications are supplied to the house. The construction of inexpensive cottages is interesting because the house is built very quickly, which allows you to move to own house within 2-3 months after purchasing the land. Buildings of this level are distinguished by a convenient and simple infrastructure that allows you to live in the house all year round.

Building a cottage or house is difficult step by step process, which requires serious preparatory work and long deadlines. Great value has a plot on which the future building will be located. It is necessary to take into account many legislative and natural nuances. For example, restrictions on the height of buildings in a given area, building density, and load-bearing qualities of the soil. The last parameter is especially important. Before you start step by step construction cottage, it is necessary to carry out a complex of geological studies, which includes laboratory analyzes of soils and groundwater, as well as topographic surveys. This helps to choose optimal place for the building.

One of the achievements of engineering is the construction of one-story cottages not in the form of a brick box with walls 1 m thick, but using rational technology for casting concrete in permanent formwork. The building turns out to be monolithic, durable “for centuries”. Fire-resistant thin walls of 0.3 m effectively store heat and do not allow sound to pass through. They are placed on a shallow foundation. Significant savings on materials. Build one like this one-story cottage― a pleasure, without heavy equipment and almost 10 times faster. There are savings at every stage of the work.

The foundation is the underground part of the structure that supports the entire weight of the erected structure and distributes the load onto the ground. The durability and reliability of the entire structure largely depends on the quality of the laid foundation, which is why this stage construction required special attention. It is important to choose the type of foundation correctly, calculate its cost, realistically assess the possibility of constructing it yourself or choose construction company, which will lay solid foundation under the cottage.

Despite the fact that townhouses appeared in Russia relatively recently, their happy owners have already been able to experience all the benefits of living there. Of course, at the moment our country cannot boast of as many houses as in the UK, where the authorities have almost completely abandoned the construction of high-rise buildings. However, the experience gained in creating inexpensive townhouses already allows us to draw certain conclusions.

Brick is strong and durable; gas silicate and foam concrete blocks(in everyday life - foam blocks) have low thermal conductivity and, as is commonly believed, are relatively inexpensive. What material to choose for building a stone house? There is no clear answer; rather, it is a matter of making an informed choice between these two options. To help you make an informed choice, in this article we will compare country houses made of brick and foam blocks.

What wall thickness is best to choose for permanent residence in a house made of foam blocks?

The thicker the walls, the less heat loss. But heat savings come at the cost of increased construction costs. In this article we will discuss issues related to smart choice thickness of walls made of gas silicate and foam concrete blocks in a house intended for permanent residence.

Is a boiler room always needed in a country house?

A separate room for the boiler room and boiler room is, on the one hand, convenience in terms of operation, control and repair of equipment, and on the other hand, loss usable area. Here we will discuss in which cases it is possible to do without a technical room (boiler room and boiler room), and in which cases it is impractical or impossible.

Construction of houses from Ytong blocks

The construction of houses from foam blocks, i.e. from gas silicate and foam concrete blocks, has recently been very popular. Is there a difference which gas silicate blocks to build a house from? Why are some blocks better or worse than others? And is it worth paying attention to this?

Cladding a house with bricks

One of the common finishing options for all types of country houses is facing the house with brick. This type of finishing is attractive because it looks beautiful and stylish; Externally, brick houses look solid and solid, even if inside, under brickwork, hiding wooden frame or foam blocks; and it is, moreover, very durable: build it and forget it.

How does insulating its walls affect the ecology of a wooden house?

In order to wooden house was warm, that is, it complied with modern standards for heat retention, its walls need to be insulated. It turns out that from an environmental point of view, an insulated house is no worse, and in some cases better than houses from rounded logs or laminated veneer lumber.

How to properly insulate a house made of timber?

Since the walls of country houses made of logs or timber are, as a rule, 2-2.5 times thinner than modern heating standards require, in order for a wooden house to be warm, its walls need to be insulated. Good option insulation - insulation of the house from the outside using the "ventilated facade" technology.

Is it necessary to insulate a wooden house?

Wood, compared to brick and concrete, is a warm building material: its thermal conductivity is several times lower than that of brick, and about 30% less than that of gas silicate and foam concrete blocks used in low-rise construction. Only insulation - mineral wool or expanded polystyrene - has lower thermal conductivity. However, modern building codes, in force since 2000, have significantly increased the requirements for the ability of walls to retain heat. In accordance with them, the thickness of external walls made of solid wood should be more than 40 cm. Of course, houses made of laminated veneer lumber with a thickness of 35-40 cm or houses made of rounded logs with a thickness of more than 50 cm are extremely rare and expensive exotics. This means that you can either ignore modern building codes or insulate the walls wooden house.

Projects of country houses and cottages

Company " Country house» offers a large number of different standard projects country houses. The project you like is finalized taking into account the ideas, tastes, preferences and specific needs of the Customer, so that the house that we build for you will in no case turn out to be a replicated stamp, it will have its own unique personality. This applies to architecture, layout, and decoration. country house. In fact, from a standard one you get an individual project for a country house, and this is good, because only a house made “for yourself” will truly feel like “yours”, and you will feel like its owner.

Electric boilers in heating systems of country houses

Electric boilers for heating systems of country houses they work according to the principle instantaneous water heater high power. By method electrical connection Electric boilers are either single-phase or three-phase. Their minimum power is 2.5-3 kW. Quite often, several electric boilers are included in the heating scheme of a country house.

Articles about construction and repair

Articles about construction and repair is a very responsible occupation that requires the presence of certain knowledge and skills. The portal site was created for those who are engaged in construction or repair work, and this section contains a large number of articles with useful information on this topic. These materials will help you find issues that arise during repair and construction work, study the features of various technologies used in construction and repair, become familiar with modern trends in interior design, etc.
Our catalog of articles about repairs is illustrated advice intended for those who decide to do the repairs themselves. Here you will find articles covering new construction equipment and tools, comparative analysis building materials from various manufacturers, tips for beginners, secrets of professionals, master classes and much more.
Articles in the catalog are arranged in thematic sections and cover the entire range of construction and repair work.
Articles about building houses. This section contains materials that will allow you to build a house with your own hands. You can familiarize yourself with the stages of construction, read tips on choosing a site for a house and preparing it for upcoming work, compare the characteristics of permanent and wooden houses, etc. The section also contains useful materials, talking about the specifics finishing works, installation of stairs, doors and windows, arrangement of the basement, garage and other utility rooms.
Reviews on landscaping. Owners of country residential buildings will be interested in reading the materials, which contain information about the choice of materials for arranging flower beds, garden paths, artificial reservoirs. You will learn how to properly care for your garden plot, water your lawns and decorate them. It also contains tips on choosing and installing fencing and much more.
The Repair section is a help for DIY repair enthusiasts. Find out more about the main stages of repair, preparatory work and selection of building materials. The articles in this section will help you carry out work on installing plumbing, replacing electrical wiring, insulation and sound insulation. Replacing floors, hanging ceilings, installing windows and doors, remodeling rooms and arranging a balcony - you can do all this yourself, using the tips from this section.
The Engineering Systems section contains articles on water supply, sewerage, electricity, heating, gasification, ventilation, protection systems, etc.
Catalog of articles about building materials. Here you can find articles describing the features of various paint, finishing, facade, insulating, roofing and other materials used in construction and repair.
The information section Equipment includes information about various instruments, construction equipment and components. If you are looking for garden equipment, power tools or any construction equipment, this section is for you.
Publications about interior design. How can I remodel an apartment? How to decorate rooms, what style is most popular today? What new do furniture manufacturers offer? How to light your home? Which indoor plants should you choose? You can find answers to these and other questions in this section.
The Master Classes section is a unique collection of advice from professionals. Step by step instructions with illustrations will help you resolve any issue that arises at any stage of the repair.
The Miscellaneous section contains useful tips and recommendations on legislation, design, construction technologies and other interesting topics.

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