Water meter with pulse output. Design features of water meters with pulse output Water meters with pulse output operating principle

The use of various counters significantly reduces the use of resources and teaches them to use them sparingly. Since there are no strict restrictions on installing the device to control water consumption, it is wise to get acquainted with the manufacturers’ proposals before choosing a water meter. And they offer a fairly wide range of these devices.

What you need to know before going to the store

What needs to be taken into account for the device to work long and reliably? The first step is to visit management company and get acquainted with the State Register of Measuring Instruments, which lists all devices permitted for installation. This document contains only those devices that comply with GOST R 50601 and GOST R 50193.

The main factors, the analysis of which will help determine the choice of a water consumption meter:

  • for what liquid, hot or cold, is it purchased;
  • state of water according to the degree of pollution;
  • price range;
  • energy dependence;
  • location.

The first factor is very important, since the counter hot water cannot be used for cold, and vice versa. They operate on the same principle, but the main difference is the material from which they are made. For hot water meters, manufacturers use materials that can withstand temperatures of about 150 0 C and the pressure at which the liquid is located. The material of devices for cold liquid is designed for a maximum temperature of 40 0 ​​C.

A little advice! If funds allow, optimal solution will be the acquisition of a universal device that works equally reliably over the entire temperature range.

A factor that is not always paid attention to, but which affects the longevity of the meter, is the presence of impurities and dirt in the liquid. The service life and accuracy of readings of some types of devices are sharply reduced in “dirty” water. It is recommended to install an additional dirt filter for them.

Volatile devices operate only if there is a power supply, which means that in the absence of it, they no longer keep records. Non-volatile meters are considered more autonomous. But you can also choose one that will work from autonomous source power supply, such as batteries.

Note! If purchased measuring device is not included in the State Register; permission is not given for its installation.

Classification of water meters

According to the spatial orientation of the pipes, manufacturers offer horizontal and vertical types of devices. Some companies produce universal option, which can be installed in any position, and is considered the most convenient for installation in any, even hard-to-reach place.

The main classification divides devices according to their operating principle. For industrial purposes, the following types of meters are used:

  • vortex, having a special body on which vortices arise when it is placed in a water flow. It is these vortices that are subject to registration, and based on the obtained indicators, the flow characteristics are obtained;
  • ultrasonic, the action of which is based on the analysis of the acoustic effect that occurs during the passage of ultrasound through a time-varying flow of water.

For domestic purposes, the following types are mainly used:

  • tachometer, based on the operation of a mechanical calculating device;
  • electromagnetic, in which the speed of fluid flow is determined by the rate of formation of a magnetic field due to this flow.

But this division into household and industrial is arbitrary, since any of the listed types can be used both in everyday life and in production. They usually differ in the type of material used for production, the ability to take into account different volumes of liquid. But preferences for private households are still given to tachometer and electromagnetic ones, taking into account the price-quality ratio, ease of installation and ease of maintenance and operation.

Electronic and pulse

Many brands offer electronic water meters for hot water. They have an autonomous power supply and the display can be mounted where it is convenient.

One of the most advanced options today are water meters with pulse output. These devices read the electrical impulse that occurs when a fixed volume of liquid passes through the meter. All impulses are summed up and the result is the volume of water spent over a specific period of time. A summing block in production collects information not from one pipe, but from several and provides information both on individual consumers and on the entire full meaning consumption.

Due to the high cost, a pulse device is usually used in everyday life for hot water and is equipped with a temperature sensor. It is convenient in that it will separately count cold water and hot water heated to the required temperature.

Time-tested tachometer water meters

Tachometer water meters are considered the best option for a house or apartment, provided that the pressure in the system does not exceed 1.6 MPa. There are several advantages that make them popular:

  • convenient small size;
  • during installation and dismantling;
  • the service life of a water meter without repair is very high and is about 12 years on average, which is due to its simple design;
  • reasonable price;
  • independence from power supply;
  • small error in readings.

Main disadvantages:

  • special susceptibility to the influence of the magnetic field of a moving fluid;
  • deterioration in the accuracy of readings due to contamination of the liquid.

The principle of operation is based on the torsion of a small turbine or impeller as a fluid flow passes through it. The greatest difference between tachometer instruments is manifested in two various options counting mechanism.

The first option is single-jet meters, in which the impulse from the rotation of the impeller as the liquid flows through is calculated. To convert rotational movements a magnetic coupling is used in the pulse, and it is already a transmitter of information to the indicator. The indicator is located on the body. The long and guaranteed reliable service life of the water meter is due to the fact that the main mechanism does not come into contact with the water flow.

The second option is multi-jet counters and from the name it is clear that it rotates swivel mechanism several threads at once. From a design point of view, the difference between this device is that the rotating blade is driven by several fluid flows at once, and not just one. This approach increases the accuracy of the readings. It is convenient to carry out scheduled removal on these models to check serviceability, so only the upper part is dismantled.

Expert opinion! Structurally, it is possible to install a module with a pulse output on any modification of these devices and protect it from demagnetization, and remotely record liquid flow.

As for the choice of turbine or impeller, the main difference concerns the diameter of the connected pipes. The limitation on the diameter of the pipes to which a device with wing blades is connected is up to 40 mm, and for a turbine one - between 50 mm and 200 mm.

The water meter market offers devices with a submersible part of the counting mechanism in the flow and dry ones, in which it does not come into contact with the liquid. In the first case, the durability of the work is affected by water contamination and its chemical composition. To mitigate this drawback, an additional filter is installed.

Electromagnetic water meter

Who pays Special attention accuracy of readings and is ready to fork out money, it is worth choosing an electromagnetic metering device. The main advantage is that the readings are not affected by temperature, viscosity, or density of water. In these devices, the flow speed and its average area are determined. The disadvantages are the following facts:

  • water quality requirements: it must be free of contamination and not purified. The sediment will cause malfunctions after a year, and pure water will lead to interruptions in work;
  • dependence on power supply.

Overview of the water metering market

There are several manufacturers on the market that have proven themselves by producing quality products. Among the domestic brands we can highlight Betar and Arzamas water meters. They have the following indicators:

  • Betar products are manufactured for cold and hot water in systems with a pressure of 1 MPa. Temperature range: cold water - 5-400 0 C, hot water - 5-900 0 C;
  • The Arzamas brand allows you to measure water flow with an error not exceeding 6% at a pressure of 1 MPa. The brass body increases the service life of the device up to 12 years.

Among foreign devices, it is worth paying attention to Valtec water meters from Italian manufacturers and Itelma, produced under a German license.

Having considered some aspects of the design and features of water meters, it is possible to foresee all the pros and cons of installing each. When determining the type of fluid control equipment, the following circumstances must be taken into account:

  • type and installation data of the water supply system, diameter and brand of network;
  • volume and throughput pipelines, size and flow rate;
  • availability of electricity;
  • pressure parameters in the system;
  • principle of reading instrument readings.

The use of mechanical water meters is justified for small consumption volumes. These are simple and reliable devices with good operational properties. They work autonomously. The positive advantages include their wide range and low price.

Devices with pulse output require a constant power supply. Electronics justifies itself due to its advantages - increased quality of equipment, measurement accuracy and work with powerful flows. The ability to take readings remotely adds advantages to the properties of this type.

Electromagnetic and acoustic water meters are used in pipelines with high flow rate water where high pressure is maintained and constant monitoring of resource consumption is required.

Vortex flowmeters are often used in a wide variety of pipelines where precise control of the flow of a particular liquid is required. These devices can measure not only liquids, but also vapors and gases. They are often embedded in technological lines food and other production processes. It is not advisable to use them as ordinary water meters.

Hot and cold component meters have the same operating principle. Their fundamental difference is in the use of materials used in production. Hot water meters in their design contain resistant to high temperature materials that can withstand up to 100 degrees Celsius. The readings of cold and hot water meters may have different errors when reading the readings, which is recorded in their technical data sheets.

Features of installation and operation

Meters are installed in the most different systems water supply: in apartments, private houses, public and industrial organizations. Flow accounting has become not just a desirable practice, but also a mandatory element of public utility activities. Consumption is growing, and the range of water measuring equipment for its constant monitoring is correspondingly increasing.

Water meters are mounted on horizontal and vertical sections pipeline. Filters and meshes are often placed at the inlet to prepare the liquid and distribute it evenly across the diameter of the pipe for better flow measurement, as well as protection against clogging. To carry out the installation of measuring equipment, various methods are used.

A water meter with a pulse output is one of the most effective water meters. This device is suitable for both residential sectors and industrial production. The device is used to measure the consumption of hot water. For this case, it is recommended to use a meter that is equipped with a temperature sensor.

Pulse water meter effectively tracks indicators

Operating principle of a pulse water meter

A pulse water meter is functionally no different from a conventional water meter. Let's consider the operation of this device.

The meter with a pulse output has a dial indicator of liquid consumption. When the needle rotates completely, you can determine the amount of water consumed. The device can measure the exact flow of hot and cold liquid. To do this, you need to purchase blue and red cases. In addition, there are specialized designs that are capable of remotely transmitting certain indicators.

The pulse water meter is equipped with a special counting unit that shows the volume of water consumed.

The mechanical part of the device has an impeller, which begins to rotate as the substance is supplied. The meter is also equipped with a magnet and a reed switch (hermetic contact). When exposed to a magnetic field, the reed switch has the ability to close.

Advantage of pulse counters

One of the most basic advantages of this unit is the consumption of liquid in both automatic and remote modes. In addition, it is worth noting a number of other features of the pulse:

  1. Counter cold water with pulse output has an outer ring, a protective cover and a panel. Such indicators will significantly improve the filling process and the visibility of indicative figures. The liquid flow meter is completely sealed. Thanks to this protection, there is no moisture formation on the (measuring) scale.
  2. The device has additional protection installed. It will protect the mechanisms from the influence of external fields (magnetic).
  3. All pulse meters are made of strong, durable metal alloys such as cast iron, brass, and steel.
  4. The impeller is separated from the counting mechanical device by a special brass partition dam, which acts as a reliable protective wall.
  5. The structure is installed on the pipes vertically and horizontally.
  6. Some parts of the meter, which are made of metal and may be subject to corrosion, are coated during assembly with a special mortar component that prevents rust.
  7. Another advantage of the device is its compact weight, dimensions, interesting design, simplicity and reliability of the mechanisms.
  8. The device is used not only at home, but also in production workshops, where the correct proportions of the substance supply are required.
  9. The meter is attached to falling pipes. As soon as the required volume of liquid has been supplied, the electric valve receives an alarm warning. As a result, the water flow stops functioning.

Application of a pulse counter

Asking the question: what are impulsive water meters, and for what reason should preference be given to this particular unit? You can get a clear, specific answer.

Pulse water meter is suitable for centralized consumption metering locations

A pulse meter is perfect for centralized consumption metering locations. Especially if they are predetermined to automatically calculate and scale the liquid produced, as well as the price tariff for the delivered volume of water in the noted period.

The pulse cold water meter is an ideal option for manufacturing companies, where large-scale networks operate. When cold water is supplied, it operates at extreme temperatures from five to forty degrees Celsius. Residual pressure 1.5 MPa. When supplying hot water, the device operates at maximum temperatures of forty and ninety degrees Celsius. With the highest pressure 1.6 MPa.

It is possible to purchase a multi-tariff model. It is quite economical and easy to use. Digital sensors count cold, warm and hot liquids separately, at different price rates.

Water meters with pulse output are popular modern water meters. It is convenient and economical. Able to accurately determine the volume of fluid consumed. The device is widely used. Suitable for both individual use and industrial and agricultural use.

Water meters with pulse output are among the most modern. They can be found in both industry and agricultural systems. And of course, they are also in demand as individual metering devices.

  • How do they work?

    Water meters with a pulse output operate in this way: as soon as a given volume of liquid (liter) passes through it, the device delivers an electrical impulse. This pulse is recorded by the reading device and then transmitted to the adder. And the adder is responsible for ensuring that the user sees how much water is consumed in a certain time.

    But is a meter with a pulse output really necessary in an apartment and is it worth installing? It is worth considering the configuration of the metering device before deciding its feasibility. For example, such water meters are equipped with a remote display, which is very convenient, especially in complex situations. pipeline system. After all, you can install this remote display in any convenient place and read the readings if necessary without difficulty.

    Another additional component of such meters is a temperature sensor. It is advisable to install such a device on a pipeline with hot water. Remember how you turn on the faucet and wait for the hot water to “run away”. But at this time, a standard mechanical meter is quietly spinning, counting cubic meters of hot water for you. And even though it is not essentially hot, and you pour it down the pipe, you will still be charged.

    But thanks to the temperature sensor built into the meter with a pulse output, hot water consumption is recorded differently. So, each pulse of such a device is a liter. If the water is determined to be cold (by temperature), then the readings will be transmitted to the cold water adder. As soon as the temperature sensor determines that the temperature has risen to normal, it will start working with the hot water adder. In fact, you will receive a multi-tariff metering device, thanks to which you will be able to pay separately for both cold and hot water, without overpaying for “drainage”.

    There is only one “but” - the high cost of a pulsed water meter. Although sooner or later the costs of installing it will pay off, because the savings in bills due to the difference in tariffs are also significant.

    Features of operation

    Several such devices can operate simultaneously, transmitting information to one adder. At the same time, you can always control both the total water consumption and the costs for different objects. It turns out that human participation in collecting data and transferring it to one “accounting center” is not required.

    However, you need to know a few rules for choosing such a device:

  • Calculation of the expected water used by the facility.
  • Pipeline diameter.
  • Supply pressure and possible pressure drop in the system.
  • The water meter is selected in accordance with the diameter of the pipeline so that differences in the water flow are insignificant. As for installation, it is carried out in the same way as for conventional meters, only in this case they additionally use electrical installation to connect the sensor.

    In order to reduce costs in the water supply sector, it is advisable to pay attention to a water meter with a pulse counter.

    Today, utility bills constitute a significant sector of family budget expenses. Their cost forces consumers to think more and more not only about reducing the volume of electricity, water, and heat consumed, but also about the quality of the services provided.

    Devices that allow you to take into account both the quantity of goods consumed and their quality come to the rescue. For example, water meters with pulse output.

    In contact with

    Types and principle of operation of tachometer water measuring instruments

    A water meter is a measuring device used to record the amount of water (volume flowing through a section per unit of time).

    The operating principle of tachometer counters is mechanical; depending on the design features and the main operating mechanism, they are divided into:

    • vane and turbine;
    • with or without pulse output;
    • “dry” and “wet” type of action.

    These meters are characterized by their low cost, long service life, and compactness, which allows them to be used in apartments and offices.

    The operating principle of a meter equipped with a pulse output is based on the fact that an electrical impulse is recorded by a special device.

    The passage of the instrument needle through a full revolution, equivalent to 10 liters or 0.01 cubic meters, ends with the closure of the reed switch.

    Built-in electronic system measures the pulse duration. The pulse frequency depends on the speed of the water flow. Such a device is capable of performing measurements in a wide range - 0-2500 m3/h. The inlet hole into the sensor has a diameter of 10-300 mm. To operate the device, enough electricity from an alternating current network is required; it is equipped with a low-current electronic circuit.

    Take note: Pulse water meters are characterized by ease of use, ease of installation, reliability and relative low cost.

    Characteristics of tachometer water meters

    Positive feature counters with pulse output is their insensitivity to temperature fluctuations and pressure fluctuations in the system.

    The need to install a pulse counter is especially important when monitoring hot system water supply If we are talking about a cold water supply system, a meter with a pulse output is not necessary.

    Good to know: A prerequisite for installing a meter with a pulse output is the presence of antimagnetic protection. If it is absent, the device may give unreliable readings.

    For such a system it will be convenient if there is a need to place the device display in a convenient place remote from the device itself. The industry produces devices equipped with a remote display.

    Difference between water meters for hot and cold water

    The water meter can take into account liquids of different temperatures. Distinctive feature devices installed on hot water supply systems are painted in red, and on cold water systems – blue.

    The device can also be equipped with a temperature sensor. In this case, multi-tariff water metering is possible, i.e. Depending on the temperature, the volume of cold, warm and hot water is taken into account separately. The transition to multi-tariff electricity and water meters allows you to significantly save the family budget.

    Three types of devices with pulse output are available depending on installation:

    Permissible error of water meters

    Flow meters installed on hot water supply differ not only in the materials from which they are made, but also in the degree of permissible error.

    Devices for hot water have a higher rate than meters for a cold water supply system.

    The following permissible error values ​​are accepted:

    • Qmin-Qt – for cold water ±5%, for hot water — ±6%;
    • Qt-Qmax – ±2% and ±3%, respectively, where the flow rate Qmin is the minimum, Qt is transitional, Qmax is the maximum.

    The nominal flow rate (Qn) for such devices is the same.

    The operating life of the devices is designed to be at least 12 years. During this period they must undergo verification. For water meters in cold water supply systems, it is accepted once every 5-6 years, for hot water - once every 4 years.
