Step-by-step instructions for building a house from sip panels. Technology for building houses from sip panels

No matter what anyone says, unification has always had a positive effect not only on the speed of production, but also on its cost. And the construction industry is no exception. Unification in frame housing construction led to the development of SIP panels and similar enlarged building materials.

The SIP panel itself was invented in 1935 in the USA; insulation was first glued into it in 1952. Since the early 60s of the last century, it began to be mass-produced, which influenced the reduction in the construction time of houses and their price in America, and then in Canada. SIP panel technologies came to Russia in the late 90s.

And this procession, unlike the United States, where tens of millions of square meters of such housing are built annually, has not yet become triumphant, and its cost is 30-40% higher than abroad. This is partly due to the mentality of our developer, partly due to the high cost of components imported from abroad, the prices of which are used by the rare domestic manufacturers who have mastered the production of similar products. But once upon a time, before releasing our own semi-truck, we also purchased a batch of Ford trucks.

What does a SIP panel consist of and how is it produced?

The design of the SIP panel is extremely simple, which means it is easily repeatable, but the copyright holders and patent holders will not miss theirs, so they factored their interest into the cost of the equipment for its production. And the essence of the technology is gluing between two sheets of OSB (oriented strand board - OSB) polystyrene foam block PSB-S-25, where C is self-extinguishing, and 25 is density (from 15 to 25 kg/m3). Its thickness ranges from 100 to 200 mm, depending on the type of construction and climate zone where it is being built. Also, thinner panels can be used when constructing partitions inside frame house from SIP panels. Along the contour of the panel there are grooves for connecting and fastening bars. It must be said that panels with 100 mm insulation in terms of thermal conductivity correspond to approximately a one and a half meter wall made of solid burnt clay brick, but according to the current Russian standards for middle zone you need 120 mm polystyrene foam. Therefore, most SIP panel manufacturers offer standard products with 140 mm PSB-S-25 and OSB thickness 10 - 12 mm.

Making SIP panels with your own hands

It is best to cut foam plastic with a nichrome string, to which you must supply direct current from an adjustable transformer (parameters are selected depending on the length and thickness of the wire). Its role can be a car charger or a welding machine.

In the manufacture of SIP panels, one-component polyurethane adhesive is used. On standard equipment, it is applied using 4 dozen nozzles for greater uniformity of distribution. The gluing process itself is carried out under pressure. For this, either vacuum or mechanical presses are used. The number of panel blanks in a stack and the number of glued stacks depend on the parameters of the press.

At home, it is not difficult to make a SIP panel with your own hands. From the entire chain of technology, it is necessary to highlight only one process for explanation - applying glue and suggest pressing parameters. The rest is not difficult to implement, and a thinking person will also create a couple of devices for the relative positioning of the panel components.

So here's how to apply the glue. Choose almost any polyurethane balloon adhesive for polystyrene foam (the better known one), take a paint sprayer with an upper tank and a 2.5 mm nozzle. From an old professional spray foam gun, unscrew the assembly for connecting cylinders with a ball valve. Immediately make sure that it is working properly or clean it with a special washing liquid. Make a simple adapter with the appropriate threads and connect them together. Connect to the compressor and get a uniform layer of glue (or foam) adjustable in thickness.

To be fair, it must be said that ordinary professional polyurethane foam will work no worse than glue, but will require a little more skill from you. The grooves in SIP panels are made with a depth of 25 to 40 mm, while the lower and upper trim boards will have exactly this thickness, and the connecting beams will be twice as thick.

Place the resulting sandwich under an evenly distributed load at the rate of 15 - 20 kg/m2 and leave for a couple of hours. The standard panel has an area of ​​3.11 sq.m. The load can be several wooden beams. As panels are made, add them to the stack, moving the load to the top one - the newly made one. The main thing when laying is not to move the sheets. Tip: Cut 6 pieces of board to the appropriate width and use them as templates during assembly, joining with self-tapping screws.

You will be able to fully use your SIP panels the next day.

On what foundations are SIP panel houses assembled?

Such houses can be mounted on any foundation, and here the main role should be played not by the type of frame formation (in in this case this is platform, American, Canadian, pallet), and the condition of the base is the soil. It is understandable if you have swampy soil, the area has complex terrain or is located high groundwater, we recommend screw piles with strong wooden bottom trim, or a platform immediately formed on its basis.

If you have soils subject to large frost heaving, make a well-insulated floating foundation. It will also serve as a platform on which you can directly install SIP panels by securing the installation board with anchors, which partly serves as the bottom trim.

Under standard conditions, a grillage on poles is best suited for this type of frame.

Floor panels can be assembled directly on it, having previously treated them with a primer. In addition to sufficient strength for such a foundation, there will be one requirement when choosing SIP panel construction technology: ensuring good ventilation of the underground space.

SIP panel assembly technology

The connection of SIP panels to each other is carried out by gluing timber onto polyurethane foam, which fits evenly into their grooves. Fastening of panels to a floor or ceiling platform is also carried out using a tongue-and-groove system, with the role of a tenon being performed by boards of the lower and upper trim of the appropriate sizes.

The bottom board is also called the installation board. Its thickness can be from 25 mm to 40 mm. Corner connections are made according to the same principle, only the installation board is attached to the vertical panel.

As a rule, its thickness is half the thickness of the connecting beam. Fixing parts at seams is most often done using wood screws, less often with a nail gun. SIP design panel house so strong that for the lower and upper trim, as well as corner joints, a 25mm thick board is sufficient.

If you decide to make SIP panels with your own hands, and we tried to convey to you that this is not so difficult, then we hope that you will make the panels of specific sizes and configurations, with ready-made connecting nodes, and you will not need additional trimming on the site. But, if you find it more profitable to buy ready-made panels from the manufacturer, we recommend ordering them to be cut for your project. Many companies sell house kits.

To cut standard SIP panels yourself, you will need at least a large grinder with 230 mm disks, or the same manual one circular saw, a long thin sharp knife for cutting and a simple device for cutting foam with nichrome string (see photo below). Expanded polystyrene is cut to a little more than half the thickness of the connecting beam.

Time frame for assembling a house made from sip panels

The assembly of a one-story house from SIP panels can easily be carried out by 2-3 people; it is better to make panels together. The weight of a standard SIP panel with dimensions 2500 x 1250 x 160 is 43 – 44 kg, and with a thickness of 164 (OSP-12) – up to 50 kg. Floor and roof panels are often made longer and narrower for rigidity, or additional beams are glued into them during manufacturing.

From practice, two strong men on the first floor can handle a panel with dimensions of 1250 x 5000. Above that, helpers are needed. Attic or two-story house assembled by 4 people with the involvement of 2 assistants for a couple of days, if you do not use lifting and transport mechanisms.

And if you have cozy place for the production of SIP panels and a site for their temporary storage, then from all systems frame house construction, this one is the most optimal, trust my experience. A 100-square-meter house without any special architectural frills can be assembled by a team of the above-mentioned composition in a maximum of a week, with measured work in compliance with the hourly standards of labor legislation. And if it is you personally and yours will help you good friends or relatives, it will take even less time. And you can adapt to the weather.

Below is an accelerated video of the assembly of a house from sip panels - it’s very interesting to see how it looks from the outside.

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Panel houses are familiar to every Russian from the numerous high-rise buildings in residential areas of the city. Because of not high quality construction, there is a rather skeptical attitude among consumers towards this technology. According to the established opinion, panel technology is applicable only in multi-storey construction of budget housing and does not make it possible to build a warm and beautiful house. We hasten to dissuade you. Panel house- This is a modern, warm and, in many cases, pre-fabricated structure with your own hands.

Competitive technologies for rapid construction of buildings

We will talk about three technologies: “sip panels”, three-layer concrete panels, KA-panels. The cost of building a box of a one-story house of 150 square meters. meters with the choice of project will cost:

  • from vulture panels - $8.5 thousand, frame construction time - 1-3 weeks;
  • made of three-layer concrete panels - $6 thousand, construction period of the box - 10 days;
  • from KA panels (calarium load-bearing panels) – $7.5 thousand, 120-year guarantee, construction period – 10-15 days.

The listed construction technologies are offered at comparable prices for building a box house. Each has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages that are worth special attention.

Three-layer concrete panels for house construction

Concrete three-layer panels are considered by many to be a more reliable design compared to others prefabricated technologies. Thanks to the insulation, the house also becomes very warm. Due to the hollow core filled with mineral filler, the design of the box does not create an increased load on the foundation, while a building made of concrete structures is definitely stronger and more stable than a house made of vulture panels.

House kits based on standard designs and with a tiled facade are offered for sale. Purchase ready-made kit, allows you to assemble a box in 10 days, which only requires from the inside inexpensive repairs thanks to perfectly smooth walls. Reinforced concrete structure has high strength. With its help you can build tall houses.

The disadvantages of this technology include the need for installation using heavy construction equipment. At the same time, panel houses made of three-layer concrete can be built with your own hands (photo) for 20-30% cheaper than a similar structure made of vulture materials. This is a very significant plus and a factor contributing to the choice of this particular construction method.

Video review on the construction of villages using reinforced concrete panels

Do-it-yourself house made of vulture panels: advantages, disadvantages, design and installation supervision

Another option for constructing a panel house involves the use of sip panels. We are talking about well-known special building panels made of polystyrene foam and OSB boards. There are both standard structural elements on sale that you can use to build your home, as well as ready-made house kits.

The Canadian sip panel is technologically related to multilayer sandwich panels; it was developed in Canada, so in advertising you often hear about Canadian homes. This material, despite its lightness and apparent fragility, is able to easily withstand temperatures in the range from -50C to +50C, earthquakes up to 7.5 points. In terms of its heat capacity, a plate based on polystyrene foam retains heat 6 times better than brickwork. Despite the porous structure, the insulation of the sip panel does not burn.

You can freely build a house using sip panels according to any chosen project with your own hands; this will require 1-2 assistants. Construction can take from 3 weeks to build a box up to 3 months on a turnkey basis; installation can be carried out both in winter and summer time. The advantage of this type of building material is its lightness of construction, ease of installation and a wide variety of standard projects that can be chosen for the construction of a cottage.

There are many opinions regarding the environmental friendliness of sip technology. Buyers need to independently assess the risks and read the materials about the two components of the sip board: expanded polystyrene and OSB. Both materials are time-tested and environmentally friendly.

Buying a ready-made house kit will help you avoid mistakes in design calculations. Assembling a house according to your own sketch from standard elements will cost less. If there is a need to further reduce the cost, you can make a sip panel yourself. The panel house shown in the video instructions can be assembled with your own hands video within a few weeks or more short term. How to design a house, draw up a drawing and do the installation is told by an experienced architect in a video.

Video review of sip panel technology

Video instructions for designing a house from sip panels

Video instructions for making a sip panel

Video review on step-by-step assembly of a house from sip panels

House made of KA panels (Vekchel)

KA panels or caliary load-bearing panels are a rarely used panel material for the construction of low-rise buildings with a service life of up to 120 years. The technology was created in Russia and has every chance of great success, thanks to unique qualities building material. The panels are produced by the Ecoterm company and are a metal-reinforced wood structure, which is very convenient for self-assembly and ideal for quickly assembling a house with your own hands.

Advantages of KA panels:

  • complete resistance to atmospheric and internal moisture;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • the panels are not subject to rotting and freezing.

The company's production is located in Yekaterinburg, but the cost of delivering the house kit will be low. The advantage of KA panels is the availability and rapid construction of one- and two-story houses and cottages.

Ecoterm produces three types of panels: regular, corner, lintels with a thickness of 100, 150 and 200 m in accordance with TU 5284-001-24522523-2006. The manufacturer offers standard house designs, for each you can purchase a ready-made house kit. On average, turnkey construction with finishing will cost from 1 million rubles (about $17 thousand) to 3 million rubles.

  • panel house “Harmony” (136 sq. m) – 490 thousand rubles, 1.53 million rubles “turnkey”;
  • panel house “Erker” (240 sq. m) – 710,800 thousand rubles, 3 million rubles “turnkey”.
  • prepare the foundation;
  • install metal guides;
  • set the angle and corner structural elements;
  • install wall panels;
  • fasten together with plates and screws;
  • make panel strapping;
  • carry out roofing work.

Based on the list of works for installing KA panels, this option of panel construction is more suitable for self-installation. Simple and quick assembly is undoubtedly key feature given construction technology. This is a promising building material.


Buyers today have a choice of how to build a house, cottage, or outbuildings from sip panels, KA panels or reinforced concrete sandwich panels with their own hands. Each of the described technologies is available for self-construction. The panels allow you to build a house similar to a house made of profiled timber, but the structure will cost much less.

Instructions for assembling a house from sip panels. SIP Houses are produced at the SIP 47 plant as a house kit, that is, a set of plank elements and SIP panels manufactured with high precision based on the project chosen by the customer. The house kit made from sip panels can only be assembled construction site like a children's construction set. All products are marked, and a wiring diagram is attached to the set of elements, following which you should make installation sip panels. Before starting work you need to study wiring diagram and check the completeness of the package.

In order to better understand the installation features, you need to have an understanding of SIP panels.

Basic Tools you will need when assembling a SIP house yourself:

Screwdriver (assembly with screws)/ nailer (assembly with nails);


Circular saw;


Construction level;

Thermal knife for making a groove in SIP panels.

Panel design and typical sizes

SIP panel(structural insulated panel) is a building product that includes two OSB (oriented strand) boards with an insert of insulation - expanded polystyrene foam (EPS) between them, connected and pressed using a special glue under a pressure of 20 tons. This structure allows the panels to perform a dual function - they serve not only for heat and sound insulation of enclosing structures, but are also able to withstand significant compressive and bending loads. Therefore, these products are suitable for the construction of all types of buildings. They are used for walls, partitions, as floor slabs and roof coverings.

Typical dimensions of SIP panels

The thickness varies in these sizes from 68 mm to 244 mm. A frequently used sip panel with a thickness of 174 mm (with a thickness of PPS 15 cm, OSB 12 mm) width 1,250 m; length from 2.5 m to 2.8 m.
For the construction of enclosing walls, standard 17.4 cm sip panels are used, for floors and roofs - 17.4 - 22.4 cm thick. Products 12.4 cm thick are used for partitions in the house.
Sip panels are lightweight - no more than 20 kg/m2, which allows them to be installed by two or three people and without the use of a crane, and can also be easily processed and cut using hand-held power tools.

The procedure for assembling SIP at home

Assembling a SIP at home consists of sequentially performing the following operations:

  • Construction of the foundation and installation of the lower trim;
  • Installation basement floor;
  • Installation of walls of the 1st floor;
  • Assemblies of interfloor ceilings and walls of the next floors in the case of a 2-3-story building;
  • Installation of attic floors, attics, SIP roofs.

Construction of the foundation and installation of the lower trim

Foundations can be monolithic strip, pile, and design in the form of a monolithic ribbed slab. The type of foundation should be selected based on the properties of the soils underlying the structure at the construction site. When choosing the type of foundation, it is recommended to use pile foundation– the most suitable in terms of simplicity of design, relatively low cost, possibility of application under most types of soil conditions and ease of combination with the base of a prefabricated SIP house structure.

To support the piping on the top of steel pipes protruding above the ground surface, special heads with a horizontal metal plate are installed, or a steel beam from a channel can be laid with the shelves up. In the latter case, the strapping beam is attached to the steel beam with anchors every 50 cm. After immersion in the ground screw piles, they are united by a lower strapping or support beam with a section of 200x200 mm, which is the supporting basis of the entire designs SIP at home. The strapping beam is attached to each pile with self-tapping screws with a diameter of up to 12 mm.

The strapping beam must first be impregnated with a fire-retardant composition, and between its lower surface and the support plates of the heads, a gasket made of bituminized paper, roofing felt or other rolled materials is laid waterproofing materials. In the case of laying the support beam on a metal beam or on a strip or slab foundation waterproofing must be laid under the entire lower surface of the beam.
The strapping beam is installed exactly according to the markings corresponding to the layout of the SIP house and its assembly room scheme.

At corners and intersections, the beam elements are connected to each other by tie-in brackets and fastened with 8x180 mm self-tapping screws. The fastening to the brackets is time-tested; the brackets can withstand heavy loads and do not burst. Provide additional rigidity and strength in critical areas.

In the case when the support beam is laid on the horizontal concrete surface of other types of foundations, it is secured with anchor bolts, which must be recessed into the body of the foundation by at least 100 mm with a length increment of 500 mm.

Installation of the plinth ceiling

After installing and securing the lower support beam to the foundation, a SIP floor is mounted on it, including: wooden beams-logs 100x150, connecting inserts between panels made of timber with a cross-section of at least 50x150 mm and SIP floor panels. The logs are installed in the grooves located in each sip panel along the perimeter. First, the first vulture floor panel is laid on any of the corners, the groove at the end is filled with foam from mounting cylinder. A short connecting beam with a cross-section of 50x150 is inserted into this groove, which is fastened through the OSB board sheathing with screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40 mm on wood every 15 cm in length. Then a groove is foamed at the end of the second sip panel, and it is joined to the first sip panel. In this case, the protruding part of the connecting beam fits into the groove of the second product and is also fastened with screws for woodworking through the sheathing.

How many screws do you need for one SIP panel? In increments of 15 cm, on average, one panel 2500x1250 mm will require 100 pieces. self-tapping screws, 80 pieces for half 600x2500 mm.

After connecting and securing the first row of basement vulture floor panels to each other along the outermost span of the vulture house, located near the end wall, a joist beam is installed along the entire length of the span. Before this, the grooves of the products are filled again assembly room foam and the beam slides into this groove.

The subsequent assembly of panels, connecting bars and installation of joists is carried out in the same way, until one continuous plane of the vulture floor is formed. To fasten wooden beams to flat floor products, wood screws with a diameter of 4.2 mm and a length of 75 mm are used. In places determined by the installation diagram, reinforced beams and timber are installed. All ceilings are fastened through joists to strapping beam self-tapping screws measuring 8 x 280 mm.
The resulting open ends of the vulture ceiling of the first floor of the house are covered with boards having a cross-section of 100 by 150 mm on all sides.

Installation of walls of the 1st floor

Design The first floor of a house made of sip panels is a frame consisting of wooden posts and SIP wall parts attached to the lower framing beam, posts, and fastened together. On initial stage Assembling the enclosing structures of the walls of the first floor of the house kit, boards with a section of 25x150 mm are placed on the solid basement floor under each wall, the layout of which must correspond to the design layout and installation diagram. The strapping boards are attached with self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4.2 mm and length 75 mm to the ceiling every 40 cm. Markings for laying the strapping must be done with maximum accuracy without deviations from the diagram, so as not to cause difficulties in the future. It should be noted that there should be gaps between the edge of the basement floor, which coincide in thickness with the sheathing of the vulture panel made of OSB board - 12 mm, as indicated in the installation diagram. The strapping boards are laid without breaks in places corresponding to the location of the openings for installing doors in order to increase the accuracy and speed of their installation. Later, after installing the sip wall panels, cutouts are made in these places, so this must be taken into account when placing self-tapping screws. The main stage of wall assembly can begin from any corner of the SIP house, where a vertical stand with a cross section of 100 by 150 is first installed mm, which is attached to the bottom trim board with two self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4.2 mm and a length of 7.5 mm, the first panel is mounted to it.
Next, on one of the corner sip panels is filled polyurethane foam side groove, then the product is placed in the designed position with fastening to the rack. In this case, the stand should fit tightly into the side groove of the sip panel. After checking the vertical position of the element using a plumb line or level, the panel is attached to the trim board along the bottom edge and the stand with galvanized wood screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40 mm on each side from the bottom and along the side edge after 15 cm.
In the same way, another vertical beam and a second flat wall product are installed, adjacent to the corner of the house on the other side. After checking the verticality, both corner wall products are additionally secured to each other using structural screws with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 200 mm in increments of 50 cm in height.

Starting from the first corner sip panels, racks and ordinary sip panels of external and interior walls. Before installing each element, the side grooves are foamed, the sip panels are attached along the side edges to the vertical beams and from below to the trim with screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40-45 mm every 15 cm on both sides.
At corner joints and T-shaped joints of walls, the products are additionally sewn together with structural self-tapping screws with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 230 mm every 50 cm in height. The installation of walls is completed at one of the corners, at reverse order to the operation of installing the first corner - into the side edge of the last SIP panel, pre-filled polyurethane foam, a vertical beam is inserted to cover the end of the wall. SIP panel is attached to vertical beam and tying with self-tapping screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40-45 mm in increments of 15 cm on both sides.
Next, two corner vulture panels are tightened using structural self-tapping screws with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 230 mm in increments of 50 cm in height. Last operation for installing walls - connecting them with an upper trim board. To do this, the grooves at the upper ends of the installed sip panels are filled with polyurethane foam, after which the strapping is placed in them board with a cross section of 25x150 mm, which is attached with self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4.2 mm and a length of 75 mm to the vertical posts, then all wall sip panels are attached to it with screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40-45 mm on each side in increments of 15 cm.

Installation of upper floors

If house made of vulture panels, multi-storey, then after assembling the structures of the first floor, the installation of the interfloor ceiling is carried out. All operations are carried out similarly to the installation of a basement floor. Then the installation of the second floor is carried out in exactly the same sequence as the installation of structures first SIP floor of the house. Then everything is repeated on the next floor.

Installation of attic floors, attics, SIP roofs

The final stage is the installation of the attic floor, after which the roof. When installing attic floor wall vulture panels of complex shape are used - trapezoidal and triangular, on which the parts rest rafter roof. The roof includes a frame consisting of racks, rafters, purlins, Mauerlat, elements of valleys and ribs at fractures, as well as special SIP roof covering panels. These products, when roof not gable, they can also have both rectangular and more complex geometric shape– trapezoidal or triangular, so first you should carefully consider the installation diagram and outline the assembly order. In the case when the last floor of the SIP house is not attic, then first a mauerlat made of timber with a cross-section of 100x150 mm is installed on top of the plane of the attic floor along the perimeter of the walls. Then racks 100x100 mm, united by a ridge beam measuring 100x150 mm and rafters measuring 40x200 mm, resting on the ridge with the upper end and the lower part on the Mauerlat.

If the SIP roof has a complex configuration, then the frame is supplemented with intermediate purlins and details for the arrangement of valleys and ribs on external corners intersections of roof planes. Mauerlat, ridge beams, purlins and other parts can have a trapezoidal cross-section, which is given to them during the manufacture of a house kit at the factory in order to accurately fit all roofing elements to each other. All elements of the roof frame are held together with galvanized self-tapping screws 8x280 mm, one at each fastening point. If necessary, in some places metal connecting plates with holes for screws are used. After assembly load-bearing frame roof, the installation of roofing sip panels is carried out, which are attached to the load-bearing elements in the same way as the design of the fasteners used in assembling the floors. If necessary, the edges of some panels can be cut using power tools at certain angles on the construction site, for example, when it is necessary to form a ridge joint joining two panels.

If you find it difficult to understand these instructions for installing a SIP at home, we recommend that you contact the SIP 47-Fabrika Sip specialists.

A sandwich panel is a structure that consists of insulation and several roofing materials and is used as the main building material for the construction of buildings of varying design complexity. For the manufacture of sandwich panels, only proven materials that meet the standards are used. The main material for the covering layer is usually “corrugated sheeting” (galvanized steel coated with polymer).

Insulation materials

When choosing sip panels, it is better to seek help from specialists. But if this is not possible, it is worth studying the main types of insulation and their characteristics.

There are three main types of insulation:

  • polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene);
  • mineral wool (basalt insulation);
  • polyurethane foam.

And each of these insulation materials has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Styrofoam filling in the panel

Polystyrene foam is positioned as insulation, distinguished by its durability. In addition, it is an environmentally friendly material. It has waterproof properties and is not afraid of the sun. But at the same time, such material is very flammable and burns quickly.

Mineral wool practically does not burn and is also harmless to health.

This insulation also withstands biological and chemical influences well. But despite the set of such important advantages, basalt insulation has very low resistance to moisture.

Polyurethane foam conducts heat poorly and is highly flammable, but it has a high insulation threshold.

Polyurethane foam as a starting point for a sandwich panel

The thickness of the building material, and therefore the price, directly depends on the thickness of the insulation itself.

The price of the SIP panel is 1,300 rubles per square meter. Its thickness is 174 mm, width - 1250 mm, height - 2500 mm.

In our country and the CIS countries, sandwich panels of the following sizes are used:

12+100+12=124 mm;

12+150+12=174 mm;

12+200+12=224 mm.


OSB for SIP board

Getting acquainted with the concept of OSB boards should start with general classification. There are four main types of OSB. Each of them differs from the others only in its indicators of moisture resistance and strength.

  • OSB 1 is a board with the lowest moisture resistance strength. This type of plate is often used in the installation of light weight parts. The advantage of these plates is their low price.
  • OSB 2 – has a low moisture resistance threshold and at the same time high strength. Such boards are used mainly for the production of furniture, sometimes for load-bearing elements. OSB 2 is used less frequently in the construction industry, and then only for internal structures.
  • OSB 3 is one of the most popular types of boards. These boards combine strength and moisture resistance at an attractive price. They are used more often in construction for the construction of both facade and interior finishing. Sometimes OSB 3 acts as a roofing material or ceiling.
  • OSB 4 - these OSB boards have the highest threshold of strength and moisture resistance. They are used for the construction of structures with high level loads and in areas with high humidity.

Construction of houses from sandwich panels: advantages and disadvantages

Like any material, using sandwich panels has both its advantages and disadvantages.

First, about the pleasant things. The main advantage of this building material is the consistency of its quality, which is evidenced by the high strength of the material, relative to the price. This factor plays a very important role when calculating construction estimates. After all, the use of this material significantly reduces costs. Due to the lightness of the panels, the weight of the overall structure is lightened, which means there is no need for a reinforced foundation.

See more house projects in the “House Projects” section on our website.

DIY sandwich panel house

Build a house from SIP panels - how to assemble a construction set

The first thing you will need in this matter is a design for the future building. Particular attention should be paid to its construction, not forgetting the requirements and wishes. If it is not possible to build it yourself based on the complexity of the calculations, then there are a lot of companies ready to help in this matter. We will try to show you all stages of construction in a photo report, with step by step instructions. But, all houses are individual, our photo can only be considered as an information guide.

By the way, SIP panels can be used to build not only houses, but also extensions to residential buildings. They can accommodate verandas or kitchens.

The next step is to order SIP panels or produce them yourself. You can order them directly from the company that produces them. Here you can look at catalogs and select everything you need for subsequent installation. When choosing panels, do not forget about the base - the foundation. For a structure made of such material, the foundation is usually installed on screw piles.

Water supply, heating and electricity for the future house must be installed even before the foundation is poured.

To avoid curvature of corners or height mismatches, all panels must be checked for integrity and dimensional conformity before installation. If inaccuracies are noticed, contact the supplier to replace the material.

After the foundation is poured, you need to tie it with a wooden beam. Then the angles are set and using percussion instrument holes are made. Using these holes, the timber is fastened to the concrete with 12 mm anchors. Recommended distance 2.5 m. Next, on established foundation the building itself is being assembled. The assembly begins with zero overlap and the first SIP panels are laid on the timber.

Wall frames are assembled from timber. The embedded board is secured along its perimeter with special nails. The main thing here is to maintain the vertical calibration and frame angles. After all, if you miss even 1 mm somewhere, the wall will turn out crooked and there will be no way to correct it. After installing the frame, panels are placed on it.

After the construction of the general structure, the filling of holes begins. Joints and corners of panels are filled using edged boards size 25 * 100 mm. All cracks are sealed with foam.

Floors between floors and everything load-bearing structures It's better to make it wooden. You can use both timber and boards. Photos of the construction stages are below.

Foundation for a house made of SIP panels

The foundation is, first of all, the basis of the building. It transfers the entire load of the building to the underlying soil layers. In addition to the strength of the foundation itself, you need to consider:

  • total area of ​​support on the soil;
  • the supporting capacity of the soil itself;
  • groundwater levels.

Experts believe that the most common mistake when pouring a foundation is the excessive abundance of concrete and metal in it.

The most popular types of foundation are:

  • pile (pile-tape);
  • columnar (columnar-ribbon);
  • shallow monolithic slabs;
  • tape deepening;
  • tape recess with a plinth.

But it is worth noting that among this variety, for frame panel houses the best option would be shallow burial.

Laying the strapping (crown) beam

For laying, take a beam measuring 2.5 * 1.5 cm. Laying should begin from the middle of the foundation, while measuring its horizontal calibration. Next, the beam needs to be connected at the corners using a notch. After this, the parts are secured. For proper fastening, holes 1–1.5 cm long with a diameter of 2 cm are drilled in the timber and a dowel is driven in.

Fastening the timber to the foundation is done using anchor bolts with drowning. The fastening distance is about 1.5–2 m. The size of the bolts should be 35 cm in length with a diameter of 1–1.2 cm.

Arranging the floor in a house using SIP panels

Another proof distinctive property Canadian technology construction, the flooring technology serves.

Floors and ceilings are also built from SIP panels.

Although many contractors recommend laying a regular wooden floor in such houses with insulation between the joists and beams. These floors are reliable and more durable. In addition, this floor will be easier to disassemble or repair.

Construction of walls from SIP panels

When building walls, you need to carefully choose the source material, because the quality of the future home largely depends on its quality. The best option for external work there will be a beam with a diameter of 15 cm. As for the height, the minimum is 1.5 m. For the inside, 10 * 15 cm is suitable. These are acceptable sizes that will help you save on consumables, will allow you to minimize the number of seams and joints and achieve ideal smoothness of future walls. Assembling walls is not easy, you need experience.

Before laying the timber in the crowns, all materials must be adjusted in accordance with the height and given the required form. For corner joints, it is better to use the “half-tree” or “tied with a root tenon” method. It is better to make connections between the outer parts by cutting or using veneers. And it is better to connect the internal sections of both joints and corners with a half frame.

You need to begin direct installation by laying a crown beam treated with an antiseptic into the foundation.

Installation of a roof in a house made of SIP panels

The roof for a house built using this technique can be a very ordinary rafter roof. This type of roof is characterized by support in the form of grooves or Mauerlat, which are cut into the beams on attic floor. The rafters are installed on supports, sheathing is placed on them and roofing material is laid.

As for insulation, it is not necessary for a cold attic. But if you plan to install an attic, then you should put insulation between the rafters and cover it with a vapor barrier film.

In addition to the rafter roof, no less popular is the roof made of SIP panels. For this type, first of all, the starting rafters are installed, which are bolted to the Mauerlat. And only after this the panels are laid. The panels are mounted on one side of the roof, gradually increasing in height along with the ridge. Once the first skate is finished, you can move on to the next one.

This installation method is more painstaking than the traditional one, but no less reliable.

Facade finishing

Finishing the facade is the final step of construction. Each owner makes it according to his own taste and financial capabilities. Among the finishing options now very popular: facing brick, siding, decorative plaster.


Look interesting video about the construction of a house from SIP panels.
