Level the floors. How to level a floor: a review of methods for making leveling screeds

Before laying decorative floor coverings, it is usually necessary to properly level the subfloor. For this you can purchase various materials and mixtures. Let's take a closer look at all the intricacies of this process.


When organizing an apartment renovation, it is important to remember the need to level the floor surface in order to avoid problems in the future. Due to the unevenness of the base, it may be difficult to install the furniture, so usually start renovation work better with leveling the floor.

Before starting the process itself, the apartment must be preliminary preparation, which begins with cleaning the surface. First of all, it is recommended to remove the old coating and remove cracks. Using a hammer drill you can get rid of the protrusions. In rooms such as the kitchen or bathroom, base waterproofing should always be installed.

Further along the perimeter of the room it is laid special tape which helps prevent sounds from occurring. Once all the preparatory work is completed, the floor is leveled using various methods.


Floor leveling methods differ in time, technology, and materials used. The choice of leveling method depends on how uneven the surface is. Regardless of which method is chosen, the goal of this process is to create a strong, smooth base for laying the selected fabric.

Using a leveling solution

This method of leveling the floor is distinguished by its simplicity and accessibility. Therefore, you can easily make the surface even, using your own strength, without resorting to the services of a specialist. Before you begin the process, you should consider the types of levelers.

There is a mixture for rough leveling. This type is used if the floor is characterized by numerous chips. Another type of composition is intended for finishing coating. Thanks to this type, the base will become absolutely smooth.

The essence of this leveling method using a special composition is that sand mortar, cement and special additives are used. The base is poured with this mixture.

But this method is not suitable for all uneven surfaces, but only for those with slight roughness. Most often, in the “Stalin” you have to deal with a high level of slope and this technique has to be abandoned. However, the method is well applicable as a final step after using a concrete screed.

In order to correctly level the floor yourself, it is important to determine the stages of work:

  • Applying primer. It will help increase the level of protection of the base from fungus and mold.

  • Dilution of the solution. The dry mixture must be mixed with water, following the instructions exactly to obtain the desired consistency.
  • Distributing the solution onto the surface. Special tools will come to the rescue to remove air bubbles from the mixture.
  • Let the floor dry. The drying process will take from 2 to 3 days.
  • If the leveler was used correctly during operation, then the floor covering will always fit perfectly and can last for many years.

Concrete screed

Another option for leveling the floor is a concrete screed. This method differs from the previous one in that concrete or cement is used. The structure of the solution allows you to create a strong screed that will hide even the largest defects in the base. It is more advisable to use this type of leveling during renovations in a new building, since the materials are quite cheap, and the manufacturing technology has been proven over the years.

Floor screed in panel house You can trust the masters to do it, or you can try to do it yourself. Today there is a wide range of special dry construction mixtures on sale. They are made on the basis of sand and cement. Due to the large number of such products, it is very difficult to choose the right mixture.

All these products differ in the content of the binder. It is worth noting that low quality mixtures contain less cement and more sand.

It is necessary to know in detail the sequence of work for performing a concrete screed:

  • Preliminary preparation of the base. This stage includes cleaning, waterproofing, and laying roofing felt along the lower edges of the walls.
  • Carrying out marking. You'll need a level here. You need to make marks along the entire perimeter of the room and place beacons.

  • If the height of the screed is small, then the beacons can be made from mortar. It is necessary to lay out a strip of mortar and secure it with tape. After this, it is important to check with a level that the screed is applied correctly. If unevenness is detected, excess solution should be removed.
  • Concrete screeds can be of different layers. There is a single-layer type, that is, it is poured simultaneously over the entire height. This type is applicable in those rooms where there are no high requirements for floor levelness.
  • Multilayer screeds are used in several stages. Most often, applying the first layer serves to give the base strength, and the second layer consolidates the result and gives the floor significant leveling.

Leveling with expanded clay

The use of this technique is associated with beneficial properties expanded clay. Among the distinctive ones are environmental friendliness, durability, and affordability. Leveling with expanded clay can be done in various ways using a combination of materials.

The first option involves combining an expanded clay pillow with the use of cement screed . First, expanded clay is poured onto the base in an even layer, then it is checked how evenly the insulation is placed. Next, you should carefully lay the prepared solution.

To avoid shifts in the base, it is possible to make protection in the form of a mesh before starting to cover it with a cement screed. This floor will dry in approximately 3 days.

After complete drying, you need to remove the beacons and process the marks. Final surface strength will be achieved after 4 weeks.

Before this time has expired, it is necessary to cover the base with film so that the process of moisture release proceeds more slowly.

Another leveling method using expanded clay includes expanded clay concrete screed. This technique involves covering the floor with an expanded clay cushion using sand and cement. The third use of expanded clay includes combining this product with self-leveling flooring.

The easiest and cheapest way to make the surface smoother by dry leveling the floor. The advantage of this method is that you do not have to wait long for the base to dry. This floor can be used immediately after spreading with expanded clay. The sequence of work is quite simple. The expanded clay mixture is scattered over the surface and must be leveled along the beacons. The minimum thickness of the coating must be at least 4 cm.

Living in a house where the floor is leveled with expanded clay, you will not have to worry about retaining heat, since this material has excellent insulating properties.

Leveling the floor along the joists

It is quite possible to make such a floor with your own hands if you correctly master the installation technology. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this method of floor leveling is distinguished by its efficiency. The use of this method greatly simplifies the laying of various cables and wires.

It is better to take care in advance of purchasing the necessary tools for leveling the surface along the joists. To work, you will definitely need tools such as a hammer drill, drill, screwdriver, hammer, and tape measure.

It should be remembered that the room humidity should not be higher than 60%. The logs themselves must be dried and cleaned of dust immediately before laying.

The minimum length of the logs should be 2 m. Before fixing the logs to the floor, you should calculate the level of the future surface.

It is important to take into account the thickness of the flooring and plywood. Logs must be installed on beacons. The distance between the two beams will depend on the height of the floor covering.

The most current option leveling the surface along the joists is an adjustable floor. The operating principle of this method is that slots are made in the joists and plastic bushings are screwed into them, allowing the floor height to be adjusted. The bushings are fixed in the joist using several screws. Next, the logs should be attached to the concrete, on which you need to make marks for future holes. Using nails, you need to attach the beams to the base. Plywood sheets are screwed on top.

What's better?

Having considered the main methods of leveling floors, you should decide which method is the most suitable. Which method is best to choose must be decided based on the condition of the surface, the degree of its unevenness, and what type of coating you want to lay.

It would seem that of all the options, the use of a concrete screed is considered the most reliable method, however, concrete has a number of disadvantages, among which are too long term drying. This leads to slower repairs. The concrete base is susceptible to cracks. Working with concrete screed is quite labor-intensive.

It is also worth remembering the advantages of this option. This method is used only if there are small irregularities.

A major renovation of an apartment is unthinkable without leveling the floor, since it is never perfectly smooth, and in some cases even has a slope. The rough surface does not allow laying flooring, which is very demanding on the quality of the base, and due to the slope there may be problems with installing doors and even furniture. That's why It is best to start repair work by leveling the floor, especially since sometimes this process can be lengthy and quite dirty.

Today there are several ways to make the floor level. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the choice will depend on the initial state of the surface, as well as the wishes and financial capabilities of the developer.

Regardless of the chosen alignment method, preparatory work will be required, which is the same in almost all cases.

  1. First you need to prepare the surface: remove old coating, wipe down deep cracks. If there are peelings and any pinpoint protrusions, knock them out with a hammer drill. After this, remove all debris and dust, and if necessary, degrease, since any foreign particles and stains may prevent the solution from adhering to the base.
  2. The next step is waterproofing the surface. Floors in rooms where the risk of leakage is high (bathroom, toilet, kitchen) are completely insulated, creating a kind of waterproof bowl into which the screed is poured, and in ordinary living rooms It will be enough to treat the joints of the base slabs, the junction of the floor and walls, and the space under the pipes.

    True, some craftsmen still advise covering the entire floor with a film (at least 100 microns thick) - this will not harm the screed. The level of insulation is always made higher than the surface being constructed - after laying it, the remnants of rolled or film materials are carefully trimmed.

  3. Laying damper tape around the perimeter of the room. This is a kind of shock absorber for monolithic screeds, which can expand due to temperature changes. If a dry screed was used, the tape will prevent the appearance of sounds arising from the contact of the covering slabs with the walls.
  4. Search for the zero level, that is, the height of the future floor. To do this, you will need to find the highest point of the surface, add to it the minimum thickness of the screed depending on the chosen method and project the resulting height onto the walls as a control line. Check its horizontalness with a level.

After this, you need to check whether, due to raising the floor, there will be no difficulties when opening balcony and room doors, will it be necessary to raise the battery higher? Such nuances should be considered before leveling work begins.

Method 1: using a leveling solution

Features of the method

This is the simplest option for leveling the floor. The point is that ready solution made from sand, cement and special plasticizing additives, it is diluted with water and the floor is poured with it. Due to the property of the liquid to spread evenly, the finished surface is perfectly smooth.

When to use

Unfortunately, this method is only suitable for leveling out small roughnesses. If the surface of the base has significant unevenness and, in addition, a slope, which together creates a height difference of more than 3 cm, then you will have to abandon the use of a leveling solution: it will dry unevenly, and this will lead to cracking. True, it can be poured on top of the finished concrete screed - such a final touch before laying the finishing coating will make the subfloor level.

Stages of work completion

self-leveling floor

Method 2: concrete or sand-cement screed

Features of the method

This method involves leveling the floor with concrete or cement mortar. Allows you to obtain a monolithic, durable and smooth screed, capable of hiding even significant floor defects.

When to use

If the difference in heights, taking into account the slope and roughness, does not allow the use of a self-leveling floor, then the best option there will be such a screed. It is strong, durable and, if done correctly, will last a long time. However, there are a number of cases when it is better to refuse it:

  • the thickness of the screed is more than 10 cm. Concrete is heavy, so it will create significant load on the ceiling;
  • the desire to place additional communications below the floor level;
  • time restrictions. If a flat floor is needed urgently, then a concrete screed that takes a long time to dry will not be suitable.

Stages of work completion

  1. Preparing the base, waterproofing, finding the zero level. A primer won't hurt either.
  2. Display of beacons, which would allow checking the zero level at any point in space. For this purpose, slats or metal profile. They are laid along the walls with a distance of about 20–30 cm from them. This is a margin for the rule. The distance between adjacent beacons should be such that the ends of the rule rest quietly on them. When installing beacons, you need to check the level, adding mortar every 20–30 cm. Upon completion of the work, you should get strictly horizontal guides. When the solution has set, you can begin laying the screed.
  3. Preparation of the solution. This is a very important moment, because mistakes can lead to damage to the coating. If you have no experience in preparing a cement-sand mixture, it is better to use purchased materials. Strictly following the instructions will help you avoid mistakes. In the same case, when you have experience in such work, you can prepare the solution yourself.
  4. Laying the solution. It is laid out in strips along the beacons, shaking movements to get rid of air, and smoothed out using a rule. The screed in one room must be done at a time so that it is monolithic.
  5. Drying of the screed takes place in a closed room where there are no drafts. After two days, when the solution has hardened, you need remove the beacons and smooth out dents from them, and then moisten the surface or cover it with cellophane for two weeks to prevent rapid evaporation of moisture. This may lead to cracking. After the specified time has passed, remove the cellophane and leave it for another two weeks so that the screed completely dries and gains strength.

Method 3: leveling with expanded clay

Features of the method

It uses a lightweight bulk material, most often - expanded clay. It allows you to smooth out even deep holes and strong slopes.

When to use

There are several ways to level a floor with expanded clay, but all of them are used when it is necessary to remove significant unevenness. If the height difference is more than 10 cm, the concrete screed will be very heavy, which will create a load on the floor slabs. It will dry unevenly, taking longer in holes than in shallow places, which will lead to cracks. In such cases, it seems more appropriate to use expanded clay.

Stages of work completion

  1. All preliminary steps: preparing the base, waterproofing, laying damper tape, searching for the zero level. IN in this case it will be quite high, since the thickness of the backfill layer must be added to the height difference, and it is at least 3–4 cm.
  2. Installation of beacons.
  3. Preparing expanded clay. You need to mix two fractions: medium and fine. The medium one is needed to reduce the weight of the finished screed, and the small one is needed to compact it.
  1. Expanded clay is leveled along the beacons, compacted, and sheets of various flooring materials are laid on top. This can be gypsum fiber board, chipboard, fibreboard and similar things. They are placed side by side according to the principle brickwork so that the transverse seams of one row do not coincide with another. A second layer is laid on top of the first layer, which is attached to the bottom layer with self-tapping screws.
  2. Expanded clay is poured onto the floor, leveled along the beacons, not reaching their top 2-2.5 cm, compacted and filled with cement “milk”, that is, a mixture of water and cement. This will give strength to the expanded clay pillow. After a day, when the composition has hardened, you can lay out a solution for a regular concrete screed on top, leveling it now along the tops of the beacons. Or you can remove the beacons, wait for complete drying, cover the expanded clay with a waterproofing film and fill it with leveling agent.
  3. Preparation of expanded clay concrete leveling mixture. To do this, cement, sand and expanded clay are combined with water, and the finished mass is laid out on

    Leveling a wooden floor along the joists

    Features of the method

    With this leveling, a so-called false floor is created, that is, the covering is mounted on logs made of wood evenly laid on the floor. wooden beams. The coating can mask significant unevenness and remove slopes, but you need to take into account that the floor will rise significantly. To find zero level, you need to add the thickness of the timber and two sheets of top covering to the highest point.

    This method is quite labor-intensive, even compared to leveling the screed using beacons, but it is not so dirty and very fast, since you do not have to wait for the cement to dry.

    When to use

    The method is most suitable for private houses, as well as for apartments on the ground floor, since the space between the joists can be filled with heat-insulating material. This option is also suitable for those wishing to place any additional communications under the floor.

    Stages of work completion

    Leveling the floor in an apartment is an important part of the renovation. At first glance, this process may seem quite complicated and time-consuming, but if all stages are strictly followed, reliable tools are used and quality materials it will be suitable for anyone who is ready to do all the work themselves.

Execution overhaul rarely goes without such work as leveling the floor. The quality of preparation of this horizontal surface affects the service life of the materials laid on top - carpet, tiles or laminate. And in order to level the floors correctly, you should use the appropriate technology. All of them are simple enough to do the work with your own hands.

Preparing for leveling

Before leveling the floor, you should carry out preparatory work, which consists of measuring the room, choosing the appropriate technique and materials. During the preparation process, the main problems with the quality of the flooring are identified, and its level is established. To determine all dimensions and markings of the floor, construction (liquid) or laser levels are used.

Maximum leveling efficiency is ensured by using a material that matches the surface unevenness. For almost flat floors it is worth using. Large differences require styling sheet materials, and sometimes even using screeds made from cement-sand mixtures.

Floor material

Height difference on the floor, mm

Leveling material

Concrete < 30 self-leveling mixture
> 30 traditional screed
Tree < 20 levelers, self-leveling mixtures
20 – 60 plywood, OSB, gypsum fiber boards
> 60 screed

Leveling concrete floors

For alignment concrete covering with small differences, it is most effective to use self-leveling mixtures, the main component of which is cement. The advantages of such materials are:

  • the ability to level the floor with your own hands - to complete the work, just fill the dry material with water and gradually lay it on the concrete. The solution fills unevenness, providing a perfectly smooth surface;
  • high drying speed. After 3-4 hours you can move on the surface, and after a day -;
  • no shrinkage;
  • a relatively small minimum thickness, starting from 5 mm, which is especially convenient when leveling floors in rooms with low ceilings.
Self-leveling floor leveling method

The disadvantages of self-leveling mixtures include the need for careful preparation of the base. There should be no dust or defects on the concrete. In addition, the cost of such self-leveling flooring is higher compared to other options. And the fluidity of the material requires the use of special tools.

Carrying out work with large differences in the concrete base

Cement screed is the most cheap way floor leveling and is required in the presence of large differences. And in order to further simplify the process, guide structures are used -. They are fixed to the floor at a distance of 500–800 mm, aligned in one plane using a level.

The next step is to prepare a solution of the appropriate consistency, add plasticizers to it and place the resulting material on the concrete. After the screed has set, the guides must be removed by filling the remaining grooves with solution. After 4 weeks, the surface of the screed is rubbed and strengthened by treating it with a primer. More quick way leveling a large area, this is.

Basic methods for leveling wood flooring

If the base flooring is made of wood, leveling the floor yourself can be done using sheet materials. One of them is plywood, laid on special logs. At the same time, the floor height increases by more than 100 mm, and the room becomes lower. Therefore, this option is used mainly in the presence of serious unevenness and differences.

The reason for the significant increase in floor level lies in its design:

  1. The first layer of flooring is made of wooden boards;
  2. On rough floor fix the logs;
  3. Plywood is installed on top of the frame.

This ensures high degree noise protection and thermal insulation. And most often this technique is used for installation on top of plywood laminate sheets. After all, this material has increased requirements for the quality of the base.

You should know: Compensate for shrinkage wooden house with a floor made of the same wood, self-leveling joists allow. They are installed using special structures for lowering and raising wooden blocks.

A fairly flat floor is also obtained when using oriented strand boards OSB, the installation technology of which is practically no different from leveling the flooring using plywood. The difference is the need for partial alignment wooden base before laying sheets of material.

Alignment using OSBI sheets

Large changes with OSB boards it will not be possible to close - the maximum distance should not exceed 6 cm. If there is a significant difference in floor levels, use a cement screed.

Another way to quickly and relatively reliably level the floor is. This material can be made more durable by dry backfilling and laying in two layers. The sheets are laid on top of each other in a perpendicular direction. The technique is cleaner compared to screeds and ensures leveling at almost any magnitude of difference. However, the cost of laying such sheets is much higher. And the bedding can shrink over time, worsening the performance characteristics of the floor.

Floor leveling technology using GVL sheets

Additional methods for processing wood bases

A small difference in the surface of a wooden floor, within 0.5–2 cm, allows the use of a technique such as scraping. Work is performed manually or mechanically, depending on the area of ​​the premises. The process requires attentiveness and accuracy from the performer - protruding nail heads and other defects that can lead to breakdown of the sanding machine must be eliminated. Therefore, it is worth entrusting the scraping to professionals. Moreover, they may have a tool that an inexperienced specialist does not have - high-performance sanding and parquet sanding machines or hand tools that are indispensable when processing floors in the corner of a room.

If the difference in levels between different sections of the floor is less than 20 mm, the surface is leveled using a self-leveling mixture. The principle of laying the material is practically no different from the work of leveling a concrete base, although some nuances should be taken into account:

  • Before performing work, you should ensure that all worn and broken boards are replaced, as well as cracks and defects are filled with putty;
  • before pouring the solution, the floor is additionally primed and waterproofed;
  • A reinforcing polyethylene mesh placed on a layer of cement mixture that is beginning to set helps to further improve the performance characteristics of the treated surface.

One of the cheapest ways to level the floor is to use PVA glue and putty made from sawdust. It involves laying guides and applying a thick mixture of adhesive and base material to the floor. When this mixture dries, plywood sheets are fixed on top of it.

Video selection on leveling technologies

Carrying out major repairs often forces owners to resort to leveling existing surfaces, and this applies not only to vertical, but also to horizontal areas. Proper preparation of the base has a direct impact on durability and attractiveness finishing materials, therefore, this issue must be approached with full responsibility. Today we will talk about how to properly level the floor and what means are best suited for this.


If you want your home to look aesthetically pleasing and not be embarrassing to show it to guests, then you need to think through and finalize all the details. This applies not only to the color of the finish or furniture design, but also to the neat and smooth appearance of the surfaces. It's no secret that “wavy” ceilings or floors most often catch the eye. Such defects can spoil even the most stylish and original interior with their unpresentability.

To avoid such troubles, It is worth leveling the surfaces that need it. It is necessary to carry out such work before you decide on the finish of the floor. It could be good old linoleum, laminate, parquet board, expensive solid board, soft carpet or tiles. All of the above coatings require a perfectly level subfloor. If you lay them on an uneven rough base, they will look sloppy and will not last very long.

You can level the floor yourself. In this case, you need to be as careful as possible. Under no circumstances begin work without reading the instructions for the selected material. Incorrect actions can lead to noticeable deformations of the base, which will not be so easy to get rid of.

It is worth noting that floor leveling must be addressed not only in the process of renovating a city apartment, but also in a private house. Modern manufacturers produce many types of leveling mixtures, which do not have to wait too long to dry.

In addition, due to the wide range, there are different ways to lay the leveler on the subfloor, so best option Each consumer will be able to choose for himself.


Do not think that only dry mixtures that need to be diluted with water are sold to level the floor. In fact, others are also great for such purposes. practical materials, which are easy and convenient to work with. Let's take a closer look at them.


This material is the most practical in matters of dry leveling. Floor screed using such parts is less expensive, especially when compared with the use of special expensive mixtures.

If you are going to renovate a room with high humidity, then It is worth turning to moisture-resistant raw materials. In addition to good old plywood, you can use GVLV, MDF, OSB, chipboard or chipboard.

The choice of plywood base should be approached quite seriously. Depending on the height of the floor differences, sheets of appropriate thickness should be selected. The type of finish you choose and the method of installation will also influence the purchase of leveling plywood. So, for soft carpet or elastic linoleum, it is permissible to install sheets of plywood of small thickness. This choice is due to the fact that the indicated finishing products do not require a perfectly flat base.

If we are talking about such popular coatings as laminate or parquet boards, then it is worth purchasing plywood, the thickness of which is at least 12 mm. It should be thicker, since the above floor coverings require the most flat surface for installation.

There are no phenols or other similar compounds in the composition of FC sheets. Such materials are absolutely safe for human health even in high temperatures. In addition, FC specimens have average moisture resistance and resistance to mechanical damage.

If there is high humidity in the space, then you should contact to FSF brand plywood. This material is more durable and wear-resistant. He is not afraid of temperature changes. However, FSF plywood acquires such good performance characteristics due to the use of harmful formaldehyde resins in the production process. These substances are toxic and hazardous to human health.

In accordance with GOST, the following grades of plywood sheets are produced:

  • 1st grade. These are products of the highest quality. There is not the slightest defect on their surface. However, GOST allows for small cracks (no more than 20 cm), as well as the presence of minimal warping of the material.
  • 2nd grade. For this grade, materials are manufactured in which minimal glue leakage and wood inserts are acceptable. On the surface of such sheets you can notice scratches and dents, which occupy about 5% of the total area of ​​the available surface.
  • 3rd grade. Material in this category may have noticeable traces of wormholes on the surface, as well as fused and fallen knots.
  • 4th grade. Such materials are of the lowest quality. They have many different defects that appear during their production. But despite the major shortcomings, veneer, as a rule, is glued efficiently and reliably.

Most experienced craftsmen advise using grade 2 plywood.

Among other things, this leveling material can be sanded or unpolished. This parameter is designated by the letter “Ш”:

  • The designation “Ш1” means that the plywood is produced with one-sided sanding;
  • “Sh-2” – double-sided;
  • “NS” – unpolished material.

On sanded plywood sheets you can find designations for the emission class of free formaldehyde (as is the case with laminated chipboard):

  • "E-1" means 10 milligrams for every 10 grams of plywood;
  • “E-2” – 10-30 mgm per 100 g of dry weight.

Expanded clay

Currently there are many different materials, which are most often used in leveling the floor base before finishing. However, there are times when there is nothing better than preparing the base with expanded clay. This one is old and everyone famous material indispensable in the following cases:

  • If the difference in height of the base is more than 10 cm. If you install a classic concrete screed on such a surface, then its weight can form a serious load on the floors. Expanded clay is recognized as one of the lightest and most undemanding materials. It does not overload the floor structure at all.
  • If the basis is presented reinforced concrete slab. This material is cold. This is noticeably noticeable in the conditions of the lower floors. Using expanded clay you can correct this problem, as it can make the floor a little warmer.
  • If there are various additional communications or electric heating systems under the floor level.
  • If the repair budget is significantly limited. It is worth noting here that leveling the floor with expanded clay will cost the owners much less than a heavy concrete screed.

The main advantages of expanded clay include the following distinctive characteristics:

  • Environmental friendliness. Expanded clay, even under conditions of temperature changes, does not emit harmful substances and does not contain dangerous compounds.
  • Durability. It lasts a very long time and does not create any problems during operation.
  • Thermal insulation characteristics.
  • Soundproofing properties.
  • Fire safety. Expanded clay is not a flammable material.
  • Resistant to temperature changes.
  • Low cost.

Experts confidently say that such material is considered an excellent solution for leveling hopeless foundations. It is often used to tidy up foundations with holes and a slope exceeding 10 cm.

In addition, with the help of expanded clay you will not only make the floor smooth, but also provide it with additional noise and heat insulation.


Drywall sheets can also be used to level the floor surface. It is laid on the subfloor only after it has been completely cleaned of the previous finish and debris/dust. In addition, to finish the base with drywall, it must be sprinkled with sand. It should completely cover all cracks and irregularities that are visible in the base.

The sand on the floor must be properly loosened and leveled thoroughly so that its layer becomes as even as possible and spreads over the entire area of ​​the room. It is worth considering that the sand layer should not be thicker than 2-3 cm.

If there are small depressions in the base, they must be eliminated using a cement-sand composition.

Only after this can the drywall be laid on the floor. Small gaps of 5 mm should be left between its plates. During this period it will be necessary to pour a sealant with special protective properties. The ideal option would be a special composition designed for ceramic slabs. It can be found in almost any hardware store.

Immediately after the sheets of drywall are laid out on the sand layer of the base, you need to treat the resulting coating with a special primer. It must be different deep penetration. After all the steps have been completed, you can proceed to installing the finishing floor material. For example, beautiful self-leveling floors are very popular today, under which a plasterboard leveling base is often installed. On top they can be supplemented with laminate or parquet boards.


This is another common material used in floor leveling. Today, many consumers turn to fiberboard, since it is inexpensive and its installation is quite simple. To make such coatings, wood production residues (shavings, sawdust) are used. Characteristics and properties particle board largely depend on the level of its density, which, as a rule, varies from 150 to 950 kg/sq. m.

It is worth noting that high-quality fiberboard has good thermal insulation properties , therefore it is often chosen as a leveling coating. Often such sheets are laid on top of a cement screed. Also, many consumers choose fiberboard sheets due to environmental friendliness. They mostly contain natural wood waste.

Such coverings are installed quite easily and quickly. Even a person who is far from repair work can easily cope with this work.

If you install fiberboard boards correctly and carefully, they will last for many years and will not cause any trouble to your household.


To level the floor, not only various hard and dry bases are used, but also appropriate building mixtures. They differ from each other in composition, drying speed and other performance characteristics. Let's take a closer look at the most common products that are popular among modern buyers.

Cement and cement-sand

These mixtures are among the most popular. They are classified as universal because there are many modifications of them. Thanks to a wide range of cement and cement-sand compositions, you can choose for any room and any operating conditions.

Currently, in stores you can find high-quality options for leveling the base, having different structures, different numbers of sagging and notches. Most quality cement compositions do not shrink.

You can increase the strength characteristics of this leveler using regular PVA glue. There shouldn't be too much of it.

But it is worth considering that hardening of the composition with an adhesive substance will take a little less time, which means that all work will have to be completed even faster. To do this, you can pour it in small portions onto different areas available space in the room. It is also worth noting that stripping putty with PVA glue is more labor-intensive. Some people turn to stronger tile adhesives. It will be even more difficult to work with him.


Gypsum levelers are recommended for use only in rooms with a low percentage of humidity. They are also not recommended to be installed in rooms subject to regular temperature fluctuations. These recommendations are explained by the fact that gypsum mixtures capable of absorbing moisture. This may cause the base to swell and lose its useful characteristics. Such defects are unlikely to have a positive effect on finishing floor coverings.

A distinctive characteristic of gypsum bases is their vapor permeability and no shrinkage. Often, such a mixture is used in the case of a less than reliable sexual foundation. In addition, all factory mixtures are divided according to their main purpose and application technology.


Such compositions are necessary for primary finishing rough surface with many defects and irregularities. Using such means, very strong and reliable bases up to 50 mm are created. As a rule, these types of levelers are applied manually. The material is used exclusively as a special layer. This is explained by the fact that the leveling agents contain large sand particles, which prevent the formation of perfectly smooth and regular coatings.


Similar mixtures are used for finishing coating. Its thickness can range from 2 to 10 mm. As a rule, such a self-leveler has a viscous consistency. It contains small, finely dispersed particles that spread evenly over the required area using independent spreading.

There are special self-leveling quick-drying mixtures. To fill such a product, one filling material is sufficient. Often, a small work team, in which each of the workers is assigned one or another function, copes with the application of quick-hardening products. For example, this could be direct preparation required quantity mixtures, pouring the solution onto the base of the floor, distributing it over the surface of the base using special tool, and also necessary elimination air bubbles using a roller.

Some work teams use a rotband to level the floor. However, according to user reviews, This composition is not durable and strong, therefore, its use is usually abandoned in favor of more reliable formulations.

Level determination

Floor level can be determined in different ways. To do this, you can use the following tools:

  • Slatted bubble level. The standard line of this device is usually 1 m, but in stores you can find two- and three-meter products. These items are inexpensive, easy to use, and very convenient to use. In addition, bubble levels do not rely on electricity, which makes them self-contained and more practical. True, they cannot measure very large spaces.
  • Hydraulic level. Bubble levels allow you to determine the condition of the floor only in small or medium-sized rooms. For larger rooms, it is worth purchasing a high-quality hydraulic level. It consists of special tubular vessels. In the inner part of this device there is tinted water, with the help of which the surface level is determined.

  • Laser. It is very easy and simple to use. Most models are highly efficient. To determine the required parameters, it is enough to fix the tool in the desired position (to do this, you should read the instructions). The level will perform all other actions independently.
  • Rotary. Using this device, you can not only determine the level of curvature of the floor, but also set and design the obtained values. As a rule, such high-tech items are used by professionals, which is why it is quite expensive.
  • Optic. Such devices are more common for measuring territorial areas of the exterior of a room. However, this does not prevent them from being used in determining the curvature of the floor. Optical levels are in many ways similar to rotary levels, but their use in spacious rooms will give more accurate results.

Surface preparation

Before directly leveling the floor base, it is necessary to proper preparation. You should not neglect this process if you want the floor covering to serve you for a long time and without problems.

First you need to carefully measure the room in which you plan to level the floor. Then you can move on to choosing suitable materials and methods of laying them. During preparatory work Various problems associated with floor covering. At the same stage, the level of the existing foundation should be examined. For this, various levels are used, both liquid and laser (their list is given above).

Maximum leveling efficiency is achieved by using a material that matches the unevenness on the base surface. For a floor located almost perfect condition, it is recommended to use high-quality leveling agents or self-leveling agents from well-known brands.

If there are noticeable differences on the base, then it is better to turn to sheet levelers or use cement-sand screeds.

Wooden covering

Over time, absolutely any floor can lose its attractive appearance and imperceptibly deform. This misfortune did not spare the quality wood coverings. Over time, old and dry floors can warp and sag, irreversibly losing their ideal flatness. Unsightly gaps often appear between individual boards. On such bases it will not be possible to correctly and accurately lay out finishing materials. decorative materials, That's why In this case, it is impossible to do without leveling the existing system.

Give a plank base flat surface you can do it yourself using the following methods:

  • scraping;
  • leveling using flat wood-based materials (plywood, fiberboard or MDF);
  • leveling using a homemade mixture consisting of putty for sawdust and natural wood;
  • pouring special self-leveling compounds.

Most often, people choose to level such structures with plywood, since the differences between the boards of a wooden floor often become quite impressive. For such work it is recommended to use a sheet of plywood. standard dimensions. It is cut into 4 parts. The cutting should be done very carefully so that delamination does not appear on the edges of the sheets.

After these steps, you can proceed to laying the levelers on the base. The joints between laid coverings must be above the joists. In areas where communications are located and in other necessary places, the plywood must be trimmed (also carefully to prevent delamination). After this, the sheets are attached to the base using self-tapping screws with hidden heads. This leveling method is not the most aesthetic, but for the finishing layer it is an excellent solution that will perfectly hide all the unevenness of the wooden base.

Concrete base

Quite often it is necessary to level in rooms with a concrete floor base. In this case there is a simple step by step instructions, which will help carry out all actions to update the surface quickly and correctly.

If the concrete base does not have too sharp and noticeable changes, then it is best to use modern self-leveling mixtures, which are sold in every hardware store. As a rule, the main component in them is cement. To perform work with such a tool you need:

  • fill the dry composition with water;
  • Stir well so that there are no lumps or dry particles left in it;
  • gradually (in portions) lay it out on the concrete (for this you can call an assistant to the rescue).

The self-leveling solution must fill absolutely all the cracks and cavities present in the concrete base, forming a neat and smooth surface. Such mixtures dry out quite quickly. You can walk on them after 3-4 hours, and after a day you can start laying decorative coverings, for example, tiles.

If the irregularities are concrete floor are more impressive and noticeable, then It is worth turning to a high-quality and reliable concrete screed. This leveling method is one of the cheapest and most popular. The technology for installing concrete screed is primarily based on the installation of special beacons. They are installed on the floor (the distance between the beacons should be 500-800 mm), aligned in the same plane using a level.

After this, you need to knead the solution to the required consistency and add special plasticizers to it. Then you can start laying out the resulting mixture on concrete base floor. When the screed “sets”, all the guides will have to be removed, and the remaining grooves will have to be filled with mortar. The surface of the concrete screed must be grouted, however You can start this work only after 4 weeks.

It will also need to be strengthened by treating it with a high-quality primer.

Before you start leveling the floor yourself, you should familiarize yourself with some simple tips to avoid serious mistakes during work:

  • Avoid drafts entering the room in which you are leveling the floor. And if everything is quite simple with a bathroom or toilet, then in other rooms (living room, bedroom, corridor, kitchen and on the balcony) you need to close all the windows and close the doors (as is the case with wallpapering the walls).
  • Never use ventilation devices.
  • Be sure to adhere to the drying time of the solution indicated on its packaging/box. They can only be broken if the composition is applied thin layer. Two-layer coatings should not be “disturbed” until they have completely hardened.
  • Before pouring the existing base, it is recommended to treat the entire area of ​​​​the room using a special primer. It is necessary to ensure improved adhesion.

  • Use only reliable and high-quality tools, as well as materials and mixtures. Otherwise, the floor may not turn out the way you planned.
  • Don't look for too cheap and available funds for leveling. Too low a price may hide the poor quality of the product.
  • Do not forget that the old floor must be completely cleared of the previous coating. Otherwise, the leveling layer may not lie perfectly, which will affect the decorative floor finish.
  • If noticeable seams and large cracks are visible on the base (for example, between boards), then they must be covered with putty or the same leveling mixture. For such work, it is worth mixing thicker and more viscous compositions.

  • Never neglect preparing the base. This stage is one of the most important in this work, so experts recommend taking it as seriously as possible.
  • Always wait until the dust has completely settled while working. You can clean the room with a vacuum cleaner. Do not leave even the smallest debris on the base.
  • Leveling the floor in a living room can be done with your own hands, but this process is not the easiest or fastest.

When starting to treat the sexual base, you need to stock up on everything necessary tools, materials and, of course, patience.

A level floor is the basis quality repairs and will allow the owner to fully experience the comfort of a house or apartment. This reduces the risk of unevenness and any injury. Therefore, in order for all further repairs to go perfectly, you need to know how to level a concrete floor. This task is quite difficult, but if everything is done correctly, it is quite realistic.

Preparatory work

Before leveling a cement floor, you need to properly prepare for the work and carry out several important activities. They will help to significantly reduce time costs and save the master from additional difficulties.

Before leveling concrete floors, it is necessary to correctly select the required materials and tools. The attractiveness and comfort of the floor will depend on their quality. To others important factor The success of the leveling process lies in strict adherence to all stages of work and taking into account the advice of professionals. They will help beginners not only avoid most mistakes, but also complete the job in a timely manner. as soon as possible.

Professionals advise the following:

Selection of materials and tools

As a rule, to level a concrete screed, a tool is used, which can easily be found in household. You can also borrow it from neighbors, friends, or rent it from special services.

To quickly and efficiently complete the task you will need:

  • building level;
  • spatula;
  • perforated corners (will be used as beacons);
  • a bucket or deep basin for mixing cement mortar;
  • construction mixer or electric drill.

If the surface is not new, then it is necessary to clean it and remove dust. In the latter case, you will need a construction vacuum cleaner. It will help remove the smallest dust and better prepare the surface.

One of the most important stages Preparation is choosing a mixture for leveling the floor or making it yourself. The second option is less preferable, since during the mixing process you can miss one of the components or use it in larger quantities. This will dramatically change the properties of the mixture, which can lead to poor quality of the work performed.

To level floors in ordinary apartments, you need to use cement-based mixtures. If the room being repaired is constantly high level humidity, it is best to use a gypsum-based solution. It is moisture resistant and is not afraid of sudden changes.

Alignment methods

Before leveling the concrete screed, you need to choose the most suitable method for the room. This depends on many factors such as temperature, humidity and type of room.

There are three main methods of leveling the floor, which are often used when renovating premises. Among them are:

  1. Using a cement-sand composition.
  2. Using dry compositions.
  3. Use of self-leveling mixtures.

Cement-sand composition

This screed option is considered universal and the most commonly used. It gained its popularity due to the low cost and availability of the materials used, which can easily be found in any hardware store. Leveling using a cement-sand composition is a rather labor-intensive and time-consuming task. However, to carry out such work, you can not invite specialists, but do it on your own.

This method allows you to achieve high strength and reliability of the coating. It should be taken into account that the mixture can be laid out in a layer at least 3 cm thick. Otherwise, the screed will not be reliable and may collapse.

Work order:

Dry screed

This method of leveling the floor is done using mixtures consisting of quartz sand, granulate, expanded polystyrene, and expanded clay. Any moisture-resistant material, plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, can be used as the main material. The finished screed not only levels the floor, but also additionally insulates and soundproofs the room. Because of these properties, it is often used to renovate apartments in multi-storey buildings.

This work is quite simple and even a beginner can easily handle it. Among the positive aspects of dry screed it is worth noting the following:

  1. Little time spent on work.
  2. Possibility of laying the coating immediately after finishing the leveling process.
  3. If necessary, you can lay wiring or pipes inside the screed.
  4. There is no need to use liquid to prepare the solution.
  5. Ability to do work alone.

A large number of advantages make this method of floor leveling one of the most popular. Professionals advise dividing the entire surface into separate squares and doing the work gradually.

The process of performing such an alignment is simple and consists of the following steps:

During operation, some unexpected problems may arise. The most common situation is when a master needs to move a sheet of material to another place. However, such actions are not recommended, since you can disrupt the uniformity of the leveling layer and get a crooked floor. In such cases, the situation can only be corrected by returning to initial stage work.

Self-leveling mixture

In modern construction, they are used to level the floor. special solutions, which independently spread over the surface and are evenly distributed over it. Such mixtures are made on the basis of cement with the addition of modifiers, which help obtain a more liquid consistency.

After such leveling, it is necessary to lay linoleum, carpet or tiles on the floor. If this is not done, the surface of the mixture will absorb various liquids, which will lead to rapid destruction of the coating.

Leveling the floor is done as follows:

Leveling a concrete floor is a rather difficult and energy-consuming task. In some cases, it may take more than one week. At the right approach to the point and following all the recommendations of professionals, you can significantly simplify the entire process and complete it in the shortest possible time. Each owner can complete the task independently.
