What is the best way to cover the outer timber of a house? How to treat the outside of a timber house? List of current options

Wooden beams are very convenient for construction. You can build many buildings from it: from a permanent residential building to a temporary greenhouse. Wood is a strong, reliable and durable material, but, unfortunately, defenseless against destructive influences environment, is susceptible to rotting, cracking when drying out, or can be destroyed by wood insects. It is not difficult to avoid such a nuisance if you know how to treat the timber.

What can you use for protection?

In order to protect wooden surfaces from damage and destruction, you can use various means.

Various impregnations

Impregnation for timber is the most optimal means of preserving its structure for a long time and protecting it from destruction. It is applied to the base before decorative and design work begins, penetrating deeply into the wood structure, protecting it from rotting or drying out. But some impregnating solutions can change the natural color of wood - this also needs to be taken into account when choosing a mixture. For example, if you plan to varnish a log house made of planed timber, preserving or slightly shading the natural shade of the material, then you need to choose transparent compositions, which do not change their color after application.

Primer mixtures

The use of various impregnating primers is very convenient. A primer with additional additives will not only protect the material, but also prepare the base for application decorative covering. When choosing a suitable primer, in addition to its priming properties, one must take into account the same features as when choosing impregnating solutions.

Varnishes and enamels

Impregnating varnishes and enamels have high degree protection, but, unfortunately, most of them are toxic. They are perfect for treating the outside of a building, protecting the structure from humidity and temperature changes.

Home Recipes

“Folk” methods suggest using improvised means, for example, waste machine oils or ash, to protect a log house made of planed timber. But after such treatment, the material almost always loses its natural color, and the protection of the walls, as a rule, is almost never complete.

Treatment solutions can be:

  1. Water-based, when the solvent is water.
  2. Based on petroleum products (usually varnishes, enamels, or with an antiseptic or fire retardant added to them).
  3. On a synthetic basis, where the solvent can be any chemical compound, they are often toxic.

In order for the protective qualities of impregnating mixtures to meet the operating conditions of the building, when choosing the appropriate composition, the following parameters must be taken into account:

In addition, you need to take into account that processing timber in a gazebo will be very different from impregnating the walls outside or inside a residential log house made of planed timber:

For long-term wood protection, experienced craftsmen recommend:

  1. When treating walls from the outside, begin applying impregnation from the ends. First, the ends are well soaked, and then the rest. wooden elements. 2-3 more layers are applied to the ends, because they are the ones most defenseless against aggression from the external environment, and rotting of the material begins at the ends.
  2. Decorative and design work can begin only after the base has dried after impregnation.
  3. To preserve the natural beauty of the wood, before purchasing the product, you must carefully study the instructions, which indicate whether it changes the natural color of the wood after application to the base or not.

When choosing how to treat timber, you need to take into account all the nuances so that it does not rot or collapse under the influence of unfavorable factors. A house, greenhouse or gazebo impregnated with a well-chosen composition will last a long time without requiring major repairs.

Having built an environmentally friendly wooden dwelling, the owner seriously thinks about how to treat the house made of timber from the outside so that it stands and lasts longer, preferably without unpleasant surprises and regular hassles. If you have built a wooden apartment for your family, you are probably aware of the likely problems that accompany the maintenance of such a house.

Wood is an environmentally friendly, fragrant, cozy material, known since ancient times and remaining attractive to this day. But compared to concrete, brick or foam block, it can also be called the most capricious. And without proper care, it is also the most short-lived.

Strange paradox: buildings made of wood several hundred years ago have survived to the present day. And now, despite all the achievements of science and technology, houses sometimes don’t last even half a hundred years. I wouldn't want to be on the list of such losers! This means that all measures must be taken to be able to pass on the family estate by inheritance, and it was mastered not only by children, but also by grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

How to treat the outside of a timber house? This is determined by the goal that you set for yourself when using certain drugs.


What is it processed from? wooden house

Lumber, if we approach the issue impartially, is indeed quite vulnerable to many factors. To avoid a wide range of troubles, he needs several types of protection.

The most big problem, which, moreover, is the most common - these are the natural enemies of the tree. These include mold, a long list of various types of fungi and an impressive list of insect pests. In order not to encounter any of these troubles, first of all, a log or block house needs antiseptic protection.

The second enemy of wood is fire. Normal lumber manufacturers treat their products with fire retardant compounds before selling them. However, it is somewhat naive to rely on the integrity of the supplier. Even if he didn’t cheat, additional fireproofing won’t hurt.

The next point is exposure to moisture. Wood absorbs it a little worse than a sponge. The consequences of this process are manifested in the swelling of lumber, accompanying deformations and the creation favorable conditions for rotting. Water protection for a wooden house is simply necessary.

In fourth place is ultraviolet. It mainly affects appearance log: over time, under its influence, the tree darkens and loses its attractiveness. However, the physical impact should not be overlooked. UV rays cause wood to crack and dry out, which naturally reduces the quality of life in a wooden house.

At the same time, all impregnations should not prevent the wood from breathing and reacting normally to natural and climatic changes - this will not lead to anything good. Complicating matters is the fact that in order to perform their tasks, some drugs - for example, antiseptics and fire retardants - must penetrate inside the logs. On the contrary, UV and moisture protection should create an obstructive film on the surface.

Accordingly, it will probably not be possible to combine all defenders in one tool. In theory, the processing sequence should be like this:

  • antiseptic layer;
  • fire protection;
  • UV filter;
  • waterproof layer.

Some impregnations combine two functions. People who believe that compounds like Toplazur, Pinotex, Senezh, Aquatex combine everything, and actively promote them, are mistaken, as proven by the above.

The first is only a UV protective film, the second is exclusively an antiseptic. Senezh combines bioprotection and fire retardant properties, and Aquatex forms a moisture barrier.

If you follow this list, then Senezh is used first, then Toplazur, and lastly, Aquatex.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning that craftsmen who constantly deal with wood advise using impregnations with narrowly targeted action, although they admit that there are relatively successful combination mixtures.

First stage of processing

An antiseptic is something that you need to pay the closest attention to when choosing. It is advisable to focus your attention on water-soluble preparations that penetrate most deeply into the structure of lumber. The most recommended are the following.
  • Neomid-440 or 500. It is inexpensive, suitable for any type of wood, prevents its aging for quite a long time, and lasts up to 15 years, even if there are no film coatings that prevent it from being washed out.
  • League-Bioshield. Destroys even existing mold and mildew and prevents their further appearance. The effect is complemented by bleaching, which renews the appearance of the darkened log house.
  • BIO-Z. It is effective even for pile structures standing in water, as it also prevents the growth of algae. The level of leaching is extremely low; the composition does not contain any compounds harmful to humans and domestic animals.
    We have already talked about Senezh. An additional property is whitening, as is the case with Neomid.
  • Phenylax. Meets all requirements: non-toxic, does not interfere with the “breathing” of the house, slows down aging, penetrates deep into timber or logs. In addition, it increases the fire resistance of wood.

The nuance of antiseptic coating: if it is applied in 2 layers throughout the entire log house, then at least 5 are placed on the ends of the logs (beams): in this place the lumber is especially vulnerable to bacterial and fungal infections.

Fire protection

Fire retardant compounds must again be based on water. Solvent-soluble mixtures are made from flammable solvents, which reduces their effectiveness and increases the risk of fires. One of the latest developments, and a very successful one, is a complementary mixture that combines ammonium sulfate and diammonium phosphate.

When heated, ammonia is released, which is unable to burn, and at the same time phosphorus oxides are formed on the wood, which block access to oxygen and prevent the fibers from igniting. A representative of this cohort is Pirilax. At the same time, it also acts as an antiseptic. In general, many drugs of the latest generation combine 2 functions: Neomid, Senezh, and Phenylax. So there is one less processing to do.

Surface coatings: Regarding protection from sun rays, That best choice can be considered Osmo UV-Schutz-Ol oil. Many previous UV filters necessarily contained a dye that obscured the natural wood look. In addition, by using this composition, you won’t have to think about how to treat the outside of a timber house to ensure moisture resistance: this oil forms a film that prevents water from seeping into the lumber.

A house made of timber is environmentally friendly housing. Only wood can create a unique and healthy microclimate in a house, which is why many people choose a wooden house for their home. On the other hand, the tree is very vulnerable; humidity and other natural factors can adversely affect the condition wooden building that needs protection. Processing a house made of timber after construction is the first work that must be performed after the construction of the log house. This operation is designed to protect the wood for the entire period of shrinkage of the house, which lasts, depending on the type of lumber, from six months to one and a half years.

Whether or not to process timber during construction depends on what kind of lumber was purchased. Many manufacturers process wood in production conditions in special chambers where the timber is impregnated on all sides with protective agents.

Such lumber is more expensive, but if the log house is being built from already impregnated timber, the self-processing stage can be skipped. The only thing you need is to take care of creating good conditions for its storage if construction is not planned immediately. The timber should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated place without moisture.

If you purchased untreated lumber, then before building a house, the timber must be processed. How to impregnate timber when building a house? Today, there are new generation antiseptics that provide effective and long-lasting protection of wood from moisture and microorganisms. One of the best means is considered “Senezh Eurotrans”, which protects the timber from adverse effects for up to eight months.

If the wood is affected by fungi and darkened, but the process has not gone too deep, the situation can be corrected using chlorine-based or active oxygen bleaches. The most effective product is Senezh Neo, which does not contain chlorine and is therefore more gentle on the wood.

The need to treat the log house after construction

After the house is built, it is left to settle. During this period no finishing work cannot be produced, since natural shrinkage processes occur in a wooden house, as a result of which the structure is deformed.

The antiseptic with which the wood was treated in production or during the construction of a house has already expired. During the period of shrinkage processes, untreated wooden walls are exposed to natural factors, which have a detrimental effect on the condition log house.

The main enemies of wood are insects and microorganisms, for which the wood structure is a natural habitat. By eating wood and leaving the products of their vital activity inside it, they can completely destroy the wood structure and turn the tree into dust.

High humidity has a detrimental effect on wood. Wood absorbs moisture like a sponge. When exposed to moisture, wood begins to swell, mold and mildew appear on it, and the consequence of this process is rotting.

Under the influence ultraviolet radiation the tree begins to lose its attractiveness and darken. In addition, UV rays lead to drying of wood and the appearance of small and deep cracks. To a greater extent, the timber is subject to cracking during the first time after the construction of the house.

Another enemy of wood is fire, which can completely destroy a wooden house.

Processing wooden house after construction, special impregnating agents will prevent all these unfavorable processes.

The most lower crowns log house, as well as basements and other lower elements of a wooden house that are in contact with the ground or are in close proximity to it are exposed to groundwater and soil moisture. Therefore, the lower parts of the house are more vulnerable structural elements and require additional protection.

To protect them you can use folk remedies– saturate these places with the solution copper sulfate, heated bitumen, used automobile oil, propolis or blowtorch. These methods are still used in villages, but more effective means are modern water-based leave-in or hard-to-wash-out preparations.

Such products include water-soluble impregnations “Senezh” and “Senezh bio”. The preparations have antiseptic properties and provide effective protection of wood from biological damage. They can impregnate not only the lower crowns of the log house, but the entire house. These products do not interfere with the air exchange of wood, which is especially important during shrinkage.

Another effective remedy used to treat the lower parts timber house, – impregnation-primer “Belinka”. It penetrates deeply into the wood structure, creating a protective layer on it. Wood treated with this impregnation receives reliable protection from moisture, fungus, insects and the formation of blue plaque.

Means for protecting the main structural elements of the house

Processing of a wooden house is carried out in two stages:

  • impregnation with antiseptic agents;
  • fire retardant treatment.

There are also complex preparations, combining antiseptic and fire retardant properties.


Antiseptic drugs are divided into two large groups:

  • impregnating;
  • film-forming.

Antiseptics of the first group have high absorbency and are well absorbed by wood, providing it with reliable protection. Typically, treatment begins with impregnation.

Film-forming compounds, on the contrary, are most often used for final processing. Preparations of this group form a transparent or opaque surface on the surface. protective film.

The following remedies are considered the most effective:

  1. Neomid 440. Concentrated water-soluble antiseptic intended for external and internal treatment wooden structures. The drug has insecticidal and fungicidal properties, prevents biodestruction of wood by insects, fungi and mold, and also stops destructive processes that have already begun.
  2. Senezh Ecobio. The product is used for deep processing of wood, penetrating well into its structure and providing high level biological protection. The drug is effective for destroying existing foci of biological damage. The antiseptic does not interfere with the air exchange of wood.
  3. Aquatex. Belongs to the class of difficult-to-wash products. The antiseptic protects wood from damage of biological origin and the influence of adverse atmospheric factors, including providing protection from UV radiation. The product is absorbed into wood fibers to a depth of 5 mm, forming a vapor-permeable coating.

Fire retardants

Used for fire protection special means– fire retardants, which prevent rapid combustion and allow the wood to withstand open flames for a long time.

Among the most popular are the following:

  1. Neomid 530 is a fire retardant impregnation that provides reliable protection against fire. The product can be used for both external and internal treatment.
  2. KSD. The drug belongs to group 2 of fire-retardant effectiveness, preventing the ignition of wooden surfaces. In addition, the product protects the wood from fungi and mold.

This group of preparations allows for complex wood processing. Using only one product, you can simultaneously protect a wooden house from any adverse effects of biological and natural origin, and also from fire.

Such means include:

  1. Senezh Ognebio. The drug protects wood from mold, rot, insects and fire. It penetrates very deeply into the inner fibers of the wood, creating a durable protective layer.
  2. Phenylax. The product protects a wooden house from damage by microorganisms, mold formation, and also prevents rapid fire.

It should be noted that for effective protection At least two layers are required. This applies to any of the remedies presented above.

The Master Srubov company offers services in carrying out antiseptic, fire retardant and complex treatment wooden houses. We carry out work strictly according to technology, taking into account the characteristics of each home. For processing we use effective and safe means.

You can discuss all the conditions and order a specialist visit at any time in a convenient way according to the coordinates on the page.

Calculate the cost of painting and insulating your home right now

A wooden house is an environmentally friendly and safe housing that will never lose popularity. Natural wood does not emit toxic hazardous substances, has a pleasant forest aroma and promotes quick exchange oxygen. In such a house there is always fresh air, a comfortable environment and a cozy atmosphere.

The logs are easy to lay, which reduces installation time. Due to light weight they will not require a deep, expensive foundation. And thanks to the natural beauty and aesthetics of the materials, serious and expensive finishing is not required.

However, wooden houses also have a significant disadvantage. Wood is a natural material that is subjected to negative influence environment. Sun rays, moisture and precipitation, insects lead to the fact that the material gradually darkens and collapses. Mold, cracks and fungus appear, and the structure loses original appearance. To avoid these problems, it is necessary to treat the log house inside and outside using various means.

Why do you need to treat the outside of the log house?

  • Protects wood from destruction;
  • Retains the original appearance of a bathhouse or log house for a long time;
  • Prevents the appearance of fungus and rot;
  • Prevents insects and moisture;
  • Increases the service life of a wooden house or bathhouse;
  • Improves the aesthetic qualities of logs; if necessary, you can change the appearance of the facade, obtain the desired color, shade or shine;
  • Fire retardant treatment is mandatory for a log house, since fire is a significant threat to wood.

Which means to choose

Today the market offers a lot of products for treating a log house outside and inside. It is important that they are environmentally friendly and preserve the natural properties of wood. In addition, the means must fulfill protective functions wood from moisture, insects and other negative factors. Great value They also have decorative properties. There are four main groups of products that will be needed to treat the outside of the house:

  1. Antiseptics are deeply absorbed into the wood, increasing the resistance of logs to moisture and microbes. Antiseptic agents include wax, protective varnish and oils. They destroy mold and blue stains.
  2. Fire retardants prevent the spread of fire. At elevated temperatures, the composition of the product comes out of the log and forms a protective film. Such products prevent instant ignition and resist open fire for several hours.
  3. Preservative solutions and impregnations keep wood in good condition. Special impregnating materials maintain the smoothness and evenness of the surface and prevent the appearance of cracks. And film-forming compounds also create a water-repellent barrier. Primer or wood oils are suitable for these purposes.
  4. Protective and finishing agents are primarily intended for decorating wood. These are paints and varnishes for wood. They protect wooden surface from fading and dirt. There are also special bleaching compounds that will prevent the wood from darkening over time.

Do not choose one product that will immediately protect against mold and rot, insects and fire, while also performing decorative functions. Practice proves that such impregnations are not very effective. To achieve high-quality and durable results, it is better to use fire retardants, antiseptics and decorative paints and varnishes separately.

Top best products for external wood treatment

Brand Characteristic Price
Senezh (Russia) Hard-to-wash high-class compounds in 20 types, including whitening and renewing compounds, antiseptics for baths, homes and gazebos; protect from fire, pests and moisture, provides protection for more than 10 years! from 380 rubles (5kg)
Belinka (Slovenia) Natural and safe products high efficiency, protect from ultraviolet radiation, moisture, insects and fire, a wide range of products from 400 rubles (1l)
Pinotex (Estonia) Polymer-based products protect against mold and moisture, fungus and insects, withstand sudden temperature changes, therefore they are optimal for external processing from 280 rubles (1 l)
Neomid (Russia) Effective impregnation for home, bathhouses and wooden floors, protects the surface from moisture for 5-7 years, they produce special products for treating the ends, good combination price-quality from 200 rubles (1 l)
Tikkurila (Finland) Moisture-resistant products, create a thin protective film and provide reliable protection from precipitation, differ high quality and positive reviews from 250 rubles (1l)
Aquatex (Russia) Available in the form of a primer and impregnation, colorless and tinted versions (15 colors), protects against fungus, ultraviolet radiation and moisture, suitable for middle-class wood from 200 rubles (1 l)
Sitex (Russia) Suitable for any type of wood, protects logs from moisture, preserves the appearance of the structure for 10 years, colorless and tinted options (12 colors) from 200 rubles (1 l)

How to properly treat the outside of a log house

  • For the first time, the log house is treated with antiseptics inside and outside immediately after assembly. Pay special attention to processing the ends and logs in contact with the foundation. Antiseptics are applied in two layers;
  • Primary treatment should not be carried out at temperatures below 10-12 degrees!;
  • The next treatment is done after the log has completely dried and the frame has shrunk. This takes 6-12 months. This finishing implies a final complex and multi-layer treatment of the house, which will ensure the protection of the log for long term. It is important to apply antiseptics to a dry and clean wood surface!;
  • Before processing, the logs are sanded to remove the top layer in which fungus and microbes have accumulated during shrinkage. It will remove defects in the log and level the surface. Sanding wooden walls is a must for an old house, as it is important to completely remove the previous coating;

  • Processing with a brush will take a lot of time, but it will be of the highest quality, effective and durable. To speed up the process, spray guns are used. But for processing ends, corners and hard-to-reach places, take only a brush;
  • First of all, apply two or three layers antiseptics. After drying, the wood is treated with fire retardants in one or two layers and also left to dry. The next layer is primer. It will protect the wood from cracks and level the walls;
  • Carefully process the ends. These parts of the logs absorb moisture faster than others and are therefore more susceptible to rotting. To avoid this, each end treatment is done in 4-5 layers;
  • The final stage is a decorative coating that will preserve the appearance of the house and protect the surface from sunlight. With the help of colored paint and varnish materials achieve a certain color or shade, matte or glossy shine. If you want to preserve the natural color of the wood, use transparent paints and varnishes.

What and how to paint the outside of a log house

Painting is the final stage of processing a log house outside and inside. Today there are a lot of different paints and varnishes. For exterior painting choose rough and persistent compounds. Let's consider the popular types of funds:

  • Glazing transparent varnishes will retain color and emphasize the texture of wood, protect the surface from moisture, mold and rot;
  • Opaque topcoat varnishes will help achieve the desired shine and shade, protect against insects, high humidity and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Oil paints penetrate deeply into the structure of the log, keeping the surface from moisture and dirt. But they take a long time to dry (two weeks) and lose color over time!;
  • Acrylic paints and varnishes on water based- natural, safe products that provide a dense, elastic coating. They protect against moisture, cracking and fungus. Such compositions allow the tree to “breathe”, but are expensive;
  • Alkyd varnishes form a hard and flat surface, retain color for a long time and provide protection from moisture. However, such products do not allow the wood to “breathe,” which over time causes the log to dry out and crack;
  • Yacht varnish is suitable for places with high humidity and a lot of precipitation. This reliable protection from moisture, which is not affected by weather and temperature changes. This varnish does not fade and prevents yellowing of the wood, but when painted it emits an unpleasant odor;
  • Wood stain - affordable and cheap way finishing log house inside and outside. It protects against fungus and pests, does not disturb the wood grain and makes the color more saturated. However, stain requires subsequent varnishing;
  • Oils and wax are environmentally friendly, safe products that are deeply absorbed into the wood and protect the logs from moisture and dirt. The wax will give the surface a translucent matte shine.

To properly paint a log house, wait until the primer is completely dry. Stir the mixture thoroughly before painting. First, paint is applied in two or three layers. Before applying each new layer, wait until the previous one is completely dry. Use a roller for painting, and a brush for hard-to-reach places, corners and ends.

When using a spray gun, it is not always possible to achieve an even and smooth coating. In addition, there may be unpainted areas. Apply the final coat of paint thin layer top down.

After the paint has completely dried, apply varnish in two or three layers. For an even coating without layering, allow each layer to dry and apply the product in long, even strokes. For decorative coating, you can use only varnish or only paint. However, the use of both means will consolidate the result and enhance the effect, enhance protection and increase the service life of the wood.

If you don’t know which product to choose for treating the inside or outside of your home, contact the MariSru b company for help. The company's specialists will help you choose necessary materials, will efficiently and quickly process and paint a wooden house or bathhouse!
