Do-it-yourself frame garage: how to easily build a structure. How to build a frame garage with your own hands? How to build a frame garage yourself

The use of frame technology will significantly reduce the cost of constructing a garage. After all, the small mass of the structure reduces the requirements for the foundation, and the use of boards and oriented strand boards (OSB) as the main building materials allows reducing delivery costs. After all, you can bring boards and OSB in a small vehicle with a low carrying capacity, but to deliver bricks, sand and cement in the required quantities you will need a serious truck and a crane with a lifting capacity of at least 2 tons. In this article we will tell you how to build frame garage with your own hands from choosing a site and creating a project to laying the roof and connecting communications.

Choosing a garage location

An ideal place for a garage would be a site on a hillock not far from the house. The hillock will protect the garage, inspection hole and car from rising during heavy rain water. If there is no such area near the house, then you will have to choose a place based on proximity to the road and elevation relative to ground level. Never build a garage in hollows and depressions, otherwise even a little rain will cause the water level in it to rise. It is advisable that a 220 or 380 volt line run next to the garage, this will facilitate construction and equip the garage with electric heating.

Creating a Project

Creating a garage construction project has the following goals:

  • determining the sequence of construction stages;
  • determining the order of actions during each stage;
  • determining the amount of materials needed to build a garage.

If you are drawing up a project yourself, then you will have to carefully think about the entire process of constructing a garage, from the delivery and storage of material to the length and order of installation of the frame boards. A drawing, with strict adherence to scale, helps a lot in this. With its help you can determine the size of the garage, optimal ways imparting rigidity to the structure, the length of the load-bearing boards and the number of fasteners. There are many different programs (for example, AutoCAD) that make it easier to design any structures, but they all require some experience. Therefore, it is easier to get by with a paper drawing and an explanatory note to it. Or use the services of professional design engineers or builders. In this case, the project will take into account various little things that an unprepared person does not even know about. For example, the choice of wood based on humidity, the choice of boards based on width, the features of construction from raw boards, the order of assembling the wall frame, and so on.

Material selection

Most often, garages are built from unplaned boards with a moisture content of 12–14%, but lumber with natural moisture is often used. The latter will cost a little less, but a garage made of such boards cannot be sheathed for finishing in the first year, which leads to excess consumption of material. Therefore, experienced builders use only well-dried boards.

As load-bearing elements use timber with a section of 100x100 mm or a board with a section of 50x250 mm. A board with a section of 25x100 mm is used as the internal frame of the walls. For insulation, foam plastic or mineral wool up to 5 cm thick is used, and in cold regions up to 10 cm. For external cladding, waterproof OSB with a thickness of 15–20 mm, carriage board or metal corrugated sheets are used. For internal lining Fibreboard, plywood 5–10 mm thick or OSB of the same thickness are used. This combination of materials allows you to create a durable and inexpensive garage.

Construction of the foundation

Having drawn up a project or drawing and tied it to the area, bring everything necessary materials to create a foundation. When creating a foundation, keep in mind that the inspection hole significantly increases the functionality of the garage, allowing you not only to store, but also to maintain and repair the car. If you don’t need an inspection hole, then you can choose and build a foundation using information from the articles Which foundation is best for a house made of timber - calculation features and Attaching timber to different types of foundation.

If you decide to build a pit, then the technology for creating the foundation will have to be changed by digging a foundation pit for it. Determine the depth of the hole based on your height and needs. You can make a lying pit by equipping it with a cart, or you can make a sitting or standing pit. The only difference is the height and the fact that in a standing pit you can perform any type of work, in a sitting pit you will not be able to properly remove the engine and gearbox, and a recumbent pit is only suitable for minor car maintenance. Here are the approximate depths of the pit and pit for it:

  • lying 50/80 cm;
  • sitting 130/170 cm;
  • standing 170/210 cm.

To concrete the pit, use the same technology as for pouring a concrete grillage. You can provide niches for tools in the pit. The width of the finished pit should be 5–10 cm less than the distance between inside wheels of one axle. Attach corners to the surface of the pit or steel pipes that will prevent the car from falling into it.

If you are going to install iron gates, then provide fasteners for them. Depending on the gate model, these can be either 2 vertical posts with fastening elements (canopies), or 4–6 posts. If you are going to install roller gates, then you can use wooden walls and ceilings to secure them.

Delivery and storage of material

Having prepared the foundation and allowed it to stand, bring in the boards. The frame structure allows the use of boards of natural moisture, but you must understand that by saving on them, you will seriously lose on construction time. After all, it will be impossible to sheathe the garage for finishing due to the very large shrinkage of the board due to natural humidity. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase dried boards with a moisture content of 12–14%. To store such a board you will need a shelter protected from rain. It can be made from wooden blocks or aluminum tubes and polyethylene. Be sure to provide ventilation for the boards under the canopy.

First you need to assemble the side walls on the ground. To do this, in accordance with the project, cut vertical, horizontal and diagonal elements, and then proceed to assembly. You can perform this operation yourself. To fasten the boards to each other, use metal corners and powerful screws. These supplies are sold at most hardware stores. Be sure to check the corners of the edge boards, because the shape of the garage depends on them. Optimal distance between vertical boards is 70–100 cm, and between horizontal boards 120–150 cm. Special attention Pay attention to the mounting holes, because even a small mistake will lead to the fact that you will not be able to install the wall in place the first time.

Installation of the wall must be carried out by two to three people, and if the length of the wall is more than 6 meters, or the height is more than 3 meters, then you will have to either call more people or use a faucet.

If you cannot assemble more than two people or use a crane, then first assemble a box for each wall, consisting of two vertical and two horizontal boards. This box can be installed by two people. Install both side boxes, then connect them with vertical boards to form the back box. After this, assemble the front box. Now you can install portable small-sized scaffolding and fill all the boxes with vertical and horizontal boards. Remember, vertical boards can only be cut if you plan to install a window. In all other cases they must be intact. But cut the horizontal boards based on the distance between the vertical boards. Connect the entire structure using corners and self-tapping screws. Do not forget to install diagonal boards in every fifth cell.

Roof installation

If possible, invite an experienced carpenter or roofer to create the roof, because in one article you can only give general principles this work. First, install the ceiling boards (joists) at a distance of 80–140 cm from each other. If you plan to use the attic as a storage room, then the distance must be reduced, otherwise increased. To install joists in them and the upper horizontal boards of the frame, cut holes whose width is equal to the thickness of the board, and the depth is equal to half the width of the board. This will make the joists flush with the top edge of the frame. The logs should protrude sideways by 50–60 centimeters. Once the roof rafters are installed, you will use a circular saw or chain saw to cut them to the required length.

If you work together and there is no way to call anyone for help, then instead of a log you will have to install complex design(triangle), which includes logs, rafters and vertical supports. In this case, you can do without cuts in the boards and place these triangles directly on the frame, which will greatly facilitate installation. After this, install a vertical board that connects the top parts of the triangles, as well as a bottom board that connects the bottom parts together. Be sure to install at least 2 (preferably 4) diagonal braces to protect the roof from strong winds.

Sheathing and insulation

For cladding, use corrugated board. Start sheathing from the bottom, laying the sheets overlapping, thanks to this, during rain, water will drain without getting inside. When covering a garage with carriage board or its equivalent, lay the board horizontally, so it will look more beautiful. If you decide to sheathe the garage with OSB, then the sheets will need to be adjusted so tightly and clearly that the gap between them in any place does not exceed 0.5 mm, and after finishing the sheathing, the joints must be covered with a mixture of PVA and fine wood dust.

Lastly, sheathe the roof and don’t forget to install gutters. It is advisable that the metal profile of the roof protrudes beyond the walls by 30–40 cm, this will increase the protection of the walls from water. Having finished with external cladding, proceed to insulation, to do this, place pieces of foam plastic or mineral wool cut to size into the wall cells, then sew them up with plywood or OSB. You can also use fiberboard, but its strength is insufficient, so the material will quickly become scratched. To insulate the attic, it is enough to lay the insulating material in the cells formed by the joists; this is several times easier than insulating the roof along the rafters.

Gate installation

If you are installing metal gates, then the hinges on them must fully match the hinges on the supporting elements. To install roller gates, you must invite a specialist. That's why optimal choice for a frame garage - gates made of carriage boards. Even the most modern steel gates will not help prevent car theft, so their function is rather decorative. Most beautiful garage it turns out if you cover it with carriage boards and make a gate out of it, strengthening each door from the inside with two horizontal and one diagonal board. Decorative hinges (canopies), which are sold in hardware stores, will add a special flavor to the garage.

Electricity and heating

If it is possible to connect the garage to the power supply line, then be sure to obtain the technical specifications and install the meter in accordance with them. This will save you from problems with your electricity supplier. For heating insulated garages, wall-mounted infrared electric heaters are most effective. For heaters, be sure to install a separate circuit breaker and temperature controller.

In Russian conditions climatic zones A garage for a car is not a luxury, but a necessity. The first thing that suffers from changes in humidity and temperature is paint coating cars. A simple solution A DIY frame garage will solve this problem.

Moreover, unlike the construction brick garage, the construction of such a structure will cost quite a budget.

Frame garages are especially popular among car owners who spend most of the year at their dacha.

Construction technologies do not stand still - more and more new materials are appearing that simplify the work of craftsmen. So large and small buildings, which are based on wooden or metal frame, began to be in great demand.

What advantages does a garage using frame technology have over a capital one:

  • speed construction cannot be compared with traditional brickwork or a monolith
  • simplicity installation - having an exact drawing available, even an inexperienced builder can handle the construction
  • low thermal conductivity - high-quality insulation will provide a comfortable temperature inside
  • durability and lightness- a frame panel garage does not have a significant mass, so its construction does not require a complex foundation
  • price- the cost of such structures is very low. In addition, if you decide to build a frame garage with your own hands, you will not have to carry additional costs for wages of hired workers.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: The basis for the frame can be not only wooden parts, but also metal pipes.

How to build a budget frame garage. Step by step instructions

Construction using frame technology involves several stages:

  1. - preparatory
  2. - fill
  3. - erection of walls
  4. - device
  5. - insulation inside and outside
  6. - installation of garage doors

Preparatory stage

On at this stage you need to choose a place for a prefabricated garage, decide on a project and purchase the necessary building materials and equipment.

Best suited for building a garage open spaces with smooth relief. When studying projects, pay attention to the size of the future building - 5x8 or 7x10 - the choice depends on the available area on the site.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: You need to have a short and clear entrance to the garage door in a private house. The drawings also differ in the type of roof. The garage can be made with either a pitched roof or a gable roof.

For the “skeleton” of the building, it is preferable to use wooden beams or guides from a profile pipe.

Pouring the foundation

First, you should mark a 10*10 space for the future garage with pegs and twine. Along the perimeter of this zone, an even layer of turf is removed from the surface of the earth, and all vegetation is removed. The site is carefully leveled and compacted. Then the surface is covered with gravel or a sand+gravel mixture and processed with a vibrating plate.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: You can compact the soil by hand using a wide board or piece of plywood.

The next step in building a foundation is choosing its type. In order to build a light frame garage, one of the options is suitable:

  1. Columnar

Monolithic foundation the most reliable of all, but also more labor-intensive and expensive in contrast to columnar and tape. In order to obtain a high-quality and durable slab for a frame garage, you will need proper reinforcement of the base. In addition, a monolithic foundation takes quite a long time to dry: final hardening occurs in about a month.

Columnar foundation usually erected for outbuildings such as bathhouses and sheds, since these structures are lighter in weight. If necessary, you can adapt the columnar foundation for the construction of a garage.

Strip foundation- this is the most suitable basis for building a frame garage. Filling it with your own hands will not be difficult.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: Before starting work on installing any type of foundation, read the instructions, photos and video materials and strictly follow the rules.

How to make a strip foundation for a frame garage?

For marking work, you will need the following tools: a construction level, a laser range finder, a plumb line, a carpenter's square, nylon twine, stakes.

We start marking from one of the corners of the future garage. We measure distances in accordance with the drawing included in the frame garage project.

We drive in a peg and align it plumb. We drive in a second peg in the opposite corner. We stretch the nylon twine between them. Next, using a square, we find a 90-degree angle and pull the twine under it to the third and fourth peg. Having completed the binding, we check all the corners - they must be straight (90 degrees).

Then you need to dig a trench for pouring the foundation. The recommended filling depth is no more than 50 cm. The sides of the canal are leveled bayonet shovel, the bottom is carefully compacted.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: Start laying the foundation in sunny weather. Wet soil may crumble and you will have to redo the job.

Next, the preparation of the formwork begins. The main structure is knocked down or assembled using self-tapping screws from boards and pieces of plywood and lowered into the trench. The walls of the formwork must be in close contact with the walls of the dug channel. The bottom is filled with sand or a mixture of sand and gravel. Next, a metal frame made of reinforcement is lowered into the trench.

The prepared cement is carefully poured into the formwork. To release possible air bubbles, pierce the uncured concrete in several places with a reinforcement bar.

Then a layer of polyethylene film is laid on the concrete. This will help avoid cracking of the surface.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: During the first days, you should water the foundation with water. So it will be stronger.

After final hardening, the surface of the foundation is waterproofed with roofing felt.

How to make a frame garage. Walling

The base of the garage is formed from wooden beam or metal profile. At this stage you need to purchase:

  1. — timber 100*100 for strapping and racks
  2. - boards of at least 4 cm for assembling the rafter system
  3. - a board of at least 2 cm for lathing
  4. - boards for laying the floor at least 4 cm thick

Before use, all wood is treated with antiseptic and fire retardant compounds, and also dries well in the shade.

Installation of the wall frame begins with the completion of the bottom. To do this, 100*100 mm timber is laid along the inner perimeter of the future building. Then all the parts are connected at the corners with dowels and a notch.

Then the upper trim is formed from the timber. Intermediate posts and jumpers are fixed with an angle and self-tapping screws.

The floor covering is assembled at the very last moment. Prepared 40 mm boards are mounted on bottom trim and the subfloor is ready.

How to build a frame garage roof. Types and step-by-step instructions

Most simple types The roofs of frame garages are single-pitch and gable. Pr self-installation Experts recommend building a frame lean-to garage. Such a roof is not only easier to construct, but also inexpensive. In addition, a pitched roof has higher strength.

When installing the roof, the following steps are performed:

  1. — preparation and installation of the rafter system
  2. - assembly of the sheathing
  3. - styling
  4. - laying roofing material

Rafter system- this is the so-called “skeleton” of the roof. It takes on the entire load, starting with the weight of the roofing covering and ending with the weight of the snow layer in winter time. Construction of the rafter system - the most important stage when constructing a roof. The quality of assembly of the structure determines the time that a frame garage made of timber will serve you.

Roof support. It will be covered with waterproofing and external roof covering material. To assemble the sheathing, it is allowed to use both edged and unedged boards.

Insulation- a layer of material that prevents moisture from entering the garage.

Roofing material- laid on top of the insulation. An inexpensive frame garage is usually covered with corrugated sheets, ondulin or flexible tiles.

Roof installation begins with the assembly of rafters.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: When calculating the number of beams, remember that the distance between them should not exceed 1 meter.

Shed garage

In the case of a pitched roof, they are laid across the frame, this will save time during installation. After laying, the beams are attached to the base with corners with self-tapping screws or using nails.

Then the assembly of the sheathing begins. If you use an unedged board, you should clean it of any remaining bark. After preparing the boards, the battens are laid across the rafters and secured with self-tapping screws. There should be no cracks or gaps between the sheathing elements.

A layer of waterproofing material is laid on top of the sheathing on the frame garage. Traditionally, roofing felt or a special film is used.

When waterproofing with roofing felt, layers of material are laid overlapping each other. The amount of overlap should be at least 3-4 cm. Then the material is nailed to the sheathing boards.

The waterproofing film is fixed with a construction stapler with staples.

After the insulation layer, the final coating is installed. Each option has its own rules for installation and operation. When installing, follow the recommendations of the manufacturer of the selected roofing material.

Gable garage

It is more difficult to install such a roof, but by choosing it, the owners get additional storage space - an attic. The overall price of a garage will increase by about 30 percent compared to the price of a lean-to garage. The easiest way to assemble a gable rafter system is on the ground, and then lift the finished trusses onto the top frame and fasten them.

We are building a wooden floor in a frame garage. The installation of the floor in the garage is carried out after the roof is installed. This way it will not be damaged by precipitation.

Traditionally, builders recommend using non-grooved boards for flooring. It forms natural gaps, thanks to which the floor does not deform under the influence of humidity and temperature changes. Self-tapping screws or nails are used to secure the floorboard to the joists.

There is not always a need for a major garage. Often, the safety of a car can be ensured with a simple structure that will require less labor and cash costs. We have prepared step-by-step instructions for building a frame-type garage, indicating all the necessary steps.

Advantages of a frame garage

Leaving frame buildings most often due to their low burglary resistance. But if the garage is not in a cooperative, but on a residential area and under supervision, low protection against intrusion no longer looks like such a compelling argument. In the end, the difficulty of burglary is determined by the most vulnerable element of protection, and this is almost always a gate, window or front door.

Frame construction requires much less resources - both money and labor. A wooden frame can be easily assembled with a couple of assistants in just one day; in terms of capital investment, such a structure will cost at least a third less than masonry.

Moreover, such construction is an excellent opportunity to rationally utilize the lumber remaining after assembling scaffolding for building a house. For garages up to six meters wide, 50x100-150 mm boards are perfect; you will only have to purchase materials for flooring and wall cladding.

Foundation and floor

For easy frame structure It is recommended to install a shallow or shallow strip foundation with a width of 250 mm with a backfill of 30-40 cm of non-heaving material (sand, gravel). If in the future you plan to install an inspection pit, there is nothing you can do about it; you will have to take as a basis a foundation with a base below the freezing depth and ensure its high-quality waterproofing.

On the entrance side of the tape, a lowered part should be made, the upper plane of which is flush with the zero level of the floor. The rest of the foundation is carried out 200-250 mm above the ground level in the adjacent area, regardless of the degree of deepening.

1. Sand preparation. 2. Strip foundation. 3. Concrete floor. 4. Sand preparation for screed. 5. Compacted soil

The reinforcement of the tape is standard: four rods of 12 or 14 mm each, connected by structural reinforcement at intervals of 60-80 mm. The thinning on the entrance side is reinforced with the same scheme, but denser. You should immediately decide on the placement of studs and tying them to the working reinforcement. You can leave the anchoring after 100-120 cm, or fasten with anchor bolts, providing a sufficient protective layer of concrete at the top edge.

The floor in a frame garage can be made of bulk, monolithic concrete or wood, there is no fundamental difference. We only note that when installing a wooden floor, it makes sense to cast a foundation with a ledge of 5-6 cm in order to rest the logs on it. It is better to carry out the excavation of soil and the filling of gravel immediately, but it is advisable to postpone the final installation of the floor until the roofing work is completed.

How to assemble a wall frame

The garage frame system consists of four sections. It is recommended to make the side walls first, then the back and front. Before assembly, the wood must be impregnated with an antiseptic and dried under natural conditions.

Each of the walls is initially knocked down in the form of a rectangular frame. For the upper and lower bases, only solid boards should be taken; vertical elements can be joined by hemming with a bandage.

To assemble the frame, it is better to use ready-made steel corners and gussets.

If you were putting anchor pins into the foundation, first try on the bottom foundation board and drill required quantity holes. Position the wall frame so that outside the foundation protruded by 25-30 mm. On a flat area, lay out two longitudinal boards in parallel, add two posts between them at the edges. Knock down the corners, align the diagonals and secure the corner joints with gussets.

Next, add to the frame in 60 cm increments vertical racks. It is possible that the installation step of the racks will have to be recalculated so that they are not located in the places where the embedded studs pass. Before installing the walls, roll out 2-3 layers of roofing felt along the foundation strip.

For fastening, use rough nails 100-120 mm long. When one section is knocked down, it is lifted and placed on the foundation, then secured to it using embedded pins or anchor bolts. The fasteners are not fully tightened until all four sections are assembled together.

After installing the side walls, they need to be supported from the ground with slopes nailed to the frame with one nail for free adjustment of verticality. When both sections are plumb and the distance between them is adjusted in several places, you need to throw 3-4 boards on top for temporary fastening.

The rear wall of the garage is usually blank and is assembled according to the same principle as the side ones. After lifting and installing it, you need to provide temporary fastening of the corners with braces. The opening in the front wall of the garage requires a reinforced header. Typically the front wall is assembled from two narrow sections located on either side of the gate. Their height is lower than the others, so that a powerful beam can be laid on top, assembled from 3-4 boards 50 mm thick, placed on edge and bolted together.

After assembling the main frame, you need to check its geometry: check the diagonals in the upper and lower planes, ensure that the walls are vertical. Next, adjacent sections are fastened together with braces nailed no closer than a meter to the corner, then the final tightening of the fastenings to the foundation is carried out.

Roof and ceiling construction

After assembling the wall frame, an almost finished Mauerlat for the rafter system is formed. First, on the outer edges of the upper bases of the side walls, you need to install one longitudinal edge on the edge and screw it from below with self-tapping screws to give the Mauerlat an L-shaped profile. Afterwards, boards with a thickness of at least 50 mm are inserted between the ribs and attached to both parts of the mauerlat, acting as floor beams.

Instead of boards, pre-assembled trusses can be immediately inserted and fastened if the garage does not have a habitable space on the second floor. Trusses should be assembled according to a template in the shape of a narrow rectangular trapezoid. The top boards of the trusses, forming the slope (or slopes) of the roof, must be located at an angle of at least 15º and have an overhang of 30-40 cm to form eaves overhangs. At the base of the truss there are two right angles, which are inserted exactly between the ribs of the Mauerlat. It is recommended to fasten beams and boards for trusses using a tongue-and-groove joint, reinforced with tenon plates on the sides.

For such a frame garage, it is possible to install an uninsulated attic. When the ceilings are installed, L-shaped assemblies are lifted onto the Mauerlat, connected by a jumper 50-60 cm from the upper junction. The tails of the rafters should extend 30-35 cm beyond the mauerlat and have a hem for quick and easy fastening. In total, each tail of the rafters rests with a groove on the edge of the mauerlat and is attached with two screws to its horizontal strip and the floor beam.

To protect the frame from getting wet, the rafters are temporarily fastened from the inside with several longitudinal boards. Next on the slopes you need to pull plastic film and to secure it, fill the counter-lattice with strips 15-20 mm thick. When it comes to installing the roof, fill the horizontal sheathing and install any suitable type of covering.

For soft roof the sheathing is done with a wide board (including unedged) with small gaps of 2-3 cm

Installation of doors, windows, gates

WITH window openings no difficulties will arise. For natural lighting, a width of 60 cm between the posts is sufficient; just add two horizontal bars and insert the window frame.

If required additional door in the back or side wall, one of the racks will have to be cut out, and then the upper lintel will have to be made from it. At the same time, to create an opening under the door, you can either add two racks on the sides, or spread door block inside the existing opening there are 15-20 cm blocks.

The greatest difficulty is the construction of the opening for the gate. It should be framed with at least a double post on each side and, as mentioned, a reinforced horizontal beam on top. This is sufficient for the installation of lift-and-turn or rolling gates. With swing doors, it becomes difficult to absorb the load when the doors are open. To the double posts of the opening, you need to add two beams that continue under the floor system until about halfway down the length of the garage.

Insulation, cladding, finishing

The final stage of construction is frame cladding and finishing. Instead of the common chipboard cladding, it is quite acceptable to use moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard or gypsum fiber board from the inside. Gypsum boards will ease the construction budget and eliminate the need to maintain temperature clearances. Additional complications include adding horizontal crossbars between the posts to join sheets and adding additional strips for corner joints.

Preparing a frame garage for sheathing: 1. Wind protection. 2. Lathing. 3. Pediment

On the outside, the frame posts will serve as an excellent basis for siding; you just need to pre-stuff windproof membrane. The transition from the walls to the base part of the cladding is made with a simple corner profile that prevents moisture from flowing inside.

On the outside, it is also possible to install continuous cladding made of OSB or SML for painting, plastering or brick cladding. So even a frame garage can be designed in one style decision with the rest of the buildings on the site.

There is no need to insulate such a garage. After parking the car, the residual heat of the engine will heat the air and cause moisture condensation on the body, so the faster the air cools inside, the longer the stored equipment will last.

The frame garage will become great solution for car storage. It can be made warm, dry, comfortable. Then in such a room you can repair your car, store tools, as well as auto parts, conservation and much more.

Now frame construction gradually gaining more and more trust and popularity. Of course, you can build either expanded clay blocks or other traditional materials. However, for a garage this option will not be entirely rational, since it will require significant financial investments. A frame garage will become a reliable structure for storing a car, and it can be built in a short time, with minimal costs.

A good solution is to build a frame garage with your own hands. Then the car enthusiast will be able to save money on work, since he will not need to invite qualified builders. Considering the relatively light weight and relative simplicity of design, frame garages can be erected on your own without any problems. The main thing is to know exactly about the features of materials and tools, familiarize yourself with the work algorithm, and remember the step-by-step instructions.

Advantages of frame garages

Let us outline the key advantages that distinguish building a frame garage with your own hands.

  • Reasonable price. Ultimately, significant savings can be achieved by purchasing building materials and tools wisely.
  • The design is lightweight, so there will be no problems with installation. People cope with the task on their own. Lifting equipment is not used, which significantly saves money.
  • Making a frame garage is relatively simple. If you know the operating algorithms and read the step-by-step instructions, there will be no difficulties in the process: you can really build a frame garage with your own hands.
  • There are practically no restrictions on seasonality. It is allowed to erect a frame garage in winter period, although laying the foundation will be somewhat more difficult.
  • The structure will have decent technical characteristics. Frame garages are attractive due to their strength, durability, and wear resistance. They are not afraid of negative atmospheric and mechanical influences.
  • The work can be completed in a short time.

Anyone can quickly see the advantages of frame garages if they watch videos and photos of finished buildings. Such buildings serve for many years, maintaining their original technical characteristics.

There are also some nuances. It is very important to carefully follow the technology and remember all the construction features. It is advisable to carefully consider insulation and wall decoration. A good solution is to prepare a sketch of a frame garage in advance, make a drawing and make the appropriate calculations. Definitely need at least minimum set professional tools.

Of the minuses, only one thing can be noted: if you do not follow the algorithms, violate the construction technology, the characteristics will not correspond to the specified ones. But this applies to the construction of any garage, regardless of materials.

Ultimately, if all construction technologies are followed, it is possible to build a frame garage, which in its characteristics, durability and aesthetic qualities will not be inferior to garages made of other materials.

We build a frame garage from metal profiles

Metal frames have a number of advantages. These are quick assembly, strength and fire safety, durability and increased wear resistance. Of the minuses, it is worth noting more high price on materials, as well as some difficulties in terms of work technology. You must be proficient with a grinder and have welding skills and experience. Of course, you will also need welding machine, which will slightly increase costs. However, this is not so significant if the car enthusiast is able to adequately cope with them on his own.

For work you will need rolled metal or a bent profile. We will try to highlight the main stages of work. This is a short algorithm for building a frame garage with your own hands.

  1. First of all, the starting profile is laid on the foundation. Fixation is done using anchors.
  2. The profiles must be carefully welded to each other. In principle, fixation using self-tapping screws is allowed, but experts say that such a connection is insufficiently strong.
  3. The perimeter - the lower part of the frame - is completely boiled.
  4. Then 4 vertical posts must be installed in the corners. Each profile is placed with an outward angle and then welded to the anchors and the lower perimeter.
  5. Then comes the turn of assembling the upper perimeter. It consists of a metal profile and is welded directly to the vertical support posts. It will later become the base for roof trusses.
  6. The frame is ready, to which horizontal stiffeners and vertical intermediate posts are welded.
  7. The roof is made of the most suitable type. There are flat, gable and pitched roofs.
  8. The gate is made from a corner. The main frame of the swing structure should be rectangular. Horizontal stiffeners must be welded.
  9. The gates are protected from corrosion using special paint, and are also insulated with polystyrene foam, mineral wool or other material.
  10. An additional profile is welded above the gate opening to strengthen the structure of the frame garage.
  11. All that remains is to weld the hinges and install according to the instructions shut-off valves at the gate.

Experts note that it is more profitable to order a ready-made metal garage frame.

We cock a frame garage from beams

This is a good option for maximum savings when building a frame garage, but the timber frame must be treated with a special compound to provide fire protection. The construction of a garage made of timber is reminiscent of the work involved in the construction of a metal garage. When the lower frame has been assembled and the vertical and intermediate posts have been installed, all that remains is to assemble the top frame and install the rafter system.

There are some nuances that you should know when working with timber.

  • The timber must be of high quality. Masters note that the optimal size is 15 by 15 or 10 by 10 cm.
  • The jib should be made using a 10 x 5 cm board.
  • Self-tapping screws and anchors should be used as fastening elements. Anchors secure the bottom trim to the foundation, and you can use self-tapping screws to install other elements. Good option– have special perforated plates for fastening.
  • It is recommended to maintain a distance of 30-120 cm when installing vertical posts.

Materials, tools needed for construction

The set of materials depends entirely on the type of frame garage. Among the tools, you need to stock up on shovels, a hammer and a level, and also have gloves and formwork with you.

In our case, the material will be wood. You can choose linden, aspen, larch. It is worth noting the unique characteristics of larch. This tree is durable. It is not at all afraid of moisture, and under its influence it becomes even stronger.

There are only two types of garage frames. It is from these that you will need to choose one option.

Wooden garage

The wooden frame attracts with its impeccable environmental cleanliness and ease of processing. Besides, this material is energy saving. However, if we talk about the cost of the material, we can note its relative high cost. Compared to metal, the wooden option will require more money.

Garage made of profile pipes

This frame is much more economical. At the same time, it has decent technical characteristics: it is easy to install, durable, durable, and has good resistance to atmospheric and mechanical negative influences.

Building a frame garage with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

When already available specific place for the construction of a garage, you can begin to work through all stages of construction, and then directly to activity. The first step will be drawing up a drawing.


Some craftsmen believe that you can do without a drawing. However, experts with extensive experience are sure: it is necessary to make a drawing, think again about the size and location of the garage, and imagine it constructively. It is important to make a competent calculation of materials and determine an approximate budget for the construction of a frame garage with your own hands.


The stage of laying the foundation is the most critical. First, you need to think about the location of the garage and determine how convenient it will be to drive up to it. It is advisable to build a garage near the house. It is important to consider the height groundwater, soil composition.

Foundations can be of different types. Let's consider the main features of the three types of foundation.

  • Tape is more economical from a financial point of view. It is universal and suitable for almost any soil.
  • Monolithic is installed with slab filling and reinforcement. Then you will also need . The foundation is characterized by increased strength, but requires long-term drying of the concrete base, which takes an average of a month.
  • The most budget option - pile foundation. But it is not very suitable for a garage; it requires increased strength of the floor. It is difficult to install it without special equipment.

Don't forget about the cellar and inspection hole when you build the foundation. Now we will present step-by-step instructions for constructing a monolithic strip foundation. It is the one that is most suitable for a frame garage.

Construction of the foundation of a frame garage: algorithm

Remember all the details. It will be easier for you to install the foundation if you follow all the recommendations.

  1. Preparing the base. The area is being cleared. Not only garbage and plants are removed, but also top layer land. Marking is being done. To do this you will need pegs with cords, a square and a laser range finder, a plumb line with a level. The markings are made from the corner. You need to drive the peg using a plumb line. Then you need to set aside a distance equal to the length of the future garage. Then the next peg is driven in, and a cable is pulled between them. From the first peg you need to set aside the width of the foundation, drive in the third peg and make sure that a right angle is created. Then, when all four pegs are driven in, it is important to double-check the accuracy of the angles and side lengths. To mark inner part foundation, it is necessary to retreat a distance equal to the width strip foundation. You should try to avoid mistakes.
  2. Digging a trench. Trenches are dug in accordance with the markings. The depth will depend on the groundwater level and soil characteristics. The walls must be made vertical. The bottom must be thoroughly compacted, and then covered with geotextiles and covered with a layer of sand. Then everything is compacted again, using irrigation.
  3. Formwork assembly. For this you will need plywood and fiberboard, scraps of metal, plastic and boards. The heads of the nails must be inside the formwork, and the protruding ends must be bent. A good solution is to wrap the formwork with polyethylene. Then the desired humidity regime will be created while the concrete increases its strength when hardening. Shields must be strengthened with ties.
  4. Reinforcement. Here you need steel rods, as well as binding wire to hold them together. The frame is installed on supports. Remember: there should be a distance of 5 cm from the formwork to the reinforcement.
  5. Pouring the foundation. Concrete must be poured at the same time. This is important to ensure the integrity of the structure. When the concrete is poured, it is pierced with thin metal rods and compacted using a vibrating drill. Then you should cover the concrete with polyethylene. Water the concrete for the first 7-10 days. Then the surface is carefully sanded.

When the base is ready, be sure to waterproof it using roofing material or bitumen mastic.


This one describes well how to build a garage roof.

At the final stage of constructing a garage, it is important to arrange the roof. It must be taken into account that there will be a noticeable load of snow and wind. It is necessary to take care of the proper installation of the rafter system. It is advisable to first assemble the structure on the ground, and only then secure it to the garage, fixing it to the walls. Optimal solution– gable isosceles roof. For fixation, a ridge is required, as well as a sheathing of beams. As the base material, you can take bitumen sheets, tiles or corrugated sheets. Remember that the overhang size must be at least 40 cm. Also, do not forget about the gutters.

Finishing, insulation

Finishes and insulation

Garages are lined with siding and eurolining, profiled sheets and facing bricks. It all depends on your taste and planned budget. It is also necessary to insulate the garage from the inside. Mineral wool is ideal. A good option is to use regular plastic film to cover the inside of the garage walls.

On final stage All that remains is to take care of the garage door. You can choose among sliding and swing, sliding and sectional models. In most cases, car enthusiasts prefer traditional ones. If necessary, it will not be difficult to make them yourself, using corners or a metal sheet. To fix the elements and install, you will need to use a welding machine.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

In order for the car to serve for a long time and not present unpleasant surprises on the road, it must have its own cozy storage place, protected from adverse weather conditions. For your pet, you can build an inexpensive frame garage with your own hands.

This article will reveal everything key points construction of a frame garage and detailed step by step instructions its main stages of work. For clarity, our website presents photo and video materials, where you can familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of construction using the examples given.

Preparatory work

Work on the construction of a frame garage made of wood, like any other structure, begins with a project. To do this, drawings and diagrams of the future building are made, calculating the amount of basic materials and selecting the necessary tools.

Then a suitable site for construction is selected, preferably on flat surface. It is cleared of stones and debris, leveled and compacted. To prepare a place for a garage, an area is marked, pegs are driven into the corners, after which the top part of the soil is removed to a depth of about 50 cm.

Laying the foundation

All structures based on a wooden frame, and especially a frame-panel garage, have relatively light weight, therefore they do not require laying too solid a foundation. The choice of the type of foundation for a frame garage depends on the features of its design, the condition of the soil on which construction is being carried out, as well as on the basis of economic feasibility.

The best option is to pour a monolithic concrete slab, which simultaneously acts as a solid base and as a floor. To do this, our recess needs to be filled in and compacted with sand. Then put geotextiles, and put crushed stone on top of it and compact it. At the next stage, formwork is installed, waterproofing is laid, reinforcement is tied, after which the site is evenly poured concrete mixture and is neatly aligned around the entire perimeter. Work can be continued only after the solution has completely hardened after 2-3 weeks.

Frame construction

The frame of our garage can be made of various materials. It can be metal and mounted from a stainless steel profile by welding. We will consider the option of how to build a frame garage made of wood. Before construction, it is advisable to treat all wooden elements with a special compound to improve the strength properties and durability of the material.

The skeleton of the frame is erected starting from a stable base. To do this, boards of a larger cross-section are selected, which are fixed in concrete using metal brackets. Then the corner posts are installed in a clearly vertical position, secured with additional supports.

After this, the upper framing of the frame is performed. The structure is strengthened with intermediate supports, and frames for windows and doors are installed. The frame is light, but strong and solid.

Erection of the roof

The roof of a frame garage can have a different design. It can be flat, single-slope or gable. The gable structure is a more complex option, requiring certain knowledge and skills in construction.

The construction of the roof begins with the installation of the rafter system. Then it is covered with any roofing material. This could be corrugated sheeting or metal tiles. A drain is installed to remove sediment.

Sheathing a frame garage

WITH outside wooden frame can be sheathed various materials depending on budgetary possibilities and aesthetic considerations. It can be moisture-resistant plywood, sandwich panels or just high-quality boards.

Internal walls can be made of lining, plasterboard, plywood or plastic panels. To insulate a frame garage, mineral wool or polystyrene foam is used.

The final step is installation metal gates. They can differ in the method of opening and be sectional, sliding or sliding. The most common option is swing gates. After installation metal surface processed with sandpaper and coated with a primer and paint that prevents the development of corrosion processes.

The article covers all the basic questions about how to make a frame garage with your own hands. The main thing is to observe the sequence of all stages of work and strictly adhere to the one presented here detailed instructions construction.

Video of the construction of a frame garage
