What series can you use to make a smart home? What is a smart home? Briefly about the pros and cons

There are many original and sometimes extraordinary solutions in the world, aimed at comfortable improvement of living space and united under a single concept smart home. The range of such complexes is amazing, and their installation can be carried out independently. Today we will talk about how to “build” a smart home with your own hands, its features and the main stages of installation.

Features of the smart home system

A smart home is a modern residential building, fully automated, organized for comfortable living using high-tech devices. A smart home is understood as a number of systems capable of recognizing specific situations and respond adequately to them, one of these systems can control the functioning of the others in accordance with a predetermined algorithm, and all of them are combined into a single controlled complex.

Controlling a smart home that combines latest technologies, simple - just select one of the preset scenarios, according to which the system will select the optimal operating parameters for necessary devices. The house will be based on the wishes of the owner and on the existing environmental conditions, both inside and outside the premises.

What does a smart home include?

The smart home system includes the following functions:

  • Climate – heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems. The controllers used will select the temperature conditions in the room and save a significant amount;
  • Lighting – equipment allows you to create various lighting schemes, adjusting them to the user, providing convenient control;
  • Security - you can set up not only an alert about illegal entry, but also use the “presence in the house” system, as well as monitor gas and water leaks, and smoke;
  • Management – ​​PCs, tablets and smartphones greatly simplify home management, which can be done from anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection.

Main stages of creating a smart home

Well, it's time to figure out how to make a smart home with your own hands without significant expenses. All work will be divided into the following stages:


The price range has significant fluctuations, depending on a large number of factors, the most significant of which are the size of the room where the equipment is planned to be installed, as well as the required equipment.

Below are prices for the most common ready-made kits:

  • “Simple” set – from 145,000 rubles;
  • “Standard” set – from 170,000 rubles;
  • “Pro” set – from 290,000 rubles;
  • “Lux” set – from 425,000 rubles.


It should be said that installation smart home This is a doable task on our own, fortunately there is a choice of ready-made “out-of-the-box” solutions on the market. The main thing is to choose the equipment and be patient during installation.

Intelligent control system for various engineering communications and devices that increase the degree of comfort under the general name “smart home”, has many advantages. Its installation is all the more necessary if among the household there are people with disabilities, old age, difficult to use ordinary elements technical diagrams(for example, switches).

Firstly, the terminology “smart home” applies to everything that is subject to “automation”. Even a simple lighting controller installed in just one room is already a sign of the presence of an element of such a system in the home. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to decide on the specific goal that we are pursuing.

What we need is to control household appliances using one electronic “brain center”, open gate leaves at suburban area, provide automatic switching on/off of street lighting (and so on)? There are many options, but this approach will help optimize costs. And they can be significant.

Secondly, you should evaluate your abilities. It’s not enough to know something, you also need to be able to perform various technological operations with your own hands, without outside help.

Thirdly, what should you use to assemble a smart home circuit? There are ready-made kits on sale, but their cost (especially imported ones) is quite high. In addition, are the components repairable (if so, how much will it cost) and will it be possible to ensure that elements from different manufacturers work together?

In some cases, it is more expedient to buy everything you need at retail and install it in a common circuit controlled from a PC. There is now a computer in almost every home, although it will take a little longer, but at the same time it will be cheaper.

In principle, you can meet 35,000 - 40,000 rubles. If you pay for the services of masters, you need to multiply the indicated amount by approximately 1.5.

Another control option is from a separate remote control with the ability to program various options.

And most importantly. Much depends on the deterioration of the electrical supply system. Before planning large-scale improvements, it is necessary to calculate how much the load on the “line” will increase. Will its capabilities be enough to satisfy all our requests and wishes to improve comfort? And if you have to re-lay cables (wires), what will be the total cost of such an undertaking? It is this factor that, as a rule, most often limits the “appetite” of the homeowner in terms of the degree of home automation.

Therefore, we will consider only some variants of circuits that can be used to control something.


With the help of such a device, the degree of illumination of the room is regulated, therefore, there is no need for various night lights, sconces, and the like. By the way, it can also control curtains (blinds).

If you include motion sensors in the circuit, the light will turn on when you enter the room. Their installation and configuration has a number of features, so read about them in detail.

Engineering systems

First of all, heating and forced ventilation. By installing the appropriate sensors (humidity, temperature), and positioning them correctly, the owner can, for example, remotely turn on heated floors and adjust the position of window sashes. The possibilities depend only on the degree of automation and the number of people involved in the scheme household appliances, right up to the boiler (if it is not programmable).

Protection system

None of the schemes is capable of ensuring 100% home security, no matter what advertisers claim. Their goal is to sell, and our task is to think everything through first. How to minimize the risks of unauthorized entry? The most “dangerous” areas from this point of view should be identified. Perhaps it is enough to “protect” only 2 of them, or maybe to put such “barriers” on all windows and doors, combining them into a common scheme. The choice of appropriate sensors is large - motion, presence and a number of others.

Listing all the capabilities of systems is a waste of time. The range of relevant products is significant; the operation of each model has its own characteristics. One of simple options shown in general scheme:

Here is an expanded package with increased functionality.

Well, what exactly to choose for your home is at your discretion, dear reader.

Good day, dear forum users!
At the moment, I have frozen my construction of a house with two floors and a basement. While it was cold, I came up with the idea of ​​using my own smart home system and thinking in advance about where to put everything.
I ask for your help in understanding how much the system with my wishes will cost me.

And so the idea of ​​the following is spinning in my head:
- automation of light (not everywhere. only general night lighting, external lighting, and maybe a couple of rooms and a corridor)
- security automation (movement, opening, etc.)
-automation of video surveillance
-gas, leakage, smoke sensors
- intercom. gates.
- valve for water, gas.
- heating (either valves on the pipes, or directly to the boiler, so far the boiler will definitely be a DEO of 40-50 kilowatts). the boiler is more interesting - but I don’t know what protocols there are with the control panel.
-some sockets and complete blackout of some rooms.
-ventilation control (speed, closing)
-temperature sensors inside/outside
-everything is on wires. no wifi.
-a multimedia server is not really needed in this system. will be standard.

1. a good x86 server, or two - one for video surveillance, the other managing the entire smart home. This is available, although not particularly powerful.
2. Control interface from consoles on floors\switches\Android-Windows smartphone. at the same time we exclude the cloud! only local web, possibly open to the Internet (or using VPN, if managed from afar). consoles are not required, but mobile phones are desirable. but no cloud services.
3. more or less convenient control interface.
4. Use twisted pair cable to stretch it all across the floors and work only over the wire. I want absolutely no wireless sensors or controls.
5. I plan to use only LED lighting, although some lamps may be halogen.
6. I would like dimming in some places.
7. I would like an application for Android/Windowsphone that could connect to the local server not through the cloud but directly.
8. automatic cat feeder/drinker)

As a result, I want to get the following:
1. from the phone, complete management of all matters in the house, plus a bookmark in which I would see the image from the cameras.
2. control from a TV (with miniPS), tablet (console), switches.

I have programming skills, but limited. Windows family - admin, Linux - at the user level.

This question arose for me because:
1. I can’t decide on the protocol for interaction between smart home devices and, as a result, I don’t know what to implement.
2. I don’t really want to get attached to rack and pinion devices due to the high price and limited capabilities.
3. I don't want to use wireless solutions.

I am completely sure that there must be systems installed on PCs, with applications for Android, with the functionality that I need. and there should be automation equipment (sensors, relays, dimmers), which should not cost the huge money that our distributors want.

I am very pleased with the availability of cheap Chinese iron, but I am disappointed by its quality.

Thank you in advance for pointing your thoughts in the right direction.

They say that every house is like its owner: in the apartment of an elderly lady, every chair breathes comfort, the executive mansion of a successful businessman demonstrates respectability and self-confidence, and the art studio of a young artist fully reflects his creative flight of thought.

At the same time, every good owner’s hands do not work separately from the head: the eyes see, the ears hear, the brain makes decisions and gives commands to the body. This is how it is achieved best result work: combining all body systems into one whole leads to optimal functioning.

It’s the same in a Smart Home - all systems in it work smoothly, coordinated and interconnected. In such a house, the wiring will not burn out because water from a spilled bathtub got on it. Pipes will not burst due to constant temperature changes. Rooms will not freeze due to sudden power outages.

Coordinate life support systems in this way, establish control over the house, monitor it via the Internet or through remote video surveillance, program interaction various systems houses and their behavior depending on the time of day, weather or, say, the mood of the owner, these days is completely easy.

The Smart Home intelligent system is a high-tech system that allows you to combine all communications into one and put it under the control of artificial intelligence, programmable and customizable to all the needs and wishes of the owner.

Heating, lighting, plumbing, alarm system in the apartment - all this can be subordinated to centralized control by installing the Smart Home system.

Do you want the overhead light to come on in the living room in the evenings, and only light during the day? desk lamp in the office? Do you prefer to warm your feet in a chair in the kitchen in winter, but don’t want to freeze in the bedroom in the fall? Do you want to be able to turn on the heater in your dacha via the Internet so that the room is warmed up before your arrival?

Or, say, do you want to be notified via SMS about sudden power outages or alarms? Nowadays, this does not require hiring an entire expensive staff of servants and security - the Smart Home will do all this.

At the same time, one should not think that such a system is not accessible to a person who does not have country villa, but simply wants to have confidence in the safety of his apartment when it is left unattended by the owner: the basic functionality of the Smart Home system is comparable in cost to installing a regular intercom.

Moreover, already installed system can be developed further by adding new communications or expanding the interactions of those already connected. Start with an inexpensive, ready-made Smart Home solution, and then add components that you find most useful.

What does such a system include?

A smart home is a unified control system in a house, office, apartment or building, which includes sensors, control elements and actuators. Control elements receive signals from sensors and control the operation of actuators, acting according to specified algorithms and combining the following systems:

  • Heating the house (using radiators or underfloor heating),
  • Security and fire alarms,
  • Emergency control: water leaks, gas leaks, power failures,
  • Video surveillance (local and remote),
  • Control of indoor and outdoor lighting,
  • Distribution of video and audio streams across premises (multiroom),
  • Heating control storm sewer, steps of stairs and paths,
  • Control over energy consumption, limiting peak loads and distributing loads across phases of the supply network,
  • : battery UPS and diesel generators,
  • Sewer Department pumping stations and automatic watering systems for green areas,
  • Control of gates and barriers,

A comprehensive smart home system is complete automation of device control in all areas of a house, apartment or office. It allows you to manage both individual blocks and the whole thing. This can be by pressing a button on the touch panel locally, or it can also be remote transmission of commands using a smartphone or tablet.

Various audio, light and video scenarios are pre-prescribed in the program, thanks to which the controller, that is, the brain of the Smart Home, operates. This significantly saves home owners time. It also excludes the possibility of emergency situations.

The smart home system allows you to configure various modes when the owners are at home, on vacation, or receiving guests. The plot of the script is to create comfortable conditions for a person. This could be playing your favorite music, changing temperature regime indoors, turning on a movie at a given time.

A smart home automatically turns off electrical appliances and puts them into sleep mode when there are no people present. If necessary, the system allows you to switch automatic equipment control to manual mode at any time.


The very first system announced itself in 1961. It was very primitive compared to modern technologies. People in all eras of their existence tried to make their lives easier by improving various devices. This is how the idea of ​​remote control of equipment appeared.

Man constantly strived for comfort. Some of the first “smart” houses were the homes of the rich in America. They were equipped with various household appliances and electronics. Over time, ideas began to be implemented for the combined management of all devices from one place. “Intelligent” buildings began to appear, displaying comprehensive solutions assigned tasks. The Smart Home system was built using structured cabling.

The official year of the appearance of the Smart Home is 1978. At the same time, the term Smart Home was born. American systems operated at a frequency of 60 Hz and a voltage of 110 V, so they did not take root in Russia.

Photo: Smart home system regulates lighting

One of the first opportunities smart automation was smooth adjustment lighting. Initially, the idea was implemented using dimmers (or dimmers). They made it possible to dim the light in the room, reducing the illumination in it. This mode is convenient for watching movies and saving energy consumption.

With the development of new technologies, dimmers were replaced by programmable controllers, which took on the role automatic control not only lighting, but also other systems necessary for a person’s comfortable stay in the building.

Installing a Smart Home system is very popular. It controls the operation of all devices in the premises of a cottage or office. The control complex is built on the basis of sensors that perform monitoring current parameters. Information from the sensors is sent to control elements, which, according to a given program, give commands to actuators and devices. Using the Internet, it is possible to remotely monitor all equipment located in the building, as well as remote control them.

A smart home can control the following:

  • interior and exterior lighting, architectural lighting, advertising;
  • ventilation, air conditioning;
  • space heating (underfloor heating system, radiators);
  • all types of alarms (burglar, fire, emergency);
  • permission to enter the building;
  • video surveillance (local and remote);
  • distribution of video and audio signals (multiroom);
  • heating of steps, stairs, paths and storm drains;
  • alternative sources of electricity (diesel generators, batteries);
  • energy consumption (distribution of loads across phases, limitation of exceeding maximum loads);
  • various pumps (drainage, sewerage, watering of the territory);
  • entrance gates;
  • roller shutters, curtains, blinds.

What types of smart home systems are there?

To implement the system, all equipment used must be compatible with each other. To this end, the Electronics Industry Alliance was created to develop a unified electronics standard. This decision allowed various companies produce universal equipment used in the Smart Home.

Classification of systems according to main criteria:

  • centralized/decentralized;
  • wired/wireless;
  • with open/closed protocol.

Ready-made Smart Home systems help save time when managing various entertainment and engineering systems indoors.

Centralized and decentralized home management - number of modules and their operation

Centralized management represents one logical module. Its role is played by a programmable controller with a large number of outputs. An individual program is written for a specific object for such a computer. Based on this software, all engineering networks and actuators are managed.

Advantage centralized system is the ability to manage the entire building from one place and in a single interface. Using the central controller, you can create scenarios of varying complexity, linking them to certain actions, time of year or day. This option allows you to connect a large number various equipment. Companies such as AMX, Crestron, Z-Wave, Ectostroy, Bechoff specialize in this.

When constructing a centralized system, the performance of all equipment will depend on the controller and the program embedded in it. If the computer fails, then all modules connected to it will cease to function. It is optimal to connect this complex through an uninterruptible power supply.

If you need to reprogram the Smart Home, and the programmer is not around, then the algorithm will have to be written again. That's why important criterion The choice is to select a reliable and high-quality controller.

Decentralized system can also be called distributed. In this case, each element of the system (executive device) is an independent microcontroller that has a type of memory in which information is saved even in the event of a loss of mains power. This factor increases the reliability of the complex as a whole. If any element fails, the entire system of the apartment or house continues to function, with the exception of the “dropped out” link.

The decentralized system is reliable, with the ability to connect additional “smart” blocks to create special scenarios. Available for sale large assortment panels for controlling devices, differing in functionality and design. Leading manufacturers in this area are: ABB, Scheider Electric, HDL, Berker, Gira, Vimar.

The disadvantages of the complex include the large amount of equipment that is included in the shield. It may break down from time to time, which will entail material costs for replacement.

Use of conductors and wireless technologies

Wired system Smart home is built on the principle of transmitting all signals from control devices to executive units via an information bus. Such a bus can be special conductors or twisted pair.

The advantage of a wired system is its reliability, thanks to the use of shielded conductors. This eliminates interference and interference in the network. Also, this data transmission system has a high response speed. When issuing a particular command, there are no delays due to interference or other factors.

Thus, when organizing a wireless system, the command response may be delayed. The person repeatedly presses the button and tries to get the device to operate. The information bus becomes clogged with duplicate signals, which can lead to the entire complex freezing.

To organize a wired Smart Home system, a varied selection of control elements, which are smart switches, is offered. Such mechanisms are multifunctional and have stylish design. In such systems it is easier to introduce any new element of multimedia or climate control.

The wired system is fireproof and has long term operation without inspection. The disadvantages include the lack of mobility in the location of the switches. Also, cable exit points to control panels must be provided in advance.

Important high-quality installation information networks for reliable operation systems. Organizing a Smart Home is possible only in new housing or at the beginning of renovation. With classic electrical wiring installed, it will be technically impossible to organize the system.

Wireless system is built on the principle of transmitting a radio signal from the main device (control panel) to the executive body. This solution allows you to reduce the number of wires laid in the room and the time for installing devices. Wireless equipment is very suitable for installation in wooden house, where it is necessary to violate the integrity to a minimum natural materials. The main manufacturers of this type are: Z-Wave, Berker, HDL, Zamel, Vitrum, Gira.

The advantage of such a complex is the possibility of installation in buildings with ready-made repairs and conventional wiring. Each wireless control panel communicates with other panels and can send commands to them. This interconnection of equipment allows you to create different lighting scenarios in different rooms.

Mobile control panels can be located in places convenient for owners. They are manufactured in two types: built-in and overhead. The radio system does not require any special preliminary design. Therefore, such a Smart Home system can be easily implemented with your own hands.

The operation of all smart devices depends on the quality of the radio signal. The disadvantage of the wireless complex is that many household electrical consumers cause interference with passing signals. Also, when operating devices on batteries, they will require regular replacement.

Wireless Smart Home is limited in functionality due to the instability of transmitted signals. Therefore, the security of such a complex is lower, since it is possible for hackers to jam the signals.

Open/closed automation system protocol

A protocol is a code system for interconnecting all devices with each other, on the basis of which the Smart Home operates. In Europe, the KNX protocol is considered the most popular. The advantage of this type is the interaction with the non-volatile memory of devices, as well as the independent operation of each device.

The KNX protocol is open. This data transfer standard is very popular. Therefore there are no problems with service such a system if necessary. The products of many manufacturers work in this “language”. It is tested for compatibility with each other.

The advantage of an open protocol is large selection devices from different designs or a suitable set of functions. Leading manufacturers are: KNX, Wago, Bechoff. Competition between manufacturers is increasingly causing the release of updated and improved models. The cost of such devices, with a protocol open type, above closed.

Due to the inflexibility of open communication devices and their dependence on certain standards, new products running on a closed proprietary protocol began to appear on the market. This resulted in a reduction in equipment manufacturing costs and a simplification of the programming process. Many manufacturers began to have their own line of products that other companies did not produce. Equipment operating on a closed protocol is manufactured by: ABB, HDL, Vimar, Bticino.

Among the advantages of closed protocol technologies are non-standard interesting solutions at reasonable prices, mobility in the market. The disadvantages include the factor of buyer dependence on one manufacturer.

What are the benefits of a smart home system? Is it worth buying?

Intelligent complexes are becoming increasingly popular and affordable. The market offers a large selection of multifunctional devices for organizing home automation. Saving resources is manifested in their consumption only at the necessary moments, when people are at home. In other cases, the system switches the house to energy-saving mode. This is especially true for private housing and cottages with a large area.

A smart home can also take care of pets. According to a given program, it turns on the supply of food and water, adjusts the light in the aquarium, or opens the doors for animals to leave the house. You can watch your four-legged friends on your tablet. If there are animals in the house, it is advisable to organize a wired network by hiding all the wiring behind the walls. Control panels must be built-in. This will protect the system from damage.

In the case of children, the Smart Home system will allow you to control their behavior in an apartment or house. You can limit the turn on of the TV and computer. Or provide Internet access if they meet certain conditions.

The most important advantage of an “intelligent” home is remote monitoring and control of housing. The system protects against intrusion by thieves. Also this good way preventing emergency situations. In a critical situation, you can turn off the water, turn off the power supply, or transmit a fire signal. All notifications and warnings are sent as messages to the building owner.

The Smart Home system determines its prices due to its versatility. For budget option Basic logical modules are purchased, and over time additional ones are purchased, which will expand the capabilities of the complex.

Video about the smart home system

Miracle technology, how to make a budget smart home?
