DIY wooden swing gates. Do-it-yourself wooden gates and wicket: photo and assembly

Gates are not only an integral part of protection, but also a decorative element of the site. Independent production of structural elements and direct installation can significantly reduce the cost of work. Used for production various materials, new processing methods and ways of functioning appear. Wooden gates are suitable for a cottage, country house, house, garage. If you decide to make the gate yourself, below is information on how to prepare and protect the wood, how to calculate the consumption of materials, draw up a work plan, install and sheathe the structure.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Until recently, wood was the most common and available material. Wood is easy to process and has a low cost. Basic skills in using tools were enough to make wooden structures - fences, wickets, gates. Nowadays, fencing made from untreated wood is rare. Typically, they are used as temporary site boundaries during site improvement and house construction.

Wood – universal material, which is used for sliding, swing, lift-and-turn structures. The gate is the first thing guests pay attention to. Therefore, they became an indicator of the status and impeccable taste of the owner. Garage doors made of wood are usually made of the up-and-over type. The only limitation in the use of the material concerns lamellas in roll mechanisms. The wooden canvas has low strength in this case. Often a metal frame is sheathed with wood. Wooden sliding gates This method of covering the base increases the thickness of the sashes and total weight.

Wood as a material for gates has the following advantages:

  • ease of processing;
  • speed of installation;
  • affordable price;
  • beautiful texture;
  • reliability.

Buying wooden blanks will cost less than metal ones. Various types of wood and board sizes are presented in construction stores buyers with any financial capabilities. In addition, in the Russian Federation you can get 50 cubic meters of timber for free, depending on the region; you can learn more about this from the video:

Woodworking tools are available and do not require special skills. While for processing metal parts you will need welding machine, angle grinder. Properly treated high-quality wood will last for decades, even in harsh weather conditions. If a wooden panel breaks, it can be easily repaired by replacing the board. The easiest to make and self-installation– swing wooden gates.

There are also disadvantages to using wooden gates:

For gates, they usually do not use valuable types of expensive wood, but larch and pine that are resistant to moisture and decay. The internal metal frame will increase the strength and durability of the structure.

Preparatory work

Before starting to process the material, you need to draw up a schematic structure of the structure, taking into account the location of the elements. Preparing a diagram and accurately measuring the opening are important when calculating the expected material consumption and will save time during installation. It is possible to make wooden gates and gates yourself. You will need basic knowledge of wood processing, skills in working with carpentry and joinery tools, and patience.

After measuring the gate opening, you need to draw up a drawing of the future structure, observing the proportions of the height, length of the leaves, the distance between the supports, and the location of the gate. It is taken into account in the diagram of the place of fastening of constipations, awnings, and decorative elements. The boards for the gate leaf are suitable in size 100 by 25 mm, the frame - 80 by 60 mm. The workpieces will decrease in size as a result of processing by 5-10 mm. In the calculations, it is necessary to take into account technological gaps of 10 mm, possible deformation, and expansion of the material. When purchasing boards, you need to clarify their purpose and degree of drying. For the production of gates with your own hands, carpentry is best suited edged board. Such lumber is less susceptible to deformation and delamination. It is enough to dry fresh boards for one year in a well-ventilated area.

Preparatory work should include the manufacture of special supports from logs or wooden beams. Reliable supports are deepened into the ground to a depth of 1 m.

It is recommended to leave a distance of 200 mm from the longitudinal elements of the frame to the edge of the board. Canopies are attached at the same distance. Gates with a height of more than two meters are additionally reinforced with a middle vein. If the gate frame is made of wood, be sure to use braces to maintain strength and geometry. When sewing the fabric, the boards should not be placed closely. Leaving gaps will prevent bulging and deformation of the canvas due to increased humidity. If the gaps between the boards are unacceptable, you need to buy a tongue and groove board.

Required Tools

You will need wood for the gate:

  • bars for the gate frame with a section of 40 by 40 mm;
  • slats for covering the frame 20 by 40 mm;
  • round or square timber for supports with a diameter of 100 mm.

For processing lumber, assembly and installation you need:

  • wood saw or electric jigsaw;
  • plane;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • garden drill;
  • plumb lines;
  • rasp;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver, screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • components for concrete mixture(cement, sand, crushed stone);
  • basin for mixing concrete;
  • roulette, level;
  • pencil for marking;
  • sandpaper;
  • blowtorch;
  • primer;
  • brush;
  • antiseptic for impregnation.

Required metal construction parts:

  • gate canopies – 2 pcs.;
  • hinges, latch for gate;
  • loops for padlock(if the gate will be closed from the outside).

Manufacturing and installation process

In order to make wooden gates with your own hands, you will need careful preparation. Only after drawing up a design diagram and collecting the necessary materials and tools can production and installation begin.

Installation and erection of poles

Pole installation steps:

  1. Clearing the site and determining the location of the holes.
  2. Digging holes with a drill or bayonet shovel to a depth of at least 1 meter, with a diameter 10 cm larger than the post.
  3. Cutting pipes with a grinder and inserting them into prepared holes.
  4. Filling the gaps with crushed stone.
  5. Checking the verticality of the support with a plumb line.
  6. Compacting crushed stone to strengthen the foundation.
  7. Mixing a liquid solution (1 part three hundredth cement to 3 parts sand).
  8. Pouring mortar into holes. Wait for it to dry completely.
  9. Covering supports with bricks. If you add washing powder to the solution when laying, this will prevent the composition from settling. Check the correct angles periodically with a plumb line.
  10. After installing the pillars, their tops are equipped with caps (finished or cut from galvanized steel). This improves drainage characteristics and looks aesthetically pleasing.
  11. After drying, the stacked brick rows are embroidered.

Parts of wooden supports that will be underground must be treated with water-repellent resin or bitumen mastic to prevent destruction.

The gates are mounted on supports. Therefore, they need to be installed correctly, securely, with rigid fastenings. For normal functioning of the structure, sagging is unacceptable. To prevent violation of the gate geometry, it is important to maintain the perpendicularity of the supports in relation to the ground. Strengthening them with half a brick will prevent the pillars from skewing. This width must be taken into account when drawing up the preliminary drawing.

Instead of wooden poles You can install metal, brick or concrete supports. As an additional stiffening rib at the top of the support, it is recommended to fasten it with a horizontal beam.

Construction of the frame

The base for the frame can be made of wood, metal profiles. In the second case, you will need a welding machine to connect the parts. If the gate frame is made of wood, the timber is cut into the required parts and laid out on level ground in the shape of the future gate. After checking the verticality and horizontality, holes are drilled in the beams. The parts are fastened with self-tapping screws. It is fashionable to further strengthen the center and corners with the help of a cross beam and metal corners. Beams for reinforcement are attached crosswise across the frame at an angle of 45 degrees.

For fastening, you can take self-tapping screws or use dry wood dowels. The dowels need to be coated first epoxy glue. To secure the sheathing, an additional jumper is installed in the center of the frame. Jib beams are attached in the corners - 30-40 cm bars. When erecting a frame, its size should take into account the protrusion of the sheathing boards by 20-25 cm. It is convenient to assemble and sheath it in a horizontal position on the ground.

Manufacturing of sashes

The sheathed frame must be hung on installed supports. After preparing the sashes, metal hinges are attached. They are hung on a frame or on support posts. Optimal place The location of the loops is calculated in this way. A distance of ¼ of the total height is marked from the top and bottom of the support. After marking, lancet hinges are attached on which the sashes are installed.

The lower edge of the gates must be at least 5 cm away from the soil. Otherwise, fallen snow or formed ice will prevent the gate from opening. To prevent the doors from opening from the wind, they need to be adjusted. When marking fastening points, it is advisable to use a level.

Gate installation

Before installing wooden gates, the hinges are screwed to the leaves. At the same time, capercaillies are inserted. Before screwing in the bolts, holes are drilled to a depth of several centimeters in pre-marked areas. Their diameter should be less than the diameter of the screw. This trick will make it easier to screw in the bolts. It is important to maintain a distance of 5 cm from the ground to the sashes. After installation, the closed sashes are secured with a padlock or metal pin. Coverage on wooden surface applied after installation of the gate structure.

Sheathing of the structure

The frame is covered with boards, slats or picket fences. The elements are fastened to the base with self-tapping bolts. Use various options fastening elements. For example, a picket fence is attached vertically without gaps, or boards with a gap diagonally.

Sheathing elements are cut to required sizes in the required quantity. Pine boards are often used for cladding. This type of wood is most protected from climatic influences. After trimming, the elements are planed on all sides and attached to the frame.

When installing boards with gaps, use wooden slats as a template. The lath is taken to be equal to the length of the board and the width of the gap step.

The boards secured with self-tapping screws are cut in a straight line. The cut area and unevenness on the surface are sanded with sandpaper. The edges of the sashes can be insulated to ensure better density fit and better thermal insulation.

Impregnation and coloring of wood

The installed sashes must be coated with a primer, antiseptic solution, and varnish. Wood coating products must be designed for outdoor use. Sequence of processing work:

  1. Sanding wood with sandpaper or grinder, including processing of side surfaces.
  2. Seal the pores with putty and sand again after drying.
  3. Tinting to reveal the shade and texture of wood.
  4. Applying primer.
  5. Coating with the first layer of varnish.
  6. After drying, apply a second layer of varnish.

If iron forging is used as decor, the decorative elements are attached before grinding and painting. To protect the wooden panel during the fastening of forged parts, a thin sheet of tin is used. After varnishing, the joints between iron and wood are treated with sealant.

In conclusion

For self-made and installation of wooden gates will require minimal skills in working with construction tools and your patience. All steps are simple and can be done with your own hands if desired. Like any construction work, a high-quality result is a combination of strict adherence to the recommendations of professionals used quality materials, accurate measurements. Wooden gates, like the face of your home, will last for many decades with proper approach and periodic maintenance.

Wooden gates and wickets are the calling card of the owners of a country house. From the way a wooden gate looks, one can judge the owner’s tastes, his well-being and complaisance. The neater the gate with a wicket looks, the better the impression the owner makes on his neighbors and acquaintances.

Today we will tell you how to build wooden gates and wooden gates with your own hands. You can find photos of similar objects on the Internet, and some are also present in the article. Thanks to these photos, you can decide what kind of wooden gate you would like to make for your suburban area.

Wickets and gates with your own hands, of course, can be made not only from wood, but also from other materials. Here the choice is yours, which suits you more. But if you do not have experience, and you are planning to make a gate with a wicket with your own hands for the first time, then it is better to choose wood, because this the material has a number of advantages:

  • the tree is unpretentious in terms of processing;
  • availability of material;
  • ease of use;
  • finished wood products always look elegant and beautiful.

Below are several photos of samples of what wooden gates and gates can look like, and how you can decorate them with your own hands.

We select tools and tools for the job

Almost anyone can make a wooden gate or gate with their own hands, even without such experience. However, before you get to work, you need to prepare the following set of tools:

In addition to the tools, we will need the following to install wooden gates and wickets with our own hands: building materials:

  • wooden beams with different sections for pillars and frames;
  • slats or picket fences for covering the frame;
  • metal bolt;
  • awnings;
  • loops.

Preparatory work before assembly

Before purchasing lumber, be sure to decide what height your gate will have and what the size of the gate will be. Remember that for reliability, support pillars need deepen into the ground about a meter.

If you want to build a gate “for centuries” with your own hands, it is better to make the supports not from wood, but from concrete, brick or metal. And in order to maximize the service life of wooden poles, before installation they are impregnated with an antiseptic, and the underground part with resin or bitumen mastic.

The area for installing gates and wickets must also be prepared in advance:

  • remove large stones;
  • loosen hard clods and level the soil;
  • if necessary, mark the placement of supports using a cord stretched between the pegs.

It will be very difficult to install poles with your own hands, so It is advisable to invite an assistant so that the pillars can be held and concreted at the same time.

The shutters are hung on the gates only after the concrete has completely dried, and the supports at the top are best fastened horizontally with a common beam, which will prevent the pillars from warping under the weight of the shutters.

How to properly install wooden posts

The pillars are installed in this way:

  • Using a drill, we dig a hole a meter deep;
  • the distance between the planes of the pillars placed “facing” each other should be slightly greater than the width of the gate, this is within the range of about 120 cm;
  • pour 5 cm of sand into the bottom of the hole and spill a lot of water for shrinkage;
  • add 5 cm of crushed stone;
  • we burn the underground part of the pillars gas burner or with a blowtorch, or you can treat the entire pillar with an antiseptic to protect it from rotting;
  • Place a pole along a plumb line, fill the hole with crushed stone and compact it;
  • the base must be filled with liquid cement mortar and sand. The stronger the solution, the faster you can start installing the gate.

Assembling gate leaves

Swing gates include two doors and a gate, which needs to be placed on the side of the doors or be one of its parts. Depending on your project and dimensions, you need to make a frame.

To assemble the frame of the doors, you need to cut pieces of timber of the required length with a jigsaw. The wooden quadrangular frame is fastened with wooden nails by drilling holes in the ends of the beams into which the treated dowels are inserted.

When the frame frame is ready, use galvanized screws to attach the jumpers that are located horizontal or diagonal.

How to make a wooden frame for a gate

To assemble a gate with your own hands, you must first assemble its base. First, install the frame, then cover it with slats, which will create rigid triangular platforms that are needed to counteract the wicket's sagging and deformation.

The bars are laid out throughout flat surface, further markings are being made. Cut to the correct length that matches the length of the gate and check the frame for placement. We connect all parts of the wooden frame; they will be fixed using slats. If there are burrs or uneven surfaces on a wooden panel, they can be corrected with a plane.

Features of the wicket covering

The gate can be made solid or lattice. If you want a solid one, then wooden boards with slats are placed on the frame, then cutting lines are drawn. If the gate has a semicircular shape at the top, you can use a compass to make marks.

And to make a lattice wooden gate, each strip is cut individually using a ruler or tape measure. Cuts must be made as smooth and clear as possible. And in order to assemble all the structural elements at the end, it is advisable to take special wood screws.

Features of installation of fasteners and valves

The last stage of our work is the installation of fasteners and valves. So, the canopies need to be attached directly to the frame.

Check that the gate can close securely. If it opens on its own, it means something was done wrong. Fix the problem and you can install door latches and hinges.

To fasten gates and wickets, it is best to use factory fittings made from stainless steel or anodized.

To attach a gate to a brick post, you need to leave two hinges on the outside during its manufacture. And the overhead part of the hinge must be attached to the horizontal crossbars on gates or gates using bolts.

To attach a wicket or gate to a post made of metal, asbestos cement or concrete, you need to use a suspension unit from a hook, clamp and nuts. To hang wooden gates with your own hands, you need two such knots.

Gate valves for wooden gates

As a latch for wooden gates, you can use a simple beam, which at one end needs to be inserted into an eye on one post, and at the junction of the leaves you need install two brackets. At the end, the beam must be inserted into the eye of the second post. The gate can be completely closed from the inside using a padlock.

If you want to provide a more rigid connection between the gate leaves or one part with a wicket, then you can take sections of galvanized pipes, but they must be of different diameters so that one can fit into the other:

  • the length of both segments should be equal to 20 cm;
  • the diameter should be approximately three quarters to one;
  • a cut welded into the holder will serve as the handle of the valve;
  • and the clips themselves need to be fixed on the horizontal crossbars using clamps based on steel rods.

If you want to put a lock on the gate, next to the latch handle need to put a loop, you can take the same rod as for the clamp. It is important that the locking shackle can also cover the latch handle.

The valve can also be equipped with a unit that will fix one leaf closed. If the gate is equipped with a frame, the unit is attached to it; if not, then the pipe is driven into the ground and a clamp is attached to it.

To make gates and gates look more attractive, they can be painted. First, they need to be treated with an antiseptic solution, and then coated with external varnish. Best used yacht varnish, having a polyurethane base, it is more durable compared to cheaper analogues. The surface should be covered at least two coats of varnish.

As already mentioned at the beginning of the material, the advantage of wood as a building material is its affordable cost, the speed of manufacturing products based on it, and the minimum number of tools used for processing wood.

Of course, all this makes wood the most common building material used for country projects. construction work. From the photo we can also see the aesthetic side, because wooden gates look very beautiful and attractive.

But along with the obvious advantages, wood has its drawbacks as a building material:

  • short service life of wooden products. Thus, gates and gates made of wood can last no more than 5 years, it all depends on temperature changes and weather conditions;
  • high level fire danger;
  • wooden gates are not too serious an obstacle for thieves who want to get into your property.

Of course, in the photo wooden products are very attractive, but wooden gates will not last long and are not always practical. Everything is at your discretion, and if you are not afraid and want to equip your yard with wooden gates with a gate, you can safely get to work.

Do-it-yourself wooden gates and wickets

For many years, wooden gates have been relevant for cottages, country houses and garages. Today, new materials and designs, methods of processing and decorating lumber have appeared, and automatic drives controlled by remote control are widely used. How to make reliable and durable, practical and easy-to-use wooden gates with your own hands? How to properly prepare, protect and decorate wood - find out about this at the planning stage to avoid mistakes.

Wooden gates

Gate designs using wood

Just a few decades ago, wood was the cheapest and most common material. Its availability and ease of processing made it possible to make fences and entrance structures for anyone with basic skills in working with a saw and a plane. Even now there are gates and fences made of untreated boards, mostly temporary products for the period of construction and landscaping of the site.

Drawing of swing gates made of wood

This use of wood is not economically justified and is far from beautiful. Modern wooden gates are an indicator of good taste, aesthetics, and in many cases, the status of the owner.

Wood is suitable for swing, sliding and up-and-over gate structures. Lamellas for rolled versions are not made of wood due to the low strength of the joints and the web as a whole.

Up-and-over garage doors

Electric swing gates

Lift-and-swivel version with wood paneling

Wooden parts are often used only as sheathing for an iron frame. For sliding garage doors this is best solution, so a wooden frame increases the weight and thickness of the sash.

Sliding gates made of wood with a wicket

How to make wooden gates with your own hands

Making a high-quality and beautiful wooden gate with your own hands for a garage or yard is troublesome, but possible. You need to have minimal knowledge of woodworking, have the appropriate tools, patience and perseverance. It is also necessary to know the principles of calculating gates, methods of their installation, types protective coatings and methods of their application. Reasonable imagination and good artistic taste will be useful.

Selection of material for construction

Valuable wood is rarely used in the manufacture of gates; pine is mainly used. Weather resistance, price, beautiful texture and ease of processing are the main advantages of pine lumber.

The suitable board size for making gates is 100×25 mm, timber for the frame is 80×60 mm. After processing, the net size will be 5–10 mm smaller. When purchasing lumber, you need to understand the degree of drying and its purpose.

Edged joinery board

To make gates from wood, in order to avoid deformation, peeling of the coating, and disruption of appearance, it is better to use edged wood boards. The price of such wood is quite high, so you can dry fresh wood in a garage or utility room. It takes one year for boards 25 mm thick to dry, but be sure to reposition them and ensure good ventilation.

Woodworking tools and equipment

To make a wooden garage door with your own hands, you will need a fairly impressive list of equipment, tools and consumables. Ideally you need to have:

  • jointing machine for processing and shaping workpieces to the desired geometric shape;
  • thickness planer for bringing to one size;
  • miter saw for cutting workpieces to length;
  • grinder or belt grinder (“tank”) with the ability to be mounted on a frame for end processing;
  • surface grinder or orbital sander for cleaning surfaces;
  • compressor for the possibility of painting wood with a spray gun;
  • hand router with a conical or semicircular cutter for processing edges;
  • drill with a set of necessary drills;
  • screwdriver with a set of bits and socket heads;
  • abrasive consumables, fasteners;
  • solvent, impregnate, varnish or paint;
  • level, tape measure, pencil.

Hand tools

This list looks like a small carpentry workshop, but it will allow you to quickly and efficiently process unedged boards. The list can be reduced by replacing some equipment hand tools.

Don't try to plan the workpieces with a hand plane or sawing with a dull hacksaw - you won’t be able to produce a high-quality product “on your knees”. If you do not have a jointing machine, it is better to purchase ready-made planed material (or lining, block house).

Impregnation and painting can be done manually, although appearance it will be worse. In this case, it is better to use a roller rather than a brush, which allows you to apply the product more economically and evenly.

If the gate frame will be made of angle or steel profile pipe, you will need welding equipment and a mounting saw (or a grinder with cutting and sharpening wheels).

An example of high-quality painting of a gate

  1. After measuring the opening, you should carefully draw a sketch of the future wooden gate to scale, respecting the proportions. This will allow you to evaluate the appearance, think about the location of canopies, locks, and decorative fittings.
  2. You should remember about technological gaps (at least 10 mm) for possible expansion and deformation of the structure. The recommended distance from the longitudinal parts of the frame to the edge of the board is about 200 mm; accordingly, canopies will be installed at the same distance.
  3. If the gate height is more than 2 m, an additional middle vein is recommended. With a completely wooden frame, braces are required for strength and stability of the geometry of the structure. For metal frame Instead of braces, it is permissible to use gussets with a leg of at least 150 mm and a thickness of 4 mm.
  4. When sewing the fabric, be sure to leave gaps between the individual boards. Placing them closely, and even more so tightening them with clamps, will lead to deformation and bulging of the canvas (with a smaller radius on the side of the frame) due to the expansion of the boards from moisture.
  5. Placing parts at intervals with deep edge processing can hide errors in the thickness of the boards if they are not processed using a thicknesser. If you need to make the canvas without gaps, you will have to use a tongue-and-groove board or with selected quarters.

Cutting a board with a miter saw

Manufacturing and assembly of gates

The most logical and simple question Making a wooden gate with your own hands for a garage or yard looks like this: measure the opening, assemble a frame to size, sew it up with a board and paint it. But to achieve a beautiful and durable result, the process is much more complicated. Approximate technological instructions look like this:

  1. Using a miter saw, cut the board to length with allowance for finishing.
  2. Mark with an allowance along the width and cut the workpiece.
  3. Process on jointer base surface.
  4. Using a 90º stop, machine the side surface.
  5. On planer finish the workpiece, first bringing the side surfaces to size, and then the back. With a final pass with a minimum allowance, process the base surface again. It is clear that when using ready-made material (the same block house), previous operations are not required.
  6. Cut the pieces to length.
  7. Process the ends of the workpiece (sandpaper using a machine or device according to ISO-6344 - P80). This operation is very important and allows you to achieve a smooth and even surface on the edges of the board. In the future, this will simplify impregnation and painting of the product and significantly increase its service life.
  8. Process and cut the wooden frame parts in the same way. If the frame is iron, make it, maintaining the diagonals and parallelism of the parts.
  9. Lay out the frame parts (metal frame) on a flat surface and arrange the boards in the desired order.
  10. Mark the position of the parts and the locations of future holes (for self-tapping screws, bolts; for fastening fasteners, decorative elements).
  11. Sign the arrangement and numbering of parts. This is usually done from the bottom end, since the inscription will be visible after painting.
  12. Drill holes in the required places.

Working with a spray gun

Impregnation and coloring of wood

To obtain a high-quality painted surface, the service life of which will be at least 5–8 years without additional maintenance, the following sequence of work is recommended:

  1. Treat the surfaces with a grinder (abrasive P120 - P150). If necessary, fill the defects with a special wood putty and rub them in.
  2. Soak up wooden parts impregnate (for example, Vidaron). It is better to do this with a spray gun or an ordinary garden sprayer. Follow the instructions for use - exceeding the concentration of the solution will lead to destruction of the wood structure and its fragility. After drying, treat the wood again, special attention focusing on the ends.
  3. After the impregnant has completely dried, sand the parts again (P150 - P180 sandpaper).
  4. If you plan to varnish, apply stain or a special toner (alcohol or acetone based). Sometimes color is added by burning the wood with a blowtorch; you don’t have to tint it at all. If painting is carried out using products with added toner (such as Pinotex), apply the first layer.
  5. After complete drying, manually and very carefully sand the surfaces with P400 - P600 sandpaper. It is more convenient to use a sanding block (which looks like a dishwasher).
  6. Apply the first coat of varnish (or a second coat of toner), sand again after drying.
  7. Apply the final coat of varnish.
  8. After drying, lay out all the parts (according to the previously signed diagram) and assemble the gate, strictly controlling the dimensions and diagonals.
  9. Install strictly at the level of the gate leaf.

Sanding block

Features of manufacturing sliding gates

Sliding gates for the site and garage are gaining more and more popularity due to the functionality, convenience and ease of electric drive equipment.

Sliding gate diagram

Structurally, such gates are divided into three types, each with its own advantages:

  • with a load on the bottom guide and support rollers on top;
  • moving along the top guide and support rollers at the bottom;
  • console type without upper and lower guides.

Wide sliding sash

To make wooden sliding gates with your own hands, you need to meet certain conditions and dimensions.

The gate leaf itself is usually a rigid frame made of a corner, channel or profile pipe, covered with wood.

Required measurements for sliding gates

Fittings and carvings - stylish decorations

In antique-style wooden gates, the fittings play not only a functional, but also a decorative role. Iron and copper strips, bolts and nails with large heads, forged elements, handles. Everything depends only on the author’s imagination.

You can make many decorations and elements yourself. For example, swept awnings can be made like this:

  1. Weld a steel strip (approximately 400x100x6 mm in size) to the top of an ordinary cylindrical hinge.
  2. Then heat the strip (with a cutter or in an oven) and hammer it on a flat surface. In this case, the side adjacent to the wooden plane will remain flat, and the front will have the appearance of a forged product.
  3. Using a grinder and a sharpener, process the side surfaces, giving the canopy its original shape.

Antique gates with original fittings

Wooden gates decorated with carvings, sculptures, and bas-reliefs look rich and elegant. For these purposes, pine is not the best material due to its heterogeneous structure (annual rings, which look like veins in a board spread along the length, are much harder than the rest of the material). Therefore, linden, a homogeneous and easy-to-work wood, is often used for carving.

It is almost impossible to decorate a gate with carvings yourself without the appropriate skills and tools. If desired, you can order carved elements from specialized workshops and decorate the doors yourself. It should be remembered that the durability and service life of such products is much less than that of a smooth board.

Gates with forged parts

Examples of beautiful and original gates

Everyone wants the exterior of their house, garage and plot to be harmonious and unique. Installing wooden gates perfectly meets these requirements. Various styles and appearance, reliability and durability, the ability to combine with the fencing of the site, organic integration into the landscape - all the advantages cannot be counted.

Before making a gate, you should look and evaluate ready-made solutions, this will allow you to decide on the design and appearance.

The main decision you need to make is to turn to specialists or believe in own strength and make yard or garage doors made of wood with your own hands. Think carefully about what is more important – economy or quality.

Wooden gates for a private house, summer cottage must not only fulfill protective functions, but also to be practical, simple to construct, and aesthetically attractive. Wooden gates fully meet these criteria. They can be used to decorate the entrance to private properties and industrial buildings.

The popularity of natural wood for gate construction is explained by its many advantages:

  • accessibility. Wood products are raw materials created by nature. It does not need to be manufactured, only further processed (cut, polished), so it costs less than metal products;
  • wide assortment range. Wood happens different varieties, differing in color, structure, performance. It is possible to cut raw materials into elements of the required sizes;
  • ease of processing and installation. Basic finishing of wood and installation of structures made from it can be done independently, using minimum quantity tools, equipment;
  • presentable appearance. Wooden panels have a unique natural beauty, but if desired they can be supplemented with various decorative elements(carved, turned parts, openwork inserts made by laser cutting);
  • possibility of combination with other building materials (metal, stone, brick). Wooden gates with forged elements look very original and beautiful.

Wood is considered a short-lived material, but with proper and regular care it can be used for decades. This natural raw material does not rust like metal, but requires regular treatment with special protective compounds. In addition, if the structure is partially damaged, the boards that have become unusable can be easily replaced with new ones.

Structural variety of wooden gates

Decorating the entrance to the site using natural raw materials is possible in several options:

  • double-leaf swing system. Wooden swing gates - two leaves that close to a common one. When to enter private territory located near the roadway, it is more convenient for the doors of the structure to open into the site. This way they will not interfere with the movement of cars on the road and will provide the driver with good review. If the territory has its own driveway, the sections can swing outward. To open the sashes, free space is required, so this system is not suitable for installation in a limited area;
  • sliding sections. These are one or two panels moving along the fence on rollers along guides. Such gates do not require as much space to open as swing gates, but can only be installed on a level fence. The disadvantage of the system is that the guides must be regularly cleaned of accumulated dirt, leaves, and snow inside;
  • lifting mechanism. The basis of such a gate is one section of a size corresponding to the width of the entrance opening. It is opened by lifting it with cords. The canvas is fixed over the opening, securing it to the beam. IN closed its position is fixed using a rail laid on the ground. This design takes up little space, but is quite heavy (a counterweight must be installed to lift the section).

Please note: the choice of wooden gate design is made taking into account the area of ​​the site, the location of the entrance to it, design features fencing, owner preferences. The easiest to manufacture is the swing design, sliding and lifting are more complex, but they can be automated.

Step-by-step instructions for constructing wooden gates

Is it possible to register the entrance to the site yourself? There are basic designs that allow even beginners without carpentry experience to build wooden gates with their own hands.

Drawing up a drawing

Before making wooden gates, you should think about their design, technical aspects. To do this, measurements are made of the entrance opening of the site - the gap between the supports - below, above and in the middle. If these indicators differ, choose the smallest value. When installing a double-leaf structure, subtract 25 mm from this figure and divide the resulting number by 2.

Based on these parameters, a drawing of the gate is made. The optimal height of the product is 1.2-1.8 m. With a distance between the pillars of 3.50 m, the width of the opening will be: 3.50 m – 25 cm = 3.25 m. The width of each section of the double-leaf structure is calculated as follows: 3, 25 m /2 = 1.625 m. After determining the dimensions of the structure, it is schematically depicted on paper indicating all dimensions.

Next, we begin to choose the design of the product. You can decorate wooden gates in an antique style or create modern design with forging elements, inserts made of corrugated sheets and glass. The appearance of the product is selected to match the style of the architectural ensemble of the site and its fencing.

Preparing tools

Manufacturing wooden gates is impossible without the appropriate tools:

  • roulette;
  • winkel (square);
  • meter level;
  • marking pencil;
  • drills with various drill attachments for working with wood;
  • hacksaws;
  • screwdriver;
  • fittings (hinges, latches, screws);
  • shovels.

Installation of supports

Before you make a gate on your local property or in your country house, you need to install a support for it. It could be:

  • metal;
  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • wooden.

Tip: posts made of natural raw materials are best suited to wooden gates.

Before installation, wooden supports must be protected from insects and the harmful effects of moisture. To do this, they are impregnated with special protective compounds. To prevent the end of the post, which will be buried in the ground, from absorbing moisture from the soil, it must first be tarred. If the gate is light, the supports can be driven into the ground; if it is heavy, for example, a wooden gate with forging, it is better to concrete it.

Attention: concreting of supports is not carried out on heaving soil. In this case, it is better to strengthen the pillars with reinforcement.

The optimal depth for the supports is 1-1.5 m (depending on the weight of the wooden sections). Using a shovel, dig a hole, at the bottom of which a layer of sand is compacted. Then a pillar is inserted, crushed stone is poured around it and poured cement-sand mortar(proportionality 1:2). The levelness of the installation of the supports is checked with a level.

Please note: if the pillars are not positioned strictly vertically, installation of the canvases will become more complicated and they will turn out crooked.

Formation of the gate leaf

Sections for decorating the entrance to the site are made according to the chosen design. First, the frame of the future product is built - a rectangular frame. It is formed from pieces of timber, connecting them at the ends. Strengthen the structure with diagonal, horizontal, z-shaped jumpers, fixing them with self-tapping screws.

The base of the doors is assembled on the ground - it’s more convenient. Then it is sheathed with boards, bars, and picket fences. The frame is filled vertically, horizontally, in any order - all wooden parts are secured with self-tapping screws. Gate sections are constructed as:

  • continuous fabric without gaps;
  • decorative lattice.

Tip: so that when cladding the doors with latticework, the gaps between the boards are the same, you can make a template from fiberboard and slats. Its width should be similar to the size of the clearance.

Installation of sections

Hanging of gate leaves is carried out only after the pouring of the pillars has completely hardened. Before installation, they are fastened at the top with a common beam - this will prevent the panels from sagging and skewing. It is most convenient to fasten the swing structure on hinges. In this case, a small gap will remain between the post and the door leaf, which is necessary to maintain the functioning of the gate in case of possible displacement over time. After hanging the curtains, the structure is equipped with a valve.

Recommendation: installation of canvases is hard physical work that one person cannot handle. It is better to do it with two or three people. Two people will curtain the structure, and a third person will check the evenness of its installation with a level.

Ways to improve the performance characteristics of wood

In order for wooden gates to serve for many years and not lose their appearance, they must be treated with special compounds. To protect against insects and prevent rotting, impregnations are used, which are applied in several layers, paying special attention to saw cuts, end elements, and joints. Varnish is used as a finishing coating (colorless or with a certain shade, glossy/matte).

Beautiful wooden gates, built with your own hands - protecting the site and decorating it at the same time. The material is inexpensive, pliable to work with, and allows you to create an environmentally friendly fence that will highlight the architectural ensemble of buildings located on the territory and harmoniously complement the surrounding landscape.

Do-it-yourself wooden gates are not only excellent protection for your site, but also an element decorative design. Such a malleable and inexpensive material as wood is perfect for creating swing gates yourself, which will become a harmonious addition to the entire fence.

Typically, expensive valuable wood is not used to make gates; it is successfully replaced by larch, which is resistant to rot and moisture. In this case, the gate frame can also be made of wood or replaced with a more durable metal one, because despite all the advantages of wood, it has a number of disadvantages:

  • service life is not long;
  • mechanical strength – insufficient;
  • flammability is high.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to make high-quality wooden gates with your own hands, taking into account all negative qualities material.

Video - DIY wooden gates, design options

We will prepare everything you need to make the gate

Let's consider what materials and tools will be needed to make swing gates with a wicket, which will be installed on wooden support posts.

Before purchasing lumber, you should decide on the height of the gate (at least 120 cm), the size of the gate and take into account that reliable support posts are buried 1 meter into the ground.

From lumber you will need:

  • slats or picket fence with a cross-section larger than 20x40 mm for cladding the frame;
  • bars with a cross-section of at least 40x40 mm for the manufacture of a wicket frame;
  • a round or square beam with a diameter or edge width of at least 100 mm for gate supports (it is better to choose oak beams, as they are the most durable).

For wood processing must be purchased in advance blowtorch for treating the recessed part of the pillars, a brush and an antiseptic solution for impregnating all wooden elements.

A number of the following will also be useful: tools for wood processing, assembly and installation of gates:

  • jigsaw or wood saw;
  • plane (if the lumber requires processing);
  • screwdriver or screwdriver, self-tapping screws;
  • drill;
  • a rasp to prevent the appearance of splinters at the ends;
  • garden auger (Ø30 cm), crowbar and plumb lines to dig holes for support posts;
  • container for mixing concrete and dry components for the mixture (cement, crushed stone and sand);
  • pencil, tape measure, level, square.

From metal elements you will need:

  • latch, hinges for gate;
  • two gate canopies;
  • loops for a padlock (if necessary, for locking the gate from the outside).

Curly loop - arrow

Calculations and project

Before installing the supports, take all measurements on the ground, determining not only the height, but also the length of the gate (each leaf), the distance between the supports and the location of the gate. Draw on paper a diagram of the future gate indicating all dimensions.

We install supports for swing gates with our own hands

Pay attention! If you want the gate to stand for more than a dozen years, then replace wooden supports concrete, brick or metal.

Before installation, wooden poles must be impregnated with an antiseptic to extend their service life. Additionally, the underground part of the pillars can be treated with bitumen mastic or resin.

Don't forget to prepare the area for installing the gate by removing large stones, loosening hard clods of soil and leveling the ground as much as possible. If necessary, mark the location of the supports on the ground using a cord stretched between the pegs.

To securely secure the supports, it is necessary to drill holes 1 to 1.5 meters deep. The distance between the posts should be slightly greater than the length of the gate leaves. We pour a layer of sand at the bottom of each hole, pour it with water and tamp it. We install poles in the holes - they must rise above the ground exactly to the same height (correctness is checked with a hydraulic level and a tensioned cord). We check the verticality of the supports with a plumb line. We produce backfill a layer of crushed stone and pour the prepared concrete solution into the hole (sand - 2 parts, cement - 1 part).

Pay attention! It is impossible to cope with such difficult work alone. Invite helpers to simultaneously hold the pillars vertically and carry out concreting.

The gate leaves can only be hung after the concrete has completely dried.

Assembling gate leaves and wicket

Swing gates consist of one or two leaves and a wicket, which can be located on the side of the gate leaves or be part of one of the leaves. In accordance with the developed plan and personal wishes for the size of the gate, the frame should be made.

For the frame of the sashes you will need to cut out pieces of timber with a jigsaw required length. The wooden quadrangular frame should be fastened with wooden dowels, drilling holes in the ends of the beams and inserting dowels treated with epoxy glue. When the frame frame is ready, it is necessary to secure it with self-tapping screws (galvanized) wooden blocks- jumpers that will strengthen the structure. The jumper can be placed diagonally (in the form of the letter “z”) or you can use horizontal jumper in the center of the frame, adding “jibs” at the top and bottom.

For convenience, the frame is assembled on the ground, after which the sheathing is carried out.

DIY wooden gate cladding

The frame of a wooden gate can be covered using slats, boards or a picket fence. All wooden elements fastened with self-tapping screws. There are plenty of mounting options. For example, you can sheathe the gate frame with a picket fence, placing it vertically, without gaps.

Another cladding option is to fasten the boards diagonally with a gap. In this case, the boards are attached on both sides of the frame with a small gap so that visually the structure becomes similar to a decorative lattice. To ensure that the distance between the boards is the same, it is worth using a template, the thickness of which depends on the size of the planned clearance.

Your imagination and desire to work on the beauty of the gate will tell you how to attach the trim.

Installation of gate leaves

The sheathed gate leaves only need to be hung on the supports. In this case, the distance from the soil to the lower edge of the valves should be more than 5 centimeters. Otherwise, snow cover or ice crust will prevent the gate from opening and closing.

We take the lancet hinges and firmly screw them with self-tapping screws to the support posts and swing doors of the wooden gates. Pay attention to the adjustment. It is advisable that in calm weather the gates do not swing open or close by themselves. For convenience, use a level to help you hang the doors correctly.

All that remains is to attach the latch, the hinges for the bolt and varnish the beautiful result of the work.

Video - DIY wooden gates
