How and with what to properly paint slate on a roof. Recommendations on technologies and paints for painting flat and wave slate for roofing

Slate painting. The article describes a method for preparing old slate for painting.

Many owners of private houses, especially those built in Soviet times, have slate on their roofs. Indeed, slate is very durable and quality material, which lasts 50 years or more if it is well laid. The only thing that spoils it appearance This is perennial dirt and mold. Moreover, the slate itself is in quite good condition and can still serve. Don't dismantle it because of dirt. To solve the problem, there is a good solution - repairing and painting the slate. And we will tell you how to do this in the article.

Very often, instead of replacing old roofing material, people prefer to renew it. It would seem that this is certainly more profitable from a material point of view and less hassle. But, however, often repainted old slate After winter it starts to peel off. Why is this happening?

Painting slate, what is needed for this?

Simply covering the slate with paint is not enough. To ensure that the applied paint does not begin to peel off the slate, it must be prepared. The process of preparing slate for painting will not require less effort than changing roofing material, but cheaper. It is quite difficult to properly prepare slate for painting without removing it from the roof.

It is of great importance and quality paint for slate, reviews about which can be found from neighbors who have done similar repairs, or it’s even easier to read on the Internet. Let's briefly say that the paint must be frost-resistant, not crack, and it is advisable to be environmentally friendly. Read the instructions on the can and don’t buy too cheap paint, it will peel off in three months.

  • The first stage of preparation is to clean the slate from old plaque that has formed on the slate. You can clean old slate mechanically using sandpaper.
  • After the slate has been cleaned, it must be treated with an antifungal primer. After the primer has dried, the slate is covered with liquid cement.
  • Dilute dry cement in water. The resulting solution should be no thicker than, for example, drinking yogurt. Cover the slate with the mixture using a brush. Do not use a roller for this job. After the solution has completely dried, prime the slate again.
  • For the final stage of preparation, use concrete contact façade primer. Then, after the primer has dried, the slate can be painted. Only old slate prepared in this way and painted will not peel off for at least seven years.

Successful repairs and a beautiful roof!

Whatever one may say, but correct painting anything is ensured by two things - the right choice coloring agent and, of course, thorough adherence to the technology of its application. No exception in this regard is roofing material such as slate - when the right approach to the point, you can enhance its aesthetic characteristics for a long time, and this can be done with the help various materials. In this article, together with the website, we will deal with the question of how to paint slate - we will study the materials used for this purpose and become familiar with the technology of painting it directly.

How to paint slate on a roof photo

How to paint slate: why you need to do it

There are not so many reasons that motivate a person to paint, and in most cases it is the desire to get a decent-looking roof with high aesthetic characteristics. At least, this is what an ordinary person who wants to reduce manufacturing or home costs thinks. In fact, painting slate also has other goals - with the help of this process you can achieve a significant increase in operational parameters and a host of other technical characteristics given roofing material.

You can also note such a fact as reducing emissions of toxic substances into the environment - it’s no secret that the asbestos contained in this roofing is not at all beneficial for humans and all living things. In general, painting slate is not only possible, but also necessary - many modern manufacturers of this material even offer painted slate with improved characteristics. But, as they say, why pay more if painting slate can be done quite easily with your own hands? The main thing is to know what to do it with and how to do it correctly.

How to paint slate on a roof: materials

In most cases, acrylic or enamel is used to paint slate. These are special paints developed exclusively for slate. They are able not only to give this roofing material some shade, but also to strengthen it, reliably sealing every pore and microcrack formed during operation. What exactly should you choose for painting slate? Enamel or acrylic paint? By and large, both options cope perfectly with the tasks assigned to them - both acrylic compositions, and the enamel forms a thin layer after drying on the slate surface protective film, which is reliable protection.

There is a third option for solving the issue of painting slate - these are modern polymer compositions, which today can be called universal. They withstand almost any operating conditions perfectly - they work polymer paints on a double principle. They are also glue - they penetrate deeply into the pores and cracks of the slate and at the same time stick to its surface. In this way it is formed reliable coverage, which in its characteristics is not much inferior to the protective polymers used to protect metal during the production of corrugated sheets or metal tiles.

What paint to paint slate and application technology

Before you start learning how to paint slate, the first thing to note is that it is best to apply paint to new roof covering– protection made from the very beginning is the most best protection. In principle, you can apply paint to old slate, but to do this you will have to thoroughly clean it of all kinds of contaminants, including moss and lichen. Little of, surface layer the old slate needs to be cut off, as it were, since it, as a rule, represents the main problem in the process of painting slate - this can be done with a metal brush or a soft roller mounted on.

In general, painting slate with your own hands can be presented in the form of the following sequence of actions.

In principle, painting slate is not a difficult task, and the most important thing here is to fully comply with the requirements of paint manufacturers. As a rule, the entire technology for applying a particular coloring composition can be found on its packaging.

And in conclusion to the topic of how and with what to paint slate, I will say a few words about the manufacturers of such coloring compositions - there are quite a lot of them, and it is quite difficult to make a choice here. The only one the right decision in such a situation, it will be to trust the reputation of the manufacturer. VGT slate enamel has proven to work well - it is a weather-resistant paint with antiseptic additives. A good choice would be acrylic paint "Shikril". Alternatively, you can use another paint - the main thing is don’t buy too cheap and everything will be fine!

Although various options There are a lot of materials that can be used to decorate a roof; slate is still in great demand due to the combination of low price, relative ease of working with it and durability.

This roofing material has only one drawback - an unpresentable and dull appearance, spoiling the entire impression of the building. But this is easy to fix; it will help to make such a roof beautiful slate paint.

Description and features

Paint intended for work related to roofing, in addition to aesthetic qualities, must cope with many factors - temperature changes, changes in seasons, different types precipitation, scorching sun rays, high humidity or dryness in the air, that is, it should practically be universal clothing for the roof, suitable for all seasons at the same time.

Therefore, replace special paints originally intended for roofing with simple oil or some other enamel, since they do not have the necessary qualities.

Main important qualities, characteristic of roofing paints for slate work, are:

  • increased water-repellent qualities;
  • increased durability of color pigments before fading due to weather conditions;
  • good adhesion of coloring compounds to asbestos cement, from which slate is made;
  • active biological protection of the roof, that is, additional content of antiseptics that prevents the growth of moss, lichens, mold, and so on on the roof;
  • preventing the release of “spray” or “crumbs” from asbestos, which inevitably form over time on unprotected roofs made of this material.

Not a single “simple” paint has a similar set of properties, so there is not the slightest sense in using any of them instead of a special roofing paint. Roof, painted simple colors it will just change color and then only for a short time, usually only for one, maximum two seasons.

Types of slate paint

Now in stores you can buy slate paint the following varieties:

1. Water dispenser or acrylic

Acrylic paint for slate- this is actually a combination of a primer and color pigments, this type of coating dries very quickly, reliably protects the roof from moisture, from harmful biological activity and significantly increases its sliding properties - that is, precipitation will not accumulate and will fall down, including snow.

2. Roofing based on plastic (silicone)

Roofing paint on slate produced on the basis of liquid plastic components actually provides additional coverage for the roof, covering it from the outside with a thin “plastic” layer.

Such paint significantly increases all the properties of the material, completely eliminating the possibility of penetration not only of moisture, but also of fungus, mold, various spores or anything else.The service life of a roof treated with this material is almost eternal, and the color of the coating pigments does not fade even after a quarter of a century.

3. Enamels on slate

The simplest and not the most practical proposal among those intended for roofing. But this type The paint has good binding tenacity with concrete asbestos, good water-repellent properties and keeps the color unchanged for a long time.

These painting materials are well suited for covering roofs, color design which there is a desire or need to change, for example, for gazebos, awnings, a barbecue area, a doghouse or for the roofs of other similar objects.

Technically, enamels can withstand several seasons well in climates with changing weather and temperature regime, on each of the cans it is described in detail how long the protective layer of this paint will last under certain conditions.

The main advantage of this type is a very affordable price and a wide selection of color shades.

4. Rubberized

Rubberized or rubber paint for slate– an option “for centuries”. Main distinguishing feature“rubber bands” - its ability to expand and contract without the appearance of microcracks an unlimited number of times.

In fact, these are “rubber boots” for the roof, that is, this material is not afraid of anything - neither temperature changes, nor precipitation of any type, nor dry heat, nor natural mechanical impact - that is, hail strikes, the claws of birds or squirrels, and so on.

In addition, the “gum” is fire-resistant, that is, the material practically does not burn, without applying certain efforts to this process.

Regarding color retention this material is also a leader, the absolute resistance to wear extends to the brightness of the color pigments. In addition, this type of paint is completely environmentally friendly and does not pose a threat to the health of people or animals.

Features of applying paint for slate

When using paint for roofs, there are nuances that each variety has its own and are described in detail on the cans of paint material.

General points include, first of all, preparing the roof for painting. The easiest way to work is with new, freshly laid roofs; they do not require any special preparation.

In the event that the roof has stood “unprotected” for some time, a number of simple actions will be required:

  • carefully examine the roof for cracks, worn areas, mold, moss and other similar issues;
  • special attention should be paid when inspecting roof slopes facing north; usually moss or lichen “settles” there; literally every centimeter must be carefully checked;
  • all types of biological colonies must be removed; this is easy to do with simple metal brushes; removal can be done either manually or using a brush attachment for a drill;
  • The roof must be cleaned carefully, without damaging its covering;
  • after removing the “living creatures,” you need to wash the roof with disinfectants that kill biological activity; it is ideal to use car washers or technical steam cleaners;
  • After the roof has dried, you should check it again for damage and, if any, repair sections of the roof.

If there was mold, lichen or moss on the roof, the surface must be treated with antifungal and antilichen roofing impregnations.

At the same time, the roof not only increases the consumption of paint material, which, of course, is not unimportant; the coating without the applied one will be uneven - in some places it will be brighter, in others it will be paler, that is, it will “be stained.”

Therefore, priming cannot be neglected; moreover, old roof must be processed two or three times. The paint package itself will help you choose the optimal primer mixture - each of them indicates which type of primer is most optimal for your application. preliminary work exactly for this one.

As for the painting process itself, there are a number of rules common to all types of these paints:

  • It is best to paint at an average temperature of 14 to 17 degrees Celsius;
  • It is better to work in cloudy but not rainy weather;
  • you can apply the paint itself the old-fashioned way, that is, manually with a brush, or use any spraying devices;
  • the process of applying paint material is carried out in two layers;
  • the first layer needs to be dried, it makes sense to double the drying time indicated on the packaging, since manufacturers indicate data obtained under ideal “artificial” conditions, without taking into account weather, humidity and other factors;
  • After the first layer has dried, the final, second coat of paint should be applied.

Painted roof, with proper preparation and painting in favorable weather, it will serve for a very long time, not only reliably protecting it from rain, snow and heat, but also delighting with the brightness of the chosen color.

Price and reviews

Slate paint price depends not only on its variety, but also on the manufacturer. Many people prefer to trust their roofing to products from Europe, which has no practical basis.

According to reviews that can easily be found on construction portals and forums, in online stores selling paints, directly under the lots, and, of course, in groups social networks, where people share their experiences and give each other advice, the best imported paints are those produced in Germany and Finland.

Many note versatility Finnish paints, the possibility of their use both for slate and galvanized sheets, and even. The price of roofing paints imported from Germany averages from 270 to 390 rubles per kilogram. Finnish ones are somewhat cheaper, their cost varies from 169 to 345 rubles per kilogram.

Very good feedback at Slate paints "Shikril"- it is characterized as universal, quickly drying and lays down evenly, however, it is noted for its high density and density, respectively, high consumption - from 270 to 355 grams per square meter.

Price criterion for domestic paints produced for roofing works, varies from 37 to 183 rubles per kilogram, and many who have used both Russian and imported paints note the high quality of our enamels, excellent color scheme and full compliance with the requirements for roofing paints.

5.00/5 (1 ratings)

The simplest slate ( gray) after painting it in a different color suitable for your roof, it looks completely different.

The latest technology makes it possible to repaint gray slate sheets and transform the roof of your home, making it bright and attractive.

How to paint a slate roof?

First, let’s ask ourselves the question, why do you need to paint a slate roof? Slate is a very durable roofing material and it has proven this with its durability and endurance for decades. But as soon as you look at the monochromatic gloomy gray roof, the question of painting it immediately comes to the fore.

Painting slate not only gives it beautiful view but also protects the surface of the material from exposure to it environment, thereby reducing moisture penetration and increasing frost resistance.

From this we can conclude that painting slate increases its service life by even more for a long time and gives it a beautiful and natural look.

Now let's look at how you can paint a slate roof. There are three types of paints for painting this roofing material:

  1. “liquid rubber” acrylic;
  2. quick-drying;
  3. "liquid plastic"

Liquid plastic is one of the least suitable paints for this type of roofing material. Since it has low weather resistance compared to the other two types. This paint gives off a characteristic and rather unpleasant odor.

Fast drying paint has excellent decorative properties and also has strong resistance to impact sun rays and weather phenomena. The paint has a low consumption depending on the shade you need - only 100 to 150 grams per square meter. The paint retains its properties on the coating for about five years.

Acrylic paint has the longest durability of any type of paint, plus it is cleaner and less harmful product. This paint forms a water-repellent surface on the slate surface, which retains its properties for more than ten years (of course, when applied correctly).

Thanks to its slippery surface, which is formed after paint treatment, snow flies off the roof faster, thereby reducing the load on the roof sheathing and its rafters. This is one of the important points, since slate is a very heavy roofing material.

The consumption of this paint is twice as much as that of quick-drying paint and is about 300 grams per square meter.

Preparing slate for painting

It is absolutely possible to paint even the slate that is already on your roof. If such a roof was installed quite a long time ago, then we can say with 100% certainty that moss has formed on it, especially on the north side of the house.

Naturally, you cannot immediately apply paint to such slate. First you need to remove all dirt and the moss itself. And this can be done in several ways:

Mechanical method. Using iron brushes to remove moss from the slate surface. To facilitate this work, the slate is moistened with water. This method is the most labor-intensive and least effective in its application.

You can use a drill with a special iron brush for this method, but without using water.

The best way to remove moss from a roof is to remove washing machine(ordinary household ones). Using strong water pressure, moss and others natural phenomena as if they were cut from the surface of the roof. After cleaning using this method, the slate needs to dry. The next step will be to inspect the slate and replace damaged sheets with new ones.

After removing natural contaminants from the roof, the slate needs to be treated chemical composition, which helps protect it from fungus and mold. This composition is applied as manually, and by spraying method. Remember to take precautions when working with substances that are harmful to health. Use a respirator and protective clothing.

Next you need to prime the surface of the slate. Priming the surface will not only provide it with good adhesion for paint, but will also extend its service life. The primer will also help you reduce paint consumption, since slate absorbs any paint like a sponge.

Choose a primer that matches the paint you are going to use on your roof. Carefully apply the primer to the surface, without missing a single place, this will help ensure that the slate paint is evenly applied to the surface of the entire sheet.

If you are just planning to cover the roof with slate and do not want to spend money on a ready-made painted one, then the same painting steps can be performed with new sheets of your roof - it will be even easier and more convenient than doing all this at height.

Painting slate on the roof

Experts recommend painting the roof in spring time. The most favorable temperature for painting a slate roof is from 15°C to 25°C (despite the fact that manufacturers allow painting from 5°C to 30°C).

For the most proper drying of paint on slate sheets, the best weather is cloudy.

Painting can be done with the most common brushes for painting walls and other types of work. Although this method not ideal, as it often leaves stains and streaks on the slate, and also takes a very long time to complete.

If you have covered your roof flat slate, then use a roller. The roller will better distribute the paint over the surface with an equal layer and without streaks. Due to the thickness of the paint, it is unlikely to be possible to use spray compressors. They will simply clog you.

There is a special machine designed for airless painting, but you should not buy it for everyday use, since it is very expensive and will probably not be useful to you in the future, unless of course you are going to work in this direction.

Therefore, to paint the roof it is better to use the first two tools or hire workers with special equipment.

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Not so long ago, painting slate on a roof was an extremely rare occurrence, and it was done oil paint, which was associated with the fragility of the coating. Nowadays, painting this roofing material is commonplace, since the durability of modern painting compositions is disproportionately higher.

Of course, in order for the painting to turn out to be of really high quality, it is necessary to follow a certain technology and choose the right one paintwork. Next we will look at all these nuances.

How to paint slate

First of all, let’s figure out how to paint the slate on the roof. You can often hear that painting slate and other asbestos-cement materials is extremely short-lived. Skeptics claim that the paint layer begins to crumble after the first winter, so it is better not to bother with this procedure at all.

In fact, everything depends on the choice of paintwork and compliance with technological requirements. Even in a year it will lose its attractiveness.

Today, deciding what to paint a slate roof with is not difficult. Special coloring compositions for coating asbestos-cement materials are produced by both foreign and domestic manufacturers. They are made on silicone or acrylic base, which ensures high reliability of the coating.

Among the most common paint coatings on the market for these purposes, the following brands can be distinguished:

  • Triora- this is domestic slate paint made on acrylic base. This composition has excellent performance properties, including moisture resistance and light fastness. The paint is applied to the primed surface in two layers.

Initially, the composition is white, however, with the help of tints, you can give the coating almost any color and shade. Another advantage of this paint is its low price.

  • KO-slate– this composition includes a mixture of silicone-based dyes and fillers. It has good adhesion, excellent decorative properties and resistance to mechanical stress.
  • Kilpi from Tikkurila– paint for slate roofs, made with a modified acrylate dispersion. This is quite an expensive coating, but the high cost is justified high quality. The coating does not lose its elasticity even at very low temperatures environment.

When choosing paint, keep in mind that they differ not only in properties and composition, but also in consumption. Therefore, low cost does not mean savings.

It must be said that all these types of paints are intended for application exclusively to asbestos-cement surfaces.

However, on the roof there are often all kinds of metal constructions, This:

  • Roof ridges;
  • Visors;
  • Chimneys;
  • Fencing, etc.

Therefore, in addition to paint for slate, you should prepare compositions for it in advance. metal surfaces. For example, fire-retardant metal paints Polistil are suitable for chimneys.

Paint for metal surfaces – Zinga

With corrosion protection for skates and others metal elements Zinga conductive paint can do the job. Moreover, it provides not only passive (barrier) protection, as regular paint, but also active (cathode).

Painting a slate roof

Of course, you can involve specialists in performing this operation. However, before you make a decision, you should ask how much does it cost to paint a slate roof? It is quite possible that after receiving the answer, you will decide to do it yourself, besides, this process is not particularly labor-intensive and does not require experience.


Like any other surface, before painting a slate roof, it must be carefully prepared for this. If the slate has been in use for several years, then work should begin by cleaning the surface from dirt. For this you can use regular metal brushes or grinding machine with the appropriate nozzle.

Advice! Special attention Pay attention to the northern slopes, where moss may form. All this vegetation also needs to be removed.

In the photo - preparing slate for painting

After cleaning, the roof should be checked for integrity.

If small cracks or breaks are found, they must be sealed with a special mixture, which you can prepare yourself from the following components:

  • PVA glue;
  • Fluffed asbestos;
  • Cement.

The next step before painting the slate roof is to remove dust and debris that may have formed during previous manipulations. To do this, you can use water, the only thing is that the roof must dry thoroughly afterwards.

Advice! It is advisable to treat the slate before painting antifungal agents, which will extend the life of the paint and the slate itself.


An important stage of work is the application of a primer recommended by the manufacturer of the coloring agent. It is this that ensures good adhesion of paint and slate, which means the durability of the coating. In addition, priming will reduce the consumption of the coloring composition.

You can coat the roof with primer using a roller or a brush. During this procedure, it is extremely important to ensure that there are no untreated areas left.


The final stage of work is the painting itself. For these purposes, you can use a roller and a brush, however, it is much easier and faster to apply the composition using a sprayer.

Advice! It is advisable to start painting the slate after they are finished. Otherwise, you risk staining the painted surface with paint.
