How to paint the ceiling in an apartment. The best way to paint the ceiling - a review of paint and varnish materials How to paint the ceiling in an apartment

A high-quality painted ceiling will decorate any room. But instead of a neat, even surface, painting yourself often results in unsightly stains, smudges and splashes. This happens because not everyone knows how to paint a ceiling with a roller. In fact, there is nothing particularly difficult in such work. You just need to understand the technology of roller painting and use some of the secrets of experienced painters.

Several types of coloring emulsions are used to paint ceilings (their main characteristics are given in the table).

Types of paints Characteristics
Water-based They do not have a strong odor, do not emit toxic substances, and fit well on any surface. In addition, in the future, a ceiling painted with water-based emulsion can be coated with any other paint.
Acrylic Resistant to moisture, easy to apply, easy to clean and excellent color retention.
Latex Less resistant to fading, but they perfectly repel moisture. Well suited for application on embossed wallpaper.
Silicate Developed on the basis of liquid glass and suitable only for painting mineral surfaces (for example, concrete). Polymer materials cannot be coated with such paint.
Silicone Elastic, breathable paints without any pungent odor or harmful fumes.

Despite this variety, the most popular among home craftsmen is the “ordinary” inexpensive water-based emulsion. It is easy to work with it without having much experience in painting.

But experts say that the best option for painting the ceiling would be an acrylic mixture. If you are going to renovate the bathroom, buy more expensive and moisture-resistant latex paint. Whatever you decide on, use the following tips when choosing a color emulsion:

  1. For self-repair It’s better to choose matte paint – it hides surface unevenness and painter’s mistakes.
  2. The emulsion must be fresh. Expired, frozen, peeling paint is not suitable for work.
  3. If possible, paint the ceiling any color you like. light color except white. Paint imperfections are most noticeable on a white surface.


Note! Before work, you should prepare the paint according to the instructions on the can (bucket). Some emulsions need to be diluted with water, others need to be mixed thoroughly with a construction mixer.

The choice of roller is an important point for successful painting.

Do not try to carefully paint over a large and flat surface with a brush. Only a high-quality roller will help you achieve success. So which roller is best to paint the ceiling?

When choosing, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Rod length. In this case, the most convenient tool is 25–40 cm long.
  • Fur coat material. Choose a tool with a fleecy coat. And the rougher your ceiling is processed, the longer the roller pile should be. It will help the emulsion penetrate into all irregularities and evenly cover the surface. Foam rubber and velor rollers are cheaper, but are not suitable for such work. They absorb paint too much, leave smudges and bubbles, and create a lot of splashes.
  • Roller density. Squeeze it with your hand: if the shape remains the same, the tool is good. If the roller becomes deformed, it is too soft and will not be able to rub the emulsion well.
  • A seam in a fur coat. A joint that is too rough will leave streaks on the painted surface.
  • Pile strength. A quality tool will have bristles that stay in place even when you tug at them. If the fibers “come out” of the fabric, then they will remain on the finished coating.

Choose a roller for painting the ceiling with a telescopic handle or purchase a special extension for the regular model. Painting the ceiling with a tool with a short handle is extremely inconvenient, even if you use a stepladder.


Learning to use a roller

Having chosen the main tool, purchase the rest of the equipment:

  • a special plastic tray (trough, tray, cuvette) for working with a roller;
  • wide paint brush;
  • masking tape.

Painting the ceiling with a roller requires some skill. If you have never done this kind of work before, practice on an unnecessary surface. Try your hand at a piece of drywall or a section of wall that will later be covered with wallpaper.

How to paint with a roller:

  1. Pour paint into the tray.
  2. Dip the roller into it.
  3. Roll it along the ribbed side of the tray to squeeze out excess paint from the pile. If this is not done, smudges will form on the ceiling. After good rolling, the surface of the fur coat should be saturated with the emulsion evenly, without dry areas. Doesn't the paint come off the roller by itself? Help her with a brush.
  4. Attach an extension to the tool or extend the telescopic handle.
  5. You can start painting. Press the roller to the surface and move it back and forth along the surface, rubbing the emulsion to prevent smudges from forming.

Important! After painting works Wash the instrument thoroughly. Then it can be used again. If you leave a paint roller for even a few hours, it will be hopelessly damaged.

Painting the ceiling: procedure and basic rules

First of all, the surface needs to be properly prepared for painting:

  1. Clean the ceiling from the old coating.
  2. Fill seams, cracks, potholes.
  3. Level the hardened putty with a trowel mesh and remove any resulting dust.
  4. Cover the walls around the perimeter of the ceiling with masking tape.
  5. Prime the surface. It is convenient to do this with the same roller. But don’t use the same tool for priming and painting!
  6. When the primer is dry, start painting. Before painting the ceiling with a roller, paint all borders, corners, stucco and other hard to reach places using a wide paint brush.
  7. Now take a roller and paint the remaining surface in several layers.

Rules for painting the ceiling:

  • Work during daylight hours and in good lighting.
  • Start painting from the corner furthest from the entrance.
  • Apply the paint in parallel strips, with an overlap of 8–10 cm. You can only paint wet on wet, otherwise noticeable joints will remain.
  • Once you have finished applying the first layer of emulsion, take a break to allow it to dry thoroughly. The exact drying time is indicated on the paint label.
  • Apply each subsequent layer perpendicular to the previous one. This way you will get an evenly colored surface.

Secrets of perfectly even painting from experienced painters

There are tricks to painting the ceiling with a roller. If you don’t know them, even the highest quality materials and tools will not give you desired result. Here are the main secrets of success:

  • The last layer of emulsion is placed in the direction of the window. This way the light will fall along the stripes of paint, and the joints will become invisible.
  • Missed an unpainted area? Do not try to paint over a single defect - you will end up with a spotted ceiling. You need to cover the entire(!) surface with an additional layer of emulsion.
  • To spot poorly painted areas in time, look at the ceiling from different angles. And it’s even more convenient to take an assistant who will look at your work “from the outside.”
  • Don't skimp on primer. Without it, the paint will quickly absorb into the surface, will not adhere well and will soon simply fly off.
  • Paint quickly. Applying one layer of emulsion to the ceiling in a room of 20–30 square meters. m takes up to half an hour. If you try for a long time, the paint will begin to dry under your hands, stick to the pile, and everything will be ruined.

As you can see, painting the ceiling with a roller is not at all difficult. Arm yourself good tool, buy quality paint, use our advice, and success is guaranteed.

Finishing the ceiling is the most difficult stage in home renovation. Although nowadays there are many offers on the construction market in this area, for example, tension and suspended ceilings, PVC ceilings, consumers still prefer painting because of its low cost and the ability to do the repairs themselves.

In our article we will consider in detail all the stages of painting ceilings with your own hands.

The most important thing for a home craftsman to know is that you need to paint the ceiling before finishing the walls and floor, since paint can splash all surfaces. You need to start with choosing materials and tools for work.

The main tools of a painter:

  • dye;
  • paint roller;
  • construction spatula;
  • wide paint brush;
  • overalls and stepladder;
  • container for paint;
  • several narrow brushes;
  • sandpaper.

Before starting work, brushes and rollers should be soaked in water to allow them to soak. Then these tools need to be tested in use - first dry them, then test them on any surface.

You need to choose a roller that suits you for the selected type of paint.

We will talk about the choice of paint a little later, and we will dwell on the roller in more detail. This tool will have to do the bulk of the work, so when purchasing, you need to take its choice seriously. You can see it in the store large assortment rollers; they come in fur, foam rubber, sheepskin, velor, etc.

Experts advise using a tool made of faux fur. Natural sheepskin is too expensive, foam rubber and velor are inconvenient.

So, the tool has been chosen, the room for repairs has been cleared, now we need to prepare the ceiling itself.

Preparing the ceiling surface for painting

Preparing the ceiling for painting involves removing the old finish, leveling its surface and covering it with a primer.

Before painting, the surface of the ceiling must be examined in detail. If you notice cracks or potholes, you need to carefully clear the slab with a spatula down to its very base. Cracks are moistened with water and sealed with putty or plaster mixture. If there are small protrusions, they can be sanded with sandpaper. Measure constantly building level height difference, they should not be more than one centimeter. This is the most tedious stage of repair. It requires a lot of endurance and accuracy, but the future result of painting depends on it.

Ceiling leveling

Once you have leveled the entire ceiling slab, you need to get rid of the dust. Clean the room from dry dust using a vacuum cleaner or broom.

If you want to save on primer and avoid this process, remember - the surface of the slab will take all the moisture from the paint, and it will soon crack. Usually it is written on the paint can which primer is best to use. You can prime the ceiling with one layer. Wait until the primer is completely dry before you can begin painting.

How to paint ceilings with your own hands

Professional painters can tell you subtleties that will be very useful when painting the ceiling correctly. Proper painting of the ceiling requires some skills and dexterity, which can be quickly learned.

  1. Start painting the ceiling from the corners of the room. First, paint the corners farthest from the entrance with a thin brush, then switch to a roller. The first brush stroke is done from yourself, and the subsequent ones - vice versa.
  2. Roll evenly. To avoid smudges, roll the roller in a small amount of paint.
  3. When painting the ceiling with a brush, you need to press evenly on the ceiling to avoid paint dripping from the brush. It is recommended to hold the brush perpendicular to the corner of the surface to be painted. You should end up with a fairly wide stripe that needs to be shaded. Periodically get down from the stepladder and examine the result of your work using a lamp.
  4. Under no circumstances should drafts or strong temperature fluctuations be allowed to occur.
  5. Take good care of your tools while painting the ceiling. Brushes should be washed thoroughly warm water during breaks between work.

Painting ceilings with water-based paint

Choosing paint for the ceiling is a rather difficult process.

Nowadays there is a huge variety of water-based paints. They are popular because affordable price, no odor and good quality painting. Let's consider these types of water-based paints with additives:

  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • latex;
  • silicate;
  • polyvinyl acetate.

If you want to paint ceilings in enclosed spaces (basements, saunas, attics), then you should use silicate paints. Silicate water-based paints contain substances that prevent the appearance of fungi and mold.

Silicone paints can be applied directly to plaster, without using a primer. It is a good choice for bathrooms and kitchens. They are also mildew resistant.

Acrylic paints are an excellent choice for painting ceilings in living spaces and kitchens. They are resistant to soot, smoke, and have good abrasion resistance. These are the most popular paints.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint requires observing certain nuances so that marks from a brush or roller are not visible. It is important to consider the direction of the light flux during painting, and to observe certain time intervals for the paint to dry.

Ceiling spray gun - time saving

If you have a large area to paint or just high ceilings, the application process using rollers and brushes will be very, very labor-intensive. To simplify the work, there is such handy tool, like a spray gun or spray gun.

A hand-held spray gun is a device consisting of a sprayer in the form of a hose, a long container and a pump. Such paint sprayers allow you to paint approximately 200-300 square meters ceiling area for 1 hour of work.

Painting with a hand spray gun

Painting the ceiling with a spray gun will save your time and has several advantages over painting by hand. Let's take a closer look at these benefits:

  • when spraying paint on the ceiling, there are no streaks left;
  • painting speed;
  • almost complete absence of paint contamination of surfaces during repairs;
  • less paint consumption;
  • good coloring of hard-to-reach places.

There are several types of spray guns: electric, manual, airless and pneumatic. The cheapest and easiest to use are, of course, manual paint sprayers.

To choose the right spray gun, you need to pay attention to its body and what material it is made of. The best devices that will serve you for a long time, made of aluminum. If you are going to do repairs only in your apartment, and this is not a permanent job for you, you can limit yourself to purchasing an inexpensive manual or electric spray gun.

Mistakes when painting the ceiling

The most common mistakes made when repairing a ceiling is the desire to save on paint and tools for work. You can’t buy the cheapest paint and the simplest roller and expect a good result.

If you violate the painting technology, stains may appear on the surface of the ceiling. This may occur for the following reasons:

  • initially poor quality of ceiling putty;
  • The first coat of paint was applied unevenly.

Yellowish salt spots on a white background, so-called efflorescence, may appear. They appear due to the presence of mineral salts in the plaster solution.

In these cases, you need to remove the paint layer on the ceiling using sandpaper and paint the surface again. It is recommended to dry the ceiling, apply a special anti-salt solution, which is sold in stores, and apply another coat of paint.

There are times when you can notice poorly painted areas of the ceiling when all the work has already been done. Further painting of these areas is impractical; they need to be redone.

Over time, marks from a roller or brush may appear on the surface of the ceiling. The reason for this phenomenon is that the paint was too thick. This area should be carefully cleaned with pumice or sandpaper and repainted.

So, we can conclude that the process of painting a ceiling is quite simple, but you need to approach it with careful preparation. It is necessary to follow the painting technology in all respects, since all the slightest mistakes and errors are visible on the ceiling.

How to paint the ceiling?

Ceiling painting is still the most popular repair technology. It allows you to quickly, economically and without the involvement of professional labor carry out cosmetic or major repairs. Many people think that they can easily cope with the task, but already at the preliminary stage they encounter problems. The most important of them is the choice of materials. Studying the offered assortment, you don’t immediately understand what to paint the ceilings with, what paints are best to use.

Their diversity is simply amazing. Acrylic, enamel, silicate, silicone, oil, emulsion - these are not all types of materials existing on the market. Moreover, each sample has its own technical features, defining the scope of its application.

Acrylate paints

Conventional water-based bases are gradually fading into the background, giving way to modified samples with greater advantageous characteristics. Modern decor requires new formulations that allow achieving the desired effect in a minimum short terms without loss of quality of work.

Manufacturers took into account the demand and offered unique acrylate paints that contain polymers. This additive made it possible to improve the properties of water-dispersed substances. Simply put, latex or acrylic was added to a regular water emulsion to give it greater plasticity and hiding power. So you can see both acrylic and latex paints on sale.

New water emulsions do not have a strong odor, do not attract dust, and allow air to pass through well, so the ceiling slab “breathes.” Painted surfaces dry much faster, so you can apply a second coat literally after 2 hours.

Fresh stains and splashes can be easily removed with a cloth soaked in water. And the dried layer is resistant to abrasion and ultraviolet radiation. It is more durable, reliable and uniform. Latex paints can be used to cover absolutely any surface - concrete, plaster, wood or metal.

Those types of materials that are used for internal finishing works, are conventionally divided into several types:

  1. Dense.
  2. Vinyl.
  3. Dripless.
  4. Texture.

Scope of application

What is each variety intended for?

Thick latex paints are most often used for ceiling finishing, as they have the thickest consistency. It is better to choose vinyl jars for wall decoration. Texture paints can create a relief pattern. Dripless paints are suitable for painting cracks and irregularities - they do not create drips or streaks. A acrylic materials designed for wood processing. Having a little understanding of this issue, it is easier to understand what is better to paint the ceiling.

Pay attention! Acrylic and latex paints are easy to use and open up wide possibilities for creativity. With their help it is easy to create interesting color iridescent effects. But their scope of application is still different.

Latex paints are more suitable for painting wallpaper. They must be used in areas with high wear requirements. Semi-gloss products are more durable, so they are often chosen for ceiling repairs in the kitchen and in rooms where frequent wet cleaning is expected.

Acrylic paints, along with water and polymers, contain chalk, so even after complete drying, the surface can get dirty. You can't wipe it with a wet cloth. Therefore, experts advise using acrylic paints to repair ceilings in bedrooms, children's rooms and living rooms.

Acrylate paints, which contain both latex and acrylic, combine the advantages of the two previous types. They inherited good resistance from acrylic paints, and plasticity from latex materials. Such paints dry very quickly, do not get dirty, and are perfect for any ceiling base. This is the most durable and unpretentious type of finish that tolerates temperature changes, high humidity thresholds, and direct sunlight.

Over time, such paint does not darken, does not fade in the sun, does not turn yellow, does not crack or fall off on the head. Given such excellent properties, you can use acrylate paints everywhere. But it is necessary to remember that it will be extremely difficult to remove such a layer and make repeated major repairs. The material will “sit” firmly on the ceiling slab, so it will not be possible to scrape it off with a simple spatula.

And two more important disadvantages. Acrylate cannot prevent the formation of mold. And such materials are very expensive compared to analog products.

Silicate paints

Silicate paints - only for dry rooms

When deciding what is the best way to paint the ceiling in an apartment, you must understand that the right choice The material will depend not only on the aesthetics of the finish, but also on its durability. For example, there are rooms with high levels of humidity - bathroom, toilet, kitchen and poorly ventilated balcony. Latex paints are not suitable for finishing ceilings. What is the way out?

In this situation, experts recommend paying attention to silicate materials. They differ in that they contain liquid glass, chalk, talc and special mica, which forms the desired consistency, plasticity and ability to harden. To understand what the technical features of this material are, it is necessary to study its advantages and disadvantages.


Silicate paints are designed for painting plastered surfaces that were previously finished with lime, cement or mineral material.

Pay attention! Before applying a layer of silicate paint, the surface must be treated with a silicate primer.

The described material is characterized by:

  • High air permeability and vapor permeability.
  • High adhesion (adhesion to the painted surface).
  • Good tolerance to temperature changes.
  • Resistant to heat - such paints do not melt.

Silicate paints are durable - their service life is 15-20 years. Mold and other fungi do not grow on their surface. The material is non-toxic and therefore does not pose a threat to human health. The color selection is unlimited.


Enhancing the virtues finishing materials, experts cannot yet prevent their negative aspects. Main disadvantage silicate paints - low elasticity. They cannot be used for finishing rooms with shrinkage. Otherwise, cracks and tears will soon appear on the new repaired surface.

Silicate materials cannot be applied over organic paints. The surface will have to be thoroughly cleaned of the previous finish.

Types and features of the use of silicate materials

There are two types of silicate paints on sale:

  1. Two-component.
  2. Dispersive silicate.

Dispersion silicate options have improved physical and mechanical properties, since they contain special organic substances. They increase the resistance of the material to water.

Two-component samples are sold in double packaging. The iron barrels contain liquid glass and come with bags of dry ingredients. Prepare the mixture immediately before work. Add water and dry mixture to liquid glass (the proportions are indicated on the packaging) and mix everything thoroughly. This paint can only be used within the time strictly specified by the manufacturer.

The mixture can be applied with a brush, roller or spray. It is allowed to apply several layers, but each subsequent one is applied 24 hours after the previous one.

There is no need to pre-prepare the surface, but it must be clean and always dry. Before work, experts recommend thinking about safety in advance, since silicate paints contain alkali. It can provoke inflammation of the eyes and skin, so we paint the ceiling with gloves and put on protective glasses over our eyes.

After painting, silicate paints form a smooth matte surface that can be easily washed with a damp cloth. The best option for use is painting concrete and brick surfaces, where adhesion is most pronounced.

Silicone paints

Facade paint silicone water-dispersion white

Not long ago, silicone paints appeared on sale - water-based solutions containing silicone resins. Compared to acrylic and silicate materials, the new ones cover the surface more densely, and they do not form a dull film. This allows excess moisture to escape freely, which ensures air circulation. And most importantly, it reliably protects the surface ceiling slab from exposure to any aggressive factors.

Silicone paints combine two incompatible characteristics - porosity and water resistance. Therefore, the surface painted with them can “breathe” and repel moisture at the same time. This has never happened before. The new paints have good plasticity. Over time, even if the house shrinks greatly, the finish will not develop microcracks, since the paint will reliably retain its structure.

Consumers have at their disposal a durable hydrophobic material that can last for a long 30 years without loss of quality appearance. Moreover, over time, the paint does not fade and does not lose its shine.

Silicate paints can be applied to any surface, to any old finishing, no matter what basis it has. You can paint the ceiling with silicate paints already on the second day after thorough plastering, without waiting for complete drying. For comparison, acrylic paints in such a situation can only be used after a month. But these are not the only positive aspects of the material.

Other advantages of silicone paints

Silicone paint Baumit SilikonFarbe

  1. Firstly, silicone resins are non-toxic, do not emit toxic odors and are completely harmless to human health. Therefore, such material can be used for interior work even where asthmatics or pregnant women live.
  2. Secondly, high quality material, its durability, strength and reliability minimize the need for repeated repair work.
  3. Thirdly, silicone paints contain antibacterial substances that provide additional protection treated surface from pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. Fourthly, the porous surface eliminates the need for strong tension on the top layer of paint. Therefore, in the event of a fire, the material does not burn or melt, does not crack or crumble. Thanks to silicone, neither dust nor dirt accumulate on the surface. And harmful particles simply roll down, like raindrops from the surface of glass.
  5. Fifthly, the number of layers that can be applied is not limited, so over time you can easily change the boring color. The surface will only need to be repainted without restoration work.

The material has one single drawback - it is very at a high price. But his performance characteristics easily recoup the money spent.

Pay attention! Silicone paints mix well with polymers. Therefore, they can be added to acrylic and latex bases. This “symbiosis” makes it possible to improve the properties of the designated materials and find a more favorable price-quality ratio.

Features of using silicone paints

Where can silicone paints be used? They are often used for finishing reinforced concrete, concrete blocks, cement and gypsum surfaces. They can be used to paint plaster, wood and brick, as well as plasterboard sheets.

When working special measures security is not required. But if the paint gets into your eyes or open area mucous membrane, it must be washed off immediately.

When working with a sprayer, be sure to wear a respirator - inhaling the resulting mist is prohibited. It is also prohibited to pour paint into the public sewer. Dispose of the material as normal household waste or other construction waste.

Oil and enamel paints

Oil and enamel paints are used extremely rarely for ceiling decoration. But before the advent of acrylic and latex materials, they were actively used in the renovation of kitchens and bathrooms.

Why were new materials able to supplant these paints? The answer to this question is given by the technical specifications. What is oil paint? It is a mixture of pigment and binder. This combination made it possible to obtain a smooth, even and durable surface that was easy to care for.

The only drawback that became the decisive factor in oblivion was the persistent specific and poorly weathered smell. He was kept indoors for a long time. It was this that became the main obstacle to the widespread use of oil paints in interior work.

Enamel compositions are based on varnish, pigment and solvents. After complete drying, the enamel forms a durable glossy layer that prevents the surface from breathing. In addition, enamel is very sensitive to mechanical damage - it is easy to scratch and cause chipping. Therefore, this material is also in many ways inferior to the above paints.

Adhesive compositions

Luxorite - acrylic adhesive paint

Adhesive paints are also often used for interior work. They are simple, improved and high quality. The first are intended for painting smooth surfaces, the second and third - for plastered ones. This material creates a non-staining coating that does not tolerate moisture well. But this is not its only drawback. Adhesive paints have low plasticity, so they are used only for interior work.

Glue paint, in fact, is an ordinary chalk solution into which pigment is mixed to give color. You can prepare this paint yourself at home. For 1 kilogram of chalk you will need 35 grams of any pigment, 80 grams of wood glue and approximately 3 liters of water to give the mixture a working thickness.

First, all the dry ingredients are mixed, then water is added to them, but not all at once, but only the amount that will create a solution similar in consistency to sour cream.

Pay attention! Chalk has a natural shade, so the use of color is mandatory. If you need to create a white adhesive paint, you need to add ultramarine or soot ground to a powder state, then the color will acquire a barely noticeable grayish tint. The soot is pre-mixed with a soap solution and then added to the main composition.

Checking the thickness of the adhesive paint is very simple. You need to place a stick in the container where the composition was mixed and see how evenly it colors. In this case, the color should flow in an even, continuous stream. Otherwise, grains of chalk will appear on the ceiling.

Glue is added so that the chalk does not stain. It is not poured in immediately, but in small portions. Don't go overboard with adding glue. Otherwise, after painting, marble-like spots will appear on the ceiling, which will not look very aesthetically pleasing. It is recommended to add starch paste or CMC glue.

Experts advise straining the finished color through an iron sieve, and adding coloring pigments still needs to be done. initial stage preparations. You can use any type except red lead.

Generalization on the topic

As you can see, the range of paints for painting the ceiling inside a living space is very rich. We reviewed the main materials and gave a detailed analysis of them technical characteristics and application features. After carefully reading this information, you can easily navigate and choose the right option.

When finishing the ceiling, we want to receive not only aesthetic pleasure from the result of our work - the quality of the work performed and its durability are no less important.

For everything to work out as it should, knowledge alone of how to paint a ceiling without streaks: drips and unevenness is not enough. No less important components of the painting process are the correctly selected materials, dye and available tools. And, of course, strict adherence to all technological stages.

When deciding whether to paint or whitewash the surface, you should take into account the specifics of the room in which the renovation is planned. From an economic point of view, whitewashing the ceilings is the cheapest and affordable way refresh the room.

However, this option is absolutely unacceptable in the kitchen and bathroom due to high humidity. For such rooms it is better to use water-based paint. The ceiling painted with it can be washed.

The only tools you will have to use during the work process are a brush (for small, hard-to-reach areas) and a roller.

To ensure that the final result of painting pleases you and that the dye applies correctly and evenly, avoid using a tool with a foam rubber base - when working with such a roller, you will get defects in the form of drips formed from excess water-based paint. But whitewashing a room with such a roller is very convenient. For painting, it is better to take a fluffy seamless roller - it will not leave seam marks on the surface of the ceiling.

And one last thing.

Professionals recommend buying dye “with a reserve”, that is, a little more than you plan to use - subsequently choosing the required shade will be very problematic. When all materials and tools have been purchased, you can begin to work.

How to paint the ceiling with your own hands so that it turns out smooth and neat? Experienced professionals recommend adhering to the following tips; their strict adherence is the key to a successful result.

Before you start painting the ceiling, you need to treat its outer surface layer.

If you plan to renovate the kitchen, it is better to first (before working with water-based paint) apply a layer of starting putty, sanding cracks, irregularities and protruding areas. A day after the screed has dried, it is advisable to remove dust. This is done for a more even and durable setting of the coloring composition.

When working with water-based paint, it is better to first paint the ceiling with some kind of primer. This way the dye will not begin to crumble and crumble over time. Compliance with this rule is especially important when finishing the ceiling in the kitchen - under the influence external factors(soot, moisture, increased temperature coming from heating devices) the surface layer is destroyed, and the appearance of the ceiling will lose its attractiveness, no matter what paint you use.

When trying to paint the ceiling yourself, allow time for the primer to harden. If this is not done, then when you try to paint the surface with water-based paint, small grains of sand from the primer will mix with the coloring agent and the surface will lack shine and smoothness.

How to paint the surface correctly, from what angle to start, how to work with a roller: along or across the ceiling? These, at first glance, seeming little things, are not. When applying water-based paint with a roller, it is correct to start from the area located above the door of the room, applying stripes across the primer stripes.

The technology and principle of treating the ceiling with a paint layer is similar to the technique of applying primer: first, use a small brush to paint the corners and places where it is inconvenient to work with a roller, then apply the dye over the entire surface.

How to use a roller professionally

When making renovations, both in the kitchen and in living rooms, you should not use a roller during the painting process that was used for preliminary priming. It's better to buy a new one.

To paint the surface evenly, you can dip it well with paint and let it soak.

This should be done regularly, before applying the next stroke with a roller to the surface of the ceiling. This way the layer of water-based paint will not be too thin, and the coating will become smooth and shiny. You can use a container with a special mesh for squeezing out excess paint.

Do not make the stripes too wide, since it should not begin to dry out before the next one is applied. The marks formed along the edge of the roller movement can be rolled out perpendicular to the direction of painting. And in order to immediately see minor defects and unevenly painted areas, you can ask someone close to you to monitor the process from time to time.

Try to avoid drafts and excess sun - you can ventilate the room no earlier than after 24 hours. This is how long it will take for the ceiling to dry completely.

Finishing suspended ceilings

If you decide to update stretch ceilings or improve their appearance by painting, you should know that only stretch ceilings that do not have connecting seams are treated in this way. Otherwise, the result is unlikely to please you.

For painting, it is preferable to take compositions based on acrylic base, and use a spray bottle when working. Professionals recommend not to carry out this procedure too often, since stretch ceilings increase in weight with each subsequent layer and will sag over time. Therefore, suspended ceiling structures can be painted no more than 4–5 times.

Experienced craftsmen consider it inappropriate to try to paint suspended ceilings on their own, since even a good professional cannot maintain the gloss and luster that they had before being treated with dye. After all, it is this fact that makes them original and stylish. Having lost their former luster and gloss, the tension surfaces attract dust and dirt more strongly, and in addition, it becomes more noticeable.

And finally, when exposed to temperature changes and the use of electric heating devices, suspended ceiling structures “updated” by self-painting will inevitably begin to crack after some time - such a ceiling will no longer look perfectly even and smooth. You can, of course, update it again, but the effect will be short-lived.

If, for some reason, the tension coverings have lost their presentability and need urgent restoration, an excellent alternative to painting would be to partially decorate it using airbrushing (applying ornaments, drawings, etc.). An artificially created, for example, imitation of the sky and clouds looks very stylish and creates a feeling of peace and comfort. Such suspended ceilings will not leave either children or adults indifferent.

Now, knowing in general outline, how to paint the ceiling correctly, what materials to prefer, what they “love” and what they don’t, stretch ceiling structures, you can safely begin to embody your wildest ideas and design solutions. Remember, only a combination of knowledge of painting technology, the ability to choose the right paint, primer compositions and working tools will result in a beautiful, high-quality and reliable finish for your ceilings.

A major renovation of an apartment is not complete without repair work on the ceiling. Read below for step-by-step instructions on how to paint a ceiling quickly and efficiently.

The first thing you need to do is find out what material the ceiling is made of. There are some peculiarities in how to paint a plasterboard ceiling or paint a concrete ceiling area covered with a layer of plaster.

Preliminary diagnostics of the ceiling

Carefully examine the external condition of the ceiling covering before painting the ceiling in the room. Painting will make ceiling defects, unevenness, cracks, chips of old paint or chalk more noticeable. Even the slightest peeling of plaster and swelling threaten to fall to the floor after applying a heavy layer of fresh paint on top, and this will significantly complicate and prolong repair work.

Experienced craftsmen use the light method to preliminary diagnose the condition of ceiling plaster.

To do this, direct a light beam using a conventional table lamp or spotlights along the ceiling and notice all the resulting shadows in order to then eliminate them. You can thoroughly level the ceiling using a wide spatula or a hard grater. This is a really important point in the process of construction and repair work, and especially in the task correct painting ceiling with your own hands to preserve its impeccable appearance for a long time.

Ceiling painting technology

Do-it-yourself whitewashing of the ceiling and baseboards

The next question concerns the ceiling painting technology itself. You should seriously think about which construction tool to choose for painting and what paint to paint the ceiling with.

As a construction tool that is best used to paint the ceiling, you need to use a rectangular brush and a seamless polyacrylic roller with a pile thickness of 11 mm.

Using a brush, carefully trace the perimeter of the ceiling to a line width of at least 5 cm and paint the corners. To paint the ceiling without streaks, you should apply at least two layers of paint. The first layer is applied very carefully with a roller over the entire area of ​​the ceiling, drawing continuous stripes from wall to wall in one direction.

Each subsequent strip begins from the middle of the previous one, but does not allow excessive paint to flow. In this case, the formed sagging should be rubbed with a roller extremely carefully, because...

plaster saturated with paint becomes loose and may even fall away from the ceiling. Secrets of the craft and a description of the work process on how to paint a ceiling with a roller are offered on our website. For better perception There are also photos of painting the ceiling here that will help you cope with this task perfectly.

After treating the entire ceiling, you should take a break of at least 4 hours to allow the paint to dry completely. And only after that, proceed to applying a second layer. This is an excellent way to achieve a glossy finish when painting the ceiling with water-based paint or any other type of paint.

The process of painting a ceiling with your own hands involves a lot of different questions. It is for non-professional repairmen that our website has prepared a special video on how to paint a ceiling, which will help cope with such a difficult task.

In addition to technological aspects, special attention given here design solutions. For example, what color to paint the ceiling in order to advantageously present your own style and achieve perfect harmony in the room. These are exactly the moments that will allow you to live brightly and comfortably!

DIY ceiling painting video

How to paint a ceiling

Video diagram of leveling and painting the ceiling:

How to level and paint a ceiling with your own hands.

It would seem a simple matter to paint the ceiling

I've been renovating for several months now.

Alone without any help, and without any special training. Before that, I did a little renovation, not professionally, mostly finishing work. Before I started painting the ceiling, I didn’t read a single line on this topic on the Internet.

Apparently in vain. There are some things I could have done better. It would seem such a simple matter to paint the ceiling.

To tell the truth, I was hoping to finish this process in a few hours. In the end, it took several days to do everything about everything (about 24 hours in total), because I didn’t know the most basic things and figured everything out on my own. Knowing the simple points, I could have done it much faster.

Because My ceiling required quite serious repair work, so I didn’t start right away with painting. In fact, the painting process itself is the simplest thing about painting a ceiling :).

In my case, the scope of work, from start to finish, was: cutting the groove (for wiring), laying and fixing the cable, sealing the groove, leveling the ceiling, priming, painting and touch-up. Each of these types of work brought me many “pleasant” surprises. In our case, we will assume that you have hidden wiring and you do not need to cut the grooves and lay the cable; this is a separate topic for “conversation”.

Tools you'll need

Let's start with the tools.

So, we need a roller. I painted with a long nap roller. The seller recommended it to me (I think for good reason), and later I found confirmation of this.

Foam and velor rollers are not suitable. We will also need a paint tray and a brush. It doesn’t matter what kind of brush, the main thing is a bigger one :).

I’ll go into a little more detail about paint.

I used water-based paint, of course you can use oil paint, but then it will be difficult to peel it off the ceiling in the future. I would also NOT recommend using glossy paint, it perfectly conveys any unevenness in the ceiling and looks somehow overly glamorous. You will also need a rag and, oddly enough, construction glasses :).

Can you guess why? That's all. Let's move on to the actual painting process, or rather preparation for painting.

Ceiling leveling

Now even small child It is known that in order to paint the ceiling it must be leveled beforehand.

Most often, the problem of uneven ceilings occurs at the joints ceilings. They either stick out or, on the contrary, have gaps. For example, my ceiling joints were sticking out.

I solved this by using a sander. I walked along the joints, removed a layer of paint, concrete and old putty, the sander removes all this perfectly. When processing joints, the main thing is not to get carried away and not to remove too much.

If gaps appear in the slabs, they can be eliminated using putty.

The difference in height in the slabs can also be leveled with putty. It allows for leveling in layers up to 1 cm, which is quite enough for a ceiling. Important point! When leveling the ceiling, do not use oil-based putty; it is expensive and will crack on large surfaces; this has been proven through bitter experience.

It’s a good idea to use oil putty to eliminate small gaps and depressions, no more than 1 cm wide. For example, I putty the grooves quite well with it. If desired, you can putty the same joints in the slabs.

Prime the ceiling, this is important!

Before leveling the ceiling, prime it and remove top layer paints.

I screwed up on this. In places where leveling was not needed, the old paint peeled off and came out in clumps mixed with the new one; I had to literally pick out the old layers of paint with my fingers. The solution in this case may be this.

Take a spatula or sandpaper and scrape off the old layer of paint, quickly and efficiently. As a last resort, when painting, just take more paint so that the roller does not stick to the surface. If your ceiling is painted with oil paint, I would recommend going over the surface with sandpaper, IMHO this is more effective and the paint will adhere better.

We smoothly move on to the painting process itself.

When the surface is leveled and primed, you can begin painting. There is no wisdom here. The main thing is to make sure that the primer and putty are completely dry.

According to the instructions, the primer should dry for 1 hour, and the putty for 12 hours (time varies depending on the manufacturer). I waited a day in both cases, which is a lot. In your case, everything depends on your patience.

One more thing. There is no need to apply a primer over the putty; the paint will adhere perfectly. Especially if it is white paint, it will match the putty.

Some points and tricks that are worth paying attention to

  1. You can use a table as a stepladder, the main thing is that it is stable. You can easily get carried away with the painting process and play the game. If the table is wobbly, put some paper on it.
  2. Wear construction glasses. Believe me, even water-based paint brings very unpleasant sensations to the surface of the eye. There was experience, it was verified.
  3. Paint the ceiling first. If you paint or lay the floor first, paint splatters will leave an unpleasant memory on the floor surface. Ideally, the order of finishing the room should be as follows: ceiling, walls, floor, everything else.
  4. Stir the paint in the jar without opening the jar. You just need to shake it harder. If you are a woman, ask a nearby person or standing man do it for you. Or, without lifting the can, roll it on the floor.
  5. Use a brush to touch up uneven areas, as well as those places where the roller is “missing”.
  6. When touching up, arm yourself with a rag so that you can immediately wipe off the paint if it unexpectedly drips onto the floor or walls.
  7. Paint the ceiling in two layers, this will hide stains and unevenness. The third time you can paint, only the most problematic areas. Don’t thin the paint, it’s a scam.
  8. Don’t forget to immerse the roller and brushes in water after painting to prevent them from hardening. For example, after the second painting I lost my roller.
  9. Before leveling and painting, remove all lighting fixtures, insulate the wires, or better yet, turn off the electricity altogether.
  10. Clothes should be old, which you don’t mind, preferably with long sleeves and a collar.

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Currently, there are many options for ceiling design, but among all the variety, painting remains the most common and economical view finishing works. However, the process of applying the paint mixture requires certain step-by-step preparatory work, even if you just need to update old paint job. Therefore, when starting work, you should figure out how to properly paint the ceiling with old paint.


The need to update the appearance of a painted ceiling arises quite often. This is the least expensive process in terms of effort and time. Many property owners choose it precisely because of these advantages, but they also face the question of how to reapply the paint so that the surface is painted as evenly as possible and there are no streaks left on it.

This type finishing work is easy to do with your own hands, the main thing is to know some of the features of such work.

  • If the old coating layer is in good condition, has no chips, cracks, is not flaking, is not flaking, or has simply faded and lost its attractiveness, then painting can be done over the old coating. This process will not require a lot of money and time, since it does not require preparatory work. There is also no need to putty the surface before painting it.
  • In the case where the ceiling has already been covered with paint, and the surface has small fragments of peeling material, do not despair, the layer is water-based dispersion paint does not require complete removal. In such a situation, it is enough to clean the exfoliated areas and apply the coloring composition over the old coating.
  • If there are severe finishing defects additional work can't be avoided. Painting agents cannot repair cracks, irregularities and wrinkles; such defects require the consumption of additional building materials.

The old paint layer should be completely removed. This can be done with a spatula, thoroughly cleaning the entire surface. Using a brush and special means The ceiling needs to start being primed. After the primer layer has dried, the surface must be well puttied, correcting all irregularities and defects. A special base for water-based paint should be applied to the dried surface; this layer precedes painting.

Paint selection

Currently, the compositions presented in huge assortment manufacturers of paints and varnishes. Each type has its own characteristics and has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

To paint the ceiling surface, do not use oil paint. The best option is paints on water based, water-emulsion, or, as they are also called, water-dispersed.

  • no pungent odor;
  • absolute non-toxicity;
  • good adhesion with most building materials;
  • Possibility of application on old paint;
  • practicality in use.

The most popular types of water-dispersion paints are:

  • Latex– has a good level of coverage and density, does not wash off after drying, the surface can be wet cleaned. In most cases, one coat is sufficient.
  • Silicategood option for exterior finishing of buildings. This type of paint is more expensive than its analogues, since it is based on liquid glass. As a rule, this coating is used for profile finishing of various surfaces, in warehouses and production premises. Perfectly covers concrete or stone surfaces.

  • Acrylic the most universal paint, adapted to various surfaces. This substance can hide minor surface imperfections, and textured paint can remove minor cracks or potholes. The acrylic coating dries quickly enough and does not change color during use. Has a certain level of resistance to direct sunlight. The disadvantage is sensitivity to moisture. Color palette acrylic paints is huge. All shades can have a glossy or matte effect. Matte surface can visually increase the height of the ceiling and help hide some defects. Gloss is convenient for use when painting large areas; it requires a perfectly flat surface.
  • Silicone the paint creates a beautiful finish that can be washed. This type of paint is suitable for covering surfaces in rooms with high humidity and sudden temperature changes.

Each type of paint can be diluted with water if necessary to give the required consistency. With the help of tinting pigments, you can get any desired shade; to do this, just add the desired amount of dye to the white composition.

How to calculate consumption?

Before purchasing, it is necessary not only to decide on the type and color of the ceiling paint, but also to calculate the required volume, which is determined by its consumption. The required quantity depends on the size of the room, which determines the ceiling area. Usually, all the necessary information for calculating the color composition is on the packaging, Therefore, you should definitely read the instructions.

In general figures, you can focus on the following calculations. Average consumption water-dispersion paint when finishing ceilings is about 100 - 120 g/m2. Depending on the surface, at least two or three coats will be necessary to achieve a good, uniform finish. The material consumption is approximately the same whether using a roller or using a brush. If we take into account the lack of experience and the inability to rub paint professionally, then the average consumption will be 300 g/m2.

In any case, these are approximate figures, consumption depends on many parameters, so it is better to take paint with a reserve.

By selecting required type water-based paint, you can read information on the packaging about whether it requires dilution. If manufacturers recommend diluting the purchased material, then required quantity paint can be added with water, usually no more than 5-10% is required. It is best to use the prepared volume immediately; do not let it thicken again. The best option It is generally accepted to thin the paint to the state of liquid cream.

It happens that the material does not require dilution; it is enough to just mix it thoroughly. Such manipulations will be enough if you plan to paint the ceiling in one layer; in such situations, the paint should be a little thicker.

For the entire surface of the ceiling, you should purchase paint from the same manufacturer, the same brand. This requirement guarantees a uniform, monochromatic coating.

If you plan to paint the ceiling in a color other than pure white, then it is better to entrust the tinting to specialists; they will help you choose the right shade and carefully mix the components.

How to apply?

Painting a ceiling using old paint is not difficult; anyone, even an inexperienced person, can do it with their own hands. After all stages of preparation, you need to start painting.

The best paint coating is considered to be three layers; in this case, you can be sure that there will be no streaks or streaks left on the surface. Before applying each layer, the roller must be carefully rolled out in a tray to get rid of excess paint; thanks to such manipulations, the possibility of smudges is eliminated. The first and last layers should be applied correctly perpendicular to the windows; this applies to all types of paint, including acrylic.

When painting, you should not make sudden movements; you must smoothly move the brush or roller along the ceiling, slowly, inspecting so that there are no unpainted areas left.

The next layer should be applied only to a dry surface, and there is no need to speed up the process in any way; the paint should dry naturally.

After applying the second layer of paint, it is advisable to exclude the possibility of direct ultraviolet rays, as well as the occurrence of drafts, which will help avoid peeling coloring material from the base.

You can paint the ceiling with several types of tools. The most common are considered paint brush and a foam roller, you can also apply paint using a spray gun, which is a regular spray gun. This device helps to carry out the painting process much faster, the main thing is that the consistency of the paint is appropriate.

When repainting the ceiling, it is better to use the same color or a similar shade, otherwise you will have to apply a large number of layers to completely paint over the previous coating and achieve the desired result.
