The happiest names for girls: list and interesting facts. The unluckiest names for men

The name has such a strong influence on Fate that often its meaning alone can make a person unhappy. Our article lists some male names that can cause trouble for their bearer.


A beautiful and not the most common name, which, unfortunately, can bring trouble to its bearer. It's all about the meaning of the name. The root itself from which it is derived is of Etruscan origin, but it was used as a Roman family name and the spelling has changed somewhat, as has the pronunciation. If you translate this name, you end up with “fiery”, which is the most common interpretation of the name.

Why is this name dangerous? Of course, due to its connection with the element of fire. Most likely, you will get a combination of qualities useful for men, such as courage and determination. But he can also make decisions very impulsively and thoughtlessly. That's why this name is not included in the list of lucky male names. But if you can correct this small flaw, then the life of a boy with that name will be easier.


By its origin, the name has Greek roots and is derived from the name of the goddess Tyukhe, which already imparts a feminine element to its bearer. Literally, this word means “lot” or “chance.” The very same meaning goes to the name Tikhon. In Russia it became widespread because it formed close ties with Byzantium, from where it was borrowed.


Perhaps today this name is not so popular, but it was very common, and is still in use. It is of Greek origin and means, according to one version, “rebel” or “troublemaker.” According to the second version, this name is closer to the Latin root, which means “bull”.

Of course, a person with such a name will not be calm. First of all, the parents of a boy named Taras will be faced with the violent temper of their child. And the character will never return to normal; it will most likely interfere throughout all the years of Taras’s life. Being stubborn like a bull, due to his rebellious nature, he can miss important chances.


A beautiful and rare name, with quite an interesting and tempting meaning. According to one version, it goes back to a Roman surname and can be interpreted as “dedicated to serving the gods.” According to the second version, it is Arabic name, slightly changed in sound, and means “perfect.”

With all the euphony and noble meaning, the name is inconvenient because of its high energy. It can give a person pride, and in fairly large quantities. Also, a man named Kamil can be very vain. However, if you teach him to control these qualities from childhood, he will grow up to be a good leader.


It’s quite a good name in terms of its meaning and it is identical to the name Eugene, since both of them have a common root “gene”, which meant belonging to a specific genus. The meaning in both cases can be interpreted as “noble origin.” Often these people are very dependent on their relatives.

In terms of its meaning, this name is very flattering to its bearer, which often evokes the typical qualities of a snob and an arrogant person from childhood. As you understand, it is quite difficult for a man named Gennady to be in society. However, behind his eccentricity there is often hidden a reserved and modest person, moreover, with a wonderful sense of humor. So, if he can cope with his shortcomings, he will be the most wonderful comrade.

Not only men's names carry a double bottom. Some female names also have pitfalls in their interpretation. But it is quite possible to neutralize their negative effect. All the best to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.08.2016 07:06

Young girls have always wanted to know the name of their future spouse. We have received several...

Is your name on this list?

Not all names can be called happy. There are five female names that repel fortune from their owner and attract problems.

The energy of the name decides everything. It depends on the meaning and origin of the name, on its beauty and prevalence. After a long analysis, experts in the field of nameology and bioenergy were able to come to a common opinion on what names it is better not to call girls. Most of the names analyzed are popular and widespread. Experts did not touch upon rare names, because this spoils the objectivity of statistics.


Hope relies too often on luck, even when it simply isn't there. Hope is drowned in its expectations, doubts and has a very high self-esteem that clouds the mind.

If you name your daughter Nadezhda, you will bring some uncertainty, confusion, and chaos into her life. Moreover, numerological analysis of the name shows that Nadezhda is a name without a pronounced talisman in the form of a number. Many claim that the talisman number for this name is 5 or 3, but this is only partly true. 3, 5, 7 and 9 share the right to be called the best number for Nadezhda.


This name combines rather poorly with many Zodiac Signs. The most best Signs for the name Lyudmila - Libra, Taurus and Pisces. But belonging to these Signs will not give Lyudmila special strength, despite the best compatibility.

Lyudmila has almost no chance for a cloudless life; she has to constantly cling to some straws. This name is included in the top 5 unsuccessful names, because Lyudmila has a very hard time parting with what belongs to her. Girls and women with this name cannot let go of the past and move forward. They are trapped somewhere between reality and dreams.


This name is included in the list of the most unlucky ones because its meaning is quite obvious. Many people think that this name gives faith in a bright future, but this is not so: it takes away good luck. A girl or woman with this name has a very simple approach to her life. Frivolity is the enemy in the modern world.

Vera is an unlucky name, because it seems to have no full version. Experts say that the presence different forms The name gives a person protection from the evil eye and problems. Vera simply does not have such protection. It is difficult for Vera to go through life alone, and the owners of such a name do not know how to understand people. This does not mean that there are no happy Veras, but it is always very difficult for Vera to achieve happiness.


This name is problematic because girls with this name are incredibly independent. This name is dominated by masculine energy. It is very difficult for men to realize that they are fading in Irina’s shadow.

This name is one of the five most unlucky ones, because finding a soul mate is perhaps the most difficult for Irina. This does not mean that she is also unlucky in all other areas, but love is the foundation of happiness. It is quite difficult to solve this problem, because Irina’s energy waves harmonize very poorly with male names. Irina can only compete in relationships, but she does not know how to seek compromises.


Doubles female names, such as Evgenia, Alexandra, Valeria, are not particularly lucky. Masculine energy prevents women from finding themselves in society and in life in general. Love luck almost always turns away from them. Alexandra is no exception. These are the brightest representatives of this type. Alexandra finds it difficult to resist the masculine side in herself, so she is very conflicted and cannot make concessions.

Alexandras often choose a career instead of family life. It is always difficult to get along with the owner of this name, especially if the man is in love. In terms of her problems, Alexandra is very similar to Irina, so friendship between the bearers of these names will help women understand their shortcomings.

A name is a talisman with which a person goes through life. To protect your daughter from problems, give her two names, one of which will be known only by those closest to you, and the other by everyone else.

You might be interested to know the List of the most unlucky male names.

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Many people don’t even realize that the name given to us at birth can influence our destiny. Our successes, failures, losses and other joyful or sad events depend on it. The energy of a name can be positive or negative. Some names are so negative energy, which literally attract troubles and troubles. We bring to your attention five unlucky male names that predict a difficult fate for their owners.

The unluckiest names for men. Worth knowing!

As you know, a person who changes his name can completely change his life. After this, he can become lucky or, conversely, scare away fortune forever. Now we will tell you about names that can attract troubles and failures.


One of the main problems of those with the name Anatoly is an addiction to alcoholic beverages. In childhood, boys with this name, as a rule, are not distinguished by special talents and are not very drawn to communicate with peers. Isolation, loneliness, negative thoughts - all this leads to the fact that already in adolescence Anatolia run the risk of falling under the influence of bad company, where they begin to develop a craving for alcohol. Because of this bad habit they become uncontrollable, antisocial personalities, and while intoxicated they are capable of committing actions that they will later regret. However, if Anatoly, from childhood, learns to calmly adapt to society and finds some useful hobby, then he will be able to avoid the influence of the negative energy of the name and a difficult future.

Most superstitious people believe that a person’s fate and character are influenced solely by the signs of the Zodiac. Of course, the stars take a significant part in shaping a person’s life, but the name is no less important.

And not only the name, given to a person at birth. Some people change it, and with it they change their destiny. For example, if you are plagued by bad luck, a new name can turn your luck around. And vice versa, by choosing an unsuccessful name, you can say goodbye to fortune. Let's look at which popular names promise misfortune. This will help you understand what fate awaits you and how it can be changed for the better.

Unlucky female names:

Aurora– it cannot be said that a woman with that name is absolutely unhappy. She rather causes problems for her loved ones, but unconsciously and without even noticing it. The reason is that the owners of this name are active and stubborn, which is why they sometimes do not notice those around them. Aurora is able to go over her head, head on.

Ada– such women have a purely masculine character. Therefore, they are popular with men who find it simple and easy with such ladies. However, in family relationships Ada has no luck.

Galina- Since childhood, she has been gathering crowds of gentlemen around her. However, quantity does not translate into quality, and Galina will not see happiness in her personal life. Often the owners of this name are called Jackdaws, and the Jackdaw is a black bird. And like her feathers, the life of such ladies is often dark and very difficult.

Diana– the fate of such women is not easy and sometimes tragic. The reason is that they are natural leaders. Troubles just stick to Diana, and no matter what efforts she makes to avoid them. Examples of this are celebrities: Diana Gurtskaya, Princess Diana.

Kira– women with this name are usually selfish and very narcissistic. But this is just an appearance. Deep down, Kira is suspicious and vulnerable, which is why she gets into trouble.

Milena- this name is becoming more and more popular, but it does not bring happiness to girls. Milena has poor health from birth, she is usually lazy and does not have her own opinion. Milena's character is cold, she is stingy with praise. She also has a hard time resolving serious issues. Even in adulthood, such a woman remains a mother’s daughter.

Men's not lucky names:

Bogdan– a boy from an early age is too tightly, pathologically attached to his mother. His disadvantages also include a jealous nature and tight-fistedness. These shortcomings interfere with his personal life; marriages are often destroyed due to Bogdan’s jealousy and greed. In addition, men with this name do not consider their wives and like to spread their hands.

Boris– for these men, life is a constant struggle. They need to try hard to achieve desired result. They have a difficult character and are difficult to establish contact with. Work comes first for Boris. And his wife may suffer from his jealousy.

Hermann– this is a “heavy” name, talking about an evil character. Herman's toughness borders on cruelty. He does not know how to show tenderness and care. People with this name are prone to bad habits; many are addicted to alcohol and drugs.

Stanislav– this name symbolizes capriciousness and intemperance. Stanislav's impulsive character repels even flexible women, and his fickleness ruins the lives of those around him and the man himself.

Yaroslav– the name comes from the word “rage”, which sets the tone for the character. Such men are temperamental and selfish. They like everything to go according to the scenario they set. They find it difficult to get along with women because of their aggression. At the same time, it is difficult for Yaroslavs to soberly evaluate their actions due to their immaturity.

Parents choose a name for their baby before he is born. There are quite a lot of criteria for selection: someone names the child fashionable name, some rare, some in honor of a close relative. In this matter, you also need to focus on the meaning of the name so that the child’s life is happy.

There are many that give a person a tough and strong character, but will this make its owner happy? Of course, you shouldn’t rely solely on its meaning, but it’s still worth listening.

Alexandra- derived from male name, which imposes on its owner certain features inherent opposite sex. Most often, Sasha has to shoulder the problems of the whole family on her fragile shoulders, work long and hard, and constantly solve other people’s problems. The personal drama is that the Alexandras are very lazy by nature and would like to do, for example, yoga somewhere in India, but the reality is completely different.

Faith - strong name. Its owner has a very strong character, she is courageous and decisive, knows how to defend the truth, and desperately fights for her rights. Fate, as if trying to justify such a name, presents trials and difficulties for Vera. She, of course, will overcome them all, but, alas, she will no longer have the strength to rejoice.

Inna- this is the name of a woman with a very complex and absurd character, it is very difficult to get along with people, she does not know how to give in and compromise. They always blame other people for all their troubles, they are very arrogant, they believe that everyone owes them something. They never draw conclusions from past situations and do not learn from their mistakes, so they spend their entire lives in a constant struggle with themselves and others.

Hope- all their lives they try to meet the requirements and expectations of others, who see in them a symbol of support, help, and a vest into which they can secretly cry. Nadya strives to be the first, to be on time everywhere and to jump above her head, expecting praise and approval, but in the end she runs out of strength for this. Despite the fact that Nadya has a very turbulent personal life in her youth, it rarely results in family happiness and in adulthood they are usually lonely.

Elvira- the owner of this name has a very quarrelsome nature. Where her foot steps, conflicts and showdowns arise out of nowhere. This greatly hinders their ability to build a career; they often change jobs and, accordingly, are not very successful in their careers. financially. In their personal lives, too, few people agree to tolerate their peculiar disposition and quarrelsome nature.

Lyudmila- bearers of this name are very vulnerable and impressionable women. They devote themselves entirely to family and caring for loved ones, so they suffer greatly from the troubles of one of their relatives, illness or loss loved one. They believe that under such circumstances they cannot enjoy life, so they prefer to suffer.

Tamara- women with this name overshadow their personal happiness with constant suspicions of their partner of treason and betrayal, they try to fight it, but it is useless. It doesn’t matter whether it’s true or empty fantasy, they exhaust themselves so much with these experiences, right up to a nervous breakdown and cardiovascular diseases. They are rarely happy in marriage; they either constantly check and control their husbands, or they simply “strangle” their spouse with their attention and love.

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