How to calculate the consumption of tiles on the floor. Calculation of tiles for the bathroom: methods of laying out and determining the amount of consumables

Getting started finishing works in the bathroom, you first need to calculate and purchase required quantity material. It is advisable to buy the entire volume at once, since the next batch may differ in tone, so calculations must be made very accurately. For finishing walls and floors in in this case tiles are used. Manufacturers offer material of various shapes and sizes. The number of tiles needed for the bathroom will largely depend on which collection is preferred. There are several calculation methods that we will introduce you to today.

Preparatory stage

Before you begin the calculation, you need to carefully measure the bathroom using a tape measure or rangefinder. The following parameters are required for the calculation:

  • Wall height.
  • Width of walls.

If the walls have the correct shape, it will be enough to take two or three measurements. If there are niches or various protruding elements, you will need to measure their parameters too and clarify the dimensions of the door.

Even if at first glance the walls seem perfectly smooth: square or rectangular, be sure to take several control measurements. This will avoid errors in calculations.

Required quantity of floor tiles

First way

Calculations begin with determining the floor area. To do this, its length is multiplied by its width. Then the area of ​​one tile is calculated in the same way. After this, the first value is divided by the second, and the resulting result is rounded up. The result is an approximate value, which experts recommend increasing by 5%, multiplying by a correction factor of 1.05. The resulting value is again rounded to the nearest whole number.

As an example, consider a bathroom that has a ceiling of 2.65 m, walls of 1.8 m and 1.7 m and a door 0.6 m wide. In such a case, if floor tiles 33 cm by 33 cm, you will need: ((1.8*1.7)/(0.33*0.33))=28.1 pieces; 29*1.05"31 tiles.

Second way

We begin calculating the number of tiles for the bathroom by determining the number of tiles that will need to be laid in length and width. To do this, divide the length and width of the room by the length and width of the tiles, respectively. We multiply the resulting values ​​by each other, round to the nearest whole number and also increase by 5%.

Based on the above example, we obtain the following sequence of calculations:

  1. 1.8/0.33=5.5 pcs.;
  2. 1.7/0.33=5.2 pcs.;
  3. 5.5*5.2=28.6 pcs.;
  4. round the value obtained in step 3 to 29;
  5. 29*1.05=30.45 pcs., i.e. To finish the floor (after rounding up) you need to purchase 31 tiles.

If one of the calculation methods results in a larger value, you should choose it. However, it is worth noting that sales consultants prefer to use the first option.

Required quantity of wall tiles

First way

To determine how many bathroom tiles are needed for wall cladding, we calculate the perimeter of the room. To do this, we sum up the lengths of all its walls. If we are talking about a standard bathroom, just add the length and width and multiply by 2. In our example: (1.8+1.7)*2=7 m.

Based on the perimeter, the required number of friezes is calculated. To do this, the width of the door is subtracted from the perimeter of the bathroom. The resulting value is divided by the length of the frieze or border, respectively.

If you wish, you can save money by not covering the part of the wall located under the bathtub. In this case, it will be necessary to subtract the area pertaining to this area from the general calculations.

So, for example, assuming that the dark tiles will be laid to a height of 1 m, we find that the height of the light top will be equal to: 2.7 m -1 m – 0.08 m (frieze height) = 1.62 m. Now you can calculate the required number of tiles. To do this:

  • We calculate the area that light and dark tiles will occupy.
  • We divide the resulting values ​​by the area of ​​one tile.
  • Round to the nearest integer value.
  • We increase by 5%.
  • Round to the nearest whole value.

In our example we will need:

  • Dark tiles: (7-0.6)*1/(0.2*0.4)=52.5 pcsÞ53 pcs * 1.05=55.56Þ56 pcs;
  • Light tiles: (7-0.6)*1.62/(0.2*0.4)=55.05 pcsÞ56 pcs * 1.05=90.3Þ91 pcs.

If planned decorative inserts, then the amount of light or dark tiles must be reduced by the amount of purchased decor

Second way

In this case, we lay out the layout of each wall to understand how many tiles can be placed in horizontal and vertical rows. In this case, the tiles that need to be cut are taken into account as whole. We increase the resulting value by 5% to insure ourselves in case of marriage or battle. We calculate the required number of dark, light tiles and borders and go shopping.

Thus, knowing the above methods, everyone can independently calculate how many tiles are needed for a bathroom. You just need to take the correct measurements, decide on the type of tile, as well as how it will be placed on the wall and floor.

When purchasing materials for repairs, you need to know exactly how much of a particular material is needed. If you buy more, you will waste money, but if you buy less, you will have to pause the repair to buy the required quantity. Some materials are produced in limited editions, and there is a chance that you simply won’t find the desired pattern or texture. Purchasing tiles is no exception: an accurate calculation will allow you to complete the work on time and without additional costs.


Calculating the required number of tiled squares is not a simple process. It is necessary to carefully make all measurements and calculations, depending on the characteristics of the room, the laying method and the size of the tiles themselves. You should not count on the fact that you can always buy more tiles, because even different batches of the same type may differ in shade or texture.

To make sure there are enough tiles to cover the entire surface, you should immediately purchase a little more, than it turned out according to the calculation, since in some areas of the room the tiles need to be joined and cut, adjusting the ornament.

When calculating, you need to take into account that there is no seam left between the floor tiles and the wall material so that unevenness is not visible.

What is important to consider when calculating?

To begin with, calculate the total surface area on which tiles of one type will be laid. If it is a floor or ceiling, you need to multiply the width by the length, but if it is walls, then you need to multiply their length by the height. Measurements are carried out using a regular tape measure, the data is recorded on a piece of paper. To prevent mistakes or identify curvature, you can take several measurements on different sections of the wall or floor. It is better to calculate the area in square meters, and then divide it by the area of ​​one ceramic tile, the dimensions of which are also converted to meters. Thus, a minimum amount of material will be obtained without taking into account trimming, matching the pattern or taking into account defects.

Laying tiles diagonally allows you to hide even significant defects in the floor and walls, however, when calculating installation in this way, it is necessary to include a larger percentage for trimmings and waste: 15-17%, depending on whether it is necessary to adjust the pattern on the tile. A particular option for diagonal placement of tiles is the herringbone pattern. There are two options for this installation: in one, the first tile is laid parallel to the walls and laid diagonally; in another, the first tile goes at an angle and the laying lies perpendicular to the walls.

In cases of installation paving slabs It is best to allow 10 percent for defects during transportation and installation. This tile is quite fragile and easily breaks into pieces. It is also much more difficult to calculate the exact dimensions of the area of ​​the driveway or path to the gazebo, because this is not a square room, clearly limited by walls, but an object complex shape.

Simultaneously with calculating the amount of ceramics, you can also find out the required amount of grout for tile joints– fugues. You can calculate the approximate amount of fugue, like tiles, using special online calculators. You need to enter the already calculated data on the area, and the program itself will calculate everything, taking into account the percentage of defects. You can use various calculation formulas, according to which the average fugue consumption is 1.6 kg/m3. Manufacturers often write the average consumption of tile adhesive and grout directly on the packaging.

This calculation can also be used, but for this you will need to make it directly in the store.

How to calculate?

The easiest way to calculate the number of tiles is, of course, to use online calculators to calculate. However, even if you use such a program, it is necessary to correctly measure all the necessary quantities, and the Internet may not be at hand, so it is better to know and be able to use several types of calculations.

Standard counting

The most simple option finishing is normal square tiles the same color or with an incompatible pattern (for example, marble or wood). When laying such material, you can start working from any corner and do not have to select the position of each tile before applying the adhesive.

Such ceramics can be cut from all sides and any trimmings can be used.

  • Step 1. The length of the walls is measured and the total length of the perimeter is calculated. If the room has a complex shape, it is necessary to take into account all the projections and niches.
  • Step 2. The height is measured, all obtained values ​​are rounded to the nearest centimeter.
  • Step 3. The area of ​​windows and doors is subtracted from the resulting value, since these surfaces are not tiled. If tiles are to be laid on the ceiling, the ceiling area is calculated.
  • Step 4. If the decorative bathroom screen is also decorated with tiles, then its area also needs to be calculated. And if the bathtub is installed near a wall, then the surfaces that will not be visible after installation can, in order to save money, not be tiled.
  • Step 5. Set the percentage of defects and waste during installation. It will be enough to increase the resulting figure by 10 percent to take into account all the factors that may affect the consumption of material: the work of a beginner or a professional, the presence of pipes and thresholds, a checkerboard or diagonal layout.

Example: there is a room of the following dimensions:

  • 2 m – length of one wall;
  • 2.5 m – length of the second wall;
  • 2.8 m – ceiling height;
  • door 2 m high and 0.8 m wide;
  • window 0.8 m long and 0.8 m high.

Thus, the area of ​​the floor and all four walls is: 2*2.5 + 2*2*2.8 + 2*2.5*2.8 = 30.2 m2.

The window area is 0.8 * 0.8 = 0.64 m2, and the door area is 2 * 0.8 = 1.6 m2.

Now the area of ​​one door and one window is subtracted from the resulting number, which are 1.6 m2 and 0.64 m2, respectively: 30.2–1.6–0.64 = 27.96 m2. The decorative bathroom screen will not be decorated with tiles, so its area is not needed. If we add another 10 percent to this number, we get a finished area of ​​30.76 m2.

The area of ​​one square of medium-sized tiles (30x30 cm) is 0.09 m2. If you divide the resulting surface area by the area of ​​one square, you get 342 whole tiles. And depending on how many tiles are in one package, the number of packages that will be needed to cover the floor and walls of a given room is calculated.

Customized according to pattern

If the bathroom uses tiles with a border insert, or tiles of different sizes and materials, then make a calculation in a simple way it won't work. First you also need to calculate the square footage of the walls and floors minus the area of ​​windows and doors. Then it is necessary to lay out all the elements, alternating in rows from bottom to top, in one even column over the entire height of the finishing area.

We measure the width of the resulting column and divide the perimeter by the resulting value, thus obtaining the number of such columns in a complete installation. Next, we determine the total area of ​​tiles of each type in such a column and multiply by the number of columns obtained in the previous step. And at the end we add 15 percent for defects and adjustment of the drawing. This method is not very accurate, because it does not take into account that at the locations of windows and doors, the columns will be incomplete and an unequal number will be excluded from them various types tiles

Another calculation option is more accurate. It is necessary to immediately calculate the entire area on which one type of material will be laid. The result obtained is divided by the area of ​​one tile the right size and the result is the number of tiles that will cover this area.

For this option of calculating the number of tiles, it will be enough to take into account 10 percent for fit and defects.

Various product options

There are tiles of quite complex shapes in the form of flowers and various patterns. It is almost impossible to calculate the area of ​​one such tile due to the combination of smooth lines with sharp corners and cutouts. Sometimes the manufacturer indicates on the packaging approximately how much area one such tile covers, but often such information is simply not available. In order not to buy such tiles “by eye”, you should draw an exact plan of the room in which the installation will be carried out. Then carefully draw one such tile on the appropriate scale, after which you can draw the complete cladding according to the scheme that was originally chosen.

If only one color is used, then all that remains is to simply count the resulting number of elements. If several colors are used, then you will have to color the picture with the corresponding colors and count how many specific tiles of one color or another you will get. Then you need to add 10-15 percent for defects and adjustments.

This method is also used when using decor that differs in size from the main tile.

It is necessary to first apply decorative elements to the diagram, and then determine how many main tiles will fit at the intersection with them, and subtract them from the total volume.

A separate calculation complexity appears when using beveled tiles. Bevels are bevels located around the perimeter of the tile. Such products look more expressive and voluminous than ordinary flat squares. Bevels look especially good on tiles that have a smooth mirror surface. A wall lined with such tiles will visually expand small room and evenly diffuse the light around the perimeter. The difficulty is that this type tiles cannot be cut so as not to spoil them appearance. The floor and corners of the room must be perfectly flat, and the size of the material must be selected so that only the entire number of required squares of tiles is obtained.

When counting tiles individually, it is necessary to count all cut tiles in the corners or along the walls as whole. Otherwise, there is an increased risk that the planned material will not be enough to cover the surface.

Before laying tiles, it is necessary to level the surface of the walls, floor and ceiling, if tiles will also be laid on it. For this purpose, various self-leveling mixtures and plaster solutions are used. First, all leveling work is carried out, all wet surfaces are dried, and only then the area is measured.

For more savings or creation original design In the bathroom, only the “wet area” can be tiled. In places where water is in constant contact with the walls and floor, tiles are laid, and the rest of the surface is treated with moisture-resistant paint or mounted plastic panels. In this case, for the calculation it is necessary to take only the area of ​​​​this “wet zone”.

If the area of ​​one square of tile is not yet known, you can simply calculate the surface area that will be tiled. Most often in stores, tiles are packaged in packs covering an area of ​​0.5 m2 or 1 m2, so it will not be difficult to calculate how many packages are needed.

There are several such methods, each good in its own way. But, from the point of view of calculation and the process itself, the simplest is invariably direct masonry.

Direct tile laying

Standard, familiar masonry, this method can be recommended for beginners.

Advice! If the ceiling in the room is low, then you should choose a high one rectangular tiles and lay it using the direct laying method. This will visually “raise” the walls.

For high-quality styling Diagonally you will have to work hard. But the result is worth it. It should be noted that diagonal masonry visually hides the curvature of the floors.

Important! Laying tiles diagonally requires additional expense material, since you will have to cut a lot of tiles, moving from the corners to the center of the room. But don’t rush to throw away the leftovers, in case they come in handy in another corner of the room.

Laying tiles in a checkerboard pattern

This option is usually used when they want to put ceramic tiles several colors. The resulting bathrooms are very interesting from a design point of view, worth a try.

Laying tiles with offset

This type of masonry involves shifting each subsequent row by the same distance. This option looks more elegant and you can always experiment with various inserts, for example, use small square tiles, as was done in the photo.

How to calculate bathroom tiles

So, to avoid unwanted losses, we need to take measurements of the walls and floor.

On a piece of paper, write down measurements for all the walls of the room, subtracting windows and doors. You can safely go to the store to choose the tiles you need. Measure the tiles and write down the dimensions. Now we can calculate how many tiles we need.

There are two ways to calculate - separately by length and width or by area.

Counting the number of tiles (method 1)

To calculate the required number of tiles, first, we need to take measurements of the length and width of the surface.

Now we divide the height of the wall by the height of the tile. On at this stage You should already decide how you lay the tiles if they are rectangular in shape - horizontally or vertically. If you are laying tiles on the floor, measure the length of the floor and the length of the tiles accordingly.

For example, the wall height is 2.7 m, the tile height is 0.3 m.

2.7 / 0.3 = 9 tiles

That is, 9 tiles fit in a row in height.

2.25 / 0.2 = 11.25 tiles

When the number is not an integer, we always round up, in our case it’s up to 12. We get the number of tiles by width.

9 * 12 = 108 tiles

But this is not the final number yet, since 5% of the reserve should be added to the resulting quantity:

108 * 1.05 = 113.4 tiles

We round and thus we get 114 tiles for this surface.

We also do similar calculations for the remaining walls, add up the results and have the total number of tiles per room.

We take into account the doorway and window frame

In order to obtain the number of tiles required for the wall in which the door or window is installed, we need to subtract the number of tiles that correspond to the dimensions of the door or window opening from the number of tiles on the opposite wall.

Divide the height of the opening by the height of the tile:

2 / 0.3 = 6.7 tiles

round down - 6 pcs. in height. We round down in order to subtract a smaller number of tiles and you have a reserve left.

0.8 / 0.2 = 4 tiles

We multiply the results obtained and get 24 pieces, which we subtract from the total number of wall tiles. In a similar way, we can calculate the number of tiles for a wall with a window.

We calculate by area (2nd method)

We measure the area of ​​the floor (wall) by multiplying the length (height) by the width:

0.33 * 0.33 = 0.1089 square meters

After this, we divide the floor area by the tile area:

4.5 / 0.1089 = 41.32 tiles

As you can see, we get an approximate number of tiles, so we round up, we have up to 42 tiles.

But don't forget to add 5% for the reserve.

42 * 1.05 = 44.1 tiles

We round up in this way, for laying tiles on the floor we get 45 tiles.

Advice! Sales consultants prefer to calculate using the second method - by area.

It is important to avoid mistakes when tiling a bathroom with expensive imported tiles, as well as additional elements and accessories - cornices, decorative borders, inserts. In this article we will explain how to calculate how many bathroom tiles you need.

In fact, it is not difficult, you just need to take the correct measurements of the room and apply some mathematical calculations. Eat various options, but here we will look at the simplest method using the example of given specific parameters.

Laying different tiles

List of components for the tile collection

To make the calculation, you need to make a list of the collection’s components:

  • floor (31x31cm);
  • dark wall (25x30cm);
  • light wall (25x30cm);
  • horizontal border (6x25cm);
  • decor (25x30cm);
  • pencil (2x25cm).

For example, let's take a bathroom measuring 1.8m x 1.9m and a height of 2.7 meters.

The doorway is 0.7m x 1.95m. We carry out the calculations for smooth walls, without taking into account possible niches and protrusions. For clarity and for ease of calculation, it would be useful to draw a plan of the room, marking the dimensions of the walls, doorway, and other planes of interest that need to be calculated.

Calculation of floor tiles

Original version bathroom floor installation

But the calculation by units is considered more accurate. Divide the width of the floor by the size of the tiles:

1.8m: 0.31m = 5.8, round up, to the whole or to the half. We get 6 horizontally.

Divide the length of the bathroom floor by the size of the piece:

1.9m: 0.31m = 6.12. Vertically we have 6.5.

The total quantity for the floor is: 6 x 6.5 pcs = 39 pcs.

As a result, we see that the calculation for tiles differs from the calculation for area. The difference of three units compared to the first calculation is due to the fact that the dimensions of the surface of the floor or walls are not a multiple of the dimensions of the slabs, so they have to be cut. It is also necessary to cut in places of protrusions, niches, pipes, etc. We write down the first result - 39 floor slabs.

Calculation of tiles for walls

All components have the same width - 25 cm. Divide the width of the wall by the width of the slab:

1.8m: 0.25m=7.2 ≈7.5 pcs. ,

and the length of the wall by the width of the tile:

1.9m: 0.25m=7.6≈8 pcs.

In total around the perimeter we get: 7.5 pieces x 2 + 8 pieces x 2 = 31 pieces.

Now you need to subtract the lining for the doorway from the total quantity:

0.7m: 0.25m=2.8≈2.5 (we round down to have a better margin than a deficit.

Subtract from the total: 31 - 2.5 = 28.5.

The row of borders around the entire perimeter is 29 pieces. Since the pencil is placed on both sides of the border (top and bottom), the required quantity of this element is 58.

Laying with decorative borders and pencils

We lay the dark tiles in three rows - the height will be 90 cm. The height of the bathroom is 60 centimeters, there will be 1 dark row above it. Multiply 3 rows by 28.5 (the number of tiles in a row along the perimeter). We get 86 pieces.

The light one will be glued above the border with a pencil and up to the ceiling. From the total height of the room (2.7m), subtract the height of the dark room (90 cm) and the border with a pencil (6cm+2cm+2cm=10cm):

2.7 m - 0.9 m -0.1 m = 1.7 m (height of cladding with light material).

Divide 1.7 m by the height of one:

1.7m: 0.3m= 5.67≈5.5.

In this case, we round down, since when installing a beautiful suspended ceiling it will be possible to save some amount.

Decors in the bathroom can be glued at your discretion

Now multiply 5.5 in height by 28.5 around the perimeter:

5.5 x 28.5=156.75≈157 pieces.

We return to the area of ​​the wall above the door, which also needs to be lined. Here the number of units in width is:

0.7m: 0.25m=2.8≈3pcs (rounded to the nearest whole number).

In height we get 2.7m-1.95m = 0.75m.

0.75m:0.3m= 2.5 pcs.

We multiply 3 in width by 2.5 in height, we get 7.5 (rounded) = 8.

The total number of light ones is: 157 +8 = 165 pieces.

We glue the decors at our discretion and taste: 1 or 2 on each wall, in a checkerboard or other order. Let the tiles that will be replaced with decors (if there are not very many of them, of course) be left in stock just in case (to replace those damaged during use).

Now you have a general understanding of the calculations. If done carefully, they will prevent situations where there may not be enough tiles when laying tiles, and will also save you from unnecessary costs.

Tile is the most suitable material for, but also quite expensive. Therefore, in order not to have to buy more or throw away excess, you need to correctly calculate the tiles for the bathroom, and for this we can use special or programs online calculation and layouts.

Correct calculation of tiles during repairs allows you to save not only time spent on purchasing missing materials, which, it should be said, may not be in the store, but also money that will be spent on surplus. And in order to avoid these troubles, there are several ways. A classic and accessible method for calculating material on paper, and a more modern and convenient one - online tile layout.

But in each case there are certain nuances that need to be taken into account in order to calculate the material as accurately as possible.

Laying scheme tiles matters in the further calculation of its quantity. Depending on the location of the seam between the tiles, there are several types of layout:

  • Standard or basic (“seam to seam”).
  • Diagonal, herringbone, labyrinth, bandaged, chess, run-up, carpet or modular layout, there are a great many options.

How to position the tiles correctly?

From an aesthetic point of view, it is important to consider the layout method, the location of the decor and color combinations in accordance with the area of ​​the room. Finishing can visually change the proportions of a room.
In order to visually enlarge the room, use tiles light shades, horizontal laying method with transverse placement of the pattern.

Options for laying out tiles in the bathroom

The height can be increased by vertical layout, use of contrasting stripes, vertical arrangement of friezes, and in this case it is better to place the decodable elements slightly above eye level. Dark-colored tiles will visually make the room smaller. When choosing a color floor tiles it is important to consider that the dark floor and light ceiling will visually increase the space, and vice versa.

It is important that the tile installation system is made with minimum quantity pruning. This will not only make installation work easier, but will also visually make the finish correct and more beautiful.

The trim on the walls is placed symmetrically between the corners. The pattern is laid out on the floor in such a way that solid elements are located in the visible area, and all trimming goes to the least visible sides or is hidden under interior items. In matters of design, online tile layout will provide invaluable assistance, which will help create the most accurate visual model of the future finish.

Before calculating the tiles, it is important to take correct measurements of the room. It is carried out after the walls are prepared for laying tiles. Each side is always measured separately, even if the room correct form. Round the resulting value up. The size of the doorway and window is subtracted from the overall measurement. Sometimes areas that will not be finished, for example, hidden behind the bathroom, are also taken away from the total area.

We measure the area of ​​the walls and floor

When a room of a complex configuration has protruding elements, niches or boxes, their measurements are taken separately. It is better to record all the results by drawing up a plan of the room to scale, on which the location of plumbing fixtures, furniture and other interior details is noted. For a more accurate calculation, it is better to convert all numbers into millimeters.

Methods for calculating tiles

There is no single universal calculation scheme. In each individual case, everything depends on the specific layout of the room, the standard sizes of the tiles, and the layout of the tiles in the bathroom is taken into account. And depending on this, the most suitable of the three calculation methods is chosen.

  • Sketch of the project;
  • Calculations using the formula;
  • Layout and calculation of tiles in the bathroom using computer programs.

Important! It is worth considering that in case of errors in calculations, it can be problematic to purchase additional tiles, because different batches of the same collection often have visible differences in shades, ornament geometry and some other technical parameters.

Sketching and piece-by-piece calculation of tiles

The most reliable results can be obtained by sketching the project on paper. For these purposes, any regular notebook sheet in a square or on graph paper will be suitable. The room is drawn to scale, each wall and floor separately. Mark the location of the tiles based on their size and installation method. Tiles of various shades, decorative elements, if they are used, the frieze is shaded with colored pencils for convenience. Such a project will allow you not only to imagine what the room will look like after finishing, but also to calculate the amount of material individually as accurately as possible.

Calculations using the formula

In this case, the amount of material is determined based on the size of the room and the material. Let's say you need to calculate the number of tiles to cover the floor standard bath. To do this, you need to know the total square footage of the bathroom, which is calculated using standard geometric formulas, for example: 1.73 × 1.73 = 3.46 m2, round the resulting number up, we get an area of ​​3.5 m2. Next, you need to find out the area of ​​one floor tile: 0.335×0.335=0.112 m2. Next, we calculate how many whole tiles will be needed to cover the entire area: 3.5/0.112=31.2 pcs. We round the quantity to 32 and add 10% for defects and trimming, in the case of a diagonal layout - 15%. The total is 35 or 37 tiles, respectively.

This method is used if the layout of the tiles in the bathroom is standard, and the individual elements do not differ in size. At in non-standard ways laying, the number of tiles can be calculated only by sketching the project to scale. Or through special services, if the program for laying out tiles suggests the possibility of such placement of finishing elements. You can be more precise about calculating tiles.

For walls

Wall tiles

As a rule, wall decoration is done in two shades, which are separated by a border, so first you need to determine the height of each layer. At the same time, it is better not to trim the lower dark layer, that is, its height will be a multiple of the height of the tile. Depending on the size of the tiles, lay out 3-4 rows. The height of the border will vary depending on the height of the tiles used for this. The remaining height of the wall is a light layer.

The dark band is calculated. The perimeter of the bathroom is multiplied by the height of the dark layer and its area is determined. The resulting number is divided by the area of ​​one dark tile and its quantity is determined. Add 10% for pruning, fighting and rejects.

Light tiles are calculated in a similar way. The area of ​​the wall for a light finish is divided by the already known area of ​​one tile and the amount of ceramics is obtained light color. Add 10%.

The border elements are counted. To do this, the perimeter of the room is divided by the length of the border element. From the resulting number, subtract the part that falls on the doorway. Results are always rounded up to a whole multiple of one or a half, since halves are also used, for example, at corners.

For floor

Depending on the layout and configuration of the room, choose the most convenient method.

Bathroom floor tiles

By total area. Find out the total floor area of ​​the room, without subtracting the box and niche, and divide it by the area of ​​one tile. This way they will know how many tiles will be needed to cover a given surface. 10% is added to the resulting number, which will be spent on trimming and insurance against defects or damage to the material. The figure is rounded up to a higher value. The error with this method of calculation can be quite significant.
On the sides. First, find out how many tiles will be laid along each wall.

To do this, the length of the wall is divided by the length of the side of one tile that corresponds to it. The same calculation is carried out on the other wall and side of the tile. Thus, it is determined how many tiles are laid in one row along one and the other wall. The resulting figures are multiplied by each other, a margin of 10% is added and the total amount is obtained.

If the layout of the floor tiles in the bathroom is made diagonally, the calculation is performed in the same way, but it is recommended to add not the standard 10%, but 15% as a reserve.

Online calculator

You can also use our online calculator To calculate tiles, this calculator allows you to calculate not only the quantity but the cost of tiles.

Computer programs.

Modern computer programs make tile counting simple and convenient, provided you work with them correctly.

Programs for calculating bathroom tiles

Services that help with calculations can be divided into two types: an online tile layout program and calculators for counting tiles. You can work in programs online or after installing them on your computer. Some of them are paid, but their functions and capabilities are significantly higher than those of free versions. The tile calculation program allows the user to perform a number of actions:

  • Lay out the tiles in a 3D model and thereby create a semblance of finishing a bathroom in the future;
  • Calculate quantity finishing material and tile adhesive consumption;
  • In the programs, you can adjust trimming and select tiles from different collections.

Simplified versions for calculating tiles - calculators. These are small programs, usually online versions, that calculate material based on data entered by the user for already finished project. It is worth considering that using a calculator to calculate bathroom tiles is only possible if all finishing elements are the same size.

Calculation of the quantity of consumables

Tile tiles are usually laid on glue using a suture method, which means that for repairs you will need the adhesive mixture itself, grout, and installation crosses that will regulate the thickness of the seam; as a rule, you purchase only one package with a minimum quantity of 50 pieces. The consumption of a certain tile adhesive and the amount of grout are pre-calculated.

The consumption of tile adhesive is influenced by a number of factors, among which the most significant is the evenness of the base. Also, the thickness of the adhesive base increases depending on the size of the tile; the smaller it is, the smaller the layer of glue will hold it. For tiles use cement mixtures, dispersion adhesive or mixtures on epoxy based. They are applied with a notched trowel. Moreover, if its teeth are pointed, less glue will be required than when working with a spatula with square teeth.
In order to find out the approximate consumption of tile adhesive, multiply half the height of the tile by the average consumption of the selected adhesive mixture and the area of ​​the surface to be covered.
The best way to calculate is to use online calculators. They provide the most accurate results based on data about the tile, the substrate, the tool, the working conditions and the selected adhesive.

Average material consumption using the example of Ceresit glue

Grout for joints

In order to calculate the required quantity, you need to know the volume of the space to be filled, but if the thickness of the seam is known, then difficulties arise in determining its depth. As a rule, it depends not only on the thickness of the tile, it is important to take into account the thickness of the adhesive mixture and what percentage of the grout will go under the tile. All these indicators are relative, so it will not be possible to accurately calculate the material. The amount of grout is taken based on its consumption indicated on the packaging and 10-15% is added.
You can also use our online calculator to calculate grout, which quite accurately calculates the material according to the specified parameters. The program algorithms calculate ideal values, so they recommend adding 10% to the result. (votes: 7 , average rating: 4,43 out of 5)
