Do-it-yourself dismantling of interior partitions. How to properly dismantle walls

Dismantling walls and partitions or how to remove a wall in an apartment?

Every person is a designer and creator in his own home. Sometimes this manifests itself in small decorative details: buying a new vase or sofa cushions, chandeliers or paintings, and sometimes you want to radically change the situation. Then the decision is made to start major renovation, who heads the dismantling of partitions, less often the dismantling of walls.

It is important to understand the design of the living space so as not to damage the load-bearing wall. Demolishing it is dangerous for the entire building. Any redevelopment must be agreed upon and formalized in accordance with current legislation.

What walls can be dismantled?

Demolition of a wall in an apartment refers to housing redevelopment. According to the laws housing code any change entails approval and modification of the technical passport.

Demolition of a load-bearing wall is prohibited, as it leads to a violation of the rigidity of the building and may lead to destruction ceiling.

Dismantling the window sill wall is possible through drawing up a project and agreeing with the housing inspection.

The wall between the kitchen and the room is not always load-bearing; you need to measure its thickness. If this is a partition, then the figure will be 80-120 cm depending on the type of house: brick or panel.

The partition between the bathroom and the toilet can be safely demolished; it is not load-bearing.

Dismantling services: methods of dismantling work

We offer our services for wall dismantling. We will complete the work quickly and efficiently, turnkey!

At the time of dismantling, it is necessary to carry out a series of preparatory work: agree on changes and obtain permission, empty the room of furniture, turn off the electricity supply and, if necessary, turn off the water, dismantle doors/windows and baseboards.

We carry out dismantling work of two types: capital and partial:

  • capital method: preparatory work, dismantling the wall/partition, garbage removal.
  • partial method: preparation, dismantling the window sill block or partial dismantling of the wall (creating an arch or doorway), garbage removal.

How we work

You leave an online request or order a call back

Our manager advises and clarifies the details of the service

Cost calculation
Visit of a specialist and preliminary estimate of the cost of work

We place an order and conclude an agreement

Execution of work
Prompt execution of work in accordance with the contract

Acceptance of works
Acceptance of work and payment by the Customer for our services

We can work with walls made of any building materials!

The process of dismantling walls/partitions from various materials has its own characteristics.


Before starting work, remove from the brick wall decorative finishing, heating pipes, water supply and power cables. If there are door and window blocks, they must also be removed. If you need to save material for further application, the work is carried out manually, selecting each brick and cleaning it from the mortar. If you need to inexpensively remove the structure, dismantling work is carried out using special tools.

The manual method is used if the brickwork was laid on a small cement or lime layer. Analysis begins from the top rows, gradually moving to the bottom. If the bricks were laid on a thick layer of mortar, craftsmen use special tools. Accelerated demolition of a brick partition is carried out if the material is not planned to be reused in the future.

During the work, the following rules apply:

  • If there is a window or doorway, disassembly begins with the demolition of this element;
  • If there are steel anchor parts, they are removed using a chisel, sledgehammer or grinder;
  • If partial dismantling is required, Diam-Service technicians use a grinder with a diamond wheel.

Our specialists use a similar method to dismantle buildings made from cinder blocks. Usually, builders, using cinder block to construct buildings, lay it on a cement-sand mortar. When carefully removing the solution from the components stone wall, our craftsmen will save cinder blocks for the customer for future use.


Our company's specialists carry out turnkey dismantling of concrete walls.

First of all, the masters are removed from work surface switches, wires, sockets and other communications. To protect the floor covering, remove the decorative layer and cover it with boards on top. Upon completion of the preparatory stage, they proceed to the demolition of internal concrete structures:

  • Special markings are made on the surface, dividing the working area into squares with a side of 40-45 cm;
  • Holes are drilled on the lines in increments of 40 mm;
  • Making cuts on each side of the square, carefully knock out the sawn square;
  • The procedure is repeated until the concrete wall is completely destroyed;

The technique used by our specialists allows us to dismantle a concrete wall as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Foam concrete

Our specialists carry out not only preparation and dismantling, but also the subsequent removal of waste that accumulates upon completion of the work. Before dismantling the foam block structure, all furniture, accessories and other attributes are removed from the room. Baseboards and trim will also need to be removed. It is important not to forget to dismantle the electrical network running along this wall before starting to dismantle the structure. Are you wondering how much it costs to dismantle foam block structures? You can find this information on our website. Or by calling the phone number also listed on the company’s website.


Partitions are made from plasterboard in rooms. Therefore, their demolition can be carried out without obtaining permits. Since sheets of gypsum craton are usually used repeatedly, dismantling of structures is carried out as carefully as possible. Decorative finishing and communications are first removed. Then they begin to unfasten each sheet and dismantle the metal frame.


Our company's specialists dismantle wooden interior and exterior elements. Our experts take into account the purpose of the structure if the wooden wall is load-bearing. To distribute the load evenly, special spacers are used. The cost of dismantling wood elements depends on the complexity and size of the object.


If there is a need to demolish a partition made of glass, we recommend the help of our specialists. Considering the fragility of the material, you should not attempt to demolish the structure yourself. It is better to entrust the dismantling work to professionals. To preserve the integrity of the glass material, specialists carefully disassemble the structure element by element. This is a lengthy process that will preserve the glass parts for later use.

Calculation of the cost of services or what determines the price of wall dismantling?

We offer to dismantle walls and partitions using diamond drilling. This method allows you to make even holes in concrete and reinforced concrete walls of any thickness. Advantages:

  • no vibration load on floors and foundations;
  • drilling depth up to 10 meters;
  • absence of dust and noise when performing work.

Prices for work vary depending on the volume of work to be done.

The cost of the service will be calculated upon inspection of the property; it depends on:

  • surface material: concrete, reinforced concrete, brick;
  • wall width;
  • the need for inclined drilling;
  • carrying out preparatory dismantling work.

The cost of drilling decreases as volumes increase!

We will tear down the walls in your home in the shortest possible time!

The duration of work on dismantling walls and partitions largely depends on the agreed volumes of work, the thickness and materials from which they are built. This also includes the need for preparatory and final work, the number of construction specialists required for the demolition of walls. Also, the cost of the ordered services is summed up. This may include:

  • removal of furniture and household items;
  • cleaning the wall from wallpaper and plaster;
  • dismantling doors, windows and baseboards;
  • checking and disconnecting electricity and/or water supply;
  • cleaning the premises;
  • removal of construction waste.

Major repairs begin with dismantling work as part of housing redevelopment. The most difficult and critical stage is the disassembly of load-bearing and main partitions, which is highly labor-intensive and financially costly. Nevertheless, you can carry out the dismantling of walls and partitions on your own, having previously obtained the appropriate permission.

Before proceeding with direct work operations, it is necessary to agree on documents approving the dismantling process. In particular, an inventory plan with the results of a building inspection can be used as a basis for redevelopment. On its basis, a project for the layout of the premises is drawn up, which is approved by a special commission at the local town planning authority.

The permitting documentation for the dismantling of walls and partitions in an apartment must describe the technology of work, the conditions for its implementation, and plans for future placement engineering communications, ways to deliver equipment with materials and remove construction waste. When the relevant documents are completed, the technical and instrumental base for the implementation of the project should be prepared. Again, if you plan to dismantle without the participation of specialists, then at a minimum you will need a hammer drill (even better - a jackhammer), a hammer with a sledgehammer, a chisel, metal wedges and a crowbar with a pick.

The entire process of performing the main part of the work can be divided into three stages:

Dismantling of structures by mechanically separating their basic load-bearing parts from each other.

The separated elements are removed, after which they are sorted and stacked. At this stage, technical destruction and loosening of stone, brick and concrete structures is carried out. After dismantling the walls and partitions, construction waste and equipment are prepared. Materials are loaded and transported to a landfill or to special collection points for recycling. The work site is prepared for new construction and installation activities.

Schemes for dismantling walls and partitions

In the case of stone and reinforced metal concrete structures, two different approaches to dismantling can be used:

A destruction scheme is provided in which the force action is directed from top to bottom.

This option is used in cases of dismantling structures in private houses with several floors. The measures begin with the elimination of attic partitions and end with the demolition of basement walls (if necessary). The most common scheme is the partial dismantling of walls and partitions, in which it is possible to use manual force without special equipment. This approach is used in cases where it is necessary to eliminate one or two structures without a comprehensive revision of the layout.

If there is a doorway at the base of the structure, it must be dismantled first along with the frame.

Further work continues in the direction from the opening to the sides and upwards. Dismantling technique brick walls and partitions involves alternate knocking out of masonry by level. Usually, a sledgehammer with a hammer and a chisel is used for this, and in difficult areas you can also use drilling operations with the same hammer drill with impact action, which will lead to the formation of cracks and simplify further work.

Dismantling partitions

Unlike walls, partitions are characterized by a weaker structure, less reliable supporting part and connection points.

If we are talking about plasterboard or, in principle, modular partitions, then work should begin with unscrewing and removing the hardware that holds the load-bearing profile strips. In theory, they should be on the ceiling, in the floor and on the sides. If the question arises about how to dismantle a wall connected to a partition, activities also begin from the weaker part.

Having eliminated the load-bearing and supporting parts, it is possible to disassemble the base of the partition without special tools. If we are talking about monolithic structures, then optimal solution will use a large drill for concrete. With its help, contours for cutting off individual fragments of the partition are formed, after which a sledgehammer with a hammer is introduced into the work process.

Garbage removal

Even at the preparation stage, it is advisable to enter into an agreement with a specialized company offering construction waste removal services and agree on specific terms. Immediately after completion of work activities, the sorted material is placed in a special container. For direct removal, use polyethylene construction waste bags. high pressure thickness 55-65 microns.

To collect large waste, it is worth preparing bags with a capacity of about 350 liters. For small but sharp and cutting materials woven bags made of polypropylene with a volume of up to 80 liters are intended. Next, all that remains is to take out the garbage and place it in the vehicle.


Dismantling activities are not easy to carry out without the help of special equipment and professional builders, especially if such a task is being solved for the first time. And yet, provided that there is a carefully thought-out plan with a detailed description of each stage and the preparation of a sufficient set of tools, it is quite possible to implement the redevelopment on your own.

In this case, the cost of this event will be inexpensive. For example, construction waste bags like consumables will cost about 1000 rubles. This is based on the use of two packs of 350-liter bags of 10 pcs.

As for the tool, it will cost more - about 4-5 thousand rubles. for a hammer drill, for example.

It is cheaper to purchase chisels and a hammer with other tools in a single set, which will also cost several thousand rubles. The company's waste removal services are priced at an average of 1,000 rubles. for 1 m3 of waste, taking into account the fact that loading and unloading activities will be carried out by employees of the hired organization.

Changes in the layout of an apartment are a risky idea if the owner does not know about all the intricacies of the position of the load-bearing and simple walls. In panel and brick houses dismantling partitions requires careful preparation, preparation of certain documents and selection professional tools. Otherwise, adjacent walls and floors may be damaged and injury may occur.

Under what circumstances can walls be dismantled without permits?

To avoid troubles, it is better to familiarize yourself in advance with the restrictions and permits for the demolition of structures in the apartment.

If we are talking about brick and concrete structures, then it is better to prepare documents in advance. Official permission for redevelopment may not be required, but for clarification you need to contact the Housing Inspectorate. To avoid problems after demolition, here's how to proceed:

    Receive a passport for the apartment from the BTI (sometimes the owners already have it). Mark on the received plan the areas that are subject to reconstruction, excluding buildings for load-bearing purposes. Draw up a redevelopment document, an application for demolition of the structure, and then contact the Housing Inspectorate to make sure that destruction will not lead to instability of the building. Execute renovation work, write down an act about them, take them to the BTI. Invite a company specialist to draw up a new plan. Receive an updated passport with the specified changes.

It should be remembered that load-bearing structures prohibited from demolition. But the same rule applies to partitions next to which gas appliances or columns. Thus, redevelopment in the kitchen, toilet and others non-residential premises requires approval.

The dismantling of a partition made of gypsum plasterboard or wood does not require approval. But even with independent planning it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of dismantling partitions made of different materials.

Dismantling a partition in a panel building

To determine the purpose of the wall, it is necessary to estimate its thickness. IN panel house load-bearing partitions have a width of 210 cm or more, and internal partitions up to 100 cm. In a brick house, these figures are 300 and 100 cm (or more).

Inside panel houses the partition is most often made of reinforced concrete slabs, which can be supplemented with heat-insulating materials. The internal structures in this case are made of plasterboard. In brick houses, all walls are made of different types of bricks.

Advice! To clarify the type of a particular partition before dismantling it, you need to look at the BTI plan. It usually indicates which walls are load-bearing.

Before demolition, it is necessary to invite a specialist who can assess the condition of the walls. It will also help calculate load distribution after demolition different designs.

Before carrying out work, you need to clarify whether there are partitions inside electrical wires. When demolishing walls using a hammer drill and other tools, you must always turn off the electricity that goes to the wiring inside the wall being processed. To dismantle concrete partitions, subsequent changes to the plan are necessary.

Dismantling brick walls

For arrangement internal partitions that do not carry additional load, do not use a whole brick, but half or a quarter of it.

This determines the wall width to be a minimum of 70 cm and a maximum of 120 cm. In rare houses, these figures are larger because a whole brick is used. Additionally, the thickness of the partition is affected decorative materials, insulation or soundproofing coatings.

Important! The brick partition is connected to load-bearing wall using a bandage. In the second case, steel anchors connected by wires are used.

If the thickness of the brick partition is 120 cm, then after its removal the load on adjacent structures will change slightly. To dismantle a 120 cm brick partition, you must obtain permission.

The procedure for destroying a brick wall:

    Using equipment, the plinth is removed. From the bottom up, they begin to knock out parts, gradually dismantling the partition. They work with a sledgehammer, a crowbar, or a crowbar. To protect the floor before work, you need to lay down slabs or plywood. If you cannot remove any section, you can use air gun, or a grinder, as well as an electric hammer. If there is an opening in the partition, first remove the bricks in the area of ​​the lintels, and then process the wall. To remove the steel anchors, use a grinder, a sledgehammer and a chisel.

Sometimes radiators are installed on the walls. In this case, you should contact specialists to move the system to another location.

It is also necessary to take into account that if the partition is partially demolished, then a grinder with a diamond blade is required. For example, structures are partially destroyed during the integration of new doorways and windows. In this case, the diamond blade will give a perfectly even cut.

Preparation before demolishing a wall

If electrical wiring is found in the wall, then before dismantling internal structure There are several steps you need to follow. First, remove the found wires and be sure to insulate them. They show in the BTI plan where the new communication will be located.

IN preparatory stage It also includes disconnecting all extraneous structures, including the baseboard.

Remove trim, doors, hooks. Another important stage, which many people miss, is notifying neighbors about work. You cannot demolish a wall early in the morning or late in the evening.

How to disassemble a gypsum board wall

Unlike dismantling brick partitions, demolition of plasterboard walls – more simple task. But first you need to figure out how it was installed:

determine the type of profile used - wood or metal; availability finishing material, which is removed first.

This could be tiles, putty, plastic panels or wallpaper; then remove the fasteners that secure the gypsum board sheets. Use a screwdriver or drill, since in most cases self-tapping screws are used for installation; determine the presence of deformation or cracks. If they are not there, the gypsum board is removed carefully, since it can be reused; then the frame made of wood or metal is disassembled, first getting rid of the screws.

When installing gypsum boards, vertical racks are secured using metal canopies. They are removed using a pry bar or other tool.

Methods for dismantling concrete partitions

Dismantling interior partitions in panel houses most often comes down to the destruction of concrete walls. This is necessary to combine the kitchen and dining room, or to create a spacious living room from an extra small bedroom and living room. For work, use a grinder, a high-quality hammer drill, and a jackhammer.

There is only one correct way to install any concrete structure– you need to work in parts, avoiding the fall of large slabs, which then cannot be crushed on the floor. In order to make work easy, it is necessary to keep the room clean by removing garbage.

To break the standard concrete wall, you need to use a regular grinder with a special circle attachment. Pieces of the wall must be sawed off a little at a time. To facilitate the process, experienced builders recommend applying markings to the wall.

Another tool that can be used to demolish a concrete wall is a jackhammer. But it can only be used if a major overhaul is planned. This is due to high level contamination when using the specified tool.

Important! If a hammer drill is used, it is equipped with a large chisel capable of cutting a concrete wall.

Using a puncher it is easy to make a hole anywhere in the partition. After breaking through the wall, you can use a sledgehammer or jackhammer.

Self-removal of tongue-and-groove and wooden partitions

The tongue-and-groove slab is one of the the best materials for the construction of a partition, but it is used infrequently. The dismantling of such a partition in an apartment can be carried out either with complete destruction of the material or with preservation for reuse. If the second option is implied, then the work must be extremely careful; it is best to use a powerful hammer drill or grinder.

Using a tool, the wall is sawed into 3-4 or more fragments, and light tapping with a sledgehammer pushes the resulting slabs onto the floor. To transport the material, it is crushed into convenient fragments. However, such a structure will not survive secondary dismantling after installation.

Important! Wooden partitions are rarely used in recent renovations or in outdated houses.

Often wooden structures can be found in old Khrushchev and Stalin buildings. They consist of several combined boards painted with plaster. Cement and lime mixtures are used for this.

Repair wooden products are not subject to, since they are dismantled 40-70 years after construction due to redevelopment. Dismantle wooden structure you need to use standard technology, turning off the electricity and removing the plaster from the surface.

Then they disassemble, dividing the boards into parts. You can cut the elements with a puncher. It is better to remove wooden fragments from the room immediately so that sawdust and small particles do not accumulate, potentially turning into splinters on the hands and feet.

To disassemble a wooden structure, use a sharp reciprocating saw. It easily separates the wall elements; the process begins from the top of the partition. As soon as they reach the middle, break the remainder with a sledgehammer or disassemble it by hand.

Hiring specialists in a construction company

Calling specialists for dismantling is a balanced solution if it is possible to contact a trusted company with experienced workers. There are situations in which contacting a professional is the only way to safely disassemble the structure. For example, if it consists of several layers of different materials and there is electrical wiring or other communications.

You should contact a specialist if the partition is re-installed or if old materials were used during installation (worn tongue-and-groove structure, wood). If the partition is made with a door frame, and you have never dismantled it, you can turn to specialists for careful work in order to preserve the door.

Dismantling the partition: procedure

Regardless of what material the partition is made of, you must constantly follow the dismantling technology.

The danger to humans is that without protective materials You may contaminate your lungs or injure your eyes or legs. People who neglect to wear sturdy shoes when working with a sledgehammer often suffer from broken toes. Here's how to do the work:

    First you need to prepare by purchasing goggles and a construction respirator to protect against dust and fine dirt, as well as durable boots and gloves. Then the electricity is turned off, furniture and equipment, pipelines are covered. Now you can begin reconstruction: first remove the decorative layer, then the door and door frame, as well as other details. They begin to destroy the wall: usually work starts from top to bottom so that there is no collapse of the partition. Destruction begins from the door opening, or from the center. To get rid of excess dust, the surface should be sprinkled with water.

Completion of work - garbage removal. Particular care should be taken with wooden structures. After breaking them, you can put a splinter, so it is better to work with gloves.

Responsible approach to dismantling structures made of any materials, drawing up necessary documents and coordination of the work is the key to the successful demolition of the wall. Compliance with safety rules and knowledge of the intricacies of working with different materials will help complete the process quickly and without injury.

When planning the complete or partial dismantling of brick walls, you need to take into account certain rules. If there is no desire to deform adjacent partitions or cause damage to the entire building, it is better to approach the work responsibly. It is necessary to assess the condition of the partitions, determine their type, and make a redevelopment project.

Types of walls

Before you begin dismantling a wall, you need to determine what type of wall you need to dismantle. There are two types:

    Load-bearing walls are supporting walls that support the ceiling. Main walls are partitions built one brick thick.

Their breakdown is very different. To dismantle a brick wall, you need to contact the services of specialists. Only professionals can accurately determine the type of wall.

The main ones are in most cases made of red brick. You can dismantle the partitions yourself, manually. They have nothing to do with ceiling load distribution.

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Necessary equipment

Dismantling brick walls and partitions requires special tools. To work you will need:

    hammer; sledgehammer; chisel; perforator; pickaxe.

Before carrying out such work, it is advisable to remove the furniture from the room.

An important fact is the weight of the bricks, which can break the floor covering. Therefore, it is necessary to decide whether it will subsequently change.

If so, secure it before dismantling. Don’t forget about the furniture in the room - you need to take care of it too. The best option will take it out of the room or at least cover it with film.

During dismantling work, a lot of dirt and dust generally accumulates in the room. To avoid this, the wall is periodically moistened with water, the eyes are protected with goggles, and the mouth and nose are covered with a respiratory mask. Before you start demolishing, you should remove wallpaper, plaster, dismantle baseboards, remove or disconnect wiring.

Dismantling partitions and interior walls always associated with housing redevelopment. Such events are held in old apartments such as “Khrushchev” and “Stalin” buildings. This is due to the desire of tenants to optimize and improve the existing space, to get rid of an inconvenient layout: adjacent rooms, tiny unnecessary storage rooms, incomprehensible nooks, etc.

Methods for dismantling partitions

There are two ways to dismantle partitions:

  1. On one's own.
  2. Calling the specialists.

We will consider each option separately.

Do-it-yourself - removing a wall with your own hands

The main advantage of this method is cost savings. From the beginning to the end of the process, you do not pay anyone, and what is also important, all work is carried out at a convenient time set by the owner of the property. The disadvantages include labor intensity and the need to independently remove construction waste.

Hiring specialists in a construction company

It would seem that everything is wonderful here, but it will take a lot of money. Depending on the region, dismantling a brick wall costs from 200 rubles. per m, concrete partitions are removed in more than high price- from 300 rubles/m. To this you need to add: power outages, removal of wiring, garbage removal - the amount adds up to a considerable amount.

It is unnecessary to say anything about the second method: look for builders, draw up an estimate, pay and receive desired result. But it’s worth stopping at the first method and analyzing the whole process in detail.

Do-it-yourself wall dismantling


  • hammer or sledgehammer;
  • wire cutters;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • saw;
  • mount.

Dismantling the partition: procedure

We free the wall from carpets, wall lamps etc. We take the furniture out of the room, if this is not possible, we carefully cover everything with film. We de-energize the room, that is, we completely turn off the electricity in it.

Important! Electrical wiring with the voltage not turned off when dismantling partitions can not only leave the entire apartment without light, but seriously harm your health.

Using a pry bar, remove the baseboards.

Carefully, starting from distribution box, it is necessary to free the wires from the covering covering them (mortar, wallpaper, panels, etc.).

Dismantle the wiring (remove the wires from the wall).

We remove the old doors.

We dismantle the door frame and all existing wooden elements.

Dismantling the wall must begin from the top; the most difficult thing at this stage is to pull out the first fragment of masonry (brick, block).

If the wall material is planned to be used somewhere in the future, then the external covering (mortar, wallpaper, etc.) must be cleaned off.

Gradually dismantle the partition.

Advice! If you do not have a hammer drill, then the seams between the blocks can be hollowed out using a chisel and hammer.

Collect all construction waste in special bags.

After dismantling, carefully clean the junction of the destroyed partition with the main wall and ceiling from poorly adhering fragments of mortar; this will protect you from destruction of the surface layer after subsequent plastering and finishing of the walls.

Changes in the layout of an apartment are a risky idea if the owner does not know about all the intricacies of the position of load-bearing and simple walls. In panel and brick houses, dismantling partitions requires careful preparation, drawing up certain documents and selecting professional tools. Otherwise, adjacent walls and floors may be damaged and injury may occur.

Under what circumstances can walls be dismantled without permits?

To avoid troubles, it is better to familiarize yourself in advance with the restrictions and permits for demolition of structures in the apartment. If we are talking about brick and concrete structures, then it is better to prepare documents in advance. Official permission for redevelopment may not be required, but for clarification you need to contact the Housing Inspectorate.
To avoid problems after demolition, here's how to proceed:

  • Obtain a passport for the apartment from the BTI (sometimes the owners already have it).
  • Indicate on the received plan the areas that are subject to reconstruction, excluding buildings for load-bearing purposes.
  • Draw up a redevelopment document, an application for demolition of the structure, and then contact the Housing Inspectorate to make sure that the destruction will not lead to instability of the building.
  • Carry out repair work, write down a report about it, and take it to the BTI.
  • Invite a company specialist to draw up a new plan.
  • Receive an updated passport with the specified changes.

It should be remembered that load-bearing structures are prohibited from demolition. But the same rule applies to partitions next to which gas appliances or water heaters are installed. Thus, redevelopment in the kitchen, toilet and other non-residential premises requires approval.

The dismantling of a partition made of gypsum plasterboard or wood does not require approval. But even with independent planning, you need to take into account the features of dismantling partitions made of different materials.

Dismantling a partition in a panel building

To determine the purpose of the wall, it is necessary to estimate its thickness. In a panel house, load-bearing partitions have a width of 210 cm or more, and internal partitions up to 100 cm. In a brick house, these figures are 300 and 100 cm (or more).

Inside panel houses, partitions are most often made of reinforced concrete slabs, which can be supplemented with heat-insulating materials. The internal structures in this case are made of plasterboard. In brick houses, all walls are made of different types of bricks.

Advice! To clarify the type of a particular partition before dismantling it, you need to look at the BTI plan. It usually indicates which walls are load-bearing.

Before demolition, it is necessary to invite a specialist who can assess the condition of the walls. It will also help calculate the load distribution after the demolition of different structures. Before carrying out work, you need to check whether there are electrical wires inside the partition. When demolishing walls using a hammer drill and other tools, you must always turn off the electricity that goes to the wiring inside the wall being processed. To dismantle concrete partitions, subsequent changes to the plan are necessary.

Dismantling brick walls

To construct internal partitions that do not carry additional load, not a whole brick is used, but half or a quarter of it. This determines the wall width to be a minimum of 70 cm and a maximum of 120 cm. In rare houses, these figures are larger because a whole brick is used. Additionally, the thickness of the partition is influenced by decorative materials, insulation or soundproofing coatings.

Important! The brick partition is connected to the load-bearing wall using a bandage. In the second case, steel anchors connected by wires are used.

If the thickness of the brick partition is 120 cm, then after its removal the load on adjacent structures will change slightly. To dismantle a 120 cm brick partition, you must obtain permission.

The procedure for destroying a brick wall:

  • Using equipment, remove the baseboard.
  • From bottom to top they begin to knock out parts, gradually dismantling the partition. They work with a sledgehammer, a crowbar, or a crowbar.
  • To protect the floor, it is necessary to lay slabs or plywood before work.
  • If you cannot remove any section, you can use a pneumatic gun, or an angle grinder, or an electric hammer drill.
  • If there is an opening in the partition, first remove the bricks in the area of ​​the lintels, and then process the wall.
  • To remove steel anchors, use a grinder, sledgehammer and chisel.

Sometimes radiators are installed on the walls. In this case, you should contact specialists to move the system to another location. It is also necessary to take into account that if the partition is partially demolished, then a grinder with a diamond blade is required. For example, structures are partially destroyed during the integration of new doorways and windows. In this case, the diamond blade will give a perfectly even cut.

Preparation before demolishing a wall

If electrical wiring is found in the wall, then several steps must be completed before dismantling the internal structure. First, remove the found wires and be sure to insulate them. They show in the BTI plan where the new communication will be located.

The preparatory stage also includes disconnecting all extraneous structures, including the baseboard. Remove trim, doors, hooks. Another important step that many people miss is notifying neighbors about the work being carried out. You can't demolish a wall early in the morning or late in the evening.

How to disassemble a gypsum board wall

Unlike dismantling brick partitions, demolishing plasterboard walls is a simpler task.

But first you need to figure out how it was installed:

  • determine the type of profile used - wood or metal;
  • the presence of finishing material, which is removed first. This could be tiles, putty, plastic panels or wallpaper;
  • then remove the fasteners that secure the gypsum board sheets. Use a screwdriver or drill, since in most cases self-tapping screws are used for installation;
  • determine the presence of deformation or cracks. If they are not there, the plasterboard is removed carefully, since it can be reused;
  • then they disassemble the frame made of wood or metal, first getting rid of the screws.

When installing gypsum boards, vertical posts are secured using metal canopies. They are removed using a pry bar or other tool.

Methods for dismantling concrete partitions

Dismantling interior partitions in panel houses most often comes down to the destruction of concrete walls. This is necessary to combine the kitchen and dining room, or to create a spacious living room from an extra small bedroom and living room. For work, use a grinder, a high-quality hammer drill, and a jackhammer.

There is only one correct way to install any concrete structure - you need to work in parts, avoiding the fall of large slabs, which then cannot be crushed on the floor. In order to make work easy, it is necessary to keep the room clean by removing garbage.

To destroy a standard concrete wall, you need to use a regular grinder with a special circle attachment. Pieces of the wall must be sawed off a little at a time. To facilitate the process, experienced builders recommend applying markings to the wall.

Another tool that can be used to demolish a concrete wall is a jackhammer. But it can only be used if a major renovation is planned. This is due to the high level of contamination when using said tool.

Important! If a hammer drill is used, it is equipped with a large chisel capable of cutting a concrete wall.

Using a puncher it is easy to make a hole anywhere in the partition. After breaking through the wall, you can use a sledgehammer or jackhammer.

Self-removal of tongue-and-groove and wooden partitions

A tongue-and-groove slab is one of the best materials for constructing a partition, but it is rarely used. The dismantling of such a partition in an apartment can be carried out either with complete destruction of the material or with preservation for reuse. If the second option is implied, then the work must be extremely careful; it is best to use a powerful hammer drill or grinder.

Using a tool, the wall is sawed into 3-4 or more fragments, and light tapping with a sledgehammer pushes the resulting slabs onto the floor. To transport the material, it is crushed into convenient fragments. However, such a structure will not survive secondary dismantling after installation.

Important! Wooden partitions are rarely used in recent renovations or in outdated houses.

Often wooden structures can be found in old Khrushchev and Stalin buildings. They consist of several combined boards painted with plaster. Cement and lime mixtures are used for this.

Wooden products cannot be repaired, since they are dismantled 40-70 years after construction due to redevelopment. A wooden structure must be dismantled using standard technology, turning off the electricity and removing the plaster from the surface. Then they disassemble, dividing the boards into parts. You can cut the elements with a puncher. It is better to remove wooden fragments from the room immediately to prevent sawdust and small particles from accumulating, potentially turning into splinters on the hands and feet.

To disassemble a wooden structure, use a sharp reciprocating saw. It easily separates the wall elements; the process begins from the top of the partition. As soon as they reach the middle, break the remainder with a sledgehammer or disassemble it by hand.

Hiring specialists in a construction company

Calling specialists for dismantling is a balanced solution if it is possible to contact a trusted company with experienced workers. There are situations in which contacting a professional is the only way to safely disassemble the structure. For example, if it consists of several layers of different materials and there is electrical wiring or other communications.

You should contact a specialist if the partition is re-installed or if old materials were used during installation (worn tongue-and-groove structure, wood). If the partition is made with a door frame, and you have never dismantled it, you can turn to specialists for careful work in order to preserve the door.

Dismantling the partition: procedure

Regardless of what material the partition is made of, you must constantly follow the dismantling technology. The danger to humans is that without protective materials, you can contaminate your lungs or injure your eyes or legs.

People who neglect to wear sturdy shoes when working with a sledgehammer often suffer from broken toes. Here's how to do the work:

  • First you need to prepare by purchasing goggles and a construction respirator to protect against dust and fine dirt, as well as durable boots and gloves. Then they turn off the electricity, cover furniture and equipment, and pipelines.
  • Now you can begin the reconstruction: first remove the decorative layer, then the door and door frame, as well as other parts.
  • They begin to destroy the wall: usually work starts from top to bottom so that there is no collapse of the partition.
  • Destruction begins from the door opening, or from the center. To get rid of excess dust, the surface should be sprinkled with water.

Completion of work - garbage removal. Particular care should be taken with wooden structures. After breaking them, you can put a splinter, so it is better to work with gloves.

A responsible approach to dismantling structures made of any materials, drawing up the necessary documents and coordinating the work is the key to the successful demolition of a wall. Compliance with safety rules and knowledge of the intricacies of working with different materials will help you complete the process quickly and without injury.

To begin dismantling walls and partitions with your own hands, be sure to turn off all utility networks, which are in the walls - water, thermal systems, radio and electrical wires. If it is necessary to stop the water supply or power supply to the entire entrance (house), special services are called in to notify residents in order to avoid conflict situations.

Basically, the owners of apartments built during the Soviet era want to implement a new housing layout, accompanied by redevelopment. Similar buildings with long corridors, small rooms are gradually being replaced by new designer reincarnations. for which it was also created in the last century, it is possible (even necessary!) to be redesigned for comfortable living.

When the project for a new home has already been prepared, an estimate has been drawn up, and the innovations have been agreed upon with city authorities, you can begin the final stage of the renovation - dismantling the walls, the cost of which will be insignificant if you do it yourself. To facilitate the demolition of the walls in the apartment, the platbands and baseboards are first removed, and the plaster is removed if necessary.

During overhauls it is often carried out, but if flooring cannot be changed, then it is necessary to arrange a “shock-absorbing” covering made of cardboard, rags, and old blankets. This will protect the floor from flying heavy pieces of the monolith, without which the demolition of walls in a panel house cannot be done.

Dismantling load-bearing walls

The walls and partitions of any building can be:




Load-bearing walls serve as the capital structure of the building, so independent dismantling of the wall, the price of which from the master depends on the amount of work, as well as cutting large openings in them requires permission from the design company. Illiterate interference with carriers construction plans made of brick, concrete, reinforced concrete, which is fraught with illegal redevelopment of an apartment, entails the danger of compromising the strength of the structure. The building ceases to be safe for life, and in the future, unauthorized demolition of walls in the apartment may cause the destruction of the entire house. Therefore, it is recommended to dismantle a brick wall or partition with your own hands only in case of emergency with the permission of the relevant city services.

Load-bearing walls are an intermediate element between the foundation and other building elements. Identifying its location is quite simple: you need to determine the area where the ceiling slabs are located, which are supported by crossbars or beams. These walls transfer the load of the entire structure of the house along with the roof, interfloor ceilings, and its own weight to the foundation.

If dismantling a permanent brick wall is inevitable, all precautions must be taken. The load on it is redistributed by creating an auxiliary load-bearing beam, which should rest at its ends on a solid foundation.

After making sure that the temporary reinforcement made of reinforced concrete lintels or steel beams has reliable stability and high strength, you can begin dismantling the brick wall. Depending on the used building material, apply different ways demolition of capital structures:

 When disassembling brickwork First, the top brick, located in the center of the future opening, is knocked out. Then the top row of masonry is sequentially dismantled to the right and left of the removed brick. In this case, the opening must be formed so that there is a slight expansion along the top line in order to secure the reinforcing jumpers. Strong iron beams are placed at a distance of at least 15 cm from each other, securely fixed. The top of the opening is then filled with bricks that fit tightly to the ceiling slab. It is advisable to remove temporary supports only after the mortar in the brickwork has completely dried.

 Demolition of walls in a panel house is performed a little differently. When dismantling the block base, the surface is divided into several sectors, and each part is destroyed in turn using a jackhammer. If metal mesh or reinforcement is found, cutting is done using a grinding machine.

Destruction of enclosing partitions

Walls that are not permanent are created with a finer structure.

Dismantling partitions in an apartment involves the same technology as for load-bearing walls. Their demolition does not require any additional devices.

Quick dismantling of partitions in an apartment that are not load-bearing does not involve the installation of fasteners. Their disassembly is carried out in the reverse order of assembly.

Usually, when building partitions, a gap is left between it and the ceiling, which is filled with gypsum mortar and tow. When dismantling the partitions in the apartment, they clear it, remove the baguette, platband, plinth, and then demolish the wall itself, the thickness of which is about 10-14 cm:

Concrete partitions can be removed using diamond cutting, which will significantly speed up the process and avoid noisy vibrations, as well as large amounts of dust.

WITH plasterboard partition First, the casing is removed, and then the frame is disassembled.

Demolition of a glass block structure is carried out similarly to plasterboard: first the external elements are dismantled, and then the frame is demolished.

If the partition is made of blocks or bricks, it is better to demolish it by impact using a traditional sledgehammer, hammer drill, hammer and chisel.

Wooden partitions are removed by sawing. The elements are disassembled, starting with the struts and beams.

Regardless of the material of manufacture, the dismantling of partitions in an apartment is carried out from top to bottom: bricks or other structural elements are removed one by one, row by row. It is recommended to moisten the surface to be destroyed generously with water or cover it with a wet cloth due to the fact that dismantling work will produce a lot of dust.

You need to stock up in advance on large and durable bags for collecting construction waste, of which a huge amount is expected. Breaking is not building. This folk wisdom Only those who experience this difficult and responsible type of preparatory work will understand. You also need to break it wisely, so that later “it won’t be excruciatingly painful”...
