Modern finishing of house facades. Photos of the facades of private houses

The facade is the main part of the building, which, first of all, everyone who comes to the house, as well as random passers-by, pays attention to. By using high-quality finishing you can give the building a decent appearance and make the house stand out from other similar buildings with its sophistication and originality.

Nowadays, having a variety of finishing materials and using special tools and finishing technologies, you can turn an ordinary facade into a real masterpiece. To create a high-quality facade, a serious professional approach, accurate calculations and considerable funds are required.

The appearance of a home largely depends on the personal preferences of its owner. Even before deciding what to cover the facade of the house with, it is important to consider functional requirements in relation to these structures, as well as the load-bearing capacity of the building walls.

Modern exterior finishing materials

For professional facade reconstruction, the modern construction industry offers various facing materials, the installation of which is carried out using appropriate technologies. With the help of such finishing, you can eliminate various defects of the building and achieve excellent results - correct geometric deviations and irregularities, repair dilapidated facades, insulate the building and perform decorative finishing.

Such materials are:

  • porcelain stoneware or clinker tiles;
  • natural or artificial stone;
  • plastic panels;
  • siding;
  • block house.

Traditionally facades residential buildings finished with plaster followed by painting. Plaster is usually applied to a previously prepared base, and if the plaster layer is more than 12 mm, a reinforcing mesh is used. This method will prevent the formation of cracks in the plaster during the operation of the building. The finished surface can be smooth or decorative. To give the applied layer decorative effect special rollers and stamps are used.

There are so-called wet plaster compositions with various decorative inclusions and color pigments. As a result of this plastering, the surface becomes rough and does not require painting.

Plaster is combined with decorative stone– natural or artificial. The use of decorative stone can be fragmentary, for example, on the corners of a building, on the base, window openings along the perimeter, columns or projections of the structure.

Natural stone finishing

Natural stone is used in facade decoration and how independent material. It is laid on cement mortar, and the seams are filled with grout and leveled with jointing. This is an expensive and labor-intensive type of finishing, but due to the durability of the material, the facade will have an excellent appearance for many years. A façade finished with decorative stone, smooth or chipped, will resemble a medieval castle.

Not everyone can afford to decorate a house natural stone. In this case, artificial stone is used as an alternative for cladding. This material can be an imitation of expensive stones in a variety of colors. Sometimes artificial stone cannot be distinguished from natural stone, so such a facade will look expensive and luxurious.

The advantage of this type of finishing compared to natural stone is that the cost of its acquisition is much lower. This material does not burn, does not rot, and is relatively lightweight.

Clinker tiles imitating clinker brick is also successfully used for finishing facades. She is not afraid of temperature changes and atmospheric influences. This finishing material is made from natural ingredients in a variety of color shades and invoices.

Brick cladding

Facing bricks are also often used to decorate the facade.

This finishing performs not only a decorative function, since a layer of brick covers the insulation.

Thermal panels with clinker tiles

With the help of clinker thermal panels, you can simultaneously solve two problems - insulate and finish the facade of both a new building and an existing one. A facade made of clinker panels is practically no different from a facade made of natural brick, and the costs of construction work are significantly lower.

To prevent damage to finishing materials by precipitation, it is necessary to construct gutters.

Porcelain stoneware finishing

Porcelain stoneware, or artificial granite, is used for cladding ventilated facades. This material is durable, able to withstand atmospheric and chemical influences. Porcelain stoneware finishing can be done at any time of the year. Thanks to natural ventilation Condensation does not form, and mold and mildew do not develop.

A ventilated façade reduces the thermal conductivity of the house during the cold season, and does not heat up the walls during the hot season. Corrosion-resistant metal load-bearing profiles are attached to the walls of the building vertically and horizontally. Then the insulation is installed and, using special fasteners, porcelain tiles are installed without visible seams or with seams. This facade does not require additional care.

Facade board or block house is most often used for wooden houses, and sometimes for houses made of foam blocks. Reconstruction of dilapidated facades using these materials will completely transform appearance Houses.

A façade lined with natural, sustainable wood will last much longer. In addition, this material is environmentally friendly. And with the help of various impregnations you can not only preserve wood material, but also give it the desired shade.

A block house with imitation timber will give the facade the appearance of a building made of natural wood and create additional thermal insulation.

Before you start decorating the facade with wood materials, they need to be kept in the sun for several days. Such acclimatization is necessary to ensure that wooden products do not warp during use and cracks do not appear.


Lining is a cheaper finishing material made of wood. The facades of cottages or bathhouses are also covered with clapboard, which blends perfectly with the surrounding nature.


Inexpensive facade finishing can be done using siding or facade foam. In English, “siding” is translated as “cladding.” Siding can be vinyl, plinth, metal and wood.

  • Basement siding is used to cover the base of a building. For this purpose, panels with a thickness of at least 3 mm with imitation of natural building materials (stone or facing brick) are suitable.
  • made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This material is resistant to mechanical damage. Also, when choosing siding, you should avoid bright colors, since vinyl products are sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Metal siding is a material that is quite durable and resistant to external influences. They are most often used for cladding the facades of industrial buildings.
  • Wood siding is a natural material, and therefore the most expensive. It is environmentally friendly, but not durable.

You can purchase siding in a variety of color scheme. Polyvinyl chloride panels (PVC) are produced with imitation various materials. The most popular siding is wood or brick. The advantage of the material is that it is lightweight and easy to install.

Siding is installed on a layer of insulation, but it can be done without it. This modern material is widely used for finishing houses, residential country buildings and for repairing old dilapidated facades. Siding is great waterproofing material, capable of protecting the walls of the house.

Panels with decorative elements

Panels with decorative elements made of reinforced foam plastic can be used to finish facades with high quality and relatively inexpensively. Such panels are both insulation and decor.

Decorative elements such as moldings, cornices, balusters, pilasters are suitable for finishing classic facades. These elements are made of polystyrene foam with a protective coating. They are installed on a plastered surface using special glue.

As you can see, in order to reconstruct the facade, there is a wide variety of finishing materials. The choice should be guided, first of all, by the financial side and personal preferences. Also the selection criteria are protective functions material from atmospheric influences, environmental friendliness and ease of installation and subsequent maintenance. The main thing is that the beauty of the facade is preserved for a long time.


This video talks about exterior decoration buildings:


High-quality cladding materials can decorate the facade of any building and, with their appearance, make the house presentable and exclusive. Often the opinion about a house is based on the appearance of its facade, but in fact the facing part is very important for another reason. The material must serve as reliable protection for the structure from negative external influences.

Correctly selected protective and decorative cladding for a home will for a long time decorate the building and protect it from external destruction. Which modern materials offers today's construction market, what to look for and what is the price of facade cladding for a house?

Selection of façade cladding

Large assortment facing materials for finishing the facades of buildings, but their choice must be taken responsibly, since each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is also worth considering that any of the materials requires certain preparatory work from the front of the house.

Each type of cladding has its own characteristics and this can affect the appearance of the house, since the material is ideal for one structure, but will be completely inappropriate for another. When choosing a cladding, it is imperative to take into account the main characteristics of the material:

  • water absorption from the surface layer;
  • increased heat and sound insulation;
  • further repairs;
  • structural strength;
  • external compliance with the façade structure and attractiveness.

Cladding materials for house facades, their types and main criteria

By using modern technologies and materials you can create interesting design solutions and significantly improve the basic operational properties of the building. Need to consider the most popular types of facade cladding, which can be purchased at hardware stores.

Numerous types of facade cladding must have two main functions - decorativeness and protection of the structure. Beautiful facade always attracts attention, but, in addition, it must serve as reliable protection from moisture and frost, noise and UV radiation.

The main criteria include environmental safety, affordable price, easy installation and simple maintenance. If the selected material meets the listed criteria, then most likely the choice will be correct.

Facade clinker tiles

It is a simple and reliable material that is used for brick. The basis for its production is shale clay, which is obtained by firing at high temperatures. Natural color clay is yellow-brown, but during firing and during the production process the material acquires various colors and shades. Material looks like brick perfect shape. Among the advantages:

  • frost resistance and seismic resistance;
  • high strength and durability;
  • temperature stability;
  • suitable for creating ventilated facades;
  • variety of textures and colors;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation and maintenance.

Clinker tiles also have their disadvantages - since they are made of clay, they are a fragile material and are susceptible to impacts. An important disadvantage is high price of tiles, it is justified by complex production technology.

Natural and artificial stone

They belong to the category of expensive and durable cladding. It also has its advantages and disadvantages; such material requires special attention when choosing, since it is influenced by climatic conditions, and you also need to take into account that the material carries a certain load on the foundation of the house. For example, no one uses limestone in harsh climatic conditions, and marble reacts poorly to high humidity. All natural stones tend to become dirty quickly. The most popular are granite, limestone and marble.

Artificial stones are much more convenient and practical, they are easier to use and install, and are lighter in weight. For its production, sand, cement and many natural fillers are used, as well as color pigments. A large assortment of colors and shapes of artificial stone is currently offered to consumers at a fairly reasonable price. Compared to natural stone, artificial stone is not as durable, but still can last a long time and maintain its original appearance, for which it is valued. Houses lined with artificial stone look beautiful and quite prestigious.

Artificial stone for exterior cladding of a house

Artificial stone


People have long been using this material as a cladding material. It performs many functions, so often used for facade cladding. Among the advantages:

Brick has its drawbacks to be used as cladding it is necessary to strengthen the foundation and waterproof the basement. The material is labor-intensive and time-consuming; another disadvantage is the low thermal insulation coefficient.

Ceramic tiles

Since ancient times, it has been used in cladding floors and walls, since it has a number of advantages:

  • high resistance to moisture and temperature changes;
  • has aesthetic qualities;
  • allows you to create a beautiful and unique design in the hands of skilled craftsmen.

The disadvantages include additional costs for other materials, which are needed for its installation, so the final cost will be high.


A very popular cladding method today, since the material is low in price and good quality. There are several types of siding:

  • vinyl;
  • metal;
  • basement;
  • wooden.

Except, low price siding has gained wide popularity due to its ease of installation; the panels can be installed even by non-professionals, and they are also easy to maintain. The panels are washed with a stream of water or a damp sponge. Among the disadvantages are they are afraid of mechanical damage, a small range of colors, low fire safety and frost resistance.

Facade plaster and painting

This type of cladding does not create a load on the foundation and walls of the house. Using such material you can easily create any texture and pattern on the surface of the facade. It ventilates the walls well and does not accumulate moisture. Today there are many types - acrylic, mineral, silicate and silicone. Each of them has its positive and negative aspects. Decorative plaster is an expensive facing material, the price is almost the same as natural stone.

The article does not describe all materials for cladding the facade; there are also other options for finishing the walls of a house outside. Natural and artificial species claddings are successfully used in decorative design houses. Everyone must decide for themselves which material to choose, taking into account at least two nuances when choosing - technical part and the cost of cladding.

A building that is approaching the final stage of construction - the choice of the facade of the house - needs two main points: protection from adverse impacts from external influences on the structure and decoration of the house, which determines what style it will be classified as.

Ventilated facade system with ceramic granite cladding.

Cladding the facade of a private house can be done as follows (indicating prices for work and the cost of material):

  1. ventilated facades – the cost of work is within 1200-1300 rubles/m2;
  2. siding finishing – cost from 400r/m2; with cladding and waterproofing about 9000r/m2; cost of material – 120 – 500r/sq.m;
  3. brick finishing – the cost of work will be from 550r/m2; cost of material – from 1000 to 4000 rubles/sq.m;
  4. stone or tile – cost from 1300 to 2200 rubles/m2; clinker tiles – 3300 RUR/m2; natural stone – 4400 RUR/m2; cost of material – 1000 – 1200r/sq.m;
  5. finishing with plaster – cost from 500 to 1800 rubles/m2; cost of material – from 60 to 300 rubles/sq.m;
  6. coloring – cost of work from 150 rubles/m2.

Any of these methods requires preliminary preparation before the main surface work and has its own individual qualities. The main thing that needs to be highlighted, in addition to technological subtleties, is the type of material for cladding and the quality of the wall.

Ventilated facade system clad with natural stone tiles.

The design of the facade is simple: facing material (aluminum sheets or tiles) and sub-cladding structure. An air “cushion” forms between them. In addition, a thermal insulation layer is often made between the facing surface and the wall, then the “cushion” is located between the thermal insulation and the facing.

The advantages of this cladding

  • use in areas of high seismic hazard;
  • durability (from 20 to 50 years);
  • load-bearing wall no need to level first;
  • installation occurs quickly, since the installation is all-season due to the absence of “wet” work;
  • savings on heating, as the thermal insulation of this method is effective;
  • sound insulation has been increased several times;
  • resistance to adverse weather conditions.

Ventilated facade system with tiling.

The main part is the insulation layer - it must be resistant to weathering, have high vapor permeability and withstand sudden temperature changes. Most suitable option thermal insulation – based on stone wool. Plates, which have a base of basalt rocks, have dimensional stability, non-flammability, high thermal insulation and durability. Such facades are mounted on a load-bearing wall, both concrete and brick. The subcladding structure consists of brackets mounted on the load-bearing wall and load-bearing profiles that are mounted sequentially on the brackets. Using fasteners, sheets for cladding are installed, and at the end the insulation is fixed using profiles or dowels.

Ventilated curtain facades are not only visually attractive, but also functional. With the help of such facades, the general appearance of buildings in a certain architectural style is preserved or can be changed.

Severe climatic conditions are not dangerous for ventilation facades, unlike other types of cladding that have short term services. Despite the cost of hanging systems, savings on heating allow you to recoup all costs. The big positive side of such a façade is that there is no need for repairs..

Finishing the facade of a private house with siding

PVC cladding (vinyl analogue of wood) has been known to the world for no more than half a century, which was enough to evaluate its feasibility, but wood siding known for a long time.

PVC siding.

PVC siding

The advantages of this method are as follows:

  • the protective screen is formed thanks to vinyl siding. Since it is ventilated, there is no excess moisture and the walls can “breathe”;
  • the screen is easy to clean;
  • does not burn, but can melt. When melting, harmful compounds are released, which is why this method is considered environmentally hazardous;
  • durable, so an old-style house can be easily modernized.

Durability and the ability not to fade in the sun will depend on the manufacturer.

Despite all the cheapness of the vinyl sheathing itself, the auxiliary materials are expensive. After measuring the building and calculating the materials, you can only judge the final price of the siding. The most basic rule is adherence to technology during installation. To ensure that the façade does not have to be redone and is not warped, calculations for the expansion and contraction of the PVC panel are required.

Metal siding with a coating that reproduces the texture of natural wood.

Metal siding

It is the most resistant to mechanical influences, unpretentious and durable, fire resistant. Consists of galvanized steel and has a polymer coating.

Several disadvantages: there is little choice in texture and color.

Metal siding conducts current (this is controlled by grounding), and this allows you to avoid the penetration of radiomagnetic waves inside - a protective screen appears near the house, but mobile communications are poorly received.

Wood siding.

Wood siding

The cost of the tree is not small, which increases the social status of the owner. The appearance of such a house is unsurpassed, although durability is not up to par. top level. Using new technologies, it is possible to create wood that will last longer than usual. Wood treated under pressure (impregnation process) increases the density of the wood, so resistance to adverse influences increases.

Finishing the facade with brickwork.

Brickwork façade finishing

Often brick cladding– this is a pre-calculated version of the facade of a private house. Brick has always been considered the embodiment of respectability.

If the building is already built, for example, from wood, then when lining the facade with brick, you should not forget about ventilation system, since wood can quickly deteriorate due to condensation.

Also, thermal insulation properties will not arise due to such cladding if the gaps are not properly filled with liquid foam. The best option would be insulation with a basalt slab or mineral wool.

When making brickwork, you should not forget about the foundation with waterproofing.

Whatever it's made of old wall, it should be connected to the new masonry with flexible connections at the rate of approximately 7 pieces per m2. The height of the duplicated masonry should be no more than 7 m with a pediment (without - 5 m). Otherwise, stability, as well as strength, will be weak.

Decorative elements will look positive on a monotonous smooth wall, as well as a combination color solutions bricks

Façade tiling.

Tiling the facade of a private house

Although the design is simple, execution requires special care and adherence to installation technology. Also, such a facade is quite expensive.

To successfully construct a tile facade, it is necessary that the masonry walls settle. Each type of tile has its own individual adhesive. The tiles can be clinker, ceramic, cement-sand based, artificial or natural stone. Facade tiles must be designed for outdoor work.

This type of cladding is done on long term, because it is not only spectacular, but also capable of turning a boring house into an architectural masterpiece.

Walls that have been insulated can be faced in this way only if the ventilated facade was sheathed with magnesite boards or OSB. The thickness and method of fastening depend on the load. It is allowed to tile a ventilated brick façade.

You should take into account the grouting of the joints if you have “brick” or “chopped stone” tiles. Gaps should be left at least 5mm, and the color of the grout can decorate the cladding. Also, larger tile options are suitable for basement cladding than for walls. Thus, the house will look more stable and grander. And the upper edges must be protected with a cornice and a visor from moisture.

Cladding of ventilated facades with clinker tiles

Collection "Glaze"

“Snowy Peak” “Coconut Grove” “Sea Foam”

“Sunset” “Morning Dew” “Basalt”

“Walnut” “Granite” “Wet sand”

“The Cherry Orchard” “Lunar Eclipse” “Savannah”

“Rocky Coast” “Caramel” “Honey”

"Malachite" "Iceberg" "Wheat"

"White Cloud"

Collection "Natura"

"Europe" "Africa" ​​"America"


Plaster finishing of the house.

The facade made of plaster is called “wet”, as it includes in the process wet work. Plastering takes from 2 to 4 weeks of work.

Mineral plaster.

Mineral plaster

The most popular cladding due to its low cost. It has poor ductility and is short-lived. This is not a disadvantage at all, since the price and environmental properties cover the previous qualities. The walls are quite capable of “breathing”, and the house can be ventilated using the usual method.

Mineral plaster is most often used for walls made of material that “breathes” and is insulated with mineral wool or basalt slabs. Up close railway and on highways such a façade is inappropriate, as vibration may cause destruction of the coating.

Operation on average is about 10 years. It is not advisable to apply it to recently built houses (except frame ones); the house must be allowed to shrink.

Decorative silicate plaster.

Silicate plaster

One of best finishes facade of a private house. It is plastic, and also allows air to pass through, has antistatic properties, and therefore does not collect dust.

If we take into account the cost of the material, this is one of the most expensive “wet” claddings. Installation work is also considered expensive. A facade made of silicate plaster can last 20-25 years in operation.

Thin-layer acrylic plaster ("fur coat" type).

Acrylic plaster

Despite all its plasticity and moisture resistance, the protective film that forms on it does not allow the house to breathe. If the house is located near the railway and other places where there is strong vibration, then acrylic plaster is just right. Also if the walls are insulated with foam glass or polystyrene foam. It absorbs dust, so it is not used near highways. It is necessary to install additional ventilation in the house. Acrylic plaster is quite durable and its service life will be 15-20 years.

Silicone plaster.

Silicone plaster

The most common “wet” cladding. It is elastic, “breathable”, it is the only one that does not absorb chemicals and salts. If you stick to correct technique application, then the appearance, service life and strength will be good, even near the highway. Serves up to 25 years.

Calculation of the cost of the facade of a private house

  • material for 1 kg (if plaster) or 1 sq.m. (if brick, siding, block house, ceramic tiles);
  • insulation required for a specific façade area;

Finishing the facade is the final stage of the capital construction of the cottage. Often at this point there is not enough energy and enthusiasm to fully complete the work. Therefore, the question of how to decorate the facade of a house is solved hastily, without due attention to detail.

As a result, the design of the facade of the house becomes a weak link in the design of the entire building. What they look like modern facades private houses and how to ensure that your cottage looks worse than buildings from magazine photos?

How to choose material for the facade of a private house?

Appearance and quality of any finish - important criteria choice. But before purchasing, evaluate whether the facade has unevenness, dilapidated areas, whether it is necessary additional thermal insulation buildings.

Don't forget to think about the budget for the front of the house. It is predictable that natural cladding will be more expensive than composite analogues. But cheap raw materials do not guarantee low cost of work. Consider all installation costs: for example, the need for preliminary surface preparation and the purchase of tools.

Assess whether finishing will require capital investments in the future, and what their volume will be. Often rational decision, allowing you to save money - choose a product of a medium or high price category. A cheap way finishing after careful calculations turns out to be unprofitable.

What is the best way to decorate the facade of a private house inexpensively? In a universal way will be faced with siding or facade tiles. The corresponding installation work can be completed on your own. If you have no skills in the construction industry and need to turn to professionals, then pay attention to plaster and façade panels.

Options for facades of private houses: current finishing methods

How to decorate the facade of the house so that your country house not only has modern look, but was the finishing practical?

  • Plaster. Gas silicate, cinder block, foam block and other surfaces, including insulated ones, are suitable as a basis for applying plaster. Before applying plaster, it is recommended to reinforce the external wall of the building. The reinforcing layer will prevent cracking of the plaster. The appearance of plaster is varied: from traditional smooth to complex textures, for example, “bark beetle” or “lamb.” All traditional types of plaster are made based on sand and cement. But wet plaster compositions deserve special attention. This plaster contains inclusions of color pigments and many decorative particles. The finished surface has an interesting heterogeneous structure and does not require painting. Facade plaster based on silicone and acrylic is also used. Silicone plaster in its own way operational characteristics superior to other types of this finishing material, but lining with such a composition must be performed by a professional. A good choice is acrylic plaster. This material is cheaper than other decorative compositions, but has a significant drawback. Plaster cracks with sudden temperature changes.

  • Natural stone. A classic finishing option for those who are wondering how to clad the facade of their house. The cost of such cladding is above average, but its appearance remains unchanged long time. The stone is installed using cement mortar applied to the walls of a private house. The seams between the stones are filled with special grout. Raw materials for finishing can be varied - slate, sandstone, marble, limestone, quartzite. To make the front part look less massive, use combined finishing– for example, stone and plaster. A common option is lining the corner parts of the building with stone and plastering the remaining surfaces. If you plan to completely decorate the front part of the building with natural stone, then the builders should be notified of this intention before starting work. Any natural material has a large mass, so the load on the walls of the building increases. It may be necessary to make changes to the foundation design.
  • Artificial facing stone. Such decorative material can become a cheap replacement for natural stone. The color range is varied, as is the range of textures. This material is lightweight and practical. Its installation is not particularly difficult. The disadvantage of artificial material compared to natural material is a shorter service life. But the natural texture is unique, which gives the facade a truly respectable appearance.
  • Clinker brick. Such decorative bricks are made on the basis of clay using a special technology, the specificity of which makes it possible to achieve exceptional operational properties material. Clinker bricks are resistant to low temperatures and characterized by low absorption atmospheric moisture and excellent sound absorption. The color range is not limited to the usual terracotta shades. Decorative clinker bricks are available in yellow, red, black, white colors. This facing material has a drawback - efflorescence may appear on its surface over time. But such cases are rare. Completely decorating the facade of a private house with brick is an option that does not fit into a small budget. There is a solution. This is brick cladding of individual parts of the building - window sills, chimney, socles. The individual architectural elements of the building, lined with brick - columns, stairs, porch - also look harmonious.
  • Clinker tiles. Such tiles will replace brick. Its advantage is its low price and low weight. But tiles are characterized by greater fragility and lower thermal insulation properties. In terms of decorative properties, tiles are not inferior to bricks. If you decide to decorate the facade with tiles, then it is imperative to take care of arranging a drainage system from the roof. Otherwise the finish will peel off.
  • Porcelain tiles. This material is made from clay with the addition of feldspar, quartz sand and other ingredients. After firing at ultra-high temperatures, porcelain stoneware acquires exceptional strength. This modern material does not absorb water. The appearance of porcelain stoneware is limited only by the imagination of the manufacturer. For example, there are structured coatings on sale that imitate wood or brick. And satin porcelain tiles have a noble shine, reminiscent of a wax layer. Porcelain tiles are attached to the façade using a special adhesive or mounted on metal frame. Usage cement mortar threatens to peel off the finish when low temperatures. Porcelain stoneware is often used if there is a need to finish a ventilated façade.

  • Block house. How to decorate the facade of a house inexpensively, but using natural materials? Suitable choice will become a block house or facade board. A private wooden or foam block building can be lined with this material, regardless of how long ago the construction work was completed. This method of cladding will help hide the dilapidation of the façade. A person who is not familiar with the intricacies of the construction industry will not distinguish real timber from a block house. But the latter material is cheaper, maintaining the excellent heat and sound insulation properties of wood. In order for the block house to meet the expectations placed on it in terms of practicality and durability, the material must be properly prepared. Before installation, it is kept in the open air for several days, but protected from moisture. This way the wood goes through an acclimatization process, which will help avoid deformation and cracking. For fastening, self-tapping screws are used, the caps of which are closed with special covers or filled with glue. The wood is treated with an antiseptic solution, primer and clear varnish. After sanding, colored varnish or paint is applied to the wood. Please note that the treatment should be repeated periodically. Otherwise, the quality of the wood will noticeably deteriorate.
  • Siding. These façade panels are highly decorative. For example, siding “like wood”, “like brick”, “like stone” is on sale. Material for production cladding panels– wood, PVC, metal, vinyl. The process of installing siding will not be particularly difficult, but such finishing will effectively protect the walls of a private house from negative influences. external factors. The cost of siding is affordable, but in practice the service life does not exceed five years. But high-quality siding can last longer, so you shouldn't save too much on your purchase. Siding for cladding should be used if a private household is located in mild climatic conditions. Also keep in mind that the material is characterized by high thermal expansion rates.
  • Foam panels. This cheap type of cladding is made on the basis of foam plastic with a protective reinforced layer. The foam finish simultaneously performs thermal insulation functions. The top layer can be unpainted or imitate some natural texture, for example, brick. Often the panels are used to ventilate the facade of a private house. There remains free space between the wall surface and the insulation, making it possible to ventilate it. A ventilated facade is breathable, but excess moisture does not accumulate in it. A private household with such a façade design is characterized by a comfortable microclimate, which ensures an increase in the service life of the building.

Modern house facade: choosing a style

Country style – common way home decoration. Country music will be a harmonious choice if a private home is located in the suburbs, near mountains or forests. Popular varieties of country music are Provence and Chalet. All directions involve the use of natural materials or their high-quality imitation. IN cozy style Country style is dominated by soft and flowing shapes and restrained colors.

High-tech style is characterized by the opposite aesthetics. A private home decorated in this style is strict and restrained. The decoration is replete with glass and metal. At first glance at a building designed in the spirit of high-tech, it can be difficult to determine whether it is a residential building or industrial premises. Private home ownership in this stylistic direction- a rare case in the post-Soviet space. But in the photos in glossy magazines, where the works of Western architects are shown, there are many similar buildings.

Modern style– a suitable solution for those who equally like both hi-tech and country music. Modern style allows for any non-trivial combinations of textures and colors. This is a frequent choice of home owners living in post-Soviet countries.

How to cover the facade of the house? There are many possibilities. For example, glass surfaces large areas can be combined with natural stone, and metal panels- with brick. Clinker bricks with a glass layer applied to the surface will fit perfectly. Such original material can decorate any private building.
