Slugs in the well what to do. Disinfection of a well with potassium permanganate

A well is one of the simplest and most easily accessible ways to supply water to any suburban area or private home.

If during the construction of a well and its operation all the necessary technologies, sanitary standards and requirements are not taken into account, then the water in it will be of poor quality, and then it will be necessary to immediately take measures to purify the water, especially if it is potable.

Causes of well water contamination

Everyone knows that dirty water in a well can lead to many serious diseases. Therefore, in order to know how to purify water in a well, it is necessary to find out the causes of contamination. There are several common reasons that can lead to contaminated well water:

  • the water may become cloudy due to depressurization of seams or other openings in the well, as a result of which dissolved soil may enter the water. This most often occurs after heavy rainfall or snow melting. This problem can only be dealt with by sealing the seams and holes. If after this the water remains cloudy, then you will have to clean the well;
  • often clear water takes on a red, brown, green or black tint. It will be easier to deal with this problem if it is inside the well, but if the whole aquifer, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to remove the contamination; you will have to resort to a device additional system preparing water after it is extracted from a well;
  • The cause of rust in water may be a high concentration of iron in the aquifer. Cleaning and disinfection cannot cope with such a problem. In this case, it is necessary to provide a water treatment system that is built directly into the house;
  • if the water darkens or acquires a black tint, then the reason for this is the decomposition of organic substances that fall into the well. This can also occur due to stagnation of water. When a large amount of sunlight enters a well, active proliferation of microorganisms can occur in it, and the water can turn green. This problem can be dealt with by installing a small canopy over the well, but the problem of stagnant water can only be dealt with by disinfection, regular use of the well and its cleaning.

Evidence of deterioration in water quality can be a change in its smell and taste.

The reason for this is the decomposition of organic substances, which are formed due to the release of hydrogen sulfide and the ingress of iron and petroleum products into the water.

If the water has acquired a sweetish taste, this means that nitrogen compounds have entered it. Therefore, when building a well, it is not recommended to use materials of organic origin.

To clean the well you will need the following tools and materials:

  • pump;
  • bottom filters (gravel, zeolite, shungite);
  • bleaching powder;
  • dosing cartridges.

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Methods for cleaning a well

Water purification in a well can be done in several ways.

First of all, it is necessary to pump out all contaminated water from the well.

The very first thing you need to do is clean the well itself to get rid of mucus, which often causes bacteria to multiply. Also, silt and debris can accumulate at the bottom, which can also adversely affect the quality of the water. Experts recommend preventive cleaning of the well at least once every two years, and if the well is not used regularly, then it needs to be cleaned once a year.

Prevention consists of:

  • complete pumping of water using various pumps;
  • cleaning the column mechanically and disinfecting it using special means and drugs.

When flushing a well from contaminants, you must:

  • clean the bottom of debris, silt and organic residues;
  • if there are gaps, cracks, holes and seams, they must be sealed;
  • install steel brackets that will prevent the rings from moving relative to each other and compromising the integrity of the water intake column;
  • wash the bottom filter or replace it partially or completely.

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Bottom filters and their application

A material of volcanic origin – zeolite – is used as a bottom filter.

Typically, silicon graphium with a fraction of 40 to 70 mm is used as a bottom filter. The thickness of such a filter should be more than 0.1 mm. Natural sorbents, such as zeolite, which is of volcanic origin, have become very common today. Its main advantage is the provision of a high degree of filtration of both organic compounds and heavy metals.

Before laying the bottom filter, the material used as filtration must be thoroughly rinsed. The thickness of the backfill layer should be from 0.15 to 0.25 mm. In addition to zeolite, it is very popular to use shungite as a bottom filter, which is mined in a single region of Russia and is superior in quality to other materials.

Shungite has high degree absorption, and when using it you can not, because all the small particles will settle to the bottom in a few days. This material has been used for quite a long time to clean wells, because it is capable of not only ridding water of all kinds of impurities, but also saturating it useful substances, that is, to make it healing.

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Disinfection of water in a well

To completely clean the well, the walls must be doused with a chlorine solution: 15-20 g of bleach must be dissolved in 1 liter of water.

After cleaning the well is completed, the water must be disinfected. To do this, you need to pour a chlorine solution over the inner walls of the well, and for more thorough disinfection, rub in the solution using a special brush. To do this, 15-20 g of bleach must be dissolved in 1 liter of water (if pure chlorine is used, then 3-5 g must be taken).

After this procedure is completed, you must wait until the well is filled with water. Then you need to dilute a new, stronger solution. To prepare it you need to take 1 liter of water and 200-250 g of bleach. This solution is prepared in glass or enamel containers. You need to add bleach cold water, after which it must be tightly sealed so that the chlorine does not evaporate. The solution should stand for 1-2 hours, after which upper layer drains into another container. After it is ready, it must be poured into the well and left to infuse for a day.

This procedure is repeated 1 or 2 more times, and you cannot use water during this time. After disinfection has taken place, the water must be pumped out and wait for a new filling.

If, after the water is filled, it has a strong smell or taste of chlorine, then the water must be pumped out and refilled again.

After a certain time, twigs and leaves fall into every well, even one made according to all the rules, frogs and mice penetrate, insects multiply, and completely foreign objects fall. Over time, they decompose and settle to the bottom in the form of silt. Mosquitoes and various bacteria and microorganisms breed in the well. Smudges of mucus appear on the walls of the well.

During operation, a significant amount of bottom sediments, alluvial soil and silt inevitably accumulates at the bottom of the well. For different areas and different structures of the surrounding soil, the timing of cleaning a well differs significantly. On average, each well should be cleaned every five years. Cleaning is a good preventative measure that improves the quality of water in the well and extends its service life. Beginning summer residents do not attach importance to the fact that pathogenic microbes develop much more actively in water than in the air. A well that has not been cleaned for a long time, of course, is not as noticeable to others as unweeded beds or a rickety fence. However, we live in country house or at the dacha for your family, not for your neighbors.
Well cleaning ensures you have a safe source for your vacation home.

By what signs can you determine that it is time to clean the well:

The appearance of an unusual unpleasant foreign odor of water in the well (the smell of hydrogen sulfide). Even if it disappears after a while. The odor may occur due to too little water flow from the well. To ensure that the water in the well does not have a musty smell and does not stagnate, it should be completely pumped out periodically;
- for a long time the water in the well after the spring flood (with a good clay castle) remains cloudy;
- reducing the water column in the well (raising the bottom) due to quicksand sand. In this case, the well should be cleaned especially carefully so that the reinforced concrete rings do not move relative to each other;
- if an animal gets into the well, then not only cleaning is necessary, but also complete sanitization and disinfection of the well. Even the walls of the well need to be cleaned;
- a large number of “missed” objects at the bottom of the well (buckets, mugs, chains, locks and other metal).

Every owner can clean a country well from bottom sediments and alluvial silt on his own. Moreover, without even going down into it!

And it will help in this matter, which is widespread in suburban areas electric pump"Baby". It should be slightly modified:

Stock pump additional filter. Select a piece of about 15 cm in diameter that is suitable in diameter. Cover one end of this pipe with a protective mesh that is finer than the factory one. We put the second end tightly onto the inlet pipe of the pump and secure it firmly. This is necessary to ensure that the pump does not become clogged with bottom sediments and fail.
- fasten the pump body itself quite rigidly to a long, dry (it is lighter) wooden pole. As an option, you can do this: attach a metal plate with a hole at the end of the pole, through which, using a bolt and nut, connect the pole to the standard hole of the pump for attaching the lifting-lowering cord. A strong rope should be tied in the area of ​​the receiving neck. You can use the same standard cord; we won’t need it during the work. The pole and rope allow you not only to adjust the depth of the “Baby’s” immersion, but also to change the direction and angle of the pump in relation to the bottom of the well.

Procedure for cleaning a well

1. Pump out water from the well to such a level that you can see its bottom. But the level must be sufficient so that the pump body is completely submerged in water. Otherwise, the “Baby” will quickly overheat and burn out.
2. Starting from the walls to the center of the well, we suck out the bottom silt and alluvial soil. The pump is located at an angle of 45 - 60 degrees relative to the bottom of the well.
3. We collect all the water (especially clean water) and slurry from the well into barrels or divert it so far away that it does not fall into the well again. Pay attention to the color of the bottom silt. If it is deep black in color, this is evidence of the presence of sulfur bacteria (the source of the hydrogen sulfide smell) in the well. It is advisable to thoroughly clean the walls of such a well. This is done using a mop, or even more conveniently, a vacuum cleaner brush mounted on a long wooden pole.
4. We constantly monitor (by sound) the operation of the pump. A change in the nature of the sound is possible in two cases: either the receiving pipe rests on the pebble bottom, or the fine mesh is completely clogged with bottom sediments. If necessary, we eliminate the cause of the “heavy” operation of the pump. Periodically monitor the heating temperature of the pump housing.
5. If there is too little water in the well and “Baby” begins to appear on its surface, add water to the well from clean barrels.

As you can see, such independent preventive cleaning of a well is not difficult, complicated or dangerous.

In conclusion, it should be noted: it is unlikely that a self-respecting owner will consider his country house ready for the next season if there is an unkempt well on the site. Spend half a day of your time, and then you will have crystal clear well water on your property for the whole summer.

Wells are one of the available and simple ways establish water supply to suburban area. During normal operation, the water in them is clear and has no foreign taste, color or smell. If its quality deteriorates, you should sound the alarm. What should you do if you find yourself in a well? muddy water and with an unpleasant smell?

It's no secret that dirty water in a well can cause various diseases. What causes pollution most often? There are several common problems.

  • Water becomes cloudy when seams, joints or any technological openings are depressurized, which allows soil particles to get inside. This often happens during snow melting or during prolonged autumn rains. Cleaning the well and sealing all seams will help restore the water to its former transparency.
  • Chroma. The most common colors are green, black, brown and red. If the source of contamination is in the well itself, preventive maintenance will help. Worse, if the entire aquifer is polluted, in such a situation we can only talk about improving water quality by creating an additional water treatment system.
  • Yellow water in a well, as if rusty, may indicate that the aquifer contains a lot of iron. In this situation, the water treatment system in the house can also serve as a solution, but cleaning and disinfection will be useless.
  • The coloring of water black occurs during prolonged stagnation, during the decomposition of organic substances that have entered the well. Green water is the result of the active reproduction of various microorganisms and algae blooms, which occurs when there is excess sunlight. The last problem is solved by arranging a house for the well or attaching a lid to it. The first is through thorough cleaning and disinfection.

When the quality of water deteriorates, both its smell and taste change. If the water in the well smells, the culprits may be iron compounds, petroleum products, and decomposition processes accompanied by the formation of hydrogen sulfide. For this reason, using organic materials It is not recommended for the construction of wells. With an increased content of nitrogenous compounds, the taste of water may become sweetish.

We hope that we have answered the question “why is there muddy water in the well” in sufficient detail. Now let's figure out how to solve this problem.

If you are interested in how to purify water in a well, then the first way is to clean the well itself. Indeed, if it is not properly cared for, mucus forms on its walls, in which bacteria actively multiply. A layer of debris and silt accumulates at the bottom, which, of course, does not improve the quality of the water. Preventative cleaning once a year will help avoid such problems.

Preventative cleaning once a year will help avoid many problems.

This procedure consists of several stages.

  • Pumping out water. This is done using a powerful pump.
  • Cleaning a well column from various deposits mechanically, disinfection using special means and preparations. Flushing the well.
  • Cleaning the bottom from silt and debris.
  • Repairing a well may involve sealing cracks, holes and seams that have formed, as well as installing metal brackets that prevent the rings from moving and breaking the water intake column.
  • Replacing the bottom filter.

Let's take a closer look at the last point.

Bottom filters

Most often, flint gravel is used as a filter, the fraction of which is 30-80 mm, the required layer thickness is 100 mm. Some natural sorbents are also widely used. For example, a material of volcanic origin, zeolite, not only provides a high degree of filtration from organic compounds, but also removes heavy metals.

Before use, it must be washed and then placed on the bottom in a layer of at least 20 cm. After a year it will need to be replaced. For the same purpose, shungite is used, which also has a high degree of absorption. Like zeolite, it is placed on the bottom, and you don’t even have to pump out the water, you just have to wait a few days for the small particles to settle. Through certain time the water will become much cleaner, and its taste will noticeably improve.

Disinfection of water in a well

After completing the cleaning, you need to disinfect the water in the well. To do this, the walls are doused or wiped with a brush with a solution of bleach (10-20 grams per 1 liter of water). Pure chlorine is taken 5 times less. Next, the well is filled again, a stronger solution is poured into the water (200 g of bleach per 1 liter of water). Prepare it in a clean glass or enamel container. They pour it into cold water, fall asleep required quantity lime and, so that the chlorine does not evaporate, close the lid tightly. After the solution has settled, the top layer is poured into another container.

Ready solution mix thoroughly with water in the well, after which the water is allowed to stand for 12 hours to 24 hours, with the lid closed. The next day, it is advisable to carry out repeated disinfection, similar to the first; you cannot use water from the well during this period! At the end of the procedure, the water is completely pumped out and fresh water is collected. If you notice a strong smell of chlorine, repeat the procedure.

Upon completion of disinfection, the water is pumped out and fresh water is collected.

There are other options for disinfecting water in a well, for example, infrared radiation, but we will look at more familiar ones.

Chlorination solution - calculation

To chlorinate water, use a one percent solution of bleach (10 g per 1 liter of water). How to determine the exact dose for the entire volume? The calculation can be done as follows: three identical glasses are filled with 200 ml of water taken from a well. Using a pipette, drop 2 drops of bleach solution into the first glass, 4 drops into the second glass, and 6 drops into the third glass. Stir, close and let stand (30 minutes in summer, 2 hours in winter).

Next, starting with the glass into which the smallest amount of solution was added, examine the water for the presence of the smell of chlorine; it should be subtle. Let’s assume that this smell appeared in the water in glass No. 2. Let's determine the amount of solution needed to chlorinate 1 cubic meter. meter of water. To treat 1 liter of water, you need 20 drops of a one percent solution (4 drops x5), respectively, for 1 cubic meter. meter - 20 drops multiplied by 1000, that is, 20,000 drops. 1 ml of a one percent bleach solution contains 25 drops. 20000/25 = 800 ml. For 1 cubic meter of water you will need 800 ml of a one percent bleach solution.

Disinfection using dosing cartridges

If the water does not match sanitary requirements Even after cleaning and sanitizing the well, water is disinfected continuously using dosing cartridges. They are cylindrical containers made of ceramics with a capacity of 250, 500 and 1000 cubic centimeters, into which calcium hypochlorite and bleach are poured, then the cartridges are immersed in the well. It is better to entrust the installation of this equipment and its replacement, which is carried out approximately once a month, to SES specialists, since the amount of substance needed to disinfect water depends on many factors that are difficult for a non-specialist to take into account.

In custody

Our health primarily depends on the quality of the water we consume and use for technical needs. Unfortunately, the chemical composition and volume of water in any well are not constant; they change at least once every three months, depending on the time of year. Owners need to take this feature into account and regularly monitor water quality and, if necessary, clean it. We hope that our advice will help with this.

Over time, any well can become contaminated. And this is not necessarily a consequence of poor care; it is often to blame natural factors. However, whatever and whoever is to blame for the pollution, clean the well at summer cottage with your own hands (or) and, as a result, the water in it is simply necessary. Firstly, dirty water is a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and microorganisms, secondly, it is impossible to use it even for economic purposes, and thirdly, drinking such water is both dangerous and extremely unpleasant. Timely, high-quality cleaning of the well, eliminating the causes of its contamination and preliminary preparation for use is a guarantee of clean water and absence of contamination in the future, and doing this with your own hands is often quite simple.

Contamination can be completely different: from discoloration and chemical composition water until it contains blooms and organic debris. And, sometimes, regular cleaning will not be enough. Each type of pollution has its own reason and it is necessary to find out before starting work on cleaning the well. This will allow you to get rid of further difficulties and protect water from the effects of harmful external factors. The most common causes of water pollution are:

1. Incorrect well design and cracks in components or between them. Most often, due to such damage, water becomes cloudy due to groundwater. This is especially noticeable in the spring when the snow melts or during heavy rains during the summer season.

2. Illiterate site planning (location near a well to abundantly watered areas or a swimming pool). The consequence of this reason may be organic debris on the surface of the water, its darkening due to the ingress of fertilizers or other decay products.

3. The location of our building is on a sunny area. Because of direct impact When exposed to sunlight, the water blooms and a dark green coating forms on its surface and the walls of the well.

4. Color source. As a rule, it causes water to turn black, gray, yellow and rusty. This is due to chemical elements unusual in the normal composition of water.

5. Changes in the composition of the aquifer of dacha soil. Most often, this problem is expressed by an increased iron content and the acquisition of yellow liquid.

Not all of the above reasons can be dealt with by cleaning the well; sometimes this will not help and you will have to clean the water itself. For example, changes in the chemical composition of the aquifer cannot be eliminated by local water purification.

Mandatory laboratory tests of well water

If the water has not changed in appearance, but its taste leaves much to be desired, you should seek laboratory analysis. It must be carried out at least once every two years, but if there have been cases of poisoning on the site due to water, we carry out an examination at least once a year. This procedure will help determine the type and cause of contamination.

For analysis you will need a one and a half liter bottle. First you need to rinse it with well water, and then fill it to the very edge. We deliver the vessel to the laboratory, everything takes 4 hours. To protect water from ultraviolet radiation, the bottle is wrapped in paper or foil. Having agreed in advance, you can contact the following authorities for analysis: SES, water supply laboratories and private enterprises involved in water purification and research. It is best to conduct a full analysis rather than an abbreviated analysis. When it is ready, the service undertakes to explain the results and declare whether the water is suitable for drinking or not.

Do-it-yourself well cleaning

If the well is on the site (made of wood, stone or concrete rings) has a depth of up to 10 meters, then you can cope with its cleaning on your own, otherwise the work should be entrusted to the hands of professionals.

One person may not be able to physically handle these jobs, so you should arrange for assistants before the whole process. For the normal progress of work (to the fullest extent), people's help may be needed. In addition, you will have to use (if necessary) a lot of tools and protective equipment:

  • Descent kit (belay, winch, ropes),
  • pump,
  • staircase the length of the well shaft,
  • rubber boots and helmet,
  • flashlight,
  • hard and soft brushes,
  • sponges,
  • helmet,
  • gloves,
  • chlorine solution.

When starting to clean a well at your dacha, you need to make sure that your equipment is durable. So that during the process there is no dangerous situations It is worth discussing the progress of work with the team in advance. Among other things, its mine may contain gases hazardous to human health. It’s easy to check, light a candle and lower it to the bottom, if it continues to burn, then you can start working.

Pumping water

The first stage of cleaning is pumping out water. It is carried out using a powerful drainage pump. To prevent it from being sucked into the bottom of the well during cleaning (if there is silt), you need to take care of a stand 15-20 cm high. We do the same with the stairs.

After pumping out the water, the walls of the well are mechanically cleaned. During it, the person immersed inside is exposed to a certain danger. For this, two belayers are needed; during cleaning they stand at the top and monitor the serviceability of the fasteners and the condition of the person inside. After 3-4 meters of descent, the oxygen level in the mine decreases, so people should periodically change places. It is more convenient to clean the walls of the well in two stages: first, scrape off the clay and other large contaminants with a metal or coarse brush, and then remove the remains with a sponge. When the mine is cleaned, they begin to work on the bottom. Some of the liquid sludge is cleaned out manually. Until a hard layer, if any, appears.

If the well is shallow, then the procedure can be carried out manually by scooping up the water with buckets. However, this method will take much more time and effort. In addition, the manual method will not allow you to completely drain the water.

Why do you need a bottom filter?

If the well shaft is equipped with a bottom filter, then it should also be washed or replaced. Often, in cases of a moving bottom of a structure, part of the bottom filter subsides, so once every 2-3 years it must be replaced or supplemented with a new layer. The thickness of the filter on a hard bottom surface should be at least a quarter of a meter. Otherwise, if the bottom is mobile, then a layer of embankment 50-60 cm high is required. The most efficient scheme bottom filter is layered, it is performed according to the following scheme:

  • The first layer (placed on the bottom) is heat-treated sand,
  • the second is a river slab (sandstone),
  • the third is shungite,
  • fourth - anthracite,
  • fifth - quartz,
  • sixth - silicon.

The thickness of each layer is approximately 7-10 cm. The bottom filter prevents excessive formation of silt deposits and cleans the liquid from harmful impurities. Some of its varieties can even saturate water with useful microelements (shungite). The most popular materials for arranging a bottom filter: gravel, pebbles, shungite, river sand and crushed stone. They should be thoroughly washed before laying on the bottom. Subsequently, the filter is removed and cleaned every 2 years.

Well disinfection

After the walls are washed, they are disinfected. For these purposes, a regular 10% solution of bleach is used; it can be replaced with regular bleach (half a liter per bucket of water). Treatment begins from the bottom, gradually moving to the top, so the solution will not flow onto the person carrying out this procedure. Chlorine - harmful substance, so let's stock up additional funds safety - safety glasses and rubber gloves. A respirator is required.

After the walls have been treated and the well has been refilled with water, chlorine (bleach) is added again, 2 kg per cube (1000 l) of water). We pump out the water again and again it fills the required volume. We pump it out. We carry out such procedures until the smell of chlorine disappears completely. Then the well is dried in the open state for 5-7 hours.

Sealing the walls

The next stage is inspecting the walls. It is very important to be especially careful here, otherwise all the work will have to be done again. Even small cracks require sealing, so you shouldn’t ignore them. To create a durable protective layer, cracks in the mine walls are treated with a special compound. To prepare the mixture you will need: cement, fine sand and liquid glass. All components are hung in equal parts. First, pour sand into the cement, then pour in liquid glass and mix until smooth. Cracks are being processed liquid glass, after which the resulting mixture is applied to it. Special attention When sealing, it is applied to the joints of concrete blocks. In addition to this mixture, you can buy ready-made adhesive sealants, but they will cost more.

When the cracks have been treated, the well is covered with a tarpaulin and left there for two days until it dries completely. After the sealant has dried, the well is filled with water 2-3 times; if after these manipulations it becomes clean, then the work has been carried out efficiently and the well is ready for use. Otherwise, the sealing procedure is performed again.

Other Ways to Treat Well Water

There are other methods of water purification, used if the contamination is not associated with depressurization of the well shaft. Each method is applied individually, taking into account the type of contamination:

1. Dosing cartridges. In the event that the contamination is not associated with depressurization of the structure, metering cartridges are used. These containers contain a composition of calcium hydrochloride and bleach. The cartridge is immersed in the well for a certain time and completely cleans it. This method is used when water is contaminated with organic decay products when a bloom occurs.

2. Carbon filters. This method used to remove large organic impurities. Balls filled with coal are immersed in the well for a certain time and then removed. There are several types of such filters, differing in the outer shell, the most harmless are birch and coconut.

3. Ultraviolet radiation. This method is almost universal (however, it requires special equipment). The advantage of this method is that the water remains alive, since radiation only disinfects the water without changing its properties. In addition, with this method we do not add any reagents to the well.

Cleanliness Prevention

1. During construction or before the next cleaning, it is necessary to build clay castle. A trench 50 cm deep and 30-40 cm wide is dug along the outer contour of the shaft. After which the hole is filled with clay, making a slope so that its upper boundary touching the well wall is 15-20 cm. Clay will not allow waste water to get inside and will protect the joints its components.

2. Another important structural part of any well is the house or cover. Many summer residents ignore this detail - and in vain. Firstly, the lid protects against the ingress of large organic debris, and secondly, it does not allow entry Sun rays, and, thirdly, a well with a house or a beautiful lid looks more aesthetically pleasing and does not spoil the appearance of the entire summer cottage.

3. In addition to the design, you should carry out preventive measures and with the water itself. Potassium permanganate is perfect for this - one bucket of water with three tablespoons of this powder will be enough. The solution is poured into the well and after 3-4 hours, the water is pumped out 2-3 times. This cleaning is carried out once a year after the snow melts and during stagnant water (July-August).

4. If the well gets dirty very often, then an ionic filter for water purification may be the solution.

5. Very often small animals and insects get inside the well, so several times a month it is necessary to check the bottom and surface of the shaft with a fine mesh or net.

6. No matter how ideal the cleaning system is, there will still be flora at the bottom of the well. And periodically it needs to be removed, removing part of the silt and algae.

7. If the dacha is a place for a long stay, then it is best to install complex system filtration. It will protect the water for many years, and worries about cleaning the well will disappear altogether.

Water is the main component of the human body, so it high quality- deposit good health. Failure to comply with prevention will result in unwanted substances and bacteria that cause disease getting into the water. And that is why it is necessary to clean the well on a summer cottage regularly, even if this requires certain costs.

Very often, over time, the well becomes clogged, the flow of water becomes difficult, and the taste and smell can become unpleasant. To correct the situation, it is necessary to clean the well. You will learn about the causes of water pollution, how to clean a well and properly treat mechanical damage to the well, what tools are needed and the basic algorithm of work.

How to clean water in a well with your own hands

Over time, any well with the cleanest and most pleasant-tasting water becomes clogged with silt, quicksand or sand. To correct this situation, you need to know how to purify water in a well with your own hands. It is not difficult to understand that this procedure needs to be performed. The following indicators indicate the need to clean the well shaft:

  • the water becomes cloudy and changes its taste, becoming unpleasant;
  • a repulsive odor appears from a well or from a filled container of water;
  • a film is visible on the surface of the water;
  • The water level drops and becomes normal after rain.

If you notice several options or all at once, you need to clean the well without delay! Contaminated water is a direct threat to health. It is not always possible to find a professional; in this case, you should clean the well yourself. How to clean a well in a country house or personal plot a lot has been said.

Well water purification

There are three types of pollution that you can deal with yourself:

  • mechanical contamination;
  • biological contaminants;
  • the presence of microorganisms and algae in the water.

Mechanical contamination occurs due to violation of the integrity of the well walls, depressurization of seams, and contamination entering through the well hatch. You can understand that water is mechanically contaminated visually.

Signs of biological contamination include an unpleasant smell similar to sewage.

Cloudiness of the water and coating of the walls with a slippery coating indicate the presence of microorganisms in the water.

In order to start cleaning the well, you should approach the preparation process responsibly and carefully. There are a number of rules that must be followed strictly:

  • a safety rope is required, regardless of the depth of the well;
  • it is forbidden to work without a partner;
  • it is necessary to check the absence of harmful gases in the well shaft (with a lit match);
  • check the quality of ladders, ropes, cables.

To carry out cleaning, you need to prepare tools and think through a work plan. For the procedure you need:

  • rope-ladder;
  • “swing” - a strong board with a rope;
  • buckets;
  • metal brush and sponges (for cleaning walls);
  • slings;
  • mechanisms for locking and releasing;
  • winch;
  • disinfectant;
  • solution for repairing mechanical damage to walls.

Well cleaning can be done in the following ways:

  • mechanical;
  • biological;
  • prophylactic.

Methods for cleaning water in a well

Automatic cleaning is carried out in early spring or at the end of summer, during the minimum level groundwater. Before starting the procedure, you should remove water from the well, this will be handled drainage pumps. Garbage and sludge must be removed manually. To do this, one worker collects sludge in buckets, and the second, using a special device, removes excess components from the top. If there is mechanical damage to the well body, the cracks should be covered with a pre-prepared solution of a mixture of cement and sand.

If there are springs at the bottom of the well with no clean water, the intervention of a swimmer is expected. To solve the problem, a special shield and a bottom filter are prepared.

Biological treatment follows the end of the mechanical cleaning stage. Concrete rings are disinfected with a chlorine solution using a sprayer or special washcloths, wait about three hours and rinse thoroughly with water. A well filled with water is not yet suitable for use. Following the first stage, the next stage of biological treatment begins. To disinfect water, pour a liter of specially prepared bleach.

A day later, the water is pumped out again. They wait for it to fill naturally and conduct a water analysis. If there is a smell of chlorine, pumping out the water is repeated several times. Usually, biological treatment effective and kills harmful organisms. It is strictly prohibited to use detergents, powder, aggressive chemicals.

Even though the water appears very clean on the outside, it can be dangerous to drink. In order to verify the quality of water, you should take the liquid for analysis to the sanitary epidemiological service.

Preventive well cleaning is necessary for any well, even if there are no visible problems. Potassium permanganate will help maintain the “health” of the well. Twenty grams of the substance are dissolved in a bucket of water and poured into a well. After a few hours, the disinfected water is pumped out. Once the well is filled, the water is ready for use. It is recommended to carry out preventive maintenance twice a year - after a flood and before the winter season.

Well water quality

The water level in the well depends on groundwater inflows. In soils where sandstone predominates, the influx of water is quite large, and in soils where clay predominates or in loamy areas it is small. Water flow is very important. The quality of water in wells is determined by two parameters:

  • content of E. coli per liter of water;
  • concentration of grown colonies in undiluted water.

The quality of drinking water used is established by official quality standards and is determined by the following indicators:

  • turbidity;
  • color;
  • smell;
  • taste qualities;
  • reaction after lightening;
  • general hardness;
  • sulfates;
  • chlorides;
  • dry residue;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • fluorine;
  • residual aluminum;
  • hexamethophosphate;
  • tripolyphosphate;
  • polyacrylamide;
  • beryllium;
  • molybdenum;
  • arsenic;
  • lead;
  • radium;
  • nitrates;
  • total number of bacteria.

TO technical water There are no specific uniform standards; quality requirements are individual.

Physical properties of water that pay close attention to:

  • color - depends on the mechanical impurities of the soil;
  • taste - assessed in points according to the table, depending on the dominant chemical element;
  • smell - ideally there is no smell;
  • density - depends on the ratio of the mass of water to its volume;
  • viscosity;
  • transparency - depends on the amount of organic substances, impurities, minerals dissolved in water;
  • temperature - depends on tectonic and lithological features;
  • compressibility;
  • electrical conductivity;
  • radioactivity - depends on the presence and amount of radon and radium in it.

For analysis, use a container of at least two liters, the bottle must be clean, from under mineral water. Drink containers may change the readings. The basic rules are as follows:

  • The bottle for collecting water should be filled to the brim, no air should remain;
  • Water should be given for analysis within a short time, no more than two hours;
  • water should be delivered in a dark bag.

Well water filters

Installing a filter at the bottom of a well is quite difficult. The apparent ease of the device actually requires knowledge and consistency in installation. There are two filter options:

  • natural;
  • artificial.

A filter is necessary to improve water quality or initial stage when digging a new well. To decide whether to install filters, you need to analyze some points:

  • if the bottom of the future well is hard, has gushing springs, water flows quickly and of good quality, then installing a bottom filter is impractical;
  • if the bottom is loose, the water comes in cloudy, there is a danger of floating water - a water filter is necessary.

There are many artificial water filters, they differ in design, functions and appearance. Taking into account the results of water tests, you should decide which filter is appropriate to purchase and install. Based on how water is purified, the following water filters are distinguished:

  • filters for mechanical cleaning of silt, sand, rust;
  • filters for antibacterial cleaning;
  • filters for softening hard water thanks to ion exchange technology;
  • filters to reduce the amount of iron in water;
  • complex filters for a comprehensive effect on water quality.

When choosing a filter, you need to analyze many factors and listen to the advice of a specialist. Key points when choosing and purchasing a filter:

  • water analysis results;
  • filter quality;
  • reputation of the manufacturer;
  • service period.

Recently, the flow filter has become very popular. It qualitatively purifies water from bacteria, chemical compounds, unpleasant odors, but for high-quality operation of this filter it is required submersible pump with high pressure power.

You can abandon filters in favor of a water purification system. This system is more reliable than filters and allows for a comprehensive effect on water. System reverse osmosis allows you to purify drinking water from metals, impurities, unpleasant odors, and salts efficiently. After such filtration, the water is completely safe for consumption.

The following stages of filtration of cleaning systems are distinguished:

  • the first is mechanical purification from silt and clay through mesh filters;
  • the second - purification by oxidation - iron, manganese, impurities;
  • third - clarification under the influence of catalysts;
  • fourth (final) - cleaning with carbon-based filters - getting rid of unpleasant odors, tastes, turbidity.

You can watch a video on how to properly purify water at the end of the article. It is dedicated to the problem of cleaning drinking water in wells.

Methods for assessing water quality at home

While it is not possible to analyze water from a well, you can assess the condition of the liquid using folk recipes:

  • assessment using tea - brew tea from unfiltered well water and bottled water, if there is a difference in color, taste, smell - purification is necessary;
  • letting the water sit in a dark place for two days - if a sediment or film appears on the surface of the liquid, cleaning is necessary;
  • testing with a mirror - drop a drop on the mirror and let it dry; if the dried spots are cloudy, white or brown - cleaning the well is necessary;
  • quality assessment using a manganese solution - if the pink solution quickly turns brown, water purification is required.

Old methods will help determine water contamination:

  • smell rotten eggs indicates an excess of hydrogen sulfide;
  • the presence of sludge is the result of the activity of sulfur bacteria in water;
  • the presence of turbidity in the water indicates the content of clay and sand in the liquid;
  • metallic taste - iron oversaturation;
  • bright color - oversaturation with organic substances.

Disinfection of water in a well

Methods for disinfecting water in a well are varied and depend on various factors. Preparation for disinfection requires preparatory work:

  • pump out water;
  • restore the integrity of concrete rings and seams;
  • clean the walls.

To disinfect wells, special preparations should be used that have disinfecting and antibacterial properties. They must be able to:

  • destroy pathogenic organisms;
  • not be toxic;
  • do not harm the well materials;
  • easy to clean;
  • be safe for health.

The most popular disinfectants:

  • bleaching powder;
  • white;
  • manganese solution;
  • iodine solution;
  • Aquatabs tablets;
  • Ecobreeze tablets;
  • Septolite tablets.

Ultrasonic and ultraviolet cleaning are currently gaining popularity. They are effective, safe, but require expensive equipment. Recommendations for purifying water in a well are aimed at following a specific algorithm when carrying out disinfection.

Preventative maintenance of well cleanliness

  • clay castle - will help prevent getting Wastewater into the well;
  • cover, canopy over the well - will protect from debris, precipitation, direct sunlight;
  • carry out preventive cleaning of the well with a manganese solution;
  • in case of severe contamination, an ion filter will help;
  • clean the bottom of silt and plants;
  • install complex filters.

Water is a necessary component for human life; the state of health depends on the quality of water. Pure water- something that should always be available. It is necessary to carefully monitor the purity of the water used, clean the well on time and not skimp on filters.
