Basics of landscape design: styles and rules for site design. Landscape design of a small summer cottage Landscape design photos of home decoration

Our dynamic life with its eternal bustle simply requires periodic rest in a pleasant, peaceful place. A small oasis of your own dacha is now true luxury. After all, this is where you can hide from the bustle of a noisy city and relax in peace and quiet.

The funny thing is that many people believe that creating landscape design is a very difficult task and inaccessible to them. But in fact, this is absolutely not the case. By the way, many happy owners of such suburban areas and they themselves do not understand that they are no less skilled landscape designers. They are actively laying out lawns, planting exotic plants, decorate the banks of reservoirs and even build very original alpine slides, without suspecting that they have already started creating the landscape with their own hands.

Look at these photos, this is how you can decorate flower beds in your garden in an original way! This one, for example, is made from fragments of old brick, but how harmonious the overall composition looks!

Red brick laid flush with the lawn is affordable and very functional!

Landscaping not only shapes the architectural and artistic appearance of a suburban area, but also improves its microclimate.

To create a very small, funny mini-reservoir, it is quite possible to limit yourself to even an ordinary acrylic bathtub, “exiled” out of town as unnecessary. And to organize such a small pond as in the photo below, a minimum of effort will be required.

Another way to create a unique green composition on your site is to make a plastic fence. It is very durable and practical. Manufacturers now offer plastic fencing for flower beds that are difficult to distinguish from stone or wood by eye.

One more thing unusual solution built-in flower bed. Original, simple and beautiful.

And here we see good combination natural and artificial materials.

A carefully thought out and tastefully laid stone border gives any plant arrangement a sophisticated look as it emphasizes the delicacy and fragility of the flowers.

A variety of creative elements will help you add a “zest” and joyful, cheerful notes to the landscape of your site.

A single color scheme in the design of fences and garden fences looks very stylish.

And this good example use paving slabs as a fence for a flower garden.

For many summer residents, the favorite attribute of the site is alpine slide, which can create the illusion of natural stone painting with picturesque flowers. The main thing here is don't be afraid to experiment. How do you like this option?

Decorative wooden fencing for flower beds is used to create rural style. Wood is combined with stone, garden figurines, benches and swings.

In addition, you can beautifully equip hanging baskets for hanging flowers and arrange tall flowerpots for them. Or plant unpretentious species in the most unexpected containers.

The versatility of concrete borders allows them to be used in any corner of the garden.

Agree, the part of the flowerbed where the stones were used looks much more interesting.

Durable wooden fence looks as harmonious as possible.

A small area is your opportunity to prove in practice the correctness of A.P.’s words. Chekhov, who, as you know, compared brevity with the sister of talent. After the implementation of your plans, the site will not increase in size, but it may be completely transformed. And even increase visually. Everything is in your hands!

Three basic rules

The meaning of the three basic rules that are used when creating landscape design small plot, comes down to a declaration of war on gigantomania and the words: “Giants, you are not welcome here!”:

Style selection

Start developing your landscape design by drawing up detailed plan. In the absence of skills to work with specially designed computer programs, draw a plan on paper. On the plan, indicate the location of the house and the erected outbuildings, designate the future recreation area, proposed places for planting trees, shrubs, and a vegetable garden.

Decide on the design style of the site - will it be regular or natural (landscape). The regular style requires the presence of a main axis of the composition, in relation to which the plantings are made symmetrically.

Advice. Regular style design is more suitable for large areas. However, this does not mean that you cannot use this style on yours.

The paths in this area are laid straight. Compliance with strict geometric shapes - squares, rectangles, triangles is mandatory. Choice geometric shape depends on the configuration of your site. So, for a narrow and elongated shape, a rectangular shape is more suitable. Squares will look natural on an area whose sides are approximately equal.

Registration in landscape style provides more freedom in the placement of plantings and decorative elements. It is better to avoid straight paths with this design.

The existing unevenness of the relief is played out or a mini-relief is created in one or two zones with your own hands. This could be a small pond with a humpbacked bridge, a retaining wall, or an alpine slide. Don't want to do excavation work? Create volume by arranging a flower garden with plants different shapes, color and height. The solution is simple, and the flower garden will look amazing.

Techniques for visually expanding the area of ​​a site

To visually expand boundaries, designers use several techniques, the main of which is to focus on smooth, smooth shapes and lines. A garden path, slightly bending or meandering between plantings, will visually make the area larger. Interspersed flower arrangements and decorative elements also successfully solve this problem.

Advice. Take a composition from a famous landscape design magazine as a basis, or find interesting examples on the Internet. Evaluate what you can apply to yourself. Don't be afraid to let your imagination run wild and try to develop an idea you like.

Don't chase quantity flower beds and bushes. Using culinary terminology, there is a risk of “oversalting the dish.” Less is more. Pick up color compositions and shrubs for planting so that they delight you with flowers and greenery for as long as possible - from spring to late autumn. The site will be decorated with a dry stream, a miniature pond, and a decorative well.

Lighten up the far corners with plants with yellow or white flowers. This simple technique will visually “move them aside”.

Landscaping of a small dacha plot

When doing landscaping, follow the well-known rules:

  • Consider the lighting requirements of plants, shrubs and trees.
  • Plant plants and trees so that their height increases from south to north. The shortest place is in the southern part of the site, the tallest (apple trees, pears) are in the northern and north-eastern part.
  • Bring fertile soil to your plot if your soil is poor. Compost and manure will not immediately correct the situation.
  • Think it over color scheme your site. With the help of the right color scheme, the boundaries of a small area can be visually significantly expanded.
  • Don't go for a wide variety of colors. Much does not mean good. Choose a basic color theme and create variations of it different corners plot. This way you will be able to achieve harmony in the design of your small “latifundia”.

Very important! Measure seven times, cut once. Folk wisdom no one canceled. Study what and how best to plant in your region, find out what problems your neighbors face, delve into all the nuances. And only then start landscaping the area. The pleasure that you get from communicating with flowers and plants, the joy of contemplating how handsome and beautiful your “pets” grow up, is difficult to compare with anything.


Start with flower beds. Experts advise setting up flower beds on the sides of the entrance. Just don't make them symmetrical. To decorate flower beds, you can use literally everything that is on the farm.

Using flowers, arrange a “stream” in a small summer cottage, frame a small pond with flowers. Notable Topics will sound in your landscape design in a new way.

Cozy and secluded sitting area

Choose a place for a small recreation area, 5-6 m² will be enough. Make two small pergolas from timber and slats. Dig the timber into the ground so that the pergolas form an angle or place them opposite each other. Secure the pergolas together at the top with long slats. Place a bench, plant it near the pergolas climbing plants(bindweed, wild grapes, climbing roses) and enjoy your well-deserved rest.

Container plantings

Be sure to use container plantings for landscape design in a small summer cottage. Moreover, you can grow almost any plants and flowers in them. Even small trees They grow well in them.

In landscape design country house Green spaces, topography, lawns, ponds, architectural groups and lighting are equally important. Construction of a single compositional line consonant with the main structure ( individual house) involves a whole range of landscape works. There are two ways to create a garden with character on the property of a private house: with your own hands and with the help of a professional design agency. The first option is within the power of everyone, the second requires a certain budget.

Landscape design of a country house - where to start?

The development of any territory begins with a drawing or plan on paper. First, divide the area into zones: functional and problematic.

On both large and small suburban plots, 6, 12 and 20 acres, the first problem may be uneven terrain with significant differences. What to do with an uneven area? Turn disadvantages into advantages. Think how many rises and slopes, lowlands, inclines, depressions, and series of flat terraces are fraught with interesting possibilities!

If on the site of a country cottage or country house there are small hills that start to “dance” from them. To begin with, you need to secure the slopes with gabions, and then arrange rockeries on them with saxifrage, bryozoans, hare cabbage, periwinkle and sedum.

Ravine or hole in landscape design village house, in which melt and rainwater accumulate, can be turned into a small pond with babbling water. Plant perennials (lilies, broadleaf forget-me-nots) and weeping willow around the pond.

On a site with a large slope, it is a good idea to create steps by “cutting” them directly into the earthen slope. The staircase can go down to a rock garden, a pond, or to a house that will be located in the depths of the garden.

Slopes of varying steepness, small hillocks or low places (lowlands) will give limited space missing depth. So a small garden, laid out on two terraces, looks more voluminous and spacious due to successful zoning with hedges of shrubs or terraced flower beds.

Drainage arrangement in the landscape design of a private house

The main reason for subsidence or destruction of the landscape is regular exposure to groundwater. To avoid subsidence, shrinkage and stagnant soil moisture, drainage is created in the area. Main goal drainage system- collection and disposal of melt and rainwater from the site. Drainage can be in the form of a trench (surface storm drainage) or underground drainage.

To prevent contaminated wastewater from entering groundwater and soil, in a landscape design project for a private home, they must think through sewer system, laying pipes for connecting gas and water. This is one of key points when improving both 6 and 20 acres.

Fence(s) in the landscape design of a country house

After laying engineering communications and the installation of a drainage system, it is necessary to consider options for fencing the site. In landscape design country cottages In addition to the usual picket fences, there are other interesting fence options.

For example, an unattractive tree from an aesthetic point of view, but reliable in operation, is masked from the inside (from the yard) with a hedge of mature conifers. Large trees for landscaping the fence of a personal plot are planted along (in front of) the fence.

It is better to buy seedlings in special nurseries. There you can also pick up meter-long seedlings of thujas, pines or spruces to decorate a green fence. But in this case you will have to worry about whether the trees will take root. When planning to independently grow conifers in your dacha, keep in mind that plants grow in height from 10 to 30 cm per year.

Lawn grass in landscape design near the house

The type of green lawn is determined before earthworks. It is selected taking into account the further use of the lawn, since the arrangement of a lawn in the landscape design of a country house for the patio area and children's outdoor games is radically different in the variety and quality of cereals.

When you need an unpretentious lawn that does not need to be looked after all the time, grasses are planted that do not require regular mowing and special fertilizing. To create such a lawn, choose a grass mixture of three components: fescue, meadow grass and bentgrass. These seeds are excellent for sowing both small-scale and large-scale areas - more than 20 acres.

In places where an area for walking animals is planned on the site, a sports lawn is laid out - hard and dense. Purely decorative corners The landscape of the house is decorated with an expensive and respectable English lawn (ground lawn). To organize a recreation area, a garden lawn is grown under the shade of trees. For those who are not willing to wait for the grass to grow, there are ready-made rolled strips of grass that are sold in nurseries directly with the turf.

Becoming a part decorative design plot, a green lawn will increase the humidity near the house, like a sponge will absorb dust and soot, giving in return freshness and cleanliness to the air.

Landscape design options for a country house

Green spaces - coniferous and deciduous trees form the basis of the plant design of any private territory. near the cottage can be group or ordinary. Lonely planted trees, especially in small areas (6, 10 acres), attract a lot of attention. There should be no flaws on them; plants growing alone must look perfect throughout all four seasons. For ordinary planting, the following have proven themselves well: thuja, maple, walnut, chestnut, oak, juniper, spruce, linden, ash.

Garden compositions on the site include alleys and groups.

On large plot 20-30 acres, a group created from several plants of one or different types, are often located in the center of the site. At the same time, the most tall plant planted in the middle, small shrubs - along the edges. To add brightness to the composition, deciduous specimens with beautiful flowers or variegated foliage are placed together with evergreen conifers.

Hedges are formed from winter-hardy plants that grow freely or require pruning. Pedestrian paths(alleys) in the landscape design of a house are lined with shrubs, observing rhythm and close planting.

Do-it-yourself flower beds in the landscape design of a private house

Standard roses are used to effectively demonstrate the site. Small trees are an indispensable material for single plantings and creating flower arrangements. Particularly impressive are the weeping standard forms, the lashes of which hang from the gazebos and terrace roofs right down to the ground. Cascades of blooming roses can be grown near the house and on special supports.

When decorating a rural house, you want the flowers to bloom all summer, not be capricious and cause a minimum of trouble. Most quick way acquire beautiful flowerbed- plant annuals and bulbous plants. After planting, the flower garden will begin to smell fragrant within a month.

Don’t have time to sow and change the composition of your flower garden every year? Opt for perennials. Once rooted, flowers on alpine slides, rockeries and mixborders will delight the eye for many years.

Scheme of a flower bed for landscape design of a country house (photo)

  • A (1) Beautiful flowering shrub "Buddleya Davida" (variety with pinkish-lilac flowers). Well tolerated curly haircut, blooms from July to October.
  • B (1) Wild shrub “Rosa rugosa” (the plant’s better known name is “rose hip”). It does not need shelter in winter; it blooms profusely in mid-summer.
  • C (8) Lilies from Asian hybrids act as the soloists of the flower garden in the photo. Hardy flowers with large inflorescences and tall growth are good both in single plantings and in garden groups.
  • D (2) In the photo of the flower garden “Aster shrubby”. In landscape design outside the city, this abundantly flowering bush is used as a border plant bordering mixborders or paths. The flowering period of the perennial occurs at the end of August - beginning of November. Without replanting, bulbous flowers grow on one for 3-5 years.
  • E (12) Salvia blooms in June-July. It ends with the arrival of autumn frosts. On densely pubescent green stems, loose, bright pink inflorescences contrast effectively.
  • F (3) The intricate buds of “Aquilegia” are the object of desire for hundreds of owners of suburban areas. The columbine, as the blue flower is also called, blooms spectacularly year after year, reproducing by seeds.
  • G (3) “Dwarf daylilies” are unpretentious to grow. A plant planted in September will bloom beautifully in May to decorate the garden until October.

Modern landscape design of a country house with a gazebo and an artificial pond

If the territory of the site and the budget allow it, and the landscape design is supposed to be designed in a landscape (natural) style, then a small pond with a gazebo would be quite appropriate.

The contours of the reservoir are made exclusively winding, without placing any art objects or objects on its banks. artificial decor. Especially carefully masking communications. Pipes and hatches are decorated near the shores of the reservoir with sedge, dwarf willows, buzulnik, and bergenia.

Material prepared for the website

It will fit well into the concept of a landscape style of a private house. wooden gazebo, pergola or patio with vertical landscaping from noble species of vines: girl's grapes, ivy or climbing rose.

It is good to connect a gazebo with an artificial lake using small pebbles. Poskharsky's dark blue bell and pebbles will help imitate water flows.

To avoid tripping over decorative cobblestones, carefully laid out according to Feng Shui, at night, it is wise to take care of lighting the landscape. For cottages with small garden plots, a bulky lighting system is not needed. You can create an individual atmosphere by lighting the porch of the house, garden path and flower beds.

In the landscape design of a large country house, the maximum level of brightness is aimed at lighting accent elements - patios, garden groups, gazebos, water features, stone slides. To organize a safe and functional lighting Floor lamps, spherical lamps, and brass lamps in the Loft style are suitable. Hidden backlight, built into the base of steps, fountains and other landscape elements, and mini-spotlights can be multi-colored or plain, depending on what look you want to give to the site - festive and romantic or mysterious, full of drama.

The best ideas for landscape design of country houses based on projects by foreign architects in the photo:

Landscape design a personal plot or a private yard is not just the ability to transform the area around the house, it is the real art of creating beauty and harmony of your “I” with the surrounding nature. Only at first glance everything is simple - I planted several fruit-bearing trees on the site, a couple of bushes near the entrance, laid out a flower bed and covered the rest of the space with a lawn. But what to do if such a scenario does not meet your requirements on the aesthetic side of the issue. If in your dreams you saw a well-groomed summer cottage or a small backyard, where you can relax in a hammock in the fresh air or have lunch with the whole family in a cozy gazebo, or maybe read a book near a small pond?

How to arrange the territory near a country house or private household so that both the owners would be pleased to look at the fruits of their labors, and the guests would have something to surprise? We hope that our selection interesting projects landscape design created for areas of the most different sizes and shapes, territorial location and practical purpose, will help you be inspired for “gardening” exploits on your own site.

Planning the design of the area near the house

After a dusty and noisy city, it is so pleasant to plunge into an oasis of greenery and freshness, which is located on its own backyard private household or go to the country on the weekend and plunge into a world of incredible closeness to nature. But in any case, it will be necessary to work hard to create not only a green, blooming space, but also a practical place for relaxation with the whole family and in the company of friends and acquaintances.

Before you start planning landscape design on your territory, you will have to work on paper or in a special planner program:

  • indicate the exact dimensions and shape of the site;
  • mark existing buildings (house, garage, etc.) on the plan;
  • mark the buildings that you would like to build (place absolutely everything on the plan - from a dog house to a gazebo), even if it seems that the building is small and there will always be a place for it, it is better to take everything into account right away, there is always not enough space, no matter how much there is was;
  • divide the entire area into segments - squares, each of which will contain one or another design element (this will make it easier for you to evenly distribute everything landscape elements, especially if the area is large);
  • check all perennials that are already growing on the site and plan to plant new ones (remember the distance between trees and in relation to buildings and structures);
  • mark the location on the plan engineering systems(irrigation and water supply of ponds, fountains and cascades, lighting), perhaps at this stage you will need specialist advice.

Next, you need to carry out “reconnaissance on the ground” - find out the characteristics of the soil and the flow groundwater(if any), identify areas of stagnant water and carry out drainage if necessary. You also need to decide on the level of hilliness of the site and find out whether you want to level the soil or leave the pristine landscape of a private area.

Choosing a color palette for landscape design

Cleverly selected color palette landscape design, can transform and make even the simplest and low-budget project unique. But for such a harmonious appearance of your summer cottage or garden plot, it is necessary to take into account the color scheme of the elements, which can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

Elements of natural landscape. These are bushes, trees and other plants, hills and stones, ponds and paths that were created by nature itself. Whatever you choose to leave in to add a natural feel to your landscaping will impact the color palette of the area. It is important to take into account that natural shades will change depending on the time of year and the climate of the area where you are located.

Objects of architecture. This is, first of all, the main building of the house and its extensions - garage, veranda, terrace, bathhouse, greenhouse. As well as bridges, gazebos, canopies and other buildings. The facade of the building and the elements of all buildings must be in a harmonious color combination. This does not mean that it is necessary to paint all buildings the same color. Perhaps some building on your site is destined to become an accent spot, stand out from the general background and take on the role of a focal point. But more often than not, it is the house that becomes the focal point around which the entire concept of decorating the surrounding area is built.

Items of social and decorative landscape. This group includes all plantings, ponds, rock gardens and flower beds that were created by the hands of the designer or the owners of the site. In this case, the possibilities for manipulating shades and halftones are endless, using flowering plants you can create a unique colorful “carpet” of plantings that will change throughout the warm season (usually from April to October in our country). After all, you can use entire avenues of evergreens to ensure a consistent dominance of color in your personal plot or backyard areas.

Other site design elements. These include garden paths and platforms, decking and platforms, sculptures, hammocks and swings. All these elements leave their mark on the overall color scheme of the area near your country house or private home. In matters of creating a certain mood in landscape design, it is the color palette that plays a key role. By using color combinations you can disguise the imperfections of the territory, visually enlarge the space or give it a certain shape, without resorting to drastic actions.

Relaxation area with barbecue or fireplace

Most of our compatriots who became happy owners summer cottage or those who decide to improve the yard of a private household, decide, first of all, to organize a place for preparing shish kebab and barbecue. For some, it is enough to build a barbecue and place a couple of garden chairs; for others, a major canopy with a dining group near the outdoor stove and a soft area made up of garden chairs and sofas are needed. There are as many opinions as there are owners of private houses. But we are sure that from the proposed options for organizing a place for relaxing cooking on a fire, you will be able to find an inspiring project.

Barbecue equipment can be installed under a canopy on a wooden deck. But for a barbecue or Russian stove you need a separate area, preferably on an area paved with stone or clinker bricks. For the convenience of cooking over a fire, it is better to place a couple of chairs and a small table next to the grill. The choice of materials for garden furniture is now wide – plastic, wood, rattan, metal and their combinations. Furniture made from plastic is the cheapest. But also practical. Wicker products made from natural rattan look very respectable and even festive, but their price is high. Based on your financial capabilities and the planned frequency of using furniture for outdoor gatherings.

Even in a small yard you can compactly but safely place the necessary attributes for cooking over a fire. It would be most logical to place a small lunch group so that you can dine in the fresh air and taste freshly prepared dishes.

If we talk about an open lesion, then, as a rule, it is performed round shape. The logical design of the rest area next to it is again a circle. The harmonious and compact shape of the recreation area not only fulfills the functionality assigned to it, but is also able to decorate any garden plot or private yard.

Capital structure of a garden kitchen under a canopy and adjacent to it outdoor fireplace, requires a lot of effort and financial investments. But the cost of such a project quickly depreciates, given how often everyone wants to cook and eat food outdoors.

Outdoor dining

A wonderful opportunity to dine with the whole family outside or host an outdoor dinner party should not be missed. Moreover, this does not require much effort. Of course, you will need to purchase a dining set for the street (choose light but durable table options; it is better to take folding chairs or armchairs or easily assemble one into one if you place them vertically). It will be easier for you if your dining area is sufficiently mobile, because in the winter or simply in bad weather you will need to put the furniture under a canopy or bring it indoors.

It is better to place a table and chairs for outdoor dining on a platform paved with stone or any other tile. This way you can provide sufficient stability for the furniture without allowing the metal garden furniture, for example, went deep into the ground.

If you choose a table with a hole for installing an umbrella (there are plenty of such models among garden furniture), you will be able to provide your family with the opportunity to dine outside on hot sunny days.

Also, an umbrella for sun protection can be installed, if necessary, next to the dining street table. But remember about weights to stabilize the structure in windy conditions.

The canopy looks incredibly beautiful, the frame of which is made of wood, and the role of an awning is played by climbing plants. Any food at such a table will taste better in the romantic and pleasant atmosphere created by man together with nature.

Garden paths and lawns

It is the combination of garden paths with a lawn (if there is one on your site) that forms the landscape design pattern. Paths not only provide free movement around your yard or garden plot, but also form certain segments of the landscape.

Some people like the clear geometry in the arrangement of paths, for others it is more pleasant to look and walk along winding stone paths that go around certain landscaping objects of the site. Paths can be paved with different material– paving stones, stone, clinker or regular bricks, fine gravel and decorative pebbles. The paths made from combined material. For example, you place large stone slabs along the path of a garden path, and fill the space around it with fine gravel.

Another way to make original, but at the same time incredibly functional paths is to fill the space around concrete slabs small pebbles. Against the backdrop of a green, perfectly trimmed lawn, such paths look amazing and create an orderly and harmonious environment. local area.

Nowadays, you can easily purchase a ready-made lawn for your site; it will be delivered in rolls and spread on your territory with an individual adjustment to the curves of its shape. But you can do it the old fashioned way and sow a cleared area for a lawn, wait for germination and trim it depending on your preferences. But in this case, it is important to say right away that no one can achieve the ideal density of seedlings the first time; you have to re-sow the grass in the bald spots and monitor the new growth. In any case, you will need timely watering of the lawn (think over the irrigation system in advance) and regular mowing (you can also rent lawn mowers, but it is more rational and more profitable to purchase a garden unit).

When there are no boundaries between the lawn and the extensive plantings in the flower beds, an incredibly harmonious and natural atmosphere is created in the yard or area. In a festive green robe, your yard will be pleasing to the eye, and give the owners the opportunity to take a break from the concrete and glass structures of the big city.

Artificial ponds as an element of landscape design

To make the environment of your summer cottage or small courtyard more harmonious, use water in any form. Swimming pools, small ponds or simply bowls of continuously flowing water are ideal for creating a calming and relaxing environment.

Not a single oriental landscape design is complete without the use of a natural or artificial reservoir, but Asians know a lot about creating a peaceful and balanced atmosphere.

What could be better than having the opportunity to plunge into the cool waters of a swimming pool located in the local area on a hot summer day? Of course, to organize a pool on your site it will be necessary to involve specialists and even heavy construction equipment. But all the costs (time, effort, energy and financial resources) will pay off incredible opportunity owning your own mini-reservoir on your personal plot or in the courtyard of a private house.

A place to relax on a plot with a soft zone

Having the opportunity to relax in the lap of nature, I would like to do it with maximum comfort - in the shade of trees or an awning, on soft sofas or armchairs. You can set up such a platform either on a wooden deck or platform, or on a platform paved with stone or concrete.

If we talk about upholstered furniture for outdoor use, then it is more practical to use rattan or any other wicker furniture with removable soft seats and backs. Typically, the upholstery textiles of such pillows can be easily cleaned with a damp sponge, or the covers are removable and washable in a washing machine.

How to Landscape a Small Lot or Small Backyard

If you are very limited in the area of ​​the plot, then you will need, first of all, to set priorities and decide what is most important to you - to be able to relax in the shade of trees, have dinner with the whole family in the open air, or set up an area for preparing shish kebab and barbecue. Or maybe you need a place for a playground or a place to walk your pet?

No matter how you distribute the segments of outdoor recreation that are important to you, you cannot do without fencing your territory. To brighten up appearance boring fence, plant climbing plants or low trees near it that will create a natural atmosphere. In such an environment, you can at least for a while forget about the noisy city outside your backyard.

But what if your backyard is just a piece of land that you have converted into wood flooring? Or you don’t even have a backyard, but you have some free space on the roof. There is a way out of any situation. The next few images of design projects for arranging such mini-segments for outdoor recreation are proof of this.

1069 Dix https://www..pngDix 2015-05-13 19:56:23 2018-11-30 11:20:51 A kaleidoscope of ideas for landscape design of a site

Citizens, tired of everyday work in a stuffy metropolis, are looking forward to the first sunny days to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the own dacha. They all dream of turning their plot into a true Eden - a place where they can relax comfortably, a place that will please the eye and allow them to relax. Having even basic knowledge, you can turn the smallest and most unremarkable area into a real oasis. Moreover, you can do this with your own hands. The design of a dacha landscape, a photo of which we posted in this article, will help you create fresh ideas for landscaping.

How to arrange a dacha

Creating a beautiful and modern landscape is a difficult task, we won’t argue, but it is quite feasible for everyone. It is not at all necessary to change the terrain of the site, create complex designs. It is quite possible that in your case it will be enough just to build a beautiful and cozy gazebo, lay out an interesting lawn or plant exotic plants to give your dacha a unique charm.

Where to start

First of all, you should choose a style - it should not differ from the general concept of the house. For those who are new to landscape art and have little understanding of styles, it is necessary to study special literature.

Consider existing ideas and select the desired landscape design options. Now carefully examine your site, conditionally divide it into a recreation area, a vegetable garden and economic activity area, etc. Do not try to use every centimeter of the site, do not clutter it with unnecessary elements - leave room for relaxation.

Decoration with flowers

You can improve your site with the help of a lawn in an unoccupied area and decoration original flower bed. Before you start construction work think over the shape and size of the structure, select suitable plants. They all have certain characteristics, so you need to have a good idea of ​​which flowers suit you best.

Beautiful hanging baskets with hanging flowers planted in them look original. You can decorate an alpine hill with the help of creeping thyme, perennial carnation, aster, anafalis, seaside armeria and saxifrage. At the top of the hill you should plant plants that develop well in bright sunlight. These can be iberis, cinquefoil, evergreen shrubs or heucheras.

Do-it-yourself landscape at the dacha: rock garden

Now we will try to build an alpine slide. This work must begin in early autumn.

The first step is to accurately mark the territory. The landscape of the dacha provides for the presence of an alpine slide of large, medium or small size. When planning a slide with an area of ​​10 m² or more, it is necessary to mark out future passages and garden paths.

If you are planning to create a landscape at your dacha with a rock garden, then you must understand that this structure is not at all a meaningless pile of stones, but a scaled-down model of a natural mountain landscape. To make it look similar to the original, the territory must have a “valley”, “cliff”, “plateau” and “peak”. Additional effect is achieved thanks to in various ways illumination of these areas.

Slide diagram

If you decide to decorate your site with an alpine slide, develop its plan on paper. This will allow you to plan your work correctly, since it is quite complex decor. After this, the plan must be transferred to the selected territory. It is advisable that the area be high and well lit. Make the markings.

Site preparation

If you are creating a landscape for your dacha with your own hands (you can see photos in publications for gardeners) with an alpine slide, you will need to prepare the site. To do this you need to remove top layer ground (depth is at least 300 mm). Then the bottom layer (100 mm) is formed, for which it is usually used broken brick, gravel, slag. Then a second layer is created, consisting of coarse sand (50-100 mm). All created layers are abundantly watered.

Next, we make an earthen mixture from soil cleared of weeds, crushed humus (peat) and coarse sand. The components must be taken in equal quantities. This mixture is poured onto the drainage layer, and a slide about one meter high is formed. If desired, it can be of greater height.

Laying stones

The created layers must undergo shrinkage, after which you can begin laying stones. First, the largest ones are laid along the edges, then medium-sized ones and finally small ones. Small stones look great on top of an earthen hill. It is important that the alpine slide becomes a dense structure. Therefore, large stones should be buried three-quarters of their size in the ground. Using this technique, you will get best imitation rock outcrop.

Plant selection

When creating an alpine hill, it is important to choose the right plants. Not only the overall appearance and beauty of the structure, but also its compliance with the overall landscape design largely depends on this.

Paths made of natural stone

To create an unusual landscape at your dacha, a completely acceptable solution is to create stone or mosaic paths. The excellent decorative qualities of natural stones make them extremely popular, and quite simple technique The execution of stone mosaics allows you to make the cladding of retaining walls yourself, and decorate the recreation area in an original and stylish way. You will need a little for this - creative fantasy and out-of-the-box thinking.

Ordinary river pebbles can be an ideal material for creating unusual paths with bright patterns; they can be used to decorate inner part garden pool, which will make your site completely different from the neighboring one.

Today you can choose ready-made tiles from natural stone. This will save you from having to select interesting stones yourself. In this case, creating a mosaic will not be difficult, provided that everything necessary tools and materials will be prepared in advance.

It is also necessary to create a base for the mosaic. To do this, remove the soil to a depth of 10 cm, compact the soil and lay drainage layer. It is best to use crushed stone.

Then we will install a metal or wooden sheathing for pouring cement base. To do this, use a trowel and building level, which is necessary when leveling the surface. Place on top reinforced mesh, which is filled with 2 cm of mortar.

Leave the surface leveled in this way for 30 minutes for the solution to set. This will allow the material to be laid perfectly evenly and with better quality, and the mosaic will look more uniform and natural.

The stones must be evenly laid out over the surface and, using a soft rubber hammer, driven into the cement. Having created a decorative pattern, the seams are carefully rubbed with mortar and the mosaic is left to dry completely. The advantages of stone mosaic include its durability. With the help of this technique, your dacha (garden) will be transformed for a long time.

Landscape: small mechanization

Mechanical mowers are not the most common option, since their action is carried out using the muscular power of a person who pushes the device in front of him. The advantages of such a device include the absence of the need for power and low noise.

Bridges at the dacha

A dacha (garden), the landscape of which each person can create independently, brings great satisfaction to the owner. This is an extremely enjoyable activity because here people create a place for mental and physical relaxation.

Originally arranged flower beds, varied decorative elements- all this lifts the mood and encourages further creative process.

Original bridges are a great opportunity to create original design at the dacha.

Types of bridges

The purpose of these structures has changed dramatically today. Nowadays, not all of them simply connect two banks. Their main purpose is decorative. In addition, they are used as a division of functional zones on your site. Therefore, when choosing the type and style of the bridge, carefully analyze what it will symbolize - this mainly determines how best to position it.

  • The style of the bridge depends on where it starts and ends. For example, a rock garden suggests simplicity and sophistication, in accordance with Japanese culture.
  • Lush gardens require an ornate design.
  • Bridges that are located over streams or ponds should be located in close proximity to the gazebo on one of the banks - this achieves completeness of this part of the garden.

If you are planning to build a bridge with your own hands while creating a landscape at your dacha, then wood will undoubtedly be the most suitable material. Designs made from this material fit harmoniously into any style on a site of any size. In addition, it is easy to repair failed sections of such a bridge.

As you can see, creating a landscape at your dacha with your own hands is not too difficult. The main thing is don’t be afraid to experiment, show more imagination.
