How much does a 100x100 cube of timber weigh? How much does timber of different sizes weigh?

Deception when buying timber with a cross section of 100x100x6000mm. Fraudulent sales scheme, damage in tons. Using simple mathematical operations, I show the damage in tons.

In this article, I will consider only pine material growing in the central part of Russia, since this material is most in demand in the construction market of the city of Moscow. It is from pine that country houses are built wooden houses.
I’ll immediately make a reservation that pine growing in Siberia has a denser texture, weighs more and costs an order of magnitude more. You can even distinguish it visually.
The weight of one cubic meter, freshly sawn and processed into edged lumber pine is about 860kg.

Let us recall the calculations of the weight of timber GOST 8486-86 100Х100х6000mm:

860kg: 16.6 pcs.

Let's consider all the “air” sections of timber 100x100x6000mm that I have encountered over the past five years.

The table below contains all the sections of the “air” beam, calculations and deception schemes.
I apologize for the slight inaccuracies in the calculations associated with rounding, I think that the essence of the deception does not change much from this. All prices for timber sections are given as of 01/01/2012. operate in city markets.

Actual cross-section of timber in mm. Quantity, pcs. in 1m3 Price in Moscow for 1m3 In Moscow markets they give as Quantity, pcs. in 1m3 Pieces stolen per 1m3 Stolen in m3 Stolen in rub. from 1m3
85x85x6000 4800 16.6 6.46 0.39 1872
90x90x6000 5000 16.6 3.97 0.23 1195
95x95x6000 5200 16.6 1.86 0.11 582
98x98x6000 5400 16.6 0.75 0.045 243

How much GOST 8486 timber weighs is no longer a secret. However, how much an air beam weighs remains a mystery to many. Let's look at the above sections and estimate the damage in kilograms by finding out the difference between the “Air” sections and GOST.

The air cross-section of the beam is 85x85x6000mm. its weight and difference from GOST in kilograms.

The air cross-section of the beam is 90x90x6000mm. its weight and difference from GOST in kilograms.

The air cross-section of the beam is 95x95x6000mm. its weight and difference from GOST in kilograms.

Having decided to build a residential building or bathhouse using wooden beams, you need to learn in more detail not only about its advantages and types. The quality of the final result will also depend on the basic characteristics of the material and its weight. Since this building material can be made in various sizes, the weight of its individual elements varies significantly. So how much does a cube of 100x100x6000 timber and other sized products weigh?

Types of material: what to choose for construction?

Such building material can be presented in various variations:

  • Non-profiled material is the most common type. It is presented in the form of a log processed into four edges. However, houses made from this type of log experience significant shrinkage and require additional caulking.
  • The profiled type material has strict geometric shapes. This option is easier to use, which makes it the most popular.
  • Glued laminated timber is a fairly new material, which consists of individual wooden elements. This material is highly durable and long term operation, since the drying process is much better.

What are the main characteristics that determine quality?

The quality and durability of this wooden material is determined by many characteristics that must be taken into account in the process of selecting the best raw materials.

The main qualitative characteristics of this natural building material worth mentioning:

  • Type of material. In process solid timber Natural wood made in the form of round timber is used. If we are talking about glued-type products, then for their production individual boards of different thicknesses are used, which are glued together under a press. Domestic manufacturers create their products, as a rule, from coniferous wood species, which include cedar, larch, pine and spruce.
  • Section type. The material can be made with both rectangular and square, and with a more complex type of section. Most in demand for construction country houses is a product with a square cross-section, which is considered an ideal material for creating walls of various sizes and designs of wooden buildings.
  • Dimensions. Offered at modern market building material may also have various sizes, the most popular of which are 100x100x6000, 150x150x6000 and 200x200x6000. If material of other sizes is required, you will need to purchase it from the manufacturer to order.

How much can a cube weigh?

The question of how much a cube of timber 150x150x6000 weighs is quite relevant today, because when performing self-construction wooden residential buildings, their owners try to collect as much information as possible about consumables, on which the quality and durability of the final result will directly depend. So, for example, the weight of a beam may be required to calculate the load on the foundation or to select special equipment for its transportation. If for a material 100x100x6000 it will be necessary to equip a simple type of foundation, then when using timber 200x200x6000 such a procedure will be significantly different.

One cubic meter of freshly sawn and then processed pine lumber weighs around 860 kg. And if the cross-section of the beam is known, then it will not be difficult to find out what mass one piece of it will have.

The calculation of the weight of the timber looks like this:

  • The largest cross-sectional timber, 200x200x6000 mm, will weigh about 209.7 kg.
  • Products with a cross-section of 100x150x6000 mm have a mass of 156 kg.
  • One beam with dimensions 150x150x6000 mm will weigh 116 kg.
  • The material, with a cross-section of 150x100x6000 mm, has a mass of 78 kg.
  • Bars with dimensions of 100x100x6000 mm will weigh about 52 kg.

The weight of the bars is determined in in this case simple enough. The main thing is to find out how many beams can fit in 1 m3, and what mass 1 m3 of lumber has. In the examples above, it was 860 kg. For timber with a cross section of 200 by 200, 4.1 pieces are placed in 1 m3. Thus, we divide the figure of 860 kg by 4.1 pieces.

Knowing such a simple formula, it will not be difficult to independently calculate the weight of one beam, whatever its cross-section.

When designing various kinds wooden structures Often they use such an indicator as the weight of the lumber from which they are supposed to be made. It would seem that such information can be obtained from specialized reference books. However, in such literature, unfortunately, only the weight of 1 m 3 of timber or, for example, boards is often indicated. Lumber is often purchased not by the cubic meter, but simply by the piece.

The length of timber sold by woodworking workshops may vary. But most often such enterprises sell 6 m of lumber to the public. So what, for example, can be the weight of timber with natural moisture content of 150x150x6000 mm? To find out, you will have to do a few simple independent calculations.

What determines the weight of lumber?

It is clear that the more moisture contained in the timber, the heavier it will be. However, the weight of such lumber depends not only on this factor. When performing calculations, in this case it is imperative to take into account the characteristics of the wood species itself. After all, for example, oak timber will in any case be heavier than birch lumber.

What is natural humidity

So, how to calculate the weight of a wooden beam of natural humidity 150x150x6000 mm of one species or another? Making such calculations is actually not too difficult. However, before starting calculations, it is still worth defining the concept of “natural humidity”.

In construction and in the manufacture of various types of products, only wood with a moisture content of no more than 12-15% is used. And even such boards and timber are in most cases additionally dried for some time before use.

The humidity of only cut wood will, of course, be very high. In any case, its figure will significantly exceed 12-15%. It is this kind of humidity that is usually called natural. That is, we ultimately need to find out the weight of a standard-length wooden beam with a cross-section of 15x15 cm, made from freshly sawn wood.

We take into account the breed

When performing such an operation, information from the table of lumber weights in cubic meters should be taken as a basis.

Calculations in this case are performed as follows:

    find out the number of beams of a given length and cross-section in 1 m 3;

    By simple division, the mass of one such unit of lumber is calculated.

One cubic meter of timber having dimensions of 150x150x6000 mm will thus contain 1: 0.15: 0.15: 0.15: 6 = 7.4 pieces. To find out the weight of the beam, in this case you need:

    look at the weight per cubic meter for this particular type of wood;

    divide this parameter by the number of beams per cubic meter.

For example, with a humidity of 15%, 1 m 3 of pine lumber weighs, according to the table above, 440 kg. That is, the calculation in this case will look like this:

    440 / 7.4 = 59.5 kg.

It is also easy to determine that the weight of a 150x150x6000 mm larch beam of the same moisture content will be equal to 90.5 kg. For aspen, this figure will be 67.6 kg.

Instructions for calculating the weight of timber with natural humidity 150x150x6000 mm

Thus, it is not too difficult to find out the weight of lumber of a given moisture content. To do this, you just need to solve two simple mathematical examples. But what will be the weight of a beam of natural humidity 150x150x6000 mm? In order to determine this, among other things, you need to know the last indicator itself for a particular type of wood.

You can also obtain such information from special tables. So, for example, the natural humidity of pine is 60-100%, larch - 50-70%, birch - 70-90%. These parameters should be taken in this case to calculate the weight. In this case, for obvious reasons, it will be impossible to make accurate calculations.

So, how much does a beam of 150x150x6000 mm of natural humidity weigh? Taking into account the data in the table presented above:

    pine beams of such dimensions will weigh from 580/7.4=78.3 (60%) to 730/7.4=98.6 (100%) kg;

    the weight of larch timber with natural humidity 150x150x6000 mm will vary from 820 / 7.4 = 110.8 kg to 930 / 7.4 = 125.7 kg.

In a similar way, you can calculate beams of such natural moisture dimensions for any other rock.

Specific gravity

There are only two types of wood density:

    volumetric weight (density of the physical body wood);

    specific wood fibers directly).

Above we discussed a method for determining the volumetric weight of timber 150x150x6000. Natural humidity or specified during such calculations is an important indicator. Indeed, in this case, the weight also depends on the amount of moisture contained in the wood structure. But if desired, you can also calculate the specific density index for beams.

This can be done using the table presented above. Calculations in this case will be carried out without taking into account humidity. That is, to calculate, you need to find the number of beams of a certain size per cubic meter and simply divide the indicator from the table by the resulting number.

Thus, for pine 520 / 7.4 = 70.3 kg is specific gravity timber 150x150x6000. Natural humidity - permissible operational or any other - is not taken into account in this case.

How much does a 100x100 mm beam weigh, the weight of a 100 x 100 mm beam, weight in kilograms for several lengths of softwood lumber, pine edged timber.

When we want to find out how much edged pine weighs 100x100, then in most reference books we find the weight of softwood lumber (edged pine) indicated as the mass of 1 cube ( cubic meter, cubic meter, m3). For practical activities, when purchasing lumber from natural wood, building houses, baths, country houses or when making any structures from wood, such as roofing (roof rafters), this option for estimating weight is inconvenient. The weight of 1 cube of softwood lumber implies that you know how to make calculations yourself. For example: recalculate cubes into m.p., and then calculate the weight of one wooden beam 100x100 rectangular section. I don’t argue that the calculations are not complicated, but they require having a reference table at hand, which of course is never nearby. Therefore, as our experience of working with customers in construction has shown, it would be much more convenient to have a table that does not indicate the weight of 1 cubic meter of softwood materials, but provides data on the mass of one cubic meter for specific sections of lumber. Today we present a table of the weight of wooden beams of rectangular section 100x100.

A useful note for those who want to know how much edged pine weighs 100x100. Please note that the weight of pine wood depends greatly on its moisture content. The more moisture the tree has, the more it weighs. natural wood. The situation is the same with wooden beams made of pine. In practice, you can buy freshly cut pine wood, recently fluffed into beams, or buy drier wood with a moisture content of 20%. Both pine woods are high-quality, durable and can be used in construction, although they will weigh differently in kilograms. Maybe we need to find dry wood or buy what we have and put it in the dryer? No, don't rush to look for the nearest one drying chamber or dryer. Let's first look at the moisture content of natural coniferous wood, which is considered normal. A completely dry tree is always more expensive and we don’t always need dry pine wood. For example, a chamber-dried pine beam is usually not purchased for construction work, but has a different purpose. This is edged lumber coniferous species wood intended for pine carpentry. A 100x100 chamber-dried pine beam, completely dry, with a moisture content of 8-12%, is either used in the production of joinery, or is further processed by being cut into boards. The result is a very high-quality pine board that no longer needs to be dried and will not suffer from loss of moisture.

Freshly cut pine wood should not be mistaken for wet. A wet pine beam 100x100 is pine wood that has been wet and has acquired an excess amount of moisture, which is not typical for construction lumber coniferous species. Naturally, the weight of such a 100x100 wooden beam will differ markedly from the weight values ​​​​indicated in the table. It cannot be used for construction. By the way, it is believed that it is better not to immediately “put into use” freshly cut coniferous wood, but to let it rest under a canopy for some time until it loses some of its moisture. This is a kind of natural drying of wood. How long can a 100x100 wooden beam (section) be? The most common (running sizes) lengths for a 100x100 beam made of natural pine wood are: 3 and 6 m. Less commonly, you can find on sale a wooden beam 4 m long. To estimate weight, a universal indicator of mass is how much one linear meter weighs. Knowledge of the mass of 1 m.p. allows you to calculate how much it weighs, the weight of lumber of coniferous trees of any length with a dissolution size of 100x100. Therefore, in Table 1 we indicated the weight (how much it weighs) for such sizes of pine beams made of natural wood as: 100x100x1000, 100x100x3000, 100x100x4000, 100x100x6000 mm.

Table 1. BEAM 100x100. Table 1 shows the mass of freshly sawn pine timber with a section of 100x100 mm and a length of 1 meter, 3 meters, 4 meters, 6 meters: 100x100x1000, 100x100x3000, 100x100x4000, 100x100x6000. Table 1 shows the mass of wooden beams with a wood moisture content of 20%, pine section 100x100 mm and length 1, 3, 4, 6 meters: 100x100x1000, 100x100x3000, 100x100x4000, 100x100x6000. Table 1 shows the mass of dry wooden beams (after chamber drying) with a moisture content of 8-12% of pine with a cross-section of 100x100 mm and a length of 1, 3, 4, 6 meters: 100x100x1000, 100x100x3000, 100x100x4000, 100x100x6000.
