Making paving slabs at home. Do-it-yourself paving slab manufacturing technology

Manufacturing facing material This type is labor-intensive, but technologically it is not particularly complex. To independently cast paving slabs for the courtyard of a house or cottage, you will need the following tools and equipment:

  • concrete mixer;
  • buckets and shovel;
  • vibrating table

Also, of course, you will have to purchase or make your own molds for the tiles. The materials for the manufacture of such facing material will be needed:

  • fine gravel;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • oil for lubricating molds;
  • pigment dye;
  • plasticizer

Main stages of production

You can pour concrete paving slabs with your own hands using approximately the following technology:

  • the mixture is prepared in a concrete mixer;
  • place the forms on the vibrating table;
  • grease the molds with oil;
  • turn on the vibrating table;
  • wait until the mixture is evenly distributed in the mold;
  • leave the tiles to dry inside the molds for 1-2 days.

The finished facing material is removed from the molds and left to dry for several more days. Next, the tiles are used for their intended purpose.

How to prepare the mixture correctly

It is recommended to make concrete mortar for paving slabs exclusively in a concrete mixer. Unfortunately, it will be almost impossible to make a high-quality mixture for casting such a facing material manually.

When using hand technology In any case, the kneading solution will not be particularly homogeneous. Accordingly, tiles made from it will not have very good performance characteristics.

Concrete mass is prepared for the manufacture of paving slabs in the proportion of cement/fine crushed stone/sand as 1/1/2. In this case, take enough water so that the finished solution has the consistency of wet cottage cheese.

In any case, it is highly not recommended to dilute the prepared concrete mixture with too much water. Otherwise, the tiles will become brittle in the future and will begin to quickly deteriorate during use. It is necessary to use a thick mixture to make paving cladding. Subsequently, during vibration compaction in forms, the concrete will still become much more liquid and plastic.

Why are plasticizers needed?

This ingredient must be present in the solution intended for the manufacture of paving slabs. A plasticizer is needed to increase the fluidity and elasticity of the solution without the need for additional addition of water.

When using such a substance, the cement mixture becomes denser and stronger. And this, in turn, of course, has the most positive effect on the quality of the finished paving slabs.

Preparation of plasticizer for casting

Such mixtures should be used in very small quantities when preparing tile mortar. The finished mass of plasticizers should contain only about half a percent. If more mixtures of this type are added to the solution, the finished tile, as with excess water, may turn out to be too brittle.

Of course, the plasticizer for tile mortar, among other things, also needs to be properly prepared. Such mixtures are sold in specialized stores in dry form. Before adding to the cement mixture, they must be diluted with water.

To prepare the plasticizer:

  • water heated to 40 °C is poured into some container;
  • pour the dry mixture there;
  • mix everything thoroughly for at least 15 minutes with a construction mixer.

The plasticizer is prepared when making paving slabs in a water/dry mixture ratio of 2:1. After stirring, the solution must also be left to stand for several hours.

The plasticizer for the mortar under the tiles is usually prepared in the evening. In this case, in the morning this ingredient can simply be stirred for 15 minutes and added to the mixture.

What is a vibrating table

Equipment of this type can be made by hand if desired. The design elements of a vibrating table intended for pouring paving slabs are:

  • frame welded from steel angle;
  • a metal sheet laid on top of the frame on spring or rubber shock absorbers;
  • eccentric motor.

The width and length of the “countertop” of such equipment are selected depending on the size of the future tile. One vibrating table, designed for making such cladding with your own hands, is usually designed for 4-6 forms.

Brief instructions for filling forms

The molds for the tiles are placed on the table close to each other. This arrangement makes filling them easier in the future.

After the forms are installed on the vibrating table, they are thoroughly lubricated with some kind of oil - vegetable oil or even, for example, just regular oil. This procedure allows you to subsequently obtain tiles with a perfectly smooth surface.

In addition, when using oil during the manufacturing process, the paving slabs will not stick to the walls and bottom of the mold. And this, in turn, further facilitates the removal of the finished facing material.

Prepared in a concrete mixer cement-sand mortar laid using a trowel in the center of the forms. After all the containers are filled, turn on the vibrating table. To obtain high-quality tiles, such equipment must operate for at least 3-4 minutes. After turning on the table, the mixture, under the influence of vibration, begins to be evenly distributed among the molds.

Once on the surface cement mixture White “foam” will appear in the containers; the table can be turned off. What follows:

  • cover the forms with the solution with film or, for example, a piece of plywood;
  • During the day, periodically water the hardening tiles with water to avoid the appearance of surface cracks on them.

The finished facing material is usually removed from the molds on the second day after pouring. The frozen tiles are placed in a dry, dark place and left to mature for at least another 5 days.

Use of pigments

Actually, concrete itself, as you know, has a not very pleasant gray color. In order for finished tiles intended, for example, for garden path, turned out to be aesthetically attractive, in cement mortar, among other things, pigment dyes are often added.

Such compositions, unfortunately, are quite expensive. Therefore, to reduce the cost of finished tiles during their manufacture, the following mortar coloring technology is sometimes used:

  • divide the concrete mixture into two halves;
  • Pigment is added to one of the parts, and the second is left unpainted.

Subsequently, when pouring, the colored solution is first placed into the mold and the vibrating table is turned on. After the mixture is distributed over the surface of the container, add the uncolored mixture.

When using this technology, the result is a relatively inexpensive, beautiful colored tile with a regular gray concrete “base”. This cladding looks no worse than a completely painted one.

Is it possible to do without a vibrating table?

When using such equipment, homemade, hand-made tiles, of course, turn out to be of the highest quality. In addition, the use of a vibrating table also greatly simplifies the procedure for manufacturing such cladding. However, such equipment, of course, is not available on every farm.

Vibrating tables used for making paving slabs are quite expensive. Many owners assemble them with their own hands suburban areas Those who decide to line the yard with paving slabs may seem like an unnecessary procedure. After all, the vibrating table may not be useful in the future.

In order not to waste extra money and time, many owners country houses They simply make tiles with their own hands without using a vibrating table. In this case, the following method of casting paving lining is used:

  • the form is placed on a regular table;
  • put the first small portion of the mixture into the container;
  • carefully level the solution with a trowel;
  • apply the next portion concrete mixture.

In this way, fill the form with the solution to the brim. Next, they begin to compact the mixture, raising the edge of the container with sharp, frequent movements and lowering it with a not too strong impact on the table.

It takes quite a long time to compact the mixture in the mold manually, just as when using a vibrating table. This will significantly increase the strength of finished facing products.

In any case, the mixture compaction procedure should take at least 4 minutes. After the solution in the mold becomes liquid, it is further leveled with a spatula, removing excess. After two days, as when using a vibrating table, the frozen tiles are removed from the molds.

Final stage

After removing the finished tiles, the surface of the molds usually remains fairly clean. However, it is necessary to wash such containers after finishing the production of paving cladding material. Moreover, it is advisable to do this immediately.

If the molds are not cleaned, pieces of concrete stuck to their bottoms and walls will negatively affect the quality of the next batch of tiles. Wash containers intended for the manufacture of paving linings, usually or simply warm water, or strong saline solution.

The production of paving slabs at home does not bring any particular advantages to the developer. Without a vibrating table, the quality of figured paving elements (FEM) sharply decreases. You will have to buy or make many tile molds with your own hands, or dry and accumulate the finished products yourself for several months to pave one path or parking lot. It is difficult to maintain the composition of the concrete; you will also need a place to store the paving stones. But if you are not afraid of difficulties, then welcome.

Making paving stones yourself resembles a miniature construction foundation slab into the formwork. Pouring can be done in molds made by yourself or purchased in a store.

The easiest way to make the shape yourself is from a block:

Rhombus, Square, Hexagon are created in the same way. Factory molds simplify the technology and are made from several materials:

After calculating how much lining is required for the path, you can buy required quantity molds made of propylene or rubber. You can make your own molds from silicone, polyurethane or a two-component polymer resin, having at least one factory paving slab for a sample (master model):

  • the composition is mixed in the required quantity;
  • the master model is placed in a limiting container (for example, made of 4 boards with a bottom);
  • a solution of silicone (polyurethane or resin) is poured into a container.

Look more clearly in the video:

You just need to replace the brick with factory-made paving slabs.

Once dry, the mold is suitable for pouring several hundred tiles.

Making a vibrating table is much more complicated:

  • An eccentric is attached to the motor shaft;
  • the drive is fixed on a table with a metal cover;
  • works from the network, installed on solid foundation, preferably outdoors.

IN normal conditions concrete takes 3 days to dry, and molds are needed for the on-line production of FEM elements. Therefore, an analogue of concrete steaming technology is used - immersion for several minutes in hot water (within 80 degrees).

Important! It is impossible to dry the tiles using this method, but you can dramatically increase the speed and quality of hydration (formation of cement stone).

Mixing concrete

Having decided according to the layout diagram how many solid elements and halves to make, you can calculate the approximate volume of raw materials, taking into account the following factors:

For small volumes, you can make the batches yourself using a drill with a mixer attachment. If you need a lot of tiles, use a concrete mixer and several vibrating tables.

Important! Granite or marble screenings, crushed stone in sand will significantly increase the strength and frost resistance of the tiles. If you plan to produce paving elements with an ornament on the front part, it is better to use seeded sand without large filler fractions.

Instead of a plasticizer, concentrated detergents (for example, Fairy) are often used in a proportion of 1 tablespoon per bucket of solution. But it is better to use an industrial plasticizer, for example C3, sold in both dry and liquid form.

Laying in molds

With known proportions of the mixture components, the technology for making figured FEM paving elements with your own hands is not difficult:

This time is enough to remove air from the concrete and uniformly distribute the coarse filler fraction throughout the entire volume. The vibrating table is turned off after the appearance of cement milk at the surface, the disappearance of crushed stone inside and the cessation of bubbles.

Each tile needs to be dried, and then the mold must be used to make the rest of the paving stones. Therefore, an accelerated demoulding technology is used - after the concrete has set, the FEM in the mold is immersed in 80 degree water for 5 - 7 minutes to accelerate the strength gain of the composition.

IN hot water It is easier to remove the tiles from the mold.

The technique replaces steaming, allows you to reduce the hardening time to 1 - 2 days, after which the paving stones are laid powerfully. On the very first day of FEM production, you can estimate how many paving stones you can make per unit of time.

Advice! To reduce the labor intensity of the technology, the molds are rinsed with a saline solution - brine. The proportions for its preparation are 30g/1l (salt, water, respectively).

Colored paving slabs

To reduce the finishing budget, only some of the tiles can be colored. Therefore, before preparing concrete with your own hands, you should calculate how many “halves” and solid paving elements you need to make with your own hands. The pigment is added to the cement-sand mixture during mixing; the main nuances of the technology are:

Apart from making the product more expensive, the manufacturing technology does not add any complications. Paving slabs dry the same way, their strength and moisture resistance do not change. Experts recommend making hard concrete with the minimum possible water-cement ratio of 0.4 - 0.6 units.

Important! When creating high-quality colored paving slabs, only white cement is used. Regular Portland compounds gray not intended for tinting, they react with pigment and can give a “dirty” color.

The economic effect is achieved through a special technique for manufacturing two-layer paving stones:

  • separately from gray, but at the same time you need to make colored concrete;
  • the molds are filled with a tinted mixture to a height of 1.5–2 cm;
  • kept on the switched on vibration table for 20 seconds;
  • then the gray concrete of the base layer is poured on top;
  • the tile is vibrated for another 20 seconds;
  • wrapped together with the form in polyethylene;
  • removed for drying for 2 days.

Two-layer vibration casting.

During the specified time, the two layers of concrete do not have time to completely mix with each other, but they penetrate each other, becoming a single layer. The front surface receives high-quality coloring, pigment is saved. You can calculate how much gray and colored concrete you need experimentally.

Glowing paving slabs

To improve the quality of sidewalk exteriors, luminous paving slabs are used. There are LED paving elements, networked and battery-powered, and fluorescent. In all of the above cases, it is possible to make luminous FEMs with your own hands:

  • luminescent paving stones are obtained after painting with a special composition;
  • LED lamps with controller board are placed inside a transparent box suitable size or glass block.

Glowing paving stones.

Glowing paving stones with LEDs can be made using solar powered or from a 220 V network with a power supply. The specific figure for how much luminous paving slabs to make for a walkway depends on the owner of the project.


The necessary spatial rigidity of the “trough” into which the paving elements are laid is ensured by curbs installed on the solution. Their production on our own will help reduce the budget for landscaping. You can buy molds or construct them yourself from the following materials:

  • polymer resin - the factory border, which is a matrix, is completely embedded in the diluted mixture;
  • lumber - edged or tongue-and-groove boards with side lintels;
  • rolled metal - a channel of a suitable cross-section with capped ends.

Factory-made forms for borders.

After lubricating the internal surfaces of the mold with a soap solution and waste oil, you can fill it with a concrete mixture and make curbs using the following technology:

  • compaction of concrete - bayoneting with a reinforcing bar or laying the form on a vibrating table;
  • drying - after stripping, finished products are stored with an air gap.

Depending on the air temperature (+5 – + 30 degrees), curbs can be installed at the place of use for 4 – 28 days, respectively.

Storm drainage trays are constructed using a similar technology with minor additions:

  • the shape is a little deeper;
  • a piece of pipe is fixed longitudinally at its bottom, due to which a recess is created.

Without these additional elements, it is impossible to ensure drainage in a given direction; water will destroy the soil adjacent to the sidewalks.

Large format paving slabs poured on site

The technology of shaped paving elements poured on site is included in a separate category. The mold for this paving slab is very large, making the finished product inconvenient to transport. Therefore, they are cast at the place of use close to each other. The seams are provided by the material of the mold.

The industry produces 44 x 44 cm propylene forms with a slightly changed configuration and name (Mosaic, Garden Road). The declared reversibility of 1000 cycles is almost always observed.

An analogue can be made on your own from a steel angle and strip according to a propylene sample. In any case, the technology differs from classical paving:

  • the form is set in place;
  • filled with concrete;
  • partially bayoneted with reinforcement or a trowel;
  • after the start of hardening, the form is removed and mounted close to the previous paving slab.

This coating has high adhesion to the underlying layer, but has a large format. In the middle part, the recesses are not through, but only imitate seams. Therefore, they may accumulate moisture and partially destroy the material when water freezes in winter.

Thus, you can make shaped paving elements yourself, knowing the composition and how many tiles different colors it will take everything.

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For many owners of suburban real estate, the technology for making paving slabs with their own hands remains a pressing issue.

Indeed, if you acquire certain skills in working with paving stones, you can transform your garden area beyond recognition, make a hard surface in the yard or install garden paths.

Manufacturing methods

In practice, two main methods are used. First, let's get acquainted with the nuances of obtaining the material in question using the vibration casting method. This method is characterized by its comparative cheapness and the ability to obtain high-quality building materials even by inexperienced workers.

The technology for producing the material is as follows. The prepared working solution is poured into greased molds. Next, they are installed on a vibropress and compacted until air bubbles are released. Next, the raw material is placed on special racks for drying. After about two days, the tiles are knocked out of the molds and reused.

Paving stones made by vibrocompression differ from their analogues in their improved resistance to mechanical stress and high strength indicators. Such materials are intended for laying coatings in critical places, for example, car parks.

Please note: You can only make vibro-cast paving stones with your own hands, which can be used for constructing garden paths. Homemade materials cannot be used for a long time as a covering in places where vehicles are moving or parked.

The technology for producing vibropressed tiles is somewhat reminiscent of the work on producing tiles using the vibration casting method. The finished solution passes through a special press, so the products have improved strength indicators. At the final stage of work, the material is dried in special steaming chambers.

Which one is better

According to the majority of consumers, approximately 80% of the total number of respondents, best performance have materials that were obtained in factory conditions using vibration pressing.

Such products are slightly more expensive, about 20%, but they are much more durable. The concrete mixture has a more dense structure and has fewer pores, which improves the frost resistance and abrasion properties of the surface.

Important to know: pressed paving stones, which are present in construction stores, is limited in shapes and shades, cast tiles, on the contrary, have many different shapes and colors.

The maximum destructive effects occur with the coating in winter time year, when water gets inside the concrete, it expands and destroys its structure. The surface of materials made by vibration casting can be protected by introducing special water-repellent substances into the base composition, but such elements will not make it last forever, but will only increase its service life.

Special tools

To obtain the materials in question, you need the following tool:

  • Concrete mixer of a certain volume.
  • Factory or homemade vibration table.
  • Rack for laying forms of paving slabs (used as a dryer). Drying of raw materials will take place in this place. The initial process takes two or three days, then the paving stones are knocked out of the mold and laid to dry for another month.

Good to know: A similar unit is used to remove air bubbles from the concrete mixture during compaction.

  • Containers for warm water. In them, products are removed from the formwork;
  • Matrices or forms. They can be made from scrap materials or ordered from online stores.

Types of forms

One of the most popular forms for paving stones is silicone. Such products are used to create complex shapes. Such formwork allows you to obtain a pattern with a different textured surface.

The disadvantage of the product is considered to be limited use (no more than 50 cycles). Subsequently, the shape loses its original geometric dimensions.

The next type, plastic formwork, is used to obtain simple products. The main advantages of such structures are considered to be high levels of durability and strength. Such products can withstand up to 800 cycles of pouring and hardening of the working mixture.

Forms based on polyurethane are somewhat similar to silicone formwork, but they are more expensive and have a longer service life (up to 100 cycles).

Many private developers are interested in the question of how to make a form for paving stones themselves. The most popular option is wooden formwork, made from pieces of plywood or thin boards.

Take note: When making molds, we take into account internal dimensions, which will correspond to the dimensions of the finished product.

Such shapes are made in the form of a square or rectangle, as well as a hexagon. Metal corners are fixed at the junctions of adjacent elements.

Preparation of the solution

The basic composition of the paving mortar must contain the following components:

  • 21% binder (cementm500);
  • 55% sand purified from large impurities;
  • 24% of granotsev;
  • 0.7% plasticizer (you can take grade C-3);
  • 7% pigment dye
  • reinforcing fiber 0.05%;
  • 5.5% water.

This is interesting: from one cubic meter working solution, you can make 16 m2 of tiles, provided that its thickness is 6 centimeters.

To obtain a high-quality mixture, it is necessary to mix all of the specified raw materials in a concrete mixer. First you need to dissolve the plasticizer with a small amount of warm water and pour it into the mixer. The drum of the unit rotates until the plasticizer is completely dissolved in the liquid.

The pigment dye is also mixed with water heated to 80 degrees until completely dissolved; these components of the mixture are taken in a ratio of 1 to 3. After pouring required quantity water, sand and crushed stone are added alternately to the concrete mixer, then a binder (cement). For effective mixing, water is periodically added to the raw materials. Last time this is done at the end of the batch.

Step-by-step description of the process at home

First you need to properly prepare the forms. For this they inner surface coated with mining or other type of lubricant.

At the formation stage, it is necessary to pour the prepared solution into the molds. If there is a need to produce material with a colored surface, then 75% of the formwork is filled with ordinary gray concrete, the remaining 25% with colored concrete. In this case, the decorative part of the product should be at the bottom.

Forms filled to the top with the solution are gently shaken and placed on a vibrating table for about 5 minutes. The products are removed from the table after a white film appears on the surface. Whiteness usually indicates the release of air bubbles from the concrete. When making two-color paving stones, each layer is compacted separately.

Expert advice: If oil is applied generously, small depressions may form on the surface of the tile, but if there is not enough lubrication, it will be difficult to pull the paving stones out of the mold.

The next stage of work, drying, involves placing the products on racks for a period of up to three days. The drying room must be equipped exhaust ventilation. In addition to the storage warehouse finished products must not penetrate sun rays. To reduce the intensity of moisture evaporation from the surface of the material, the form with concrete is covered with a transparent plastic film.

The final stage is removing the tiles from the mold. This process is carried out in a special container with water heated to 60 degrees. Under the influence of heat, the mold expands, as a result of which the tiles are removed without any problems. The product is knocked out onto a soft mat and placed to dry for another month (for final hardening).

Manufacturing cost calculation

Price calculation is necessary if this material will be used for subsequent sale, as well as to determine the savings between do-it-yourself paving stones and factory-made products.

The main money will have to be paid for the raw components of the concrete mixture and formwork. Here are approximate prices:

  • 50 kilogram bag of Portland cement grade 500 - 400 rubles;
  • Fine crushed stone – 1750 rubles per m3;
  • Sand purified from harmful impurities – 600 rubles per m3;
  • Pigment dye - about 5000 rubles for a 25 kilogram bag;
  • Plasticizer grade S-3 up to 80 rubles per liter;
  • Lubrication within 100 rubles. Per liter;
  • The cost of the molds depends on the dimensions and material of manufacture, ranging from 30 to 1500 rubles.

Price regular tiles with a smooth surface it starts at 200 rubles/m2, a textured one costs even more – about 450 rubles/m2. If you carefully calculate all the costs, then paving stones made at home will cost 10-30% less than factory-made products .

How to make colored paving slabs

There are several ways to make colored paving stones at home. Let's describe the most popular of them:

  1. Addition of pigment dye to the base composition of the mixture. After mixing the raw materials, concrete of the desired color can be obtained.
  2. The second option for painting tiles is to apply color to the inner surface of the mold. The acquisition of the selected color by the material occurs after direct contact of the concrete mixture with the pigment dye.
  3. Finished materials are painted using a spray gun.

Keep in mind: when mixing several colors, a more interesting texture of products is obtained.

As we can see, the process of making paving slabs at home is quite simple. If you become familiar with the production technology and have at least a little desire, you can make a hard surface in the yard of a private house and even make money by selling paving stones.

For detailed instructions on how to make paving slabs with your own hands, see the following video:

No garden paths personal plot or the dacha won't do. If we talk about garden paths more specifically, their types and the material from which these paths are made are determined not only by the function, but also by the style of the site or garden.

Designers often recommend arranging paths on a site by combining materials of different textures. The material for garden paths can be natural stone, gravel, paving slabs, paving stones, wood. The easiest way to make garden paths is from ready-made paving slabs, but much more interesting to make paving slabs with your own hands. By skillfully adding such homemade paths with appropriate plants, you can make them very original.

Why make tiles yourself: the advantages of handmade

You are a creative person, you have original ideas, then the production of paving slabs with my own hands– this is a process for you. The process is simple and accessible, even if you do not have special skills in construction.

What does this give?

Firstly, by creating paving slabs with your own hands, the result of your work will be exclusive option paths.

Secondly: the technology you use to produce paving slabs is a 100% guarantee of its durability.

Thirdly: if you like tinkering and learning new technologies, you will get a lot of positive energy and pleasure.

Fourth: in addition to the pleasure gained from work, a significant amount of money is saved.

How to make paving slabs yourself

So, it’s decided: we make paving slabs for the garden path with our own hands. Let's start with the acquisition the necessary tool And consumables.

To work, you need the following tools: a drill with a mixer attachment, which we will use to stir the solution, a trowel for leveling. If you are planning to produce a large number of paving slabs, you can purchase a vibrating table. It makes it possible to distribute the solution in the molds more densely and evenly, since the concrete mixture in this case spreads into all the cracks under the influence of vibration. But, it is quite possible to do without it.

To make paving slabs with your own hands, you need to select molds. Their configuration and size will determine the type of our paving slabs. Molds can be bought at the store. Or you can do it simpler - use ready-made plastic containers in which they sell food products. We choose those containers that are not crunchy - these are not durable, but soft and flexible. They are much stronger and can withstand several pours, so they are perfect for making paving slabs with your own hands.

You should not choose containers with intricate shapes. It will be very difficult to install it. To ensure that individual paving slabs fit well together, we give preference to containers whose sides are 90 degrees from each other. Tiles with straight sides are easy to lay, and the gaps between them will be minimal. Debris will not accumulate in the gaps, so sweeping such a path will be easy and simple.

Using the same principle, you can select shapes for borders.

Making a path from concrete forms

The process of making such a track is not at all complicated. First you need to prepare the formwork. Its size can be 35x35 cm, height 6 - 7 cm.

The method of making a track is not at all complicated. First of all, we prepare the place where the tiles will be laid. We remove the grass and all irregularities, set up the formwork form and fill it with mortar, compact it tightly and level it with a trowel. After a few days, we rearrange the form further and repeat the process in a new place.

The gaps between the “pseudo-tiles” can be filled with sand or filled with more liquid colored concrete. In this case, the track structure will become stronger. If such a path is planned in the garden, the gaps between the tiles can be filled not with mortar, but with soil, into which grass seeds can then be sown.

Production of paving slabs imitating stone

Today, ready-made polymer molds for casting paving slabs that simulate laying have become very popular natural stone. These forms differ in configuration and size. Moreover, the configuration of the forms allows them to be laid in several rows, that is, it makes it possible to adjust the width of the track. With the help of such forms you can create not only a path, but also a pavement for a patio and a gazebo. To make the work process go faster, it is good to have a set of 2 - 4 forms.

The technology for making paving slabs in this way is similar to the previous method. If you do not want grass to grow between the tiles, after removing the turf, the soil must be covered with geotextiles. And only then form a cushion of sand and gravel. The form is laid on a compacted pad and filled with concrete, compacted well, and the surface is leveled with a plank. After a few days, the mold is moved to another location and the process of pouring paving slabs continues. The finished tiles must be moistened to avoid cracks. If the track is on sunny place, and the weather is dry and hot, it must be covered with plastic film to avoid rapid evaporation of water.

When can you walk on such a path? First of all, you need to make sure of its strength: 3 - 4 weeks after pouring, hit the tile with a hammer. If there is no trace left from the impact, you can walk along the path.

Materials for creating paving slabs

In order for paving slabs to serve for a long time, it is necessary to prepare a solution. The materials that make up it must be of high quality. First of all, this applies to cement. You should not skimp on its quality and quantity. The strength of paving slabs depends most on cement. Therefore, it is best to take grade 500 cement, although some amateur builders recommend grade 300. If you consult with experienced builders, they will all unanimously say that the quality of cement has become worse. It’s better not to take risks, so as not to stumble later on the path that crumbles right before your eyes.

The second component that is necessary for the manufacture of paving slabs is sand. It must be sifted to remove dirt - leaves, grass. The sieve cells should not be small. If you come across small pebbles in the sand, do not remove them. The quality of the concrete will not be affected, and the tiles will be more textured.

Another component of the solution is water. It also has its own requirements - it must be clean, not stagnant or sour.

If you wish, you can make the path colored by adding appropriate dyes to the concrete solution. We choose pigments that are resistant to alkaline environments, atmospheric conditions and light. Inorganic pigments have all these qualities. To achieve a pure concrete color, regular gray cement must be replaced with white.

General instructions for making tiles

1. Prepare a container for preparing the solution (it can be a bucket or a plastic basin), as well as a measuring container. Pour cement - 1 part and sand - 3 parts into the solution container.

2. Slowly pour in water while stirring the solution. Consistency ready solution It should not be liquid, it should be dough-like and not slide off the trowel.

3. In order for the tiles to move away from the mold more easily, the inner surface of the mold can be lubricated with any oil.

4. Fill the prepared forms with the prepared solution. We compact it thoroughly and compact it with a trowel. If the tiles are made on a vibrating table, the solution spreads evenly into all the cracks under the influence of vibration.

5. After leveling the surface with a trowel, our homemade paving slabs are sent to dry. It is best to place the drying area under a canopy so that the tiles are not exposed to direct sunlight. If the air temperature is high, the tiles must be moistened with water once a day to avoid cracking.

6. After 5 - 6 days, the tiles can be removed from the mold and dried under the same canopy, laid out on plastic film. It will take much longer to dry – up to a month. During this time, the paving slabs will gain the necessary strength.

Step-by-step master class on making paving slabs

In conclusion of everything that has been written, I would like to show you a master class from my neighbor Nikolai, who kindly shared with me the secrets of making exclusive paving slabs.

Nikolay is a creative person. Therefore, ordinary paving slabs did not fit into his concepts. This is the kind of paving slab he came up with.

A river flows not far from his house, so building material he found under his feet. Except for cement, of course. Each time, returning from the river, he brought home, in addition to fish, a bucket of beautiful stones. His children, while dad was fishing, turned collecting pebbles of interesting shapes into an exciting activity.

To cast the paving slabs, he built a formwork for one large slab and selected two polyethylene molds, which were equal in size to the width of one side of the formwork.

We chose a plastic basin for kneading. It washes well after the solution. A plastic ice cream bucket served as a measuring cup. He kept the proportions as indicated in the instructions (see above).

The entire process of making tiles took place on a plank platform.

Plastic film was laid under the formwork. Nikolai lubricated it with used machine oil. The concrete batch was laid out on the film and, using a trowel, evenly distributed over the entire area, thoroughly compacted and smoothed.

After the stones were laid, they were forcefully pressed into the mortar using a trowel. At the same time, the solution was poured into small molds. The tiles were kept in the molds for 3–4 days, covered with cellophane, since the summer was very hot. It was watered morning and evening to prevent cracks from forming. Once the tiles came away from the formwork, the formwork was removed and the tile production process continued.

Paving slabs made in this way are laid in different combinations. Looks quite original and goes well with stone fence, creating a unique ensemble.

Nowadays it has become very fashionable to lay out paths and recreation areas with paving slabs, however, not everyone is able to purchase ready-made material due to its high cost. It is quite possible to make this finishing material on one's own. In addition, it is possible to make tiles in accordance with your personal requests and needs.

Making paving slabs with your own hands has many advantages, since the finished product: has original design, can be of absolutely any color, quite durable and hardy. The production of sidewalk tiles is considered a rather complex and labor-intensive process, especially considering the lack of experience in its production. In addition to preparing forms and tools, it is important to correctly calculate the proportions of the solution for pouring.

There are only two types of manufacturing of these products, namely, by vibration pressing and vibration casting.

The production of tiles using the vibration pressing method involves the use of a thick cement mixture with the addition of a small amount of water. Making tiles by vibrocompression involves preparing the mixture in a vibropress. The vibration casting method is most suitable for making tiles at home. To produce tiles using this method, you will need a concrete mixer, a vibrating table and casting molds.

Paving slabs is considered simply an ideal option for arranging a summer house and country house. Its affordable cost and ease of installation make this material ideal for creating beautiful and comfortable walking paths. This coating has long been considered one of the most beautiful and durable. However, due to the high cost of finished tiles, not many people decide to purchase them. To improve your summer cottage or country house, you can make tiles yourself. To make tiles yourself, you first need to prepare the mixture, observing all the required proportions. The recipe for the mixture is quite simple, however, you definitely need to know what components to add and what the proportions should be.

To make the mixture you need to take:

  • Binding components;
  • Water;
  • Fillers;
  • Special additives;
  • Dye.

Cement is used as binding components. The grade of cement is selected depending on the degree of compressive strength of the component. It is best that the cement grade is M500. The filler can be sand and crushed stone, or just clean sand can be used.

A plasticizer or dispersant is used as special additives. These mineral additives must be used, as they increase frost resistance and give the products greater strength. In addition, they increase the elasticity of the finished tile and give its surface a beautiful glossy shine.

When producing tiles, you definitely need a dye, since when used correctly, the durability and attractiveness of the finished product increases. As a percentage, the amount of dyes used should be no more than 4-5% of the total mass of the concrete mixture.

It is desirable for the dyes used to be lightfast, resistant to adverse weather conditions, and also insoluble in water. When preparing a concrete mixture, be sure to distribute the dye evenly. The recipe for preparing a mixture for tiles varies depending on the requirements for the resulting product.

Optimal composition of mortar for paving slabs

At self-production For tiles, it is important not only to make the product correctly, but also to determine the composition of the solution, which is often quite difficult to do. When preparing the solution, you need to take into account such factors as the type of raw materials used, as well as the conditions for pouring and drying the products. Before you start making tiles, you need to prepare the ingredients, a vibrating table with a perfectly flat surface and shapes.

Sand-cement mixture is made from such components as:

  • Cement grade M500 is white;
  • Fine river sand;
  • Granite crushed stone fraction 3-5 mm or screenings;
  • Water;
  • Liquid dye;
  • Plasticizer;
  • Dispersant.

The technology for preparing the mixture is quite simple. Initially, you need to mix the sand well with cement and the prepared plasticizer, and then add crushed stone, which, if desired, can be replaced with screenings. At the very end, you need to pour in liquid in small portions. The consistency of the resulting solution should be strong enough so that it sticks easily to the trowel, however, the mixture should not crumble or crack when lightly tapped on the form. The consumption of components largely depends on the required characteristics of the finished product, which is why it is calculated separately. Important! If all the required conditions are met, you can get paving slabs high quality, which will be characterized by high strength and durability.

How to make paving slabs at home

The most popular element for paving paths in country house or on summer cottage, central squares and city streets are considered to be paving slabs or figured paving elements.

The main advantages of FEM are considered:

  • Ease of manufacture;
  • Attractive appearance;
  • Easy installation.

The tile manufacturing technology means that after preparing the mixture, it needs to be poured into molds located on a vibrating table. Before pouring the mixture, the molds must be lubricated with an oil product. The vibration process lasts only a few minutes and its duration depends on the thickness of the tile.

Excess concrete needs to be removed with a spatula, and if the mixture sinks too much in the molds, then you need to add concrete mortar and continue vibration.

The surface of the solution is then smoothed, and then the filled forms are transferred to pallets. Depending on the air temperature and size, the tiles need to be dried for 2 to 4 days in a special drying chamber. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a certain air humidity and temperature. After drying, the molds are placed in an evaporation bath. When carrying out heat-steam treatment, it is necessary to set soft hardening modes and the temperature should not exceed 70 o C. The removal of finished products is carried out on a special table or manually. It is worth remembering that maximum strength occurs only after 28 days.

DIY plasticizer for paving slabs

Now there are many options for paving slabs, thanks to the use of special forms in its manufacture and dyes different colors. Many people prefer to make tiles themselves, but you need to know how many components to take when producing them. In addition to the main components, plasticizers are also used.

These substances help:

  • Improve the quality of manufactured products;
  • Simplify the process of forming tiles;
  • Improve the appearance of the finished product.

When producing tiles, the plasticizer must be prepared in advance. To do this, dry plasticizer is poured into water heated to 40 o C in a 1:2 ratio. Then the mixture must be mixed for 15 minutes using a mixer attachment. When the solution is ready, it needs to be left for a while. It is best to prepare the plasticizer in the evening, and in the morning you only need to stir it for 15 minutes.

Making paving slabs (video)

In order for the product to be durable and resistant to negative atmospheric conditions, it is imperative to comply with all the required conditions for the manufacture of tiles and use only high-quality materials.
