DIY flowerbed made from plastic bottles. How to make flower beds from plastic bottles - original ideas and master classes

Recently, flower beds made using plastic or glass bottles have become increasingly popular. This material attracts attention due to its ease of processing and lack of financial investments. After all, everyone has stocks of plastic containers (large or small), and there will always be glass bottles too. All you have to do is show a little imagination - and the original flowerbed is ready. In addition, in such a flower bed the soil will remain moist longer and it is easy to care for - the planted flowers will not go beyond the flower bed, and weeds will not penetrate from the outside. Some examples of designing flower beds from bottles are discussed in the article.

Animal flowerbed from one container

A flowerbed created from one plastic bottle of various sizes is suitable for those who have little space on their site; moreover, such a flowerbed can be rearranged or used to decorate ready-made flower beds. The shape depends on the size of the plastic container. 2-liter bottles make cute little animals, and a 5-liter bottle makes a fairy-tale pig.

To do this, you need to cut a hole on one of the sides of a plastic bottle into which flowers will later be planted. Make drainage holes on the back side (bottom of the flowerbed). Make a muzzle from the neck, and from a cut out piece of plastic make the necessary details such as a tail, ears, legs, etc. All that remains is to paint the animal in your favorite color.

You can make these flower beds in the form of animals and even equipment:

Flower bed of bottles buried vertically

The shape of such a flowerbed depends only on desire; you can lay it out in the form of some geometric figure(circle, oval, square) or give the shape of an animal or bird. Plastic bottles of any size are suitable for constructing a flower bed: for a small flower bed - half-liter containers, respectively, for a larger flower bed it is better to take two-liter containers. Instead of plastic containers, you can use glass bottles of the same color.

The design technology is as follows:

  1. In the area allocated for the flowerbed, make a mark and dig a not very deep groove along it, the width of which is equal to the thickness of the bottle, and the depth is approximately half its height.
  2. Fill the container with earth or sand (whatever is available) - this is necessary so that the bottles are more stable and do not fall out.
  3. Place the bottles in the groove tightly to each other, avoiding the formation of cracks.
  4. Dig a ditch with bottles and trample it well.
  5. If desired, paint the protruding part of the bottles.

Below are options for decorating flower beds in this way.

Flowerbed of glass bottles laid on a base

The main difference between this flowerbed is that, due to its size, it will most likely be stationary. Suitable as a base old barrel or stacked tires. If there is a bottom at the base of the flowerbed, drainage holes must be made in it.

To build a flowerbed, you need:

  • install the base for the flower bed;
  • prepare cement mortar (1:2);
  • starting from the bottom, apply the solution to the base of the flower bed;
  • lay out the first row of bottles, pressing them into the cement;
  • Place the next layer of bottles on top of the first in a checkerboard pattern, and so on until required height flower beds.

When the solution hardens, pour crushed stone or pebbles inside the flowerbed (at the bottom) for drainage, and on top - nutritious soil for plants.

There are still many examples of decorating flower beds using bottles; the main thing is to show a little imagination, and elegant flower beds will delight you with their appearance all year round.

Ideas for decorating flower beds from bottles, video

A bright, well-groomed flower garden is a decoration for any dacha and personal plot. In arranging landscape design, you can use available materials. For example, create beautiful flower beds from plastic bottles with your own hands. Using recycled materials, it is easy to decorate a nondescript wall or fence, make an unusual flower garden fencing, a hanging flowerpot or a full-fledged flowerpot. First you need to select a flowerbed model and familiarize yourself with the technology of its manufacture.

Framing a flower bed with PVC bottles

Advantages of flower beds made from plastic bottles

Arranging a flower garden using plastic containers has many advantages. The primary advantage is accessibility consumables. Each family purchases drinks, water or household chemicals in polyvinyl chloride bottles. Most consumers throw away the empty container, but some craftsmen improvise - create unusual flower beds from plastic bottles without investing additional funds.

Plastic containers – available material design of flower beds

There are other advantages that explain the popularity of this “know-how” among summer residents and gardeners:

  • PVC bottles of various sizes – universal material. They are suitable for creating a flower garden fencing, building a mini-fence, growing seedlings and decorating a site. From bottles you can make a flower bed of almost any size and shape.
  • Perennials planted in “plastic” structures grow and develop within specified limits, without spreading throughout the area. This quality greatly facilitates plant care and prevents weeds from entering the flower garden.
  • The fence helps retain moisture, so the soil does not dry out.
  • If damaged, the flower garden can be easily repaired. It is enough to replace the broken element with a new one.
  • With the help of bottle fences, it will not be difficult to zone the space of the site, delimit plantings and outline the boundaries of the path.
  • Reusable use of plastic products indirectly protects the environment. PVC material is difficult to recycle - its decomposition period in natural conditions is about 100 years.
  • Plastic does not require special preparation before use in gardening. The bottles are easy to process - they can be easily cut, glued or painted in the desired color.
  • At first glance, a PVC bottle is a flimsy and unstable material. However, this is not true. A container filled with sand or water can withstand heavy loads. Over time, the flowerbed at the dacha will not lose its original shape, will not collapse and will not succumb to corrosion from excess moisture or temperature fluctuations.

Multi-tiered flower bed for vegetable crops

What flower beds you can make with your own hands

With your own hands you can create many options for a fence for a flower bed from plastic bottles. The choice is limited by the imagination of the performer and the size of the site. The originality of the garden will be emphasized by hanging and multi-tiered compositions, as well as flower beds and figurines.

Fencing made of plastic bottles for flower beds

A fence for a flower bed made of bottles is made using a vertical or horizontal method. The first option is the simplest and involves digging the container into the ground - neck down. The method is optimal for creating flower beds complex shape and delimitation of beds on the site.

Bright garden beds

A kind of border for a flower bed made of plastic bottles allows you to realize the most daring design idea. It could be an artificial pond with swans, a bright butterfly, a crocodile-shaped flower bed, stars and much more.

The entire implementation process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Sketch development. On paper, display a plan for the arrangement of bottles - their number, color and shape of the flower bed.
  2. Preparation of material. Bottles must be cleaned, labels removed, washed and dried. Paint if necessary.
  3. Site marking. Mark a contour on the ground with sand.
  4. Fence installation:
  • dig a shallow ditch along the perimeter of the flowerbed, the width of which is equal to the thickness of the bottles;
  • fill containers with sand or pebbles;
  • sequentially dig the bottles into the ground, joining them tightly together.

Complex flower garden configuration

Despite the ease of execution, the result pleases with a well-groomed and tidy appearance.

When the bottles are arranged horizontally, a full-fledged flowerpot is formed. Before you cover the flowerbed with plastic bottles, you need to select a rigid support: a polycarbonate sheet, a barrel without a bottom, or a large tire.

Deep flowerpot made of plastic containers

Manufacturing procedure:

  1. Prepare a cement-sand mortar by mixing the components in a 2:1 ratio, respectively.
  2. Wash the bottles and fill them with sand.
  3. By inner contour lay a layer of cement on the mold.
  4. Insert bottles into the solution, filling the entire mold with plastic containers. Both the neck and the bottom can be attached to cement - it depends on this appearance compositions.
  5. The second and subsequent rows are laid in a checkerboard pattern.

When the fence made of plastic bottles for the flower bed is ready, drainage should be placed at the bottom and fertile soil should be poured on top. Decorate the sides of the structure with cones, shells or moss.

wall decoration hanging planters

Hanging flower beds for unusual garden decoration

Unusual option decorations summer cottage– hanging flower beds made of plastic. They create the effect of a hedge and are used to zone a space or decorate a nondescript wall.

As in the previous case, two implementation methods are possible: horizontal and vertical hanging.

Creating “hanging gardens” with your own hands in a horizontal arrangement:

  1. Use a felt-tip pen to mark the outline on the bottle.
  2. Cut a hole for planting flowers.
  3. Make two pairs of holes and thread a strong thread or fishing line through them.
  4. Adjust the length and fix it by installing the ring at the bottom and tightening the knot tightly.

Installation of a hanging horizontal planter

Ampelous flowers, low-growing plants or herbs are planted in hanging containers.

Vertical flower beds from plastic bottles are made using a similar technology:

  1. Cut two side holes, leaving a cup for the soil underneath.
  2. Make a through hole at the base of the neck and thread a cord through it.
  3. Adjust the length of the rope and hang the pot on a prepared hook or fix it on a horizontal crossbar.

Hanging vertical flower bed

Single flowerpots are suitable for decorating a gazebo or arranging a patio.

You need to prepare:

  • bottle – 1.5 l;
  • stationery knife;
  • spray paint;
  • stickers;
  • yarn and crochet hook.

Master class on creating flowerpots

Sequence of actions:

  1. Cut off the bottom of the bottle and trim the edges with scissors.
  2. Drill holes in the resulting glass, making an indent of 5-10 mm from the edge. The distance between the holes is about 12-14 mm.
  3. Paint the pots or decorate them to your taste. Leave the workpiece until completely dry.
  4. Tie the top edge of the pot with yarn in a contrasting color.
  5. Thread a thick thread through the hole or tie a rope yourself.
  6. Place a pot with a flower in the finished flowerpot and hang it.

Making flower pots “funny little animals”

The playground can be decorated with flowerpots with the faces of different animals. It is advisable to involve little helpers in creating crafts with your own hands - children will be happy to take part in decorating the garden. Kids can be entrusted with choosing an image and decorating flower pots.

Multi-tiered flower bed to save space

The multi-level composition resembles a pyramid consisting of several tiers. The bottom step has the most large diameter, and the top one is the smallest. The number of tiers is chosen arbitrarily, while it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the structure and the variety of flowers planted.

The procedure for making a flower bed:

  1. Select and sort bottles. In one tier it is advisable to use a container of the same displacement and color.
  2. Remove labels and wash containers.
  3. Determine the boundaries of the flower bed and make markings.
  4. Form a ditch along the contour of a large circle. The depth of the trench is 8-10 cm.
  5. Install the first tier of plastic. To strengthen the structure, the fence can be tied with wire.
  6. Pour soil inside the barrier and compact it in the center.
  7. Mark a circle of smaller diameter - the border of the second tier.
  8. Install the bottles, forming the next step.
  9. Pour the earth and build the third tier in a similar way.

Multi-tiered flower bed made of plastic container

When building a multi-tiered flower garden, you should take into account some nuances:

  1. It is advisable to plant flowers of the same size in one tier.
  2. It is better to place plants of dark shades in the lower tiers, and light ones - higher.
  3. At the bottom stage it is necessary to plant plants that tolerate high humidity. After watering or rain, some of the water will drain and accumulate below. Moisture-loving flowers include: violets, primroses, forget-me-nots, astilbes, geraniums and irises.
  4. At the top of the composition, marigolds, asters, cosmos and nasturtium will feel good. These plants can easily tolerate a lack of moisture.
  5. It is important to harmoniously place color accents. Two-color contrasting flower beds look beautiful. Effective compositions are obtained when the color transitions from cold to warm or from dark to light. For example: turquoise - purple - blue or red - orange - yellow.

Advice. It is advisable to choose plants that bloom at the same time. Information about planting and flowering dates is indicated on the seed packaging.

Artificial flowerbed "Ladybug"

Flowerbed ladybug

From a plastic container you can make a bright and cheerful flower bed in the shape of a ladybug. The stylized element will fit perfectly into the surrounding landscape of the site. An additional advantage is the out-of-season and unpretentiousness of artificial decor.

To create a flower bed in the courtyard of a private house or in a country house you will need:

  • containers of the same volume (0.5, 1 or 2 l) - the volume is selected depending on the dimensions of the flowerbed;
  • acrylic paint red, white and black;
  • scissors, sand and cobblestones to form the outline of the composition.

Layout diagram of the “ladybug” elements

Step by step instructions:

  1. Prepare the bottles. Cut off a third of each, leaving the bottom part, and paint it the desired color. The workpieces must dry completely.
  2. Draw a contour on the site, taking into account the dimensions of the finished product. If a two-liter container is used, then the length of the “ladybug” will be about 170 cm and the width – 150 cm. When working with a half-liter container, these parameters will be equal to 100 cm and 90 cm, respectively. You can perform an exact calculation yourself, based on the diagram proposed below.
  3. Place stones along the perimeter of the future composition - the border will prevent soil from spilling from the flowerbed.
  4. Mix sand with soil and fill the “flower garden” with the mixture, forming a small slide. Moisten slightly and compact the base.
  5. Draw the outlines of the insect on the ground with a stick, indicating the location of the wings, muzzle and eye.
  6. Following the intended boundaries and composition scheme, lay out the elements of the “ladybug” like a mosaic.

Composition on a wheel

A large wheel is suitable as a base and at the same time as a curb for the entire structure. If you paint it green, you will get the illusion of a “ladybug” on the lawn.

Do not limit yourself to the example given. Contour flower beds made of plastic accept many images: symbols, animals, constellations, natural phenomena. The decoration of the estate will certainly be an artificial lake made of blue PVC bottles. Flowers, birds and plants planted on the shore of the “reservoir” will add naturalness and picturesqueness to the composition.

Artificial pond on site

Flower beds made from large plastic bottles

Large plastic containers, the volume of which is 5 liters or more, are excellent for creating original flower beds in the shape of animals. This funny hedgehog is very easy to make. Five-liter containers must be painted in gray and cut a hole for planting. It is better to plant in a homemade flowerpot lawn grass– lush vegetation resembles thorns.

Decorative element landscape

A popular design technique among summer residents is the pig flower garden. Bottles with a capacity of more than 5 liters produce large piglets, and bottles of 1.5-2 liters produce small “heels”.

To create one mini-flower garden for your dacha you will need:

  • PVC containers: 1 pc. for 5 l, 4 pcs. 0.5 l each;
  • scissors;
  • pink paint and brush;
  • templates of ears, eyes and tail.

Decorating a flower garden using piggy flower beds

Master class on creating a flowerpot with your own hands:

  1. Paint the assembled figure with pink paint outside products.
  2. Before the paint dries, place the pig's nostrils and eyes.

Finished flowerbed in the shape of a pig

Place the finished flowerpot in the front garden and plant flowers in it. Various options flowerbed piglets are presented in the video.

Video: Flowerbeds made from bottles for a summer residence

Original flowerpot in the shape of a donkey

The donkey is somewhat more difficult to make. But the result is not just a flower garden, but a full-fledged garden sculpture.

Mobile flower garden “Donkey with a cart”

To create a donkey you will need:

  • five liter bottle;
  • 3 pcs. two-liter containers - for the head, ears and neck;
  • 4 half-liter PVC kefir bottles - for feet;
  • yarn - for the mane and tail;
  • acrylic paint, tape, wire, glue, scissors and screws.

Making a donkey from plastic bottles

Having collected all the elements together, you need to paint the donkey figure, secure the mane and bridle. Pour sand into the container for the legs so that the craft does not tip over.

A simpler solution is flower beds made from five-liter plastic bottles in the shape of a train.

Multi-colored trailers made of PVC bottles

How to paint plastic bottles for a flower bed

"Plastic craft" requires careful choice of paint. It is important that the finished product looks impressive, does not fade in the sun, and that the coating does not peel off from rain.

Choosing paint for decoration

For coloring garden crafts The following paints are suitable:

  • Acrylic composition. Instantly adheres to most surfaces, including plastic. To protect the surface and give it shine, it is advisable to coat the PVC product with colorless varnish.
  • Color acrylic varnish. Allows you to get a bright shade with one coloring. Many people consider varnish to be the optimal means for painting plastic.
  • Aerosol paint for graffiti. Easy to use, but requires additional processing varnish surfaces. This option is more suitable for small garden fences.
  • Automotive enamels. They do not fade in the sun and ensure the attractiveness of the painted surface for several years.
  • Enamel compositions. An affordable option for painting large areas. You can purchase white enamel and add color to it as needed.
  • Stained glass paints. The most expensive way to decorate plastic crafts. It is advisable to use it when creating small details of pictorial compositions.

Painting plastic with a brush

Painting methods inside and outside

Coloring in progress using different methods:

  • spraying from a can - convenient to work with stencils and make gradient color transitions;
  • painting with a brush - creating a smooth coating, applying patterns to crafts;
  • painting with a sponge – allows you to achieve a textured surface;
  • painting with acrylic from the inside - the result is a deep color.

Technique for painting plastic bottles from the inside:

  1. Pour a little paint inside the transparent container.
  2. Shake the bottles so that the bright pigment is evenly distributed along the walls.
  3. After complete drying, fill the container with white sand - this will ensure color saturation.

Important! Whatever technique is used for painting, plastic containers must be prepared - cleaned and degreased with alcohol or acetone.

Painting plastic containers from the inside

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to create vibrant and functional landscape design elements. The basis for the construction of original flower beds and flower beds will be used PVC bottles. It is enough to show your imagination and spend a little time to create a country masterpiece.

First, you need to prepare plastic bottles with the same shape and volume. Their number should be sufficient to cover the selected area. Usually 25 bottles are enough for a small flower bed.

Some design solutions involve using bottles of different sizes.

All stickers on the surface of the bottle must be removed. In case of difficulties, the sticker can be moistened with water. The plugs must be removed. Otherwise, under the influence of temperature fluctuations, the bottle will begin to deform.

A simple flower bed from plastic bottles can be made of any shape

Next steps:

  1. Choosing the shape of the future flower bed and its size. Traditional optionround shape. Plastic bottles make it possible to create a flower garden of any other shape.
  2. Choosing a place for a flower bed (part of the garden or an area near the house).
  3. Marking with twine. A small trench should be dug along the given lines. Lay a polyethylene film nearby and pour the dug soil on it.
  4. Installing bottles upside down in a trench around the perimeter of the flower bed. It is necessary to leave some of the bottles approximately 10 cm above the ground.
  5. Aligning boundaries using a metal bicycle rim. It is placed on the inside of the bottle wall. Can be used hard drive or pelvis.
  6. So that the circle has correct form, the bottles are pressed tightly against the rim. The outer perimeter of the flowerbed is covered with earth and compacted.
  7. The rim is removed and soil is poured into the flowerbed. Now you can plant any flowers in it.
: Decorate the garden with colorful cockerels.

Read about planting and growing garden balsam.

Design nuances

The beautiful appearance of a flower bed is achieved by the following techniques:

  1. The capacity of the bottles does not matter. The main thing is the same shape and size. If there are not enough bottles in one container, different containers should be distributed symmetrically.
  2. Painted bottles will brighten up your flower bed. You can paint them both outside and inside. Interior painting is more difficult, but more practical. You need to pour in enamel paint 10 cm high. Shake the paint and pour it into the next bottle.

Flowerbed in a container

Selecting a base

This is another type of flower bed made from plastic bottles. Its basis is the total capacity. The size of the flower bed will depend on its size. Suitable for this purpose are, for example:

  • stacked car tires;
  • a large old saucepan or basin;
  • bucket.

Sequence of operations

After selecting the main container, the following steps are performed:

  1. Plastering the container cement-sand mortar(2:1). The thickness of the layer should be convenient for “sticking” bottle necks into it. There is no need to plaster the entire container at once due to the rapid setting of cement.
  2. Particular care should be taken only with the bottom layer of bottles. He will support the top ranks. It is important to place the bottles in a checkerboard pattern so that the flower bed comes out neat.
  3. Be sure to wait for the solution to dry with the necks of the bottles fixed in it. If you plant flowers in a flowerbed that is still damp, it may collapse.
  4. After filling the container with soil, the necks should be decorated. To do this, you can use any available material - cones, pebbles, moss, etc.
  5. The lower part of the bottle bed is filled with drainage made from stones, pieces of expanded clay, brick, etc. The top is covered with fertile soil.
  6. If there is no bottom (tires) in the flowerbed, there will be no stagnation of water. If there is a bottom, drainage holes are made in it to drain excess water into the ground.
  7. A flowerbed with a bottom can always be moved to another place.

What to plant

Decorating a flower bed with plants is a creative process. Suitable for tall bottles hanging plants: sulfinia, fuchsia, lobelia, petunia, ampelous geranium, begonia, etc.

Find out about choosing a variety, planting and caring for foxgloves in.

Other ideas

Animal motif

Bulk plastic bottles (5-6 liters or more) are used for flowerbed containers in the form of various animals: elephants, piglets, hedgehogs, mice, etc.

Using a knife or large scissors, cut off one side of the bottle. Soil is poured into the hole formed. Flowers or grass are planted in it.

Don't forget to make holes in the bottom of the container so that water does not stagnate near the roots of the plants.

The entire design should be given a resemblance to some kind of animal, for example, a hedgehog.

The “Hedgehog” flowerbed does not require a lot of expenses; it will not be difficult to complete.

You need to paint the bottle in any natural color, for example, gray-pink. If desired, you can highlight the paws with a different color.

To imitate an animal's nose, the cork is painted black. For the ears, cuts are made along the edges and pink plastic parts are inserted.

The grass is planted in the soil. As it grows, it will resemble the spines of a hedgehog. The decoration of such a flowerbed can be a flower or an artificial mushroom (apple).

Plastic “Ladybug”

This flowerbed will require plastic bottles in three colors: red, white and black.

If it was not possible to collect all the containers of the same size, you can get by with transparent bottles for subsequent coloring in the appropriate shades.

It is important to choose optimal size containers. It's better to take small bottles.

The Ladybug flowerbed will add brightness and unusualness to your garden

In terms of color you will need:

  • two white bottles (for insect eyes);
  • black for the head and spots on the wings (the number of spots is at your discretion;
  • red bottles are for wings.

To avoid soil spilling outwards, the perimeter of the flowerbed is laid out with a border.

In inner part Soil is poured into the flowerbeds. It should be shaped like a semicircular shape along the body of the cow. An image of an insect is outlined, and the bottles are placed with their corks facing down. They need to be screwed into the soil. Subject to color scheme as a result, a ladybug is formed.

How to decorate a flowerbed with plastic flowers

You can make beautiful artificial flowers for your flower bed from plastic bottles.

Flowers made from plastic bottles will decorate any landscape design

It is advisable to select containers different colors. And from transparent bottles you can make translucent flowers with colored tips of the petals.

For the center of the flower, milk, yellowish or white bottles are suitable. The edges of the containers are cut to the shape of the petals. Then the bottles are nested one inside the other in several tiers. Multilayer petals are formed.

Their shape can be changed using boiling water or gas. To do this, the still cold petal is bent with tongs in the desired direction. The result is a shape close to a natural flower. But fantastic solutions are also relevant here.

Decoration options flower bed plastic bottles of different colors:

  • green is appropriate for green petals, although any dark shade will do;
  • brown ones give the effect of autumn foliage;
  • the dark color adds style to any part of the flower.
  • Ideas and step-by-step instructions for making flower beds from plastic bottles.

    Elena Timoshchuk

Simplicity is what is most valued when arranging a personal plot. Flower beds made from plastic bottles are the simplest and most affordable option decor that everyone can afford. This garden decoration does not require any serious investments, because the material for creating unique design a flower garden is always at hand in any home. Flower beds made from plastic bottles are easy to make. A creative approach and a little imagination will help make them a real masterpiece of landscape art, which will become a bright accent both in a small garden and in a vast garden area.

Every housewife strives to make her flower garden beautiful and different from others. To do this, you don’t need to spend a lot of money or hire a professional landscape designer. Even a schoolchild can make a flowerbed from plastic bottles with his own hands, because working with such material does not require much physical effort or special skills.

To answer the question of how to make a flower bed, you must first determine what you ultimately want to get. This could be an ordinary small area of ​​flowers, separated from the rest of the garden. Then the fence for the flower bed can be made from plastic bottles, painted in the primary colors used to decorate the site.

Creative people strive to create unique compositions that include not only plants, but also beautiful decorative elements. For such people, the task of decorating a flower bed with plastic bottles will be limited only by flights of fancy and the area of ​​their garden plot.

Bottle flowerbeds have a number of advantages:

  1. 1 Bottles - cheap material, which does not need to be specially purchased.
  2. 2 A flowerbed with a fence made of bottles can have any shape, since the material is easy to arrange on the site.
  3. 3 Bottles can be used to make not only small fences, but also interesting design details.
  4. 4 Plastic containers allow you to create a mobile flowerbed in the form of a small flowerpot in which you can grow not only flowers, but also seedlings for vegetables.
  5. 5 Flowerbeds made from bottles can be easily adjusted, since the material is easy to process, paint, and can always be replaced if necessary.

The popularity of food-grade plastic in garden design is so great that there are a large number of free electronic resources that tell in detail how to decorate a flower bed with plastic bottles. Basic techniques do not require special skills or lengthy training.

Preparatory stage of work

Plastic bottles have become an integral part of everyday life. Carbonated soft drinks, fermented milk products, mineral water, beer - almost all liquids today are poured into such containers. Each family collects a sufficient amount of plastic per month, which can be used to improve their plot.

Plastic bottles are not required special training. To make a simple fence, you just need to wash the blanks, dry them and carefully remove all the labels. Bottles made of colored plastic can be left in their original form. It is better to paint transparent products. This will make the future fence more beautiful and neat. To prevent the fence from losing its color over time, it is recommended to paint the inside of the bottles. To do this, paint is poured into a bottle and shaken well so that all inner surface painted well.

Depending on the chosen idea for arranging a flower garden, the bottle can be left in its entirety or partially cut off. This can be done using the usual sharp knife and garden shears. When working with cut bottles, you need to take precautions, as the edges of the plastic can be very sharp.

To create a simple flower bed, you will need bottles of a certain shape and size, painted in the chosen colors, a shovel and material with which you need to fill the container of the plastic product in order to give it stability.

Horizontal and vertical fencing of flower beds

Fencing for a flower bed can be done in two ways: vertical and horizontal. To horizontally design an area with flowers, you need to make a recess along the perimeter of the future flower bed, like a trench. Bottles without necks are placed in this recess so that half of the product remains in the ground.

To keep the fence line straight, bottles are sometimes laid out along car tire or a fishing line stretched on pegs. Plastic product filled with gravel, sand or soil. This will keep it firmly in the ground. Each bottle is buried only halfway into the ground; the upper surface of the container serves as a fence. Sometimes a cut is made at the top of the bottle.

If plastic container filled with earth, then in this recess you can plant flowers that will contrast with the main plants in the flowerbed, creating a natural green edge. In this case, you need to remember that for the growth and development of flowers in the plastic, you need to make special drainage holes through which moisture will go into the soil after watering.

But vertical fences made of bottles look much more beautiful on the plots. For this purpose, bottles with an interesting bottom shape are selected. They are also filled with some kind of material for stability, then dug in 5-10 cm with the bottom up. When creating a vertical plastic fence, you need to ensure that each element fits snugly against the other. This will give the fence strength. The shapes of bottles can be alternated, creating interesting patterns and ornaments on your site.

The advantages of such fences are that they are easy to build. The fence is easy to care for; you just need to wash its parts while watering the plants. If the flower garden fence requires repairs, any element can be easily replaced without harm to other parts of the fence. The materials for this are always at hand and do not require additional investments or hiring professional designers.

Decorative elements made of plastic

Plastic bottles provide ample opportunities for creating decorative compositions in the garden. These can be small single flower beds in the form of some kind of animal. Most often in the areas you can see fancy plastic mice, piglets, cats, dogs, swans and whole bouquets of artificial flowers made from ordinary plastic containers of various shapes and volumes.

The created figures can act as independent mini-flower beds. To do this, part of the bottle is cut off, the container is filled with soil, and flowers are grown in it. The advantage of such flower beds is that they are mobile. You can move it freely around the site without fear of damaging it. root system plants.

You can often see used plastic bottles in flower beds, which act as a separate decorative element. Large plastic compositions modeled after mosaics look interesting. The most popular among them are artificial ponds or products resembling insects and animals.

The easiest way is to make a small plastic pond. To do this, you need to mark the area where you plan to create the composition. Dig a hole over the entire area of ​​the future reservoir. Paint the bottles blue and, placing them upside down about 10 cm above the surface, sprinkle them with earth. On the surface of an improvised pond, you can make water lilies from the cut-off bottom of bottles, and also place plastic swans or frogs.

With the help of such volumetric mosaics, you can advantageously emphasize individual parts of the territory, create play areas or playgrounds. Sometimes a small island of earth is left in the center of the pond on which you can plant your favorite flowers.

Flowerpots and multi-tiered fences

Plastic bottles are a universal material that allows you to create three-dimensional products for decorating an area, for example, special flowerpots or entire walls and multi-tiered fences.

To create a flowerpot you will need some additional tools:

  • the shape around which the bottles are stacked;
  • cement for fastening parts of the future product into a single whole;
  • a scoop or a special spatula for cementing bottles.
  • dye;
  • plastic bottles in the quantity necessary to create the final product.

It’s easy to create a tall plastic flower bed. You need to find the necessary form, which can then be easily removed from the created flowerbed. A layer of cement is laid out around the mold, and bottles are attached to it with the neck towards the mold. The first layer of bottles is again covered with cement, and the next batch of bottles is placed on top in a checkerboard pattern.

After the cement has dried and the structure has gained strength, the mold can be taken out. As a result, a colorful relief flower bed is created from plastic bottles, in which you can grow flowers and even ornamental shrubs. The advantage of such products is that the plastic retains water, nourishing the roots. This material prevents excessive growth of roots and does not allow weeds to penetrate into the flowerbed.

Multi-tiered fences are made using the same scheme. Their height and volume depend entirely on the wishes of the decorator and the number of plastic bottles he has. Creating flower beds from plastic bottles with your own hands has become for many not just a way to decorate a personal plot with minimal costs for the family budget, but also an opportunity to show your creativity and take up your favorite hobby.

A beautiful and unusual flower bed invariably attracts attention, creating bright accent V landscape design. To build a unique flower garden, all you need is your imagination and plastic bottles.

Plastic bottles as a material for decorating flower beds

When growing flowers on a plot, gardeners try to decorate the flower beds in an original way. For this purpose the most different materials, including plastic bottles. This solution has many advantages:

  • Multifunctional and picturesque. Regarding the idea of ​​​​designing a flower bed, its configuration and color range, you are limited only by your own imagination.
  • Durability and non-toxicity of the material. Plastic is resistant to temperature changes and high humidity. When heated, it does not release chemicals into the soil or atmosphere.
  • Availability. Bottles essentially come to you as " free application» to drinks.
  • Practical and environmentally friendly. Bottles stored at home take up a lot of space; when thrown into a landfill, they do not decompose and are rarely recycled. Original “recycling” in the garden for your own benefit is an ingenious solution to the problem.
  • Ease of replacement. Since the entire structure consists of individual elements, those that have become unusable can be easily changed without disturbing the entire configuration.

Craftsmen find a variety of uses for plastic bottles

Video: swan flowerbed made from bottles

To make the flowerbed durable, follow simple general rules when constructing it:

  • Remove paper labels and remaining glue from bottles. Wash inside and out, dry.
  • A flowerbed of bottles of the same volume and shape looks neater, unless you deliberately intend to play on this difference.
  • It is better to paint from the inside rather than the outside - in the latter case the paint will quickly crack. The only exception is stained glass paint, but it is expensive. Pour some inside acrylic paint, shake well, distributing it evenly along the walls. You can also add sand or pebbles of the desired shade inside for color.

    For better paint durability, it is better to pour it inside the bottle.

  • By weighing the bottle down with sand, crushed stone, or earth, you will get a more stable and robust construction. You can pour water inside, but it gradually evaporates.

    Colored sand is both a weighting agent for bottles and an element of flowerbed decor.

  • If you plan to bury bottles in the soil, first level the area and control the height as you work by pulling the cord parallel to the ground.
  • Install containers as tightly as possible, without gaps.

    Gaps between adjacent bottles make the flower bed untidy in appearance and reduce the strength of the structure

  • Remember to maintain your fence by periodically watering it with a watering can or hose to remove dust and dirt.

Video: how to properly install bottles around a flower bed

Types of flower beds made from bottles

Bottle flower beds are classified into several varieties. The manufacturing technology is slightly different.

Vertical border

The simplest option. The bottles are simply dug into the ground to the required depth with the neck down. The result is a flower bed of the required shape. The same border can be used for zoning it. By selecting matching colors and adding other decorative elements, you can get, for example, flower beds in the form of animals, butterflies, and fairy-tale characters.

Video: border made of plastic bottles

Making a border is very simple:

  1. Level the area, mark the necessary contour, for example, with sand.
  2. Dig a furrow along the contour of the required depth, the width matching the diameter of the bottle.
  3. Place the containers sequentially in the trench.
  4. Fill the furrow with substrate and compact it.

Photo gallery: flower beds with a border made of plastic bottles

The main advantage of a regular border made of bottles is that nothing limits you in choosing the shape of the flowerbed. A border made of plastic bottles can be used to highlight not entire flower beds, but, for example, individual ornamental shrubs. A flowerbed with a border made of bottles, complemented by a mosaic, looks even more impressive. A “neck” for a swan can be cut out of plywood and then paint. Unpainted bottles as a border also look good

Horizontal arrangement

Here you need a base - a barrel, a stack of tires, a piece of polycarbonate rolled into a ring. Using bottles you can create an original flowerpot for flowers or decorative dwarf shrubs:

  1. Prepare the solution by mixing cement and sand in a ratio of approximately 2:1 and adding water to form a thick, homogeneous dough-like mass.
  2. Start covering the base evenly with cement, moving from bottom to top while attaching the bottles. The layer thickness should be at least 2–3 cm. Containers can be secured either by the neck or by the base. It is very important to lay the first layer evenly - you will be guided by it in the future.
  3. Continue the “laying”, placing bottles in each next row in a checkerboard pattern.
  4. Having reached the very top, decorate the remaining layer of cement on the surface with moss, pebbles, shells, and cones.

Photo gallery: flowerpots made from bottles

If the base for the flowerpot has a bottom, first make several holes in it for drainage. Plastic bottles can be placed with their necks in or out - the decorativeness of the structure will not be affected by this. Flowerpots made from bottles can be quite large. It is recommended to decorate the layer of cement remaining on the surface. Immediately cover the entire base with cement you can't - while you are installing the bottom bottles, it will dry out

Multi-tiered flower beds

Slightly reminiscent of a wedding cake. Each next tier is smaller in diameter than the previous one:

  1. Install the bottles of the first tier - the technology is the same as for the vertical border.
  2. Fill the fence with soil, compact it and level it.
  3. Using this substrate as a base, make a second tier.
  4. Repeat for the third and fourth. No longer recommended - the flower bed turns out to be too bulky.

When choosing the “filling” of a flower bed, consider the timing of flowering. It's better if it happens simultaneously. It is recommended to plant flowers of approximately equal height at the same level. The most are placed at the bottom moisture-loving plants, at the top are those that do not particularly suffer from moisture deficiency. As for shades, transitions from bottom to top from dark to light or from cold to warm look impressive in such flower beds.

Photo gallery: multi-tiered bottle beds

When building a flowerbed with several tiers, it is important to compact the substrate well in order to reliably fix the next level. Multi-tiered flowerbeds allow you to save space on your site. When choosing plants for multi-tiered flowerbeds, consider the compatibility of colors and the nuances of caring for them
