What to build a summer shower from. Do-it-yourself shower for a summer house

Many people in summer time prefer to leave stuffy city apartments and spend time on suburban areas. However, the absence of such a benefit of civilization as a shower can significantly spoil the impression of even the best outdoor recreation. The solution to this problem is an outdoor shower, the construction of which is the subject of this article.

General information

Building an outdoor shower yourself is not at all difficult, and you don’t even need to spend a lot of time on it.

All you need is:

  • Prepare a tank of suitable volume;
  • Make the frame of the future shower stall;
  • Cover the frame with any sheet material.

The main part of the work is making the frame. If you know how to work with a welding machine, then the best option there will be a frame made of profile pipes. This material is inexpensive, strong and quite durable.

Advice! If it is not possible to make a shower from pipes, you can use it for these purposes wooden beam, pre-treated with an antiseptic.

Below we will look at how to build a summer shower from pipes.

Construction Features


So, to build a summer shower from a profile pipe, you need to prepare the following materials:

Selecting a location

Before starting construction, you need to decide where it will be located country shower from a profile pipe.

The following requirements apply to the site for future construction:

  • It is advisable that the shower be located on a hill, which will improve the flow of water. If there is no such place on the site, you need to dig a drainage hole.
  • The place should not be shaded, which will allow the water to quickly heat up in the sun.
  • If there is a well on the site, the distance from it to the future shower should be at least 8 meters. In addition, the shower should be located at a sufficient distance from the foundation of the house.

Project preparation

Any construction, as you know, begins with the preparation of a project, and the construction of a summer shower is no exception. At the design stage, it is necessary to determine the size of the future structure and its design.

Most often, summer showers have the following dimensions:

  • Height – 2 -2.5 m.
  • Length and width – 1.5 m.

Of course, you can change the dimensions if you wish. For example, many increase the area of ​​the building and equip it with a locker room. The latter can be separated from the shower with a curtain or partition.

Preparing the base and drainage pit

Do-it-yourself construction should begin with preparation drain hole and grounds. The size of the pit depends on the number of people living. The pit should be located close to the booth itself, for example, behind it.

The bottom of the pit must be filled with sand and gravel, and the walls are lined with stone or brick. When the pit is ready, you need to make a foundation with a drain.

The work is carried out in this order:

  • First of all, you need to prepare the site - remove debris and grass.
  • Then it is laid so that it goes into the hole at an angle. It is best to place the drain in the center of the shower stall.
  • Next, you need to mark the future site and make formwork from boards or other material along the contour.
  • After this, the bottom of the formwork must be covered with a layer of crushed stone and compacted.
  • Then supports are installed at the corners of the formwork. To do this, the pipes need to be driven 20-30 centimeters into the ground. The racks can be positioned vertically or at a certain angle, as shown in the diagram.
  • After installing the racks, a metal reinforcing mesh should be laid, which should rise slightly above the surface of the crushed stone.
  • To complete the work, you need to fill the formwork with concrete.

Frame making

When the concrete hardens, you can make a frame for a summer shower from a profile pipe. Since in the process of work concrete screed will not be subjected to heavy loads, it is not necessary to wait 28 days for the concrete to gain grade strength.

The manufacture of the frame begins with the construction of a frame for the tank. To do this, you need to connect the racks along the perimeter, as well as diagonally. Then the racks must be connected with cross members located on three sides, which will add rigidity to the structure.

At this point, the frame for the shower from the profile pipe is ready, now you can start arranging it and covering it.

Shower arrangement

The arrangement of the shower begins with the installation of the tank. It is desirable that the container be flat and wide. In specialized stores you can purchase a special tank for a summer shower with installed fittings.

If the container has enough surface area, it can serve as a cabin roof.

Otherwise, you will first need to lay the roofing material.

  • A fitting should be cut into one of the walls of the tank, which will face the cabin.
  • After installing the tank on the roof, it is attached to the fitting ball valve and a shower head. The water supply is regulated by a ball valve.

Advice! To make the water heat up faster, the tank should be painted black.

In the photo there is an installed tank with a shower head.


After completing the main part of the work, you can begin finishing the cabin. As mentioned above, any sheet material can be used for this. You can attach it to the frame using self-tapping screws.

In addition, you will need to make a door. It’s very easy to make – you just need to weld the frame out of the profile suitable size and cover it with the same material as the shower frame. The most difficult thing in this procedure is to install the awnings correctly, so before installing the door you need to carefully mark it.

Advice! Instead of a door, you can use curtains, which are used in bathrooms.

To finish the job, make a wooden grate and lay it on the shower floor. After use, the grill can be removed and dried. Here, in fact, are all the basic instructions for building a summer shower.


Every home craftsman who has the skills to work with a welding machine can make a summer shower from a profile pipe at the dacha. This design will last for many years and at the same time looks quite nice.

You can find out more information on this topic from the video in this article.

Summer is a great time for country holiday. It can be overshadowed by the lack of a shower, since a person, regardless of whether he is working or resting, needs to perform water procedures.

If the dacha is used only in the summer, then it is easiest to organize a shower on the site. You can make a mobile shower, or build a solid outbuilding.

Portable summer shower

In stores you can find foot showers. There is no need to build or carry out anything to operate it. As a rule, you only need a small container of water to use it.

An existing hose is lowered into the container and connected to the pump. It resembles a small rug. The water comes out through a hose with a watering can, and for it to flow, a person just needs to mark time in one place.

This device is simply irreplaceable, as it is suitable not only for the garden, but also for picnics, and you can take it with you on hikes.

With its help, water procedures can be carried out not only on the street, but also in the house when it is very cool outside.

To do this, you just need to put a basin and wash yourself. Another advantage of a mobile shower is self-adjustment water temperature. Such a shower at the dacha simply cannot be replaced.

Stationary shower

Many summer residents are interested in how to make a stationary shower. This option is quite expensive compared to the first. However, it will serve you for many years.

Before you start construction, you need to think about where the water will drain from it. It’s good to have an antiseptic on site. You can drain the shower into it.

If it is missing, then you need to make a hole and fill the bottom with expanded clay. A family needs a pit measuring 60x60x60 cm.

If the soil is dominated by sand, the walls of the recess will have to be strengthened so that they do not crumble. A metal mesh or boards that are no longer needed are suitable for this.

Shower base

As a rule, a shower building weighs little. Therefore, there is no point in making a foundation for it; it can be replaced with blocks. They are aligned to the same level so that the structure stands level.

This is much cheaper than a foundation, and takes much less time for construction, since the foundation must dry, and the building can be immediately erected on the blocks.

The blocks should be placed 20 cm from the ground, this is necessary so that the wood does not rot.

If you are going to make a structure from metal, then the blocks do not need to be leveled at a level of 20 cm. Such a frame can be installed on ordinary paving slabs.


There are two types of construction. The first is when the building is divided into several parts. In one part there is a shower, in the other there is a locker room or technical room where the boiler is installed.

Pay attention!

The second type is a simple shower with a curtain, where only water procedures will be performed. Therefore, the dimensions of the shower are calculated based on what kind of construction is planned.

Types of frame

Metal. The frame can be made of profiled pipe, 3 mm in size. For work you will need welding machine.

It is best to weld the pipe joints, this will make the structure stronger. If the device is missing, then the joints can be fastened with special bolts.

Tree. For construction you will need timber. Usually a beam measuring 50x50 mm is used. Before starting construction, you need to make a drawing of the shower in the country.

Shower trim

After the frame has been erected, the shower needs to be covered with material. There are no specific standards for the material. Everyone chooses according to their own pocket.

Let's highlight the most popular materials:

  • oilcloth;
  • textile;
  • wood;
  • slate;
  • polycarbonate

Water container

Absolutely any container can be used as a tank. Basically, these are metal or plastic barrels. They can be purchased at any construction and country stores.

Pay attention!

When choosing, consider your region of residence. For southern cities, any container is suitable, but for northern regions only a metal one, as it heats up faster.

Shower tray

It is best to purchase a ready-made pallet, since it will have a drain that will directly drain into the pit. The pallet is made of plastic or metal. Metal will last much longer, so it is advisable to choose it.

Making a summer shower in the country is not so difficult. The main thing is to approach the design thoroughly and calculate in advance the amount of material required.

For clarity, you can look at a photo of a summer shower at the dacha with your own hands. It will make your stay comfortable and enjoyable.

Photo of a shower in the country with your own hands

Pay attention!

Water procedures in the open air are very useful, so many adherents of relaxation and hardening decide to make a summer shower for a shower in the country with their own hands, or at least install a ready-made cabin on the site. This article will help you understand the design features, select the correct dimensions and installation location, draw up a preliminary diagram and complete all stages of construction without errors.

Types of autonomous toilets. Choosing a place to build a toilet on summer cottage

If you plan to build a capital shower for your dacha with your own hands from brick, it is advisable to use a strip type of foundation. A trench is formed along the perimeter of the future building. The optimal depth is 0.5 m. Next, the formwork is installed. At the bottom of the trench, it is necessary to form a sand-crushed stone cushion 0.1 m thick. After this, reinforcement is laid and concrete is poured. This must be done in such a way that finished form the foundation rose approximately 0.1 m above ground level.

When the base has completely hardened and dried, it will be possible to begin construction of the sewer system.

How to organize a drainage system in a shower at the dacha with your own hands

There are several ways to organize a drainage system in a shower stall. The choice of construction technology depends on several factors:

  • type of soil on the site;
  • type of foundation;
  • the number of people living in the house.

If a monolithic slab is used as the foundation for a summer shower in the country, then before pouring it is necessary to lay a system of plastic pipes with an elbow. The slab is formed in such a way that there is a slope on all sides towards the drain hole. sewer pipe is taken outside the shower and connected to common system drains. You can connect the drainage system to a drainage well.

Useful advice! To build a similar sewer system for a cabin installed on a different type of foundation, it is not necessary to fill the floors with concrete. It is enough to buy a summer shower for your dacha with a tray made of acrylic. This element will serve as the floor.

With connection to the sewer system – best option for a large family, since the pit will not be able to accommodate the volume of wastewater that will be generated during operation. If the structure is designed for 1-2 people, a drain directly under the cabin will be sufficient. But this type of system is suitable for areas with loose soil, when the shower is installed on a columnar or pile foundation. This option can also be used on a strip base.

First you need to remove a layer of soil 0.5 m deep. The formed depression is filled to half its height with gravel or stone. The remaining part is filled with crushed stone with a fine fraction. After the cabin structure is assembled, a pallet made in the form of wooden lattice. The system is designed in such a way that waste water passed through the drainage layers and were gradually absorbed into the soil.

Sometimes owners summer cottages they lead the sewer pipe into the garden, which cannot be called a good solution. If you still resort to a similar method, it is desirable that the place where the water is drained is well heated by the sun. Otherwise, the liquid will accumulate, and a swamp infested with mosquitoes will form around the shower.

Making a cabin for a summer shower: photos and construction technology

To build a cabin for homemade shower any available materials can be used.

Suitable for these purposes:

  • wood;
  • polycarbonate;
  • corrugated sheeting;
  • brick.

Each type of material has its own advantages, features and properties.

How to build a shower in the country with your own hands: economy cabin option

There is a little trick that will help you save money during the construction of a shower house. To reduce costs, it is enough to use one of the blank walls of the building as a side for the booth.

Before building a budget-type summer shower, you need to attach a small water container equipped with a watering can to the wall. Here you can install elements that accompany comfort, for example, hooks for clothes, shelves, etc. At the top future design a partition is located. It is fixed on the wall of the building. As front door a tarpaulin or film (necessarily opaque) can be used. The curtain is hung using rings.

The floor is arranged so that the drains are diverted as far as possible from the foundation part of the house. To do this, the platform is concreted or you can get by with installing a pallet made of acrylic.

Useful advice! If you use internal corner With an L-shaped structure, the construction of the sides of the cabin can be avoided altogether. Their function will be performed by the walls of the building.

DIY construction of a wooden cabin for a country shower

The most common version of a country shower is a cabin made in the form wooden house. This type of building is considered one of the most affordable. Wood is easy to process. At the same time, it retains heat well, which is a definite advantage if the shower will be used in cold weather.

To build a summer shower in a private house with your own hands, it is advisable to use wooden beams. To make the corner posts of the booth, you will need material with a cross-sectional size of 10x10 cm. A tank designed for 200 liters of water is installed in the upper part of the shower, so the beam must be thick enough to withstand such a weight load.

To hang the door, you will need to install two additional posts in the front of the booth. These elements are placed between the corner posts. To make them, you can take a beam with a section size of 5x5 cm.

To form a small slope angle for a single-pitched cabin roof, it is recommended to install front corner posts 0.2 m higher than the rear ones. This will not be required if a square-shaped tank is used as a container. IN in this case the racks are mounted at the same level.

All supports are attached to wooden frame bottom trim. For fixation it is necessary to use hardware and metal corners. At the top of the structure, the strapping is done in a similar way. To secure the posts more firmly, you can use spacers. On the top trim of the frame part of the booth, a base is formed for mounting the container. In this case, you need to read not only the size, but also the shape of the tank.

To cover the frame part of the building, you can use a 2 cm thick board. This material is also suitable for making a door. You should lay the boards in one row and knock them together using two jumpers. To prevent the door from skewing, the structure can be strengthened obliquely, using a long rail. Door frame for a country summer shower it is made of boards, the thickness of which is 4 cm. It is recommended to use self-tapping screws as fasteners.

When the booth is completely ready, it can be opened with a colored varnish composition. WITH inside the entrance is curtained with film, otherwise the doors will swell from moisture.

Useful advice! Often a large barrel for a shower in a country house is used for construction. By installing a watering can over the structure, you can get a budget version of a wooden cabin.

Technology for making a garden shower made of polycarbonate

Since wood is subject to deformation changes under the influence of moisture, many property owners are thinking about how to make a shower in the country with their own hands from more practical and resistant materials, for example, polycarbonate. The frame part of the cabin is made in exactly the same way as in the case of a wooden shower, however, a metal profile must be used as the material. Optimal size sections – 4x6 cm.

The frame part of the cabin is formed using racks and jumpers between them. In this case, metal elements are used, so a welding machine is required to fasten them together. Moreover, the assembly order can be performed in several ways. In the first case, the frame part is welded separately, after which it is installed on the base and secured using anchor bolts. The second method involves concreting the racks while pouring the foundation. Then the harness is formed and spacers are attached.

It is advisable to use sheet material 1 cm thick as a casing for a polycarbonate shower. It is secured to a metal frame using hardware, which must have sealing gaskets.

Installing a tank and features of building a heated shower in a country house with your own hands

At the last stage of shower construction, a tank is installed. You can make the container yourself using any container made of stainless steel or plastic. To do this, it is necessary to form a hole in the bottom, the diameter of which is 1.5 cm. A piece of pipe, threaded on both sides, is attached to it using nuts. The length of this element should be 30 cm.

You need to make a hole in the center of the cabin roof where the pipe will be inserted. After installing the tank, a tap and a watering can made of plastic are screwed onto the free end. Then the container is firmly fixed to the frame of the frame part of the booth, filled with water and covered with a lid.

To create a heated summer shower for your dacha, just install a heating element in the tank. Of course, natural energy from the sun can be used to heat water. In this case, there will be no electricity costs. Nevertheless, sun rays are not able to heat a large volume of liquid. In addition, not every region has the necessary climatic conditions.

On the Internet you can find many diagrams necessary for connecting a heated summer shower to electricity. The advantage of these devices is that the water in the tank warms up quickly enough, regardless of the time of day and the weather outside. In this case, a person can configure himself temperature regime. If you attach a piece of foam plastic to the hose, the watering can will receive the most warm water. For the same reason, liquid is drawn from the upper zone of the tank.

Useful advice! To speed up the process of heating the liquid, you can add a coil to the circuit.

Is it possible to buy a summer shower for a summer house inexpensively: prices for ready-made structures

To simplify the construction technology, you can buy a ready-made outdoor shower and install it on a prepared base. The cost of cabins varies and depends on various factors.

The price of products is influenced by the following points:

  • material of manufacture;
  • modification (presence of a locker room);
  • shape of the water container (barrel-shaped, square tank);
  • equipment (availability heating element, tank, temperature sensor etc.);
  • tank capacity;

  • the material from which the water container is made.

Average prices for ready-made structures

Name Price, rub.

Metal frame and PVC fabric

Garden shower

Garden shower with water heater

Garden shower with water heater and changing room

Polycarbonate construction

Cabin with 130 l tank

Cabin with 200 l tank

Cabin with 130 l heated tank

A wide variety of materials suitable for construction, as well as manufacturing technologies, allows any summer resident to acquire a comfortable and convenient shower in the country. Moreover, you can make a booth yourself from improvised materials or purchase it ready-made in a specialized store.

A summer resident who wants to preserve his health and good spirits must wash off the dust and put on clean clothes after field work. And for this, a shower cabin is needed on the site. You can make such a structure with your own hands, observing all the subtleties of construction.

Types of country shower

The problem of adopting hygiene procedures at a summer cottage can be solved in several ways. Let's look at them, moving from simple to complex.


The portable device is sold as a set in a suitcase container. There are two varieties:

  • with a soft polymer hanging bag with a volume of 16–20 l, equipped with a sprayer;
  • with a pump - suction depth up to 1.5 m - to which a shower head is connected using a hose.

You can simply hang a bag or watering can on a tree, but then you will have to wash in a swimsuit or swimming trunks. To take a full bath, you will need to build something like a shower stall from opaque roll material, For example, polyethylene film or polypropylene (PP) tarpaulin, which is preferable as it does not stick to the body.

The lightweight shower structure can be installed anywhere - no foundation is required for its installation

The easiest way to place such a fence is near the wall of the house. Firstly, it is convenient to attach a cornice to the wall for hanging curtains, therefore, there is no need for racks; secondly, in this case, fencing is required only with three sides. Thus, the cornice can be made semicircular by bending a heated PP pipe.

Pins or pieces of pipe are embedded into the wall onto which the cornice will be mounted. You will also need to attach a holder for hanging a bag or shower head with dowels.

Placing the shower near the wall of the house helps save materials

Advantages portable shower the following:

  • low cost;
  • mobility;
  • there is no need not only for any construction, but even for organizing a cesspool: water can flow directly into the flowerbed.

It is clear that one should not expect anything special from this purely camping option. The disadvantages will be:

  • Possibility of operation only in hot weather;
  • no water heating;
  • the impossibility of frequent and long-term use, since the soil in the place where the water drains can quickly turn sour.


A modular shower is a completely finished cabin, often equipped with adjustable legs. The owner of such a shower will also not have to deal with drainage issues, since there is a built-in septic tank inside, the filler of which will need to be changed periodically.

The module is fully equipped and ready for use

The only drawback is the significant cost, which not every summer resident is willing to accept.

Light summer shower

For a summer shower, a frame is made from polypropylene pipes, covered with rolled or rigid sheet material. Walls can also be formed from available materials, for example, from willow vines like wattle.

A garden shower with a wicker cabin looks attractive in a summer cottage

But it is best to use matte (non-visible) polycarbonate sheet - it is partially transparent solar heat. An attractive feature of this material is that it can be bent to form a rigid, self-supporting wall (prestressed structure). Thus, racks for a round polycarbonate shower cabin will not be needed - the frame will consist only of two rings of PP pipe (they are also pre-stressed), located at the top and bottom.

Polycarbonate is not visible, but transmits sunlight well

The requirements for polycarbonate are minimal: the cheapest 4 mm sheet with a 2R structure from any manufacturer will do.

A small water tank is installed on top of the cabin, which may have an electric heater (such tanks are commercially available today).

The water tank can be heated

Being designed for full-scale use, such a shower requires a cesspool, and therefore cannot be attached to the wall of the house. To avoid the foundation being washed away by infiltration, the cesspool must be at least 15 m away from the house. But the construction still cannot be considered complex, since a lightweight and flexible construction, even with high soil heaving, does not require a foundation.

All that needs to be done is to remove the fertile layer of soil and fill it with sand and crushed stone in layers of equal thickness (minimum 15 cm each), then drive reinforcing bars into the ground on which the frame will be placed.

In case of distortion due to soil movements, the frame is made collapsible, connecting PP pipes and corners not by welding, but by self-tapping screws (for this, the corners need to be taken one size larger). The shower will be easy to repair by replacing damaged parts. Self-tapping screws must be phosphated - they can be recognized by their black color. Diameter - 4.2 mm.

It is best to use PP tarpaulin as soft covering. In cool weather, a cabin made of such material will be warmer than a polyethylene one, and in hot weather it will not be so stuffy.

A significant disadvantage of a light shower is that it is only suitable for use in warm weather.

All weather

“All-weather” means the ability to be used throughout the entire summer season, including early spring and late autumn, when it is relatively cold outside. The building is also frame, but in comparison with the previous version it has a number of improvements:

  • in addition to the washing department, there is a locker room;
  • the walls are equipped with insulation;
  • heating is present.

The frame must be built from wood or rolled metal - PP pipes have too low strength. Due to the poor resistance of these materials to dampness, it has to be raised above the ground, which requires a pile or columnar foundation. The durable frame allows you to install a larger water tank.

All-weather shower has two compartments


A building constructed from brick or foam blocks. Construction is labor-intensive and expensive, but in terms of durability, such a shower is significantly superior to all others.

The foundation can be made as a solid monolithic slab- due to the small size of the structure, it will not require large expenses.

A major shower requires a foundation

Choice of frame material

Before starting construction, you need to select the frame material. As was said, plastic pipes are no longer needed due to insufficient strength, so you have two options to choose from: wood or rolled metal.



  • low cost;
  • ease of processing.

The disadvantage is a short service life due to susceptibility to rotting and drying out.

Beams of a certain cross-section are suitable for the frame

Specifically you will need the following lumber:

  • for the bottom trim: insulated shower - timber with a section of 150x150 mm, lightweight - from 60x60 mm (optimal - 100x100 mm);
  • for racks, oblique ties and top trim: board with a section of 100x40 mm.

Rolled metal

It is important to understand that in this case we are not talking about galvanized metal profiles with a thickness of 1.5–2.5 mm - this material is not suitable for such tasks. A channel with a height of 50–80 mm is used as the bottom trim; the posts and other frame elements are made of square pipe from 25x25 mm with a wall of 1.5 mm to 40x40 mm with a wall of 2 mm.

A shower with such a frame will cost much more than a wooden one, and it is more difficult to build - steel is more difficult to process, and electric welding will be required to connect the parts. But the gain will be significant: the frame will be stronger and more durable.

Metal construction is more durable

Calculation of shower sizes

The drawing shows the dimensions of the shower

Choosing a waste disposal method

Even if a cesspool or septic tank for a toilet has already been built on the site, the shower room must be equipped with a separate structure. This is explained by the presence in the shower drains of a large amount of alkali and surfactants, which can destroy the beneficial microflora in the septic tank.

Sanitary standards require making cesspools with a volume of 2 m3 or more. But this requirement is relevant for standard drains. In the case of a shower, their value will be much smaller, so the volume of the pit can be reduced. Since, due to the need to heat the water, showers one way or another have to be taken with long pauses, its size can be taken equal to the volume of the shower water tank.

Another important question is how deep wastewater can be dumped into the ground so that the chemicals it contains do not poison the fertile layer. With a volley discharge of up to 50 l or a gradual discharge of up to 100 l/h, the safe depth is two thicknesses of the fertile layer. A country shower fits well into these figures.

Therefore, instead of a full-fledged cesspool, you can make a drainage well from metal barrel height 0.85 mm and volume 200 l. We can guarantee that such a height will certainly be enough, since a fertile layer with a thickness of over 40 cm is quite rare in summer cottages.

If the thickness of the humus is small, you can use a smaller plastic barrel, the main thing is that it is not smaller in volume than the shower water tank.

You can build such a well directly under the shower stall.

The volume of the wastewater receiver must be no less than storage tank

If you decide, as is often advised, to make a drainage well from old tires, then do not forget to periodically disinfect it with bleach: internal space tires, the water will stagnate.

Preparing tools

The builder must have the following available:

  • pegs and a roll of twine - for marking the territory;
  • garden auger;
  • shovels and bayonet shovels;
  • bubble and water (hose) levels;
  • plumb line;
  • roulette;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • Bulgarian with cutting disc for metal;
  • drill;
  • hammer, screwdriver (or screwdriver);
  • marker, chalk or pencil for marking materials.

At the shower installation site, the top fertile soil layer is completely cut down to the underlying layer.

Construction of a pile foundation

Piles must be installed at the corners of the building and, if necessary, along the perimeter, so that the distance between adjacent supports does not exceed 1.5 m. The length of the piles must be selected so that their lower end rests on non-freezing soil, and the head is located at a height of approximately 30 –45 cm above the ground. This height is determined by the sum of the heights of the low tray (see below), the siphon attached to it and ventilation gap, which should be 20–25 cm.

The height of the pile above the ground should be approximately 30–45 cm

Bored piles should be used. They are created in the following way:

If the soil is weak and you need to increase the support area, get a camouflage attachment for the drill. It allows you to make a widening at the base of the well, in which, after pouring concrete, a so-called camouflage heel is formed.

Another option: you can use as piles sections of steel pipe with a diameter of 60 to 150 mm, the ends of which are flattened by blows of a sledgehammer. For driving, the same sledgehammer or headstock, made from a suitable piece of cast iron, is used. The disadvantage of such piles is the high corrosion rate, which is due to the lack of waterproofing. In a bored pile, the concrete is protected from moisture by a pipe (the asbestos one must be coated with bitumen mastic).

Construction of a drainage well

The well is constructed in the following sequence:

  1. A pit is dug with a depth equal to the height of the barrel.
  2. The barrel with the bottom cut off is installed in the recess. If it does not have a lid, but only a narrow neck, then an inspection hatch must be cut out in the upper plane. You will need to choose a tight-fitting lid for it.
  3. Produced backfill pit.
  4. Fine crushed stone is poured inside the barrel in a layer 15–20 cm thick.

    Crushed stone is a good filter

  5. In a thin stream, a liquid clay solution, prepared at the rate of 1–1.5 kg of clay (any kind will do), is poured evenly onto the backfill onto a bucket of water. Stop pouring the solution only when it completely covers the crushed stone.
  6. After the solution has dried (it will take 1–2 days), the filter should be thoroughly stirred by repeatedly piercing the entire surface with a sharpened reinforcing rod. If you have a welding machine, then for ease of work, the top of the barrel can be cut off, and after installing the filter, welded again.

    Inside plastic container the filter is located

Frame construction

You can begin building the shower frame.

Floor installation

The floor in the shower should be made of tongue and groove boards, which are laid along the short side of the building. With a thickness of 40 mm, the boards can have a span of up to 1.5 m without supports, therefore, logs will not be needed.

The tongue and groove board is laid along the short side of the shower stall

To protect wood from moisture and rotting, it is best to use the following method:

  1. The boards are treated twice with a water-polymer emulsion with a time interval of about 1 hour between treatments.
  2. The wood then dries overnight. This process can be accelerated by placing the material in the sun. Then, if the weather is warm (in the shade +22 °C or more), it will be ready by the evening (if processing is performed in the morning).
  3. The next stage is impregnation with an antiseptic. It is advisable that it be warm outside and that the boards warm up well in the sun before processing. Please note that some formulations are intended for processing under pressure - read the instructions carefully.
  4. After 4 hours, acrylic varnish is applied in two layers. The second layer - after the first has dried (usually dries within a day). When the second layer has dried, you can begin laying the boards.

The frame and outer cladding can be treated in the same way if they are made of wood. Only instead of varnish, heated bitumen mastic should be applied in 2-3 layers.

Pallet installation

The drain can be organized using a linear drain installed along the wall, but it would be more rational to install a shower tray in the washing compartment. Recommended Specifications:

  1. Type: Choose a model that is installed in a cutout in the floor rather than on legs (low tray).
  2. Size: the most popular - 100x100 cm.
  3. Material: enameled steel (acrylic wears out quickly in rural areas due to the large amount of sand).

You can purchase a tray with a side length equal to the width of the shower - then it can be rested directly on the bottom trim.

You can install a ready-made tray in the shower

Work order:

If you definitely want to have a wooden lattice, for example, from bars with a cross-section of 30x30 mm, the wood should be processed according to the same scheme as the floor boards. It is advisable if costs are not a concern, instead acrylic varnish apply the same composition to repair bathtubs - the coating will be more resistant to abrasion by soles.

Before use, the grating is treated in the same way as floor boards.

When entering a low pallet, unlike a high one, the user takes a normal step, as a result of which there is a high probability of slipping. Therefore, it is advisable to place the same grid in the pallet.

Frame covering

Now you can sheathe the walls, install the roof and door. The cladding is made double: from the inside, for example, they are installed plastic panels, then foam plastic is glued to them and the entire building is sheathed on the outside. Most attractive in the role external cladding looks like corrugated board. Will be more accessible vinyl siding or plastic lining.

An opening window must be provided at the top of one of the cabin walls.

An opening window should be provided at the top of the wall for ventilation and natural light.

The roof of the shower room is made pitched with a slight slope. You can use the same corrugated sheeting, hemming it underneath with foam and plastic panels.

You can separate the washing room and locker room with a curtain. It is advisable that it be waterproof, otherwise, being indoors, the material will take a long time to dry and will soon dry out. For this reason, tarpaulin will not work - it is better to use regular polyethylene.

Tank installation

A tank for a country shower can be purchased at the store. In this case, you only need to install it on the roof and connect it to electricity (if there is a heating element), water supply and watering can. If you intend to make the tank yourself, consider the following requirements:

  1. It is imperative to provide for the presence of sanitary drainage - a tube with a shut-off valve through which absolutely all the water can be drained (the source is located at the lowest point and flush with the bottom).
  2. But the pipe for supplying water to the shower head cannot be located at the very bottom, otherwise sediment will pour onto the user’s head.
  3. If you plan to connect the tank to the water supply by installing a float valve, then you need to add an overflow with a flow area twice the size of the valve. The tank lid must be at a sufficient distance from the float so that it is guaranteed to rise and completely shut off the tap.

The float must be able to completely close the tap

If the user plans to pour water into the tank manually, the design will be slightly different.

A manually filled tank differs in the height of the water supply pipe

As you can see, the pipe for supplying water to the watering can is located at the bottom, since the water level is constantly decreasing during the procedure.

Most often, the blank for a homemade tank is a steel barrel laid horizontally. Thanks to the cylindrical surface, sediment is completely removed from it. At the top you need to cut a wide inspection hatch, which will make it possible not only to fill the container and monitor its condition, but also to cover it from the inside acrylic composition for renovation of bathtubs or enamel for yachts.

You can also use a plastic barrel. Since it is impossible to weld the pipes to it, for this purpose threaded fittings with a flange are installed on the gaskets, fixed from the outside with a nut and washer. Fortunately, the wide neck that plastic barrels are equipped with allows this to be done. It is important that the diameter of the washer and flange is at least 3 times greater than O.D. fitting (usually products with M12 - M16 threads are used), but it was not less than 40 mm. Otherwise, the fitting may become distorted due to temperature deformations.

It is better to install the barrel horizontally

A watering can and water supply are connected (if provided). In this case, the connection can be made not with pipes, but with a reinforced garden hose on clamps - it will be simpler and cheaper. You should choose a special shower head - with a valve.

If a heating element is installed in the tank, heating the water is not a problem. In this case, you will also have to heat the shower room inside before visiting with electricity, for example, with a fan heater. However, due to the high cost of electricity, this method of heating water does not suit everyone. In addition, it will not be possible to equip a homemade tank with a heating element according to all the rules, since emergency automation is required (protection against overheating of the heating element in case of a large amount of sediment and boiling water).

As an alternative, the following solution can be proposed: the tank is connected using supply and return pipelines to a water heating unit, through which the water will circulate, gradually heating up. Circulation will be ensured circulation pump similar to those used in heating systems. With a large diameter of pipes in the mains and heat exchanger, installing a pump is not necessary - the water will circulate due to convection. In this case, the heat exchanger must be positioned so that its “hot” side is higher than the “cold” side. In this case, the heated water should be able to immediately rush upward.

The role of a water heating unit can be:

  1. Solar collector. You can make a simple option yourself by placing a battery made of black-painted steel, copper or aluminum pipes in a glass-covered box. A factory-made collector will require purchasing costs, but it will also be more efficient due to its use modern technologies much higher: some modern models are capable of heating water to +70 °C in cloudy conditions and 20-degree frost.

    A solar collector is an economical and environmentally friendly way to heat water using natural energy

  2. Solar oven. It is a system of reflectors that focus sunlight from a large area onto a coil. Reflectors must be foil-coated, since a regular mirror reflects only the visible range well, and absorbs IR rays.

    You can make a solar oven yourself using a pattern

  3. Cooking oven. Quite often in country houses They erect such a structure to cook food. A water heating register connected to the tank can be built into it.
  4. Gas stove. If instead of an oven you use one connected to gas cylinder stove, then a water heating circuit made of a copper tube with a diameter of 6–10 mm can be laid in the form of loops around the burners. Now the heat, which previously simply evaporated during cooking, will be absorbed by the water in the shower tank.

If you have a water heating unit for heating the washing room, you need to install any thin-walled heating radiator and carry out the “return” through it.

At this point, the process of building an all-weather shower can be considered complete.

Video: construction of a wooden shower on a summer cottage

Features of operation

In rural areas, a wide variety of pathogenic microorganisms always enter the water tank. In order not to turn the shower into a breeding ground for infection, it is highly advisable to regularly empty the container through sanitary drainage, draining away all accumulated sediment along with the water. If there is a break in the use of the shower for a week or more, this procedure must be completed.

A simple factory-made shower stall costs about 10 thousand rubles. For the same money, or even less, you can build a warm and durable country shower with a changing room. As you can see, the game is worth the candle, so you can, armed with our advice, get down to business.

In summer, along with beautiful sunny weather and bright colors From plants we also get the need to shower more often than usual. In addition, in the fresh air, swim under streams of fresh water sheer pleasure, especially if you live in an apartment and go out into nature. On cold days, when the water does not heat up enough from the sun, you can use a heated shower.

As always, the most ingenious thing is simple. In our case, making a summer shower with your own hands is very simple; however, there are many options for implementing the idea.

Options for a summer shower for a summer residence

Let's start with the materials. It is possible to assemble a frame from any beams, whether it is a metal profile pipe or wooden beams. The walls can be made from a wide range of materials, here are examples: covered with wood, profiled sheets of metal. The best quality and price match if the summer shower is made of polycarbonate, but you can even use opaque oilcloth or tarpaulin stretched over the frame.


A shower made of bricks or building blocks will be more expensive, but also more reliable. The structure can be made combined and a toilet can be built next to it, as can be seen in the photo. The masonry can be lined with any material available for this purpose.


To assemble a shower from a profile pipe, welding is most often used, but if you do not have the opportunity to use it, then the beams can be fastened together using holes and bolts. To make the corners rigid, attach a gusset plate or diagonal strip of metal to them. Such frames look good covered with tarpaulin or oilcloth, as can be seen in the photo.

Also, corrugated sheeting can be easily attached to the same metal base, which will add reliability to the structure in many ways.


In construction hypermarkets you can find ready-made showers for outdoor conditions. But there is an opportunity to save money and make a summer shower with your own hands. The general concept has already been described above - the frame is made of corrugated pipe, and the casing is made of polycarbonate. Original examples look at the photos.

Such designs are designed for the use of a storage tank for a summer shower; heating will be carried out due to the flat shape of the container.


One more interesting solution there will be a combination. For example, three walls can be made of hard material, covered with wood or a sheet of metal, or polycarbonate, and the fourth wall can be a screen made of opaque film. Unfortunately, it is not possible to immerse a water tank on such a design, and therefore water can be supplied from the home water supply.

This can simplify the task of providing water for the shower and heating it. Thus, you can make a shower with heated water with your own hands from a home water heater or boiler.


A shower similar to the previous one can be made by attaching it to the house, or rather to its wall. Cover the wall with a material that will prevent water from penetrating the wall and extend the pipe for the watering can to a height of approximately 230 centimeters. In this case, the frame is not needed at all, but if open option not satisfied, then you can make a screen or curtain that will move along a curved pipe. The floor can be laid with tiles or other convenient material, after draining.


If possible, you can lay out shower enclosures from natural stone. This solution will fit perfectly into landscape design the entire area. In the version in the photo, water is supplied from the home water supply, since the presence of a barrel can disrupt the aesthetics of the structure. The stone was laid without mortar, because its flat shape allows the entire structure to stand securely.


A budget option for a summer shower is to use materials from tree branches. The frame can be made from thick and even branches, and the walls from bending vines or long branches.

This option is not only quite cheap, but also looks original. Due to the fragility of the frame, water is supplied from the water supply.

Ready-made blocks and prices

Factory-made outdoor shower cabins have quite a variety. First of all, they can be done in various colors, since the colors of polycarbonate and corrugated sheeting may be different. The lining can also be made of synthetic fabrics, for example, film or tarpaulin. You will also find two configurations: with and without a changing room.

On average, prices for cabins packed in an awning are 15 thousand rubles. The package includes a tank with a capacity of 200 liters. If you also want a locker room, then the amount will be approximately 18 thousand or more.

The same options, but with polycarbonate walls and a heated tank, will cost 20 and 25 thousand rubles, respectively.

Of course, these prices are approximate and you can find out the exact figures in your local construction stores.

What do you need to build an outdoor shower with your own hands?

Earlier we already talked about the materials from which a shower stall can be made; the frame is best made from corrugated pipe; the covering has a wide range of materials to choose from: profile flooring, polycarbonate, awning and even oilcloth. When choosing a material, consider the tools that you have for installation.

Also consider the durability of the materials. For example, polycarbonate will retain its properties longer compared to wood, but it reacts poorly to high temperatures and more difficult to assemble.

Preparation plan

  1. Drawing and plan. On average, an outdoor shower stall measures 1000*1000*2200 millimeters. These dimensions allow the average person to feel comfortable inside. At the request of the owner, the width and length can be greater, but in no case less. Reducing the parameters will create difficulties in accepting the procedure. And this height is due to the fact that part of the watering can will be taken away from the ceiling and the tray.

In addition, the drawing will be useful if you decide to include a locker room or other extensions in the building. This calculation will help you avoid additional costs and be completely ready for construction.

  1. Choice of material for the frame. It is recommended to use metal: corner or profile pipe. For the frame you will need a corner 50 by 50 millimeters or a corrugated pipe 40 by 20 millimeters. Calculate the footage of the blanks based on the dimensions of the shower: height, perimeter and length. Also consider the dimensions of the tank when designing the dimensions of the frame. The structure must be strong enough to withstand the weight of a full container. In addition, such material will last much longer than any wood. Maintenance is minimal - tint on time to avoid rotting.

If the choice will fall on wood, then in order for it to fulfill its role for a long time, it must be treated with special moisture-resistant agents, and then with paint or varnish. The part of the tree that will be in the ground must be covered with bitumen or resin.

  1. Material for cladding. The list to choose from is very large, but the most practical and popular are brick, corrugated board or polycarbonate. All these types differ in the way they are assembled and how they need to be maintained: for brickwork: you will need a solution, after which it would be useful to coat it with varnish on the inside; It will be enough to attach the corrugated sheet to the bolts, having previously drilled the holes; polycarbonate is also bolted, but it will require washers.
  2. Source of water. Equip your shower with a capacity that is sufficient for use by everyone living on the site. On average, one person requires 20-30 liters of water (fortunately, there is a huge selection in stores). Since the weather can bring surprises, heating will not be superfluous. Can equip your tank electrically heated using heating element. If possible, run a water supply from the house to the shower, this will allow you to use water heated by a boiler or gas water heater.
  3. Roof. An important part, since while you are swimming, there will be a rather heavy load on top. To avoid injury, the material must be rigid. It is better to use slate or corrugated sheets as a roof. Polycarbonate will simply burst under a heavy load.
  4. Drain. It is better to drain approximately two meters from the structure. This will help avoid bad smells. Convenient parameters for a pit would be 500 millimeters in diameter and 1000-1500 in depth. The walls and drainage are filled with concrete using formwork.
  5. Tools and consumables. At a minimum you will need: a hammer, a saw and a hacksaw, a grinder, a drill. For fastening metal frame Welding is good, but you will need electrodes for it. You will also need to acquire nails, bolts and drills with a diameter corresponding to the bolts.

You will also need a watering can, a mixer, if a supply is provided hot water, adapters, nozzles, pipes and hoses for water supply.

Sequence of operations

To assemble a shower stall you need:

  1. According to the drawing in the photo, we weld or assemble parts of the frame using bolts. When assembling, take into account the loss in length.
  2. We place the halves vertically and connect them using welding seams or the same bolts.
  3. We pour the concrete screed and make sure that the legs sink 10-15 centimeters into the screed. Using a level, make sure that the structure is level. For a brick building, concrete and screed are poured. For drainage, a plastic pipe is used, which must be placed in concrete during the pouring process.
  4. After the concrete has hardened, proceed to the cladding and installation of plumbing fixtures, accessories, as well as the final arrangement of the cabin.

Once the frame is assembled, all that remains is to cover it with the selected material. Consider the dimensions of the material based on the dimensions of the “skeleton”. It is better to arrange the drain using a pallet or, at the stage of concrete formation, make a current by placing it there plastic pipe, which will lead to the sewer pit.

The source of water can be either plastic tank on the roof of the cabin, and the supplied pipe from the home water supply.

As you can see, with just a little imagination you can build an outdoor shower, spending a minimum of money and getting maximum aesthetics and quality.
