What do you need to know about the design of a ventilated facade? Installation of a suspended ventilated facade and typical mistakes How to install it yourself: installation technology.

Basic device hinged ventilated facade

A well-designed curtain ventilated façade will protect the walls for many decades. But often installers, in an effort to reduce the cost of this complex and therefore quite expensive system, replace some materials with others and deliberately violate the rules.

What this false economy can result in and how to avoid mistakes when installing a suspended ventilated facade will be discussed in this article.

A well-designed and high-quality installed ventilated façade will not require repairs for at least 30 years. At the same time, the choice of facade system should be approached rationally. So, as a rule, it makes more sense to simply cover the basement of a building with tiles. This will significantly reduce the cost of finishing.

Finishing buildings using hinged ventilated facades is becoming increasingly popular, both in private housing construction and in the construction of commercial buildings. This system is a kind of “coat” for the home.

Basalt insulation, protected by a special wind- and moisture-proof membrane, is attached directly to the walls. Facing slabs (this can be porcelain stoneware, natural or agglomerated stone, metal cassettes, cassettes made of composite materials, fiber cement panels, steel or aluminum structures, etc.) are mounted on load-bearing frame with some clearance. Its value (in the range from 20 to 40 mm) is determined in each specific case to ensure optimal air exchange.

The thickness of the insulation is selected based on the requirements for thermal protection of buildings. When these conditions are met, the dew point moves from load-bearing structure into the insulation.

The wrong choice of insulation and its illiterate installation lead to the fact that the material gets wet and sinks, clogging the ventilation gap.

Advantages and disadvantages of using a suspended ventilated facade

What is the advantage of such a seemingly complex, and therefore expensive, façade finishing system? First of all, this design does not allow condensation to accumulate either on the surface of the wall or inside it. The air gap is a kind of temperature buffer, thanks to which the facades do not freeze in winter and do not overheat in summer, and this helps to significantly reduce heating and air conditioning costs. Snow, rain, hail and other realities of our difficult climate do not violate the integrity of the cladding, which, by the way, cannot be said about the most common finishing material - plaster. A properly installed curtain wall will last more than 50 years.

System curtain facades allows you to finish buildings quite complex shapes. Any design fantasies can be realized in wall-mounted cladding. But some elements are too labor-intensive.

And yet, despite the obvious advantages, ventilated facades have not yet become widespread in suburban construction. Many are put off by the seeming high cost. Yes, 1 m² of such cladding will cost at least 2,000 rubles, and if you use natural stone, the price can reach 6,000 rubles. and even more. But it is important to consider that operation will not cost anything. As practice shows, after 5-10 years a curtain wall completely pays for itself.

Of course, a curtain wall system will only work if it is well designed and installed well. Theoretically, a ventilated façade system should be included in the house design so that there is time to calculate the load-bearing structure and order facing slabs. But in practice this does not always happen. Often it is necessary to “dress” an already rebuilt building with curtain finishing. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the material of the walls. Support brackets for metal sheathing hold best in concrete and solid brick. Things are a little worse with hollow bricks. But cellular concrete will require the selection of special and, as a rule, expensive fasteners. For finishing walls made of loose, porous materials, it is more advisable to choose a system of “wet” facades (plastering or tiling).

To minimize the work of cutting slabs, when designing a façade system, it is important to accurately calculate the size of the module (cell). It is by no means equal to the size of the panel itself. It is necessary to take into account gaps with a width of 5 to 10 mm (depending on the type of cladding).

We also note that small-sized facing tiles (300 x 300 or 400 x 400 mm) are not economically viable - their installation will require too many fasteners. And such a wall does not look very good - the facade of the house will resemble a checkered page of a school notebook. A tile of 600 x 600 mm is considered optimal, but it is important to consider that this is an average size. The actual spread among different manufacturers is from 595 x 595 to 610 x 610 mm. Having given preference to one or another collection, you should find out its exact parameters.

1. Brick wall; 2. Bracket (sheathing fasteners); 3. Thermal insulating gasket; 4. Anchor dowel; 5. Main horizontal profile; 6. Main vertical profile; 7. Vertical intermediate profile; 8. Klyammer private; 9. Starting clamp; 10. Thermal insulation material(insulation); 11. Hydro-windproof vapor-permeable membrane; 12. Thermal insulation fasteners (plastic disc-shaped dowel); 13. Facing tiles; 14. Blind rivet.

Ventilated facade fastening systems

The choice of fasteners requires detailed consideration. As you know, there are two fastening systems - hidden and open.

The first option is metal clamps covering the plate from above and below. Second - anchor bolts which are inserted into blind holes drilled in the slab and open there like the petals of a flower.

Sometimes mounting elements don't spoil appearance cladding, on the contrary, adds expressiveness to it.

Usage hidden system fastening is not always justified: for example, in areas of the facade that bear a high aesthetic load. And the point is not only that this fastener costs twice as much as the visible one. If a tile fixed in this way is damaged, the entire vertical row will have to be dismantled for repairs. Replacing a cladding unit installed openly is much easier.

Clamps painted to match the color of the tiles are almost invisible on the facade

Poor quality fasteners lead to tiles falling out.

Insulation for suspended ventilated facades

The next one is quite a lot important question- choice of thermal insulation. Only insulation that has a technical certificate from the State Committee for Construction of Russia, which allows its use in ventilated systems, can be placed under the suspended cladding. Mineral wool is considered optimal in all respects. The use of non-profile materials (for example, glass wool) will cause the insulation to become saturated with moisture, become heavier and settle, reducing or even closing the air gap.

To protect the thermal insulation material, only a special vapor barrier membrane can be used

If you try to protect the thermal insulation with polyethylene or foil (that is, materials that do not allow steam to pass through), this will not only not solve the problem, but will also disrupt the operation of the ventilated facade, which, as is known, must “breathe.” The insulation can only be covered with a special one-sided vapor barrier membrane: it will allow moisture released by the walls to pass out, but not atmospheric moisture get inside.

In addition to insulation, thermal breaks - gaskets installed between the brackets and the wall - play an important role in providing thermal protection. They must be made of materials with a low thermal conductivity coefficient: polypropylene, polyamide, komatex, etc. The use of gaskets made of paronite is not allowed, since it does not have thermal insulation properties.

Sometimes installers use special seals that are designed to dampen vibrations and keep the cladding from moving laterally. But their use leads to a reduction in the service life of the system, since the seals have a short service life (about 10 years). Reduces vibration and eliminates lateral movement cladding panels must be ensured by the design of the fastening elements.

Installation of ventilated facades

Unfortunately, even the most competent design of a ventilated facade can be nullified by poor-quality installation. The most common mistake is violation of the geometry of the facade. The cladding must be smooth, even if the relief of the walls is far from ideal. In addition, the panels should not move relative to the vertical and horizontal axes.

As paradoxical as it may seem, a very common mistake is to install fasteners directly into the masonry joint of the wall elements.

Installation of a ventilated facade. The surface of the cladding must be perfectly flat, with precise adherence to the thickness of the seams.

Failure to comply with the standard joint thickness leads to the fact that the tiles begin to press on each other, crack and fly off. And if the tiles are installed with a deviation from the plane, this will be noticeable in sunlight.

Many builders sin by not complying with the standard seam thickness. When installed end-to-end, tiles begin to press on each other due to temperature deformations, crack and fall out. And in the absence of proper ventilation, the insulation gets wet, freezes and slides off the walls. Too much big gap between the facing panels will lead to excessive wetting of the thermal insulation by precipitation.

Particular attention should be paid to the design of window openings

Now on Russian market There are many types of curtain facades. Unfortunately, many domestic manufacturers follow the simple way, exactly copying foreign systems. Meanwhile, what works great in the mild climate of Germany or France may not withstand our long winters. The thickness of the insulation (and therefore the distance from the cladding to the wall of the building) in Russian weather conditions should be significantly greater than in Europe.

In addition, some companies, in an effort to reduce the cost of the system, often use questionable materials in the design, in particular galvanized steel, which is poorly protected from corrosion. The best metals Stainless steel and aluminum are used for lathing ventilation facades. But for fastening plates, especially heavy ones, only stainless steel is suitable. Aluminum staples do not have the necessary strength.

Houses with ventilated facades are becoming increasingly common in Russia. The outside of buildings can be finished in various ways However, ventilated systems are becoming increasingly popular. And there are many reasons for this.

The design of the ventilated facade is distinguished by the innovativeness of the implemented energy saving principles. These finishing methods are reliable protection private home from adverse weather conditions.

They don't provide significant load on load-bearing walls buildings. All these qualities are important for wooden structure, it’s no secret: the walls of the same timber house need measures to extend the life of buildings.

If you are interested in ventilated facades, reviews can be found on the Internet in the relevant forums.

About the advantages and disadvantages

Ventilated structures have their own strengths and weaknesses, they must be taken into account when deciding issues related to the decoration of a private house. They will significantly extend the service life of any wooden, including timber, house.

Air gap and external cladding will cope with this task. An important quality of this design is sound insulation, which ensures a comfortable stay for people in a private home. The design protects the walls of houses and cottages from overheating.

Thanks to the various facing materials that are part of this finishing, you can easily change the exterior of a private house.

Exterior design modern cottages, where such finishing methods are used in decoration, amazes with its diversity. They will update the façade of the log house, simulating its surface if necessary.

If repairs to the ventilated facade are required wooden house, replacing elements of the external structure will not be difficult. Elements of a wooden house are interchangeable. This rule applies to any building, and not just one whose main material is wood.

Reliably protect your home from adverse influences

One of the disadvantages of a ventilated facade is considered to be its high cost. This issue is controversial, since the price of such structures depends on the materials used in their manufacture.

The same ventilated façade of a timber structure must have high fire resistance properties, ensuring the safe operation of a wooden house.

If the facades for a wooden house are made of inexpensive combustible materials, the result can be disastrous. Therefore, when resolving issues related to such structures, primary attention is given to the fireproof qualities of their constituent elements, façade film, and cladding.

About metals and wood

What is a ventilated façade? It belongs to the category of multilayer structures. Its basis is the frame. It is attached to outside wooden house. The basis of such cladding is a system of brackets and profiles.

The “skeleton” of ventilated facades for cottages and other buildings consists of subsystems made of stainless or galvanized steel, aluminum alloys, and wood. The facades of buildings in which stainless steel is used are considered the most expensive.

Galvanized steel is much cheaper, so finishing with it will last much less. Aluminum alloys are the most optimal solution problems associated with such finishing.

Feedback from consumers on the building materials market confirms the maximum demand for ventilated structures with aluminum. For a wooden house would be better suited This is exactly the design, as it is more reliable, durable and lighter.

Advantages of wooden structures

Such structures on a wooden base are relatively light in weight. They are easy to install yourself. But wood also causes a number of problems, since it is a flammable material.

However, often only such designs can transform the appearance of buildings. This applies primarily to old houses. In this situation, there is a very real way out: impregnation of the wooden base with fire retardants.

Which slabs have priority?

Such structures are also related to another equally important issue - the effective use of insulation. Without them, such structures will not be able to effectively perform the heat-insulating function.

Stone or mineral wool is used as insulation. When selecting insulation for such a design, you need to pay attention to the thickness and density of the wool.

If you have a choice between ventilated facades with roll or tile filler, it is better to choose the 2nd option.

How many layers of insulation are needed for such a design? The difference between structures with 1 or 2 layers of insulation is colossal. You need to know: a high-quality facade has 2 layers of insulation made of stone or mineral wool.

Such structures, where there is only 1 layer of insulation, will not be able to effectively solve the tasks assigned to them. Another important point: the layers of insulation here should be different.

The outer layer of insulation, if such a facade is of high quality, is always denser than the inner one. There is an air gap between both layers, otherwise the effect of using insulation will be minimized.

And one more thing: the insulation really needs a special protective film. Owners of real estate where such structures are installed do not always attach importance to it.

The insulation for such a design will last longer if you make sure that it has a hydro- and windproof membrane. When purchasing a film for such a facade, you must take into account the materials from which it is made.

Film, as a rule, comes in two types: from non-flammable or fire-retardant impregnated materials. Ventilated facade wooden building should be protected from fire as much as possible, and the best choice is to make one type of membrane.

The facade is the face of the house

The outer layer of the ventilated facade is facing materials. The difference between such finishes is one of the basis of the classification according to which ventilated structures are divided.

At the crest of the fashionable wave are porcelain stoneware and fiber cement boards, which does not exclude a wide range of materials used for finishing.

External differences between ventilated structures are not limited only to the aesthetic side of the issue. The more durable the finishing material, the more expensive the ventilated facade.

They are finished using wood, composite aluminum panels, fiber cement boards, metal and plastic siding. The finishing is selected depending on the style of the building and its purpose.

Such siding and panel structures are often chosen for non-residential properties. However, there are interesting architectural solutions where private houses are decorated in this way and acquire a very unusual appearance.

A number of facing materials used to decorate such facades have an additional protective layer (for example, fiber cement boards).

They protect the structure and its finish from external influences and provide a wide range of color solutions for the exterior of buildings. It is not for nothing that such house designs are considered to be a fundamentally new word in exterior design.

Not so long ago, nothing was known about systems of suspended ventilated facades, but today these structures are increasingly used in the construction of new buildings and finishing the external walls of buildings that have already served their purpose. Technologies for installing ventilated facades are widely used by large construction companies, and private developers.

Figure 1. Diagram of heat exchange between a wall and a ventilated facade.

The whole point is that modern methods finishing can improve the energy efficiency of the building, and during the construction of its walls, lighter and cheap material. Thanks to systems of suspended ventilated facades, old houses become not only warmer, but also much more attractive in appearance. It should be added that by cladding facades one can achieve a uniform architectural style entire blocks.

Advantages of ventilated facade systems

Figure 2. Construction of a ventilated façade.

But the design of a ventilated façade attracts builders not only with its design and heat-saving characteristics, because one of its main functions is to protect the house from the influence of the external environment. Others have coped with a similar task in the past. building materials, but their disadvantage was the same " effective protection» from draining condensate from premises. Perhaps the most obvious example of unsuccessful finishing of external walls is the cladding of wooden or clay buildings with air-tight materials (roofing felt or metal sheets), which was used quite often in the past.

By protecting the house from moisture from the outside, home owners doomed the walls to accelerated destruction due to condensation, which could not be drained through them from the inside. Ventilated facade systems are designed in such a way as to provide between them and load-bearing wall air circulation necessary for effective removal of internal moisture and creating additional air cushion to keep the house warm. The operating principle of a ventilated facade is clearly shown in the figure.

Figure 3. Suspension design for a ventilated facade.

The “breathing” of the wall is provided by the gap between it or the insulation and the facing material. Without this gap, vapor removal would be difficult, since many modern cladding(made of PVC or metal, for example) cannot allow air to pass through. The width of the gap depends on the material of the cladding and external walls, performance characteristics buildings, climatic conditions. The gap width range is 20-120 mm. All the factors listed above also affect the overall thickness of the “pie” of the ventilated façade.

Depending on the climatic conditions, how thick the walls are and what material they are made of, the necessary heat insulator is selected. Its thickness is 50-150 mm. To the thickness of the “pie” you need to add the transverse dimensions of the sheathing and facing panels.

Disadvantages of wood sheathing

It’s worth talking in more detail about the sheathing itself. For laying insulation and installing a ventilated facade, 2 types of material are used - wooden beams and metal profile. True, the use of wood blocks is limited by certain conditions. Thus, they should not be used when cladding plinths ( high humidity), creating a system with insulation thicker than 50 mm (unjustified cash costs for timber, overall heaviness of the structure). In addition, when choosing wood for lathing, you need to pay attention to how dry it is. Insufficiently dried beams can subsequently cause deformation of the finishing layer of the ventilated facade. On the other hand, lathing made of bars is ideal for installing ventilated facades in wooden houses.

How does a ventilated “pie” work?

Now it’s time to find out what the structure of a ventilated facade is. In this fig. Figure 1 shows the design without insulation.

Everything here is quite simple: on the profile or bars attached to external wall, panels are hung. The sheathing pitch should not exceed 600 mm. Such cladding of buildings suggests that they do not require additional insulation, and its entire role comes down to external design structure and its protection from external influences. To such a finish, one could add the need to hang a vapor-permeable membrane on the wall under the frame - a film that will become an additional obstacle to external moisture, but will freely remove internal vapors.

The design of a ventilated façade, where the walls have been pre-insulated, turns out to be much more layered. In Fig. Figure 2 shows the structure of this “pie”.

A lathing is attached to the wall for laying heat insulation (rolled or sheet mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, etc.). For better waterproofing it is necessary to hang the vapor-permeable film with the smooth side out before installing the first layer of profiles. In addition, the membrane sheets on the surface are joined in a horizontal overlap (the edge of the upper strip overlaps the edge of the lower). After the insulator is laid, a membrane is hung on it, which is attached to the sheathing with self-tapping screws or a stapler.

Additionally, disc-shaped dowels are driven into the wall through the film, which will securely secure the heat insulator to the surface. A water-repellent compound is applied to their caps, and the fastenings of the membrane to the profile are covered with tape or foil tape. After this, a second layer of sheathing is installed, the thickness of which will provide a gap for air circulation, and the facing panels are already attached to it.

Scheme of the plinth structure of a ventilated façade with various fastening units.

In general, the construction of ventilated facade structures is not particularly difficult. But in order to ensure that after finishing the house does not look rickety, and that the heat insulator is securely fastened to the wall and, therefore, properly performs its functions, you must not brush aside recommendations that at first may seem insignificant. Any work starts with preparatory stage. When preparing to install a ventilated façade, you need to:

  • clean the walls from dust, dirt, paint, crumbling fragments of plaster and parts protruding from the surface;
  • door and window openings are freed from ebbs and platband slopes;
  • depressions and cracks on the surface are sealed with mortar;
  • the wall is treated with a primer;
  • the sheathing is installed level and plumb to ensure an ideal plane (it is better to create a system of sags stretched along the perimeter of the wall through steel rods of threads driven into its corners, connected by transverse cords).


  1. If the insulation is carried out with mineral wool, then the distance between the guide profiles should be slightly less than the width of the insulation sheet.
  2. Before laying the insulator, set a level starting bar, which should correspond to its thickness.
  3. Start insulation in those places where the use of whole pieces of insulation is required, laying the fragments last.
  4. Do not allow gaps between adjacent insulation sheets.
  5. The glue that will hold the insulation on the surface will not be able to cope with the task on its own, so additionally fasten the insulation with disc dowels (the method of fastening is described above).

Not every wall can boast of an ideal vertical or flat surface. Based on this, it is often not worth wasting cubic meters of solution on its leveling, because the costs will be “cosmic”. After rough preparation of the wall, you can build a vertical plane from the profile using U-shaped fasteners. This is where the sag system comes in handy. Using the threads as a guide, attach the beam or profile to the U-hangers. You can use a factory hanger (Fig. 3) or make it yourself.

The main thing is to provide it reliable fastening to the wall with dowel-nails. The pitch between U-shaped elements should not exceed 400 mm.

Everything is not as difficult as it seems

In addition to the difficulties, this process has its own pleasant “little things”:

  • the second sheathing does not require the construction of a plane if the first one was installed correctly;
  • the work of creating a ventilated facade system can be done by one person.

After final finishing your home will not only retain heat better cold season, but also protect from the heat during hot periods.

You will feel the benefits of a ventilated facade almost immediately as soon as you approach the electricity or gas meters to take readings for payment.

To maintain the required temperature regime in the house heating system or the air conditioning system may operate at a lower intensity.

Recently, more and more questions have arisen on the topic facade finishing private houses, and an increasing number of homeowners are inclined to choose ventilated facade systems. Why choose ventilated systems for the facade? Perhaps there is only one answer: owners of private houses strive to keep the structure of the walls of the house in good condition and extend the life of their private house. Read more about the technology for installing this design.

Ventilated facades: what is it?

The way ventilated facade finishing of houses works is to remove excess moisture from the outer surface of the wall in order to protect the structure from destruction. In other words, the fastening is done in such a way that between and inner surface facing material There was a small air gap left.

Thanks to the interlayer, the insulation will not “absorb” moisture, which means that the amount of heat loss will be slightly reduced.

Ventilation design diagram

Structurally, the structure of the ventilation facade is a system of stacked elements (“sandwich”), which are mounted on the wall in a certain sequence. But in any case, between the panels ventilation lining There must be a gap - this will make it much easier to adjust the distance between the wall and the finish, eliminating minor defects.

Read about the technology of plastering walls by machine.

The role of “minor defects” can be uneven walls, poorly applied plaster, which causes a difference in height levels on the surface. And the façade panels hide this difference very well.

Model of a ventilated facade.

If we speak in general outline, That the ventilation façade system is mounted as follows:

  • the surface for fastening is marked;
  • the holder brackets and guide elements themselves are fixed;
  • then a layer of thermal insulation and a windproof membrane layer are laid;
  • After fixing these layers, the frame for cladding is attached and the last stage is the facade panels.


It should be noted right away that the design of ventilated facade systems should only be carried out by a design organization, whose specialists will take into account all the customer’s requirements in the project.

The main design points include:

  1. Receipt terms of reference from the customer;
  2. Processing of received data, drawing up a work schedule.
  3. Development of a preliminary design for the customer indicating fastening points, location of brackets, guides, then carrying out final calculations to determine the load on the foundation of the house, location facade panels, design diagrams of nodes and their location with all references relative to the axes of the house.
  4. Compilation estimate documentation to calculate the contract price;
  5. Transfer of the entire package of documents to the customer after signing the contract by the customer and the contractor.

The difference between putty and plaster is described.

Insulation as a separate subsystem

As the simplest option for insulation for ventilated facades, you can use slabs of mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

Cotton wool has low thermal conductivity, fire resistance and good sound insulation. One of the disadvantages is poor moisture resistance - the insulation absorbs condensation moisture like a sponge, as a result of which it becomes damp, gains weight, takes a very long time to dry out, and thermal performance indicators decrease. Installing such a subsystem is quite simple.

Polystyrene foam is a good alternative to cotton wool, if you consider it technical specifications– moisture resistance, light weight, thermal conductivity. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the easy flammability and release harmful substances when burning, which is quite dangerous to human health.

As for the cost, polystyrene foam will undoubtedly cost less than cotton wool, and in terms of installation it is more convenient - lightweight polystyrene foam slabs are much easier to install on the wall than cotton wool.

Advantages of a ventilated façade

  • security air gap between the cladding and the outer surface of the wall;
  • reduction of heat loss;
  • removal of condensate through drainage systems without harm to the insulating layer;
  • good additional sound insulation, wall alignment;
  • the ability to hide visible defects, irregularities and flaws in the surface of the walls;
  • light weight of the facing panels and the frame itself for the facade system;
  • ease of installation and ease of maintenance of the panels;
  • excellent appearance, wide selection of colors, ability to imitate any natural material;
  • the ability to create almost any architectural design;
  • It can be washed and does not need to be painted.

You might also be interested in knowing the texture decorative plaster which you read about.

From the above it follows that this type of wall cladding is not only an excellent choice in terms of decorating the facade of the house, but also good decision for those homeowners who want to provide their walls with good protection from destruction under the influence of precipitation.


  • increased cost of work and increased costs of materials (fastening facade systems will require a larger number of fasteners);
  • the need to attract specialists to carry out work on the manufacture and installation of frames for facade systems.

However, if you have certain skills in this area and have some experience in installing ventilated facades, then you can do it yourself.

How to install it yourself: installation technology

As in the case of activities for carrying out conventional facade work, the installation of ventilated facade systems should be carried out on a previously prepared wall surface.

IN general case The façade finishing installation technology is as follows:

  1. Preparing the wall surface.
  2. Manufacturing and installation of a frame for cladding.
  3. Laying a thermal insulation layer with waterproofing.
  4. Installation of facade panels.

Let us consider the stages of installation in more detail.

Preparatory work

At this stage, the surface of the walls should be prepared: remove traces old decoration, cover up cracks, potholes, chips (at the corners of the walls), level the surface with plaster, treat the surface with antiseptic compounds. Treatment is needed to prevent the formation of fungal infections and mold on the walls, which over time can destroy the façade structure.

As for applying the primer, it is not necessary to use it when installing a ventilated facade: as a rule, surface priming is required in cases where finishing work This involves either applying decorative plaster to the walls or painting the walls.

In this case, the primer is used to increase adhesion forces. plaster mixture and surface paints.

After preparation, markings should be applied to the walls - the mounting points of the brackets and the location of the guide profiles. The pitch between the profiles should be approximately equal to the width of one facing panel.

Manufacturing and installation of frame/lathing for cladding

After drawing the marking lines, you can begin installing fasteners and guides. To do this, you should drill holes for anchor bolts in the walls of the house using a hammer drill.

Important: the fastenings themselves, the anchor bolts, and the guides metal profiles must be galvanized and corrosion resistant.

Next, the brackets are placed on the anchor dowels and screwed with a screwdriver, after which the insulation layer is laid. Thermal insulation material is hung through specially prepared slots for fastenings.

Guides - metal profiles - must be positioned vertically. The resulting sheathing is already ready for hanging the ventilation façade. The profile itself must be fastened freely so that it is possible to compensate for temperature deformations.

Laying thermal and waterproofing

The difference between the installation technology of ventilated façade systems and the installation technology of conventional façade panels lies in the installation of the former overlapping, i.e. There should be no gaps between the joints, which are so necessary to compensate for the thermal expansion of the façade cladding material.

Through the layers of insulation and wind-hydroprotective membrane, holes are drilled in the wall into which disc-type dowels are installed. These dowels are used to fix the insulation and membrane.

Important: laying insulation boards should begin from the base, moving according to the “bottom to top” pattern. And the first row is laid on the base itself.

The membrane must be secured with outside insulation layer, in this case an overlap of material of 10 cm in size must be observed. Inner side The film must be tightly fixed to the heat-insulating layer. In this case, the overlap must be secured with sealing tape to avoid the formation of condensation and moisture getting on the insulation.

Installation of a ventilated facade system

At first glance, installation of a ventilation system is completely simple, and it may seem that, having some skills in working with façade elements, you can do the cladding yourself. However, the technology for installing facade panels has its own nuances, without knowing about which you can ruin both the material itself and the successfully manufactured sheathing design.

So, if you use galvanized fasteners and profiles for sheathing guides, you must remember that both the profiles and fasteners must withstand heavy loads, for example, the same weight of facade elements.

How to choose the design of the facade of a private house, read.

After fixing, you need to insert a rubber seal for fastening into the profile. This way you can avoid the spread of corrosion processes.
Sometimes when self-installation ventilated façade may cause blockage of the air gap. This is due to subsidence of the insulating layer or membrane due to poor fixation of the heat and wind-hydroprotective layer. In this case, the facade panels are subject to additional load, and if they are made of vinyl (quite fragile and least durable finishing material), the cladding may either become wet or deform under load. In such cases, you will have to remove the panels and carry out repair work.

Video about installation work on a ventilated façade

For more information on how ventilated facade systems are installed, see the video block with cladding with porcelain stoneware slabs.

Summarizing the above, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • The technology for installing a ventilated facade is similar to the technology for installing facade panels made of PVC, porcelain stoneware or tiles. However, it has its own nuances, without knowing about which, it will not be possible to install the cladding correctly;
  • having experience working with facade systems, you can install ventilated facades yourself if there is nowhere to rush and you really want to get the result “conscientiously”.

However, many people strive to save money during construction, so they try to do all the work themselves. Of course, a properly installed ventilated façade will serve the homeowner for at least 30 years.

Among the methods of insulation, the installation of a ventilated facade for private households takes first place in terms of frequency of use. Many people, having insulated their home in this way, do not realize that they used this particular method of insulation.

By correctly selecting the material and carefully following the technology, you can guarantee up to 50 years of life of the system, and, therefore, comfort in the house when minimum costs for heating.

A ventilated facade is an insulation system, otherwise it is called a “dry facade” in contrast to a “wet” facade - a plaster insulation system. The “ventilated facade” system differs from other insulation systems by the presence of a ventilation gap through which water vapor is ventilated. The gap is located between the suspended finishing layer (curtain façade), which is attached to the wall using a metal or wooden supporting system, and the insulation attached to the wall.

An air gap is especially necessary when insulating walls with mineral wool slabs - stone or basalt, which are characterized by increased hygroscopicity - the ability to absorb moisture, which leads to a deterioration in the thermal characteristics of the materials and a decrease in the efficiency of the insulation system.

However, in a narrow air gap at a high building height, a powerful air flow, which gradually destroys and weathers the insulation fibers. To protect thermal insulation in the “ventilated facade” system, it is recommended to use insulation with a laminated (reinforced with a special film or fabric) surface or protect the insulating layer from moisture and windproof membrane. For ventilated facades, it is possible to use insulation materials that have permission from the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation for use in ventilated systems.

The ventilated facade system is used in low-rise private households and for insulating high-rise buildings for various purposes. The only difference is in the materials for the curtain façade and the design of the supporting system: for a high-rise public building They use a supporting system made of metal; for a cottage up to 3 floors high, they often use a supporting wooden frame, which significantly reduces the cost and simplifies the work.

Installation of a ventilation façade on a metal frame

The supporting system for the ventilation façade is made stainless steel or from galvanized roofing, which significantly reduces the cost of cladding. Due to the significant weight of the metal and the facing layer, especially if it is made of ceramics or slabs natural stone, a metal supporting frame is best used for walls made of concrete or brick. For looser cellular blocks, calculation is required bearing capacity walls.

Brick wall; 2. Bracket (sheathing fasteners); 3. Thermal insulating gasket; 4. Anchor dowel; 5. Main horizontal profile; 6. Main vertical profile; 7. Vertical intermediate profile; 8. Klyammer private; 9. Starting clamp; 10. Thermal insulation material (insulation); 11. Hydro-windproof vapor-permeable membrane; 12. Thermal insulation fasteners (plastic disc-shaped dowel); 13. Facing tiles; 14. Blind rivet.
The design of the metal brackets allows cladding to be carried out at different distances from the wall, thanks to which preliminary leveling of the façade surface is not required.

There are two systems for fastening the cladding - open and closed. Open system involves installing a hanging frame using clamps on the upper and lower edges of the slabs. Closed system uses anchor bolts that are inserted into blind holes in the slabs. A closed system is twice as expensive as an open fastener; if a facing tile is lost, you will have to disassemble the vertical row completely, which is not required with an open system.

Installation of a ventilation system on a metal frame

Installation of a suspended ventilated facade on metal frame requires the creation of a project - a diagram of the curtain wall and corresponding diagrams for the arrangement of horizontal and vertical load-bearing profiles, and diagrams for attaching brackets. Before starting work, the walls must be cleaned of dust, dirt, paint, and repaired if necessary. Remove parapet and window sills.

Installation procedure:

  • The position of the brackets and the supporting system is marked on the wall.
  • Install a base strip with a shelf width equal to the thickness of the insulation.
  • The brackets are fastened, leveling and plumbing the horizontal and vertical in the same plane.
  • Install the insulation with glue.
  • Install a hydro-wind protection - a super-diffusion membrane, joining the sheets with an overlap of 10-15 cm on double-sided vapor-permeable tape.
  • fix the insulation and membrane with disc-type plastic dowel screws with a metal core and a thermally insulated head.
  • Mounted on main brackets horizontal profiles, then vertical profiles.
  • Installation of facing panels is carried out.

Fatal installation errors

Violations of the work technology or unscrupulous installation lead to the loss of individual cladding slabs.

First level errors that reduce the service life of the insulation system:

  • installation of fasteners in the masonry joint;
  • incorrect choice of material for thermal breaks - gaskets between the wall and the bracket, they must have a low
  • thermal conductivity (polypropylene, polyamide), so as not to create cold bridges;
  • installation of seals to dampen vibration and lateral shift of the cladding; the fastener design should provide a solution to these problems without the use of seals with a short service life (10 years versus 50 years of operation of the ventilation system);
  • incorrect choice of insulation material - too soft thermal insulation (mats, rolled wool) will slide off over time, closing the ventilation gap;
  • incorrect choice of water and wind protection - the use of polyethylene, foil and foil insulation that do not allow the passage of moisture from the thermal insulation to the outside is prohibited;
  • a decrease in the size of the ventilation gap (min 40 mm, max according to calculation) leads to an increase in wind speed and force in the gap and destruction of the insulation.

Errors of the second level leading to a violation of the decorative qualities of the insulation system:

  • violation of the geometry of the curtain wall - the installation of the load-bearing system should ensure a single plane of the cladding due to the sliding design of the brackets, and not depending on the topography of the wall;
  • Compliance with the standard width of the tile joints guarantees the integrity of the cladding regardless of the linear expansion of the cladding and the required ventilation of the insulation. The absence of seams leads to destruction of the cladding and wetness of the insulation.

Ventilated facade on a wooden frame

Ventilated facade on a wooden frame – effective method insulation and increasing the external attractiveness of low-rise private houses. This type of ventilated facade is especially suitable for wooden houses and lightweight curtain façade materials – siding, blockhouse or house timber. on wood makes this method economical and accessible to do it yourself.

Two installation methods have been developed - with insulation in one layer and with insulation in two layers. Single-layer insulation is performed with a calculated heat insulator thickness of 50-80 mm, when one slab can provide the required thickness.

With a greater thickness of insulation, when two slabs are used, it is more logical to use a two-layer method.

Installation of a ventilation façade on a wooden frame

Preparing the façade for insulation involves dismantling the protective flashings, cleaning it from dust and dirt, and carrying out repairs if necessary. The facades of wooden houses are cleaned of mold, mildew, blue stains, impregnated with a fire retardant and antiseptic or complex preparation. The same impregnation is carried out on the bars of the supporting system and counter-lattice.

Installation procedure:

  • Install a base strip with a shelf width equal to the total thickness of the insulation;
  • On the prepared facade, the position of the guides is marked; the width of the beam should correspond to the thickness of the internal insulation board, thickness - 40-50 mm. The distance between the guides is equal to the width of the insulation board minus 5 mm for the spacer. The direction of installation of the first row of guides corresponds to the direction of the elements of the curtain wall. Guides also frame the openings of windows and doors;
  • The first layer of insulation is laid between the guides using glue and/or dowels, at least 5-6 pieces. per 1m2;
  • Mount the second row of load-bearing bars perpendicular to the first, with a similar pitch;
  • Place the second layer of insulation on the dowel screws (fungus);
  • A counter-lattice with a cross-section of 4x4 cm is used to secure the hydro-wind protection; the counter-lattice creates a ventilation gap between the insulation and the cladding;
  • The curtain façade is being installed.


The main advantage of a ventilated facade is the durability of insulation and spectacular finish. The work of installing the structure and installing curtain facades requires preparation, financial costs and physical effort. The result will be updated, comfortable housing with a presentable facade that will delight the eye for many years.
