How to make decorative concrete with your own hands. Architectural concrete

Plastic and durable architectural concrete was created as a material to solve aesthetic problems. Interior decoration of premises, industrial and manual production of elements and objects of the interior and exterior - the main purpose of archstone - also called architectural concrete, the composition of which differs in many respects from the composition of the usual mortar. Architectural concrete It is resistant to deep temperature fluctuations, tolerates high humidity well and is not subject to weathering, therefore, as a material for finishing facades and architectural elements of buildings, it perfectly performs its functions.

In terms of plasticity properties, architectural concrete is similar to plasticine - it can be used to form any three-dimensional geometric figure complex shapes For decoration construction site. Stucco or columns – great example exterior finishing facades. Archstone perfectly imitates natural wildstone, and such a replacement saves costs on decorative finishing and visual design of the building. The plastering and finishing composition of architectural concrete is sold in specialized construction stores or prepared independently according to the recipe given in the article.

Components of any solution decorative concrete indicate its functional purposes and nature of application. The basis of concrete is cement as a binder, crushed stone, sand, granite or marble gravel as fillers, stabilizing additives and other plasticizers. Mixing the components in the right proportions gives different results when using concrete for different purposes. One of the types of concrete is architectural concrete mixture.

Concrete for decorating facades and architectural elements of buildings is constantly used to decorate construction sites or the adjacent area. This is a variety artificial stone, consisting of cement-sand mortar and improving additives.

Shades of archstone are white or light gray, but by adding coloring components, any colors can be generated. The texture of the material can also be changed by adding fillers such as crushed stone, pebbles, gravel or shells. Other distinctive properties architectural materials from ordinary concrete:

  1. Flat, fine-grained structure that can be sanded to perfection;
  2. The hygroscopicity of architectural concrete is very low, which means... That the material does not undergo carbonization processes, therefore the integrity and strength of concrete is guaranteed throughout the entire period of operation;
  3. Does not fade under the influence of UV radiation, does not change external qualities and physical properties under the influence of atmospheric processes;
  4. High strength and resistance to low temperatures;
  5. The technology for working with architectural stone is simpler, and the material itself is more plastic than ordinary concrete, which allows you to create decorative elements and highly artistic products of various shapes and sizes.

The ratio of parts of sand (P), cement M-400 and M-500 (C) and crushed stone (SH) for preparing concrete mortar is reflected in the tables:

Advantages and negative properties of archstone


  1. Strength, ductility, immunity to weather conditions;
  2. Low cost of manufacturing elements and preparing the solution;
  3. Inorganic additives increase service life and protect against destruction.


  1. The use of decorative elements of heavy decorative concrete requires additional strengthening of walls and ceilings;
  2. On houses made of wood and lightweight concrete, creating decorations from archstone is not recommended due to the large weight of the decorations;
  3. Installation of decor on facades requires significant labor costs and the use of special equipment;
  4. It is difficult to form small decorative details and elements, which affects the overall artistic expressiveness of the building;
  5. Slow speed of work - hardening of the cement-sand mixture in a special form occurs within 1–2 days;
  6. The complex geometry of the decor requires precise dimensions and careful adjustment of parts.

Architectural artificial stone is divided into groups according to their functional purpose:

  1. Decorative white concrete is used to decorate the front part of buildings, spacious rooms with high ceilings, decorated elements of architectural facades that do not experience significant weight and mechanical loads;
  2. Lightweight white concrete is used to create decorative forms of light weight - panels, tiles, stairs, elements with imitation of natural stone.

Often the decorative surface does not so much repeat the texture natural stone, how much is used as a material with characteristics much better than those of stone. Thanks to the composition of decorative stone and concrete, it is possible to create decor that is close in texture to natural materials:

  1. The filler is quartz sand. natural origin, giving the surface the texture of a stone surface. Decorative items made from concrete with this filler are called “reclaimed sandstone.”
  2. The binder in the mixture is premium quality Portland cement (for example, PC500) of gray or white color, without impurities.
  3. Dyes are added to ensure that the product replicates the texture and shades of the natural product as accurately as possible. wild stone. Coloring pigments are added when mixing the solution so that the future product is evenly colored in the total mass. There is no need to additionally paint such parts; such decor does not fade under the sun, does not peel off during use, and microcracks do not appear on the surface. The closest possible texture of natural stone involves the use of dyes that provide natural shades.
  4. Only purified water is added to architectural concrete so that the quality of the products is not subject to temporary changes. It is important to correctly calculate the required volume of water.
  5. Modifiers and plasticizers, antifoaming agents, adhesives (adhesives), frost-resistant substances. The quantitative and qualitative composition of additives will be different for each specific batch, and depends on the shape and physical and operational characteristics of the product, and on the technology for molding architectural elements. The addition of plasticizers and stabilizers ensures an increase in the strength of the product, resistance to mechanical and shock loads, and contrasting changes in humidity and temperature.


Architectural concrete products are formed in several ways:

  1. Tamping, or stuffing, is the process of creating rigid decorative elements by hand. The solution is poured and compacted with a special tamper. Stuffing is used to form geometrically complex decorations. The disadvantages of this method are a high percentage of defects and low strength of products.
  2. Using a vibropress or molds. This method of molding architectural elements is suitable for making paving slabs, paving stones, and simple decorative forms. If the technology is followed, the output will be high-strength products.
  3. Pressing is the formation of thin-walled, high-strength decorative elements using hydraulic presses and molds.

How to prepare architectural concrete yourself

To properly prepare a high-quality working solution, you need to mix quartz sand and Portland cement, add coloring agents and modifiers in a certain proportion indicated above. Portland cement should be white or light gray in color and High Quality– these are brands M500 or DO400. It is not recommended to use gray cement, as the output will be dull, unsaturated shades.

The filler is purified quartz sand, crushed granite or fine marble. In order for concrete to have a specific shade, colored coloring components are added to the solution in the form of liquid or dry powdery substances. Pigment dye is added in a ratio of 3/100 to obtain more saturated colors, the ratio is maintained at 5/100 or more.

The technology for preparing decorative artificial stone is as follows:

  1. Dry ingredients must be sifted through a fine metal sieve with a mesh size of 1.5 x 1.5 mm;
  2. Portland cement and quartz sand are mixed dry;
  3. Fine marble (granite) chips or dust are added to the dry mixture;
  4. Coloring pigments of the desired colors are added;
  5. The dry mixture is mixed until smooth;
  6. A depression is made in the dry composition, into which purified water is added.

The volumetric quantity of the working composition is determined by the brand of Portland cement. So, for one volumetric part of M500 cement, three parts of sand and two parts of water are added. The quality of the resulting solution is also determined manually: you need to strongly squeeze a little solution in your hand. If water flows between your fingers after squeezing, add sand. If, when you unclench your fist, the composition appears loose and crumbles, add water.

In addition to the main components of the solution for archstone, plasticizers and modifying substances must be added to its composition. Plasticizers give plasticity to fresh, uncured mortar, increase frost resistance and resistance to any weather conditions, adhesives and antifoaming agents improve the quality of the product. The proportions in which modifiers and plasticizers should be added are determined by the functional purpose of the product and its manufacturing technology.

Architectural concrete updated: April 28, 2018 by: Artyom

You can create a beautiful and attractive relief using decorative concrete. Decorative concrete found wide use in the second half of the twentieth century. The technology was first mastered by American builders of military airfields, whose primary task was to achieve a durable, wear-resistant coating within short time. The high performance and decorative characteristics of the coating have made it popular in the domestic sphere: today, decorative concrete is used for interior and exterior finishing private houses and dachas, landscape design. What you need to know in order to make concrete decorative coating hands - read the article.

What is stamped concrete

Printed (decorative) concrete is painted concrete, onto which, even before the solution hardens, a relief imprint is applied that imitates the texture. natural wood, stone, brick, tile, etc.

Stamped concrete is quite common because it is beautiful to look at and practical.

Due to its availability, durability and attractive appearance, pressed concrete has a wide range of applications. Today, concrete decorative surfaces are used for finishing floors and walls of both residential premises and adjacent areas (decoration of areas near swimming pools, garden paths, finishing of gazebos), as well as industrial facilities, shopping, entertainment and exhibition complexes, internal and external areas of gas stations, airports, train stations, etc.

Decorative concrete is also indispensable for restoration work on ancient surfaces, when it is impossible to find an identical material: with the help of special forms and colors, you can easily and quickly obtain a product that imitates ancient masonry.

Stamped concrete: advantages

In addition to wide application possibilities and beautiful appearance, decorative concrete coating has many other advantages related to its performance characteristics.

The advantage of stamped concrete is that it can easily withstand heavy loads

So, the main advantages of stamped concrete include:

  • The ability of the material to withstand high loads. Printed concrete for domestic use can withstand a load of 400-500 kg per cubic meter.
  • Resistance of the coating to moisture (corrosion), exposure to UV radiation.
  • Resistance of concrete to sudden changes temperature regime(up to indicators from -40 to +40 degrees Celsius).
  • Frost resistance. The coating can easily withstand more than 300 seasons.
  • The ability of the coating to withstand the effects of acid-base and oil industry products, fats without changing the appearance.
  • Durability. The service life of the concrete base is at least 25 years.

At the same time, decorative concrete has a rich color palette and a wide selection of textures (if necessary, a textured print in the form of plants can be applied to the coating, graphic images, complex drawings).

What types of stamps are there for concrete?

The relief pattern is applied to concrete using special stamps. It is thanks to them that you can get a surface that imitates wood, masonry, or paving stones. At the same time, the drawing can be anything.

You can get acquainted with various options for stamps for concrete in specialized stores

Today, to obtain high-quality impressions on concrete, the following types of stamps are used:

  1. Silicone (polyurethane) are flexible stamps with which you can create a texture of any complexity. Their advantages include long term services. In addition, silicone stamps do not need to be lubricated with oil: the formliner is easily removed without any lubricant.
  2. Plastic - rigid stamps that are distinguished by their ability to clearly and accurately convey geometric shape. Most often, they are used to imitate paving stones, brickwork. You can work with rigid stamps both on the floor and on a vertical surface.

Separately, there is a concrete stencil - a form that represents a contour for pouring concrete. Working with such a stencil is very simple: lay it on the ground, then fill it with a solution, wait for it to harden and remove it, rearranging it further. Thus, you can make a garden path, decorate a porch, the floor of a gazebo or terrace.

You can purchase ready-made molds in many construction stores and on the Internet (for example, in the Damascus online store). In addition, products can be made independently from available materials.

DIY decorative concrete

Stamped, decorative concrete, due to its high performance and attractive appearance, is perfect solution for registration personal plot private house, dacha. You can order the laying of paths using decorative concrete from specialized companies, or you can save money and make artistic concrete without professional help, with your own hands. To complete the work you will need a solution, a stamp or stencil, a tool ( building level, fasteners for stencils, trowels for decorative concrete).

It is quite possible to make decorative concrete yourself, the main thing is to prepare everything necessary materials and tools for work

The technology for creating relief prints includes the following steps:

  1. Preparing the base. In order to obtain a high-quality concrete coating, a layer of soil 100 mm high is removed from the area to be poured. After that, the formwork of the desired shape is installed and the ground is covered with crushed stone.
  2. Pouring the mixture. Depending on the type of stamps, concrete is poured into a stencil or laid out on crushed stone. To ensure that the surface is level, use a building level.
  3. Decoration. To obtain an attractive wood or stone surface, concrete is coated with bulk dyes. To consolidate the result, use a colored hardener (to give the surface a rich color, a plaster or “wet stone” effect, use a special varnish for stone and concrete, which can be ordered on the Damascus website).
  4. Seal. If a stencil was not used to create the relief, then the design is applied to a flat concrete surface using stamps.
  5. Cleaning the coating. The relief surface is washed after 2-3 days with a solution of hydrochloric acid.
  6. Applying a protective UV and moisture-resistant layer (most often an acrylic fixer is used for this).

This way you can create high-quality, attractive stamped concrete that will last for decades. The covering design option depends on the landscape design of the site, the decoration of the house, and the personal tastes of the apartment owner.

Dry mix for preparing pressed concrete can be purchased at any building materials store (from budget options, you can choose Flex Concrete brand material), or you can prepare it yourself.

How to make printed concrete: technology and recipe

The mixture for the production of decorative concrete includes sand and crushed stone, Portland cement, and a plasticizer. An important ingredient is polypropylene fiber, which increases the service life of the relief coating and prevents it from cracking and chipping. The ingredient is taken in the amount of 600 grams per cubic meter solution.

In the production of decorative concrete Special attention you need to pay attention to the choice of plasticizer

For the production of decorative printed concrete, it is better to choose Portland cement grades M400 and M500/D20, which are moisture and frost resistant and can withstand loads of 400 and 500 kg per cubic meter.

The choice of plasticizer depends on the type of future product. Thus, experts recommend choosing a superplasticizer for the production of paving slabs. Suitable for garden paths that are resistant to extreme temperatures, explosion- and fireproof plasticizer C3.

It is worth remembering that the plasticizer should be added to the concrete mixture in the form of an aqueous solution.

The composition prepared from such ingredients is placed in the formwork, spread using a trowel for decorative concrete and compacted. Recipe ready-made mixtures indicated on the labels.

Probably, many have come across unusual structures reminiscent of stones, rocks and other objects in garden plots, cultural and recreation parks and other places. With their help, you can create truly unique compositions that will become the calling card of your site and make it stand out from the crowd. The manufacturing material is art concrete, a composition that has high operational properties and allows you to realize the most daring ideas.

Creating rocks near an artificial reservoir will not be a problem if arbeton is used in the work

Main advantages of the material

It is worth noting that such products are often called artificial stone, and all such work is called concrete art.

Modern technologies make it possible to achieve high levels of strength and durability, while the products of this group have a number of advantages even in comparison with natural stone:

  • The cost of implementing the project is much lower, since the cost of natural materials is very high, and even small compositions cost significant amounts. The use of artificial components allows you to save at least half the amount, which is especially noticeable when working on large objects.

Important note! The weight of the resulting structures is significantly less than conventional concrete and several times lower than that of natural stone. This allows you to reduce the load on structures when carrying out work inside buildings.

In addition, when working outside, the construction of massive foundations is not required, which simplifies the work and reduces the project implementation time.

  • Almost unlimited possibilities in the production process allow you to realize any idea - from simulating the structure of all natural materials to creating unique options that will not be found anywhere else. It is this quality that is especially valued by those who make artistic concrete with their own hands, because imagination is practically unlimited.

The structure can be anything - it all depends on your imagination

  • The ability to manufacture any objects: from rocks with waterfalls and stone cliffs to benches in old style, fountains, containers and other products. We can say that with the help of artificial concrete any idea can be realized.
  • Another very big advantage is the complete compliance of the project with the result obtained. When using natural materials, a situation very often arises when you find elements the right size and colors are almost impossible. Using art concrete, you yourself give the object the required form, so you can be sure that there will be deviations from the sketch minimal amount.

If desired, you can even recreate the structure of the tree (as in the photo), since art concrete gives complete creative freedom

Features of product manufacturing

The workflow may vary and largely depends on the type of products. Let's look at the most common options and their features.


This is the method that most sculptors use; it is somewhat more complicated than other options, but the result will be much more original:

  • First, a preliminary sketch is created on paper or a computer, which gives an idea of ​​what the finished product will look like. It is important to make a sketch that will not cause great difficulties during the implementation process, otherwise the timing of the work may be very, very long.

The more small parts there are in the product, the more time you will have to spend on work

  • Creating art concrete with your own hands is easier than it actually seems, however, you need to have skills in working with mortars, because this determines how attractive and neat the structure will be. You may need the most various instruments, their list depends on what result you need to achieve and what is convenient for you to work with.
  • You should start by creating a structure; most often, reinforcement is used for these purposes, the thickness of which depends on the size of the frame and the load. At this stage, it is important to choose the right materials and bend them so that you get a strong frame. All parts are welded together, after which the connections are checked for strength and, if necessary, reinforcing elements are added.
  • After this, the structure is covered with one or several layers of metal mesh, again everything depends on the planned load. It must be carefully fixed and tensioned using a knitting wire. The mesh serves as the basis on which the solution will adhere, so you should not use options with too large a cell.

It is the frame that determines the shape of the future structure; the closer it is to the original, the less solution will be used

  • Next, the solution is applied and the surface is formed. Sometimes this is done in one step, sometimes several layers are required. In this case, the base can be a simple solution, and on top are used compositions with polymer additives and pigments that give a particular color to the surface. To achieve a more realistic effect, artistic painting can be used, with which you can achieve any texture.
  • For additional protection and imparting water-repellent properties to the surface, special varnishes and impregnations for concrete are used.

Note! They not only reliably protect products and extend their service life, but also add shine, which makes the compositions look much better.

The instructions on the packaging will tell you the specifics of their use.

Varnish gives the surface a resemblance to natural stone, art concrete is practically indistinguishable from natural material

Let's consider the composition of art concrete:

Using forms and stamps

This option is somewhat simpler for a number of reasons:

  • If a mold is used, then it is enough to make one or several structures and use them to cast the required number of elements. This method is most often used in the manufacture of coverings for garden paths and decorative elements for walls. After drying, the products are either immediately ready for use or painted and varnished.
  • The stamp is used as follows: the required layer of solution is applied to the surface, after which it is given a structure using a pre-fabricated device. In this way you can add texture flat surfaces and imitate stone or brickwork.

Molds are most often used for making paving slabs


Art concrete is an ideal option for those who value originality and want to create a unique atmosphere on the site. The video in this article will tell you even more about this interesting material.

How to make decorative concrete correctly

Architectural concrete is actively used not only in the field of construction, but also in landscape design. It is noteworthy that decorative concrete products have great plasticity and high level strength. Using decorative stamped concrete, you can quickly make garden paths and platforms that can successfully replace paving slabs.

decorating concrete

The finished product made of decorative concrete resembles tiles in appearance, but is much cheaper and has a longer service life. Decorative concrete perfectly imitates appearance natural surfaces (for example, wood-like concrete, natural stone or marble looks original).

Features and benefits of artistic concrete

Art concrete allows you to implement unique design solutions.

As is already clear from the name, artistic concrete performs supporting and aesthetic functions. Thanks to the polymers it contains, it can be used not only to create, but also to decorate existing objects. Depending on the composition, products made from decorative concrete can be more structural (geometric concrete), decorative or artistic and decorative (sculptural concrete mixture). Popular stamped and colored concrete are varieties of artistic concrete.

Due to its pliability in its uncured form, concrete can easily imitate various surfaces - for this you should use special stamps (metal, polyurethane). This is the so-called pressed concrete (press concrete), which you can easily create with your own hands.

artistic concrete

Depending on the functional purpose, architectural concrete, the composition of which can be changed, for example, using superplasticizers or more mineral additives, will improve its decorative or structural qualities.

Any concrete decor must be covered with a layer of protective coating, which creates a more durable surface that is resistant to abrasion, mechanical or chemical damage, and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Algorithm for manufacturing platforms and paths from printed concrete

When starting to make a platform or garden path from concrete, you should carefully prepare the site and draw up a project. First of all, you should install wooden formwork, which limits the pouring area. The surface of the area is cleared of debris and covered with dense plastic film, is installed storm drain. Then, to prevent destruction of the concrete structure, it is installed reinforcement mesh on which concrete is poured.

If desired, a small amount of reinforcing polypropylene fibers can be added to the concrete solution - this will prevent the appearance of cracks on the surface during drying and use.

algorithm for making art concrete

To make decorative concrete with your own hands, you will need high-quality cement (gray cement is also possible, but white cement is preferable), sand (quartz), stone chips, coloring pigments, and plasticizing additives. All ingredients should be mixed, first sifted through a fine sieve (this is done to make the dry mixture more homogeneous and eliminate lumps and foreign impurities), then carefully pour in water (in small portions).

The proportions of ingredients depend on many factors, first of all, the chosen technology, the brand of cement used, and the type of finished product.

Advice: the selection of concrete grade should be approached with all responsibility, since the quality of the finished site depends on such qualities as frost resistance and strength. The best option would be concrete grade M (M300, M400, M500).

The concrete is carefully leveled and compacted with a vibrating screed or roller. Adjustment of the top layer of uncured concrete is carried out using a special tool - a trowel.

After the concrete has set, a colored fixative is applied to its surface (after application, the top layer should be leveled), which gives the coating the desired color - this is how you can make colored concrete yourself. Do not forget that all work should be performed at above-zero temperatures, in dry weather.

art concrete stamping

When the concrete has hardened, stamping is performed. To apply the required relief, use a special stencil for concrete. The pattern is transferred to the surface by compaction; in some cases, patterns are finalized using special rollers.

Helpful advice: since embossing is the most popular way to make stamped concrete with your own hands, during the work process, so that the stamps for concrete do not stick to the surface, a special release agent in the form of a powder is applied to it. For maximum realism, stamps must be placed on a concrete surface long time(before its final hardening), after their removal, the concrete is washed with water and covered with a special protective layer.

At the final stage, decorative printed concrete is coated with a layer of protective varnish. This improves the appearance of the coating, makes it more resistant to mechanical stress, precipitation And ultraviolet radiation. For example, concrete made in this way successfully withstands sudden temperature changes, does not deform and does not lose brightness.

How to make the right decorative concrete stone

art stone made of concrete

In order to make decorative rock made of concrete, you will need:

  • wooden box suitable size;
  • sealant (silicone);
  • plasticizers, additives;
  • quartz sand, marble chips, cement;
  • tiles with decorative surface under a stone;
  • flat brush.

Concrete can easily be made into stone blocks used for decorative purposes. First you need to make or select a form for filling. A wooden box of a suitable size is coated with a thick layer on the inside silicone sealant. To prevent voids from forming during the application process, the sealant is pressed and smoothed with a wet flat brush.

A tile imitating a stone surface is applied to the layer of sealant (face down). Such simple manipulations allow you to create a high-quality imitation of natural stone from concrete with your own hands.

Tip: to avoid sticking to the sealant, the tiles should first be lubricated with grease. If you were unable to purchase suitable tiles, you can use natural stones instead, which are placed at some distance from each other.

concrete mortar

After the silicone has dried, the tiles (stones) are removed, and the resulting relief is used as a stencil.

To prepare a concrete solution, mix Portland cement, quartz sand, stone chips with water in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer, and add a plasticizing agent. For additional strength of the finished product, a small amount of reinforcing fiber can be added. The consistency of the solution should not be too thin, but should resemble thick pancake batter.

A small amount of mortar is poured onto the bottom of the mold, a mesh of reinforcement is laid for greater strength, then the whole thing is filled with the rest of the concrete mortar and left until completely dry. Decorative blocks prepared in this way are used for finishing sidewalks, curbs, paths, and floors.

In addition, a technology with the intriguing name flex concrete allows you to absolutely realistically imitate various types of surfaces, from tree bark to granite or even aged surfaces. This decorative technological system will help you make your home or yard unique. To prepare a flex concrete solution, you need to mix the ready-made dry mixture with a small amount of water.

concrete decorative stone

A properly prepared solution has a consistency that is convenient for use and does not stick to the working tool. Surface treatment (refinement) can last for 24 hours after mixing and applying the solution. After drying, the surface is painted using a brush, roller, or spray.

Concrete can be used to make many products and architectural elements. A special place among such products is occupied by concrete columns, which can be not only decorative, but also load-bearing elements buildings. Despite the simplicity of the technology, working with decorative cement requires certain skills and relevant experience. However, if you follow all the recommendations, you can easily create a beautiful platform or garden path from art concrete yourself.

How to make colored concrete

Despite stereotypes, concrete floors can be not only a dull gray color, but also have a variety of colorful shades. Despite the apparent complexity, making colored concrete with your own hands is quite simple. For achievement desired result you can use one of the following methods:

colored concrete

  • during the process of mixing concrete mortar, pigment can be added both in dry and liquid form - this method is most suitable for giving the required color to paving slabs, curbs, and paving stones;
  • spraying - great for simulating drawings, various patterns or images. The required color brightness or surface texture is achieved through the use of an acid dye, which can be applied in several layers or using a special stencil;
  • coating a hardening surface with pigment mixed with a penetrating base or varnish. This method is optimal if you want beautiful concrete floors.

So, the technology for creating decorative concrete has its own characteristics, but its popularity is fully justified by its high functionality and aesthetics.

Artistic concrete is plastic, like clay or plasticine, so both specialists and DIYers show great interest in it for their works.

  1. Application. Main characteristics. Functions of the components of the concrete mixture.
  2. Why you can’t use a universal composition and what conditions affect its change.
  3. A few words from theory.
  4. Conclusion.

Artistic concrete also has a number of other synonymous names: architectural, sculptural, polymer, decorative, plastic and others.

Application. Main characteristics. Functions of concrete mixture components

Due to its plasticity, artistic concrete has a very wide range of applications. It is made from any size concrete figures, stucco molding, garden vases and flowerpots, decorative stone, small architectural forms and much more.

Depending on the task, the composition of the concrete mixture changes due to the qualitative and quantitative inclusion of various polymer, chemical and mineral additives.

Their function is to impart plasticity to the concrete mixture, the ability to regulate fluidity, hardening time, and increase water resistance and frost resistance.

To strengthen the structure of the stone, active substances are introduced into the mixture: microsilica and various ash. To give the solution mobility and better mixing, as well as to reduce the amount of mixing water, superplasticizers are used. For self-compacting concrete (no vibration required), hyperplasticizers are used, with which it is possible to obtain thin and especially strong structures. Fine-grained cement is also used for this purpose. The larger the number in its name, the smaller the cement grain and the higher the strength of the product can be obtained (with the same amount of cement).

Artistic concrete can be colored by introducing colored pigments into the solution. Mineral pigments (oxides and salts of various metals) are most often used. Organic pigments and aniline dyes can also be introduced. The latter give a more intense color with less quantity. But they are less resistant to the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation. When using the latter, it is more difficult to obtain a uniform coloring of the product without including special additives in the mixture.

Dyes somewhat reduce the strength of the product, as they require an increase in the amount of mixing water. Therefore, internal color must be limited by introducing a minimum amount of dye, and more saturated color can be obtained through external additional coloring. More details about methods of coloring artificial stone will be discussed in the corresponding article on this topic.

Why you can’t use a universal composition and what conditions affect its change

At the beginning of the article it was said very briefly about possible application this plastic material. And of course I would like to have a single universal recipe for its manufacture. But this doesn't make sense for the following reasons. First of all, for economic reasons. Everything universal is always more expensive. In addition, some of the ingredients in some cases are not needed or may even cause some harm or interference in the manufacture of the final product.

A few examples.

  • Artistic concrete is not used in the production of paving slabs. For covering paths and platforms, the main requirement for products is increased resistance to abrasion and moisture absorption. These two main requirements are determined by its application. When making tiles, vibrating tables are usually used. Equipment costs money. Why not use fine-grained self-leveling concrete? Yes, a more expensive plasticizer will be needed, but much less of it is needed. You will also need ash and microsilica, but these products are not expensive, and they will replace part of the cement introduced. When making tiles, synthetic fiber is not needed. With the right technology, the strength of the product will be sufficient. The use of polymer additives is the work of a master, but when producing dense concrete due to active metakaolin, their presence will be unnecessary. To make the same paths and platforms, you can use the same artistic concrete or printed concrete in a different way. Why is plasticity needed - so that with the help of polyurethane stamps it is possible to obtain a slip-resistant, decorative and relief pattern. In this case, the components inherent in plastic concrete are necessary in the composition.
  • When making a decorative layer on retaining walls, pillars and walls of houses, there is no criterion for abrasion. Therefore, the requirements for hardness and density for mixture components change. Instead of part of the quartz sand, marble or dolomite flour is added to the mixture, which greatly facilitates the construction. In addition, a new component is introduced - redispersible powder (dry latex emulsion). It increases the stickiness of the solution and allows the concrete layer to better adhere to the base of the structure.
  • When making a sculpture, several layers of concrete are always applied to the prepared surface of the skeleton of the future product. Each layer is different composition mixtures. The very last, top finishing layer may not contain quartz sand at all. You can apply the same method as when ironing concrete on a floor covering. In the inner layer, fiber is usually used, which prevents the solution from sliding. In the finishing layer, it will only interfere, so it is absent.

From the above examples we can conclude that the composition of concrete changes and always depends on its purpose.

In future articles, when describing the processes of making home and garden crafts, we will consider the selection and use of ingredients in more detail. After all, artistic concrete is not needed everywhere.

A few words from theory

Everyone knows that the denser the concrete, the stronger it is. We will not give the numerical values ​​of this indicator; if desired, it can be found on specialized sites.

But what is the easiest way to get dense concrete? Roughly speaking, there are two ways.

First. This is vibration pressing. Pressure and vibration compact and strengthen the concrete.

Second. Filling voids between cement and sand particles without vibration. For this purpose, a hyperplasticizer, stone flour, ash and other components are needed.

For clarity, to understand the principle of filling, I will give several examples with the grain sizes of these components.

The grain of ordinary cement has an average value of 40-80 microns, dolomite flour - 30 microns, marshalite - 50...100 microns, microtalc (MITAL) - 5...20 microns, microcalcite - 100 microns, ash - 12...25 microns, microtalc TRPN - up to 90 microns, microsilica - 2…10 microns.

Experts use formulas that determine the optimal ratio between the components of the mixture. It is necessary to obtain a mixture in which there will be minimal voids between the components of the mixture. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the specific gravity of the components and their chemical activity. It’s good when they contain more SiO2.

A few more words about polymers. To increase the stickiness of the solution, as previously noted, various redispersible powders (RPPs) are used; cellulose ethers are used to retain water (if it is not possible to cover the concrete layer with plastic film). We have already briefly discussed the rest. There are many other components, but you can’t tell about everything at once in one article. That's all from theory for now. In the future we will study it in more detail as we carry out practical classes at home and outdoors.

We have already used some of the components listed above and presented their quantitative composition in the manufacture of an angel for a fountain and a concrete vase.


This amazing plastic material - artistic concrete - has enormous possibilities with the correct preparation of recipes and its further use. Enthusiasts who want to master technologies without stupidly repeating known approaches, and have a desire to somehow modernize them, especially in their application, will undoubtedly succeed. Or maybe for some these will be the first steps to move from the stage of an amateur to a master starting his own business. In the future, we will continue the conversation we have begun about the properties of ingredients, the principles of selecting the composition of a concrete mixture and the use of plastic concrete.

I wish you all success and good luck in your work. Until we meet again on the pages of STONE AND GARDEN WITH YOUR OWN HANDS.

Articles on the topic

Brief overview of concrete technologies

Decorative concrete. Chemistry and composition of concrete

Concrete sculptures. Advice from the experts

How to make a concrete vase

Small fountain and hollow angel

Making an outdoor flowerpot

Concrete vase made of burlap

DIY decorative concrete: effective “make-up” for dull dampness

When looking at the beautiful relief coverings of walls, paths and fences, it is difficult to imagine that they are all made of the usual material - concrete. But modern coatings, unlike their “ancestor”, known for its unattractive dull gray appearance, have a special aesthetics. Thanks to its presentable properties, decorative concrete is widely used not only in construction, but also in landscape design.

Decorative concrete was first used in the early 60s of the last century by the Americans during the construction of runways at military airfields. Their task was to create construction material, which successfully combines both excellent performance characteristics, and decorative qualities. The material, which consisted of cement, water, aggregate, paint and additives, fully met these requirements and therefore became widespread in many industries.

Today, decorative concrete can be seen in parking lots, roads and sidewalks, and metro stations. It is used in the restoration of architectural monuments

Thanks to the efforts of developers, today decorative concrete has a number of undeniable advantages, the main ones among which are:

  • Resistance to petroleum products, chemicals and aggressive compounds;
  • Ability to withstand load (2-3 times more than extruded paving slabs);
  • Resistance to UV radiation and the ability to withstand up to 300 freezing cycles;
  • Ability to withstand temperature changes in the range from -40°C to +40°C;
  • Resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress.

Using pressed concrete you can create exceptionally beautiful and at the same time durable coatings. Special additives included in the material help prevent delamination and cracking of the surface.

Unlike ordinary concrete, the technology of which boils down to regular pouring, decorative concrete involves applying a certain pattern to the top layer after the final pouring.

Various stamps and other stamps are used to decorate the surface. special tools. Stencils, molds for sandblasting and chemical compositions for etching allow you to create complex patterns, and fine lines made with saws with diamond blades can add expressiveness and clarity to the design.

How to apply this miracle in site design

Applying modern technologies for the manufacture of concrete surfaces, manufacturers produce a material that can create the effect of not only natural stone, but also wood, brick, decorative tiles and other relief coatings.

In landscape design, decorative concrete is used in the arrangement of recreation areas, the design of garden paths and the construction of landscape elements.

Such concrete is suitable not only for arranging platforms and paths. It is used in creating fences and making small architectural forms.

Decorative concrete fences can have any surface, from traditional brick and stone to imitation of the Parthenon bas-reliefs.

Picturesque balusters that look like low columns and elegant railings are not inferior in beauty to refined marble and alabaster figures

Concrete balusters look impressive as fencing for gazebos and verandas, and as supports for railings. Entwined flowers can be an elegant decoration for the garden. climbing plants lonely columns, concrete floor vases and flower beds. And a concrete fountain decorated with stucco will be the center of attention.

Cast from concrete garden benches- one of the most practical garden structures. Depending on the performance style, they can easily fit into landscape design, making it an elegant addition to the site.

This garden bench made of decorative concrete combines beauty and practicality - it is always pleasant to sit down and relax on it

Types of finishing materials

Depending on the options for the components of the material and the effect it creates, there are three main types of decorative concrete.

Colored concrete

The color range of coloring pigments used in the production of decorative concrete includes more than twenty shades.

Thanks to a wide palette of shades, colored concrete can successfully complement the architectural and plant composition of a suburban area, acting as a worthy decoration for the driveway, parking space and garden paths

To produce colored concrete, manufacturers use special coloring pigments, which, thanks to a special hardener, are able to maintain color fastness even in negative impact environment. Most often, such pigments are oxides and salts of various metals. For example, to give concrete a greenish tint, chromium oxide is added, reddish - iron oxide, and violet - manganese oxide.

Imitation of natural stone

Using innovative diamond cutting technologies, manufacturers can produce concrete that closely matches natural surfaces laid hundreds of years ago.

In the skillful hands of a master, concrete can take on the appearance of any natural material, be it paving stones, brick, slate, cobblestones and even marble

The imitation turns out to be so believable that even with careful examination it is not always possible to determine whether it is a natural stone or a skillfully made copy.

Coatings with a relief structure

Decorative concrete with an expressive structure is created by adding coarse aggregate to the composition. The desired effect is achieved by exposing the grains, which appear on the surface after removing the top layer with tools or special solutions.

Such decorative concrete can turn an ordinary sidewalk into an ancient pavement, and a patio into an extravagant Spanish patio.

When creating concrete with a relief structure, aggregates from crushed marble, granite, anthracite, limestone and basalt are used. Spectacular surfaces are obtained using aggregates in grey, red and pink shades.

Self-production of decorative concrete

Decorative concrete is ideal for arranging paths and decorating a garden area. With excellent quality characteristics, it is particularly aesthetically pleasing. In addition, concrete flooring is easy to clean and is resistant to grease and oil. Playgrounds and alleys with such coverage do not need to install a curb, so you can save a little on construction.

Playgrounds and alleys with such coating do not need to install a curb, so you can save a little on construction

If desired, decorative concrete can be made with your own hands. The dry mixture and the form for its preparation can be purchased at any hardware store.

The design option depends only on your preferences. On sale you can find plastic or silicone molds, including combinations of rhombuses and squares, “fan”, “executive”, “animal skin”, “basket weaving” patterns.

The technology for creating a relief surface includes several stages:

  • Preparing the base. When making a garden path, a layer of soil 10 cm deep is removed from the marked area, formwork is placed and a layer of crushed stone is poured.
  • Pouring concrete. Cement mortar is laid on the leveled surface and smoothed.
  • Application of colored hardener. To give the surface the desired shade, the solution is sprinkled with dry bulk dyes or treated with a colored hardener, which, in addition to coloring pigments, includes a granite or quartz sand filler.
  • Pressing with molds. Forms are laid out on a set but not completely frozen surface, pressing them closely together. To obtain a clear imprint of the design, the laid forms are lightly compacted. You can determine whether a concrete mixture is ready for stamping by touching it with your finger. The mixture is ready if she doesn't reach for it.
  • Cleaning the coating. After waiting for 2-3 days, wash the concrete surface with a brush dipped in a solution of hydrochloric acid. After the top layer has completely dried, apply protective composition, preventing the evaporation of moisture from the surface of fresh concrete.

In places of probable fracture, it is necessary to provide expansion joints, performing them at a distance of 6 meters from each other and filling the voids with colorless sealant.

To extend the service life of concrete and significantly improve the aesthetic properties of the material, it is advisable to treat the surface with a special impregnating composition that forms a protective film.

A path made of decorative concrete can be used in 10-15 days. Ideally, it is advisable to treat the concrete surface annually with water-repellent solutions.

Artistic concrete is plastic, like clay or plasticine, so both specialists and DIYers show great interest in it for their works.

  1. Application. Main characteristics. Functions of the components of the concrete mixture.
  2. Why you can’t use a universal composition and what conditions affect its change.
  3. A few words from theory.
  4. Conclusion.

Artistic concrete also has a number of other synonymous names: architectural, sculptural, polymer, decorative, plastic and others.

Application, main characteristics and functions of the components of the concrete mixture

Due to its plasticity, artistic concrete has a very wide range of applications. It can be made into any size, and much more.

For clarity, to understand the principle of filling, here are a few examples with the grain sizes of these components.

The grain of ordinary cement has an average value of 40-80 microns, dolomite flour - 30 microns, marshalite - 50...100 microns, microtalc (MITAL) - 5...20 microns, microcalcite - 100 microns, ash - 12...25 microns, microtalc TRPN - up to 90 microns, microsilica – 2…10 microns.

Experts use formulas that determine the optimal ratio between the components of the mixture. It is necessary to obtain a mass in which there will be minimal voids between the components of the mixture. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the specific gravity of the components and their chemical activity. It’s good when they contain more SiO2.

A few more words about polymers. To increase the stickiness of the solution, as previously noted, various redispersible powders (RPPs) are used; cellulose ethers are used to retain water (if it is not possible to cover the concrete layer with plastic film). We have already briefly discussed the rest. There are many other components, but you can’t tell about everything at once in one article. That's all from theory for now. In the future, we will study it in more detail as we conduct practical classes at home and in the countryside.

We have already used some of the components listed above and presented their quantitative composition in the manufacture of an angel for a fountain and a concrete vase.


This amazing plastic material – artistic concrete – has enormous possibilities with the correct preparation of recipes and its further use. Enthusiasts who want to master technologies without stupidly repeating known approaches, and have a desire to somehow modernize them, especially in their application, will undoubtedly succeed.

Concrete is a universal building material that is used everywhere. In particular, it is used in monolithic multi-story construction, pouring foundations, producing concrete products, forming airfield runways, and building roads. In fact, it is a practical multi-component mixture that is gray in color.

However, recently, the material has begun to be used for the decorative design of buildings and structures.

For this purpose, architectural concrete is used (synonyms: arch concrete/polymer concrete/acrylic concrete/art concrete/art concrete/decorative/sculptural concrete) - a plastic mixture that allows you to create an imitation of natural coating, flat and volumetric decorations.

This material began to be used relatively recently, so it makes sense to get to know it in more detail.

What is it, scope of application of decorative concrete

As a building material, architectural concrete was patented in America, approximately in the middle 60s last century. This mixture is created on the basis of cement with the addition of various types of fillers and coloring pigments. In essence, this is ordinary concrete, but there are a number of significant differences.

In particular:

    Fine-grained structure, which allows you to grind the surface to a perfectly smooth state.

    Low sorption humidity - the material maintains its integrity throughout its entire service life.

    Independence from sudden temperature changes.

    Neutrality to any environment.

It should be noted that concrete is produced in different color scheme, which provides almost limitless possibilities for architectural solutions. In addition, at the request of the customer, original fillers, for example, shells, can be added to architectural concrete.

If we talk about the scope of application, architectural concrete is used to perform the following work:

    Decorative finishing interior spaces and external wall structures.

    Facade cladding.

    Casting sculptural forms.




A key feature of architectural concrete is matrix finishing - pouring molds of varying textures to produce finished products of any shape.

Advantages and disadvantages of artistic material

Despite its versatility and wide range of applications, architectural concrete is far from an ideal material. Let's start with the advantages.

TO strengths architectural concrete parameters include the following:

    High strength and resistance to dynamic loads. Thanks to this feature, the material can be used for decorative design of access roads to a country house.

    Resistance to aggressive environments. Concrete is neutral to acids and alkalis and does not collapse when exposed to moisture and high temperatures.

    Not susceptible to mechanical abrasion. Therefore, the material is often used as flooring on the first floors of shopping and entertainment centers and other buildings with high traffic volumes.

    Attractive price. Considering the wide range of architectural solutions, concrete is sold in an affordable price segment, which distinguishes it from natural materials.

    Long service life. To increase this characteristic, polymer fibers are added to the mixture.


    The manufacturing process involves the use of chemically active components, therefore architectural concrete is not considered environmentally friendly.

    When facing facades, the load on supporting and load-bearing structures increases significantly.

    Self-laying such a concrete mixture is almost impossible: in order to maintain the texture, work must be done qualified craftsmen, and this significantly increases the final cost of the material.

    Low pace of work: architectural concrete gains initial strength of about 48 hours.

    It is impossible to create small parts.

However, even a large number of disadvantages do not affect the popularity of architectural concrete in the domestic and world markets. In fact, it is an excellent alternative to natural finishing materials, helping to significantly reduce the cost of design of buildings and structures.

Varieties of arch concrete

Considering the versatility of its applications, architectural concrete is not a homogeneous gray mass, as many are accustomed to thinking about the material. The mixture produced is divided into three main groups. In particular:

    Geometric concrete - multi-component mixture for casting monolithic structures any configuration in the formwork.

    Decorative concrete is a mixture intended for finishing finished structures.

    Sculptural concrete is a mixture for casting artistic and volumetric decorations.

In addition, there are the following varieties on the market:

    White decorative: the main purpose is interior decoration, facade decoration. Operational limitation is the absence of high surface loads.

Forming methods

Formation has its own characteristics and nuances. The following methods are used here:

The strength and purpose of the material depends on the chosen molding method.

Composition and tables of proportions for preparing the mixture

Any concrete is a precisely adjusted proportion of materials that ensure the workability of the mixture and the strength of the structure. If we talk about decorative varieties material, then the composition will be as follows:

    Connecting element

    Cement grades used here M-400/M-500, without additional impurities and additives. In addition, given the purpose of the mixture, the cement must be white.


    This component provides the volume and plasticity of the mixture. Most manufacturers use sifted quartz sand, which provides finished products with a texture identical to natural materials.

    Crushed stone

    In the manufacture of ordinary construction concrete this component provides strength. When making architectural concrete, adding crushed stone is not a prerequisite. However, many manufacturers take this step to improve the performance of the mixture.


    It is allowed to use plasticizing additives and modifiers to improve the properties of the concrete mixture. The addition of additives improves the plasticity of concrete, increases frost resistance and moisture resistance, and allows you to achieve a glossy surface.


    Dyes make the hardened concrete look like a natural coating. These components are added during the mixing process, which ensures uniform pigmentation. The color palette has no restrictions, so the shade finished products depends only on the desire and imagination of the customer.


    This component is added to increase the plasticity and workability of the mixture. The presence of additional impurities in the water is not allowed: this can negatively affect the properties of concrete.

The proportion of components directly depends on the intended use of the concrete mixture. The ratio of filler, water plasticizers and binder is calculated in construction laboratories. The detailed manufacturing recipe is classified as a trade secret, so manufacturers are in no hurry to divulge their secrets.

Tables of ratios of sand parts ( P), cement M-400 And M-500 (C) and crushed stone ( SCH) to prepare a solution of arch concrete:

How to make the material yourself

For decoration country house It is not always necessary to buy material from the manufacturer. The technology for making the mixture is quite simple, so you can do the work yourself. Of course, each manufacturer has its own “trademark” secrets that distinguish its products from competitors. However key principles the production of the mixture remains unchanged.

Here you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

    Preparation of cement-sand mixture in compliance with standard proportions 1:3.

    Adding water. Liquid is added until the mixture reaches the desired mobility. In addition, on at this stage the composition includes plasticizers and coloring agents.

    Adding cement. The content of this component should not exceed 40% from the total volume of the mixture. Input is also added here to make the concrete plastic and workable.

After this, the mixture is poured into ready-made molds of the desired configuration and carefully compacted to avoid the formation of voids. Further work can be done later 48 hours after pouring, to fully gain strength, concrete needs 28 days.

Factories - manufacturers

The demand for products made from decorative materials is rapidly gaining popularity, however, not all manufacturers produce such products. Among the trustworthy companies are the following:

    PLACHINTA. The plant is located in Crimea and produces high-strength architectural concrete for landscape design of recreation areas. In addition, the company's product range includes piece products of all shapes and sizes. Delivery is carried out throughout Russia.

    "Arbet". The company is located in Moscow and offers customers any design options using the subject of our conversation. The manufacturer strictly monitors product quality, uses high-tech equipment, and attracts the attention of customers with competitive prices.

    "Dekorstroy". A Moscow company with one of the most powerful production bases in Russia. The technological process is carried out on certified equipment, GOST standards are strictly observed.
