How to make decorative concrete yourself. DIY decorative concrete


The material of the Flex Beton System™ trademark allows you to imitate various types natural stone from travertine and sandstone to granite, various types wooden coverings(board, bark, sawn), variety of imitation brickwork generally limited only to yours imagination.

The color range of Flex Beton System™ paints is created in such a way that no matter how you paint your it will still turn out to be a stone or if you do covering like wood, then you get a tree!

All people have completely different tastes both in color and texture of the finish, so each object made using the Flex Beton System technology is an exclusive product that is practically impossible

repeat. Every finishing element you make will be yours alone!

Application of materials and technology Flex Beton System™ (Flex Concrete System) will make your home stand out from the gray and monotonous mass of similar buildings.

1. Surface preparation.

Preparation depends on the type of surface. Flex Beton System™ plaster can be applied to almost any surface: concrete, plaster, gypsum, drywall, OSB, chipboard, ceramic brick, sand-lime brick, cinder block, foam concrete, polystyrene concrete, as well as other surfaces.

The main requirement for all of the above surfaces is the absence of deformation cracks and dynamic loads.

The preparation process itself involves cleaning the surface from dirt, dust, efflorescence, oil or other contaminants.

To avoid waste of material. It is recommended to fill deep depressions or recesses; differences on the surface should not exceed 2-3 mm.

We remind you that any decorative finishing surfaces is not structural or load-bearing element, so a house or fence will not stick to plaster, tiles or wallpaper!!!

2. Application of adhesive coating.

Flex Beton System™ Primer-100™ adhesive coating can be applied to the surface by roller, brush or spray gun. Consumption rate 20 l per 80 sq.m. As soon as Primer-100 on the surface begins to dry to a sticky state, you can begin to apply the coating. Strictly avoid allowing Primer-100 to dry completely on the surface!

3. Application of Flex Beton System plaster to the surface.

Wall Mix White™ molding mixtures (22.7 kg) from the Flex Beton System™ brand are sold ready-to-use and only require the addition of 6.0-6.5 liters clean water pre-mixed with Modifer-300™ at the rate of 0.5 liters of Modifer-300™ per 1 bag of molding sand mixture.

The molding solution is mixed in a clean 50 liter container pre-moistened with water (recommended) using a construction hand mixer (man 650 rpm).

Pour the mixing liquid into the mixing container and slowly pour in the Wall Mix White™ dry molding mixture. Mix thoroughly with a mixer for 10 minutes, then leave the mixture for 10 minutes and repeat the mixing process for 5-7 minutes.

Poor mixing of the mixture and the presence of semi-dry and dry lumps of the molding mixture leads to the formation of cracks and tears, be careful!

The resulting composition of the molding solution should have a consistency convenient for work and not stick to the tool (excess water during mixing leads to sticking with the tool).

After preparing the molding solution, we begin to apply it to the surface. The thickness of the layer depends on the decoration option you have planned and can range from 0.7 cm to 5 cm.

The consumption of the Flex Beton System™ material and, accordingly, the price of finishing depend on the layer of the molding coating.

Traditional finishing under “plastushka” or as it is called in other regions “Rostov stone” requires applying a layer of 1.0 cm to 1.3 cm.

Consumption - one package of Wall Mix White™ molding sand (22.7 kg) per 1.5 - 1.8 sq.m.

4. Giving the surface texture and relief.

Depending on temperature and humidity conditions environment stamping or embossing of the surface is performed through 40-60 minutes from the start of preparing the molding sand at temperatures 5-25 degrees.

To slow down the drying process and reduce the cracking process in high summer temperatures (25-35 degrees and above), more Modifer 300™ is added to the molding solution, approximately 0.7-1 liters per 1 bag of Wall Mix White™ molding mixture.

Before stamping, a special release agent is applied to the surface of the Flex Beton System stamp and the surface of the Wall Mix White molding coating, which allows up to 3-5 stampings to be made without sticking.

5. Finalization and jointing.

Refinement and jointing of stone, tile or brickwork is carried out with a special cutting tool 12-20 hours after application.

It is recommended to edit and process the surface within 24 hours from the moment of mixing and applying the Flex Beton System™ molding coating.

6. Creating an aging effect and painting the surface.

Before painting begins, Accent Enhancer™ is applied to the surface. When painting the surface, the places where you applied the aging effect are whitened and give the stone an element of natural uniqueness.

Painting is carried out only after complete completion of the work on applying the molding coating, it has completely dried and gained primary strength (after 2-3 days).

Liquid Color™ liquid dyes are mixed with Flex-Seal™ color fixative 1:1 + water (3-25 parts depending on the desired tonality and transparency of the color) and applied to the surface with a brush, cellulose sponge, roller or air spray.

You can decorate your work with additional effects by darkening the depressions and cracks with black or simply dark tones.

7. Protective coating or varnishing of the surface.

To protect the decorative layer of the coating, varnish is used on water based Flex-Seal Protector™, which is part of the Flex Beton System™ technology (Flex Concrete System).

Protective coating must be renewed every 3-5 years to create a fade-resistant UV filter.

Distinctive properties of molding sands

Flex Beton System ™ :

  • material that gives products a three-dimensional appearance appearance stone, wood and brick;
  • very quick and easy to apply;
  • flexible and easy to shape;
  • has high performance properties (adhesion, fire resistance, heat resistance, ductility, low specific gravity-1260-1300 kg/m3);
  • unique adhesion to the surface allows you to decorate, decorate and embellish almost any type of surface.


Architectural concrete is used both in construction and in landscape design. Thanks to the special composition this material It has high strength and ductility; various architectural elements are cast from it, including openwork grilles, park sculptures are made, and natural stone is imitated. Making architectural concrete with your own hands is not so difficult if you know the composition and choose the right proportions.

Architectural concrete is used both in conventional construction and in landscape design to create various sculptures.

Making architectural concrete with your own hands

You will need:

  • Portland cement;
  • quartz sand;
  • coloring pigments;
  • modifying additives.

As a filler for architectural concrete you can take quartz sand.

To make architectural concrete, you need to purchase white or light gray Portland cement. high quality. The most commonly used brand is M-500 or DO-400. It is extremely undesirable to use gray cement, since it produces faded, dull colors. Portland cement should not contain any foreign impurities or lumps; before use, it must be sifted through a construction sieve.

The filler most often used is quartz sand, marble or granite chips (dust). You can use only one of these materials, but if you need to imitate natural stone, it is better to take a mixture marble chips and quartz sand. In order to give architectural concrete a certain shade, colored pigments are used, which are sold in the form of dry powder or liquid dye. By mixing pigments with each other, you can get different color scheme: from light pastels to rich bright colors. It is important to remember that the amount of dye should be 2-3%, for rich color- no more than 5%.

To create concrete different colors Pigments are added to the composition.

Architectural concrete is made according to the following scheme: all dry components are sifted through a construction sieve, quartz sand is mixed with cement, fine stone chips or dust are added, pigments are added, everything is mixed until a homogeneous consistency is achieved, after which a hole is made into which water is poured. The proportions depend on the brand of cement, for example, 1 part M-500 accounts for 3 parts quartz sand and 2 parts water. In order to determine the quality of the solution, you need to hold a handful of concrete in your fist, then unclench your hand. If the slide crumbles, then you need to add water; if water flows when the concrete is compressed, then there is not enough sand.

In addition to the main components, architectural concrete includes various modifying additives. Plasticizers make the solution more plastic, frost-resistant additives make it resistant to weather conditions, adhesives and antifoams improve the quality of concrete. The proportions of modifying additives depend on the type of product and the chosen technology.

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Methods for forming architectural concrete

Architectural concrete can be produced in various ways. The most common method is embossing, which is performed using a special matrix. Embossing is used for both vertical surfaces, and for the formation of garden paths or small areas. The prepared wall is primed, reinforced with plaster mesh, after which a thick layer of concrete of 2-5 cm is applied, after about 70 minutes an impression is made using a matrix. On garden paths, the relief is made on raw concrete; craftsmen use several forms for embossing at once. The surface is painted with a colored hardener, which is applied in the form of a dry powder and rubbed in with trowels, the result is fixed with a special carrier impregnation. Some craftsmen prefer the following coloring method: coloring pigments are added to the solution during mixing.

To receive paving slabs, paving stones of various shapes, relief decorative elements made of concrete, the vibrocompression method is used. For this purpose, a vibropress and special molds are used. Products are formed by vibration under a certain pressure. The method has its advantages and disadvantages. This method cannot achieve thin openwork shapes, but the products are quite durable and frost-resistant. Initial costs are quickly recouped by high productivity and production speed.

The pressing method involves the use hydraulic press and molds. This technology is used for the manufacture of thin-walled products. The disadvantages of the method include low productivity, high cost of imported equipment (there are no domestic analogues), in addition, the raw materials must be of high quality.

Casting is the most common method of producing architectural concrete of various shapes, without the use of vibration. For casting, gypsum concrete and polymer concrete are used, thanks to which it is possible to obtain any thin-walled and openwork shape of the product. The advantages of the method are low cost and high productivity.

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Flower pots made of architectural concrete

You will need:

To make architectural concrete, you need to purchase high-quality white or light gray Portland cement.

  • 2 plastic buckets of different diameters;
  • white Portland cement - 2 parts;
  • quartz sand - 2.5 parts;
  • granite chips - 2.5 parts;
  • reinforcing mesh with cells of 2-3 mm;
  • solid oil

Architectural concrete is often used to make flowerpots for the garden. Making such a product with your own hands is quite simple. The first step is to select 2 shapes of different diameters so that one fits freely into the other, while the gap between the walls should be at least 2 cm. Large containers of paint or putty, plastic buckets and basins with high walls are perfect for this purpose. To prevent the solution from sticking to the molds, they are lubricated with grease.

If you plan to reuse the molds, then it is better to line the bottom and sides that will come into contact with the solution plastic film.

Next, prepare the solution: high-grade white Portland cement is mixed with sand, after which granite or any other stone chips are added, water is added, and the solution is mixed. To give the product a certain color, you can add colored pigments to the solution, but it is important to remember that after the concrete dries, the color will become slightly lighter than in original version. The solution is poured onto the bottom of a large mold, the layer thickness should be 3-5 cm, the concrete is compacted, after which a smaller bucket or basin is placed on it, and the space between the walls begins to be filled. To give strength to the product, a metal reinforcing mesh is used, which is installed between the walls in the center.

After the concrete has hardened, the flowerpot is removed from the mold and a drainage hole is drilled in the bottom. If the farm has grinder, then you can polish the surface, giving it the appearance of a product made of real stone. If desired, the flowerpot is decorated with a mosaic of shells, pebbles, pieces tiles, broken glass, etc. The product can be painted facade paint based on acrylic, it all depends only on your imagination and capabilities.

When looking at the beautiful relief coverings of walls, paths and fences, it is difficult to imagine that they are all made of the usual material - concrete. But modern coatings, unlike their “ancestor”, known for its unattractive dull gray appearance, have a special aesthetics. Thanks to its presentable properties, decorative concrete is widely used not only in construction, but also in landscape design.

Decorative concrete was first used in the early 60s of the last century by the Americans during the construction of runways at military airfields. Their task was to create building material, which successfully combines both excellent performance characteristics, and decorative qualities. The material, which consisted of cement, water, aggregate, paint and additives, fully met these requirements and therefore became widespread in many industries.

Today, decorative concrete can be seen in parking lots, roads and sidewalks, and metro stations. It is used in the restoration of architectural monuments

Thanks to the efforts of developers, today decorative concrete has a number of undeniable advantages, the main ones among which are:

  • Resistance to petroleum products, chemicals and aggressive compounds;
  • Ability to withstand load (2-3 times more than pressed paving slabs);
  • Resistance to UV radiation and the ability to withstand up to 300 freezing cycles;
  • Ability to withstand temperature changes in the range from -40°C to +40°C;
  • Resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress.

Using pressed concrete you can create exceptionally beautiful and at the same time durable coatings. Special additives included in the material help prevent delamination and cracking of the surface.

Unlike ordinary concrete, the technology of which boils down to ordinary pouring, decorative concrete involves application to top layer after the final filling of a certain drawing.

Various stamps and other stamps are used to decorate the surface. special tools. Stencils, molds for sandblasting and chemical compositions for etching allow you to create complex patterns, and thin lines made with saws with diamond blades can give expressiveness and clarity to the design.

Using modern technologies for manufacturing concrete surfaces, manufacturers produce a material that can create an effect not only natural stone, but also wood, brick, decorative tiles and other relief coatings.

In landscape design, decorative concrete is used in the arrangement of recreation areas, the design of garden paths and the construction of landscape elements.

Such concrete is suitable not only for arranging platforms and paths. It is used in the creation of fencing and manufacturing.

Decorative fences made of concrete can have any surface, from traditional brick and stone to imitation of the Parthenon bas-reliefs.

Picturesque balusters that look like low columns and elegant railings are not inferior in beauty to refined marble and alabaster figures

Concrete balusters look impressive as fencing for gazebos and verandas, and supports for railings. Entwined flowers can be an elegant decoration for the garden. climbing plants lonely columns, concrete floor vases and flower beds. And a concrete fountain decorated with stucco will be the center of attention.

Cast concrete is one of the most practical garden structures. Depending on the performance style, they can easily fit into landscape design, making it an elegant addition to the site.

This garden bench is made from decorative concrete combines beauty and practicality - it is always pleasant to sit down and relax on it

Types of finishing materials

Depending on the options for the components of the material and the effect it creates, there are three main types of decorative concrete.

Colored concrete

The color range of coloring pigments used in the production of decorative concrete includes more than twenty shades.

Thanks to a wide palette of shades, colored concrete can successfully complement the architectural and plant composition suburban area, acting as a worthy decoration of the driveway, parking space and garden paths

To produce colored concrete, manufacturers use special coloring pigments, which, thanks to a special hardener, are able to maintain color fastness even in negative impact environment. Most often, such pigments are oxides and salts of various metals. For example, to give concrete a greenish tint, chromium oxide is added, reddish - iron oxide, and violet - manganese oxide.

Using innovative diamond cutting technologies, manufacturers can produce concrete that closely matches natural surfaces laid hundreds of years ago.

IN in capable hands masters, concrete is able to take on the appearance of any natural material, be it paving stones, brick, slate, cobblestones and even marble

The imitation turns out to be so believable that even with careful examination it is not always possible to determine whether it is a natural stone or a skillfully made copy.

Coatings with a relief structure

Decorative concrete with an expressive structure is created by adding coarse aggregate to the composition. The desired effect is achieved by exposing the grains, which appear on the surface after removal with tools or special solutions top layer.

Such decorative concrete can turn an ordinary sidewalk into an ancient pavement, and a patio into an extravagant Spanish patio.

When creating concrete with a relief structure, aggregates from crushed marble, granite, anthracite, limestone and basalt are used. Spectacular surfaces are obtained using aggregates in grey, red and pink shades.

Self-production of decorative concrete

Decorative concrete is ideal for arranging paths and decorating a garden area. With excellent quality characteristics, it is particularly aesthetically pleasing. Besides, concrete covering Easy to clean and resistant to grease and oil. Playgrounds and alleys with such coverage do not need to install a curb, so you can save a little on construction.

Playgrounds and alleys with such coating do not need to install a curb, so you can save a little on construction

If desired, decorative concrete can be made with your own hands. The dry mixture and the form for its preparation can be purchased at any hardware store.

The design option depends only on your preferences. On sale you can find plastic or silicone molds, including combinations of rhombuses and squares, “fan”, “executive”, “animal skin”, “basket weaving” patterns.

The technology for creating a relief surface includes several stages:

  • Preparing the base. When making a garden path, a layer of soil 10 cm deep is removed from the marked area, formwork is installed and a layer of crushed stone is poured.
  • Pouring concrete. Place on a leveled surface cement mortar and smooth it out.
  • Application of color hardener. To give the surface the desired shade, the solution is sprinkled with dry bulk dyes or treated with a colored hardener, which, in addition to coloring pigments, includes a granite or quartz sand filler.
  • Pressing with molds. Seized, but not completely frozen surface lay out the forms, pressing them closely together. To obtain a clear imprint of the design, the laid forms are lightly compacted. Determine readiness for stamping concrete mixture you can touch it with your finger. The mixture is ready if she doesn't reach for it.
  • Cleaning the coating. After waiting for 2-3 days, wash the concrete surface with a brush dipped in a solution of hydrochloric acid. After the top layer has completely dried, apply protective composition, preventing the evaporation of moisture from the surface of fresh concrete.

In places of probable fracture, it is necessary to provide expansion joints, performing them at a distance of 6 meters from each other and filling the voids with colorless sealant.

To extend the service life of concrete and significantly improve the aesthetic properties of the material, it is advisable to treat the surface with a special impregnating composition that forms a protective film.

A path made of decorative concrete can be used in 10-15 days. Ideally, it is advisable to treat the concrete surface annually with water-repellent solutions.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

The production of decorative stamped concrete allows you to create unusual paths and platforms. The advantage of the technology is its non-standard appearance finished coating, its reliability and durability. Externally, stamped concrete looks like tiles. But in manufacturing it requires less cash costs, has a long service life.

How to make decorative concrete

It is necessary to start preparing the site or garden paths from printed concrete only after drawing up project documentation, preparation of the territory (installation storm sewer). Work begins with the installation of formwork, which will limit the stylized area. A polyethylene film with a thickness of about 150-200 microns is placed on its bottom. To prevent decorative stamped concrete from collapsing in the future and maintain its integrity for a long time, reinforcement is knitted (in increments of 20 cm).

Decorative concrete preparation technology

To the prepared reinforcing mesh Concrete is being poured. Its brand must be no lower than M300. High frost resistance and durability of the brand will guarantee long-term preservation of the site.

After pouring the concrete, it is compacted using a vibrating screed or similar tool. The compacted composition is rolled with a roller.

The final stage of adjusting the top layer is treatment with a magnesium trowel.

1. After the initial setting of the concrete, it is coated with a colored fixative. The composition must be distributed evenly, the consumption for the first layer is 70% of the total mass of the prepared dye. To ensure reliable painting, the surface is smoothed with a magnesium trowel.

2. Remaining light gray spots on the surface indicate insufficient quality of painting. These areas are sprinkled with the remaining 30% of the color fixative. The final finishing of the painted area is carried out using a steel trowel.

3. Modern technology decorative concrete involves obtaining a slab with rounded edges. Therefore, each side of the site is additionally processed with a special grater. This will prevent the formation of chips on the edge of the slab in the future.

4. To prevent stamps from sticking to concrete composition A separating component is applied on top of the dye. Distribution of the powder is done using a brush.

5. After the concrete has sufficiently hardened (it must be both elastic and durable), stamping is carried out. To do this, a stamp with a pattern is placed on the surface of the concrete. The drawing is transferred using manual tamping. If unclear joints appear, the pattern is refined using rollers.

Three days after the completion of the work, the site is washed and cleared of debris and excess separating component. The procedure is performed using a brush and requires careful study of relief transitions.

Final stages of work

This instruction describes in detail how to make decorative concrete with your own hands without the involvement of specialists. But the contractor must take additional care to protect the coating from subsequent damage. Preparation of shrinkage joints will help prevent the appearance of cracks. They're filling up polyurethane sealant. More details about the process of performing such work can be found in the attached photo and video materials.


Decorative concrete is widely used in modern construction, it is used to decorate building facades, fill floors in industrial and residential premises, and make garden paths and platforms.

Decorative concrete is produced using colored cements and special aggregates.

Concrete decor is used to imitate natural stone, brickwork, animal skins, etc. The manufacturing technology is quite simple, but requires experience working with concrete and certain knowledge.

DIY printed concrete on a vertical surface

You will need:

  • cement-based glue or putty;
  • polyurethane mold for embossing;
  • aluminum smoother;
  • spatula;
  • dry pigments;
  • spray;
  • fixative impregnation;
  • primer for concrete.

After cleaning the walls from the old finish, the surface must be primed.

Do-it-yourself decorative concrete is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. The first step is to prepare the surface: remove completely old finishing, fill potholes and cracks, clean from dirt and dust, be sure to remove grease stains. After this, the wall is primed with a special primer for concrete, which does not form a sticky film on the surface. If the future concrete layer is 3-5 cm, then it is advisable to attach it to the wall plaster mesh- this will improve the adhesion of materials and prevent their possible shedding or cracking. If stamping is performed on a 1-2 cm layer of concrete, then additional reinforcement can be dispensed with.

Decoratively printed concrete is made from tile adhesive or putty based on white cement, which must contain a plasticizer. Experts do not recommend making your own cement mortar for vertical stamping, since failure to comply with the proportions can lead to cracking and crumbling.

If the glue or putty does not contain a plasticizer, you can add it yourself, following the instructions on the package. Some craftsmen use PVA glue instead of plasticizer, but this must be done with skill, so it is better for beginners not to take risks.

The concrete layer must be applied to the wall using a spatula.

Concrete mortar is applied to the wall using a spatula; the thickness of the layer can vary from 1 to 5 cm (depending on the chosen form for embossing). The surface is leveled flat wooden slats, leave for 50-70 minutes.

Embossing begins when, when you touch your fingers, there is no trace of glue left on them. To prevent the mold from sticking, it is moistened with soapy water or a special separator. The form is pressed against the cement, tapped with a mallet or other suitable instrument, held for a while, then carefully pulled out. The entire wall is decorated in this way.

In order to paint concrete stone, it is necessary to mix dry pigments with a carrier impregnation. The dye is applied to the wall using a sprayer or a paint brush.

Some craftsmen add pigments directly to the concrete solution, but in this case it should be remembered that their amount should not exceed 5% of the total mass. Paint decorative stone You can use special acid dyes, it all depends on your imagination and wishes.

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DIY decorative blocks

You will need:

  • silicone sealant;
  • wooden box;
  • purchased stone-like tiles - 1 pc.;
  • white cement - 1 part;
  • quartz sand - 3 parts;
  • marble or granite chips - 2 parts;
  • plasticizer - 0.5%.

Decorative concrete blocks you can make it yourself. The first step is to make a form. For this purpose you will need a box made from wooden boards(at least 12 cm high), as well as silicone sealant based on acetic acid. The box is being filled silicone sealant(in a thick layer), in order to avoid voids, the mass is pressed flat brush, soaked in water. Store-bought tiles imitating stone (face down) are laid on the sealant and left until the material hardens completely.

To prevent the tile from sticking to the sealant, it is pre-lubricated with grease.

If you were unable to purchase a ready-made sample, you can proceed as follows: fill the box with silicone, place it on top natural stones at a short distance from each other, leave until the silicone hardens completely, then remove the stones. The mold is ready, you can make blocks for walls and garden paths.

Next, you need to make a concrete solution: white cement is mixed with sand and stone chips, water and a plasticizer are added. The solution should not be too liquid; it should slowly slide off the instrument. Part of the concrete is poured into a silicone mold, reinforcing mesh is laid, after which the remaining solution is poured in and left until the material dries completely. In order for things to move faster, it is necessary to make several silicone molds. Ready-made blocks can be used for finishing facades, floors and garden paths.

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Garden paths made of decorative concrete

You will need:

  • cement grade M 300-500;
  • quartz sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • plasticizer;
  • roller;
  • vibrating screed;
  • polyethylene film;
  • tamping tool;
  • reinforcing fiber;
  • ironers;
  • stamping form;
  • color fixative;
  • disconnector;
  • protective impregnation.

With the help of decorative printed concrete you can create a beautiful garden path. The first step is to mark the future alley; rope and pegs are used for this purpose. After that, a 15-20 cm layer of turf is removed, all weeds are carefully uprooted, formwork is installed around the entire perimeter, and then the earth is compacted. A layer of sand and crushed stone is poured, compacted again, the surface is covered with plastic film, and the sheet is overlapped at the joints.

For making concrete mortar take 1 part of cement, mix with 3 parts of sand and gravel, add water (about 2 parts) and plasticizer (0.5%). It is advisable to add reinforcing fiber to the solution at the rate of 0.5 kg per 1 m³. The solution is stirred until smooth, left for about 5 minutes, then stirred again. Ready concrete poured into the formwork, distributed over the entire surface using a vibrating screed, then passed over it with a roller. After such manipulation, sand and crushed stone are evenly distributed over the surface: fine filler rises, large filler falls.

After about 60-70 minutes, when the concrete has set but still remains damp, most of the colored fixative is distributed over the surface, smoothed out with a simple and corner trowel, after which the rest of the dye is poured out. Before you start embossing, a special release agent is applied over the fixative. Then take the embossing mold, press it forcefully into the surface of the track, and then carefully remove it. In this way, embossing is done over the entire surface.
