How are architectural concrete products made? Architectural concrete Stamped concrete

You can create a beautiful and attractive relief using decorative concrete Decorative concrete found widespread use in the second half of the twentieth century. The technology was first mastered by American builders of military airfields, whose primary task was to achieve a durable, wear-resistant coating in a short time. The high performance and decorative characteristics of the coating have made it popular in the domestic sphere: today, decorative concrete is used for interior and exterior finishing private houses and dachas, landscape design. What you need to know in order to make a concrete decorative coating with your hands - read the article.

What is stamped concrete

Printed (decorative) concrete is painted concrete, onto which, even before the solution hardens, a relief imprint is applied that imitates the texture. natural wood, stone, brick, tile, etc.

Stamped concrete is quite common because it is beautiful to look at and practical.

Due to its availability, durability and attractive appearance, pressed concrete has a wide range of applications. Today, concrete decorative surfaces used for finishing floors and walls of both residential premises and adjacent areas (decoration of areas near swimming pools, garden paths, finishing of gazebos), and industrial facilities, shopping, entertainment and exhibition complexes, internal and external areas of gas stations, airports, train stations, etc. .d.

Decorative concrete is also indispensable for restoration work on ancient surfaces, when it is impossible to find an identical material: with the help of special forms and colors, you can easily and quickly obtain a product that imitates ancient masonry.

Stamped concrete: advantages

In addition to the wide range of application possibilities and beautiful appearance, decorative concrete coating has many other advantages related to its performance characteristics.

The advantage of stamped concrete is that it can easily withstand heavy loads

So, the main advantages of stamped concrete include:

  • The ability of the material to withstand high loads. Printed concrete for household use capable of withstanding a load of 400-500 kg per cubic meter.
  • Resistance of the coating to moisture (corrosion), exposure to UV radiation.
  • Resistance of concrete to sudden changes temperature regime(up to indicators from -40 to +40 degrees Celsius).
  • Frost resistance. The coating can easily withstand more than 300 seasons.
  • The ability of the coating to withstand the effects of acid-base and products without changing the appearance oil industry, fat.
  • Durability. Service life concrete base is at least 25 years old.

At the same time, decorative concrete has a rich color palette and a wide selection of textures (if necessary, a textured print in the form of plants can be applied to the coating, graphic images, complex drawings).

What types of stamps are there for concrete?

The relief pattern is applied to concrete using special stamps. It is thanks to them that you can get a surface that imitates wood, masonry, or paving stones. At the same time, the drawing can be anything.

Get acquainted with various options stamps for concrete can be found in specialized stores

Today, to obtain high-quality impressions on concrete, the following types of stamps are used:

  1. Silicone (polyurethane) are flexible stamps with which you can create a texture of any complexity. Their advantages include long service life. In addition, silicone stamps do not need to be lubricated with oil: the formliner is easily removed without any lubricant.
  2. Plastic are rigid stamps that are distinguished by their ability to clearly and accurately convey a geometric shape. Most often, they are used to imitate paving stones, brickwork. You can work with rigid stamps both on the floor and on a vertical surface.

Separately, there is a concrete stencil - a form that represents a contour for pouring concrete. Working with such a stencil is very simple: lay it on the ground, then fill it with a solution, wait for it to harden and remove it, rearranging it further. Thus, you can make a garden path, decorate a porch, the floor of a gazebo or terrace.

You can purchase ready-made molds in many construction stores and on the Internet (for example, in the Damascus online store). In addition, products can be made from available materials on one's own.

DIY decorative concrete

Stamped, decorative concrete, due to its high performance indicators and attractive appearance, is an ideal solution for decorating the garden plot of a private house or cottage. You can order the laying of paths using decorative concrete from specialized companies, or you can save money and make artistic concrete without professional help, with your own hands. To complete the work you will need a solution, a stamp or stencil, a tool ( building level, fasteners for stencils, trowels for decorative concrete).

It is quite possible to make decorative concrete yourself, the main thing is to prepare everything necessary materials and tools for work

The technology for creating relief prints includes the following steps:

  1. Preparing the base. In order to obtain a high-quality concrete coating, a layer of soil 100 mm high is removed from the area to be poured. After that, the formwork of the desired shape is installed and the ground is covered with crushed stone.
  2. Pouring the mixture. Depending on the type of stamps, concrete is poured into a stencil or laid out on crushed stone. To ensure that the surface is level, use a building level.
  3. Decoration. To obtain an attractive wood or stone surface, concrete is coated with bulk dyes. To consolidate the result, use a colored hardener (to give the surface rich color, plaster or “wet stone” effect, use a special varnish for stone and concrete, which can be ordered on the Damascus company website).
  4. Seal. If a stencil was not used to create the relief, then the design is applied to a flat concrete surface using stamps.
  5. Cleaning the coating. The relief surface is washed after 2-3 days with a solution of hydrochloric acid.
  6. Application of a protective UV and moisture-resistant layer (most often an acrylic fixative is used for this).

This way you can create high-quality, attractive stamped concrete that will last for decades. The covering design option depends on the landscape design of the site, the decoration of the house, and the personal tastes of the apartment owner.

Dry mixture for preparing pressed concrete can be purchased at any building materials store (from budget options you can choose Flex Concrete brand material), or you can prepare it yourself.

How to make printed concrete: technology and recipe

The mixture for the production of decorative concrete includes sand and crushed stone, Portland cement, and a plasticizer. An important ingredient is polypropylene fiber, which increases the service life of the relief coating and prevents it from cracking and chipping. The ingredient is taken in the amount of 600 grams per cubic meter solution.

In the production of decorative concrete special attention you need to pay attention to the choice of plasticizer

For the production of decorative printed concrete, it is better to choose Portland cement grades M400 and M500/D20, which are moisture and frost resistant and can withstand loads of 400 and 500 kg per cubic meter.

The choice of plasticizer depends on the type of future product. So, experts recommend choosing for production paving slabs superplasticizer. Suitable for garden paths that are resistant to extreme temperatures, explosion- and fireproof plasticizer C3.

It is worth remembering that the plasticizer should be added to the concrete mixture in the form of an aqueous solution.

The composition prepared from such ingredients is placed in the formwork, spread using a trowel for decorative concrete and compacted. The recipe for ready-made mixtures is indicated on the labels.

Decorative concrete was first used in the middle of the last century by American builders. Its development began because it was necessary to reduce the construction time of US military airfields. Then beauty was given a secondary place. First of all, such concrete had to be wear-resistant and durable. Then high performance characteristics and decorative properties began to contribute to the growth of its popularity. Now decorative concrete is used for exterior finishing of buildings, pouring floors in garages or in the corridors of residential premises.

Distinctive features of decorative concrete

WITH decorative purpose colored fillers are used. These include marble chips of different colors or ground glass. There is also colored cement that can give the concrete the desired shade. Such concrete is used for finishing not only floors, but also walls of buildings without restrictions on shape and size.

For the manufacture of massive concrete products, reinforcement is necessary. There is also a concrete solution into which air can be added. Thanks to such manipulations, the concrete product is given additional strength before thawing or freezing.

If air has been added to the concrete, it will not crumble when thawed. This is very important in case of unfavorable climatic conditions. For this purpose, special cement and air additives are used.

A distinctive feature of decorative concrete is its rich range of colors and variety of finishes. In addition, it is able to withstand a load 2-3 times greater than that of paving slabs. Such concrete is resistant to chemicals, fats and acids, and petroleum products.

He is able to withstand ultraviolet radiation and 300 freezing cycles. The properties of concrete are maintained at temperatures from -40 o to +40 o C. It is slightly subject to deformation. Decorative concrete can imitate a stone surface (natural stones, cobblestones, marble).

  • water – 160 l;
  • cement – ​​400 kg;
  • fine filler (10 cm) – 465 kg;
  • large filler (20 cm) – 700 kg;
  • dye - the amount depends on what shade you want to get. See the manufacturer's recommendations on the packaging;
  • plasticizer – 2.4 l.

DIY production technology

You can also make decorative concrete with your own hands. In this case, it is possible to lay out the path in the garden as if it were natural stone.

They start by making the mold. To do this, buy tiles (1 piece) in the store that imitate the stone you like. Use silicone sealant with acetic acid, grease for lubrication, knife, plywood sheet. First, a box is made from plywood, the depth of which is 15 cm. This box is filled to the middle with sealant. The tile from the store is greased with grease and its face is pressed into the silicone. The excess protruding along the edges must be cleaned off. After 3 days, you can use the mold you made yourself.

If repairs to the walls of a house are necessary, sprayed concrete technology is used. In this case, the surface is first cleaned and a layer of polymer-cement mixture is applied. After the mixture has dried, a plastic stencil is attached to the surface and a colored layer is sprayed. When the surface is dry, the stencil can be removed. At the end, the wall must be cleaned and coated with a protective compound.

Decorative concrete technology is the work with concrete, including the procedure of reinforcement, coating, molding and sealing.

First, crushed stone and sand are laid on the surface, and then concrete is poured onto them. The surface needs to be smoothed. Next, a colored hardener is applied, which consists of stable pigments, binder and ground filler made of quartz sand and granite. After this, the undried soft surface is pressed with special forms that imitate natural materials, and when the surface dries, a protective layer is applied.

Every year the surface must be treated with a water-repellent solution. In this case, the surface will retain its appearance for several years.

It is possible to draw various designs on concrete thanks to modern technologies And chemical composition. With its help you can make pilasters, stands, figured columns, flowerpots and other architectural decorations.

Decorative concrete is used not only in the above cases, but also for finishing garden paths, platforms, parking lots, and driveways. This feature is ensured by its resistance to grease and oil. Complex shape small architectural solutions is attached to formwork, which is reinforced with rebar wire and supplied with the necessary parts.

In this case, a site or alley will not need a border as a fence, which will reduce the cost of materials.

By the way, the choice of finishing color does not affect the price, so the scope for imagination is enormous, because the shapes are distinguished by their variety and allow you to choose the option in the best possible way corresponding to the architecture and style.


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Architectural concrete increasingly used to solve aesthetic problems in landscape design and construction. Thanks to the properties and characteristics of the material presented in the range of manufacturers, even the most unusual idea can now be realized in the process of building houses and landscaping.

What is art concrete

Art concrete is a plastic, durable and easy-to-work material that is used where ordinary concrete will not allow the task to be completed. Archstone resembles plasticine, so you can use it to create a variety of decorative elements, complex shapes for decorating construction sites and sites - figures, stucco moldings, statues, columns, openwork grilles, park sculptures, etc.

When asking questions about whether architectural concrete is relevant when performing specific work, what it is and how to make it, we can briefly explain it this way: this is ordinary concrete with various admixtures that provide useful characteristics material: increase durability, add color, texture, etc.

Artistic concrete is produced from a sand-cement mixture, introducing various additives into the composition to regulate decorative properties and technological parameters - pigment to achieve desired color, level of strength, ductility, resistance to temperature changes and moisture, hardening time, etc.

Main components of the material:

  • Water
  • Portland cement
  • Quartz sand, marble chips (coarse or fine aggregate)
  • Pigment
  • Additives to obtain the desired properties (modifying, reinforcing)

In appearance, the material is similar to natural wild stone; it allows you to beautifully design buildings and territories, significantly saving on costs. decorative finishing. Like the others, the archstone is rationed state standards: GOST 26633-2015, GOST 25192-2012. Plastering and finishing composition can be purchased in specialized stores or made independently according to a recipe.

Types of architectural concrete

According to the composition of the mixture, properties and method of molding, archstone can be:

  • Geometric – for creating regular monolithic structures in formwork, the work is similar to construction from simple concrete.
  • Decorative – for finishing finished structures, using various instruments and technology.
  • Sculptural – for creating three-dimensional decorative compositions. It is characterized by increased plasticity, resistance to external influences, and long-term hardening (so that something can be modified in the process). The process of making sculptures is simple: they create a frame, cover it with a mesh, apply concrete to it, and after lightly setting it with tools and hands, create a shape.

According to its intended purpose, the material can be white decorative (for finishing facades, various internal surfaces) and white lightweight (for creating products and elements with low weight). Modern materials for decoration include colored and washed concrete, polished and photoconcrete, translucent and textured with formliners. Complex materials are created only in industrial production conditions using special equipment.

Methods for forming art concrete

Arch concrete is formed in several ways, depending on the method of work, the tools used, the principles of influence and the scope of operation.

Basic methods of forming archstone:

1. Stuffing (tamping) - the solution is poured and then tamped with a stick or rod ( handmade). This is how the most complex, rigid decorations are created.

2. Pressing - mainly thin-walled, frost-resistant and durable, parts are created using molds and hydraulic presses.

3. Vibration pressing – pressure during vibration. The work is carried out using a mold and a vibropress. This is how paving slabs and paving stones are made. The objects are durable, easy and quick to manufacture, and the process is relatively inexpensive.

4. Casting - the solution is poured into molds on vibrating platforms; it is possible to use deep vibrators. The products are inexpensive, but not too expensive high quality.

5. Embossing - work is performed using matrices used to obtain the desired texture of the base. The technology is often used when finishing areas, paths on the territory, and when decorating vertical surfaces of structures and buildings.

Advantages and negative properties of archstone

Art concrete is distinguished by a number of specific characteristics and properties, thanks to which it is possible to expand the scope of its use, reduce the cost of many works and processes, and implement various tasks.

The main advantages of archstone:

  • Fine-grained flat structure, which lends itself well to grinding and allows you to obtain a perfectly flat and smooth surface.
  • Immune to Impact sun rays– concrete does not fade, does not change physical properties and appearance.
  • High level of strength and resistance to various external factors - temperature, humidity, wind, shock, abrasion, vibration, etc.
  • Minimal hygroscopicity, due to which carbonization does not occur in the material, so it retains strength and integrity for a long time.
  • Flexibility and ease of use – providing the opportunity to realize a maximum of original ideas.
  • Low cost of the entire process - from purchasing materials and preparing a solution to creating a form, sculpture, finishing.
  • The ability to add a variety of additives and compositions to change performance properties and achieve the desired characteristics.
  • The environmental friendliness of production and the archstone itself, which is also important.
  • The ability to accurately imitate various more expensive textures.
  • Lightweight and easy to care for.
  • Chance to achieve perfection flat surface, which does not slip and is completely safe.
  • Good level of fire safety.
  • Easy to maintain without the need to use special products or involve professionals.

When creating special designs art stone can be made with a reinforced structure by adding reinforcing fiber to it. Fibers can be plastic, steel, glass. Glass fiber reinforced concrete is a lightweight and durable building material that has excellent strength, high level resistance to atmospheric influences, the appearance of mother-in-law. Shrinkage, as a rule, is completely absent.

The disadvantages of the material are explained by the characteristics of the concrete itself and the work with it. Thus, the disadvantages often include the need for additional strengthening of floors and walls in the case of using heavy decorative elements. Finishing weighs a lot, so it is simply not done on wooden houses and light structures, or a more reliable foundation is made in advance. Large decor on facades requires the use of technology, significant labor costs, and special tools.

It is difficult to create small elements and decorative details from art concrete; the work process itself is slow, because the mixture hardens in a day or two. If decor with complex geometry is performed, it is necessary to observe the dimensions very precisely and carefully adjust the details. But it is difficult to classify all these factors as shortcomings - rather, these are simply work standards that it is advisable to adhere to in order to obtain a high-quality result.

Calculation of cement mortar

The composition of architectural concrete is no different from the usual one used in construction and repair work. But for the production of archstone, white or light gray Portland cement is chosen good quality- usually brand M-500 or DO-400. The use of gray cement is undesirable, since the color of the product will eventually turn out faded.

There should be no lumps or foreign impurities, so before starting work it must be sifted (like sand). Mixing proportions directly depend on the brand of cement.

For the M-500 brand you will need the following composition:

  • Basic material – 1 part
  • Quartz sand – 3 parts
  • Water – 3 parts

To understand whether the solution is ready for use, you need to squeeze the composition tightly in your hand for 2-3 seconds, then release it and draw conclusions: if water is released, you need to add sand, but if the lump disintegrates, you can add a little water.

Below is a table with proportions:

Calculation of concrete composition

To obtain art concrete to ready solution add various mixtures that allow you to change the characteristics and properties, color, etc. The specificity of the decorative product is key factor when determining the correct ratio of volumes of materials.

The most important component is the pigment - it can be anything, but most often natural shades are chosen. Pigments can be mixed with each other to achieve the desired colors. The volume of dye should be a maximum of 5% of the total (to obtain a rich shade), in other cases about 2-3%.

Pigments are synthesized artificially, have brightness and uniform distribution. They are completely safe and guarantee maximum durability, unlike natural ones, which are now practically not used in production. Modern pigments are easily fixed, chemically resistant to various influences, do not change shade during use, ensure color stability, and do not allow concrete to fade over time.

Dry matter plasticizing additives (C-3 0.5% and others) are added to concrete. To increase strength, fiber must be included in the composition - usually polypropylene, 0.6 kg/m3. When making structures for exterior decoration and those that will be used outdoors, additives are added to increase frost resistance. If you need to get a more original texture, instead of some sand, add small crushed stone, marble chips or other materials.

Methods of decorative and protective treatment of structures made of art concrete

There are several methods for processing art concrete products in order to give the desired appearance and protection. Special coatings can be applied to the surface protective coatings. Decoration can be done by painting, mosaic cladding, gilding, applying images, etc.

Mechanical processing methods:

  • Engraving - allows you to create various designs, patterns, inscriptions, and achieve the desired finish of vertical surfaces.
  • Sanding creates unevenness on the archstone.
  • Sanding and polishing – to achieve maximum smoothness of sculpture surfaces, geometric designs, finishing.

Architectural concrete manufacturing technology

It is quite possible to make architectural concrete with your own hands, having determined the composition in advance in accordance with the required characteristics and properties. First, all components must be sifted through a sieve to avoid lumps. Then mix the filler (quartz sand, crushed stone, other materials) and cement, add pigment and special mixtures that enhance the desired properties.

You should get a homogeneous dry mass. They make a hole in it and fill it with water. The proportions of materials depend on the purpose of producing art stone and the brand of cement, but the volumes for the most common brand M-500 are indicated above. Further can be used various techniques material processing.

Methods for designing architectural concrete:


This option is suitable for processing vertical surfaces. To perform the work, an acid dye and a special spray are used. The paint is applied sequentially, in layers, onto the concrete solution, achieving the desired shade.

Screen painting

This is how large flat surfaces are treated. Stencils can be bought ready-made in specialized stores or made independently from any suitable sheet material. This is how various patterns and brickwork are often made.


A common method for processing vertical and horizontal planes, using matrices made of silicone or rubber. The stamps are coated with moisture-resistant additives and pigment, and then pressed into concrete to achieve the desired effect. After the surface has hardened, the matrix is ​​removed, and ready-mixed concrete protective impregnations are applied.

Prepare architectural concrete, technology about the production of which is quite simple, it is only necessary if all proportions and components are accurately calculated. In this case, further processing and design allow you to achieve an ideal result.

Application areas of decorative concrete

Archstone is used to perform a variety of tasks. Most common in the design of personal plots (sculptures, fencing, architecture of small forms, etc.), the production of paving slabs, external and interior decoration buildings and premises, creating borders, steps, columns, various reliefs, etc.

Modern manufacturers offer unusual types of material. So, if during the mixing process you take glass fiber with a diameter in the range from 2 microns to 1-2 millimeters as a filler, adding 5% of the total composition of the mixture in volume, you can get a light transmission effect.

The material turns out to be quite expensive, such architectural concrete installation required professional, since if it works incorrectly, it is quite expensive to lose a structure worth about 3,000 euros per cubic meter. You can make such an archstone with your own hands.

What can be made from art concrete:


Are being created in different ways: you can pour the material in a continuous layer, and then use stamps and knock out the desired design, or cast slabs and lay them in rows. To make a path, first mark the territory, remove top layer soil up to 10 centimeters thick, install formwork and reinforcing mesh (if necessary), fill in crushed stone, pour out the solution, and arrange it.


To construct a fence, pillars and slabs are made by casting them from mortar. Usually the surface is decorated by stamping or other methods.


They look very impressive and allow you to create an original look for the site. To make sculptures that are hollow inside, they first weld a frame from reinforcement, wrap it with an overlapping mesh, lay out concrete, sculpt small parts, and paint it in the desired color.

Wall decoration

It not only performs an aesthetic function, but also protects the room from external factors and insulates it. The work is carried out quite simply: the surface is cleaned of dirt and dust, dried, coated several times with a primer, dried, decorative concrete is applied with a spatula, then processed as desired.

White decorative

When choosing architectural concrete, the composition is white decorative is most often used for the design and decoration of facades and interior decoration large premises. Interior items of various textures and shapes are created - these can be columns, sculptures, fences, steps, decorative items etc.

The main condition of operation is a ban on too heavy loads. If this is not done, there is a risk that the structure will collapse after installation.

White light

This type of material is most often used to create lightweight decorative elements. Tiled flooring and stairs imitating natural sandstone or marble look very original and expensive. At the same time, the archstone exactly repeats the texture of the natural material, but the properties It is much better and costs less to produce.

Making architectural concrete with your own hands

Making the material yourself is not difficult. The technology is simple, the ingredients can be bought at any construction supermarket. Required Tools: concrete mixer, leveling spatula, trowel, washing machine, rollers, dies and stamps (depending on what you plan to create).

Main components for home production: 3 parts filler (crushed stone, sand, marble or granite chips), dye, 1 part binder (Portland cement M-500 white), 2 parts clean water, modifiers (adhesives, plasticizers, antifoams, for frost resistance, strength, etc.).

Art concrete production process:

  • Sift dry ingredients through a sieve.
  • Mix cement and filler.
  • Pour dye into the dry homogeneous mixture and mix.
  • Add selected modifying additives to the mixture and mix.
  • Carefully make a hole in the dry mixture and fill with water.

For those who do not want to calculate proportions and decide how many and what components are needed per 10 liters of cement to obtain the desired consistency and final material, manufacturers offer ready-made solutions. It is enough to consult and outline your requirements, and then purchase a dry mixture and a canister of liquid. The resulting solution will have the desired properties and characteristics, color and appearance.

Flower pots made of art concrete

Very often, a variety of flowerpots are made from archstone for indoor and outdoor use. To make them you will need: 2 parts of white Portland cement, 2 buckets of different diameters (preferably made of plastic), 2.5 parts of quartz sand, the same amount of granite chips, grease and reinforcing mesh with 3 millimeter cells.

The process is quite simple: first you need to select 2 molds of different diameters with a difference in walls of about 2 centimeters, grease them with grease, then make a solution according to the usual scheme, pour a layer 5 centimeters thick into the larger mold, compact it, install a smaller mold and fill the space between them. You can install a reinforcing mesh between the walls, which will make the product durable.

Artificial stone made from archi-concrete

Stone made from art concrete is used very often in various works - it accurately imitates a pattern and is no different from natural material, is cheaper, demonstrates excellent properties and can be made independently.

For production artificial stone You will need: quartz sand, Portland cement, marble chips, polystyrene foam, thin wire, chain-link mesh, metal brush, regular tape. First you need to make a model of the stone from polystyrene foam, bags and crumpled paper, securing it all with tape, then wrapping it with mesh and connecting the seams with thin wire.

Next, prepare the solution: mix part of the cement, 1.5 parts of crumbs and sand, and add 2 parts of water to the mixture. The solution needs to be carefully distributed over the mesh, after drying slightly, apply a second layer, and then do as your imagination dictates: you can brush a rough surface somewhere, make notches somewhere and try to imitate the natural material as much as possible.

Stone made from art concrete has a lot of advantages - it can be anything and exactly correspond to the design idea, taking the required form, texture, color. Installation of the material is simpler than natural material, since it does not need to be pre-layed out, matched to each other, searched for the right shades, etc.

Easy to use, cheap and environmentally friendly material of the future allows you to implement a maximum of construction and decorative solutions, create various products and decorative items, structural elements and details. Excellent performance characteristics, the ability to imitate any surface, and the ability to make the material yourself are properties that guarantee archstone popularity and distribution.

Many people imagine concrete as a gray, shapeless mass. This opinion has existed for decades, dating back to Soviet times. However, for recent years A lot has changed in the construction industry. In this regard, even such familiar technologies and building materials You can look at it from a completely different angle. This also affected concrete. Now decorative concrete completely changes the attitude towards itself. But first, let’s look at what it is and what requirements apply to decorative concrete.

What is decorative concrete

Decorative concrete is a composite material. It consists of the following main parts:

  • fine aggregate,
  • coarse aggregate,
  • water,
  • cement,
  • dye,
  • additives.

It is the composition of decorative concrete that distinguishes it from its simple counterpart. In this connection, almost any shape can be made from it; thanks to this quality, it has found wide application in the most different areas. For example, it is used to make stucco molding with embedded parts, paving slabs, paving stones of various shapes, and so on. The main advantage of such concrete is its high abrasion resistance. There are several main types of decorative concrete:

  1. Colored concrete.
  2. Concrete imitating small artistic and architectural forms, for example, figures of fountains, animals and the like.
  3. Stamped and printed concrete imitating natural stone.

As for the use of each type of decorative concrete, their purposes are different. Colored decorative concrete is most often used to make paving slabs to make them more expressive. Artistic concrete is used for finishing buildings. Moreover, all kinds of figures are made from it for landscaping the garden area. But concrete that imitates stone is also used for making plinths, facade tiles or blind areas. If you want to make decorative concrete with your own hands, then you should familiarize yourself in detail with the technology of laying it. We will look at how you can make a garden path with your own hands, as well as the rules for laying stamped decorative concrete.

Process Basics

You can create the texture of a concrete surface that will imitate stone, brick or other material using the following techniques: stencil mixture, stamped mortar and sprayed mixture.

Now let's consider technological processes each of the listed methods for producing decorative concrete:

Spraying method.

It is used in cases where there is a need to imitate stone, brick or other images on the wall. During the application process, a special acid dye is used, which is laid on the surface in several layers. This leads to a reaction of the solution with dyes, which results in the desired color. The color shade can be complemented by a variety of effects. The dye is applied to the surface using several methods, in particular, the spraying method. To create a beautiful texture or apply a particular image, you can use stencils when spraying.

Stencil method.

This method is called “stencil mixture”. It is applied to the surface using a pre-prepared stencil made of paper or other material.

Stamping method.

This method is unique of its kind. Stamped solution, as it is also called, is applied to a wet surface, consisting of a colored fixative, a protective mixture and hydrophobic additives. All this is necessary to ensure that the stamp used does not stick to the concrete. Before stamping concrete, you need to make sure that the surface is perfectly smooth. The template or matrix must remain on the concrete until it dries completely. After removing the stamp, the surface must be thoroughly impregnated with a special impregnation, which acts as additional protection. But before applying it, the surface must be thoroughly washed to remove all kinds of substances that were used during the work process.

So, now we invite you to consider the process of making garden paths from decorative printed concrete.

Garden paths know-how!

Decorative printed concrete is an excellent tool for creating garden paths and can replace conventional paving slabs. Unlike its analogues, decorative concrete is much cheaper, so you should take this method of treating garden paths seriously. It should be noted that such concrete has the ability to withstand temperature changes from -50°C to +50°C. At the same time, during the freezing process, it does not slip under the wheels and feet. Moreover, it does not fade when exposed to ultraviolet rays. On average, it can survive about three hundred cycles of thawing and, accordingly, freezing. So, let's look at how to make garden paths from decorative printed concrete step by step.

First of all, you need to assemble all the following tools and only then get started:

  • roller,
  • flutz (flat brush),
  • protective impregnation,
  • hard brush,
  • texture matrix,
  • disconnector,
  • color fixer,
  • roller,
  • concrete mix,
  • corner iron,
  • aluminum smoother,
  • vibrating screed,
  • polyethylene film,
  • reinforcing fiber.


The first step is to make sure the quality of the cement. If the cement is of poor quality, it can cause cracks to appear on the surface of the path. The grade of concrete must be at least 300. Additives in the form of a plasticizer must be present. The installation process must be carried out at a temperature not lower than +5°C. If all these parameters are met, then you can start working.

The first step is marking. To do this, you can use wooden pegs and rope. If this is not possible, then you can simply draw a mark on the surface of the earth with the sharp end of a stick.

Work with soil

If the path is intended for walking, then it is enough to remove 150 mm of soil. If you plan to drive a car, then you need to remove 200 mm of soil. Next, the formwork is placed along the entire length of the path. A 100-150 mm layer of crushed stone and sand is evenly poured onto the bottom, which must be compacted well. Then a polyethylene film is laid. An overlap of 100 mm must be made at the joints. At the very end, reinforcement is performed using a metal mesh or reinforcing fabric.

Concrete works

As mentioned above, pouring concrete must be carried out at a certain temperature and always in dry weather. In the process of making concrete, it is possible and even necessary to use reinforcing polypropylene fiber. It will prevent cracks from appearing on the surface of the track.

Preparation of concrete mixture: To do this, you must use the following components: 1 part PC grade 400, 3 parts granite crushed stone preferably with a fraction of 5/20, 3 parts sand, without fail plasticizer C-3-0.5% (aqueous solution), and also polypropylene fiber 0.6 kg per 1m 3.

When the concrete mixture is ready, it must be poured evenly into the formwork. It is compacted using a vibrating screed. Next, you need to roll the roller over the surface of the concrete. This will allow the large filler to settle down and the small filler to rise to the top. Using an aluminum trowel, the concrete surface is thoroughly smoothed. At the very end, you need to go around the entire perimeter of the formwork with a corner trowel.

Applying a decorative layer

At this stage of work, a colored fixative is applied. There should be no excess concrete on the surface. Using the manual scattering method, a fixative is applied to the surface, which is then smoothed with an aluminum trowel. This process dissipates 70% of the fixative. Only after smoothing the surface with an angle trowel is the remaining 30% of the fixer applied, which is smoothed with a steel trowel.

Pay attention! According to technology, before applying the texture, the surface should be coated thin layer disconnector.


This is done using texture matrices. This process should be carried out as soon as possible, before the concrete sets. The texture matrix is ​​laid along the entire length of the platform along the entire formwork. To ensure that all lines are accurate and do not break at the joints, each matrix should be pressed well by pressing hands, feet or a tamper. But it’s important not to overdo it here. The pressure should be applied evenly over the entire area.

Washing and applying a protective layer

After two days, it is necessary to remove the remains of the disconnector from the surface. To do this, you can use a long-bristled brush. Afterwards, the entire area should be thoroughly rinsed using a stiff brush. When the concrete surface has dried, a layer of protective acrylic impregnation is applied. This can be done using a roller.

Pay attention! To prevent the appearance of uncontrolled shrinkage cracks, it is recommended to saw through the concrete with a seam cutter or grinder. The thickness of the cut should be 1/3 of the total thickness of the concrete. If the thickness is small, then the number of seams should be larger and closer to each other.

So, we looked at the sequence of work on how to make decorative printed concrete as a sidewalk path.

Stamped concrete. A breakthrough in art!

Stamped decorative concrete is no less unique of its kind. In order to do the work with your own hands to make it, you will need the following tools and building material:

  • spray,
  • color mixture,
  • stamp with shapes,
  • separator,
  • concrete hardener,
  • knocker,
  • spatula,
  • strip for leveling the surface,
  • brush.

This concrete must be manufactured in accordance with all existing requirements. The most important requirement applies to the concrete mass - it must be monolithic. This is what will ensure a durable, airtight and high-quality structure. Also, the surface should not have any cracks or chips. Moreover, to achieve best result When producing stamped decorative concrete, it is best to use dry adhesive mixtures based on white cement.

Pay attention! The cement must contain a plasticizer. It will give the structure strength and also prevent cracks.

There is one more requirement regarding the mixture used. If it is applied to a vertical surface, it cannot be prepared manually. This may affect the quality of the stamping. Immediately before starting work, the surface must be degreased and cleaned. As for the work itself, it can be divided into several stages:


As mentioned above, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned. If this stage is treated carelessly, then it will be difficult to put stamps. If the wall surface has cracks or dents, they should be puttied. Afterwards it must be carefully treated with a primer. After drying, make sure that the primer does not leave a slippery film. Ideally, you should use a primer that contains adhesive. If the surface is not very smooth, then you will need a primer for problem surfaces. If there is a large crack, it is recommended to use a plaster mesh, which will hold the surface together and prevent the occurrence of new cracks.

Application of adhesive mass

The adhesive mass is applied to the surface after priming. Its thickness can be 10-50 mm. The adhesive mass should be well mixed and have excellent consistency. If there is too much water in it, the stamp will simply stick. This mixture must be laid in several layers, and then given time to dry thoroughly. But don't let it dry out. You can determine its readiness very simply using your fingers. When touching it, the glue should not stretch behind your finger.

Punching process

It is necessary to start the stamping process after some time. On average, after mixing the concrete, 40 - 70 minutes should pass. The mold must be moistened with water, otherwise it will stick. Next, the stamp is pressed into the concrete. You shouldn't pick it up right away. You must be extremely careful when removing it. To ensure that the stamp is printed well, you can use a hammer, which is shaped like a hammer.

This is the sequence in which the process of making stamped decorative concrete is performed. To make you happy with the result, it is extremely important to follow the technology. A variety of shapes can be used as a stamp. They can be made from different materials, for example polyurethane, plastic or silicone. As for its shape, there is a wide choice. For example, sea wave, diamond, square, basket weaving, imitation animal skin and the like.

So, we have looked at the basic requirements and advantages of decorative concrete. Now you can take a fresh look at concrete, not just as a shapeless gray mass, but as an excellent means of decorating a particular surface. If you have any questions, then you can contact our experts for guidance. Moreover, you can leave your comments on this article if you already have experience in creating decorative concrete with your own hands.

Accurately imitates natural stone


Architectural concrete is used both in construction and landscape design. Thanks to the special composition this material has high strength and ductility; various architectural elements are cast from it, including openwork grilles, park sculptures are made, and imitation natural stone. Making architectural concrete with your own hands is not so difficult if you know the composition and choose the right proportions.

Architectural concrete is used both in conventional construction and in landscape design to create various sculptures.

Making architectural concrete with your own hands

You will need:

  • Portland cement;
  • quartz sand;
  • coloring pigments;
  • modifying additives.

Quartz sand can be used as a filler for architectural concrete.

To make architectural concrete, you need to purchase white or light gray Portland cement of the highest quality. The most commonly used brand is M-500 or DO-400. It is extremely undesirable to use gray cement, since it produces faded, dull colors. Portland cement should not contain any foreign impurities or lumps; before use, it must be sifted through a construction sieve.

The filler most often used is quartz sand, marble or granite chips (dust). You can use only one of these materials, but if you need to imitate natural stone, it is better to take a mixture marble chips and quartz sand. In order to give architectural concrete a certain shade, colored pigments are used, which are sold in the form of dry powder or liquid dye. By mixing pigments with each other, you can get different color scheme: from light pastels to rich bright colors. It is important to remember that the amount of dye should be 2-3%, for a rich color - no more than 5%.

To create concrete different colors Pigments are added to the composition.

Architectural concrete is made according to the following scheme: all dry components are sifted through a construction sieve, quartz sand is mixed with cement, fine stone chips or dust are added, pigments are added, everything is mixed until a homogeneous consistency is achieved, after which a hole is made into which water is poured. The proportions depend on the brand of cement, for example, 1 part M-500 accounts for 3 parts quartz sand and 2 parts water. In order to determine the quality of the solution, you need to hold a handful of concrete in your fist, then unclench your hand. If the slide crumbles, then you need to add water; if water flows when the concrete is compressed, then there is not enough sand.

In addition to the main components, architectural concrete includes various modifying additives. Plasticizers make the solution more plastic, frost-resistant additives make it resistant to weather conditions, adhesives and antifoams improve the quality of concrete. The proportions of modifying additives depend on the type of product and the chosen technology.

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Methods for forming architectural concrete

Architectural concrete can be produced in various ways. The most common method is embossing, which is performed using a special matrix. Embossing is used both for vertical surfaces and for forming garden paths or small areas. The prepared wall is primed, reinforced with plaster mesh, after which a thick layer of concrete of 2-5 cm is applied, after about 70 minutes an impression is made using a matrix. On garden paths The relief is made on raw concrete; craftsmen use several forms for embossing at once. The surface is painted with a colored hardener, which is applied in the form of a dry powder and rubbed in with trowels, the result is fixed with a special carrier impregnation. Some craftsmen prefer the following coloring method: coloring pigments are added to the solution during mixing.

To produce paving slabs, paving stones of various shapes, and relief decorative elements made of concrete, the vibrocompression method is used. For this purpose, a vibropress and special molds are used. Products are formed by vibration under a certain pressure. The method has its advantages and disadvantages. This method cannot achieve thin openwork shapes, but the products are quite durable and frost-resistant. Initial costs are quickly recouped by high productivity and production speed.

The pressing method involves the use of a hydraulic press and molds. This technology is used for the manufacture of thin-walled products. The disadvantages of the method include low productivity, high cost of imported equipment (there are no domestic analogues), in addition, the raw materials must be of high quality.

Casting is the most common method of producing architectural concrete of various shapes, without the use of vibration. For casting, gypsum concrete and polymer concrete are used, thanks to which it is possible to obtain any thin-walled and openwork shape of the product. The advantages of the method are low cost and high productivity.

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Flower pots made of architectural concrete

You will need:

To make architectural concrete, you need to purchase high-quality white or light gray Portland cement.

  • 2 plastic buckets of different diameters;
  • white Portland cement - 2 parts;
  • quartz sand - 2.5 parts;
  • granite chips - 2.5 parts;
  • reinforcing mesh with cells of 2-3 mm;
  • solid oil

Architectural concrete is often used to make flowerpots for the garden. Making such a product with your own hands is quite simple. The first step is to select 2 shapes of different diameters so that one fits freely into the other, while the gap between the walls should be at least 2 cm. Large containers of paint or putty, plastic buckets and basins with high walls are perfect for this purpose. To prevent the solution from sticking to the molds, they are lubricated with grease.

If you plan to reuse the molds, then it is better to line the bottom and sides that will come into contact with the solution with plastic wrap.

Next, prepare the solution: high-grade white Portland cement is mixed with sand, after which granite or any other stone chips are added, water is added, and the solution is mixed. To give the product a certain color, you can add colored pigments to the solution, but it is important to remember that after the concrete dries, the color will become slightly lighter than in original version. The solution is poured onto the bottom of a large mold, the layer thickness should be 3-5 cm, the concrete is compacted, after which a smaller bucket or basin is placed on it, and the space between the walls begins to be filled. To give strength to the product, a metal reinforcing mesh is used, which is installed between the walls in the center.

After the concrete has hardened, the flowerpot is removed from the mold and a drainage hole is drilled in the bottom. If you have a grinding machine on your farm, you can polish the surface, giving it the appearance of a product made of real stone. If desired, the flowerpot is decorated with a mosaic of shells, pebbles, pieces tiles, broken glass, etc. The product can be painted with acrylic-based facade paint, it all depends only on your imagination and capabilities.
