Options for a porch in a private cottage house. Enclosed porch for a private house: design options

Any owner of a private cottage or estate has at least once wondered what kind of porch design country house choose so that it matches the general architectural style of the building, is comfortable, safe, convenient, cozy, and demonstrates the hospitality of the owners.

Countless options for the porch of a country house, photographs of which are generously replete with the Internet, show us how extraordinary, creative, but at the same time practical and rational the owners are in solving this problem. But such diversity does not add clarity; it is very easy to get confused in the abundance of design solutions.

Semicircular porch with closed vestibule

In the article we systematize information about what types of porches for a home come in shape, style, and size. Let's discuss the pros and cons of closed and open extensions, look at the question of how best to position the steps, and how to properly unfold the staircase. And we will try to fully answer the question of what the ideal entrance porch of a private house should be like; the photos will help us illustrate the most successful ideas for extensions.


A porch, in essence, is a platform with an adjacent staircase. It can be built-in, designed together with the main building, added with your own hands after the completion of a private house, with its own foundation, or attached-cantilever; it is not fundamental and solid.

An original idea for a private house, a built-in vestibule and open steps made of natural stone

Regardless of the stage at which the porch for a private house was built, the optimal slope of the staircase relative to the horizon is 23-45 o, everything higher is ladder, below is a ramp.

Types of the porch of a private house, photos of the proper combination of a side staircase, an open terrace and a glazed veranda

Of course, the porch must resonate with the main architectural concept of a private house; it must be safe, beautiful, comfortable, and meet all the needs of the owners.

Original types of porch wooden house, photo of the fortress extension, where logs and rubble stone are successfully combined

But among other conditions, first of all, the porch must be ergonomic, which means comfortable and practical. All the main parameters for the construction of the porch of a private house are regulated by SNiP. So, according to the standards, a comfortable step depth is 270-300 mm, and a height is 120-180 mm; the sum of the corresponding dimensions of the tread and riser should be 450 mm.

Porch in a semicircle, photo of a small open extension for a private house

The width of the stairs for the comfortable passage of one person is 600-900 mm, at a distance of 1200-1450 mm 2 people can easily pass. If the porch consists of three or more steps, then it is recommended to fence it with railings 900-1200 mm high; in private construction, the height of the fence is not strictly regulated.

Photo of the front porch of a private house, semicircular lines of steps visually smooth out the massiveness of the extension

Particular attention is paid to the organization of the upper platform; it is made below the threshold level front door by 50 mm, as required fire regulations. The recommended depth of the platform is one and a half times the width of the door, but in practice this criterion is often neglected.

Eclecticism, in the photo there is a project for the porch of a wooden house with a high base, the extension includes a terrace and a covered hallway

The width of the upper podium is limited only by the space in front of a private house and personal preferences, so it can be a tiny patch, or a full-fledged terrace encircling the perimeter of the building.

The patio extension allows you to organize a comfortable place to relax in the open air, and at the same time not clutter up the architectural ensemble; semicircular curvilinear shapes “dilute” the clear geometry of the main private house

Shape, size and design features

It should be noted that modern private construction technologies make it possible to build a porch of almost any shape: rectangular, semicircular, curvilinear with smooth or, on the contrary, sharp lines, trapezoidal, multifaceted, etc.

A semicircular porch to a brick house; in addition to smooth rounded lines, the steps have a vague trapezoidal shape; coupled with massive railings, this design balances the dimensions of the building

The semicircular porch smooths out corners and straight lines; such steps provide comfortable entrance to the home from all sides. The soft outlines of the entrance ensemble further emphasize the hospitality of the hosts. Private rectangular porches made of brick, stone or concrete look very impressive; the highlight here is the lowest step, laid out in a semicircle.

A semicircular step made of rough material looks impressive and original

Trapezoidal steps balance the size of the building; they can decrease in size, but sometimes, on the contrary, they expand and smoothly move into the upper platform. A square or rectangular porch gives the building rigor and graphics.

Corner porch of a private house, photo idea of ​​how to simply and compactly divide the stairs into two entrances

Depending on the size of the upper platform, the porch can be:

  • a terrace is a large open area with railings;
  • patio - a platform with a canopy, most often without fencing;
  • veranda - this is the same terrace, but closed and glazed;
  • or just a small extension that protects the entrance to the house from dirt, dust and precipitation.

A large carved private terrace with a porch, eclecticism in the photo, a mixture of Russian and romantic styles, high steps and semicircular arched design of the columns in the compartment formed an authentic gazebo for a pleasant stay

It should be noted that private houses are often built with a high base; this may be due to several criteria. Firstly, the project, which provides for a technical floor, and secondly, climatic zone, in snowy regions high porch simply a vital necessity, and thirdly, the difficult terrain. An extension on stilts allows you to make full use of even uneven areas, eliminating labor-intensive and sometimes impractical earthworks.

Closed porch of a wooden house, photo of a veranda on an area with uneven terrain

As for the location of the stairs relative to the main platform, they can adjoin strictly perpendicular to the facade of a private house, approach from one or two sides, or encircle the platform in a circle.

Double-flight porch of a house with a high base

If there is not enough space in front of a private house, a porch is usually placed along the facade, or a turning staircase with several flights is made, with terraces-platforms at different levels.

High turning three-flight Russian porch

Stairs located on the sides, on both sides of the site, are the optimal way out for narrow extensions. Such designs are appropriate and justified if there is practically no space in front of a private house, it is necessary to make a narrow extension, and at the same time provide a comfortable entrance for several people.

Small, narrow two-sided porch for a private house

It is very convenient when the steps are located in a circle from the main platform. Typically this technique is used in the construction of small, low porches, when it is necessary to provide an entrance on three sides.

Porch of a private house with steps arranged in a circle

Sometimes simple, but unusual and original ideas for a porch significantly enliven and decorate the architecture of a private house. As a rule, such an extraordinary approach is required to solve several problems at once; the photo below is a clear example of this.

The corner round porch provides entrance to the house from different sides, and at the same time levels sloping section in front of the house

One of the most effective solutions for the porch of a private house, but it is almost impossible to construct it as a separate extension; this is when the porch is placed under the same roof as the house, or the second floor or balcony is a canopy for the terrace. This configuration is most typical for a Finnish-style porch, where the entrance is most often located on the side.

Corner wooden porch for a Finnish frame house lined with siding

As a rule, such a porch is combined with a veranda or terrace. This design of the entrance group looks solid, it’s very practical solution for private houses with a small garden plot.

Open porch-terrace in Finnish style

Style and materials for a private porch

When developing a style for the porch of a private house, you can use almost any materials suitable for outdoor use, the main thing is that they resonate with the design of the main building.

Concrete porch for a private log cabin

For private construction, as a rule, wood, stone, metal and concrete structures are used, forging and carving are not only decorative decoration, but often also significant technical elements of the extension, for example, a porch with openwork wrought iron railings and canopy consoles, or carved wooden posts and balusters.

Extension made of wood in Russian style

Sometimes it is the combination of several styles at once and different materials as a result, it gives a stunningly beautiful, original and very practical architectural composition of the entrance group.

Semicircular closed porch made of polycarbonate

For example, the combination of natural stone and rough boards gives the structure the solidity, color and originality that are inherent in mountainous areas. Usually this design technique is used to create a chalet style, and it should be noted that it is very popular in Russian latitudes.

Porch-veranda in a chalet style, the rounded edges of the stone contrast in an original way with the clear geometry of the roof

The Mediterranean style of the entrance architectural ensemble is also very popular in modern design private properties. It should be noted that it can be divided into two types. One incorporates notes of Greek and Roman culture; this style is characterized by a large stone courtyard with gentle multi-tiered steps, beautiful finish made of sandstone, heavy metal elements.

The combination of natural flat rubble stone with sandstone elements is always stylish and sophisticated

Another direction Mediterranean style synthesized the flavor of Italian, Spanish and French culture. Typically, this type of private porch design is found in coastal areas with uneven land. The extension is open terraces on several levels, paved with paving stones or clinker, connected by small stone stairs. The area near the house is usually lined with deck boards and is protected from the sun by a canopy supported by columns. The perimeter of the terraces is surrounded by massive concrete balusters and wide railings; this splendor is decorated with sculptures, fountains and flower pots.

The Mediterranean porch style is suitable for rectangular-shaped private properties located on areas with uneven terrain

Separately, I would like to say about the porch-fortress. As a rule, these are relatively small closed extensions with a roof, which is supported by dimensional support pillars: stone, brick, or thick logs. Such designs give the impression of the reliability of a private home; the abundant vegetation gives a special charm to the porch.

Enclosed porch brick house, the photo conveys well how simple and laconic forms can enliven the appearance of a building

For rural and country houses small porches with glassed veranda. This design allows you to be closer to nature, and at the same time protects the recreation area from atmospheric precipitation. In addition, for small private houses this additional opportunity expand living space.

Photo of a closed porch to the house, glass partitions allow you to protect the area from precipitation, without blocking it beautiful view from the veranda

When choosing a look and style for the porch of a private house, do not be afraid extraordinary ideas. A well-planned architectural ensemble of the entrance group can radically change the exterior of the house, adding sophistication, sophistication, individuality, and at the same time comfort and coziness.

There are a great variety of design solutions, and each private porch has its own characteristics, determined by the architecture, landscape, materials and needs of the owners. And what the entrance to your house will be like is up to you to decide.

It's no secret that building a porch at the dacha is not the most simple task, given that it must fit into general view buildings and also be truly functional.

In most cases, an originally designed porch can become an unusual calling card for a home.

There are a huge number of different options for the final stage in building a house. Everything primarily depends on how you see a truly beautiful porch and what budget you have.

It is worth noting that if you are interested in how to make a porch with your own hands, then it is quite simple and all you need to do is read this article and perhaps take some advice from builders.

What is a porch?

In fact, a structural porch built in a private house is the simplest platform open type with a staircase that is built right in front of the entrance to the building. The porch can be of a wide variety of shapes, with or without an additional canopy.

If we talk about the structure itself, which can be chosen for the porch and which determines the design for the most part, then they can be divided into three main types: simple, attached or built-in.

The latter type of porch is almost always designed during the construction stage of a house.

Porch of the most popular simple type- This is a platform that has additional steps and a canopy over them.

During the construction of this type of porch, the most difficult thing is pouring necessary foundation, which will be needed in any case, even if it is lightweight design and you planned to make a wooden porch yourself.

The attached type porch looks very similar to beautiful porch built-in type, but at the same time it is very often rebuilt and modified in various ways.

The basis is the foundation

An important point that you should definitely pay attention to when laying the foundation is that its depth at construction work must necessarily coincide with the depth of the foundation itself for the entire building. Otherwise, after the soil settles, it is quite possible that the entire porch structure will deform.

If, after the soil settles, the structure shifts towards the house, then destruction will begin from the foundation of the porch. Cosmetic repairs in this case, it will not be possible to get by and you will have to build the porch from the very beginning.

When building a foundation, it is imperative to pay special attention to the waterproofing of the foundation being built.

Varieties of porches for a future home

First of all, before starting the construction of the porch, you must decide which material you like best. Most often it is either concrete, or expensive metal, or stone, classic brick, an affordable tree.

Having decided to make a porch to a house out of wood, many simply hope that it is the easiest and most affordable option, in fact, without even suspecting a large number of nuances.

It is the photo of a porch made of wood that can easily be found in various magazines more than others. This is due to the fact that wood is considered by many to be a traditional material.

All that is needed to build such a porch is minimal construction skills, a circular saw, and a construction square.

Pay attention!

If possible, it is best to use either larch or some other material as a material. conifers. They are different good performance strength, and are also quite easy to process independently.

After specially performed impregnation, the material will definitely not be inferior to, for example, material from any other hard rock.

You should definitely take care of a canopy over the porch. This will not only protect the steps of the staircase and its landing from various precipitation, but will also allow you to decorate the wooden porch in an interesting way. short term without major financial investments.

Photos of a wide variety of canopies can also be found on the Internet and in magazines devoted to the construction of various country houses.

DIY porch photo

Pay attention!

The porch is the “face” of anyone suburban area, therefore it is important that it not only has an aesthetic appearance, but also combines with the style of the house and adjacent buildings. The safety of the design, as well as its reliability, are also important. To equip a porch with your own hands, you need to understand what it is, and also decide what materials are best to make it from.


The porch itself is an extension to a private house, and, as a rule, it is very tiny. It serves to transition from the ground or asphalt to the floor, because sometimes the floor level in the room is much higher.

The porch usually consists of the following components:

  1. canopy, which protects the building from any precipitation.
  2. Railing, serving as decoration for the area and support for a walking person.
  3. Stairs or steps for convenient movement along the porch.
  4. Venues, which can be filled with furniture or carriages with flowers. Moreover, she is also sanitary zone, because there is a rug on it.

All these details that make up the porch are equally important. The complete design looks beautiful and stylish. Therefore, we can safely say that the porch is always the connecting element between landscape design plot and the facade of the house.

Types of structures

The overall appearance of the entire area depends on the correct porch, so its design must fully comply stylistic direction, in which the building is framed. This could be a small staircase with only a couple of steps, or a full-fledged terrace that encircles the entire house.

There are several types of structures, which will be discussed below.

  • Open. This design is the most popular. It includes railings, steps and a canopy, which winter time years can be removed so that it does not rot from high humidity.
  • Closed. To create such a design, craftsmen most often use glass or polycarbonate; in some cases, this material can also be a mosquito net. In this case, there must be a large area, so a closed structure can also serve as an alternative to a hallway, where it will be convenient to spend time even in bad weather.

  • Mounted. This design is erected if the house already has ground floor. Here the canopy can even take the form of a balcony hanging over the “underground” room.
  • Terrace. This design is often arranged for family recreation in the fresh air. Often it has a high foundation. Entrance stairs may not be on one side, but on two or three for more convenient use.


For finishing steps and landings

There is a huge variety of materials used for this purpose. The most common of them are stone and tile, but you can choose something more original:

  • Stone. This is the material that looks more beautiful than others, and the cost is a little more expensive alternative materials. There are a huge number of types of stone that have differences in color and even texture, so it is possible to decorate the porch to your liking.

It is also important to remember that stone is very resistant material. It reacts neutrally to high humidity and bad weather and remains attractive for a long time, so high price stone is completely justified.

Marble and sandstone are often purchased for finishing. The most durable of all materials is granite - it can last up to a hundred years. But you have to pay a lot for such finishing, because granite is one of the most expensive types of stone.

Slippery types of stone are also used, but they are always heat treated. If the owner does not want to do this, then rubber pads are used so that the surface is not dangerous for movement. There is another type of stone - rubble. It looks good if the porch is made in a rustic style.

  • Paving slabs. It is the most commonly used material. The secret is that such a product is not only of high quality, but also very beautiful. It consists of a cement-sand mixture with additives and paint impurities. Not only the shades of the tiles are different, but also their shape and size. It is easy to find exactly the type of tile that is suitable for the design of a specific porch.

Using this material you can create different patterns or imitate any material, such as marble or wood. In addition, the tile is a moisture-resistant product and is not afraid of temperature changes. The only negative is that in the cold it becomes quite slippery. Therefore, in order to avoid the risk of falling and damaging yourself, you need to select tiles with a light texture or lay overlays made of high-quality rubber.

  • Concrete tiles. This material has a low price. In stores you can buy ready-made tiles or molds for casting them. It has both advantages and disadvantages: on the one hand, it is resistant to high humidity and strength, and on the other, the material can crack or even crumble under the influence of severe frosts.

  • Ceramic tiles. For finishing, you can only use tiles for external installation. Whether the material is suitable or not can be easily checked, since it is always marked. However, you need to know that although such material is not expensive, it still has many disadvantages: it does not withstand loads, is very fragile and slippery. Therefore, you should choose a product with special care or give preference to something more reliable.
  • Clinker tiles. Another type of finishing material is clinker tiles. It, like no other material, is suitable for finishing a porch. It is made from special clay and at very high temperatures, therefore the material is not afraid of severe frosts, moisture, or sun rays. Plus, the tile has a rough surface, which means it cannot be slippery even in the winter season.

  • Porcelain tiles. In terms of strength, this material resembles clinker tiles. But it is slightly different from it in that elements such as quartz and spar are added to the composition.

  • Tree. Wood finishing is distinguished by its beauty and environmental friendliness. But when choosing it, you need to remember that the material must be moisture resistant. It is also necessary to treat with protective agents to prevent the formation of fungus.

For railings

Railings must ensure the safety of human movement, therefore, when choosing a material for their manufacture, you need to pay attention to those options that do not slip or scratch the skin:

  • Metal considered the most durable and long lasting. The railings can be: metal pipes, so are the rods. They can be ordinary or with forging elements. In the latter case, forged elements serve as decoration. A porch with such exquisite handrails can decorate an area in Provence or classic style.

Before installing such exquisite handrails, it is imperative to treat the material with anti-corrosion agents, and in order to avoid rust, they must be tinted at least occasionally.

  • Polyvinyl chloride. This option is durable, has a wide range of colors, and is easy to install. In addition, fencing made from such material can be combined with any product and facade of the house.

  • Tree. Wood looks great in combination with stone or tile staircase finishing. Railings of any shape can be made from wood. However, such material also has its drawbacks: it is afraid of moisture, sunlight, and is susceptible to attack by rodents and other pests.

  • Concrete. Concrete railings have an aristocratic appearance - often various figures are poured from it, which not only decorate the area, but also serve as additional support for the handrails. This type of railing is very strong and durable, has high degree resistance to weather conditions, but it puts a large load on the steps. Therefore, it is most often used for finishing railings. big houses with a strong foundation.

  • Stone. Has the same qualities as concrete. The only difference is the higher price.

For canopy

The ideal canopy is one that partially or completely covers the porch.

It can also be made of different materials:

  • Metal. This material is perfect for creating a covered canopy. It is distinguished by its beauty and ease of processing; it can be decorated with forged elements, because such inserts always look attractive. However, when it rains, it will be very noisy because the rain hits the metal very loudly.

  • Profiled sheeting. Enough cheap material, which is light in weight. It is also very easy to install.

  • Polycarbonate. This transparent material, which is particularly flexible. With its help you can make a canopy of any shape. It also goes well with forging elements.

  • Metal tiles. This material is suitable for a canopy when the entire roof is made of it. Metal tiles are quite durable, but their installation must be done at an angle of up to 25 degrees, otherwise snow will accumulate.


There are many styles for decorating a porch in country house– they must correspond to the direction in which the interior of the house itself is designed. Below are the most popular areas that are most often paid attention to:

  • Classical. The porch, decorated in this style, has a gable canopy. Its decoration consists of turned railings, as well as decorative balusters, which have a rounded shape.

To finish the stairs and landing, you can use tiles or natural stone.

  • Russian. This style is only suitable for houses made of wood. For its finishing, only wood decorated with carvings or metal inserts is used.
  • Loft. For this modern style use natural stone. The porch itself is a huge structure, decorated with many torches. Forged furniture is used here. Pots can be placed on the railings climbing plants.
  • European. This style assumes the presence of geometric lines and regularity of shapes. The porch is made in the form of a small structure, the steps and platform of which are made of stone or tiles.

  • Rustic. For such style will suit carved staircase, as well as wooden railings. A structure made of untreated wood, which should be covered with protective agents, looks very beautiful. For reliability, you can use transparent varnish.


The design of the porch is of great importance for the appearance of the house. However, in order to design it, you need to take into account all the loads that are placed on the porch. In order for each element to meet the requirements of the owners, it is necessary to complete the project in advance. It is worth identifying some important points regarding the number of steps on the porch, the dimensions of the future platform, the height of the railings and canopy.

The door from the outside should be made at a height of up to 4 cm from the level of the platform - this is necessary so that it is convenient to open it. If the porch has steps, then their number should be odd, and the height of one step should be no more than 20 cm.

To decorate a frame or panel house at the dacha, a wooden porch is suitable. If country cottage made of stone, then the porch must correspond to the general idea. Here you can use a material such as artificial or even natural stone.

You can also choose impact-resistant glass, and finish the site with brick. It also looks good as an addition to a brick area. All these combinations should be thought through very carefully so that all elements on the street are in harmony with each other.

Don't forget about lighting, which plays a very important role. It not only ensures safety on the landing, but also decorates the area adjacent to the house.

Choice garden lighting very diverse, so the front entrance can be decorated with lanterns unusual shape, and modern LED backlights or colored garlands.

It is impossible to imagine the porch of a country house without plants, which are not only a wonderful decoration, but also an additional source of oxygen. For example, placing pots of flowers or climbing plants on the railing or porch landing is a great idea.

The use of garden furniture is not necessary - it should only be installed on terraces or large areas where residents and guests spend a lot of time. The same applies to curtains.

When starting to decorate the porch, be sure to follow the advice and recommendations of experts so that everything is decorated beautifully.

Below are basic tips for arranging the porch of a private home.

  1. It is necessary to select the interior of the porch in accordance with the style in which the house itself is decorated.
  2. Only high-quality finishing materials should be used so that the porch can last for decades.
  3. It is imperative to adhere to the installation technology, as this may subsequently affect the service life. In some cases, the safety of those who go down or up to the porch depends on this.

If you follow all these tips, the structure will last a long time and will delight the owners with its appearance.

Beautiful examples

There are a lot of ideas for decorating a porch - it can be a small porch or a huge terrace. For inspiration, you can look at a few striking examples.

Mini terrace. The porch, made in the form of a terrace, looks very beautiful. A huge canopy allows you to sit on it in any weather. The floors are tiled. Wooden railings and steps made of the same material go perfectly with them. The main one is located on the terrace garden furniture, completing the interior.

With wrought iron railings. The small porch also looks very nice. The tiled floor is complemented by metal railings decorated with simple forged elements. The picture is completed with pots of flowers, which are evenly spaced on both sides of the porch.

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It's hard to imagine private house without a built porch. The process of its construction may vary. The best option is the casting of the foundations of the house and the porch at the same time. However, steps are often thought about after the building is built.

In this case, the porch is attached, for which three types of materials are used - wood, metal, concrete.

How to build a porch correctly

Attaching a porch to a house with our own hands is within the capabilities of many of us. Once you decide on the direction of the steps (they can go in one, two or three directions at the same time), you need to choose the height of the porch. It is desirable that it be lowered by 50-70 mm in relation to the border of the doorway.

There are two points to consider here:

  • blocking exception door leaf, opening outwards;
  • preventing water from entering the house after precipitation

Calculation of the dimensions of the upper platform

For doors oriented outward, you should prepare an upper platform with a depth that is 300-400 mm greater than the width of the door leaf. At the same time, there are also GOST requirements - the size of the site must be at least 1.5 times larger than the opening. For example, you installed a door whose width is 900 mm, then the size of the platform should be over 1350 mm.

Design of steps

When determining the parameters of the stairs, you can focus on the recommended step size of 15-20 cm. If you divide the height of the porch by this size, you can get the required number of steps.

Of course, you're unlikely to get an integer. Therefore, you can vary the height of the steps within the recommended limit, distributing the excess between them. Or provide a small step at the very beginning of the stairs. But the width of each segment can be within 30-40 cm.

There are also the following recommendations: if you sum up the tread size with twice the step value, then the result obtained should be 600-640 mm. For example, when designing steps with a height of 175 mm and a tread of 280 mm, the resulting value will be 170*2+280=630 mm, which fully complies with the criterion under consideration.

Selection of base

The heavier the designed porch for a private house is, the more powerful the foundation is required. If for relatively light wooden and metal structures you can limit yourself to a pile or columnar foundation, then a concrete or brick structure will require strip foundation or monolithic slab.

It is also important to understand whether you will connect the foundations of the house and the porch. You need to focus on the characteristics of the extension itself and the characteristics of the soil. If you don’t tie, you need to be prepared for cracks to form at the joint, for example due to frost, which will cause the structure to warp. Repairs may be required in the future.

A bound base also does not guarantee the absence of cracks. They may appear in the mass of the porch itself. Because reinforced reinforcement cannot always cover the difference in loads between the house and the extension.

This base option is recommended if the structure of the house and porch are quite massive. For example, when the latter is made of reinforced concrete. This requires a high-quality bond using reinforcement with a diameter of 12-16 mm, driven into pre-made holes in the foundation. Then the frame is built.

Selection of staircase design

Stairs can be built on bowstrings or stringers. Wood, metal or combinations, including with concrete, are used for manufacturing.

The bowstring option is suitable for a wooden or small house. The fastening goes like this. The inner surface of the bowstring is connected to the support bars.

For metal parts, welding in a horizontal plane is used, and for wood, simply nailing bars and then attaching a step is suitable. It is also permissible to cut notches in the bowstring to install steps.

The use of stringers may involve the use of open supports. To do this, you need to cut triangles at the top of the board, the base of which will be the support for the step.

If you have chosen the method of cutting the stringer, you will need to orientate yourself by the height of the step and the width of the tread. It is advisable to connect them at an angle of 90 degrees. Many experienced craftsmen It is recommended to first make a general template, which you can use in subsequent work.

Remember you need to choose the right number of stringers. This depends on the parameters of the staircase itself and the thickness of the board.

Thin boards will require more frequent installation of stringers. For example, a 25 mm board requires a distance between supports of up to 60 mm. Deflection should be avoided.

Porch structures made of different materials

There are several options for choosing material for the extension. You must decide on the porch design yourself, based on the type of house, soil characteristics and your own preferences.

Wooden porch

This is a fairly popular material for making an extension of this type. It is recommended to use hardwood, such as oak. Larch, spruce and other conifers will also suit you. True, special impregnation will be required.

First installed load-bearing beam. Teeth are pre-cut in it, and steps are placed on the horizontal ribs. This beam is called a stringer and serves as additional support. A distance of 500 mm is left between the stringers. Their number will depend on the intervals specified by the project.

To arrange the bowstring, take a thicker board. The two strings must be held together by crossbars. In between, stringers are attached to the beams.

Cutting out the ribs on which the steps will be fixed is done using a square. Mistakes can lead to sagging and swelling of the steps.

The width of the steps should ensure comfort for residents. And their number is preferably odd - this way you will get an additional stiffener. Well, don't forget about the railings. Their presence is desirable if the number of steps is more than three.

The presence of an overhang is determined by the overall design. If you have glazing or reliable protection from bad weather, then his presence is not necessary. But at the same time, the overhang itself allows water to flow onto the plane of the lower step, preventing it from getting into the grooves after rolling down the riser.

When you install the porch to wooden house on the foundation, it is possible to form a small trench by applying pressure on the lower beam of the stringer. Of course, if the concrete has not yet hardened. This will increase the strength of the ladder. To arrange the upper platform, take a board that has convenient dimensions. It is necessary to accurately adjust the joints to prevent the occurrence of deformations in the future.

Metal construction

This extension looks quite elegant. But you will need the ability to work with welding equipment and use standard parts. Moreover, the cost will not be too high. Although the use of forged parts will increase the cost and will require pre-ordering forging elements.

A simplified version of the design is mounted using channels and corners. And then the filling material is installed, for example, wooden boards or high-strength chipboard.

The channels are fixed parallel to each other. The distance is selected in accordance with the designed length of the steps. A corner is made to fit the size of the steps. It is advisable to provide an additional margin of up to 1 cm at the edges for the seam.

Similarly, the part of the corner corresponding to the height between the steps is cut off. Then they are connected in the shape of the letter “G” by welding and attached to the channel. The output is metal obliques, which are connected in pairs with corners.

Use of concrete

The structure being manufactured will be connected directly to the foundation. Each step requires high-quality reinforcement to avoid destruction of the material. First, formwork is created for the bottom step. It is recommended to make the height of the first step 15-20 mm higher than the others.

Subsequent elements are done in the same way as laying the foundation. Each of them is securely reinforced with a mesh, and the transition to the next level is carried out after the concrete has dried at the previous level. Then rough tiles or stone are laid on top of the concrete.

You can evaluate the benefits of using each type of material from a photo of the porch. Appearance, the quality of construction and durability in operation are important factors choosing a design solution.

Arrangement of the canopy

The owner of a country house can decorate his home if he builds a canopy over the porch of the house. This element will be an excellent protection from bad weather. You can use metal pipes, wooden beam for the frame. The casing is also made of metal, wood and plexiglass.

The canopy is mounted on piles pre-installed into the base. Tiles or metal sheets are often used for covering, although polycarbonate is now gaining popularity. Be sure to provide a slope, on the lower edge of which a gutter is attached by welding.

Even a novice master can make a porch with his own hands. It is necessary to properly design this structure and carry out the work in stages, adhering to basic instructions.

Photo of the porch to the house

To choose the right porch design for a private house, you need to evaluate your budget and needs, and also consider photos of various ready-made solutions. Dekorin completed the last task for you: in this article you will find out what a porch for a private house can be like in terms of its shape, materials and finishing with examples in 40 photos.

Porch in a private house - beautiful options with photos

The dimensions and shape of the porch to the house are usually dictated architectural features and the size of the building itself, as well as the personal preferences of its owners. In particular, designers agree that the canopy and porch railings should be made in the same style as the roof and balconies of a private house. For example, if the roof of the house is gable, the canopy over the porch should be the same. And if you ordered forged balconies or window bars, then at the same time worry about the railings - so that they have the same forging patterns. The design of columns, arches and other decorative elements should be selected in the same way.

However, in the photos below you will see that the most interesting facades with the porch to the house were carried out precisely in order to evade these general rules. But first, let's look at the main porch design options:

  1. Open is the most common type of entrance to a house; may have a canopy and railings, and also be decorated with decor that is brought into the house in winter;
  2. Closed - has transparent or translucent walls made of glass, polycarbonate or a simple mosquito net; designed to decorate the entrance to the house, relaxation at any time of the year or use as a preliminary hallway;
  3. Mounted - made when a private house has a basement or when its need is justified by the landscape around the building; its design is often similar to a balcony;
  4. Porch-terrace - an extended version of the porch, used for relaxing in the fresh air;
  5. Protrusion shape: round and rectangular.

Finally, you also have to choose the materials from which the porch for a private house will be made. Today, most porch structures are made of concrete, which can then be painted, tile, stone, wood, etc. Other common materials include wood, metal, stone and brick. Let's take a closer look at them!

Wooden porch to the house - ecology and comfort

The most common option today is wood porch decks, which are installed on a concrete, brick or metal base. In 80% of cases, a wooden porch is made of pine, as the most common and cheapest material. When properly sealed, varnished and stained, a wood porch will look good for many years to come. In the following photos you will see options on how to make a porch for a private house from wood.

Concrete porch - strength and variety

Concrete is the cheapest, most versatile and reliable material for making a porch. Firstly, concrete porch is monolithic and does not loosen over time, as happens with wooden structures. Secondly, it can be easily repaired and decorated with any decor. And finally, it can be given absolutely any shape, and it will not particularly affect the cost and duration of the project.

Most often, a concrete porch is finished with clinker or other tiles, less often with stone, paint and other materials. In modern homes with wood, brick and siding facades, it is often left bare to highlight the color and texture of the walls and environment. Let's look at the photo to see what a concrete porch might look like.

Brick porch - reliability and unpretentiousness

A brick porch will be more expensive, but also a very attractive and reliable solution for a private home. Its installation will take quite a lot of time and labor, but long term this will fully pay for itself due to its ease of care. Note that quite often a brick porch has a concrete base and/or covering steps.

Chic stone porch - an expressive classic

Natural stone is very strong, durable and beautiful material for decorating the porch. There are many various types stones, some of which are used to create a foundation, others for decorative finishing. Accordingly, the first of them are more expensive and reliable than the others. In general, any stone can withstand any weather conditions well and does not require maintenance for a long time.

Wrought iron trim and metal porch

As a rule, by metal or wrought iron porch we mean decorative elements porch - roof, steps and railings made of metal. However, sometimes you can see completely metal porch for a private home, as in the following photo.

The main advantages of such a metal porch are its high strength and durability. The only point: you will have to spend extra money on painting it and treating it against corrosion. In addition, metal floors are quite cold, which is why this material is not used for terraces intended for relaxation. In them, the metal base is covered with wood or a concrete base is used.

Decorating the porch of a house with tiles and polycarbonate

The tiles can be installed on a concrete and brick porch when it is necessary to increase its attractiveness or equip it as a recreation area. Modern choice tiles allows you to find very stylish models under wood, stone and with other effects. Particularly popular today are clinker tiles for outdoor porches and bright tile designs with patterns in Moroccan and geometric styles.

Canopy over the porch made of polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is an inexpensive, very flexible and lightweight material used to decorate the walls and canopies over the porch. Usually it is mounted on a metal base and pasted over sun protection film. The most economical and simplest way to create a canopy over the porch of a private house of all those available for 2016! And it looks decent:

You have looked through 40 photos on the topic of what a porch for a private home could be like. We hope you enjoyed it. Leave your comment below so that we can improve our articles and delight you with even more interesting materials!

Beautiful porch for a private house - 40 photos updated: May 31, 2018 by: Margarita Glushko
