How to heat your house cheaper with electricity. The most economical heating of a private home - choosing a system from the available options

People living in high-rise buildings in large cities have long been accustomed to centralized system heating. Since it is not possible to find out exactly how much heat is consumed by each apartment, payment is collected from everyone according to certain standards established by utility services. Those who live in private houses are luckier; they can choose the heating that is most beneficial to them and the most economical.

Types of heating and savings opportunities

Let's consider several types of heating:

  1. Electricity. IN given time This is the most expensive heating method and it is difficult to define it as economical heating. Therefore, it is most often used as an additional heat source.
  2. Gas. Gas heating is the cheapest and most economical. If there is a gas main nearby, be sure to choose this one economical heating.
  3. Solid fuel – peat fuel briquettes. Most often used where there is no gas pipeline.
  4. Liquid fuels. Boilers for heating a room can operate on diesel fuel and are another type of fuel included in the category of economical heating.
  5. Heating with wood. This is the most reliable and centuries-proven method of heating. If you install a fireplace in the house, you can not only heat the room, but also enjoy watching the burning fire on cold, blizzard evenings, creating a cozy romantic atmosphere in the house. Of course, there are also disadvantages. The most important thing is the high fire hazard, as well as the high cost of firewood. True, it is much cheaper than using electric heaters.
  6. Coal heating. It is still very common in the CIS countries.

Alternative heat sources

Progress does not stand still and every year more and more different economical systems heating and not very economical. They can replace the usual traditional types of home heating, and also save money.

For example, the new skirting system offers mini radiators that are placed under the skirting boards, thereby creating a microclimate in the room that has a beneficial effect and maintains warmth.

This system is interesting because it heats not the air, but the walls, furniture, that is, surfaces. This is economical heating, and such a system will save up to 30% of electricity. System warm baseboard operates by heating water using heating elements. For example, a 12-meter plinth will require only four liters of water.

Modern, economical heating systems used to heat private homes

  • Infrared heating systems. The method is very convenient, but labor-intensive, there is no need to lay pipes and install boilers, the savings are about 60%, if we take into account the usual heating costs.

  • Air systems. If you ask the question which heating is more economical, then, in principle, you can give an example air systems. It is quite economical, they are used gas heaters air and pipes through which heat enters the house. They have many advantages. To prevent dust from rising along with the heated air, there are filters that purify the air. Electricity-saving heating installation. Converts electricity into heat, but does not consume much electricity.
  • Infrared film for heating. New product from foreign manufacturers. Used as flooring, this is quite economical heating with your own hands. But you need to take into account that you cannot lay or place anything on this film, not even carpets.

  • Solar panels. For those who live in sunny parts of our country, and indeed the world, this is simply an ideal option. It will save a lot of money, you won’t have to pay for hot water every month, you will have it all year round. You will not worry about turning off the heating or hot water. And you will always have electricity. Now it has become popular to install solar panels on the roofs of houses; they can also serve as an additional source of power, if the electricity suddenly goes out, they will help maintain the operation of heating devices, boilers, you can watch TV, use various household appliances, charge your phone and much more. You will be practically independent of both hot water and heating suppliers and energy providers, which will significantly save you money, nerves and time, and make your life easier.

So which heating is the most economical for a private home?

The question of which type of heating is the most economical, of course, is individual for everyone. But we can definitely say that the answer will most likely be DIY gas economy heating. Of course, there are some risks, but manufacturers usually guarantee 2-3 years of uninterrupted operation of the equipment, as well as repairs if a malfunction occurs.

Although, in addition to purchasing it, you will need to spend money on purchasing pipes and various accessories, you will need to dig trenches, or make a suspension system for gas pipes. There may also be a fee for installation and maintenance consultations. gas equipment and in payment for the service of drawing up a project for gas communications, and much more. Therefore, when answering the question of which heating is the most economical, you should evaluate your home directly, your capabilities, and also consider the most different options, evaluating each of them.


By various reasons, despite the high cost of electricity, owners of private houses often opt for heating using electrical equipment. This type of building is considered the most expensive, so the question is about saving money spent on maintaining a comfortable temperature regime indoors, is relevant. Economical electric heating of a private home will help solve the problem. This article explains how to organize it.

Types of electric boilers

Electric heating devices are divided into several main groups:
  • heating elements;
  • electrode boilers;
  • induction equipment;
  • infrared heaters.

Tubular heaters (heaters)

They are the most popular type of heating devices. Their work is based on the transfer of heat from a tubular electric heater to a liquid coolant (usually water is used, less often antifreeze).

Advantages of heating elements:

  • the design of the unit shown in the photo eliminates electrical contact with the coolant. Thanks to this, they can be equipped with emergency automatic equipment designed for protective shutdown;
  • the type of coolant does not affect the power of tubular heaters; it changes if the voltage in the network increases or decreases. Thanks to this feature of the device, it is possible to organize a stepped or smooth heating method. When the owner wants to implement economical heating with electricity, this advantage should be used (read also: " ").

Disadvantages of heating elements:
  • The working life of the heating elements is limited. When purchasing such a boiler, you need to pay attention to whether it is possible to replace the heating elements, which will subsequently lead to saving money, since you will not need to buy a new device;
  • scale forms on the surface of the heating elements and for this reason they may fail ahead of schedule;
  • water must have a certain hardness, therefore, if this indicator exceeds the norm, measures must be taken to reduce it.

Electrode boilers

The structural design of such a boiler is simple: electrodes are built into the container. Heating of the coolant occurs due to the release of heat when current passes through the liquid. However, there is no
electrolysis process, so the anode and cathode alternate in a continuous mode with a frequency of 50 Hz.

Advantages of electrode boilers:

  • Compared to tubular electric heaters, they are more reliable and have a longer service life. If scale forms on the electrodes, they do not fail;
  • have smaller dimensions.

Disadvantages of electrode boilers:
  • when using water as a coolant, it requires special treatment;
  • When antifreeze is used, it must be formulated by the device manufacturer.

Induction equipment

Its structure is similar to that of a transformer.

The induction device has two circuits:

Advantages of induction devices:

  • the possibility of boiler breakdown is minimized, since it does not have heating elements;
  • practically no scale is formed;
  • high degree electrical safety;
  • equipment operates under a wide range of pressure and temperatures;
  • usage different types coolants.

Disadvantages of induction devices:
  • significant weight;
  • large dimensions;
  • high cost;
  • possibility of problems arising smooth adjustment power.

Infrared heaters

It is believed that the most economical electric heating can be organized using infrared devices. From different manufacturers they differ not only in size, but also in weight and color. Often these devices are called panels, and they are usually installed on the wall or ceiling, where they will not interfere with the movement of people (read also: " ").

Infrared heaters can be used to heat residential premises, offices, industrial workshops, etc. They are usually used when quick heating is required. The principle of their operation is based on the fact that IR rays coming from the device heat the surfaces of walls, floors, and objects in the room, after which they give off heat to the air. Often, this is how it is organized.

Advantages of infrared heaters:
  • they provide rapid heating of rooms;
  • there is no combustion of oxygen;
  • people in the room feel pleasant warmth;
  • it is possible to heat the room only from below, which allows you to organize electric heating economical;
  • no combustion products are formed during operation;
  • availability automatic adjustment and device control;
  • there is no air circulation, which means dust does not move;
  • the device is simply installed and is easy to care for – it is not necessary to involve a specialist;
  • long service life ranges from 12 to 35 years;
  • The devices are absolutely fireproof.
Infrared heaters have one drawback. Since objects heat up first, after turning on the device the air remains cold for some time (short time). But such equipment allows you to get.

Electric heating device, see video example:

How to organize economical heating

In a private house, you can organize economical heating with electricity using an electric boiler (read also: "").

But provided that the following requirements are met:

  1. The heat output required to heat the premises should be reduced. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate heat loss by insulating the walls, ceiling, and windows of the house. After carrying out a number of works to reduce heat loss, energy consumption will decrease.Of course, implementing such measures will require financial costs, but laying and connecting a line from the main gas pipeline is also not a cheap pleasure. Read also: "".
  2. To organize economical heating with electricity for your home, you need to choose correct option heating. The correct method will be the one that will save more money (read also: " "). For example, if you insulate well one-room apartment, it is better to use an electric boiler as an additional heat source, despite the fact that the centralized heating system will always function steam heating. In apartments with a large number of rooms, it is advisable to install devices with built-in power control, since they allow you to maintain a different temperature in each room depending on when they are used.
  3. The room needs to be installed various types heaters and combine them to create truly economical heating of a private home with electricity. All types of heating devices differ in operational characteristics, and their correct combination can provide efficient heating electricity.

    For the bathroom best choice will become infrared heater, since you will need to turn it on before taking water procedures, and, as you know, this device warms up the room very quickly. In the kitchen you can use a combination heating devices. The optimal solution there will be an infrared heater plus an electric convector. You can use them as follows. will constantly operate at low power and thereby maintain the minimum permissible temperature in the kitchen when all the residents of the house are absent. In the evening, after returning, you need to turn on the infrared heater and quickly warm the room to a comfortable state.
  4. It is necessary to control the temperature in the house using thermostatic automation. It can be configured so that in the absence of people in the house the temperature is significantly reduced, and in their presence the room is maintained comfortable conditions stay. As a result, the functioning heating equipment This mode will allow you to save a lot of money.
  5. If possible, you should use a night rate. The price of electricity at night is several times lower compared to the daytime cost. To install a multi-tariff electric meter, the property owner needs to contact the regional energy supply organization.

As follows from the above information, organize economical heating using electrical appliances It is quite possible, but without taking a number of measures it is unrealistic. Before you begin the project, you should decide which electric heating is the most economical in in this case and think it over carefully. Read also: "".

The cost of heating your home will not be so high if everything is done correctly. When the power consumption of heating devices planned for installation exceeds the value established in the supply contract electrical energy, then this issue must be agreed upon with the organization supplying electricity, otherwise serious problems for consumers cannot be avoided.

Nowadays, many owners of private country houses or summer cottages are increasingly having to look for an alternative to gas as the main type of fuel to heat their homes. The reasons are different: for some, natural gas becomes too expensive, others have the opportunity to use other energy sources, and for others, main gas is simply not available due to its complete absence nearby. Then the question arises: what kind of economical heating of a house without gas is there, and what fuel is best to use?

Alternative energy sources

There is no clear answer to this question, since each individual case has its own nuances. For example, on your plot of land many old ones are growing big trees, which just beg to be put into the firebox of a wood-burning boiler.

Option two: the customer is ready to exchange certain services long time supply you with diesel fuel or coal. It is clear that in such situations you will be inclined to these types of energy carriers and not pay attention to others. In the long term, this will be a mistake, since such sources will sooner or later dry up and you will have to look for other heating methods country house or buy the same fuel, but at a generally accepted price.

We will try to develop some kind of universal method for determining the optimal energy carrier for heating a home, which will suit each individual case. First, let’s make a reservation that the methodology will help you determine for yourself the most cheap heating without gas, we do not take it into account.

Just as we do not take into account various high-tech and exotic species heating, inaccessible to ordinary citizens. This includes heat pumps, solar panels, wind turbines and various types machine and vegetable oils. Then how to heat the house if there is no gas and the above sources? We still have at our disposal:

  • ordinary firewood;
  • Euro firewood;
  • pellets;
  • coal;
  • diesel fuel;
  • liquefied gas in cylinders;
  • electricity.

For each of these energy sources, you should calculate the costs for the entire cold period, then it will be clear how cheaper it is to heat a house.

Important! Before starting calculations, it is imperative to harmonize the units of measurement of the amount of fuel, that is, to prevent confusion between volume (m3) and mass (kg). It is recommended that all types of energy carriers, except electricity, be converted to units of mass - kilograms.

Calculating heating costs

To find out what is the most economical heating for a country house, it is recommended for clarity to draw up a simple plate like this:

In this table, the second column is filled in based on the cost of each type of fuel in your region, or your individual price is entered in it. The third column has already been filled in for ease of calculation. The cost of 1 kW of thermal energy can be easily determined by dividing the price of 1 kg of fuel (column 2) by its specific calorific value(column 3).

The fifth column is filled in based on the fact that the average consumed thermal power in a private house with an area of ​​100 m2 per season is 5 kW/h, and the duration heating season– 180 days (5 x 24 x 180 = 21600 kW/h).

It is clear that the house designs are all different and the area will be different, as well as the length of the season in your region, so you will need to make appropriate adjustments. By multiplying the data in columns 4 and 5, we determine the estimated costs for the season.

However, these values ​​do not take into account the operating efficiency of the equipment, the values ​​of which are given below. Dividing the estimated costs by the efficiency value, in the last column we get a direct answer to the question - what is cheaper to heat a house besides gas.

For those homeowners in whose homes are already installed gas boilers, you can add another line below for comparison, filling it with data on natural gas, based on actual fuel consumption and price.

It would seem that now everything has fallen into place and you can calmly make a choice in favor of one or another energy carrier for economical heating. But this approach is one-sided, because there is also such a thing as convenience and complexity in maintaining and operating the heating system of a private home.

Choosing an energy carrier based on ease of use

Comfortable operation of boiler equipment that supplies heat to water heating is an important factor, since any unnecessary hassle and inconvenience is your time and money. That is, total costs indirectly increase in accordance with how much effort is put into maintaining the operation of the system. In some cases, economical heating systems no longer seem so economical after the first season, and sometimes you want to pay extra money just not to deal with such problems.

Unlike financial indicators, ease of use is a constant value for each type of fuel, so it can be found out immediately, which will help you make a choice. We will evaluate convenience according to the following criteria:

  • the difficulty of repairing or maintaining the boiler installation;
  • necessity and convenience of storage;
  • comfort in daily use (need to load fuel, etc.).

To find out which energy carrier will provide comfortable and economical heating for a private home, we will draw up a second table, where for each of the criteria we will rate all types of fuel using a five-point system, and then summarize.


Requires no maintenance electric boilers, except for sometimes opening the cover and brushing off dust or cleaning the contacts, for which they receive the highest rating. Some actions are required if heating country house liquefied gas. Once every 2 years it is recommended to check and, if necessary, clean the igniter and burner, which is why propane is a solid four. Pellet boilers receive 3 points because they require cleaning the combustion chamber several times a year and the chimney once.

Accordingly, wood and coal units need to be cleaned frequently as they become dirty. The worst situation in this regard is with diesel fuel, since its quality often leaves much to be desired, which is why the frequency of maintenance is unpredictable.


It is clear that electricity does not require storage space, while liquefied gas and diesel fuel may require some space. But when economical heating of a private house with wood is organized, then a lot of space for a warehouse will be required. The same goes for pellets, since they require a dry room or a special silo. As for coal, it produces a lot of waste, dust and dirt, so this is the lowest rating.

Ease of use

And here, economical electric heating turned out to be excellent, since it does not require any intervention during operation. Pellets and liquefied gas must be replenished periodically, 1-2 times a week, or even less often. You should pay attention to diesel fuel a little more often, more to supervise the work than to add fuel.

Well, what traditionally causes the most trouble is independent heating in a private house using coal and wood, here loading into the combustion chamber is needed from 1 to 3 times a day.

The last column summarizes the results according to which heating is the most comfortable and convenient country house in winter using electricity. If this result considered in conjunction with financial costs, then electricity may not be the worst option.


An integrated approach to the issue shows that the most economical heating systems for a summer house and country house may turn out to be the most troublesome during operation. Therefore, you should not rush and carefully weigh and calculate everything, or even better, install an electric boiler in combination with any other.

One of the undeniable advantages of private houses over city apartments is the opportunity to choose optimal view heating. It is much more pleasant to realize that the heat in your home does not depend on the mood of various utility services; system maintenance will take place when it is convenient for you. In the end, you know exactly what you are paying for and how much. That is why, even during the design of a house, or during the construction process, many ask themselves the question: “which option is better and " One of the main criteria for such a choice is the concept of benefit.

And before determining what is the most profitable heating for a private home, it is worth understanding what exactly we are talking about. After all, the benefits also vary.

For example, for someone, in the understanding, it is beneficial, meaning, to invest inexpensively in the installation of equipment, but the costs, over time, can easily reduce this benefit to zero, due to the high cost of the resources expended. Others prefer to spend money initially and then benefit from more economical expenses.

Both options are fair in their own way, since in the first case, the house may well be built for sale. And your future fate in terms of heating costs is no longer your concern.

But, if the house is yours, and you plan to stay in it for a long period, then it is wiser to start from the benefits of the second option.

So, it is worth paying attention not only to the cost of the equipment, but also to the heating installation itself, and to calculate in advance the optimally beneficial, specifically for you, type of resources used to maintain the operation of the heating system.

Types of heating systems for a private home

Think about which of the listed types of fuel is more economical in your case and is available.

Types of fuel used:

  • Sorted coal;
  • Regular firewood;
  • Briquettes based on wood or peat;
  • Liquid fuel (light fuel oil, diesel fuel, diesel fuel for);
  • Electricity;
  • Natural or liquefied gas.

Having decided, it is worth considering what type of systems, the type of fuel that is beneficial to you, will be powered.

  • Air;
  • Electrical;
  • Water.

Electric heating systems for a private house

What are the features, advantages and disadvantages of the above heating systems? Let's figure it out:

Air heating system for a private house: pros and cons

The air heating system operates on the industrial principle supply ventilation, driving air through a heater or a built-in heat exchanger, where it is heated and distributed throughout the room through specially designated channels.

Key advantages of the system

Due to the lack of coolant, you will never encounter freezing or leakage problems. This means that there are no expenses for off-season preventive work.

Due to the humidifiers built into the system, you don’t have to worry about dry air in the room.

The rate of heating of the air in the living space is quite high. The efficiency is not lower than 90%.

The main type of consumption is gas. Although there are also hybrid systems. The cost of these is initially higher than their gas counterparts, but is compensated by the fact that one stove can heat not only air, but also water system. For those who plan to have combined heating for all occasions, it is worth considering this option in more detail.

What are the disadvantages:

The disadvantages of the system include, first of all, the need for a fairly spacious room for installing a heat generator.

Domestic gas, due to the high content of paraffins in its composition, is poorly suited for the equipment of an American manufacturer. As a solution, you can purchase a hybrid analogue made in Germany that runs on the type of fuel you need.

Noise. The operation of the system, unfortunately, is not silent. Therefore, if silence in your home is a priority for you, you should either refuse air type heating in principle, or choose the quietest option from those offered by the market.

Electric heating in a private house: pros and cons

Electric heating has a variety of applications and can be either the main or an additional source of heat regulation for your home. They can be built-in, overhead and even portable. There are several types:

  • Infrared heating;
  • Convection;
  • Warm floor system.

The principle of operation of the first type is to convert electrical energy into infrared radiation, which heats the room within the radius of the radiation. It is also worth paying attention to the unique ability of the effect in question. Namely, the fact that objects directly heat up. All other types and types of heating heat the air. And, as you know, it is not the best conductor of heat. Mounted in the ceiling, walls and even the floor of your home.

Advantages of electric heating of a private house

It has a number of special advantages. For example, a series useful properties, which are inherent in infrared therapies. Another feature associated with radiation is that even after the system is disconnected from the network, heated objects continue to give off heat.

Thus, saving your energy costs. If we consider a floor infrared heating system, then any type of coating is suitable for it, unlike its electric counterpart. With high thermal insulation of your home, the developers guarantee very economical consumption. The stated figures are at least 65% savings. Easy to install. Not afraid of sudden power surges in the network.

Disadvantages of electric heating of a private house

When it comes to ceilings, it is not always possible to get into the interior composition. Therefore, lovers of aesthetics should think in advance about the design of the ceilings into which the tapes will be installed. If the thermal insulation of the house is low, then there is a chance of not falling into the percentage superiority of cost efficiency promised by the manufacturers.

Convection heating of a private house: pros and cons

Built on the principle of natural circulation air flow, heated by a heating element built into the convector. Wall and floor mounted. It can also be a portable heat source.

Advantages of convection heating

We can safely mention mobility and the possibility of installation in an already built house. Modern convectors do not dry the air. Safety of use. If the convector suddenly falls or breaks, it is instantly disconnected from the network, thanks to the built-in protection against fire and short circuit in the network. Installation is simple. Place it on the floor or attach it to the wall next to the electrical outlet. Low cost of equipment compared to other systems.

Disadvantages of convection heating

There are no particular disadvantages. Except that the system's power source is purely electric and cannot be hybrid.

Heating a private house using heated floors: pros and cons

The “warm floor” system is an electrical circuit consisting of a special heating cable in Teflon insulation. When current is applied, the filaments heat up to the set software parameters, while releasing heat that warms the floor.

Advantages of electric heated floors

The advantages of this type of heating are usually called the comfortable feeling from the contact of the bare foot with a warm surface. This is especially true for bathrooms and swimming pools. At high-quality installation, the system is quite long-lasting in operation and does not require maintenance.

Disadvantages of electric heated floors

There are also disadvantages to such pleasure. There is an opinion that “warm floors” are harmful to health due to electromagnetic radiation. And partly this is true. Partially because, when installing a system from a cheap manufacturer, protective screens are not included.

More expensive analogues use more quality materials with protection, reducing the harm of radiation to a level comparable to the operation of a conventional TV or microwave. So, basically, the disadvantage of this heating method comes down to the financial side of the issue, since an important factor is played not only by the cost and installation, but also by the coating that follows after installation of the system.

It is not recommended to cover the floor or put PVC tiles, the glue of which contains harmful chemical elements. If these conditions are met, you will be able to enjoy warm floors in your premises with virtually no harm.

Advantages of electric heating of a private house

All of the types of electric heating listed above have a number of common positive aspects. They are easy to install, relatively inexpensive, environmentally friendly, and do not dry out the air.

The systems are absolutely silent in use. Possibility of integration into the interior. They do not require maintenance and are easily replaced in case of breakdown. It is possible to regulate the temperature, and do it locally. For example, one room needs to be heated more, but in winter garden, on the contrary, maintain lower temperatures.

Equipped with built-in thermostats that allow you to regulate the required degree of heating without unnecessary energy consumption. When the set temperature is reached, the sensor will operate and turn off the system. It is an alternative to combustible energy sources, subject to high cost or absence of them, as such, in your region.

Unlike air or water heating systems, it is possible to connect to solar panels, which will allow you to receive an additional, free source, subject to sunny weather.

Disadvantages of electric heating in a private home

The other side of the coin will be a possible (in your individual calculations) disadvantage relative to the current cost of electricity. There is also a risk of being left without heating if the power line breaks in bad weather, or if there is an interruption in the power supply to the area where your home is located.

Water heating systems in a private house

Now let's move on to the third, water heating system. A closed circuit of pipes installed or installed externally, with a built-in heat generator (boiler or stove) and heat transfer points (radiator batteries). Water heated by the boiler circulates through the system and heats the space. Sometimes, by analogy with electric “warm floors”, it is installed in the floor.

Let's look at three types of water circulation and their features.

  • Natural;
  • Forced;
  • Combined.

Home heating system with natural circulation

Natural circulation, as the name suggests, is carried out due to a natural process, the difference specific gravity hot and cold water. Warm water, displaced by the cold liquid, goes up, goes through a cycle, gives off heat, and, cooling, returns to the boiler.

When installing inlet and outlet pipes, it is worth considering the nuance with a slope of at least 3° for normal, natural circulation and helps reduce the effect of air accumulation called “ airing».

Advantages of natural circulation systems

The advantages of this type include ease of installation, durability, and quiet operation.

Disadvantages of natural circulation systems

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the ineffectiveness of such a system in a house with a heated area of ​​over 100 square meters.

It takes a lot of time to warm up the system and heat the room. Inability to adjust heating temperature. You need to monitor the temperature in cold weather, and you need to keep the boiler running, even if you are not in the house, otherwise the pipes will freeze and may even burst.

Home heating system with forced circulation

To the system forced circulation pump is built in. Or, it is already built directly into the boiler by the manufacturer. Due to the operation of the pump, heating efficiency increases to 30% compared to the first option. Less pipe consumption during installation compared to the first system. It is possible to regulate the temperature. To prevent freezing, you can use a special liquid.

The disadvantage of forced circulation is directly dependent on the power supply

The system combines the work of the previous two. The advantages are the same as those of a “forced” heating system. But you have the opportunity to switch at any time convenient for you and not worry if the electricity supply to your home suddenly goes out.

Boilers for water heating systems offered on the market are very different and suitable for any type of fuel. Including combined types. There is a choice for every type of consumption, taste and budget.

The main disadvantage of water heat exchange systems

This is the cost of installation and periodic maintenance.

How to choose the most profitable heating for a private home

Key points that are worth paying attention to again based on the information received:

1. We decide on plans for the future of this house.

2. We determine the most profitable type of fuel for your region.

3. Pay attention to the area of ​​the house.

4. We think through in detail where and how much we need to warm up the room.

5. Select the most suitable type of heating and its subtypes.

6. Don’t forget about the quality of thermal insulation, which can significantly both increase and reduce your costs in the future.

You can save on heating your home if you draw up a plan in advance that takes into account all the key parameters of the task facing you.

From practice , we can say that the cheapest methods of heating a private house will be:

  • Liquefied gas
  • Diesel fuel
  • Firewood
  • Coal
  • Ready-made briquettes for heating

All these types of heating of a private home are discussed in great detail in the following video:

The cheaper way to heat a country house video

It is realistic to provide cheap and effective system heating. The electric convector is built on the principle of natural air circulation. Warm air moves upward from the heater, thus stimulating the movement of air inside the room and ensuring uniform heating. However, the convector is effective only in warm climate when the temperature does not drop below 10-15 degrees.


  • No forced air blowing. Even in the cleanest home there are particulates that lie on surfaces. With artificial blowing warm air from the heater, this dust becomes part of the air we breathe. Natural air circulation is not so active, so dust does not rise into the air.
  • Small size with sufficient power. The heating elements of convectors heat up quickly, converting electricity into heat with an efficiency of up to 80%. In addition, there is a system of operation in different modes, as well as thermostats that allow operation not constantly, but only when the air temperature drops.
  • Mobility, allowing you to move the convector around the room, to places with maximum cold flow.
  • The possibility of creating a heating system exclusively using convectors or using them as an integral part of more complex system heating
  • The electric heating element does not heat up more than 100 degrees, and the body - 60 degrees. They have an increased level of protection from moisture, which allows the convector to be used in the kitchen and bathrooms.


  • Cons electric convectors is to install heaters in every room of the house.
  • In addition, if you turn them on at the same time, there is a possibility of exceeding the permissible power limits.

However, the disadvantages can be turned into advantages by installing a relay for turning on the heaters one by one. The relay will allow you to create a stable temperature in the house, reduce energy costs and remain within the permissible power limits. There is another argument in favor of a system of convectors - they will not all fail at once. Replacing one or two appliances without losing heat is not difficult.

The photo shows an electric convector from Nobo, Norway

Method 2 - tubular electric heaters

Transfers heat from a tubular electric heater to the coolant to liquid basis. Typically, water and oil are used as a coolant, sometimes antifreeze. The principle of the heaters is the same as electric kettles, that’s why they are also called heaters and oil radiators. In fact, it is a boiler placed in a vessel with water. The efficiency of such devices is quite high, and heat loss for heating is minimal.


  • The undoubted advantages of tubular heaters include their safety, operational reliability and versatility of use.
  • Can be used in both gaseous and liquid media.
  • Not explosive, and not afraid of vibrations and shocks.
  • Tubular heaters are available in a variety of design solutions, which allows for economical heating private house electricity without disturbing the aesthetics of the interior.


Heating heating elements have a high cost due to expensive metals which are used in production. Since scale forms on the tubes, it is necessary.

A tubular radiator is a thin-walled metal tube with a spiral inside, so if you do not need particularly high temperatures, then you need to take a heater with carbon steel tubes. If the device must output stably high temperature or work in an aggressive environment, then you need to take a stainless steel device.

The photo shows a tubular electric heater made by yourself

Method 3 - heated floor

As the only source of heating, they are chosen to free usable area, i.e. arrange heating without using radiators. In addition, uniform distribution of heat in the room helps reduce dust in the air. I recommend buying electric floors in the form of heating mats - this will greatly simplify installation.

Method 4 - electric boiler with heating element

Their popularity is determined by their safety, low cost and reliability. Most consumers opt for heating element boilers - they are much cheaper than electrode and induction boilers, and they are easy to maintain.

However, due to the use of a thermoelectric heater (TEH), such heating cannot be called the most economical. In addition, before purchasing, I recommend checking the operating mode of the local electrical networks - perhaps the networks will not cope with the load you need and the purchase will be in vain.

The photo shows an electric boiler KOSPEL, Poland

Method 5 - induction boiler

This is a transformer with two types of winding. The resulting eddy currents follow a short-circuited loop, which is the boiler body. The secondary winding receives energy, which is converted into heat, which heats the coolant.

Induction boilers heat your home quickly, can operate at low voltage, and have no parts that can fail. The efficiency of such a boiler is almost 100% and does not depend on the service life.

The photo shows an induction boiler EPO Evan 9.5 kW, Russia

Method 6 - electrode boiler

Inside there are electrodes that perform the function heating element. When current passes through a liquid, heat is generated. This means that in electrode boilers there is no actual heating element on which scale could form. The absence of scale will greatly facilitate operation.

Electrode boilers are highly reliable and operate much longer than tubular heaters. In addition, they are small in size, which is very convenient for a small residential building. The disadvantages include high demands to the liquid used as a coolant. Water must undergo special treatment. Often, antifreeze must be exclusive - from the developer of the device.

The photo shows an electrode boiler Galan, Russia

Method 7 - infrared heaters (the most economical)

Infrared heaters are considered the most economical of all types of electric heaters. They do not need heating elements and water pipes. Infrared heaters heat objects, not the room. Then the heated objects heat up the air. If an electric boiler can be compared to a kettle, then an infrared boiler can be compared to a microwave oven.

Infrared panels are especially popular. They are installed on the ceiling or walls of residential and production premises. Since the heating area is increased, the room becomes warmer faster than usual. Such a panel can be used as an independent heating source or as an addition to an existing system. The infrared heater goes well with electrode boilers. For example, an infrared heater can only be turned on in spring and autumn, when it is too early to turn on the main heating, or when it suddenly gets cold outside.

In the photo infrared panel GROHE, Germany


  1. It is generally accepted that heating a house with electricity is not cheap. This is certainly true if we mean only payment according to tariffs. However, to the price of heating you need to add the cost of the equipment, as well as the costs of its maintenance and repair.
  2. If you compare bills for electricity, firewood, coal, pipes, boilers and other equipment, you can come to the conclusion that private heating with electricity is cheaper than stoves and other heating alternatives gas systems.
  3. In addition to money, there is another argument in favor of electric heating - it saves time: turn it on, leave and forget. The only downside is a sudden power outage.

Below, watch a video about how we managed to create cheap heating with electricity for a large private house.
