Sanitary zone of power lines. The influence of electromagnetic fields on humans

In the USSR, the magnetic component of radiation from high-voltage power lines was not taken into account at all in safety standards. Both construction in the power line zone and residence were allowed. Magnetic radiation levels acceptable in Russia since 2007 are today tens of times higher than similar standards in Scandinavia and a number of other European countries.

The majority of experts interviewed by BN advise weighing and even taking some measurements before buying or building new housing near power lines.

A look into history

Oddly enough, humanity is much more aware of safe levels of radiation than critical levels of electromagnetic radiation. High-voltage power lines are precisely sources electromagnetic field industrial frequency - 50 Hz. Their wires are a kind of antenna for radio waves of enormous length - 6 million meters, these waves are called “megameter”. For comparison: FM radio stations broadcast on waves several meters long, and GSM cellular networks use decimeter waves.

In the USSR acceptable standards took into account only the electric component of the field, and the effect on human body the magnetic component was not assessed at all.

Buying a home on the secondary market: what are the risks?When purchasing an apartment, room or house on the secondary market, you need to thoroughly check the history >> There are no problems with the electrical intensity of the electric field. The maximum permissible voltage level inside residential premises is 0.5 kilovolts per meter (kV/m), in residential areas - 1.0 kV/m. It is very difficult to exceed it, as experts say, so in the “Soviet” version, lines up to 220 kV were allowed to be located as much as desired, and sometimes even built. Dacha settlements under high-voltage lines were quite common. Later the so-called security zones Power lines designed to protect the structures themselves rather than the health of the population. One way or another, they took into account the distance from the house to the power lines.

Power line voltage, kV

Standards for safe distance from power lines, m

SanPiN No. 2971-84 0 0 0 0 0 20 30 40 55
Security zones from power lines 10 10 15 20 25 30 30 40 55

Magnetism is worse than electricity

“Most of our practical studies confirm that the electric field strength near power lines does not exceed established standards. Regarding the magnetic field, everything is not so clear. The magnitude of the magnetic field depends on the currents passing through the wires, the material of the building walls, and even the design of power line supports,” said Oleg Grigoriev, director of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety, member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the EMF and Health program of the World Health Organization (WHO). A number of Western studies indicate that living near power lines increases the risk of a number of diseases, precisely because of the magnetic component. Some results are alarming.

Thus, Swedish scientists have found that people living at a distance of up to 800 m from power lines with a voltage of 200 kV are statistically more likely to have leukemia, brain tumors, and breast cancer. In men, reproductive function decreases, and the percentage of births of boys decreases. The researchers found that all of these problems were to blame for the increased level of the magnetic component of the electromagnetic field, and estimated the dangerous threshold for magnetic flux density at 0.1 microtesla (µT).

Finnish experts came to a similar conclusion. True, they conducted research in a five-hundred-meter corridor from power lines with a voltage of 110-400 kV. Finnish scientists considered a magnetic flux density value of 0.2 μT to be a dangerous threshold.

Edge of risk

The WHO Agency for Cancer Research has classified power frequency magnetic fields (PFMF) with flux densities above 0.3-0.4 μT as Group 2B “possible carcinogens.” To make it clear, there is also group 2A (“probable carcinogens”) and group 1, which, in fact, includes absolutely proven carcinogens. WHO experts admit that the magnetic component of an electromagnetic field of industrial purity with a flux density higher than 0.3-0.4 μT - “under conditions of prolonged chronic exposure, may be a carcinogenic environmental factor.”

To be fair, we note that in the new millennium, Russian standards also finally “saw” the danger of the magnetic component of the field. SanPiN 2.1.2 1002-00 established the limit value of the magnetic indicator for residential premises at 10 μT, and for residential areas at 50 μT. On November 10, 2007, more stringent limits came into force, amounting to 5 and 10 μT, respectively. Alas, even these figures are tens of times higher than the “Scandinavian” threshold of 0.2 µT, which has become the official criterion for many countries.

“A number of countries have confirmed these standards by law. These are Switzerland, Scandinavian countries, Israel and some others. But Russia is not on this list. I consider it advisable for newly introduced residential facilities and for all school and preschool institutions to adhere to the WHO recommendations on this issue. Even if this does not have a hygienic justification, the WHO precautionary principle is precisely intended for such situations,” says Oleg Grigoriev.

So far, representatives of the scientific world cannot find a biological basis for the effects of IHRL on the human body. There is also a dissenting opinion. They say that power lines cannot have a significant impact on people’s health, since at distances of 200 meters from the wires the magnetic field formed by them is less than the Earth’s magnetic field, which is 30-50 µT. However, we should not forget that the magnetic field of our planet is relatively constant, and does not vibrate at a frequency of 50 Hz per second, like MPFC.

Enemies external and internal

When inspecting a property, you should not immediately panic if you find a power line nearby. First, assess her tension. In Russia, the most common power lines with voltages are 6, 10, 35, 110, 150, 220, 330 and 500 kV. You can determine what voltage a given line has indirectly by counting the number of insulators (in power lines up to 220 kV), or the number of wires in one bundle (“bundle”) for lines from 330 kV and above.

In areas of individual housing construction, 6-10 kV lines, less often 35 kV, run along the streets. You will have to come to terms with this (if even such power lines scare a potential buyer, you should think about moving to a non-electrified eco-village). A more serious danger is posed by power lines from 110 to 750 kV.

“And it’s not even about the electromagnetic field, or rather, not only about it. Power lines are the source increased danger: hurricanes, wire breaks, lightning strikes on power line supports - all of this, alas, cannot be ruled out,” believes chief specialist on occupational health from Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection in the Novosibirsk region Sergey Urzhumov.

If there is a choice, construction under power lines is, of course, undesirable. Theoretically, a residential building located near power lines can be protected. A grounded roof made of corrugated sheets or metal tiles protects well from the electric field, reinforcement mesh inside walls (which is why reinforced concrete walls are best at attenuating radio waves). But the roof and grid must be reliably grounded. To suppress magnetic fields at industrial frequencies, shielding with ferromagnets or multilayer “pies” made of special grades of steel may be additionally required.

But even if all this is organized and protected from external danger, do not forget that a refrigerator, an iron, and even a cozy home floor lamp will provide you with electromagnetic fields of industrial frequency in abundance. Look at the table below and you will understand - in addition to external electromagnetic “enemies”, there are many potentially dangerous internal sources in the house.

Propagation of industrial frequency magnetic field from household electrical appliances(above 0.2 µT level)

Power lines will go underground

If Russia, following developed countries, recognizes an IHRL level of at least 0.4 µT as dangerous, this will seriously affect the real estate market, since a significant number of individual and apartment buildings, kindergartens and schools will be in the zone of increased levels of IHRL. The authorities will have to organize expensive work to reduce the level of the magnetic field. Perhaps the question will arise about moving one or another power line. However, in large cities, in particular in Moscow and St. Petersburg, programs have been developed to transfer power lines from the surface to the ground. This is largely done in order to free up expensive land plots currently located under power lines for development. At the same time, the thickness of the earth can become a natural barrier to the spread electromagnetic waves, and achieving safe levels of radiation will become easier.

However, experts point out the danger of poor-quality installation of underground lines, since the cost of relocation is estimated at 1 million euros per 1 km, and developers will be tempted to save on safety. After all, if overhead power lines are always available for monitoring by operating and controlling organizations, then the underground, as you know, is a shady business.

But overhead lines can also be made safer. “Today there are projects of supports where, due to the suspension of wires, phase splitting, etc., vector field compensation occurs,” says Oleg Grigoriev.

Draw conclusions

Buy or build new home, according to most experts, it’s still better to stay away from power lines. And not only because of the possible impact of IHRL. The “psi factor” can also play a huge role, when the real danger will be much less than the phobias of the residents.

“I’ll give you a funny incident. Owners country house noticed that after construction nearby base station mobile operator, bees disappeared from the site, and the number of flies and wasps decreased sharply. Upon checking, it turned out that the station had not yet been connected at all. So many appeals are due to purely psychological reasons - suspiciousness and fears,” notes Sergei Urzhumov.

If a house or apartment is located near power lines and a potential buyer has doubts, you can call Rospotrebnadzor specialists and determine the levels of electric and magnetic fields. But since the level of the magnetic component depends on the magnitude of the current in the wires, it is necessary to find out in advance from the energy company in what mode the power line is operating at the time of diagnosis.

Text: Mark Powerman Photo: Alexey Alexandronok

Back in the early 60s of the 20th century, the negative influence of electromagnetic fields emanating from power lines on the human body was discovered. Scientists conducted a study in which people who were exposed to power lines at work took part. The results were alarming: all subjects experienced irritability, memory and sleep disturbances, and increased fatigue.

Later, depression, frequent headaches, decreased immune defense, muscle weakness, visual impairment, decreased potency, changes in blood composition, impaired color perception and spatial orientation were added to this list. This list goes on and on.

The most serious problems that manifest themselves in the population living near power lines are oncology, reproductive disorders in both women and men, as well as manifestations of increased electromagnetic sensitivity syndrome. The results of a study by foreign scientists on the influence of electromagnetic radiation on a child’s body are simply sad. Scientists from Sweden and Denmark have proven that almost all children living at a distance of up to 150 meters from power lines, substations and subways have nervous system disorders. And what’s most frightening is that such children are 2 times more likely to develop leukemia (blood cancer).

The concept of “electromagnetic allergy” has appeared in a number of foreign countries. Patients with this diagnosis are given the opportunity to change their place of residence to a place more distant from electromagnetic sources. All resettlement costs are covered by the state.

What do energy workers themselves say about the dangers of power lines? Different power lines have different voltages. There are such concepts as dangerous and safe voltage. The distance at which the influence of the magnetic field from the power line is created is directly proportional to its power. How to find out the degree of tension? Everything is quite simple, you don’t need to be an expert in this field. We look at the number of wires in the bundle. Not to be confused with the number of wires on the support. If there are two wires, the voltage is 330 kV, three wires - 500 kV, four wires - 750 kV. To determine a smaller class, we pay attention to the number of insulators. If there are from 3 to 5, the voltage is 35 kV, with a number of 6 to 8 - 110 kV and with 15 - 220 kV.

To protect people from the harmful effects of power lines, there are standards that establish the so-called sanitary zone. It originates from the outermost wire of the line, projected onto the surface of the earth. For Moscow and the Moscow region, the standards are as follows: voltage less than 20 kV - 10 m, 35 kV - 15 m, 110 kV - 20 m, 150-220 kV - 25 m, 330 - 500 kV - 30 m, 750 kV - 40 m. Taking into account these standards, land is allocated for construction. However, existing standards do not take into account the negative impact of electromagnetic fields.

Any sane person has a question: how to protect yourself and your loved ones from negative influence Power lines? Everything is very simple here too. We multiply the listed standards by 10. What do we get? Power line with the most low power will not negatively affect health at a distance of 100 meters or more.

Modern man is constantly under the influence of a huge number of electromagnetic fields, in a very wide frequency range - these are electromagnetic fields of power lines, and EMFs created by a wide variety of office and household appliances, and radio waves mobile phones located in close proximity to the speaker's brain. It is estimated that if we sum up the electromagnetic fields from all devices on Earth created by man, their level will exceed the level of the Earth’s natural geomagnetic field by millions of times. Nowadays a connection has been established resonant frequency with the concentration of ions in the cell, which explains the disruption of metabolic processes in the human body when exposed to radiation.

Studies of the effects of electromagnetic waves from overhead line wires on the brain and the human body as a whole have proven that it can lead to a number of diseases: radio waves, an increase in the number of leukocytes, changes in heart rate and blood pressure. Sometimes, as a result of exposure to radiation from power line wires, disturbances occur at the cellular level. Negative impact electromagnetic fields of power lines on a person and on certain components of ecosystems are directly proportional to the power of the field and the time of irradiation.

To answer the question “How many meters from the power lines can you live and where can you build a house?” let's look at the standards. There is a document regulating the size of safe zones of power lines "Sanitary norms and rules for protecting the population from the effects of the electric field created by overhead power lines (OHL) of alternating current power transmission of industrial frequency" (approved by the Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR on February 28, 1984 N 2971-84 )

According to the sanitary standards of power lines, in order to ensure the safety of life from the effects of EMF (electromagnetic field), sanitary protection zones of power lines are installed along the wires of high-voltage lines, in which it is unsafe to live near power lines. The size of zones near power lines depends on the voltage class.
The safe distance to a high-voltage line is the area along the wires of power transmission line supports, in which the electric field strength does not exceed a safe value for life of about 1 kV/m. The distance of influence of a high-voltage power line on human life is directly proportional to the power of the line itself.
When constructing a residential building, garage, fence and other structures, it is allowed to accept the boundaries of sanitary protection zones along the overhead line wire at the following distances from the projection onto the ground of the outer phase wires of the overhead line support in the direction perpendicular to overhead line. You must also ensure that the electrical network can be serviced: standard distance from the electric pole to the fence cannot be less than the protection zone of the power line; it is prohibited to attach a fence to the pole, build a house under a power line, or plant trees under a power line.

Sanitary zones of power lines according to SN No. 2971-84

Overhead voltage 0.4 kV 10 kV 35 kV 110 kV 220-330 kV 500 kV 750 kV

Safe distance from power lines (overhead line security zones)

2m 10m 15m 20m 25 m 30 m 40 m

The safe distance from 110 kV power lines is about 20 m; with an overhead line voltage of 500 kV, the standard distance from the power line is about 30 m; at a voltage of 750 kV - the norm is 40 m; and at a voltage of 1150 kV – 55 m is considered a safe distance from power lines. The width of the right of way is determined by multiplying the values ​​of the safe distances from power lines presented in the table by two. doing it yourself is quite simple - you need to pay attention to the number of wires in a bundle of one phase of the overhead line support. So: 2 wires - near a 330 kV power line, 3 wires - near a 500 kV line, 4 wires - 750 kV. The lower voltage class of the overhead line is determined by the number of insulators: about 3-5 insulators - 35 kV line, 6-8 insulators - 110 kV, 15 insulators - 220 kV.

When constructing a residential building near power lines, the electric field strength of power lines can be reduced by:
- removing the residential building to a safe distance from overhead power lines;
- the use of shielding devices to protect housing near power lines and other means of reducing the electric field strength near power lines.

At close range from power lines to a residential building, is well protected by a grounded roof made of corrugated sheets or metal tiles, reinforcing mesh inside the walls of the building (therefore, reinforced concrete walls are the safest from the influence of power lines and best attenuate radio waves). But the roof of the building and the grid must be reliably grounded at a short distance from the wire to the roof.

Permissible distances from overhead line wires to various objects(PUE-7 "Rules for electrical installations". Section 2. Chapter 2.5.)

1. The distance from the power line to the gas pipeline when laying the gas pipeline and overhead lines in parallel must be no less than the height of the electrical support of the overhead line, if the overhead line is up to 1 kW. When power lines and gas pipelines intersect, a protective screen insulated from the ground must be installed above the pipes in case the overhead line wires break. The fence should protrude on both sides of the intersection of the gas pipeline from the projection of the outermost wires of the overhead line at their greatest deviation at a distance of at least: 3 m for overhead lines up to 20 kV, 4 m for overhead lines 35-110 kV, 4.5 m for overhead lines 150 kV, 5 m for 220 kV overhead line, 6 m for 330 kV overhead line, 6.5 m for 500 kV overhead line.

2. Distances from overhead lines to buildings, measured horizontally from the outermost wires of overhead lines with voltage up to 220 kV to the nearest parts of production, warehouse, administrative and household and public buildings and structures must be at least: 2 m - for overhead lines up to 20 kV, 4 m - for overhead lines 35-110 kV, 5 m - for overhead lines 150 kV and 6 m - for overhead lines 220 kV. The passage of overhead lines through the territories of stadiums, educational and children's institutions is not allowed.

3. Minimum distance from power line wires to a residential building, measured horizontally at the greatest deviation of the wires should be at least: 1.5 m to balconies, terraces and windows, 1 m is the minimum distance from power lines to the blank walls of houses. The passage of overhead lines over a residential building is not allowed, with the exception of the approaches of branches from overhead lines to inputs into residential buildings.

4. The distance from the overhead lines to the road, located parallel to each other, should not be less than value equal to the height of the overhead line supports plus 5 m. The minimum distance from the power line support to the road is measured from any part of the support to the base of the earthen embankment. The intersection of overhead lines of motor roads of category I must be carried out on anchor supports, other roads are allowed to be crossed on intermediate supports. The minimum cross-section of the wires of power transmission line supports passing over highways must be 25 mm2 (steel-aluminum and steel) and at least 35 mm2 (aluminum). The shortest distance from the overhead line wires to the road surface must be at least 7 m. When crossing tram and trolleybus lines, the shortest distance from the overhead line wires to the ground surface must be at least 8 m.

5. Distance from overhead lines to gas stations and external technological installations Gas stations associated with the use and storage of explosive, explosive and fire hazardous substances are installed at least one and a half times the height of the power line support.

6. The shortest distance from the 6-10 kV overhead line wire to the ground:

7 meters from the wire to the ground in a populated area;

6 meters to the ground surface in an uninhabited area;

5 meters - the distance between the overhead line wires and the earthen or water surface of difficult terrain (swamps, swamps, etc.);

3 meters minimum between power line wires and inaccessible slopes of mountains, cliffs, rocks.

7. Distance from overhead line wires to trees, incl. fruit trees- 2 meters horizontally. Cutting clearings for overhead lines in the territory of orchards is not necessary.

As for the maximum permissible levels for safe human life, the following values ​​of electric field strength are accepted:
- inside residential buildings - no more than 0.5 kV/m;
- on the territory of a residential development zone - no more than 1 kV/m;

However, the specified standard distances for sanitary zones near power lines, which are considered safe for humans, do not take into account harmful effects magnetic radiation from an overhead line, but only an electric field, and it is precisely the influence of the electromagnetic field on a person that is sometimes tens, and sometimes hundreds of times more dangerous to health!
So at what distance from power lines can you live?! To prevent power line radiation from affecting the safety of your life, multiply the permissible distances to power lines by 10... It turns out that the lowest-power overhead power line of 10 kV is harmless only at a distance of 100 meters from housing! Living under power lines is very dangerous; overhead line wires contain voltage that is in maximum contact with the corona discharge threshold. In bad weather conditions, this discharge releases a cloud of oppositely charged ions into the atmosphere. Electric field, created by them, even at a great distance from the overhead line, can be much greater than the permissible harmless values.

So how can you build a house next to power lines? There is a solution to this problem, but it is very expensive. Many builders are engaged in relaying overhead power line wires underground, since in this case the standard distance from the power line to the house is reduced to one meter. You can put the wires in special shielded boxes for safety and uninterrupted operation of the power supply.

Underground power lines are widely used when laying electrical networks in cities and industrial enterprises. But their cost is 2-3 times higher than the cost overhead power lines. The cables are laid in the ground, in trenches at a depth of 0.8-1.0 m, in cable channels, blocks or tunnels. Most economical underground laying cables - up to 6 cables in one trench with a distance between cables of 0.2-0.3 m. Laying at least 20 cables in one tunnel is allowed.

In this case, anything can be built on this site, and the builders get a whole site near the power lines. However, in any case, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of access to underground power lines in case of an emergency or maintenance work.

About the dangers of lines high voltage power transmission they talk a lot and most often in vain. Whatever theories have been put forward about how power lines affect a person, here are statistics on the incidence of cancer in people living in an area with a nearby high-voltage line, and the influence of power lines on brain cells, and even widespread hair loss is associated with closely located high-voltage lines. Let's try to understand this issue and substantiate what is said but never proven.

So, only two types of radiation can come from power lines, in the form of a static field and alternating waves. In addition to high-voltage lines, the same radiation is produced by electrical wiring and any of the electrical appliances in our houses and apartments. For comparison, let's take one AC outlet with a voltage of 220-240 volts, located a meter from a person, and a power line with a voltage of about 200 kilovolts, located at a distance of 30 meters. The strength of the static field becomes smaller in proportion to the square of the distance, so both sources of radiation, the outlet and the power line, have approximately the same effect.

In the case of alternating waves, the attenuation occurs much weaker, since their strength is inversely proportional to the distance from the radiation source, and if we take the same distances as in the previous case, then the equivalent of an outlet located a meter away from us will be a power line with a voltage of 6. 5 kilovolts. Please also note that in our home there is not just one outlet, but also meters of electrical wiring, a refrigerator, a TV, a computer, and a bunch of other electrical appliances, and their radiation will be much stronger.

It is impossible to say that high-voltage power lines have any harmful effects on the human body. The fact is that this issue has never been fully studied. In theory, the only thing that a nearby power line can cause in the body is resonance internal organs. However, the industrial frequency of the current is 50 Hz, and there is no such frequency in the human body; lower frequencies influence us. However, people who work with high voltage, including high-voltage power lines, have noted that they experience chronic fatigue syndrome, irritability, and weakened immunity. It is quite possible that the symptoms listed are due to the fact that working with high voltages requires constant composure and attentiveness, unlike other jobs, when increased attention is required only periodically.

The issue of the dangers of power lines will remain unstudied for a very long time, and the point is not that there are people for whom it is important that this information remains sealed, although this may well be the case, the point is that every person has a very different perceptions, both electromagnetic fields and static radiation from high-voltage lines. In some countries there is even the concept of “electrical allergy”.

People who are especially sensitive to radiation from electrical appliances and high-voltage lines have the right to move to a greater distance from passing power lines. By the way, all costs and search for housing are borne by the government. In our country, the maximum money was spent on was to develop standards according to which high-voltage lines are installed. Residential buildings should be located no closer than 10 meters for a line of 35 kilovolts, 50 meters for 110-220 kilovolts and 100 meters for 330 kilovolts and above. The distance is calculated from the outermost wire to the wall of a residential building.

Another interesting fact, living next door in the same house, two people of the same age can experience different impacts from power lines passing nearby. For one it will have a depressing effect, while for another, on the contrary, it will feel a surge of vigor and strength.

It turns out that indeed high-voltage power lines affect people differently. Perhaps this is precisely what is slowing down research in this area? Although it is quite possible that in reality some powerful impact and not at all, but in both the first and second cases it’s just self-conviction.

At the moment, there is no evidence that power lines are harmful to humans, however, nothing has been written about their harmlessness. Indeed, what is known for certain is that they have a certain effect on the human body, but how detrimentally it affects us remains a mystery.

However, supporters of the opinion that high-voltage lines destroy the human body annually publish dry mortality statistics in areas where powerful power lines run. Sanitary services, in turn, claim that high-voltage power lines are harmless and provide physical calculations. If you look at this problem sensibly, without giving preference to one side or the other, then you can draw certain conclusions. For example, a drop of water cannot kill a person, but if it methodically drips on his head, then very soon the person goes crazy.

If you spend your whole life under the support of a power line of 330 kilovolts, then naturally there will be a very significant effect of its radiation on your body, but if you are constantly away from power lines and only periodically come into contact with the radiation emitted by them, then you will not see any changes in your body notice.

That is why, if possible, try to get out of the city, at least occasionally, because our cities have long become a kind of energy cesspools, where electromagnetic, static and many other types of energy fields intertwine. In some places, influencing each other, they weaken, in others, overlapping, they intensify many times and no longer meet sanitary standards at all. It is virtually impossible to protect yourself from them, but giving your body a break from their effects is available to almost everyone.

With a prolonged stay (long term - measured in months and years) in the electromagnetic field of people, it can lead to very unpleasant pathologies and diseases...

With a prolonged stay (long term - measured in months and years) in the electromagnetic field of people, it can lead to very unpleasant pathologies and diseases, cause a deterioration in the condition of the cardiovascular, endocrine, hematological, nervous, reproductive, and immune systems, and increases the risk of developing cancer. The field blocks the production of melatonin, which leads to adverse effects.

The WHO Cancer Research Agency classifies a magnetic field of industrial frequency with a flux density of 0.3-0.4 μT as a possible 2B carcinogen. This is the third group of carcinogens after group 1 (proven carcinogens) and group 2A (probable carcinogens). Swedish scientists have found that, according to statistics, brain tumors, leukemia, and breast cancer are more common among those living up to 800 m from power lines (hereinafter referred to as power lines) with a voltage of 200 kV. Reproductive function deteriorates in men, and miscarriages are more common in women.

To protect residents of the area from the effects of electromagnetic fields along high-voltage lines (hereinafter referred to as overhead lines), sanitary protection zones have been developed, installed and operate, the value of which varies depending on the voltage class.

Fig. 1 Branches from the overhead line to the inputs into the houses

Standards for safe distance from overhead lines

You can take into account the standards according to SanPiN 2971-84:

  • for overhead lines with a voltage of 330 kV, the length of the protective zone must be at least 20 m;
  • for 500 kV overhead lines, the length of the safe zone must be at least 30 m;
  • for 750 kV overhead line – critical distance 40 m;
  • for a 1150 kV overhead line - the house should be located no closer than 55 m.

For lower voltage values, the following safety zone values ​​are set:

  • 2 m – for lines below 1 kV;
  • 10 m – 1-20 kV;
  • 15 m – 35 kV;
  • 20 m – 110 kV;
  • 25 m – 150-220 kV.

Protection zones are installed on either side of the line, which is projected onto the ground from the lowest wires. Within this sanitary protection zone, the location of collective and individual summer cottages, as well as buildings and residential structures.

In the capital, the city has its own rules. In addition, the Moscow government plans to move part of the overhead lines underground.

The farther a residential building is from the power line, the better for the residents. If a land plot ends up in this zone, it is not confiscated from the owner and the owner can dispose of it at his own discretion. These areas are subject to encumbrances that are reflected in the documents, but do not interfere with rental or purchase and sale transactions land plot. These restrictions only affect the ban on capital construction in these zones.

How to determine the voltage class

The power line voltage class can be visually determined by the wires in the bundle (in phase):

  • 4 wires – 750 kV;
  • 3 pieces – 500 kV;
  • 2 pieces – 330 kV;
  • one wire – less than 330 kV.
  • 10-15 pieces – 220 kV;
  • 6-8pcs. – 110 kV;
  • 3-5pcs. – 35 kV;
  • 1pc. – up to 10 kV.

We wrote complete information on determining the voltage class in the material: “How to determine the voltage of power lines by appearance or insulators.”

Not only because of the potential harm to health, power lines are dangerous, especially those with voltages from 110 kV to 750 kV. We cannot exclude the possibility of accidents that occurred under the influence of hurricanes, lightning strikes on supports, and simply broken wires. A safe zone will protect people from these problems as well.

As a last resort, if the house is exposed to power lines, it can be protected with special protective screens made of metal tiles and corrugated sheets. The walls of the house are well protected by reinforcement mesh in a monolith. It is only necessary to ensure that both the roof and the wall are grounded.
