Lighting for flowers in the country. Lighting a summer cottage: do it yourself and for minimal money

The romance of an evening garden... It comes together, like a mosaic, from many nuances, among which light plays a leading role. Unfortunately, the lighting summer cottage sometimes they are given an undeservedly secondary place, although “a ray of light in the dark kingdom” is simply necessary in order to move freely around one’s possessions in the evening. Not to mention the fact that the beauty of plants, hidden in the dark, can light up with new colors and take on unexpected fantastic forms. You just need to skillfully “play” with light, using several interesting ideas for illumination and design of garden lamps.

Truly, garden lighting is akin to art - it can create unprecedented effects that are born from the union of plants and decorative lighting. You just need to bring to life some “educational” ideas for your dacha - with your own hands you can transform your garden so much that from being inconspicuous, no different from many others, it will turn into a fabulous corner that can touch you at any time of the day.

Evening lighting of the dacha will not only give the garden a certain mystery, but will also allow you to move around the site without fear

Your garden house and country landscape will look natural during the day and mysterious in the evening if you successfully combine the functionality of lighting with its decorative effect. What tasks are assigned to lighting a garden plot? Depending on the function and area of ​​placement of external lamps, the following types of dacha lighting can be distinguished:

  • home lighting;
  • track lighting;
  • lighting of stairs;
  • accent lighting;
  • patio lighting;
  • festive lighting;
  • security lighting.

An important condition for the correct organization of a dacha lighting system is maintaining the aesthetics of the garden in daytime, that is, lamps for night illumination should not disturb the harmony country landscape. To fulfill this condition, it is enough to select lighting fixtures of a natural shape and/or made of natural materials. A widely used technique for decorative garden lighting is one that absorbs solar energy throughout the day and releases it at night in the form of a mysterious glow, flowing softly, as if from within a rock.

Original lighting placed in dense vegetation will create cozy atmosphere in a secluded recreation area

Aerial butterflies and dragonflies, glowing in the dark, naturally and unobtrusively coexist with garden plants

Or maybe you would prefer a group of bright butterflies on long twigs stuck into the ground, which will enliven the lawn during the day and glow at night? How do you like a gnome with a lamp unexpectedly peeking out from behind a bush, or a glowing frog perched under a large leaf? Such original solutions will give your dacha individuality and originality, to your delight and to the good envy of your neighbors.

In addition to the artistic impression, it is necessary to think through the technical side of lighting the dacha. The use of alternative light sources based on solar energy is the maximum economical option for illuminating the garden. In addition, this type of lighting will not spoil the appearance of the site with long electrical cords stretching along flower beds and paths, since it consists of an autonomous battery pack and a group of lamps connected to it.

The unusual illumination of trees in the form of luminous wells is so mysterious that you inexorably want to look into this depth

Artificial flowers in the form of lamps on solar powered fit harmoniously into the landscape design of the garden

It is more logical to place backlights connected to the electrical network closer to the house - to illuminate the facade, entrance lobby, terrace, since these areas require more active light, and laying a short wiring will not require significant labor costs and financial investments.

Types of lighting for garden plots

Decorative focused lighting is the most expressive lighting created by an accent beam of light and directed at an original landscape composition - a flowerbed, pond, tree, or simply a beautifully shaped flower. With such directional lighting, it is important to correctly balance the intensity, color spectrum, pattern of the light spot and the location of the light source. Interesting idea to illuminate the garden, there can be groups of lighting fixtures located under trees with an unusual crown - in the evening, directed light will draw the silhouette of the tree and create a bizarre pattern of shadows on the ground.

Evening illumination of the garden depicts the outlines of plants so subtly that they sometimes take on a fantastic, unreal appearance.

Lighting garden paths does not imply an abundance of powerful lamps - these can be small spots or light sources built into the ground, giving only a hint of lighting on both sides of the country “fairway” and indicating the direction of movement. More careful “navigation” requires stairs, which can be illuminated by lamps mounted in the steps or in the fence flight of stairs. The main idea that can be applied is to illuminate the stairs with a large number of lamps in the form of improvised candlesticks made of glass jars or tins, grouped along the edges of the steps. Such a move will give the garden a romantic ambiance in the best possible way, and making such miniature light sources with your own hands is not difficult.

Illumination of the gazebo in the garden and the path leading to it will be the key to a pleasant evening time with your family outdoors

Lighting your patio, deck or gazebo is the way to keep your yard's recreational areas accessible in the evening, on rainy or cloudy days. Since lighting based on accumulated solar heat is not too bright, it is better to use electric light sources to illuminate common areas. These can be floor and table lamps, built-in and spotlights, or entire “garlands” of lamps suspended from the ceiling. Beautiful multi-colored bottles, complex lampshades made of plastic or wood, bright balls made of beads or an extravagant design made of shiny metal - the choice of design for central lighting in the recreation area depends only on you. Depending on what kind of atmosphere you want to give to the place of “social gathering”, the lighting can be intimate and cozy, or more festive and bright.

An unusual and slightly fantastic effect can be achieved by placing many ball lamps on long rods along the path

The main requirement for security lighting is its intensity and location in fundamentally important places for monitoring the security of the site - near the gate, at the entrance to the house, around the garage, along the perimeter of your property or in other places where valuable equipment or garden equipment is located. As a rule, security lighting systems are formed using powerful LED lamps and are subject to certain rules - both in placement and in terms of design, so in this case it is better to choose industrial options for light sources.

It will also be useful comparative review garden lamps:

An excellent solution for illuminating a summer cottage is pots for plants that accumulate light during the day and emit it at night.

Examples of hand-made lamps

A floor lamp that has fallen into disrepair, retired kitchen utensils, old plastic dishes and other seemingly unnecessary items will now be useful to you for the “production” of country lamps. Everything will be used - from glass containers to grandmother's sets - a little imagination, a little patience and all the rarities that have one foot in the landfill will turn into lighting fixtures that bring you light and joy.

In order to make a country lamp, you don’t need to spend a lot of money - look into your grandmother’s chest and you will find everything you need for creativity there.

Option #1 - from glass bottles

Fancy lamps made from unnecessary glass containers can transform your garden, and won’t cost a single penny. An ordinary glass container can be turned into an amazing lamp without any effort. Take a bottle original form or an unusual color, pour multi-colored small beads, ground glass, transparent balls onto the bottom that will reflect light. Wind the multi-colored wire around your finger to form spirals and place them in the container. Fix a small flashlight with silicone in the neck of the bottle - this will be a light source that can be conveniently turned on and off as needed.

When buying alcoholic beverages, take a closer look at the shape and color of glass bottles - because now you will need them to create homemade lamps

Interesting lampshades for pendant chandeliers can be obtained from glass containers of different shapes and sizes. But how to cut off the bottom of a bottle? Yes, easily! Tie the bottle with a thin rope soaked in kerosene or gasoline at the level of the desired cut, and pour cold water inside the bottle exactly to the line marked by the rope. When you set fire to the rope, the bottle will burst and a smooth cut will form, which you only have to sand a little so as not to cut yourself. Now you can thread the electrical cord into the lampshade and connect the light bulb socket.

By cutting the bottom of a glass bottle and attaching a metal plate to a pin, you will get a convenient candle holder for lighting the garden

You can get a more powerful light source if you tie several colorful bottles with wire and hang them from the ceiling of a gazebo, patio, or summer house. If the bottle colors seem a little gloomy to you, take stained glass paints and paint the glass, showing your imagination and your innate sense of harmony. And don’t be afraid to give yourself free rein - you can always remove a not entirely successful fragment of stained glass painting with a solvent and update it. It’s even better if you entrust the mission of coloring bottles to your children or grandchildren - it will be a joy for both you and the children.

A little creativity and a glass bottle will turn into an expressive wall lamp in the form of a stylized torch. To do this, a hole is drilled in a tightly screwed bottle cap, through which kerosene is poured inside and a wick made of natural rope or a stainless steel tube pre-impregnated with the same flammable mixture is filled.

Pouring into a bottle flammable mixture and by tucking the wick inside, you will create a lamp in the form of an improvised torch

Alternating lampshade bottles with candles and flowers gives a homemade chandelier a metal frame unusually natural look

Why New Year's garland collecting dust in anticipation of the next New Year? Place it in a champagne bottle and you will have an expressive lamp for your garden. Too lazy to make something for a long time, but it hurts to be original? Wind a thread or rope around the bottle absolutely randomly, but so that there are gaps left, and apply paint of your favorite color from a can onto this kind of cocoon. When your “painting” dries a little, unwind the bottle. Unusual? Let's move on.

The candle holder bottle is unique due to the idea of ​​a candle holder in the form of a spiral, fixed in the neck with a ring

Option #2 – from glass jars

The main problem of a glass container as a base for a homemade lamp is an absolutely transparent surface that does not scatter light. The task facing you in the process of making a glass lamp with your own hands is to fragmentarily decorate a transparent vessel in such a way that it, nevertheless, works in places for transmission - scatters and smoothes out the light from a candle or light bulb placed inside.

To make it easier to remove melted wax from the bottom of the candle holder, pour a little sand or pebbles into it.

What can be done with a prosaic, but beautifully shaped jar, left as a memory from the once eaten exotic pickles? It all depends on the style in which the newly-minted lamp is designed. If you want a country style, wrap the jar with jute rope, fixing it to the glass with silicone glue. Do you want vintage style? Cut long narrow strips of colorful chintz, cotton lace or guipure and “dress up” your jar in your great-grandmother’s outfit. Do you like techno style? Remove the voltage coils and diode lamps from the old TV or tape recorder - wrap the copper wire around the can. Glue cylindrical bulbs of LEDs as decoration - they will further refract and modify the flow of light, and the lamp will turn into some kind of object of alien origin.

Unlike bottles, glass jars are rarely multi-colored - paint them with bright stained glass paints

An original idea for decorating a lamp for a dacha in pop art style – painting jars in multi-colors luminescent paints, printed on inner surface glass jar in the form of irregularly shaped spots. Accumulating sunlight during the day, at night the jars will emit a soft, unobtrusive glow, shimmering with rich shades of neon blue, pink or lemon. By arranging glass containers of different heights and diameters, painted in matching color scheme using phosphors, you can create a bright compositional group in your garden by illuminating the path to your house, an alpine hill or a flower bed.

The jar, covered with a myriad of small phosphor dots, emits a soft, elegant light

Option #3 – from tin cans

After drinking beer and eating sprat in tomato sauce, do not rush to throw the cans into the trash - everything will come in handy in the dacha farm. For example, to implement extraordinary ideas in creating country lamps that can give your garden an unforgettable look.

What is needed for this? A hammer, nails of different diameters and a cylindrical piece of wood. Sketch out the motif of the design on paper - preferably it should not be a very complex closed pattern. Now attach your sketch to a tin can, and put a piece of wood inside it - it will protect the tin from deformation. By punching holes at equal distances with nails, transfer the design to the jar - you will get holes through which delicate light will leak.

An ordinary beer can can turn into an exotic lamp due to the pattern formed by small holes

Who would have thought that such an unusual lamp could be made from the combination of a can of canned food and wooden clothespins?

Option #4 – from building materials

After construction, dachas often remain different building materials– cement, plaster mixtures, liquid nails, etc. You can’t store such mixtures for a long time - they quickly absorb moisture and form lumps, but you don’t even dare throw them away. Don’t despair, here are a couple of fresh ideas on how you can use building materials to benefit your business, namely, to create country lamps.

Using unnecessary residues of cement and plaster mixtures, you can make a rather original lamp

Take a large and small plastic bottle, cut off the bottom and place one inside the other, securing them with a threaded pin. Turn the resulting structure upside down and install it, say, on a tin can of a suitable diameter. Knead cement mixture and fill the space between the two bottles, shaking the mold periodically to fill it evenly. After the solution has hardened, cut the bottles and release the lampshade.

Forming separate fragments from cement mortar, connect them together - you will get an unprecedentedly beautiful patterned egg-lamp

Option #5 – made of wood and ropes

Having selected small but expressive dry twigs, stick them overlapping in a chaotic order onto a children's inflatable ball. Once the glue has set, carefully remove your design from the balloon and deflate it. The eco-style lampshade is ready, you just need to refill the light bulb and connect the lamp to the network.

Unnecessary branches from cut trees will be an excellent material for creating a country lamp in the shape of a ball.

By the same principle, using inflatable balloons, make a lampshade in the form of a hemisphere from jute rope. To do this, draw a border on the ball and, gradually gluing the intersections, wrap it with rope. After the glue has dried, carefully deflate the balloon and remove the rope shade from it.

Snow-white openwork rope lamps will create a festive atmosphere on your terrace or patio area

In order to make a lamp from wood, you do not need to know how to plan or saw - there are a lot of ready-made wooden semi-finished products that you just need to skillfully apply.

If you twist birch bark into a cone shape, you will get a very delicate and elegant lampshade for your lamp.

Don’t rush to get rid of stumps - you can use them not only to make a stool, but also an extravagant country lamp

Option #6 – made of plastic

Plastic bottles have been used for a long time both in tail and mane for a variety of country crafts. What our inventive people haven’t come up with, conjuring their “very skillful” hands over plastic bottles. Not wanting to lag behind the mass trend, we hasten to offer our version of “recycling” plastic bottle by creating an extraordinary lamp.

This is an extraordinary lamp - either a hedgehog or an insect, which can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle

Plastic ball lamp. 1. Cut off the bottom 2. Glue it together 3. Bend it along the radius 4. Form a ball 5. Install it on the base 6. Connect it to the network

Lampshade for a lamp made of plastic leaves. 1. Cut out the rectangles 2. Cut out the leaves 3. Melt the edges with a soldering iron 4. Connect the leaves with wire

So, we cut the bottle into rectangles, from which we cut out leaves. We melt the edges of the sheet with a soldering iron, giving it a more natural outline. We burn 2 holes with a hot needle and thread copper wire through them without insulation. We collect branches from individual leaves and form them into a spherical shade.

Don’t rush to throw away disposable cups after receiving guests - it’s better to glue them together into a cute multi-colored lamp

Buy ping pong balls, glue several circles from them, and then connect them vertically - the futuristic chandelier is ready

An original chandelier can be made from other plastic products - disposable tableware, plastic cups and ping-pong balls. Due to the initially conical and spherical shape of these products, gluing them will steadily lead you to the creation of a spherical or cylindrical lamp.

Bright lamps made of multi-colored beads will help create a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere at your dacha.

String large plastic beads onto a wire, twist it into a spiral and form a spherical shade of small diameter. You can get a rather original chandelier for your garden if you arrange balls of beads of different colors and diameters, attaching them to the frame on long pendants.

Old CDs and records cluttering your closet are now very useful - they will make amazing lamps for the garden

Here is a unique idea for a lamp for music lovers - those whose home is littered with old music storage devices - discs and records. Surprisingly, old CDs can make a wonderful lamp. It is enough just to drill, having previously marked it with a marker, 5 holes at equal distances from each other around the circumference of the disk, not getting too close to the edge, and then fasten the disks together with wire. Such a multifaceted structure can have any diameter depending on the intended size or your patience. If the lamp is supposed to be a floor or table lamp, then glue 3-4 erasers to one of the disks that acts as a base. By hanging several disc balls on a metal plate, you will get an original futuristic chandelier to illuminate your terrace or patio area.

Corrugated plastic pipe perfectly transforms into a shell lamp - all you have to do is tuck the light cord into the pipe

Option #7 – from old household utensils

The most convenient thing about metal household utensils is the already existing perforation, which can create light spots of unusual beauty. A simple grater, colander or strainer are ready-made lampshades for your homemade lamps. Having disconnected the handles from the two sieves, tie them with wire - you will get a lampshade in the form of a ball. Disguise rust stains or peeling enamel by covering your creation with bronze or silver paint from a can - a retro-inspired lamp with a technogenic flavor is ready.

Drill holes in an old saucepan with a drill or insert a light bulb into a regular grater - you will create indescribable light effects

Don’t rush to throw away your grandmother’s dinnerware in creepy roses with a thin web of small cracks - glue the saucer to the cup with super glue, drill a hole for the electrical wire - and the vintage lamp will become a true decoration of a nostalgic summer house or gazebo. Even an old tureen can become an excellent lampshade for a country kitchen - carefully make a hole in its bottom, thread an electrical cord and secure the socket.

An old earthenware set that you inherited from your grandmother can be perfectly modified into a retro lamp

We hope that interesting ideas , those proposed by us will help some Plyushkins find a worthy justification for their craving for accumulating unnecessary things. Now they have the opportunity to breathe new life into old things by creating unusual lamps for their favorite garden.

With the onset of darkness, it becomes more difficult to move around the garden plot, and all its decorative elements, created with such care and love by the owner, lose their clear outlines. Moreover, at night the area becomes more vulnerable to intruders. Properly organized lighting of the area helps to solve all these problems at once.

No. 1. Basic requirements for site lighting

On the diagram it is necessary to note where the lamps will be located, how many there will be, and what function will be assigned to them; you can also indicate the size and style of execution. Now being compiled electrical connection diagram: For those who have at least a little knowledge of electricity, this is an easy task. It is better to entrust the installation of the entire lighting system, since, first of all, it should be as safe as possible for the owners of the site.

When drawing up a lighting plan, you must remember that The entrance to the house must be illuminated, gate or gate, the perimeter of the site, as well as the most dangerous places on the territory, incl. steps and bridges. It is not recommended to illuminate the house with, as this creates a blinding effect. When preparing a lighting scheme, it is important not to forget about climatic features region. For example, the height of the lamps should be such that they perform their functions under the maximum possible layer of snow.

No. 3. Types of site lighting

Lighting suburban area performs several functions at once, and for each of them it is better to provide a separate type of lamps.

Main types of garden lighting:

  • general or functional lighting is necessary for safe movement around the territory after dark, for performing certain work and for proper rest in the evening. General lighting lamps are primarily installed at the entrance to the site, in parking lots, near the entrance to the building. They are also necessary for lighting garden paths and;
  • marking of site elements- This special case general lighting. The main function of the marking light is to indicate certain objects, for example, the boundaries of a parking lot, the location of gates, steps, etc. IN in this case you can use small lamps and even “luminous” stones;
  • automatic lighting systems, increasing the security of the territory. Thanks to the presence of time relays or motion sensors, one or more lighting elements can be turned on when it gets dark or when intruders appear at the dacha. Such elements can also be used to scare away animals and birds by creating the effect of presence;
  • decorative lighting. This includes lamps that are designed to decorate and draw attention to interesting elements landscape rather than providing full light. Alpine slides, ponds, tree crowns, recreation areas are equipped with such lighting, and flashlights are used for this. garden figures with built-in lights, lamps that can shine different colors, and other elements.

No. 4. Features of functional site lighting

The tasks of functional lighting are simple and clear. If decorative lighting cannot be used in every summer cottage, then It is impossible to do without general lighting. When highlighting all important elements in order to increase the safety of movement around the territory, it is worth remembering that accents in lighting it is necessary to display it on a patio, house and other buildings - they should not be flooded with too bright light, otherwise those walking on them will experience great discomfort. The most illuminated place on the site is this and: it will be more comfortable to move from less illuminated areas to brighter ones. It is important that even in the dead of night, functional lighting allows see the boundaries of the site.

It is also necessary to highlight stairs, bridges and other most dangerous objects. Lamps must be spaced evenly along paths. Lanterns, floor lamps with frosted glass diffusers, bright spotlights, spherical lamps and other elements can serve as light sources.

No. 5. Decorative lighting

Decorative lighting is essential for recreation areas and objects that you want to admire even after dark. Usually additional lighting is provided , trees, shrubs, fountains, ponds, alpine slides, garden sculptures, as well as gazebos, patios, etc. Decorative lighting complements the main lighting and provides dim light, creating a romantic and slightly mysterious atmosphere. There are a lot of ways to organize it - it all depends on the style of the site and the imagination of the owner.

To Don’t go wrong with choosing the style of lamps for a site, you can use a simple rule. The more elaborate and diverse the landscape design of the garden, the more simple and concise the lighting items should be. If the style of the site is close to minimalism, then you can use lamps of the most bizarre and non-standard shapes, placing the emphasis on them in decorating the garden.

No. 7. Types of street lamps by installation location

The huge variety of lamps designed for illuminating suburban and summer cottages can be divided into several groups:

  • floor lamps, which include lanterns of different heights;
  • wall lanterns used for lighting the house or, they can be hung on the wall at any height;
  • pendant lamps include lanterns and garlands that can be hung from tree branches or ceilings in gazebos;

    When purchasing, you should check whether the inside of the lamp mount is painted. If not, then you shouldn’t count on much durability. Lamps made of stainless steel and aluminum alloys. Don't forget to find out about the warranty period and also ask the seller security certificate, where the degree of protection should be indicated.

Lighting a garden plot is not only beautiful, but also safe. Anyone can verify this by walking, for example, in the garden at night, and holding only a flashlight in their hands. If you set up the system correctly garden lighting, at night it will be possible not only to “easily” move around your own area, but also safely. And if you use decorative lighting for flower beds and flower beds, paths, steps and trees, you can create a wonderful atmosphere in your garden.

There are two main types of outdoor garden lighting:

  • Functional
  • Decorative

And so, let's look at each of them in more detail.

Functional lighting method

Its main task is to move safely in its own way. land plot at night. It is enough, at a minimum, to equip the porch of your house, near the garage space, parking area or garden paths with light.

The most inexpensive way to organize lighting is to place lamps along the path. If the area is quite small, such lighting will be more than enough.

When organizing outdoor garden lighting in a functional way, it is important to consider:

  • Equipment must be durable. The yoke can be used all year round.
  • Harmony of lighting between objects on the site must be maintained. For example, too bright light on the path can be a discomfort for you, so you should direct it to a gazebo, bushes, etc., to focus attention there more.
  • The facade of your house should be the most illuminated area.
  • It is advisable that you can view the edges of your site at night.

You can use the most common lamps, as well as energy-saving or fluorescent lamps, which can different ways fastenings Today, lamps in the form of floor lamps, made in Hi-Tech or retro style, are becoming increasingly popular.

Looking through photos of garden lighting, you probably noticed that there are various ways to organize it.

You can use spherical types of lamps, which are the organic shape of a sphere made of polycarbonate or carbonate. It is equipped with not too powerful lamps, due to which it dimly illuminates the area and performs a decorative function.

Lighting devices powered by the sun. They can only charge during the daytime. They do not need to be connected to the mains. And this lighting will last throughout the night.

When organizing the lighting of your personal plot, it is important to adhere to the basic rule, according to which lighting devices should be chosen in laconic forms, and also use hidden lighting options if the area is quite diverse, large and has a lot of things on it. If it is small, and there is a minimum of everything on it, you can choose fancy-shaped lamps that will shine different colors, or retro versions of lamps.

When choosing lighting equipment, it is important to consider some features:

  • Ask the seller for a certificate confirming that the product is safe.
  • Review the document. It must indicate the degree of protection of the product you decide to buy.
  • Be sure to check what warranty period applies to outer part lighting element.
  • Pay attention to the material used to produce the product.

Decorative garden lighting

Any decorative elements lose their attractiveness as night falls. Of course, this can all be the case before dawn. But maybe you want to design decorative garden lighting that will highlight all the charm and beauty of your garden plot. For example, you can put small spotlights directly into the ground that will gracefully illuminate your flower beds.

Garden lighting without lighting devices

Using the LED lighting method, you can create a hidden lighting option, without the need to use lamps, spotlights or luminaires.

This option can be organized in an original and fascinating way with the help of multi-colored lighting, but if you use monochromatic lighting, the pond will look noble and significant.

Design ways to decorate your garden

The landscape design of your own plot can be decorated in various ways, which you have already seen in the photo of garden lighting presented on our website. But the lamps are the most unusual shapes You can not only buy it, but also make it yourself!

When decoratively lighting a garden plot, you need to know that:

  • If the plot is large enough, the correct use of lighting fixtures will allow you to zoning the garden. If the area is small, you can expand its edges.
  • In the place where you have a place to relax, soft lighting is best suited.
  • When using multi-colored lamps, they should complement each other.
  • You can also use garlands or LED strips if you need to create a festive atmosphere.

There are quite a few lighting options and each gives its own effect. The most common are lighting of building facades, illumination of paths and the entrance to the garage and house, children's and playgrounds, alpine slides and ponds, fountains and sculptures, various decorative elements of the garden.

Illumination of buildings can be carried out with various lamps. For facade lighting, you can use spotlights with different angles the outgoing beam - from a narrow several degrees to a wide one. A narrow beam is beneficial for illuminating architectural details on facades, niches, columns. A wide beam will help to evaluate the entire complex as a whole and will emphasize the texture of the building.

This lighting did not bring out the beauty of the house's log structure. When designing new lighting, it was proposed to emphasize the unusualness of the facade made of rounded tinted logs with a diameter of about 40 cm. Spotlights with halogen lamps were installed in the lower zone of the base, and their light is directed upward. As a result, all the beauty of the building was revealed.

Lighting garden paths is considered difficult - it requires a special approach. First of all, garden lamps must fit into the surrounding landscape, both in size and design. Illumination of the paths should help in the dark not to get lost on the site and not to go in the wrong direction. The road surface must be illuminated in such a way as not to dazzle the eyes and to evenly illuminate the entire path of travel, without sudden changes from light to dark, as sometimes happens in the city - under the lantern it is light, but under the treetops there is impenetrable darkness, although the lantern is standing a few meters away. you.

In the example of the same project, the path surface was illuminated by halogen lamps built into the surface, and when walking along the path it was practically invisible - the light from the lanterns hit directly into the eyes. When looking to the side nothing was visible. When remaking the system, it was proposed to use the classic scheme - low columns with matte shades at a level of 80 cm from the ground.

Low power energy saving lamps were used. As you can see in the photo, the path surface is evenly illuminated and moving along it is a pleasure. By the way, there may be lamps built into the track fabric, but it is better to choose them with frosted glass and low-power lamps; the ideal option is 1W LED marker lamps. Such flashlights show the size of the path and indicate the direction of movement. It is better to install such lamps in lateral surface curb stone or retaining wall.

With this arrangement of lamps, the canvas is illuminated by side light, and the eyes are not blinded by directional radiation. Now you can find products from lighting companies in the form of transparent stones or paving slabs, which have LED matrices inside with different shades of light. They are used to insert into the general road surface as marker lamps. During the day, they are practically impossible to distinguish from other stones, and in the dark they illuminate the path with soft light.

The next type of lighting is illumination of vegetation - trees, bushes, alpine slides, etc. This type of lighting can advantageously emphasize the beauty of plantings in the evening, since during the day you see the familiar landscape in natural light. In the evening and at night everything changes. By highlighting decorative plants, you create unusual living sculptures from familiar objects in your area. For festive occasions, there are options for color illumination - for example, green, emphasizing the color of foliage or pine needles.

A neutral white color can highlight the interesting texture of shrubs and other plants.

The next point of our trip is children's playgrounds and playgrounds. This place requires a special approach. In the evening, after a hot day in summer or early evening in winter, you want to be outside and fool around with the children. In mediocre lighting this will hardly be possible. In our project, evening lighting before the rework was limited to several LED battery-powered flashlights, which provided virtually no good light, after the renovation, the playground was fully illuminated and the safety of children playing was fully ensured.

As for the illumination of water devices, you can use many options for equipment - both surface and underwater. In modern design, LED lights and spotlights are best suited. Most of the range is available in multi-color versions, i.e. with RGB matrices. They are controlled using controllers with remote controls remote control for ease of inclusion and programming. By highlighting moving water, you can get an innumerable number of shades and lighting options. The glare from the water creates completely unique patterns on the surface of the water and on the surrounding landscape, on the walls of buildings and on trees. With the help of control controllers, the LED matrix creates a moving picture of color that flows from one shade to another without a sharp change, smoothly.

Using several of these controllers and matrices, you can create a unique color palette, especially if you program the inclusion of matrices with a time shift. Additionally, you can use devices that create artificial fog. They also have LED backlighting with a changing pattern, which further creates variety in the play of light. On a quiet summer evening, with the devices turned on, both a fairy tale and a horror film with moving and illuminated fog can come to life.

The most simple option Pond lighting is a set of several sealed flashlights (LED or low-power halogen bulbs) connected in a garland and a step-down transformer with a light sensor. The sensor allows you to start the backlight independently, without user intervention, at dusk. The flashlights come with color filters, which you can use to select the desired color of the light, or the flashlights can be single-colored. In any case, the effect of such lighting leaves a lot of positive emotions. Evening, water, glare and mysterious light...

As for purchasing all these devices, large supermarkets and garden centers, where you can find almost the entire arsenal of lighting equipment and control machines. All you have to do is decide for yourself what you want to get as a result and plunge into the world of fantasy.

For garden decor the combination of plants is key, additional elements that contribute to completion also play a significant role ideal image. But this condition is valid only for daytime; in the evening you will need additional lighting.

By equipping your yard with devices, you will have the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful extravaganza that places accents in the right places and turns the yard into a fairyland where you want to endlessly enjoy harmony and privacy. In this article, we have collected for you the most current ideas that will help you highlight the delightfulness of the plant world.

The garden is like a jewel, shining with bright lights

Even if you have low-voltage lamps at your disposal, you can use them to highlight flower beds and create a unique atmosphere. Notice how spotlights are placed under trees and shrubs, making them more visually appealing. And the illuminated pool will create the effect of an exotic lagoon.

Garden and yard design by QAL Surroundings

There is a cozy relaxation area for your attention. In addition to the elegant and luxurious set, the attention is drawn to the tall trees, which, with the help of lighting, turn into a decorative wall, providing a relaxing backdrop for a quiet conversation.

Unique chic from Oak Leigh Manor

On a comfortable site you can place not only upholstered furniture, but also a dining area. And believe me, dinner in such an enchanting environment will be unforgettable, especially if you have a romantic nature.

Multiple strategic flashes for a great minimalist look

Wonderful displays with a combination of light and plants can be found at exhibitions from famous landscape designers. The combination of shades and textures largely depends not only on the intensity of lighting, but also on the angle from which these streams enter the riot of greenery.

Light Positive (formerly Nancy Goldstein Design): Flower Garden Magic

Gazebo for the garden should be the star of the show. Outdoor lamps are a good way to showcase a unique design, under which you can place furniture. You should also not ignore the highlighting of trees and other plants so that the surroundings are no less spectacular.

A timeless classic wrapped in soft streams of light

Conciseness can become no less attractive,
if it is supplemented with climbing greenery and a lamp

The feeling of the holiday will be present in your yard every evening!

Solemn atmosphere, The Gardens at Great Oaks

A stunning option, designed in the best traditions of the official style.

Below is an option when the direction of lighting can radically distinguish palm trees that are identical at first glance.

You can also get some ideas from nature reserves that have their lights on for visitors. Pay attention to the careful placement of accents, especially visible among the thickets of bamboo, where bright red flowers float among the stems. Clearwater Outdoor Lighting provides these nuances, highlighting them in such a way that they are clearly visible.

Exotic palm trees in the rays of monotonous lighting

Decorative wall made of bamboo

VOLT manufactures custom architectural grade lighting and they have some fantastic ideas on how to transform garden landscape design into a fairy-tale world after dusk.

Impressive dimensions of an Asian style arch for a luxurious area

Highlighting a chic fountain and decorative trees

Impeccable layout enhanced by intense lighting

Cozy place to relax

Just imagine a quiet and relaxing evening in the garden, sitting in a cozy chair... in front of the TV. Your Technology Advisor simply could not resist combining the harmony of nature and modern technology.

Stunning terrace with all amenities

The shining bright light falling on the trees gives them an original surreal look. S.A. Grows have given the garden a creative feel not only with floodlights but also quirky additions such as a refurbished cart.

Light coming from behind bushes with flowers can give stunning results. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Wilmington uses this technique quite effectively, as well as other tricks.

Sometimes an open living room needs to be accented with lighting. The peripheral area of ​​light allows you to visually touch the garden.

Unique Gardens in the UK

Landscaping using colored lamps can provide added drama. For outdoor lighting, using blue, white and muted green is a great idea to express individuality.

In New Zealand, the garden surrounding the road is filled with colorful lanterns, which turn the street into a fairy-tale action. The festive vision is simply complemented by multi-level spotlights that outline the stunning landscape. Just imagine how useful this solution can be for your site.

Creative Wellington Botanical Night Street Decoration

But Piedmont Park in Atlanta is decorated with lanterns entwined around the trees and shrubs themselves. Various colors form an interesting effect that illustrates the fairy tale itself, living in our imagination.

Complementary colors like red and green can be an effective way to break up the greenery. Buffalo & Erie County Botanical Gardens thus transformed exotic bushes into an unsurpassed masterpiece of Garden Walk Garden Talk in the evening.

White shades perfectly highlight tall trees, and a gentle blue tone is used to initialize the pool. A perfect combination is the work of DIYFUSE, who present this charming garden.

Features of reservoirs

Probably few people will be able to ignore the temptation to create a small pond. But we will talk not only about ponds, but also about artificial waterfalls. Water bodies are a good solution for any garden. And you can radically transform decorative cascades into an enchanting show, which you will get to know later.

St. Louis Homes brings us a type of lighting that colorfully highlights trees, stone steps and water surfaces.

The next example is a truly spectacular sight. Huge body of water with installed lamps that clearly highlight borders and islands. It is especially breathtaking when the fog hangs over the surface.

A fountain is a wonderful addition to a well-lit garden. Shrubs and trees are almost literally shrouded in streams of light, and one cannot help but notice how correctly and harmoniously the illumination intensity is chosen and the fair prioritization of their potential.

VOLT also has several bold ideas for ponds; the splendor and luxury of this garden cannot be described!

In addition to the lights at the front illuminating the edge of the infinity pool, we see three more levels of cascades. Two of them are backlit, adding drama to the overall picture. Landscape Archives did everything possible to turn this garden into a fabulous oasis that goes beyond dreams.

Dennis’ 7 challenges standard gardening by allowing great lighting to have ample beautiful view. As you can see, in the light streams there is not only an artificial waterfall, but also large stones and grass around them.

Expand your imagination and reveal all aspects non-standard solutions in relation to design and garden lighting possible not only on a large plot, but also on a compact terrace.

How original way An option to express your individuality is to create a koi pond. This pure pleasure will allow you in the evening, after a difficult and eventful day, to plunge headlong into an endless world of calm and tranquility.

A fountain or waterfall in the yard will play a decorative role in personal space. They will go perfectly with the pool or dining area.

The Garden Environments example is an original show showcasing the delights of monochromatic paintings with splashes of green.

Ashland Berry Farms has designed the perfect pond with a beautiful shimmering effect on the surface provided by backlighting.

Our garden acts as a quiet and cozy haven, where we prefer to spend time during the warm seasons. If you like to spend long evenings outdoors, then you simply cannot do without decorative garden lamps.

In this way, you will not only ensure good lighting, but also add an incredibly beautiful effect to the luxurious landscaping with the help of properly installed floodlights and lanterns. The creative possibilities are endless and you can draw inspiration straight from your garden.
