DIY baby house. Children's wooden houses: design options, projects and installation stages

Remember your childhood. Remember how you played at adulthood, in which you definitely had own house? Even though in reality it was just a small space under the table, curtained from the whole world with an old blanket. It seems like all this happened so recently. And how many years have passed since then! Now you already have your own children, who also dream of their own tiny corner. Make them happy: build them a wooden children's playhouse with your own hands. Try to make this work collaborative. After all, common affairs and interests bring people together and help in communication.

The house that you and I are going to build must be extremely simple. This is important. You can make it beautiful inside and out if you show your imagination and work not only with your hands, but also with your head. In short, your child and you have a frontier of joint work. For the baby, this will truly be a wonderful rehearsal for adult life.

Children love to play at being adults. For this purpose, they simply need to have their own space, which they could equip to their liking in order to place their toys there

Determining the need for materials

If the child's age is from 2 to 6 years, then big house he doesn't need it. We have to build a building with modest dimensions, having a square of 1.7x1.7 meters at the base and approximately 2.5 meters in height.

The need for materials is as follows:

  • Chipboard 2x1.7 m – 4 sheets;
  • For the walls and roof, 13 beams with a length of 2.5 meters and a cross section of 2.5 x 2.5 cm are needed. Of the 13, only 8 beams need to have one end sharpened;
  • For floor supports, take 8 beams with a length of 35 cm and a cross section of 2.5 x 2.5 cm;
  • To fasten the floor horizontally, you will need 4 boards 2 meters long, with a cross-section of 15x5 cm;
  • We will lay the floor with boards (13 pieces) 2 meters long and with a cross-section of 15x5 cm;
  • We will cover the roof with plywood and any roofing material;
  • From consumables You need screws, metal corners, paint and brushes.

All this must be prepared before starting work so that it is at hand. Let your child learn to work in an organized and coordinated manner from childhood.

Building materials for a small children's house must be prepared before construction begins. There is no need to make a drawing for it: it is a very simple and easy structure

We select and mark a place, make flooring

Yes, a child wants to have his own play area, but completely losing sight of it at this age is simply dangerous. Who knows what can happen to the baby? Therefore, you need to build a children’s playhouse in the country in such a place that this structure is clearly visible from the kitchen window, for example. This way, while preparing dinner, mom can look after the youngest member of the family.

A small house like this is enough to make a child happy. We suggest you build something like this for a child aged 2 to 6 years.

We have to make markings. We take pegs and twine and mark an area whose size is 2x2 meters. The selected area should be compacted well and its surface should be made flat. In the corners of the resulting area we dig holes 20 cm deep. We place the beams in them so that they are 15 cm above the ground.

Exactly the same recesses must be made in the middle of each of the four sides of the site. We also place beams in them and strengthen them. The structure is small and it is not necessary to use a solution in this case. We ended up with eight supports: one in the four corners of the site and one on each of the four sides.

Once again, measure the height of the supports using a measuring stick. The quality of the entire building depends on how even the base of the house floor is. We don't need any distortions. We nail four boards to the supports so that there is a box open at the top. The boards will be laid tightly next to each other on it. We attach the boards with screws and get a finished flooring.

Particular attention should be paid to initial stage work, because distortions at first can negate all the efforts of the builder

We erect the walls of the structure

To build walls we will need all four sheets of chipboard ( particle board) and 8 bars with pointed ends. Each sheet of chipboard must be attached to the beam with screws on both sides. In this case, the blunt ends of the beams should be flush with the top chipboard edge, and the pointed ones will protrude half a meter. Every chipboard sheet with two beams on the sides forms one wall of the house. Let the end wall be blank, and in the one located opposite it, you can cut a door. The side walls can be made with windows. There will be two or one windows in your house, it’s up to you.

Choose the shape of the openings for windows and doors yourself. But it’s better to look at children’s books and make a choice based on the pictures. Kids love fairy tales, let the child’s house look as fabulous as possible. There should be a lot of sun in the house, but you shouldn’t forget about shade on a hot day either. Already finished walls are installed with a sledgehammer so that chipboard surface closely adjacent to the flooring. Don't forget to check the vertical orientation of the walls. The walls must be fastened together using corners and screws. There should be no gaps in the building!

We build a reliable roof

The roof of the house can be made high or flat. It all depends on how exactly you imagine this structure. We will do this: take 4 beams, the edges of which are not sharpened, and cut their ends at 45 degrees. We fasten two beams together with screws so that internal corner between them was 90 degrees. Both corner designs are components roof bases. From the inside, each of the corners should be fastened with metal corners with screws.

It doesn’t matter if there is no plywood on the farm. For lathing, you can use thin slats, laminate residues and other similar materials

One of the corner structures must be attached to the front wall of the house. To close the free space between the roof of the house and the wall, you need to outline a triangle. It is cut out with a hacksaw. We do the same with the opposite wall of the building. Now the roof supports can be fastened together with a cross beam. The finished frame remains to be attached to the walls using metal corners.

To cover the roof, plywood is needed. If it is not there, you can use everything that is left from the construction and renovation of the house. For example, slats, laminate, etc. are suitable. As roofing material You can also use the remains of ondulin, colored slate, corrugated sheets or tiles. It’s even better if there are different colored pieces of the same type of roofing material. You will get a real “gingerbread house”. Remained finishing work and painting. You can build such a children's playhouse with your own hands within one day. And this does not require special builder skills.

The construction of a children's house should be taken seriously. If you manage to complete all stages of work without errors, then you will be able to handle large objects

Option #2 – a house for older children

Older children not only need a place to play, they also need all kinds of devices and structures with which to play. This video will tell you how to build a more complex children's house for children over 6 years old.

Option #3 – two-story house made of willow and reeds

A house for children can be built from various available materials. IN in this case, the builders had the opportunity to use willow trees for these purposes, the thickets of which were cleared from the local reservoir, as well as reeds prepared in advance. The trunks of cut trees can be used to build the first floor of the house. To do this, they are cut into logs 15 cm long.

First floor of the willow house

Old 10x10cm beams were used for the frame, which made it possible to make the first floor geometrically accurate. Since it forms the basis of the structure, this option can be considered optimal. We fix the frame of the future window and begin to lay the chocks on cement mortar. The solution requires sand (1 part), clay (2 parts), cement (1 part). Add water so that the mass is not liquid, but elastic.

Laying must be done carefully. To do this, it is necessary that the solution has not a liquid, but an elastic consistency. All gaps between the logs must be carefully filled

To ensure that the frame and the block masonry have a strong connection, we use nails (20cm). They must be driven in pairs into the frame of the building, alternating them every 2-3 rows. For doorway We put another beam. We make sure that all the spaces between the lumps on both sides of the wall are completely filled with mortar. The walls are ready.

To ensure that the frame and masonry are securely fastened to each other, you can use not only nails, but also long metal pins

Now we will build the floor. For this you need logs 10 cm long. Inside the structure we remove soil 15 cm deep. Pour sand five centimeters into the bottom of the resulting hole. We place the logs on it very tightly, carefully selecting them. Using a wide board and a hammer, we compact them.

Constructing such a floor from wooden blocks is not an easy task, but the result is worth the effort. After all, your children will play in the house

We fill the existing cracks with sand, after which we should pour water on the floor under pressure so that the sand fills the cracks and securely fixes the logs. We fill the cracks with a solution of sand and cement. We leave the floor to dry, after which it is necessary to rinse it well so that the color of the wood returns.

Second floor of the willow house

If the wood for the first floor was cut down before the sap flow began, then the second floor needs willows when the sap flow is already underway. It is this kind of wood that can be very easily freed from bark. It is necessary to attach the logs to the frame using two hundred nails. They should also be knocked together in the most dense places. Don't forget about the door and window openings. To make a hip roof, you need four even logs from which you can build rafters. They are nailed along the edges of the house, and fixed with self-tapping screws at the intersection.

Willow trunks are very easily cleared of bark during the sapling period. It is from these cleared branches and trunks that the second floor will be built

We take young reeds for the roof. It should grow in the spring and should be harvested in the winter. It is better to mow reeds at a time when there is little snow and the shore and surface of the reservoir are covered with ice. The scythe glides on the ice, so the reeds will be cut evenly and look neat.

When laying a reed roof, it is secured by tightening two slats with self-tapping screws. First, we place the sheathing on the rafters, laying reeds on top of it as thick as planned. Then we lay the lath on top of the reeds and tighten it with the sheathing with long self-tapping screws. We do the same on all sides of the roof. The top of the structure is crowned with a cap, which is pressed against the rafters using wire.

This is what it looks like hipped roof, covered with reeds. If you do everything slowly, the result of the work will please everyone

The frame can be covered water-based paint. Hammocks are attached to a specially dug large log. However, you can also use an old tree whose trunk is still quite reliable.

We all know how sometimes there is not enough. In adult life, we are constantly faced with the problems of queues, traffic jams, curious noses that mind their own business. However, the same can be said about children who simply need their own play space, in which no one will distract or touch them. And there will always be little secrets that you want to keep from your parents. If you want to support independence, and just please your child, then good option You can bring it to the apartment or come up with something else.


The main parameter from which to start when choosing and thinking through the layout of the future children's room, will be the size of your apartment. After all, depending on it, you will have to place a whole playground in the house.

The apartment should be chosen taking into account how the family lives as a whole.

  • Are you living in a small one-room apartment? You can safely forget about wooden structures or large plastic houses.
  • Does your child have his own room? There are options here, but usually children are not allocated large areas, so some kind of built-in wall option will suit you.
  • Well, if you are ready to give your child most of the living room, then you can easily create for him a real two-story play center with slides.


So, this is the easiest option for creating a house for children in an apartment if you are short on funds and limited by the size of the room. Such a house will take up approximately 1.5x1.5 meters in the room. The disadvantages include:

  • Ventilation. If there are drafts on your floor or it is simply cold, make sure that your child is not exposed to the air.
  • It is better not to leave very small children in it. Due to the unstable structure, a child can easily knock down such a house on himself.

But it's not that bad. There are ways to level out these two problems. And along with some advantages, you can get an excellent shelter in which the baby will do his business.

  • Cheapness. For a very modest amount, you will give your child a sense of personal space.
  • Compactness. Such a house can always be folded so that it becomes flat. After that, it goes under the sofa or behind the closet without taking up space in the apartment.
  • You can always put an insulated covering on the floor of such a tent.
  • By adding a little money, you can purchase a “wigwam” that will be stable and will not fall on your head.

Thus, a tent house for a child in an apartment is not large sizes will add personal space for the child and will be an excellent economical option.


A slightly advanced version of the tent will be houses with additional pipes and courtyards. This is a good combination that includes either a pipe to crawl through. It has no practical effectiveness, but many children like it. Especially if you fill it with balls. As you can see, installing a cheap children's playhouse for a child in an apartment will not be a particular problem. However, many parents prefer more durable options. After all, an initially made house can eventually turn into a whole room. But we will talk about such possibilities a little later.


If you have any free space, the next option is for you. Houses for children in the apartment, photos of which are presented below, are installed from plastic. This makes them very strong and stable, and therefore durable. In addition, they are easy to care for and wash, and their low weight allows the structure to be moved to any place without special effort. If necessary, you can take it outside (to the garden), and even the rain will not bother him.

The disadvantage may be rapid fading and loss of aesthetic appearance. In addition, the size of such houses is very small, and there will be only enough space for one children’s highchair. While in the same tent the child will crawl until he goes crazy.


If you are an ardent supporter of environmentally pure materials, then you have no choice but to buy ready-made solution. Moreover, such a structure will not always be a house.

Once done in the apartment, you will prepare good soil so that the child has his own corner and personal space. Such buildings are durable and reliable. The only thing is that they are not recommended for very young children due to the likelihood of injury. In addition, such surfaces require regular care and dust removal.

There are two types of wooden houses.

  1. The first one is typical house. With doors and windows. It can be placed both outdoors and indoors, securely screwed to the walls. Of the minuses: such buildings are not mobile, and you must clearly understand that it will last not a year or two, but much longer.
  2. The second one is more likely play area. There are different variations. For example, it could be a two-level bed with a sleeping area on top and a work/play area below. Or, conversely, leaving sleeping place below, you can arrange a play area, a wall bars and a slide on top. But again, if there is free space in the apartment.

With your own hands

In addition to paid options, there are always ways to install a playhouse for children in an apartment yourself. In this case, you will not be required to spend extra money, but you will also have to put in a lot of effort.

The simplest option is to make a house for a child in an apartment from fabric. Or rather, from the well-known sheet.

  • Take two chairs and place them against the wall. Turn your backs towards each other and move them apart at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. Now you can cover them with a sheet. You will end up with an impromptu “headquarters”. To make the task easier, you can use, for example, the angle between the sofa and the wall, then three sides of your tent will be ready. The fastest and convenient option will be the use of a table-book. In this case, you can always unfold the “children’s house” in one movement.


We looked at the easiest way to create a playhouse. However, with a little effort, you can create a more accurate replica of a playroom for your child. Suffice it to recall a striking example when one Filipina made a toy kitchen out of boxes for her daughter. A do-it-yourself house for children in an apartment is good way spend at least a little time with your child.

  1. So, to create at least one room, we will need some materials. For example, one refrigerator box may be enough, but it is better to use packaging from LCD TVs. For example, let’s take 6 identical TV boxes with a diagonal of 80 cm.
  2. We cut off the upper and lower parts that are used to wrap the equipment, and leave a bare parallelepiped.
  3. We cut one of the ribs on each of them and get six identical corners.
  4. We fasten them together with tape and a stapler (preferably an industrial one). We get two high corners. This height should be just enough to hide the head of a child 1-1.2 meters tall. All that remains is to choose exactly how you will place your building:
  • Near the wall. This technique will increase the area of ​​the house. Hammer nails into the wall and hang a couple of nails on them wooden slats. You can attach cardboard to them using glue and small nails.
  • If you decide to fasten two corners together, you will need something to make the structure more stable. It is best to install the floor and roof from the same cardboard. If in the previous version everything was mounted on the wall, then here we get a parallelepiped completely closed on all sides.

After you install the entire structure, cut windows and a door in it. You can leave it hanging on its hinges or replace it with a light curtain. In order to give the house more aesthetic appearance, use foil or simply cover it with plain paper, and together with your child, decorate it with drawings.

Note to carpenters

If your hands grow from the right place, you can put together a playhouse for children in your apartment yourself. Without a doubt, wooden home playgrounds are very expensive, even if you assemble them yourself. But the price for them is still not justified. How to make a house for a child in an apartment made of wood?

  1. Choose a place in the house where the playhouse will be located.
  2. Ask your child what he wants. Make associations with real-life projects in stores.
  3. Make a diagram and calculate how many and what elements you will need.
  4. Take measurements and calculate the dimensions of the elements.
  5. Now go to any furniture factory and simply order a cut according to the parameters that were calculated. So you will have to pay exclusively for the material, and not for the work of the designers.

Considering modern construction and the fact that finding straight floors and walls in apartments is quite problematic, do not plan to attach a wooden children's playhouse to the wall. This might be suitable for a regular wall bars, but not for a large structure. So be sure to include adjustable feet for leveling.

Another way to make a house for children in an apartment is to buy a regular two-level bed. Let the child sleep on top, and the lower part can be curtained with a sheet to get proper shelter.


Whichever option you choose, the question of price always remains open. Of course, a playhouse for children in an apartment cannot be compared with its street counterparts, but it may also require a substantial investment.

  • For free. You can make a room using available materials. This often brings a lot of inconvenience to parents, and there will be chaos throughout the apartment.
  • Up to 1500 rubles. For this price you can purchase ready-made folding options. They are compact, but at the same time very fragile.
  • From 1500 to 2500 rubles. They are practically no different from the previous version, except for one quality - stability. They can be used metal elements to increase the reliability and strength of the structure. There are doors that open or roll up.
  • From 10,000 to 25,000 rubles. This option will require you to large space. Plastic buildings are already similar to real houses and differ in size, color and functionality.
  • But wooden structures can either be very cheap or cost incredible amounts of money - depending on how they are assembled.


In any case, the choice is always yours. Whether it's a homemade free tent or a full-fledged playhouse, everything will come at a price, be it money or labor and effort. But most importantly, remember who you are making the house for. Be sure to ask about your child’s opinions and desires. Maybe it will be much more interesting for him to spend time with his parents, assembling and gluing his own shelter, than for you to simply buy a tent for him and forget about it.

A happy childhood is the key to a healthy adult life for every person. This is why parents try to create necessary conditions, for the formation of a complete and successful personality. Children are often attached to their moms and dads and like to give them most of their time. However, each child needs his own small space, where only he will be the owner. For this purpose, you can build a wooden children's house in the country for the summer pastime of your beloved child; his toys will live in it, there will be space for his fantasies and dreams. And if you are truly caring parents, do not miss this opportunity: build a house with your own hands, taking into account the wishes of your child. Even better is to involve him in the construction himself, entrusting him with the role of an architect, engineer or designer.

How to make a children's house out of wood in the country

There is nothing difficult in building a children's house, even for a man who does not have a special construction education. After all, this design should be simple. The main thing is to decorate it externally and internally so that it turns out bright and colorful, like in a children's fairy tale. So where to start? Of course, from the project.

DIY construction plan and drawing

When developing a project, consider the following points:

  • what type of house do you want: open or closed;
  • dimensions of the future structure;
  • location;
  • materials for walls, roofs, windows and doors;
  • the presence of additional components (terrace, slide, outbuildings, fence, swing, stairs, sandbox, etc.) and decor (for example).

In addition, consider such nuances as:

  • mobility or stationarity of the main structure;
  • window height (at least 500-600 mm from the floor);
  • door height (at least 200 mm higher than the child’s height);
  • the quality of the walls (they must be smooth and safe);
  • roof (must not be flat so that the child cannot climb on it).

Develop the drawing yourself; if in doubt, consult with one of your familiar specialists to get the correct design.

Tools and materials

To build a small house you will need:

  1. Board panels with posts from which the walls of the house will be erected.
  2. Bars.
  3. Thin planks.
  4. Roll of roofing felt.
  5. Screws and nails.
  6. Stain and paints different colors for decoration.

Can't do without necessary tools: shovels, rammers, hammers, screwdrivers, levels, circular saw, stationery knife, paint brushes.

Be sure to make cuts with inside panels to avoid chipping on outside. Read about the gazebo drawings with dimensions.

We install walls, windows and doors

Choose a place for the house. It is important that there is a lot of free space around the house. After all, kids love to frolic in the fresh air.

Compact top layer soil and make a frame of timber for the flooring. Then use the plank panels to form the floor.

Preparing the foundation for the future home

Also make from beams and panels wooden boards for walls. Now it is important to cut out openings for windows and doors in them. The house must have at least two windows so that the room is sufficiently lit. Start with the windows, and cut out the doors not all the way, so that the loose panel does not lose its rigidity. Finish cutting the doorway only after attaching the front panel.

Cover all components with stain and varnish (inside and out), then connect them. Fix the decking first, then attach the walls. But you can find out how to do it by reading this article.

Make windows and doors in accordance with the dimensions of the openings. Do not forget to design frames, which in this case perform not only a protective, but also a decorative function.

Choosing a roof for the roof of a children's house

The roof must be gable so that it can drain rainwater. It is better to make the roof base from wood panels, but you can cover the roof with roofing felt or other lightweight material. This can be tiles, plywood sheets or lining and even linoleum.

However, roofing felt is the most successful and low-budget option. Don’t be afraid if the folds on the material are not completely smoothed out: in the sun this will definitely happen, and the roof will become even and smooth.


So, the most interesting and creative stage has come. Here you can use your imagination to your heart’s content and decorate your home in a bright, unique way. Invite your child for this, let “traces of his work” be visible on the house, for example, some drawing made with his own hand. Before you take up your brushes and paints, do not forget to thoroughly process the edges and corners, and smooth out all the unevenness on the surfaces of the structure; This way you will protect your child from injury.

As for the decor, here too you can give free rein to your imagination. Hang interesting curtains on the windows, decorate the house with flowers, toys, drawings, etc. Be sure to build furniture: benches, chairs, table, etc.

In front of the house, you can build a porch with railings and posts, which will not only decorate it, but also serve as a support for the protruding part of the roof.

See all stages of construction in the video below.

Children's tree house

If you have a large one growing on your site, strong tree, then the house built on it will become great idea. Believe me, your child will be delighted with this. How to implement it? Read how to build a children's playground.

First, choose a suitable tree: the safety of little residents depends on it. Please note the following requirements:

  1. The house should be located on oak, maple, fir or ash: these trees have a strong root system.
  2. It is prohibited to build a house on a tree growing on sandy soil.
  3. The branches of the tree must be healthy, without cracks or damage, and at least 20 cm in diameter.
  4. Weak branches over the future play house needs to be cut down.
  5. Install the house at a low height.

The choice of material must be taken very carefully: it should be as light as possible so as not to create unnecessary stress on the tree. Best to use wood siding in combination with plastic elements. Before starting work, the boards must be dried and treated with an antiseptic, which will provide protection from rot and pests.

Before starting to build a house, choose how to install it: on the ground or on a tree. The last option is the most labor-intensive, since the main part of the platform is made on the ground and then attached to the tree. You will also need to build a ladder so that children can easily, and most importantly safely, climb and descend it.

For fastening, do not use nails, but self-tapping screws, screws or bolts, which will hold the structure on the tree more securely.

Ideas for wooden houses for children

If you want to do something original, then consider the following selection of options:

  1. Two-tier house with a ladder.
  2. Fairytale hut on chicken legs.
  3. Wooden treehouse with ladder.
  4. House with stairs and canopy.
  5. A small hut.
  6. House with an attic.
  7. Dollhouse for girls.
  8. Hanging tree house.
  9. Tree house with suspension bridge.
  10. Gazebo house in the garden.
  11. House with a spiral staircase.
  12. Teremki, spaceships and rockets, flying saucers, etc.

Two-tier houseHouse “airship”

Bright house with furniture

As you can see, a children's house can be the way your children or your imagination see it. The main thing is that the building is safe, becomes a cozy refuge for your child and instills happiness and love in his soul. How to do homemade sandbox for children at the dacha read.

A craft - a house with your own hands - will delight any child. The work will only take a couple of days, and the material you can use is plywood, OSB, pallets or regular boards.Detailed step by step instructions and the drawings will help even a person far from construction understand the process.

An educational house can be made in a wide variety of ways. different materials, and it is better to make the final choice yourself, having studied the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

The most commonly used budget options:

  • plywood

You can also build a house from OSB, wooden planks or chipboard.

Plywood - optimal choice, because:

  • it is durable, and after treatment with special impregnations it can withstand adverse influences environment(precipitation, temperature changes, insects)
  • affordable - a do-it-yourself plywood house will cost less than one made from many other materials
  • looks aesthetically pleasing
  • has low thermal conductivity, due to which it garden house the child will be warm and comfortable

In addition, working with plywood is easy: it can be sawed, drilled, and painted without effort.

The only drawback is the toxicity of the glue used to join the veneer layers together. When purchasing, you need to study the characteristics of the product: the plywood must be marked E0 - such material contains minimum quantity formaldehyde, and the product is considered environmentally friendly.


A house made from pallets can become a child’s favorite place to play, but you need to be careful when selecting the material.

Cannot be used:

  • pallets marked IPPC - they are processed using harmful chemicals that provoke the development of various diseases;
  • pallets used in markets - after prolonged use in the open air, wooden structures not treated with protective agents may become fragile, and the building will soon become unusable;
  • pallets painted in bright colors, – it is impossible to vouch for the quality and safety of the paint, and it is better not to risk the health of the child.

You need to build a children's wooden house with your own hands using quality material without visible damage: cracks, signs of rot, mold or paint residue.

A DIY children's house on a summer cottage is a great gift for kids. It can be built from different materials and the dimensions can vary. You can create something like this (photo No. 1), and if there is space, the structure can be built on a much larger scale. Let's consider several options for building houses.

A do-it-yourself children's playhouse can have dimensions of 160x160x140 cm with a roof 90 cm high. To create it you need to prepare:

  • foundation blocks – 4 pieces;
  • metal fastening corners;
  • bars for making floors – 11 pcs.;
  • floorboards – 4 pcs.;
  • lining;
  • platbands;
  • furniture panel;
  • dye;
  • roof bars – 5 pcs.;
  • ondulin;
  • edged boards;
  • screws, nails;
  • beam holders.

The work itself is carried out in several stages.

  • Stage 1. We make the floor frame. For it you need to mount the base, aligning it diagonally. After leveling, the structure is reinforced with corners.
  • Stage 2. Choose a place to build. The place must be level. The finished frame is laid on the ground, the places where the foundation is attached are marked.
  • Stage 3. Giving the children's wooden product stability. In the marked places, recesses are dug and laid foundation blocks. They are buried to the depth of a spade bayonet. They should lie flat. This is checked by the level. Waterproofing must be laid on the top of the blocks to prevent moisture from getting onto the floor.
  • Stage 4. Constructing the floor. To do this, the entire frame is covered with boards. The floor must be smooth and free of roughness.
  • Stage 5. The floor needs to be treated. This is done from the ground side. A layer is applied with a brush or roller to protect the wood from fungus and mold.
  • Stage 6. Creation of racks and rafters. The beams are attached to the finished floor and reinforced with corners (photo No. 2). Roof rafters (3 pieces) are attached to the posts. They are leveled or plumb and secured using metal holders.
  • Stage 7. Sheathing the frame. The finished frame is sheathed with blockhouse or clapboard (photo No. 3). You can sheathe a structure for children in the country outside and inside. Lay slabs between layers of wood mineral wool for insulating the structure.
  • Stage 8. Creating the roof. The roof is covered with ondulin. This material is good for cutting with a grinder. For finishing, many craftsmen use carved boards. The same board can be used to sheathe the corners of a constructed building. It would be nice to decorate doors and windows with hand-made platbands (photo No. 4).
  • Stage 9. Do-it-yourself installation inside the children's house homemade benches and a table. Playhouse ready for children to give at home with their own hands. All that remains is to paint it in various bright colors.

DIY children's playhouse (video)

Other options for building a house

How to make a children's house for a child and his friends on a summer cottage? Ideas can be very different. Here are some of them:

  1. The child's house can be placed on a natural elevation. Solid wood is used instead of a foundation. You can hang curtains on the windows. This will make it possible to hide the room from prying eyes.
  2. The windows can be glazed, and the doors can be made quite thick. The house can be given the appearance of a real home. But this will require a special approach to its creation.
  3. You can make a massive wooden children's house with your own hands using spacious room, located on the second floor. The usual entrance to it can be supplemented with a slide. To climb this hill you need to make a staircase with railings. Your child will definitely love this design. Wooden house for children younger age at the dacha it is easily equipped with a sandbox below, which is arranged under the house.
  4. You can paint a wooden house for children in the country with your own hands pink. Girls will appreciate it. You need to build a small veranda for it, on which to place flowers.
  5. A plywood house will look bright in the landscape if it is painted blue. Spacious porch and walkway paving slabs will complement the building.

There may be other ideas. Wooden houses for children in the country, completely made of panels, are assembled very quickly and last for many years. It’s not for nothing that anyone kindergarten equipped with such buildings.

Non-traditional playhouses

You can make a wooden children's house not only at the dacha, but also right in the main home. Any tent can become a personal fortress for a child. How to build indoor playhouses? Again, there are different ideas. Wooden house - very good. But inside a residential building it is better to use cardboard or fabric. A home tent that stretches over a table - great solution. To make it, you need to measure the length, width and height of the table. It is better to choose dense fabric. The windows in the house are made from polyethylene film. Instead of a door, a zipper or other fastener is inserted. You can draw cartoon characters on the walls. The fabric house can be easily disassembled and does not take up space.

Playing place for children it is also made of cardboard. Its construction does not require the skills that a wooden house requires. Enough to have required quantity cardboard, paint and simple tools. Window and door openings are cut out in cardboard with a sharp utility knife. With enough material, the final result depends only on the imagination of the manufacturer. You can come up with your own plans for the manufacture and internal equipment of the house. In any case, it will bring joy to your child.

How to make a children's house (video)

Conclusion on the topic

Summer cottage plot designed for growing vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, as well as for recreation for adults and children. Swimming pools and alpine coaster with dry streams. If there is a sufficient area of ​​land, many people also build children's playhouses. They have different designs and are built using various materials. You can build a children's house at the dacha from wooden boards, plywood, clapboard and timber, brick and concrete are used for its arrangement. You can make such a structure from fabric, cardboard boxes and other materials. Construction of a structure in a country house does not take much time and is generally quite cheap. Best place to place it - between trees, on a hill. You can lead a path to it.

Tools you may need: hacksaw, jigsaw, screwdriver, glue gun, drill, keys and screwdrivers, chisels, level, plumb line, tape measure. All work is best done together. First, the frame is assembled on the foundation, then the walls are sheathed and the roof is erected. The playhouse can be equipped with furniture, curtains, an electric bell and lamps. Used for lighting and LED strips. Children will be delighted with this structure.

The product can also be built in a residential area. Cardboard and fabric are used for this. The frame is made from PVC pipes, wooden parts. Even an ordinary table can become a frame. Children also really like this play corner.
