How to paint a heating radiator: choosing paint, preparation, painting and drying. How to paint a radiator: step-by-step technology for painting radiators How to paint a radiator more conveniently outdoors

If you don't live in an African hut or an old hut with stove heating, then you probably have batteries in your home. This means that sooner or later there will be a need to paint them. This process must be approached with all responsibility, because a careless appearance heating batteries can ruin any interior - from the simplest to the most sophisticated.

First you need to decide on the choice of paint. If you are a traditionalist, then most likely your choice will be classic white or silver. However, modern designers suggest not limiting your imagination and choosing a color scheme for the battery that is in harmony with general design premises. It may be tender pastel colors, repeating the color of the bedroom walls; bright floral motifs for a children's room or a light, unobtrusive pattern for the living room.

You should know that not every type of paint is suitable for coating a battery. The paint must meet the following requirements:

  • be resistant to high temperatures (up to 80° C);
  • do not release toxic substances into the air;
  • protect the battery surface from corrosion;
  • don't change your appearance and not peel off.

Several types of paints satisfy these conditions: acrylic enamel, water-dispersion emulsion, alkyd and oil paints. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For example, alkyd paint provides the consumer with a wide range of options to choose from. color shades. It lays smoothly and beautifully on the surface to be painted and is highly wear-resistant. Unfortunately, this paint has a specific odor, which often appears after drying - when the battery is heated. Cutting, bad smell Acrylic enamel also has a solvent. However, after it dries completely (this process takes several days), it disappears. Leaves a beautiful glossy shine that lasts for for a long time. Dries quickly and does not have a strong odor water-dispersion paints. When purchasing such paint, you should pay attention to the presence of the marking “for heating radiators”.

Having decided on the choice of paint, we move on to the most difficult and time-consuming part of the work - preparing the batteries for painting. At this stage, it is necessary to remove the old paint and get rid of rust (if it appeared on the battery during operation). We carefully wipe the radiators with a damp cloth to remove dust and dirt. To make the removal process easier old paint, you can use the following technique: thoroughly treat the batteries with any washing solution and cover with film (it is important to remember that the solution is applied to a dry surface). After some time, namely an hour and a half, the paint can be easily removed with a spatula or grinder. Some home craftsmen use for this purpose wire brush, attached to a drill.

When conducting repair work Don’t forget about your health - protect your hands with construction gloves and your respiratory tract with a respirator.

The next step is leveling the surface to be painted. Using sandpaper, carefully clean the batteries, paying special attention to special attention in places where rust has formed, it must be completely removed. We degrease the prepared surface with a slightly alkaline solution and coat it with an anti-corrosion primer. You should know that many modern paints contain a primer and rust protection elements in their composition. You can find out about this from the labeling on the jar. When using this paint pre-processing No battery required.

Your radiators are now ready to be painted. It is important to remember that paint can only be applied to cold batteries. Otherwise, all the effort you expended on cleaning the surface will be in vain - the paint will not lie smoothly and may become covered with bubbles or uneven spots. Therefore, when working with batteries, choose a time between heating seasons. If possible, it is recommended to first disconnect the battery from the pipes - this will greatly facilitate the painting process. Don’t forget to take care of the safety of the floor - cover it with newspapers, unnecessary paper or cellophane.

The most in a convenient way is spraying paint from a spray bottle or a special can. By performing simple manipulations described in the instructions for using the paint can, you can achieve even application of it over the entire surface of the radiator, including hard to reach places.

Soft brushes and small diameter foam rollers are also used to paint heating radiators. It is advisable to start painting from the least accessible surfaces, using brushes with curved handles. It is convenient to apply paint to the front side of the battery using a roller. To avoid smudges, you should start painting the radiators from the top, gradually moving down to their bottom. Make sure that the paint is distributed in a thin, even layer, this will ensure an even color over the entire surface. After the first coat is applied, allow the batteries to dry thoroughly. Then cover them with a second coat of paint, following the same recommendations.

Thus, with a little effort and skill, you can turn your old battery into a new worthy piece of furniture.

Almost every apartment has heating devices. If the apartment has just been purchased, the happy owners of the home have many questions related to repairs. For example, how to paint a radiator and what color?

What is a heating battery?

  1. Firstly– this is a heating element that creates the necessary comfortable temperature in the room;
  2. Secondly- This metal device, subject to corrosive processes;
  3. Thirdly– this is an element that, one way or another, catches the eye. This means that it must be properly executed.

Having completed all the steps to install a heating system in an apartment, many people wonder what paint to paint the radiators with? After all, I don’t want to be like everyone else. In this case, you need to understand what needs to be done to independently complete the task.

Our article will discuss how and how to update a heating battery, as well as how to do the work yourself.

Choice of colors

Usually heating equipment painted in the most boring colors:

  • green,
  • blue,
  • yellow, etc.

These colors are not at all pleasing to the eyes of some people. On the contrary, they repel with their primitive design.

What color to paint the radiators is up to you. But when choosing paint to update heating appliances, it is better to focus on light, less conspicuous colors. For example, white or slightly grayish.

NOTE! In order to understand how to paint batteries in an original way, it is best to focus on a pre-compiled design project. But in any case, you need to remember that devices painted in light colors, reflect heat well! Therefore, it is advisable to use exactly light shades.

Selecting materials

The choice of materials for updating heating devices with your own hands must be approached with a certain degree of responsibility. To paint radiators and radiators, it is necessary to select appropriate materials, given that heating devices are subject to a colossal range of temperature changes. ().

In general, materials must meet the following criteria:

  • Excellent resistance to temperature changes (heat resistance);
  • High degree of tenacity of paints and varnishes with the treated base;
  • Protection of the metal of the heating element from the effects of severe corrosive processes.

Let's consider which materials meet the above requirements:

  • Materials on oil based - a relic of past times. They are also produced and used in some cases. May be suitable for updating the surface of radiators or other elements. But in any case, they are already quite outdated, as they are being replaced by more high-tech compounds.
  • Alkyd-based compositions– at temperatures above 90°C, they perfectly retain their structure. They adhere quite firmly to the base. Less susceptible to mechanical impact, but have an unpleasant specific smell. The price of the material is relatively high.

  • Compositions based on acrylic, water-dispersion– after application they set instantly. They practically do not have a particularly noticeable, unpleasant odor. Suitable for indoor work.
  • Compositions on acrylic base with the addition of chemical solvents. Can be applied to a previously unprimed base (which is not recommended), High levels of moisture resistance and preservation original color. They have a glossy structure. Perfect for such work.
  • You can also use fire-retardant metal paints Polistil. Or alternatively, Zinga electrically conductive paint may be suitable. These types of materials are great for protecting metal elements from corrosion processes and temperature changes.

As you can see, pick up required material not difficult, given the rich assortment.

We paint the battery ourselves

When carrying out activities to paint a particular surface, it must first be prepared. And heating elements are no exception.

Preparing the surface of the batteries

Instructions for preparing the battery before painting are as follows:

  1. Removing old peeling paint coating using a hair dryer and a hard one;
  2. Thorough cleaning of the surface with sandpaper (coarse-grained);
  3. Removing dust after work with a regular rag or vacuum cleaner;
  4. Prime the surface with special heat-resistant compounds intended for such purposes.

We hope you understand how to prepare the battery for painting. Let's move on to the painting itself.

To work you will need the paint itself and a brush, or electric spray gun. You should also have a clean cloth and gloves ready. The paint must be applied in thin layers at least twice. Moreover, each layer must be thoroughly dried.

If work is carried out on hot radiators, then you need to paint very quickly, as there is a possibility of the material setting instantly. However, it is highly advisable to paint this surface when it is not heated.

TIP: When performing work, do not forget to ventilate the room by opening the window vents and turning on the air conditioner. If work is being carried out, for example, in the bathroom, turn on the hood and open the doors.

If it is possible to update the heating element without removing it from its place or disassembling it, then the whole job can be greatly simplified for you.

Things to consider

Please note that painting aluminum radiators modern samples, originally painted in the factory, are not the most best option. The thing is that at the factory, paint is applied to heating appliances in a certain way using special equipment, which allows the spraying method to evenly cover the surface of the heating element with a thin, especially durable film, which in turn ensures uniform heat transfer.

And in case self-application paint on the surface of the radiator, you will, one way or another, disrupt the thermal conductivity characteristics of the heating element.

TIP: The best way to paint radiators is by spraying with electric sprayers. These devices allow you to apply a thin layer of material, while painting hard-to-reach places between the rib plates and without leaving sagging or smudges of material.


Now you know how to properly paint radiators in an apartment. A painted old heating device will be practically no different from a new one if the technology for performing the work when updating it yourself is followed ().

To finally resolve this issue, we suggest watching the video in this article as an alternative.

Many people renovate their apartment in winter, and the question often arises: is it possible to paint hot radiators?

Modern paints have a number positive qualities, which allow you to paint your radiator at any time.

Heating appliances in an apartment play the role of not only a source of heat, but they are also part of the interior, which means they should always look good.

In this article you will learn how to paint heating radiators with your own hands.

Radiator paints and necessary tools

Many people believe that only the front part of heating radiators should be painted, but, unfortunately, this conclusion is erroneous.

Often, especially with Soviet batteries, rust spots begin to appear, and if they are not eliminated, the corrosion can spread further.

Helps get rid of unwanted corrosion good paint. To find out what paint to paint the heating with, you need to find out the characteristics of this product.

The purchased paint must be resistant to elevated temperatures, because radiators get very hot in winter, and maintain a natural color for a long time.

For the right choice paint material, you need to know what types are available for sale.

Acrylic paint has a natural color within long period and is famous for its lack of strong odor.

This option is well suited for painting radiators in winter time, because you don’t really need to ventilate the apartment.

Alkyd paint has high temperature resistance and is therefore ideal for radiators. One of the disadvantages is the increased smell, so it is better to use it in the warm season, and not during the heating season.

There is another type of acrylic paint that is used in conjunction with a solvent. This material has good performance, firstly, the paint can be used without additional primer, and secondly, the coating is different good view and glossy surface.

The well-known oil paint used to be a popular product, but with the development technological process faded into the background.

This is the main list of paints and varnishes for cast iron radiators, which can be purchased. For panel radiators You can use aerosol paints (preferably auto enamel).

Having white batteries is no longer fashionable, so don't be afraid to experiment with color scheme, the main thing is that the coating fits into the design of the apartment.

In a children's room, you can decorate radiators brightly, especially panel radiators, on which you can reproduce the whole landscape.

So how to paint radiators and in what style is up to you.

But it should be remembered that in order coloring material fits well, you need to have a special tool, such as:

  • sandpaper for pre-cleaning;
  • a sharp object or knife to remove old paint;
  • several types of brushes;
  • small roller;
  • unnecessary rags for cleaning the room.

This entire set will be needed for high-quality work and will help transform old and ugly radiators into a luxurious piece of furniture.

Preparatory work and process of painting batteries

To understand how to paint a heating radiator, you need to know the principle of the work being performed.

Like all types of construction work, the painting process begins with the preparation of batteries. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate contaminated areas and check the product for corrosion areas.

Once the old paint and dirt have been removed, heating radiator should be wiped with a damp cloth for cleaning.

Swollen areas must be cleaned with sandpaper, and if rotten areas are found, they must be eliminated.

At the final stage, you should coat the radiator with a primer mixture, but you should only take into account the characteristics of the further material, because some types of paint and varnish products do not require a primer layer.

Several types of cleaning are used to clean heating devices from dirt and old paint. The first method is called chemical, and the second method (consists in using special tool) is called mechanical.

To remove dirt chemically, solutions consisting of acids and solvents are used. You can prepare this mixture yourself or purchase it at the store.

To prepare the solution at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • sodium carbonate (soda ash), about one kilogram;
  • slaked lime, in the same proportion;
  • water, about five liters;
  • large capacity, more than ten liters.

The solution is prepared as follows. Soda is dissolved in hot water, the water temperature is about 60 degrees, after which lime is added in small doses. This is done to prevent strong foam.

The mechanical method involves the use of a special tool or ordinary sandpaper.

The process is long and dusty, but to speed it up you can use a special drill attachment or use a grinder.

In this case, it is necessary to follow safety rules and carry out such work carefully so as not to damage the radiator.

As for the painting process itself, no special skills are needed here, the main thing is to know how to properly paint a heating device.

Before starting work, you should arrange workplace, cover the floor with paper (or other material), protect the walls with a gasket (you can put a large sheet of cardboard), prepare the necessary tools.

Apply paint to radiators with a brush, preferably from top to bottom - this way there will be no drips. The layer should be thin and uniform. After the paint has dried, you need to apply a second coat.

The internal parts of the radiators must be painted first to avoid getting dirty in the process. Small parts and difficult places should be painted using a sponge or roller.

That's the whole principle of painting radiators.

You can do the job efficiently and beautifully yourself, you just need to take into account all the nuances and follow the rules.

Here are a few more useful tips from the professionals:

  • a painted radiator should not have drips - to do this, apply paint thin layer and smooth movements;
  • It is better to paint the back of the heating device using a curved brush with a long handle;
  • if used to clean radiators chemical method, then it is necessary to use personal protective equipment;
  • after completion painting works the room must be well ventilated. If the work is carried out in winter, then you should use paints without a strong odor;
  • pipes and hidden elements do not need to be painted, which will help preserve heat transfer;
  • To understand which paint is best to paint, you need to study all the characteristics of the product.

There is nothing complicated in this type of work, therefore, you can paint the heating system yourself.

You just need to listen to the advice of experts, and your radiator will be as good as new.

If you play with your imagination and change the color of the radiators, they will become even better than new ones.

New shades of the restored battery should be chosen based on the interior of the room: if it is a children's room, then it is better to choose light colors, and the radiator in the bathroom should be made in a neutral color.

What paint to paint the radiators in the kitchen or in other rooms is up to you personally to decide.

It should be remembered that new bimetallic radiators are very capricious, and to paint their surface you should contact a specialist (preferably a service station), in case self-repair It is necessary to use auto enamel in the form of an aerosol.

For panel radiators, both aerosols and regular paint, just take into account that it is necessary to paint the grille, and not just the panel itself.

Restoring radiators is a primitive job, so feel free to update the design of your heating devices and enjoy the results.

Painting batteries is a seemingly simple process that has many technological nuances, the observance of which determines the final quality of the applied coating. Also, a number of requirements are put forward to the used paint and varnish materials, which we will examine in detail in this article.

You will learn how to paint heating pipes and how to do it yourself correctly. Varieties of paints and varnishes, features of their application and technology for removing old paintwork will be considered.

Paint for radiators - varieties and recommendations for selection

The paint for the heating radiator must meet three simple requirements: withstand temperatures of 90 degrees, protect the radiator from corrosion, and not change color during operation. Special paint and varnish compositions fully meet these criteria. You can also consider universal enamels with a temperature maximum of 60 0, however, given that in most centralized heating networks the temperature does not rise above this mark, this drawback is not critical.

The first question when choosing is which composition to take, matte or glossy? Keep in mind that if the surface of the radiator has flaws (irregularities, chips), then when using glossy paint they will all come out, even if coated in several layers. Matte paint for radiators does not make imperfections so visible, however, during use it can turn gray (especially bright light shades), so most professional painters prefer to use glossy paintwork materials.

You can avoid problems with emphasizing imperfections in the surface of batteries when using glossy paints by smoothing out pits and chips using putty. Here, ordinary epoxy or polyester compounds are suitable, which need to be applied to metal previously coated with a layer of primer - this is a painstaking procedure, but the result is worth it.

Let's consider the types of paints and varnishes that can be used to paint batteries:

The most common option is alkyd enamel. This is an extensive group of paints made on different bases:

  • enamels on organic solvents (PF-115, Pesto);
  • enamels on silicon-organic bases - special heat-resistant compounds that can withstand temperatures up to 650 degrees;
  • water-based acrylic enamels - you can only use paints that do not contain chalk, preferably with titanium pigment.

Characteristic feature alkyd enamels is a pungent odor that disappears 5-6 hours after application. You can also paint the battery with hammer enamel (one of the types of alkyd compositions), which forms a relief surface after drying. The natural unevenness of hammer coatings hides imperfections in the radiator surface, making it unnecessary to level it with plaster.

Acrylic enamel is a paint that, after drying, forms a surface that tactilely and externally resembles plastic. The advantages of acrylic compositions include their durability - the coating adheres well to metal, washes well and does not fade.

We recommend using VD-AK-1179 - it is quite expensive but quality paint(650 rub/l), which must be applied to a primed surface. Intermediate drying time is 2 hours, residual drying time is 24 hours. The composition can withstand temperatures up to +110 degrees. If you need odorless paint for radiators, then look towards brands such as “Composite”, “Dufa”, “Triora” - these are domestically produced compositions with an optimal price/quality ratio.

IN industrial conditions for painting aluminum and bimetallic radiators widely used powder paints- dry powdery pigment applied to the surface with a special gun. In this case, the structure being painted is given a negative charge, and the paint particles are given a positive charge. Due to their difference, the pigment is evenly distributed over the metal surface. After application, polymerization of the powder occurs in a special chamber, where a high temperature is maintained or there is ultraviolet radiation(depending on the type of paint).

Paint a radiator at home powder composition If you don’t succeed due to the lack of the required equipment and conditions, you can do this by contacting a workshop that specializes in painting cars.

1.1 Which wash is best to use?

Painting heating pipes and radiators begins with removing the old paintwork, which can be done with sandpaper or using a special remover, which will be much faster and of better quality.

Such products are called “wash”, they have a gel-like consistency and are applied to the surface using a brush or wooden spatula. There are also washes in the form of aerosols, but when working with them it is necessary to seal the surfaces adjacent to the battery.

The technology for using the remover is quite simple - apply a layer of gel of equal thickness, wait the time specified in the instructions and clean the softened paint mechanically(with a spatula or brush). At the end, the remnants of the old coating are washed off with water.

1.2 Master class on painting heating radiators (video)

2 Painting radiators - step-by-step instructions

If you decide to paint the heating radiator yourself, follow simple rule— it is better to apply 2-3 thin layers of paint rather than one thick one. At the same time, the first layer will never cover the surface perfectly evenly, and an excessive amount of paint on the brush can result in drips and sagging, which are extremely difficult to eliminate even if partially dry.

It is correct to apply a small amount of paint at a time, and rub it thoroughly over the surface. Initially, you need to cover the internal planes of the radiator, which is most conveniently done using a special brush with a curved handle. Painting begins from top to bottom on the extreme section of the battery.

After painting the inner layers, you can begin to paint the outer surfaces in the same direction - from top to bottom, which avoids the formation of drips. When the first layer is completely applied, we wait the time necessary for it to partially dry (the specific time is indicated on the paint label, usually no more than 20 minutes) and similarly cover the radiator with the second and third layers.

If it was not possible to apply the first layer correctly, and there are drips and sagging on the surface, after the paint has dried, they can be sanded with fine-grained sandpaper.

Heating pipes are painted using identical technology. However, keep in mind that you cannot paint appliances with regular enamels during the heating season; special “hot” applied compositions are designed for this, which are much more expensive.

When carrying out repair work in an apartment or private house, or in a situation where you need to make heating yourself “from scratch”, not only the correct selection total necessary equipment, but also its preparation to ensure maximum heat transfer and durability. And last but not least, we are talking about painting pipes and water heating radiators through which the coolant circulates. In this article we will talk about how and with what to paint the battery so that it has excellent performance and easily fits into the design of the heated room.

Preparing the battery before painting

Before applying a coat of paint to the battery, you must make sure that metal surface heating radiator is clean. Even new batteries need preliminary preparation: cleaning, sanding, degreasing. All this is done to ensure that the new coating is in maximum contact with the surface of the battery, providing better heat transfer. An unprepared surface can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences: cracking of the paint, disruption of the integrity of the coating layer in certain places of the radiator, etc. The same applies to pipes: before asking the question, they must also be prepared for painting and a layer of paint applied that will reliably protect the pipes from destruction.

Very often, heating systems use old radiators that have a layer of oil paint on them. If there are no defects, such batteries can be used, but it is necessary to carefully clean the entire surface of the heating device from old paint, soil and rust. The old layer of paint can be removed with sandpaper and special solvents. It’s good if you have a hair dryer among your tools - it will significantly speed up the cleaning process.

After we have confirmed perfect cleanliness surface of the heating radiator, you can start priming it. The primer is applied in a thin layer over the entire radiator with a brush or spray gun (the latter is relevant if we have not yet figured it out, or the heating system has not yet been installed). We will not advertise any particular brand of primer; we will only note that it should be intended for application to metal surfaces.

How to paint a battery

Let’s immediately put aside oil paints that have outlived their usefulness. How to paint the battery? The choice is actually small: alkyd enamels, water-dispersed acrylic paints or acrylic enamels with organic solvents. It is important to consider that the coating must be resistant to high temperatures, i.e. the paint, after drying and turning on the heating system, should not crack at temperatures close to 80 degrees Celsius. The composition should prevent corrosion of the metal of the heaters, and also not change its color over time. Before deciding how to paint the battery, let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of the above compounds, which are used, including for painting heating radiators.

Alkyd enamels

Among the advantages are the uniformity of the coating structure, resistance to high temperatures, strength and abrasion resistance. There is only one drawback for any alkyd enamels - an unpleasant odor, which occurs both when the coating dries and for some time during the operation of the heating system.

Water-dispersion paints

Such compositions are ideal for painting batteries; it is only important to choose specialized types of paints. The painting process is not accompanied by release harmful substances, the coating dries quickly.

Acrylic enamels on organic solvents

The coating has a glossy shine and does not change its color over a long period of time. But during the painting process you will have to endure the smell of organic solvents.

How to paint a heating radiator

Let us immediately note that it is recommended to paint the battery in “cold mode”, i.e. at a time when it is either disconnected from the heating system, or during the summer season, when heating is not used at all. It is possible to paint hot batteries, but, firstly, it is not very convenient, and secondly, with “hot” painting there is a risk of uneven application of the paint layer and cracking of the coating that has not yet dried. Now let's move on directly to how to paint the battery.

Our main task is to evenly apply a layer of paint over the entire surface of the battery. To do this we use brushes or a spray gun. The second option allows you to obtain a thinner coating, which has a positive effect on the heat transfer of heating devices. Inner part The batteries must be painted with a brush - there should be no blind spots on the battery. It is recommended to start painting from the top of the battery. After the first coat of paint has completely dried, apply the finishing coat. It's done!

In the following articles we will talk about how to heat a balcony with your own hands, as well as how to correctly install a heating radiator so that it serves faithfully for many years.


We understand the structure of the sewerage system in a private house, draw up diagrams and lay pipes. The article is quick guide to action - to independent work that each of us can cope with. Nothing superfluous: we break the system into its component parts and consider the role of each element.

Do you want to give your walls a stylish and interesting view? Forget about using wallpaper, because you can use decorative plaster! Today this material is no longer so expensive, and the technologies for its use are easily mastered even by those who have never been involved in finishing work.
