Is it possible to paint heating radiators? How to paint a radiator: step-by-step technology for painting radiators

Purchasing new radiators can be called an expensive pleasure. But if your apartment or house has cast iron batteries, then you can give them an attractive look by painting the surface. It is better to do these jobs in summer time, when paint smell can be quickly removed by opening windows and doors. In addition, after completion heating season the surface of the battery will be cold, which can be called ideal conditions for carrying out such work. If you are still wondering whether it is possible to paint hot batteries, then you need to take into account some nuances.

If you decide to paint the radiator during the heating season, then you need to choose the right equipment. To do this, it is best to use a sprayer, with which the composition can be applied quite accurately and quickly. The paint layer will form a thin, even layer. The lower part of the battery is usually treated with a brush.

When choosing paint, you need to pay attention to its properties and quality. Required composition must undergo an increase in temperature. If you are faced with the question of whether it is possible to paint hot batteries, then you should take your choice more seriously. For example, this is perfect for this. However, when used, it will emit a pungent odor, and over time it may even change color, acquiring a yellowish tint.

Most profitable option Acrylic paint is used for painting hot batteries. She dries in short terms, and there is no smell when applied. It is not affected by temperature fluctuations. If you are wondering whether it is possible to paint hot batteries, you should know that this work requires preparation. The surface of the radiator should be cleaned of grease, dust and dirt. This can be done using a soda solution. Sandpaper will remove the old paint layer. After the surface has been sanded, a primer should be applied to it.

If you are faced with the question of whether it is possible to paint hot batteries, you should become more familiar with surface preparation technologies. The first involves the use chemical method, while the second is mechanical. The chemical treatment method involves the use of substances that dissolve the old layer of paint. After using this composition, the surface can be easily cleaned.

When performing these manipulations, you should remember safety measures. The technician should use protective glasses and gloves. If you don't want to spend money on chemicals, you can use mechanical method. It consists of using scrapers, sandpaper, and a drill with special attachments.

If you are also deciding whether it is possible to paint hot radiators, you should know that when carrying out such work you should refuse to paint the taps. If this recommendation is ignored, then the use shut-off valves may be accompanied by difficulties. But the radiators themselves should be painted in two stages, applying from top to bottom.

Carrying out priming

To implement the primer, you can use the domestic composition GF-021, which is combined with MA and PF enamels. If you plan to use imported dyes, then for priming you should purchase material from the same manufacturer. Oil paint, applied in one layer over the primer, can increase the heat transfer of the battery by 5%. If more than three layers are applied, the heat transfer will decrease by 1%. Dye based on lead and aluminum will also help reduce heat transfer.

Now you know whether it is possible to paint hot batteries with paint. If a convector is installed in your apartment, then to increase its heat transfer you should not paint its invisible elements and pipes. This recommendation should also be applied to convection aluminum plates. They are located on the pipes and become clogged easily.

The removable casing should be painted; it is excellent for this. When deciding whether it is possible to paint hot batteries with enamel, you need to pay attention to the material of the radiator. If it is cast iron, then it is necessary to remove dust from the surface of the structure, and then rinse it with water and degrease it. To do this, use a one percent solution of ammonia.

If there are chips on the surface, they must be treated with a primer with anti-corrosion properties. At the next stage, the surface is covered with putty and primed. It is worth considering that paint for hot radiators will cost more than others, so you need to assess the situation and decide whether you can wait until the end of the heating season. It is recommended to apply paint as much as possible thin layer.

Recommendations for painting bimetallic and aluminum radiators

Bimetallic and aluminum radiators are painted at the factory powder composition. It will be extremely difficult to achieve such a surface on your own, but if you still decide to update such a device, then it work surface it is necessary to prepare using the technology described above, and then cover with a primer and a layer alkyd enamel.

If there are strong defects, the coating should be removed down to the metal; grinder. Next, the master will have to coat the surface with a primer. Only then can you start painting.

Use of alkyd paints

If you are deciding whether it is possible to paint hot radiators with paint, then you should consider as an example an alkyd composition that can operate at temperatures up to 150 °C. Manufacturers guarantee that light colors will not turn yellow unless the temperature rises above 120 °C. Alkyd paint will bleed for some time after application. bad smell, however, it dissipates quite quickly. Every time you start the heating, the smell may appear again, but only briefly.


Home craftsmen often wonder whether it is possible to paint hot batteries with acrylic paint. It has almost no smell, and is also the most popular due to its affordable price. The base enamel is a product with a snow-white structure. In order to change the shade, a tinting pigment is added to the ingredients. Such coatings have a slightly lower temperature threshold compared to alkyd coatings and amount to 80 °C. However, in practice it turns out that this is quite sufficient.

It is very difficult to find a person who has never held a brush in his hands. Therefore, many people do not think about how to paint a battery, believing that there is nothing special in this process. In fact, without some attention, the radiator will become the same as before the repair: rusty, with peeling and swollen paint. That is why many are forced to update almost annually appearance heating elements, instead of learning how to paint the battery correctly. But then you can return to this task no more often than once every five years or even ten.

Which batteries can and should be painted?

Traditionally, any painted radiators, especially cast iron ones, need updating, as the paint on them begins to chip off over time, and open places rust appears. It not only stains curtains, but also destroys equipment.

New-style aluminum or factory-enameled steel batteries are usually not painted, especially because you don’t like the color or want to change it. Otherwise, their appearance will be spoiled, and the heat transfer from them will be significantly reduced. Therefore, it is better to disguise them with a suitable decorative screen.

Review of paints for radiators

The most common options are enamel paints . They can be acrylic or alkyd. The first ones were created using organic solvents. They allow you to create beautiful glossy finish. The latter are very durable, easy to clean, and practically indestructible. Alkyd enamels also have a huge advantage - wide color scheme. Their disadvantage is that they include white spirit, which has a strong odor.

Traditional paint and varnish materials containing harmful substances, gradually move aside. Although they are quite effective - they give a long-lasting color, are applied evenly and are durable. In addition, the cost of such materials is affordable.

However, they can be replaced with more environmentally friendly materials - the same water-soluble paints . They are absolutely safe, dry quickly, apply smoothly and do not emit carcinogens. However, when purchasing, you should be careful - not all such products are suitable for use, since water causes metal corrosion. It is better to choose paints from it acrylic base, keep in mind that radiators will still require careful surface preparation. The disadvantage of these materials is also that they are not wash-resistant and can stain the curtains.

Alternatively you can use enamel in spray cans , intended for radiators. Although it is not entirely safe, it can get the job done in a matter of minutes. True, it will only allow you to refresh the surface without penetrating into hard-to-reach places.

Choosing what paint to paint batteries with is not difficult. When purchasing, you just need to make sure that it is designed specifically for radiators. This must be indicated on the packaging.

Required tools and materials:

  • small brushes with soft bristles or a foam roller;
  • for hard-to-reach places you need to take brushes with a curved handle;
  • drill with an attachment in the form of an iron brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • film;
  • spatula;
  • paint, primer, solvent.

Fast surface preparation

When choosing what paint to paint batteries with, you should keep in mind that their preparation will be different in each case. Also, a lot depends on what kind of result you want to get in the end: to refresh the surface or give the radiator the appearance of a new factory product.

First you need to clean all surfaces from dust, dirt, and cobwebs. If time is short and you want to complete the procedure faster, then it is enough to clean off the loose paint with a spatula, sand down the uneven areas and remove the rust with sandpaper. Next, all the resulting recesses should be treated with a primer that protects the metal from corrosion and puttied. All these steps are carried out for painting with enamel.

To prepare the surface for acrylic paint, you need to completely coat the radiator with an adhesive primer and let it dry. Otherwise, the metal will quickly begin to rust.

Careful surface preparation

In this case, the remaining paint is completely removed. This is done like this:

  • the radiator is heated using a gas burner;
  • then large pieces of paint are chipped off with a spatula;
  • the surface is thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper, or better yet, with a drill with an iron brush attachment.

After these procedures, the radiator is wiped with a damp cloth in order to degrease and remove dust. If you paint it properly after this procedure, it will definitely look like new.

By the way, in order for it to work as if it had just been brought from the factory, an additional procedure must be performed. Namely: you need to remove it, drain the water, heat it up very much, let it cool, then disassemble it and clean it of accumulated debris and rust inside. Then, carefully assemble it back, using rubber cut from ordinary tires as spacers.


Now let's look at how to actually paint the battery. First of all, you need to dilute the paint to 1% kefir. That is, very liquid, but not watery, but so that the brush can be pulled at least 30-40 cm at a time. Next, you need to carefully apply the first layer, starting with inside batteries.

After this, you need to wait a day or in some cases 7-8 hours, depending on the quality of the product. Then you need to paint the radiator again in the same way. By the way, the second layer acrylic paint(if you use it) can be applied immediately, without waiting for it to dry.

Is it possible to paint hot batteries?

Many professionals do not recommend painting radiators at the height of the heating season. However, using alkyd enamel that is resistant to high temperatures, or sprayers, it is quite possible to paint hot batteries. You just need to do this carefully, accurately and quickly, so as not to get burned and so that the paint lays evenly. The latter is quite difficult to do, since on a hot surface from 50°C it dries almost instantly.

If you doubt that you can quickly and accurately complete the procedure, it is better to wait until the end of the heating season. Or, if time is running out, do not immediately paint hot batteries, but first turn on the heated water supply to them. Moreover, if you cannot do this yourself, you can contact the Housing Office.

To avoid getting dirty during work flooring, baseboards and wallpaper on the walls, it is necessary to carefully isolate the areas using film, which it is advisable to attach pointwise with stationery tape so that it does not move. Newspapers are worse in this regard - they tear in the process when paint gets on them.

If there is a need to paint the battery more thoroughly, then it is better to remove it, since otherwise this will not be possible. If it is not possible to do this, then you need to start painting from the inside, where access is difficult, so the likelihood of getting dirty is reduced.

If you have never used paint, keep in mind that at first you will do it very slowly, you will be uncomfortable, everything will get in the way. Such is the specificity of this matter. Therefore, beginners should not paint hot batteries, since with a 90% probability the result will not be very good: stains, drips may remain, and the enamel will lie unevenly.

Heating radiators, cast iron and steel, require periodic painting, since the factory coating does not last very long, and in some cases is completely absent. In order to update heating appliances, you need to purchase good heat-resistant paint, suitable for painting cold and hot surfaces. Is there odorless paint for radiators and how to choose it correctly?

In this review we will look at:

  • disadvantages of painting batteries with conventional oil paints;
  • types of suitable paints;
  • types of paints for certain batteries;
  • method of painting radiators.

After reading the presented material, you can quickly refresh the batteries in your house or apartment, bringing them into divine shape.

Types of paints

What paint should I use for radiators? You are very lucky if you have at your disposal modern radiators with powder coating - it lasts for decades without peeling and almost without changing its color. This paint covers aluminum, bimetallic and steel radiators various designs. To give it extra strength, the paint is subjected to procedures to make it stronger and more durable. Multi-stage painting has the longest service life.

Painting the batteries is necessary not only to give the radiator a neat appearance, but also to protect it from the environment.

If there are ordinary cast iron accordion batteries or old steel batteries in the house, then they need to be periodically tinted. The paint quickly turns yellow and begins to crumble, exposing the metal and creating all the conditions for the formation of corrosion centers. Therefore, the paintwork needs to be updated. It may also be needed when carrying out repairs - suddenly you decide to paint the batteries in different colors and adapt them to your interior design?

What paint should I use to paint radiators? There are many types of paints:

  • water-dispersed – do not emit an unpleasant odor and dry quickly;
  • acrylic – they smell like solvents and give a gloss;
  • alkyd – resistant, durable, long drying;
  • oil paints are not the best option for painting batteries;
  • heat-resistant silverware – great option for painting heating appliances;
  • silicone-aluminum - excellent in all respects, but very expensive;
  • car enamels from spray cans are a reasonable heat-resistant option.

The water-dispersion composition for radiators is completely safe, as it dissolves in water.

Paints on water based The good thing is that they do not have a strong solvent smell, since they are based on ordinary water. They are fast drying and good for painting radiators. Some varieties have marks indicating the possibility of painting heating devices.

Don't like matte radiators and want them to shine? Then we recommend that you turn your attention to modern acrylic enamels. They provide excellent gloss and have a long service life. Their disadvantage is the smell of solvent, so the premises will need to be ventilated after painting.

They have the greatest resistance alkyd paints. They are resistant to temperature loads, resist abrasion well, and do not change their color for a long time. Some of them can withstand heating up to +150 degrees without turning yellow for many years. Despite the obvious advantages, such paints have one glaring drawback - a strong solvent smell. It appears not only at the painting stage, but also when starting the heating system.

Some consumers note that after drying, the unpleasant odor disappears, but appears already when heating is started for the first time, disappearing after 1-2 days. During these periods, it is recommended to thoroughly ventilate the rooms in which painted batteries are located.

Oil paints are not very suitable for heating radiators, so they have hardly been used recently. They have a strong solvent smell, take a very long time to dry and stick, and the dyes used in them turn yellow over time. In addition, after a year or two, such painting will begin to peel off and fall off, exposing the metal of the heating devices. We do not recommend using this paint for painting heating radiators.

Radiators painted silver look very attractive, but the main thing here is that the surface of the battery is smooth, without bumps or depressions, otherwise the impression will be blurred.

Heat-resistant silver is an excellent choice for painting batteries silver.. It contains heat-resistant varnish and powdered aluminum. Benefits of silver:

  • withstands heating up to +200 degrees;
  • does not change color;
  • It hardly peels off or falls off.

The disadvantage is that the smell is quite strong, so after painting the batteries, the rooms need to be ventilated.

Silicone-aluminum paints have the greatest resistance to high temperatures. They fit well on any surface, forming a durable and reliable connection. The surface is smooth and flexible, the paint does not peel off even after several years of use. The price for such superior performance comes at a price - you have to pay for the benefits and durability.

Car enamels are also suitable for painting heating radiators. They are resistant to temperatures up to +80-100 degrees and form a shiny glossy surface, which does not change color under the influence of temperature loads.

How to choose paint depending on battery material

If you can’t decide on the color or composition, consult the salesperson in the store, he will probably give you good advice.

When choosing paints for heating radiators, you need to take into account the materials used to make the heating devices. Almost any paint is suitable for painting cast iron and steel batteries. If you need to ensure good adhesion to metal, heating devices are pre-treated with a primer– it will protect them from corrosion and ensure good adhesion.

For coloring aluminum radiators We recommend using alkyd and silicone-aluminum paints - they fit well on any surface. In the case of the former, we recommend applying a primer first, which will ensure more reliable adhesion to aluminum surfaces.

How to paint heating radiators

We already know what type of paint we should use to paint our heating radiators - all that remains is to figure out exactly how the painting is done. To do this, you need to prepare brushes, primer (if necessary) and sandpaper. How to remove paint from radiators? You will have to work a little with sandpaper or a special brush for an electric drill. We recommend choosing the latter option as it is faster.

Before painting the radiator, be sure to strip it of the old coating and use a primer for better adhesion of the primer to the surface.

Before applying paint to batteries, they must be completely cleaned with sandpaper or a brush, then treat with a degreasing compound - this will ensure more reliable adhesion of the primer to the surface. If necessary, treat the batteries with a primer and let them dry. After this, we begin to apply the paint - it is applied from top to bottom to avoid drips. If you want to get a smooth surface, use a paint sprayer (be careful, careless handling of this tool will lead to smudges).

During operation of the heating system, it may be necessary to paint the batteries. The quality of the work performed determines the appearance and durability heating device. Therefore, it is important for users to know how to paint a heating radiator with their own hands.

Paint selection

Taking into account the specific operating conditions of radiators, the paint and varnish coating is subject to special requirements of the following nature:

  • high temperature resistance. The coating must be designed for continuous operation at a temperature of 80-90 degrees;
  • color stability. The coating must retain its original color over a long period;
  • high protective qualities. It is necessary to choose paints that provide effective protection from corrosion;
  • good adhesion. The paint should adhere well to the metal surface and not peel off during operation of the radiator;
  • high strength and wear resistance created coverage;
  • safety. When heated, the coating should not release toxic substances or foreign odors into the air.

Modern acrylic paints best meet all these requirements.

Dyeing technology

Before painting the heating radiator, it must be cleaned of the old coating. You can do this manually using metal brush. You can also use a grinder with special attachments. Another option is to use special chemicals. For example, it is convenient to use aerosols, under the influence of which old paint easily peels off. After removing the paint, it is also necessary to get rid of rust, dirt, and thoroughly degrease the surface.

The cleaned surface must be thoroughly primed. To do this, select a primer recommended for use in conjunction with the selected paint.

After this, you can proceed directly to coloring. At least two brushes are used. One regular brush is used to paint external surfaces. The second brush should have a long curved handle. It easily penetrates into hard-to-reach places, so it is convenient for painting inside the radiator fins. Before use, you need to fluff the bristles of the brushes, which will help get rid of loose hairs. First, the internal surfaces are painted, and then the external ones. In this case, painting is done from top to bottom, which helps prevent the formation of streaks and drops. The radiator must be painted in two layers. In this case, the second layer is applied only after the first has completely dried.

Painting bimetallic and aluminum radiators

Available already from paint coating. It is applied using powder coating at the factory. This coating has high protective properties, mechanical strength, wear resistance, temperature resistance. Thanks to this, these radiators do not require painting during operation.

The exception is cases of mechanical damage to the radiator coating during transportation, installation, or operation. You can use automotive putty to remove chips and scratches. It is also best to paint damaged areas with auto enamel, the quality of which is comparable to the quality of the “native” coating. It is convenient to use aerosol cans for application. It should be taken into account that car enamel dries better and faster on hot radiators.

If you need to completely repaint aluminum or bimetallic battery, then this does not require removal of the old coating. The surface must be degreased and coated with a primer. After this, you need to apply two layers of paint of the appropriate color with a spray gun. Water-based or alkyd paint is best.

When doing residential renovations or industrial premises, almost every person wants to pick up consumables high quality, which will be safe for health and have good characteristics. Especially important issue in this matter is the choice of paint for radiators. The difficulty is that if it is chosen incorrectly, it will take quite a lot of time for the treated surfaces to dry completely. Then, when the radiators are heated, the room will constantly be filled with a pungent and unpleasant odor, and the layer will easily snap off.

Due to the fact that heating radiators often change their temperature and often heat up to too high levels, the colorant used must be calculated taking these features into account. Therefore, you should give preference only to well-tested brands that produce high-quality products that are heat-resistant, do not emit unpleasant odors, do not turn yellow when heated frequently, and also meet all generally accepted requirements for these products.

Today, many manufacturing companies offer a fairly wide range of products such as odorless paint for radiators. Thanks to this, buyers have the opportunity to choose the most suitable type for themselves:

  1. Acrylic enamel;
  2. Alkyd enamel;
  3. Oil enamel;
  4. Water based.

All types differ from each other in production technology, composition and characteristics.

Acrylic enamel

Acrylic paints:

  • have no characteristic odor and are great for interior work.
  • Their widespread use in everyday life is also due to the fact that they are quite dry quickly,
  • differ increased moisture resistance,
  • uniform application on any surface,
  • and are also absolutely safe for people.
  • Due to the fact that the substance contains special additives, a layer of paint does not begin to crack and turn yellow when the temperature of the radiator or battery increases.
  • In addition, it should be noted that manufacturers offer huge range of colors Therefore, acrylic paint for heating radiators is often used in surface decoration.

As for the disadvantages, the most significant of them is high cost. However, it fully corresponds to the good performance of the paint.

Alkyd enamel

Alkyd paints manufactured using the latest technologies, have the following advantages:

  • A surface coated with a layer of such a substance is resistant to elevated temperatures - it does not crack when heated up to 120 0 C;
  • High strength;
  • Homogeneous structure layer upon application;
  • good abrasion resistance when operating radiators and radiators;
  • Wide range of colors allows you to choose almost any color;
  • Layer maintains integrity for a long time.

However, in addition to the advantages, there is also a disadvantage - it remains intact for several days after painting. bad smell, which may subsequently appear upon sufficiently strong heating. In addition, some brands sometimes fade a little and may also change shade.

Water based enamel

Odorless, water-dispersion paint for hot radiators is an excellent option for coating radiators. It differs from other types in a number of features:

  • It is made on the basis of ordinary water, so it is absolutely safe for people and environment;
  • Special dispersed particles are not harmful;
  • No unpleasant odor;
  • For completely dry absolutely required some time;
  • Easy to apply and a uniform layer;
  • Thanks to the water-repellent effect, painted batteries can be washed without destroying the layer;
  • Suitable for use in the most different rooms.

The disadvantage can be called not too varied color scheme, because basically she is only white.

Oil enamel

Oil products are in quite high demand due to a number of their advantages:

  1. No pungent or unpleasant odor after application and further heating of batteries and radiators;
  2. Divided into colored and colorless;
  3. Easy to apply on metal surfaces;
  4. Form uniform layer;
  5. Great suitable for indoor use both residential and non-residential premises;
  6. Low cost compared to other types of battery paints;
  7. Can be used For decoration surfaces - applying patterns and complex designs.

The downside is that it takes a lot of time. This is due to the fact that a solvent is added to the paint.

How to choose the right paint for radiators?

Wide range various brands leads to the fact that buyers are faced with the problem of which paint to choose. Therefore, when choosing, you must pay attention to whether the enamel meets the following requirements:

  1. Lie down straight for metal products;
  2. Provide protection from rust and corrosive destruction;
  3. Withstand increased temperature;
  4. Maintain original color for a long time.

When choosing paint, it is important to consider the material from which the radiator is made.

In addition, it is also necessary to take into account what material the batteries and radiators are made of. After all, they can be made from the most different metals, as well as their alloys. Experts recommend following several tips:

  1. For devices made of steel, aluminum and bimetallic composition is better to use acrylic or alkyd paints;
  2. For cast iron batteries are well suited to any type of enamels, except oil. However, in order for the substance to lay down in an even and thin layer, it must be mixed with a thinner;
  3. Better refuse to use oil paints even the most famous brands, because it very rarely performs protective and decorative functions at the same level as others

How to paint correctly?

There are two ways to apply the product: over an existing coating or from scratch. In both cases, the entire process is performed in two steps:

  1. Preparatory work;
  2. Application of the substance.


In the first case, it is necessary to knock off their crust old enamel over the entire surface and hard to reach places, performing the so-called sanding. After removing old paint from radiators, they should be treated with a rust converter. If there is no coating on the surface, then it must first be cleaned of residual grease, dirt and dust so that they do not distort the color of the freshly applied layer, and then coated with an anti-corrosion compound.

To obtain the highest quality results preparatory work must be done in this order:

  1. Deleted old layer;
  2. Places with rust carefully are being cleared until a metallic sheen appears;
  3. Whole surface sanded using sandpaper;
  4. Product needed degrease with white spirit or weakly alkaline solution;
  5. Apply primer to protect metal from corrosion.


Before you begin directly painting the batteries, you need to ensure the appropriate conditions.

  • So, the device must be disabled,
  • and the temperature of its surface should be the same as in the room, but not lower than 15 0 C. Otherwise, the base will not dry and will not be able to polymerize.
  • In order for the result to have a neat appearance, the radiator or The battery needs to be removed.
  • For reliable protection Corrosion surfaces should be completely covered internal surfaces, back panel, lower parts lamellas.

It is important to paint the radiator when the heating is turned off, otherwise the base will not dry.

  • Coloring begins from the inner ribs, rubbing the substance well with a brush. In this case, you need to make sure that no drips appear.
  • After everything is dry, they covered again paint and at the same time front panels are also captured. It is better to apply the paint in several layers so that there are no gaps.
  • After this the device should not be connected for 5-12 hours so that the enamel has time to completely polymerize. If the work is done correctly, the result will please you for about five years.

Popular brands of odorless battery paints

Almost all companies that produce such products offer paints that are suitable for painting radiators and batteries, performing protective and decorative functions.

Among alkyd enamels, the following brands are especially popular:

  1. "Miranol";
  2. "Malta 30";
  3. "Jamaica 90";
  4. "Dufa Heizkorperlack";
  5. "Tex."

From the assortment of acrylic enamel the following are often purchased:

  1. "Radiator Paint";
  2. "VGT";
  3. "VGT Profi";
  4. "Jobi Termoaquaemail";
  5. "Barbados";
  6. "Colorika Aqua";
  7. "Ceresit CF 33"
  8. "Tikkurila";
  9. "Euro Extra 20";
  10. "Caparol Samtex 7 ELF".

Water-based paints are also in great demand:

  1. "Tikkurila Thermal";
  2. "Dulux Master Lux Aqua".

From oil types The following brands are often preferred:

  1. "Alpina Heizkorper".

These brands differ from each other in color, some properties and price. Each buyer can choose the product that will fully meet his requirements.

Prices and reviews

For the cost of paint that is odorless and suitable for heating batteries and radiators, is influenced by its type and brand, as well as its main characteristics.

Can weight price 2.5 kg is:

  1. Enamel for heating batteries brand "VDAK 1179" from the company "VGT" amounts to 600-670 rubles;
  2. Brand "Rogneda" produced by the company "Dali" costs approximately 570-650 rubles;
  3. "Dufa Heizkorperlack"1500-1700 rubles;
  4. "Tex" costs 1100-1270 rubles;
  5. Enamel for heating radiators "Tikkurila Thermal" will cost approximately 2900-3300 rubles;
  6. Brand "Alpina Heizkorper" costs about 1300-1450 rubles.

If done correctly, the battery can save beautiful view up to 5 years.

Despite the fact that all of the above brands are quite widely used in the construction industry, some of them are much more popular than others. This difference is due to the fact that they different types and differ from each other in characteristics and properties. That's why they get different reviews.

Most users prefer acrylic or alkyd enamel, noting:

  • their resistance to abrasion and cracking,
  • as well as ease of maintenance of painted surfaces.
  • In addition, they are attracted by a wide range of colors.

ABOUT oil and water-dispersed paint
