What does a heating radiator section look like? Correct calculation of the number of sections of heating batteries

When upgrading a heating system, in addition to replacing pipes, radiators are also replaced. And today they are from different materials, different forms and sizes. What is equally important is that they have different heat output: the amount of heat that can be transferred to the air. And this must be taken into account when calculating radiator sections.

The room will be warm if the amount of heat that escapes is compensated. Therefore, the calculations are based on the heat loss of the premises (they depend on climate zone, on the material of the walls, insulation, window area, etc.). The second parameter is the thermal power of one section. This is the amount of heat that it can produce at maximum system parameters (90°C at the inlet and 70°C at the outlet). This characteristic must be indicated in the passport and is often present on the packaging.

We calculate the number of sections of heating radiators with our own hands, taking into account the features of the premises and the heating system

One important point: When doing your own calculations, keep in mind that most manufacturers indicate the maximum figure they obtained under ideal conditions. Therefore, any rounding should be done upward. In the case of low temperature heating(inlet coolant temperature below 85°C) look for thermal power for the corresponding parameters or make a recalculation (described below).

Calculation by area

This is the most simple technique, which allows you to roughly estimate the number of sections required to heat the room. Based on many calculations, standards for the average heating power of one square area have been derived. To take into account climatic features region, SNiP prescribed two standards:

  • for regions of central Russia, from 60 W to 100 W are required;
  • for areas above 60°, the heating rate is one square meter 150-200 W.

Why are the standards given such a wide range? In order to take into account the wall materials and the degree of insulation. For houses made of concrete, the maximum values ​​are taken; for brick houses, average values ​​can be used. For insulated houses - minimal. One more important detail: these standards are calculated for medium height ceiling - no higher than 2.7 meters.

Knowing the area of ​​the room, multiply its heat consumption rate, which is most suitable for your conditions. You get the total heat loss of the room. In the technical data for the selected radiator model, find the thermal power of one section. Divide the total heat loss by the power, and you get the amount. It’s not difficult, but to make it clearer, let’s give an example.

An example of calculating the number of radiator sections by room area

Corner room 16 m 2, in middle lane, V brick house. Batteries with a thermal power of 140 W will be installed.

For brick house We take heat loss in the middle of the range. Since the room is corner, it is better to take a larger value. Let it be 95 W. Then it turns out that heating the room requires 16 m2 * 95 W = 1520 W.

Now we count the number of radiators for heating this room: 1520 W / 140 W = 10.86 pcs. Round up, it turns out to be 11 pieces. This is how many radiator sections will need to be installed.

The calculation of heating radiators per area is simple, but far from ideal: the height of the ceilings is not taken into account at all. For non-standard heights, a different technique is used: by volume.

We count batteries by volume

SNiP also has standards for heating one cubic meter of premises. They are given for different types buildings:

  • for brick, 1 m 3 requires 34 W of heat;
  • for panel - 41 W

This calculation of radiator sections is similar to the previous one, only now we need not an area, but a different volume and standards. We multiply the volume by the norm, divide the resulting figure by the power of one section of the radiator (aluminum, bimetallic or cast iron).

Formula for calculating the number of sections by volume

Example of calculation by volume

For example, let’s calculate how many sections are needed for a room with an area of ​​16 m2 and a ceiling height of 3 meters. The building is made of brick. Let's take radiators of the same power: 140 W:

  • Finding the volume. 16 m 2 * 3 m = 48 m 3
  • We count required quantity heat (normal for brick buildings 34 W). 48 m 3 * 34 W = 1632 W.
  • We determine how many sections are needed. 1632 W / 140 W = 11.66 pcs. Round up, we get 12 pieces.

Now you know two ways to calculate the number of radiators per room.

Heat transfer of one section

Today there is a wide range of radiators. While most are similar in appearance, thermal performance may differ significantly. They depend on the material from which they are made, on the dimensions, wall thickness, internal cross-section and on how well the design is thought out.

Therefore, it is possible to say exactly how many kW in 1 section of an aluminum (cast-iron bimetallic) radiator only in relation to each model. This data is provided by the manufacturer. After all, there is a significant difference in size: some of them are tall and narrow, others are low and deep. The power of a section of the same height from the same manufacturer, but different models, may differ by 15-25 W (see table below STYLE 500 and STYLE PLUS 500). There may be even more noticeable differences between different manufacturers.

However, for a preliminary assessment of how many battery sections are needed for space heating, average thermal power values ​​were calculated for each type of radiator. They can be used for approximate calculations (data are given for batteries with an interaxial distance of 50 cm):

  • Bimetallic - one section produces 185 W (0.185 kW).
  • Aluminum - 190 W (0.19 kW).
  • Cast iron - 120 W (0.120 kW).

More precisely, how many kW can you have in one section of a bimetallic, aluminum or cast iron radiator when you choose a model and decide on the dimensions. The difference in cast iron batteries can be very big. They are available with thin or thick walls, which causes their thermal output to change significantly. Above are the average values ​​for batteries of the usual shape (accordion) and those close to it. Retro-style radiators have significantly lower thermal output.

These are the technical characteristics of cast iron radiators from the Turkish company Demir Dokum. The difference is more than significant. She could be even bigger

Based on these values ​​and average standards in SNiP, the average number of radiator sections per 1 m2 was calculated:

  • the bimetallic section will heat 1.8 m2;
  • aluminum - 1.9-2.0 m2;
  • cast iron - 1.4-1.5 m2;
  • bimetallic 16 m 2 / 1.8 m 2 = 8.88 pcs, rounded - 9 pcs.
  • aluminum 16 m 2 / 2 m 2 = 8 pcs.
  • cast iron 16 m 2 / 1.4 m 2 = 11.4 pcs, rounded up - 12 pcs.

These calculations are only approximate. Using them, you can roughly estimate the costs of purchasing heating appliances. You can accurately calculate the number of radiators per room by choosing a model, and then recalculating the number depending on the temperature of the coolant in your system.

Calculation of radiator sections depending on real conditions

Once again, please note that the thermal power of one battery section is indicated for ideal conditions. This is how much heat the battery will produce if its coolant temperature at the inlet is +90°C, at the outlet +70°C, and the room is maintained at +20°C. That is, the temperature pressure of the system (also called “delta system”) will be 70°C. What to do if your system does not exceed +70°C at the inlet? or do you need a room temperature of +23°C? Recalculate the declared power.

To do this, you need to calculate the temperature pressure of your heating system. For example, at your supply you have +70°C, at your outlet +60°C, and in the room you need a temperature of +23°C. Find the delta of your system: this is the arithmetic average of the inlet and outlet temperatures, minus the room temperature.

For our case it turns out: (70°C+ 60°C)/2 - 23°C = 42°C. Delta for such conditions is 42°C. Next, we find this value in the conversion table (located below) and multiply the declared power by this coefficient. Let's learn the power that this section can produce for your conditions.

When recalculating we act in next order. We find in the columns tinted blue a line with a delta of 42°C. It corresponds to a coefficient of 0.51. Now we calculate the thermal power of 1 radiator section for our case. For example, the declared power is 185 W, applying the found coefficient, we get: 185 W * 0.51 = 94.35 W. Almost twice as much. This is the power that needs to be substituted when calculating the radiator sections. Only taking into account individual parameters will the room be warm.

How to calculate heating radiators so that the temperature in the apartment is extremely comfortable is a question that arises for everyone who has decided to renovate. Too few sections will not fully warm the room, and an excess will only entail too much spending on utilities. So, what do you need to consider to correctly size your batteries?

Preliminary preparation

What needs to be taken into account to calculate the power of a heating radiator per room:

  • define temperature regime and potential thermal losses;
  • develop optimal technical solutions;
  • determine the type of thermal equipment;
  • establish financial and thermal criteria;
  • take into account reliability and technical parameters heating devices;
  • draw up heat distribution diagrams and the location of batteries for each room;

Without the help of specialists and additional programs It is quite difficult to calculate the number of sections of heating radiators. To make the calculation as accurate as possible, you cannot do without a thermal imager or programs specially installed for this.

What happens if the calculations are done incorrectly? The main consequence is lower temperature in the premises, and therefore operating conditions will not correspond to the desired ones. Heating appliances that are too powerful will lead to excessive spending on both the appliances themselves and their installation, as well as on utilities.

Do-it-yourself calculations

You can roughly calculate what the battery power should be by using only a tape measure to measure the length and width of the walls and a calculator. But the accuracy of such calculations is extremely low. The error will be 15-20%, but this is quite acceptable.

Calculations depending on the type of heating devices

When choosing a model, keep in mind that the thermal power depends on the material from which they are made. The methods for calculating the sizes of sectional batteries are the same, but the results will be different. There are statistical averages. You should focus on them when choosing optimal number heating devices. Power of heating devices with sections of 50 cm:

  • aluminum batteries - 190 W;
  • bimetallic - 185 W;
  • cast iron heating devices - 145 W;

  • aluminum - 1.9-2 sq. m.;
  • aluminum and steel - 1.8 sq. m.;
  • cast iron - 1.4-1.5 sq. m;

Here is an example of calculating the number of sections of aluminum heating radiators. Let's assume that the size of the room is 16 square meters. It turns out that for a room of this size you need 16m2/2m2 = 8 pcs. Use the same principle for cast iron or bimetallic appliances. It is only important to know exactly the norm - the above parameters are correct for models with a height of 0.5 meters.

At the moment, models are produced from 20 to 60 cm. Accordingly, the area that the section can heat will differ. The lowest-power models are curb ones, 20 cm high. If you decide to purchase a heating unit non-standard sizes, then adjustments will have to be made to the calculation formula. Look for the necessary data in the technical passport.

When making adjustments, it is worth considering that the size of the batteries directly affects the heat transfer. Therefore, the smaller the height for the same width, the smaller area, and with them power. For correct calculations, find the ratio of the heights of the selected model and the standard one, and use the data obtained to correct the result.

Let's say you chose models with a height of 40 cm. In this case, the calculation of the number of sections of aluminum heating radiators per room area will look like this:

  • Let's use the previous calculations: 16m2/2m2 = 8 pieces;
  • calculate the coefficient 50cm/40cm = 1.25;
  • correct the calculations using the basic formula - 8 pcs * 1.25 = 10 pcs.

Calculating the number of heating radiators by volume begins first of all with collecting the necessary information. What parameters need to be taken into account:

  • Housing area.
  • Ceiling height.
  • Number and area of ​​door and window openings.
  • Temperature conditions outside the window during the heating season.

The norms and rules established for the power of heating outlets regulate the minimum permissible indicator per square meter. meter of apartment - 100 W. Calculation of heating radiators based on the volume of the room will be more accurate than one in which only the length and width are taken as a basis. The final results are adjusted depending on the individual characteristics of a particular room. This is done by multiplying by the adjustment factor.

When calculating the power of heating devices, the average ceiling height is taken - 3 m. For apartments with a ceiling of 2.5 meters, this coefficient will be 2.5m/3m = 0.83, for apartments with high ceilings 3.85 meters - 3.85m/3m = 1.28. Corner rooms will require additional adjustments. The final data is multiplied by 1.8.

Calculation of the number of heating radiator sections according to the volume of the room should be adjusted if the room has one large window or several windows at once (coefficient 1.8).

The lower connection will also require some adjustments. For this case, the coefficient will be 1.1.

In areas with extreme weather conditions, where winter temperatures reach record lows, power must be doubled.

Plastic double-glazed windows, on the contrary, will require a downward adjustment, using a coefficient of 0.8 as a basis.

The above data shows average values, since they were not additionally taken into account:

  • thickness and material of walls and ceilings;
  • glazing area;
  • flooring material;
  • the presence or absence of insulation on the floor;
  • curtains and curtains in window openings.

Additional options for more accurate calculations

An accurate calculation of the number of heating radiators per area will not do without data from technical documents. This is important to more accurately determine the value of heat loss. It is best to determine the level of heat loss using a thermal imager. The device will quickly identify the coldest areas in the room.

Everything would be much easier if each apartment was built according to a standard layout, but this is far from the case. Each house or city apartment has its own characteristics. Taking into account many characteristics (number of window and doorways, height of walls, area of ​​housing, etc.) the question reasonably arises: how to calculate the number of heating radiators?

The peculiarity of the exact method is that more coefficients are needed for calculations. One of important values, which needs to be calculated is the amount of heat. The formula is different from the previous ones and looks like this: KT = 100 W/m2*P*K1*K2*K3*K4*K5*K6*K7.

More details about each value:

  • KT - the amount of heat needed for heating.
  • P - room dimensions m2.
  • K1 - the value of this coefficient takes into account the quality of window glazing: double - 1.27; plastic windows with double glazing - 1.0; with triple - 0.85.
  • K2 - coefficient taking into account the level thermal insulation characteristics walls: low - 1.27; good (for example, two-layer brickwork) - 1.0; high - 0.85.
  • K3 - this value takes into account the ratio of the areas of window openings and floors: 50% - 1.2; 40% - 1.1; 30% - 1.0; 20% - 0.9; 10% - 0.8.
  • K4 - coefficient depending on the average air temperature in winter time years: - 35 °C - 1.5; — 25 °C - 1.3; — 20 °C - 1.1; — 15 °C - 0.9; -10 °C - 0.7.
  • K5 depends on the number external walls buildings, the data for this coefficient are as follows: one - 1.1; two - 1.2; three - 1.3; four - 1.4.
  • K6 is calculated based on the type of room located on the floor above: attic - 1.0; heated attic space - 0.9; heated apartment - 0.8.
  • K7 is the last of the adjustment values ​​and depends on the ceiling height: 2.5 m - 1.0; 3.0 m - 1.05; 3.5 m - 1.1; 4.0 m - 1.15; 4.5 m - 1.2.

The described calculation of heating radiator sections by area is the most accurate, since it takes into account much more nuances. The number obtained during these calculations is divided by the heat transfer value. The final result is rounded to the nearest whole number.

Adjustment taking into account temperature conditions

The technical data sheet of the heating device indicates maximum power. For example, if the water temperature in the heating pipe is 90°C during supply and 70°C in return mode, the apartment will be +20°C. Such parameters are usually designated as follows: 90/70/20, but the most common powers in modern apartments- 75/65/20 and 55/45/20.

For correct calculation First you need to calculate the temperature difference - this is the difference between the temperature of the battery itself and the air in the apartment. Please note that for calculations the average value between the flow and return temperatures is taken.

How to calculate the number of sections of aluminum radiators taking into account the above parameters? For a better understanding of the issue, calculations will be made for aluminum batteries in two modes: high temperature and low temperature (calculation for standard models with a height of 50 cm). The room dimensions are the same - 16 square meters.

One section of an aluminum radiator in 90/70/20 mode heats 2 square meters, therefore, to fully heat the room you will need 16m2/2m2 = 8 pieces. When calculating the battery size for the 55/45/20 mode, you first need to calculate the temperature difference. So, the formulas for both systems:

  • 90/70/20 - (90+70)/2-20 = 60°C;
  • 55/45/20 - (55+45)/2-20 = 30°C.

Consequently, at low temperatures it is necessary to increase the size of heating devices by 2 times. Taking into account this example on a room of 16 sq. meters you need 16 aluminum sections. Please note that cast iron appliances will require 22 sections for the same room area and the same temperature systems. Such a battery will turn out to be too large and massive, so cast iron is least suitable for low-temperature structures.

Using this formula, you can easily calculate how many radiator sections are needed per room, taking into account the desired temperature regime. To keep your apartment at +25°C in winter, simply change the temperature data in the thermal pressure formula, and substitute the resulting coefficient into the formula for calculating the size of the batteries. Let's say that with parameters 90/70/25 the coefficient will be as follows: (90+70)/2 - 25 = 55°C.

If you don’t want to waste time calculating heating radiators, you can use online calculators or special programs installed on your computer.

How to use an online calculator

Calculate how many sections of heating radiators per square meter. You will need a meter, you can use special calculators that will calculate everything in the blink of an eye. Such programs can be found on the official websites of some manufacturers. These calculators are easy to use. Just enter all the relevant data into the fields and you will instantly receive the exact result. To calculate how many sections of heating radiators are needed per square meter, you need to enter data (power, temperature, etc.) for each room separately. If the rooms are not separated by doors, fold them general dimensions, and the heat will spread throughout both rooms.

Dear users of our resource! On our website you have the opportunity to choose a radiator yourself. This means that you can yourself calculate the number of radiators required for installation in each room. To make this calculation, have certain calculation information at your disposal, only then can you select radiators with greater accuracy. Information required to determine the number of radiator sections: The main one is the thermal power of the radiator (heat transfer) - this is a value that shows how much thermal energy the radiator gives off in a certain unit of time. Thermal power is expressed in watts. For each radiator, this value is determined by the manufacturer. Let's move on to the calculation part. From the above, we come to the conclusion that it is necessary to determine the thermal power required to heat a specific room, for this we will need the dimensions of the room. Next step. Be patient, find a pencil, paper, tape measure and prepare for correct selection radiators the following information: type of windows, quality of thermal insulation, area of ​​windows and floors, average temperature of the coldest week of the year, type of room above the calculated one, room dimensions. So, if you have collected all necessary information, let's get started.

Selection of heating radiator (calculation of the number of sections)

Now you need to decide which radiators you want to install: aluminum radiators(extrusion and injection molded); steel radiators(tubular, panel); bimetallic radiators(extrusion and injection molded); cast iron radiators (tubular). So, if you have already made your choice on radiators of a certain type, then the next question that arises is how to choose a radiator from the already available variety that meets specific requirements. You can find out how to choose a heating radiator in the "Articles" section - "Articles about heating radiators"

For the heating system to work efficiently, it is not enough to simply place radiators in the rooms. It is necessary to calculate the number of radiators, taking into account the area and volume of the premises and the power of the stove or boiler itself. It is also important to take into account the type of battery, the number of sections in each and the speed of delivery of the “working fluid”.

8 sectional radiator heating in the apartment

To date the industry produces several types of radiators that are made from different materials, have different shapes and, of course, characteristics. To ensure efficient heating of your home, when buying them, you need to take into account all the pros and cons of the models on the market.

The property owner does not have to turn to specialists for help in calculating the number of heating radiators; to do this, it is enough to know how to use a tape measure, calculator and a ballpoint pen or pencil! By following our instructions, you will definitely succeed!

The first thing you need to know is the type and material from which your radiators are made; this is what their number depends on. On sale are as already familiar to everyone cast iron types batteries, but significantly improved, as well as modern copies made of aluminum, steel and so-called bimetallic radiators made of steel and aluminum.

Modern battery options are made in a variety of designs and have numerous shades and colors, so you can easily choose those models that are most suitable for your needs. specific interior. However, we must not forget about technical specifications devices.

But they also have weak side- they are acceptable only for heating systems with sufficient high pressure, which means for buildings connected to central heating in apartment buildings. They are not suitable for buildings with an autonomous heating supply and should be abandoned.

  • It's worth talking about cast iron radiators. Despite their long “historical experience”, they do not lose their relevance. Moreover, today you can purchase cast iron options made in different designs, and they can easily be selected for any design design. Moreover, such radiators are produced that may well become an addition or even decoration to the room.

Cast iron radiator in modern style

These batteries are suitable for both autonomous and central heating, and for any coolant. They take longer to warm up than bimetallic ones, but also more long time cool down, which contributes to greater heat transfer and heat retention in the room. The only condition for their long-term operation is high-quality installation during installation.

  • Steel radiators are divided into two types: tubular and panel.

Tubular options are more expensive, they heat up slower than panel ones, and, accordingly, maintain temperature longer.

Panel batteries heat up quickly. They are much cheaper in price than tubular ones, they also heat rooms well, but in the process of their rapid cooling, the room also cools down. Therefore these batteries are autonomous heating not economical, as they require practically constant influx thermal energy.

These characteristics of both types of steel batteries will directly affect the number of points for their placement.

Steel radiators have a respectable appearance, so they fit well into any style of room design. They do not collect dust on their surface and are easy to clean.

  • Aluminum radiators have good thermal conductivity, so they are considered quite economical. Thanks to this quality and modern design, aluminum batteries became sales leaders.

Lightweight and efficient aluminum radiators

But when purchasing them, you need to take into account one of their drawbacks - aluminum is demanding on the quality of the coolant, so they are more suitable only for autonomous heating.

In order to calculate how many radiators will be needed for each room, you will have to take into account many nuances, both related to the characteristics of the batteries and others that affect the preservation of heat in the rooms.

How to calculate the number of heating radiator sections

In order for heat transfer and heating efficiency to be at the proper level, when calculating the size of radiators, it is necessary to take into account the standards for their installation, but not do not rely on window sizes openings , under which they are installed.

The heat transfer is affected not by its size, but by the power of each individual section, which are assembled into one radiator. That's why the best option will place several small batteries, distributing them around the room, rather than one large one. This can be explained by the fact that heat will enter the room from different points and heat it evenly.

Each individual room has its own area and volume, and the calculation of the number of sections installed in it will depend on these parameters.

Calculation based on room area

You can find out the required power for heating a room by multiplying the size of its area (in square meters) by 100 W, while:

  • The radiator power is increased by 20% if two walls of the room face the street and there is one window in it - this could be an end room.
  • The power will have to be increased by 30% if the room has the same characteristics as in the previous case, but has two windows.
  • If the window or windows of the room face the northeast or north, which means there is minimum quantity sunlight, the power needs to be increased by another 10%.
  • A radiator installed in a niche under a window has reduced heat transfer; in this case, the power will have to be increased by another 5%.
  • If the radiator is covered with a screen for aesthetic purposes, then heat transfer is reduced by 15%, and it also needs to be replenished by increasing the power by this amount.

Screens on radiators are beautiful, but they will take up to 15% of the power

The specific power of the radiator section must be indicated in the passport that the manufacturer encloses with the product.

Knowing these requirements, you can calculate the required number of sections by dividing the resulting total value of the required thermal power, taking into account all the specified compensating corrections, by the specific heat transfer of one section of the battery.

The resulting calculation result is rounded to a whole number, but only up. Let's say there are eight sections. And here, returning to the above, it should be noted that for better heating and heat distribution, the radiator can be divided into two parts, four sections each, which are installed in different places premises.

It should be noted that such calculations are suitable for determining the number of sections for premises equipped with central heating, the coolant in which has a temperature of no more than 70 degrees.

This calculation is considered quite accurate, but the calculation can be done in another way.

Calculation of the number of sections in radiators, based on the volume of the room

The standard is considered to be a thermal power ratio of 41 W per 1 cubic meter. meter of room volume, provided that it contains one door, window and external wall.

To make the result clearer, for example, you can calculate required quantity batteries for a room of 16 square meters. m. and a ceiling 2.5 meters high:

16 × 2.5= 40 cube.m.

41 × 40=1640 W.

Knowing the heat transfer of one section (it is indicated in the passport), you can easily determine the number of batteries. For example, heat transfer is 170 W, and the following calculation is made:

1640 / 170 = 9,6.

After rounding the number is 10 - this will be the required number of sections of heating elements per room.

There are also some features:

  • If a room is connected to an adjacent room by an opening that does not have a door, then it is necessary to calculate the total area of ​​the two rooms, only then will it be revealed exact quantity batteries for heating efficiency.
  • If the coolant has a temperature below 70 degrees, the number of sections in the battery will have to be increased proportionally.
  • When double-glazed windows are installed in the room, the heat losses, therefore the number of sections in each radiator may be less.
  • If the premises have old cast iron batteries, which were quite capable of creating the required microclimate, but there are plans to replace them with some modern ones, then count how many there are will be needed very simple. One cast iron section has a constant heat output of 150 W. Therefore, the number of installed cast iron sections must be multiplied by 150, and the resulting number is divided by the heat transfer indicated for the sections of new batteries.

Video: Expert advice on calculating the number of heating radiators in an apartment

If you still do not fully understand how these calculations are made and you do not rely on your own strength, you can contact specialists who will make an accurate calculation and perform an analysis taking into account all the parameters:

  • features of the weather conditions of the region where the building is located;
  • temperature climatic indicators at the beginning and end of the heating season;
  • the material from which the structure is constructed and the presence of high-quality insulation;
  • the number of windows and the material from which the frames are made;
  • height of heated premises;
  • efficiency installed system heating.

Knowing all of the above parameters, heating engineers can easily calculate the required number of batteries using their existing calculation program. Such a miscalculation, taking into account all the nuances of your home, is guaranteed to make it cozy and warm, and you and your family happy!

It is very important for every home owner to correctly calculate heating radiators. An insufficient number of sections will mean that the radiators will not be able to heat the room in the most efficient and optimal way. If you purchase radiators with too many sections, then the heating system will be very uneconomical, using the excess power of the heating radiators.

If you need to change heating system or install a new one, then calculating the number of heating radiator sections will play a very important role. If the premises in your house or apartment are of a standard type, then more simple calculations. However, sometimes to get the most high results it is necessary to observe some features and nuances regarding such parameters as the power of the heating radiator per room and the pressure in the heating radiators.

Calculation based on room area

Let's figure out how to calculate heating batteries. Focusing on parameters such as the total area of ​​the room, you can make a preliminary calculation of heating radiators per area. This calculation is quite simple. However, if you have indoors high ceilings, then it cannot be taken as a basis. For every square meter of area, about 100 watts of power per hour will be required. Thus, calculating sections of heating radiators will allow you to calculate how much heat will be needed to heat the entire room.

How to calculate the number of heating radiators? For example, the area of ​​our premises is 25 square meters. meters. We multiply the total area of ​​the room by 100 watts and get the power of the heating battery at 2500 watts. That is, 2.5 kW per hour is needed to heat a room with an area of ​​25 square meters. meters. We divide the result obtained by the heat value that one section of the heating radiator can produce. For example, the documentation of the heating device indicates that one section emits 180 watts of heat per hour.

Thus, the calculation of the power of heating radiators will look like this: 2500 W / 180 W = 13.88. We round the result obtained and get the number 14. This means that to heat a room of 25 square meters. meters you will need a radiator with 14 sections.

You will also need to take into account various heat losses. A room that is located in the corner of the house, or a room with a balcony, will heat up more slowly and also release heat faster. In this case, the calculation of the heat transfer from the radiator of the heating batteries should be carried out with some margin. It is desirable that such a reserve be about 20%.

Heating radiators can also be calculated taking into account the volume of the room. In this case, not only the total area of ​​the room plays a role, but also the height of the ceilings. How to calculate heating radiators? The calculation is made approximately according to the same principle as in the previous situation. First, you need to determine how much heat will be needed, as well as how to calculate the number of heating radiators and their sections.

For example, you need to calculate the required amount of heat for a room that has an area of ​​20 square meters. meters, and the ceiling height is 3 meters. Multiply 20 sq. meters by 3 meters in height and we get 60 cubic meters total volume of the room. For each cubic meter, about 41 W of heat is needed - this is what the data and recommendations of SNIP say.

Let's calculate the power of the heating batteries further. Multiply 60 sq. meters at 41 W and we get 2460 W. We also divide this figure by the thermal power emitted by one section of the heating radiator. For example, the documentation of the heating device indicates that one section emits about 170 W of heat per hour.

Divide 2460 W by 170 W and get the figure 14.47. We also round it up, so to heat a room with a volume of 60 cubic meters, you will need a 15-section heating radiator.

You can make the most accurate calculation of the number of heating radiators. This may be needed for private houses with non-standard premises and rooms.

KT = 100W/sq.m. x P x K1 x K2 x K3 x K4 x K5 x K6 x K7

Kt is the amount of heat that is needed for a certain room;

P – total area of ​​the room;

K1 is a coefficient that takes into account how glazed the window openings are.

If the window is simple glazing double type, then cf. is 1.27.

For a double-glazed window – 1.00.

For triple glazing cf. is 0.87.

K2 is kf. wall thermal insulation.

If the thermal insulation is quite low, then the coefficient is taken. at 1.27.

For good thermal insulation - cf. = 1.0.

For excellent thermal insulation kf. equals 0.85.

K3 is the ratio of the floor area to the window area in the room.

For 50% it will be equal to 1.2.

For 40% - 1.1.

For 30% - 1.0.

For 20% - 0.9.

For 10% - 0.8.

K4 is a factor that takes into account the average room temperature during the coldest week of the year.

For a temperature of -35 degrees it will be equal to 1.5.

For -25 – cf. = 1.3.

For -20 – 1.1.

For -15 – 0.9.

For -10 – 0.7.

K5 is a coefficient that will help identify the need for heat, taking into account how many external walls the room has.

For a room with one wall cf. is 1.1.

Two walls – 1.2.

Three walls 1.3.

K6 - takes into account the type of premises that are located above our premises.

If the attic is not heated, then it is 1.0.

If the attic is heated, then kf. equals 0.9.

If there is a living space located above that is heated, then the coefficient is taken as the basis. at 0.7.

K7 is a calculation of the height of the ceilings in the room.

For a ceiling height of 2.5 m, cf. will be equal to 1.0.

With a ceiling height of 3 meters, cf. equals 1.05.

If the ceiling height is 3.5 meters, then the coefficient is taken as a basis. at 1.1.

At 4 meters – 1.15.

The result calculated using this formula must be divided by the heat produced by one section of the heating radiator, and the result we received must be rounded.
