The rest period for cyclamens has basic rules. When does cyclamen retire? How long does cyclamen remain dormant?

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Caring for cyclamen during the dormant period

During the dormant period, caring for cyclamen is very simple, but you need to know some nuances so as not to harm the plant. Cyclamen is in a dormant period in the summer. Actually, this flower is unpretentious. With proper care, it pleases with its decorative leaves and abundant flowering for a long time. And what’s especially nice is that it blooms in winter, reminding us of the hot summer.

Cyclamen is very unpretentious plant, which blooms almost the entire winter period.

Why is the plant popular?

Cyclamen is native to Iran and the Eastern Mediterranean. There it is found everywhere in wildlife, grows in rock crevices and gentle meadows. It's low herbaceous plant with large decorative leaves and bright colors. In other regions, cyclamen is a very popular houseplant. Its other name is also known - dryakva. IN indoor floriculture The most widely known species are 2: Persian cyclamen and European cyclamen. They can be found in many homes in different countries peace.

Among indoor plants, cyclamen takes its rightful place. Its popularity, in addition to its striking external characteristics, determines a number of other properties that have been invariably attributed to this plant over the centuries. It is believed that cyclamens are a source of light, energy, and inspiration. They absorb negative energy and give out positive energy. The ancient Romans ranked the flower among family talismans and amulets. His energy contributes creative development personality.

Cyclamen is also used in medicine. Science knows that it is poisonous. As, indeed, many other house flowers we love. But this property can be used to serve a person. Which is being done with success. Preparations from cyclamen tubers are used in traditional and folk medicine. Extracts from them are part of anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and sedative drugs.

The only caveat: you must strictly observe the dosage and follow the doctor's instructions. There is no need to try to prepare the medicine yourself. It is enough that this flower will delight you with its elegant appearance and delicate aroma. European cyclamen is especially fragrant. But it is inferior in variety color range Persian. And both species are equally expensive due to their ability to delight with abundant flowering throughout the winter. With proper care of the cyclamen plant, it will always look and smell spectacular.

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Caring for your favorite flower

Cyclamen is a bulbous plant. This fact must be taken into account when caring for it. It should be remembered that this flower is very light-loving, but at the same time reacts painfully to direct sunlight. It should be shaded in bright sun. Optimal temperature, at which the flower feels comfortable in autumn and winter, is no more than 10-12°C. With more high temperatures the plant sheds its leaves. And at the same time shortens the flowering period.

Certain rules should also be followed when watering. The flower should not be watered from above; make sure that water does not get on the leaves and cuttings, as this will cause the cyclamen to hurt and its bulb to rot. It is best to water through a tray. And drain off any excess water that is not absorbed after 5 minutes. The plant can more easily tolerate a lack of moisture than its excess.

From January to March, you can feed the flower every 2 weeks if necessary. But moderation should be observed. An overfed plant will grow leaves, but we may not wait for flowering. Otherwise, caring for cyclamen is simple. Faded flowers along with their stems are removed. This accelerates the growth of new shoots and does not spoil the appearance of the plant. From April we reduce watering so that the flower begins to gradually go into a dormant state.

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The role of rest in the life of cyclamen

If the leaves begin to fade one by one, a dormant period begins. He has important in the life of a flower. And in no case is it a consequence of any disease. On the contrary, the health of the plant depends on how good the rest is.

In summer, the tuber is dormant and the plant usually sheds all its leaves.

There are exceptions. If the plant still has leaves by this time, don't worry. Just leave it in the same place. This is normal for European cyclamen. It does not have a pronounced rest period. And there is no need to force him to rest. But the Persian cyclamen necessarily gains strength in the summer; from May to August it sleeps.

For the summer, only the bulb remains in the pot. It is advisable to place it in a cool, shaded place and wait about 3 months. Caring for cyclamen at this time has a number of features. Watering is done with a very small dose of water, about once every 2 weeks. But the tuber must not be allowed to dry out. Slowly moisten the soil in the pot without filling it with water, and make sure that the roots do not dry out.

At the end of summer, when the dormant period comes to an end, it is recommended to replant the plant. Be sure to place drainage at the bottom of the pot. It will protect against excess moisture and help avoid rotting. During this period, you can divide the tubers, cutting them so that each part contains 1-2 growth buds, as well as roots. And then instead of one flower you will have two. Place the tubers in loose soil, only half-deep.

Then we place the pot in a bright place. The rest period is over. Very soon we will notice the first leaves hatching. We begin to water it as we watered it before the dormant period. And once every 2 weeks we apply fertilizers intended for bulbous plants. The leaf mass will begin to grow again, and soon the cyclamen plant will begin its flowering period. This is how you can strengthen the vitality of your favorite flower every year. And at the same time increase the quantity flower pots on the window.

It is useful to spray the plant during leaf growth. Especially if it is located near a radiator. After the buds appear, you cannot spray. Watering should be done frequently, but not abundantly. The water temperature should be room temperature or 1-2°C lower. After the flower stalks appear, water only through the tray. Try to keep pots with your favorite indoor cyclamen flowers away from hot radiators and fireplaces. The plant will thank you for your care with abundant and long-lasting flowering.

Cyclamen is one of the most popular winter-flowering indoor plants. Cyclamen amazes with its patterns on the leaves, the leaves are stunningly perfect, they are compact, forming a dense, beautiful mound. And the flowers sit proudly on tall stems that rise above the foliage.

Compared to others indoor plants Cyclamen is a little capricious. But by taking good care of it, you can extend the life of the plant, make it healthy and beautiful. This is a plant that begins to delight already at the end of autumn with the beauty of its leaves and buds.

So how can you get more out of your cyclamen?

What is your cyclamen?

There are many cyclamens, here are the most popular ones:

European Cyclamen – Cyclamen europaeum, Cyclamen purpurascens

(was popular in the USSR)

Lighting: better eastern or western window or southern with shading or northern with additional lighting

Temperature: +15-22°C

Watering: carefully from above and through the pan, but no more than 15 minutes

Fertilizer: 2-3 times a month

Transplant: 1 time every 2-4 years

Cyclamen Neapolitan – Cyclamen neapolitanum, Cyclamen hederifolium

Planted outdoors during the dormant period

Planting: light turf soil

Watering: do not over-water

Distribution: by seeds

Transplantation: you don’t have to replant, the longer you don’t replant, the better it blooms

Flowering: September – October

Wintering: cover for the winter

Persian Cyclamen – Cyclamen persicum

Lighting: shaded

Temperature: 15-19 °C

Watering: moderate

Humidity: do not spray at temperatures below 15°C

Fertilizer: 2 times a month with watering

Replanting: once a year

I provide a small sign before the main information so as not to confuse you.

“Caring for cyclamen according to the seasons”

Time of yearNovember -
March (April)
March - MayMay-AugustAugust-November
PeriodBloomThe rest period beginsRest periodLeaf growth, flower formation
LightingBright, shaded lightJust like during floweringKeep the tubers in a cool, dark placeLike during flowering
TemperatureDaytime: 15-18 °C
Night: 12-15 ° C
Just like during floweringCool (about 15°C)Daytime: 20°C
Night: 17°C
WateringAbundant, but allow soil to dry out between wateringsDecreases as leaves begin to turn yellow
stops when all leaves are dry and yellow
No, but the tubers must have sufficient moistureRenews when leaves emerge
FertilizerEvery 2 weeks with a balanced or high potassium fertilizerNoNoRenews with watering
CareRemoving all wilted flowers and bad leavesRemove all dry leavesPlanting tubers in a suitable substrate

The first step to having a long-lived cyclamen is to choose a healthy plant from the beginning. The best time to buy cyclamen is in early autumn.

At the end of August, when all other plants wither and lose their leaves, cyclamens are just beginning to grow. A few weeks of growth in September will show healthy plant or not. Examine the cyclamen carefully for any signs of disease, discoloration, or abnormal leaf droopiness.

However, don't buy plants that look healthy and are already in bloom, meaning the petals are fully visible. Such plants do not live long. Slowly but steadily growing cyclamen is better than fast flowers in early September.


Cyclamens are autumn plants. They like the cold, cloudy autumn weather.

Do not place cyclamen in direct sunlight, otherwise it will wilt. Diffused light will suit him. If you keep it on the windowsill, then do not place it where it will be in the sun for a long time, but rather place it somewhere to the side.

If you have difficulty placing it, choose a darker place and try to keep the plant cool.


Cooling will significantly extend the life of your plant. The suitable temperature for it is 15 to 18 °C during the day, and ideally 12 to 15 °C at night.

Remember that cyclamen is autumn plant and even in the summer heat prefers coolness.


Secret proper watering cyclamen is to ensure that the soil near the base of the plant is not too wet.

Cyclamen is very vulnerable to root rot, so the best watering for it is from a tray that only moistens the bottom layer of soil. This is done like this: pour into a tray, basin or pan as much water as the plant needs for watering, you don’t need much, leave the pot there and remove it after 15 minutes. All excess water drains away, but the necessary remains. This will keep the roots moist but leave the base and center of the plant dry.

It also needs to be sprayed very lightly once a day and no more often. In this case, the leaves must dry before night, but it is better to do this in the morning, since this moisture is used in the process of photosynthesis.


Fertilize cyclamen during new growth and during flowering until new leaves and flowers appear. Balanced fertilizers and fertilizers with a high potassium content are suitable for feeding. You can feed every 2 weeks while watering.

Avoid over-fertilizing, especially with high-nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise leaves will appear without flowers.

During flowering

Another secret to cyclamen is to cut off its flowers when they begin to wilt. Thus, it has a lot of energy left over, which it directs towards growth and flowering.

After flowering

If you see that cyclamen no longer blooms, and the leaves turn yellow and fall off, it means that a dormant period has begun. Cut flowers and stop watering. Twist or cut off the dry leaves.

Place the pot on its side in a cool place and do not water until late summer (but the soil should be slightly moist). At the end of summer, start watering, when new leaves appear, it’s time to replant.

Replanting cyclamen

It is replanted once a year after a dormant period at the end of summer. To do this, the pot should be small; drainage at the bottom is not required. The tops should go half or a third underground, this will prevent rotting.


Cyclamen is a plant that spends part of its life growing and blooming, and part of its life is dormant. During the dormant period, it remains underground in the form of an underground tuber that looks like a swollen root and a little like a potato J

Cyclamen is propagated by tubers at the end of August in this way: take the tuber out of the ground, dry it a little (like seed potatoes) and divide it into parts so that several eyes and shoots remain on each part. Process the cut edges activated carbon, let it dry a little and plant.

As for seed propagation, there are a number of features:

  • Fresh seeds are not required, they must be sifted and light brown in color. The seeds are poured into sugar water. Those that have surfaced are not suitable.
  • Before sowing, the seeds must be soaked in warm water for 24 hours.
  • Light has a bad effect on seed germination, but absolute darkness is not required, a very dark place is enough.
  • If the seeds dry out after germination, nothing will grow.
  • If they peel off in some places, nothing will grow either.

The soil should contain compost, be loose, but retain moisture. The seeds should be sown on a layer of compost at a distance of 2 cm from each other and covered with a layer of sand of about 5-7 mm.

In general, autumn-blooming cyclamens are germinated in the fall, and in the spring - in the spring. Cyclamen seeds germinate in about 30-40 days. Moisten the soil regularly to prevent them from drying out. When the sprouts appear, move the pot to a bright place without direct sunlight, then watering with fertilizers begins.

When small tubers appear, transplant into a normal pot without covering the tuber with soil. This will be around April or May.

Cyclamens grown from seeds bloom in about a year and a half.

Cyclamen diseases

Leaves and cuttings rotExcessive or irregular watering
The leaves turn yellow, but the flowers are healthyToo warm and dry

Insufficient watering

Direct sunlight

They bloom a littleWarm

Improper watering

Dry air

Not enough fertilizer

Flowers hide under leavesToo damp

It's too cold

Irregular watering

Leaves curl and stems twistThe cyclamen mite appears as dust on the undersides of leaves. This is due to high humidity.

All affected parts should be removed and sprayed with insecticides.

The leaves are curled, the flowers are deformed, there is “dandruff” everywhere

The leaves are falling

Aphids are small sucking insects that love young shoots, young leaves and buds.

It is necessary to rinse the plant with a strong stream of water from the shower. Remove any remaining aphids with a cotton swab soaked in insecticide.

Grayish brown leavesThrips lay colonies of eggs on the undersides of leaves. The reason is too warm and dry.

As a preventative measure, spray cyclamen with water; in case of infection, spray with insecticides until they disappear.

Cyclamens can have other diseases, but initially proper care will prevent them.

Thanks to its bright and long-lasting flowering, the cyclamen plant is very popular in home floriculture. This is a perennial herbaceous flower of the Myrsinaceae family, there are more than twenty varieties. Wild species can be found in the Mediterranean, Iran, Northeast Africa and Turkey. Cyclamen, easy to care for at home, grows and blooms quite successfully on windowsills.

In its cultivated form it is miniature, graceful plant. The leaves are dark green, basal, leathery, contain a grayish pattern, and develop on long petioles. The leaves, as well as the flowers of the plant, are highly decorative. The root system is presented in the form of a corm with a diameter of approximately fifteen centimeters with one growth point. Flowers with bent and pointed petals appearance similar to butterflies. Depending on the variety, they come in a wide variety of colors - red, pink, yellow, snow-white, purple and burgundy. Duration of cyclamen flowering at home with good care is approximately three months.

The most common varieties of cyclamen, which are popular both in home floriculture and in landscape design, are described later in the article.

Perennial plant with decorative flowers pale pink color and medium-sized leaves. European cyclamen is an undemanding plant; based on this variety, new hybrid varieties with white and lilac flowers have been bred.

This plant has a weak dormant period. The cyclamen tuber is overgrown with daughter bulbs, which can later be used for propagation. European cyclamen is characterized by a long flowering period, which begins in late spring and continues until late autumn. In the summer, this plant is taken outside. European cyclamen in bloom can become a real decoration of the summer garden. All he needs in summer is protection from sunlight, precipitation and drafts.

- one of, perhaps, the most decorative varieties. Due to its long flowering and ease of care, this flower is chosen by most gardeners. New varieties European cyclamen are presented in mini forms with small graceful flowers located on long peduncles.

This is the most valuable species among all existing ones. Its large graceful flowers, which are yellow, pink, lilac, white, and dark purple, are especially decorative. Life cycle one flower is ten days. During the entire flowering period, Persian cyclamen produces approximately one hundred flower buds.

Cyclamen Persica has large and decorative leaves. To replace large varieties compact mini forms arrived. These are miniature plants that grow more easily in room conditions than tall species. Persian cyclamen blooms long time– from November to March. After the plant fades, it goes into a dormant period. This is an undemanding plant that does not require special maintenance conditions, for which it is valued by many gardeners.
Currently, Persian cyclamen has many hybrid forms bred by Dutch and French breeders. These are varieties with two-color or single-color flowers.

In addition to these two species, other varieties are also popular in home floriculture: African cyclamen, Cilician cyclamen, small-flowered cyclamen, etc.

Caring for cyclamen at home is not difficult and can be done by any gardener. By following all the rules of agricultural technology, taking into account the characteristics of growth and development, this flower can be ensured best conditions growing at home:

  • Temperature regime. Before purchasing this flower, you need to select it right place content. Despite the fact that cyclamen is an undemanding plant, it needs coolness at home, frequent ventilation, but without drafts. Recommended maintenance temperature is from +12 to +15 degrees, aiming. In such conditions, you can get the most out of cyclamen long flowering. Temperatures of +20 degrees and above are detrimental to this flower.
  • System watering. In order to grow beautiful and lush flowering plant at home, he needs to provide systematic watering. This flower is watered through a tray. This method eliminates the risk of overwatering the plant and rotting the tuber and roots. For irrigation, it is recommended to use settled water at room temperature.
  • Cyclamen is very demanding on air humidity, so frequent spraying will only benefit it. It is not recommended to spray the flower during the flowering period, as this can lead to rotting of the flowers. In addition to this, the plant is placed in a wide and shallow container with wet pebbles or expanded clay.
  • For rapid growth and flowering, cyclamen needs good lighting. Bright diffused light with protection from the scorching sun is exactly what this flower needs.
  • Cyclamen responds very well to feeding, only in moderate dosage and concentration. This flower is fertilized at the budding stage and during the flowering period once a month. Liquids are used as fertilizers mineral fertilizers, for example, the drug Floretta. Each plant feeding is carried out only after watering. Purchased flowers begin to be fertilized from the third week after purchase. Feeding young plants after they have been planted is carried out at the stage of the appearance of the first shoots. After transplantation, young flowers are fertilized no earlier than six months later. During the dormant period, cyclamen is not fertilized.

Transplanting cyclamens at home is carried out for several reasons:

  • if the corm becomes cramped in the old container;
  • if it is necessary to replace old soil with new one;
  • if the plant is sick.

Autumnbest time for this procedure. By this time, the cyclamen will end its dormant period. This flower cannot be replanted more than three times a year. When transplanting, the roots of the plant must be close to the surface. It is prohibited to replant cyclamen during the flowering period. In order for the plant to better adapt to the new soil and pot, replanting is carried out by transferring an earthen clod.

Planting a flower is carried out using a new planting container, which should be slightly larger than the previous one. Cyclamen does not develop well and blooms in large pots. The choice of flowerpot is made taking into account the size of the root system. For example, for a corm with a diameter of five centimeters you will need landing capacity two centimeters larger in diameter.

A good layer of drainage is lined at the bottom of the pot, followed by nutrient substrate. After planting, the soil must be thoroughly compacted and watered.

Transplantation of newly acquired specimens is carried out only after they have flowered and their dormant period has ended.

Planting cyclamens at home follows the same principle as transplanting. This plant loves loose, airy and moisture-permeable soils. Soil can be purchased at any flower shop, or you can do it at home. To do this you need to mix leaf soil with turf, add peat and vermiculite in equal parts.

This flower requires special care during and after flowering. This plant can bloom in summer and winter time year. The duration of this process directly depends on how competently and timely care is provided to him.

In order to get a beautiful, lushly flowering plant, it needs to create a stable temperature - ranging from +12 to +15 degrees Celsius, good lighting and systematic removal of wilted and shriveled flower buds.

After the plant has flowered, it begins a dormant period. Due to inexperience, many flower growers simply throw away the flower after it stops blooming.

A faded plant must be properly prepared for rest. It is necessary to cut off all flower buds and yellowed leaves. Reduce watering to a minimum. As soon as spring will come, the flower is completely stopped watering and moved to a cool place until summer. In July, it is transplanted into a new nutrient substrate and watering is resumed.

Reproduction methods

In the process of growing at home, cyclamen is propagated. This plant can be propagated in two ways - by seed and by dividing the rhizome.

Each variety has its own method of propagation. For example, Persian cyclamen can only be propagated by seeds. For European cyclamen, planting is possible in both ways. Regardless of the propagation method you choose, planting will be successful only if all the rules of agricultural technology are followed and only after the cyclamens have faded.

Problems in growing cyclamen

Homemade cyclamen, like many indoor flowers, can get sick. Most often, this plant is affected by anthracnose, fusarium, wet rot and sooty fungus.

  • Fusariumfungal disease, its pathogens live in the soil. Therefore, the defeat of cyclamen by this disease begins from the root system. If the leaves turn yellow on one side and the plant blooms poorly, this is sure sign that the flower is affected by fusarium. Treatment of fusarium wilt is carried out using foundationazole 1% concentration. The solution is spilled root system plants. In combination with such measures, the above-ground part of the flower is sprayed with Topsin-M of the same concentration.
  • When affected by wet rot, cyclamen leaves become lethargic and the tuber emits bad smell rotten. After some time, the tubers begin to rot, and the bacteria spread to the leaves, stems and flowers. Flowers suffering from wet rot, unfortunately, cannot be cured, so they must be destroyed.
  • Anthracnose is a disease that develops during the flowering period of cyclamen. Ideal conditions for the development of the disease is increased room temperature and high air humidity. The disease first affects flower stalks, which dry out in a short period of time, then it spreads to the leaves, which turn yellow, curl and dry out. Cyclamens suffering from anthracnose are treated repeatedly with a fungicide solution. All affected parts on the plant are removed.
  • As a rule, sooty fungus appears on flowers where aphids previously lived. Sick flowers develop poorly and weaken. The leaves turn yellow and dry out. Treatment methods: remove plaque with a damp cloth. A soap solution is used to treat the aboveground part of the flower.
  • When growing cyclamens at home, many gardeners are faced with problems such as lack of flowering and yellowing of foliage.
  • Cyclamen leaves turn yellow for several reasons - dry air in the room, increased temperature regime, not systematic watering. Very often the leaves of flowers that are under straight lines turn yellow. sun rays. This is a consequence of sunburn.

In order to achieve lush and bright flowering in cyclamens in winter, they should be given a proper period of rest in the warm season. It is also necessary to remember that this plant blooms only in cool conditions. high humidity air. You should not overfeed cyclamen, it does not like it and may even die. In case of poor lighting in winter, the flower needs to be provided with additional lighting. If cyclamen does not bloom, you need to provide the recommended level of air humidity in the room, as well as systematize watering. You should not expect flowering from cyclamen that is in a hot room.

Subject to all the above rules, grow a healthy and bright blooming cyclamen It won't be difficult for anyone at home.

Good luck to you!!!

Top 10 plants that bring family happiness to the house Orchid varieties for home cultivation

The periods of flowering and dormancy are when cyclamen goes into rest. Read today's article to find the optimal time for cyclamen to bloom. What to do with cyclamen after flowering? How to stimulate a plant?

When does cyclamen retire?

Cyclamen has several types and varieties. Varieties of cyclamens individual species They differ not only in the color of leaves and inflorescences, but also in height. Eat 3 main groups of varieties cyclamen in size: standard - 20-30 cm, small - from 13 to 20 cm, small - 10-15 cm. Accordingly, the sizes of the corm, shoots and rosette of leaves, inflorescences will differ.

Types of cyclamen:

  • Persian: Blooms in winter, completely sheds leaves after flowering. height 30 cm, tuber diameter 15-20 cm, colors – pink, purple, white. Hybrid varieties are available in stores. The tuber always rises 1/3 above the ground.
  • European: does not shed leaves, can bloom in winter and at the end of spring, inflorescences are white or slightly pinkish, distinctive leaves violet shade, forms children on a tuber - they need to be completely immersed in the ground. There are various varieties.

Less popular types of cyclamen:

  • African : pink inflorescences, blooms from spring to autumn, diameter 15 cm, green leaves, pale veins, there is a barely noticeable silver tint, sheds and produces leaves in early autumn.
  • Pontic: miniature, listed in the Red Book. It blooms only for 1.5 months in the fall.
  • Greek: pink cyclamen. Distributed not only in Cyprus, Turkey, Crete, mainland Greece. Leaves with a complex pattern, purple inflorescences.
  • Kossky : lush, large, heart-shaped leaves, does not bloom in winter.
  • Ivy: superficial tuber, delicate aroma, pink inflorescences, large leaves. Flowering and leaf development occur separately.

Growing conditions for most cyclamens are the same, but care after flowering varies.

Basic care during the flowering period:

  • Air temperature +12-14° C.
  • Constant and abundant lighting.
  • Shading from direct rays.
  • Moderate moisture – better in a tray.

Cyclamen flowering cycles

The listed types of cyclamen under the same conditions for flowering in different ways retire . An internal development cycle stimulates the formation of buds V early autumn and until the end of winter, or spring and until the first half of autumn.

When does cyclamen retire by type:

  • Persian - at the end of February.
  • European - at the beginning of spring. When re-forcing in spring - at the end of summer.
  • African - by the beginning of autumn. Re-grows leaves but does not bloom.
  • Pontic - goes into retirement in mid-autumn.
  • Greek - towards autumn. Leaves can be formed separately.
  • Kossky - by the beginning of autumn.
  • Ivy - depending on the hybrid, basically like the Persian.

What to do with cyclamen after flowering?

After flowering ends, cyclamen can be renewed or left alone until the next season -. Renewal traditionally includes replanting a plant. The procedure can be combined with reproduction. Both procedures are carried out only if the cyclamen is healthy -

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