Types of wooden garden benches. Outdoor benches: three projects that will transform your garden

A garden bench is a beautiful element of landscape architecture. With its help, you can create a recreation area on local area. Such structures are built both in production and with your own hands at home. Different materials are used in production, even in some cases they can be constructed from chairs, logs, and other materials that are found in every summer cottage.

Design Features

Benches, unlike other small architectural forms, must correspond not only to style, but also to ergonomics. Therefore, when choosing them, the level of comfort and a single concept are taken into account landscape design.

Since their first appearance in Ancient Egypt many were invented different types benches - from decoration of personal plots to ordinary ergonomic designs. Their variety is just as wide, and in order to organize this assortment, we will divide the designs into three main types:

  • Street benches – a functional design, which is built from practical, reliable materials. They rarely differ in the beauty of their forms and variety of style.
  • Garden designs– openwork benches with forged elements. They perfectly complement the overall landscape design and create a functional space.
  • Designs for a summer residence- differ in variety of species. They are bright accent when forming suburban area.
All designs can be divided into:
  • stationary - a static element of landscape design;
  • mobile - you can move and install structures in any part of your garden plot, creating a comfortable relaxation area.

Based on their location, they can be divided into:

  • front doors - beautiful structures made of forged elements, wood, stone;
  • dining models are comfortable, placed on terraces, not far from the barbecue. They are built from different types of wood;
  • structures that are located near water: a stream, a pond, a fountain. They are built from moisture-resistant materials. Concrete and stone are used;
  • seasonal – mobile structures. Durable, reliable materials are used.

Material of manufacture

The material from which they are built determines not only their location, but also the characteristics of their operation. Depending on the material they are divided:

Wooden- differ in their special aesthetics. They fit well into almost any style of landscape design. Only rot-resistant wood species are used for production. Walnut, cherry, oak, and coniferous species are used. The wood goes through a number of treatments: the material is impregnated with a composition that increases resistance to moisture, and covered with varnish or special moisture-resistant paint.

Stone structures- These are strong, durable models. They will highlight the beauty of garden crops. Granite, quartz or marble are used in construction. Such models are resistant to moisture, frost, and sunlight. They are stationary, massive and mounted in places with high humidity.

Metal– resistant to various damages, they are reliable. For the garden in vintage style choose forged models decorated with different decorative elements. Modernism is emphasized by cast iron structures. A beautiful, elegant wrought-iron chair will fit well into the country style.

Plastic– often used in the production of mobile structures and those installed near bodies of water. Such models can have different colors and decor.

Combined modelsgood combination several materials, such as stone and wood, metal and wood.

Each model is installed depending on the style of the plot and the special preferences of the owner.

Garden benches: types and features

In every country house there is an adjacent area. It can be functional - even beds, bushes, greenhouses, and other garden attributes. Some people prefer an English lawn with flower beds. But there are people who prefer shady gardens.

Regardless of this in summer time Over the years, this area has been transformed into a vacation spot. What makes it comfortable is a garden bench that will look harmonious in the landscape design.

How to choose a bench for the garden?

Designers divide the garden area into three main types according to style:

  • regular gardens - created according to geometric laws: smooth paths, strict forms, every bush and flower bed is in its place;
  • rustic style or country - bright flower beds, wooden fence, trees and beds;
  • landscape areas. When creating a style on the site, the natural beauty of the greenery is preserved. Each element, for example, a snag or a fallen branch, is not removed, but is played up with the help of various decorative elements, including benches.

For each garden, several options for garden benches are suitable.

They are selected depending on:
  • garden size;
  • design mobility;
  • the material from which it is made.

For example, for a small garden in a rustic style, structures made of wood will look beautiful. In some cases, you can use benches that combine metal and wood. They will emphasize the refined style and become its pleasant additions. Stone models cannot be installed. They will stand out against the backdrop of beautiful greenery and well-kept beds.

In landscaped areas, for example, near blocks of stones that will be beautifully laid out harmoniously, a stone bench will fit in. This can be a model with or without a backrest. Under a hanging willow branch, you can place a small wooden bench, in which there will be no metal parts.

In formal gardens, stone furniture can be installed near a fountain or stone statue. It will complement a single style and add zest to it. . Wooden elements will look inappropriate.

Combined: metal and wood

These designs are universal. They are installed not only on personal plot, if the style allows it, but also on summer terraces, in the barbecue area. Such models are distinguished by a high aesthetic component.

Choose a form and appearance models depending on the goals. Ideal for some cases simple benches without a back, for others it is better to choose a bench with a back and armrests.

Manufacturing methods and options

Such structures are built in factories. The difficulty is that you need to have tools to create from metal required forms. It is built as a support. The armrests and legs of the structure are made from it. Wood is used for the seat and backrest. It should be a dense type of wood, which is pre-treated with impregnations that protect against rotting:

  • pinelight wood with beautiful texture and color. She only becomes more attractive with age. Disadvantage - easily damaged mechanically;
  • acacia– dense hardwood. It is reliable and can be used as the main material when building a bench, however, with prolonged contact with a wet surface, the color of the wood may change. Therefore, it is better to use it only for arranging the seat and backrest;
  • cedar- expensive material that absorbs moisture. It is the best for street construction. Since after drying it does not crack or deform;
  • teakhigh price timber does not allow many to use it in the construction of outdoor furniture. However, it has many properties: it does not absorb moisture, does not dry out and is damaged. Over time it gains even greater strength.

Depending on these parameters, the wood for the benches is selected. However, they also consist of metal. His choice is just as important for creating a high-quality and reliable design. All metal parts street design treated with anti-corrosion agents. The properties of this material and the methods of its finishing affect the aesthetic component of outdoor furniture.

Therefore, the choice of this material is as important as wood:
  • aluminum– a common option for creating the frame of outdoor furniture. It is easy to process, can be cleaned, and is resistant to corrosion;
  • steel– pipes, angles, channels. It is quite flexible compared to other iron alloys, so furniture made from it is very popular. Stainless steel– durable and reliable material. It is resistant to corrosion and has low weight;
  • cast iron– high-quality, reliable material. It is used to create stationary structures that must have a lot of weight.

Each outdoor furniture can have unique design, which depends not only on the choice of materials, but also on the method of finishing:

  • casting- the most common method of metal processing. When using it, you can achieve the creation of the most different forms, patterns. This method is used only in production;
  • powder finish– gives the metal strength and attractiveness. She is more reliable and beautiful regular paint, protects surfaces from damage. It is impossible to make such a coating at home;
  • forging- a method through which you can create completely unique drawings and patterns. Forged furniture is considered the most beautiful and reliable.

However, to create outdoor furniture for the garden, you can also use old metal objects, for example, a bed. To build such a piece of furniture, you need to leave the bed frame and use wood to make a backrest and seat. Such models will add comfort and uniqueness to your style.

Transformable benches

Transformer benches are functional structures that are used not only to decorate a personal plot, but also to create a comfortable recreation area in it. These models are distinguished by their mobility, they are practical, easy to use - in just a few seconds, by transforming the bench, it turns into a comfortable table with two benches. It is comfortable to sit at it and enjoy the pleasant atmosphere.

What designs exist:

  • built from natural wood;
  • made of metal and wood - combined models;
  • assembled from metal.

On personal plots, structures made of wood or combined models are used. They are ordinary without decoration, but very practical. You can make such a table and benches with your own hands.

DIY making

Before you start building a transforming bench, you need to prepare the material and tools, and draw up a drawing. It can be done using design and calculation programs. You can find them on the Internet or do the calculation yourself.

Choosing material

For manufacturing you will need timber, boards, the choice of species depends on you. This article describes the pros and cons of wood used for benches. The board must be sanded; it is better to check its moisture content using a moisture meter.

Material calculation according to standard drawing

For assembly you need:

  • 4 beams with a section of 90*45*1445 mm;
  • 5 bars 90*32*1480 mm.

To work, you need to prepare the tools you need. And you will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • level;
  • corner;
  • sandpaper for sanding surfaces.

A sanding machine will do the job better, but if you don’t have one, you can use paper (320). You will also need screws, bolts, and a saw. You also need to purchase paint and varnish materials.

Manufacturing stages

  • We make the legs of the structure. To do this, you need to take the bars and cut them 70 cm long. You need to make 8 identical legs. It is necessary to make oblique cuts on them on both sides in order to obtain the balance of the structure during further installation.
  • A frame for the structure is made. To do this, you will need boards that need to be cut into four sections of 40 cm and the same number of sections of 170 cm. The corners must be made the same.
  • It is necessary to strengthen the frame, for this you will need to nail a wooden beam in increments of 50 cm. This way, the structure will be separated and the bench will be protected from deformation.
  • The legs are attached to the seats at a distance of 10 cm from the corners. It is important to make connections of high quality and reliable. This is done using bolts.
  • A rectangle of 70*170 cm is created from the timber, which will be connected inside with additional material to ensure reliability.
  • All made elements of the transformer are collected. The work is complex and responsible.
  • You need to cut two bars 40 cm long. They are needed for fastening between the bench and the shield.
  • We cut two more beams, 110 cm long. They are used for the back. They are connected with self-tapping screws.
  • The frame is assembled, only then it is sheathed on the outside with wood.

To protect the material from moisture, you need to cover it with stain and then with a water-repellent varnish. It dries in 36 hours, so after work you can’t use the bench for several days. Such designs with proper care serve for about 20 years. Over time, the frame can be replaced with metal, which will increase its service life.

Custom benches

These structures are installed not only on personal plots, but also inside the house, in gazebos. Not only the design, but also the materials used in assembling the structure depend on the location.

Bench in the bathhouse: features

During the construction of baths, only reliable materials are washed. This is a tree that is under the influence high temperature, humidity will not be subject to deformation and will not change its color. For such models take:

  • linden. It is easy to process, does not crack over time, dries quickly and heats up slowly. Minus - over time the board darkens;
  • aspen- has medicinal properties, but with prolonged use it loses its beauty;
  • abashi. This wood has a porous structure, it does not heat up quickly, and retains its original appearance for a long time.

Benches in the bathhouse are stationary structures. Their location is thought out at the sauna design stage. They must have a certain height and width so that a person can comfortably fit on them.

They are built in several types:
  • L-shaped - for medium-sized steam rooms;
  • straight – mounted in small steam rooms;
  • U-shaped for large rooms.
  • benches are built in the same style. If, for example, it is country, then the benches can be built in combination with metal or exclusively from wood. Designs made from old furniture or objects. As a support, you can use wheels from a wheelbarrow or ordinary hemp, beautifully carved. Models with carved elements, decorated with soft pillows in bright colors, look attractive. Artificially aged bars, which are used as seats, will add charm and comfort;
  • rustic style - only wood is used, and it can be aged or bars that long time stood in the yard. They will be the best base for benches. Metal and plastic are not welcome in this style. The furniture should be massive and of good quality. Can be applied decorative ornaments as capes;
  • Scandinavian style involves the use of many warm and soft objects. The benches built for the gazebo are large, they are stationary with wide seats and high backs. To make such furniture attractive, add soft pillows, which are sewn to order to fit the size of the furniture.

Furniture made of stone or iron is rarely installed in gazebos.

In the hallway: a home with a soul

Arranging a hallway is just as important as choosing furniture for other rooms in the house. After all, this room is the calling card of any home.

What to pay attention to:

For this room, models made from different materials:
  • plastic- models are combined with other materials: wood, chipboard or fiberboard. They are rarely used to build furniture for hallways, only if the interior allows it to fit into it. Plastic can have different colors and shapes. Plastic benches are easy to clean and transport;
  • tree– durable, reliable designs. Due to its dense structure, wood does not absorb moisture and does not dry out under the influence of solar radiation. Wood is used to make furniture coniferous species, aspen, alder, oak. Such models may have a carved pattern on the legs, armrests or headboard. The wood is painted with tinting varnish to preserve the texture of the material;
  • MDF and chipboard– used in the construction of furniture. Such designs are equipped drawers or it may occupy the entire space under the product. This material is used for the construction of furniture for the living room and bedroom. It can have different colors and is covered with a laminated film, which increases moisture resistance;
  • forged– not suitable for all hallways. So that it does not overload this room, such structures are built small. They perform only their main function - you can sit comfortably on it. Furniture can have a backrest or be built with beautiful patterned armrests;
  • wicker- beautiful models. They are inferior in strength to their counterparts, but their beauty minimizes this drawback. Such structures are built both with and without a box for small items;
  • combined– wood and metal are used. Such designs are practical and reliable. The frame of the structure is built from metal, and the parts on which people sit or support their back are made of wood.

When choosing benches for a room, you may not be so strict about the material and its ability to withstand sudden temperature changes.


Children's furniture is built taking into account the standards set by our government. Therefore, when choosing materials and paints, high demands, prescribed in SPIPs. For the construction of benches, natural materials or plastic are used, which do not contain harmful impurities.

Types of children's benches depending on their location:

for the street - wood and metal are used. The legs are made of steel, which is processed to improve its properties and resistance to moisture. Such designs do not have a back; rare models may have armrests. The upper part is made of wood, and all parts of the metal frame are covered with it to cover all sharp corners. Such models decorate multi-colored paint, which paints all components of the product;

benches made of wood are installed for kindergartens and playgrounds. Such designs are most suitable for children. They do not contain harmful substances, No sharp corners and connections that could cause injury to a child. Benches may be installed in locker rooms, the height of which does not reach half a meter. They are mobile and easily move around the room;

plastic structures are installed for private playgrounds. They are distinguished by a variety of patterns and colors. They can be made in the shape of your favorite animals or cartoon characters. The benches are light and reliable. The back can be made in the shape of the sun, caterpillar, butterfly. An integral component is the variety of colors.

Often such structures can be combined with a table or canopy. If a bench is being made for a children's public playground, you need to take into account all the rules established by the government. To build a children's structure in a private house, you can use plastic models.

Corner bench for garden, home, kitchen

Benches are built from different materials: stone, metal, plastic, wood. Among the variety of shapes and types of benches, they look especially interesting corner models. They are compact, but more spacious and beautiful. You can design many types of corner benches:

  • corner transforming bench - this model consists of straight sections of small size, which, if necessary, can be rearranged, while adjusting the structure to the conditions of another space;
  • In your garden plot you can find many places that can be used to create a comfortable place to relax. A simple corner bench placed against the wall is easy to install and does not require the use of calculation programs. To assemble it, you need to prepare a frame, a tree that will serve as a seat. It is installed near a free wall, which is covered with clapboard;
  • corner benches made from natural stone. Such structures are installed on personal plots. They are reliable, distinguished by the absence of a back and decor. Such models are manufactured in factories;
  • corner bench with table. The design has benches located between the table. It may be a little larger and taller, or have a different color. This will only give the composition a unique look.

Such models are built from wood, rarely when steel can be used as a frame. For beauty, they are decorated with various decorative elements. If this wooden structures, then the decor can be carved elements made on the legs of the models, the headboard. If the design is combined, then beautiful forging is done; it can be done on the back or armrests.

Country bench decor ideas

A garden bench is an integral part of landscape design. With the help of such a bench you can create a relaxation area in any area. It helps create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness on the site. A bench can become a favorite place to relax, read a book or have an intimate conversation. Such structures are made from various materials: wood, metal, stone, plastic. The material for a garden bench can be various leftover building materials, car tires, and even completely inconspicuous driftwood. When choosing material for a garden bench, you should remember that a summer cottage is an ecological corner where you want to take a break from the city noise, so it would be wise to use organic materials. What to make garden benches from.

Bench-flower garden at the dacha

The garden will be perfectly complemented by a bench with small flower beds. You can easily build such a bench with your own hands. Work should begin with assembling flower boxes. Then the back and seats are assembled. The entire structure can be secured using special furniture corners.

Bench around a tree

In the shade of a large spreading tree, you can install a circular garden bench, which will become a place where you can hide from the scorching sun on a clear summer day. This design is easy to install yourself. To build a circular bench, you can use almost any available material: boards, metal pipes, poles. A circular bench can be installed around a small garden fountain or a beautiful flower bed. The advantage of such a bench is that a large number of people can hide on it from the hot sun at the same time, and the entire structure will not take up much space in the garden.

Bright bench with mosaic in the garden

A bench decorated with bright mosaics will create an atmosphere of a permanent fairy tale in the garden and bright holiday. In addition, such a garden bench is very practical. She is not afraid of snow or rain. Soda benches decorated with mosaics can amaze everyone with their bright patterns and original form. Such an original bench can be made from the most ordinary design. The material for the mosaic can be anything: broken dishes, tiles, multi-colored glass, pebbles, bottle caps, etc. What else to decorate with a mosaic.

Garden bench under canopy

A bench under a canopy will be a full-fledged place to relax at the dacha. On such a bench you can spend time talking or retire to read your favorite book on a clear sunny day, or hide under a canopy during rain. You can assemble the structure yourself in a few days.

The seats for such benches are usually made of wood. It can be solid, or consist of several interconnected wooden beams. The seat can be made soft. To do this, its entire surface using liquid nails or use glue to secure the foam rubber, previously covered with fabric. You can decorate the back of a garden bench in the same way.

The bench canopy can be made from boards, plywood, polycarbonate, and metal. If the structure is made of plywood or boards, before installing it, all wooden parts must be coated with paint or varnish. This will extend the life of the canopy and protect it from various pests and moisture.

Stone garden benches

Benches made of stone are not very convenient to use, but they can add to the design summer cottage the spirit of antiquity, as they always look like they are not from our time. A stone bench can be used for its intended purpose only in the warm season and at the same time, straight lines should not fall on it. sun rays, otherwise the bench seat will be too hot. The disadvantage of stone benches is their fairly high cost.

If we take untreated stones as the material, then interesting design You can do it yourself for the garden. This bench is suitable for landscape design made in the style of Japanese minimalism.
An excellent alternative to the usual garden bench can be a shape made of stones in the form soft chair, covered with lawn turf.

Benches with forging elements

Forged garden furniture It looks very elegant and does not weigh down the design. But it’s better if forged elements in furniture are combined with wood. Such a bench will look great both under a forged arch or perloga, and surrounded garden trees and bushes. Most often, forged elements are used as legs and handrail supports. The back and seat of the bench are made of wood. Forged elements are good because they can be made based on any sketch, thereby choosing a bench design to suit every taste.

The bench is functional and allows you to complement the garden arrangement. It is usually not used for classical types of vegetable gardens, since there is no need for it.

In this area you can only see beds and growing potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and others useful crops. And when it comes to a garden, even if it is not particularly extensive, then it becomes clear that it is difficult to organize it well without the use of benches.

Since the garden is created for other purposes, it is necessary for relaxation and merging with the natural atmosphere.

Modern designers have learned to create different versions of designs for such purposes. However, wooden and metal benches are considered the most popular.

Types of benches for use in the garden

Any chosen design option for a bench or its size should serve one purpose - creating a place for a person to rest. Its shape allows for comfortable placement for a long time.

Classification of such products can be based on a number of characteristics. They are usually associated with the type of material used to assemble the bench.

What materials are most often used?

In fact, there are a lot of them, however, you can focus on the most popular of them. Most often used:

Plastic, since benches created on its basis are resistant to environmental influences. They offer reduced weight and attractive price. The market offers folding structures made from these materials; they are very convenient for moments in the country;

Wood is most often used to create homemade types of benches. It fits perfectly into any interior garden plot. Designers refer to this material as classic types, remaining in fashion;

Important: Wood is less resistant to moisture and insects compared to plastic, stone products or metal modifications. Because of this, the lifespan of a wooden bench will be the shortest among other options.

Metal allows you to create benches with your own hands using profile pipelines. However, forged versions based on this material are more often used.

Creating such variations on your own is virtually impossible, since this requires blacksmithing skills. Because of this, it is possible to use only purchased forged parts of the sidewalls for self-assembly benches from them;

The stone differs in its level of durability. Other materials cannot compare with them in terms of durability. A bench can be formed from several large boulders or purchased marble and side parts. In this case, it is necessary to start from the price of the product and its combination with the general style of the summer cottage.

How to create a bench for long-term use?

To do this, you can use a combination of different elements or fundamental material. There are several options to achieve this goal:

Concrete will help to pour durable side parts, and for the seat you can use a slab formed on its basis;

The combination of materials is considered a good option, and it is often used to create a bench in the garden. It is created using a combination of a metal frame and wood slats to create the back and seat respectively. And it is also permissible to combine options for benches made of stone and wooden elements.

Using a custom design to create a bench

Usually only this direction gives birth to true works of art; it is already difficult to consider them a classic place to relax. For the most part, wood is used for this. Well-known variations of author's works can be distinguished:

  • The ring version of the form is created in the form of a conventional structure, however, framing a living tree;
  • A bench created in the space between two flower beds;
  • A bench designed based on the mouth space of a large animal;
  • With the addition of stone statues on either side of the bench;
  • A bench based on a bamboo joint with a seating cutout in its central part.

It is worth recalling that the process of creating a garden bench will allow you to go into a creative flight of fancy. This should not be hampered by existing designs, since it is still possible to come up with something original.

The information obtained through this article helps you become familiar with various options and will present several non-standard approaches.

Photo of a garden bench

Garden benches are the most popular small architectural forms. They can be made in any size and design, but in addition to their direct purpose, benches also perform a decorative function. You can make a garden bench for yourself using our drawings and photographs.

How to make a bench from “waste” materials

The easiest way is to make a bench out of wood. This is a traditional material for garden furniture, affordable and easy to process. But even in this case, you can save money by choosing as the main material the one that literally lies under your feet.

The first option is trees, poles and stumps from your own site or a nearby forest plantation, in which sanitary felling is carried out.

Having carefully cut off a couple of medium-sized stumps, they can be placed on the base of the bench. Use poles to make a bottom crossbar for structural rigidity. And for sitting, loosen part of the trunk on the circular. If there is no equipment for longitudinal sawing, then you can take an unedged board 75 mm thick.

In this example, the bench is already more comfortable - in addition to the seat, it also has a backrest. The model is a little more complicated, since you will have to find a higher part of the trunk and process it in two steps - first make a profile cut with a “ledge”, and then split the workpiece into two halves.

And to assemble the next bench, you will need:

  • two short logs of the same diameter for the base;
  • two medium-thick poles for back support;
  • one long log, sawn into two halves (for the seat and back).

In short logs, you need to choose a groove so that the long log fits into it. Then the seat is secured in the grooves, and each pole is fixed at two points - to the base and to the seat. For fastening, it is better to choose powerful self-tapping wood bolts.

Another budget material for a country bench - pallets ( wooden pallets). But for making garden furniture will fit not just any pallet. Ideally, you need one from a good edged boards, the so-called Euro pallet, which can be identified by the EUR marking.

In principle, the standard width of a Euro pallet is somewhat large for a seat - 80 cm. You can shorten it to 67 cm by cutting it along the contour of the central bar. But you don’t have to do this. Here are some examples simple designs with different base and seat options:

1. A bench made of four pallets, uncut to width. Three serve as the base, and the fourth serves as the back. You will have to remove some of the support bars from the pallet for the backrest, and ensure the rigidity of the bench using wooden slats.

2. In this case, four pallets are also used, but already trimmed. To secure the backrest, three ropes woven with a scythe are used, and wallpaper nails are used for decoration.

3. This bench is made from just two pallets. One is whole, and the second is cut and, as it were, bent at an angle - it serves as both a seat and a backrest. The design is good for its mobility - there are small wheels as legs.

Perhaps the only inconvenience of using Euro pallets as a source material is standard sizes 80x120 cm. They to some extent limit the possibilities for creativity. The use of ordinary lumber (boards, beams and beams) allows you to make a garden bench to suit every taste.

Board and block

It’s worth saying right away that any bench drawing can be adjusted for specific conditions. The only limitation is that the thickness of the board and the cross-section of the beam are sufficient to provide load-bearing properties.

Below is a drawing of a bench, which is made of only three “paired” elements:

  • seat and back;
  • short support ( hind leg) from a board in the shape of a trapezoid;
  • long support (front leg).

1- front leg; 2 - rear leg; 3 - seat; 4 - back; 5 - front view; 6 - side view

The result is a stable structure with a triangle at the base and two transverse stiffeners.

This is what this bench looks like in real life.

This drawing shows the bench in a more complex design. To make it, you need a 40x140 mm board (supports, back and seat), a 40x70 mm block (short bundles of supports) and a 20 mm board (long bundle between the sidewalls).

And this is the same design, but using a board and a block 75 mm thick. Small differences in the base and attachment of the ligaments are not fundamental.

In principle, there is only one condition - the boards in the seat are fastened with a small gap, sufficient to compensate for the expansion of the wood under high humidity.

Large forms

Wooden benches in “large format” look original.

For example, here is a “thick” unedged board across the entire width of the log. Covered with transparent varnish, it conveys the natural beauty of wood with all its color transitions.

From rounded logs you can build not only a cottage or a bathhouse, but also a garden bench like this.

And from timber you can assemble an original chair that can serve not only under a canopy, but also in the open air - removable cushions can be easily brought into the house in bad weather.

Stone and wood

Stone, like wood, also fits organically into the landscape of a suburban area. Of course, a smooth slab is practically never found in nature, but you can use sawn stone.

The next option is easier to implement - the bench is made of small blocks of wild stone. And since such a surface is not only cold, but also uneven, you can’t do without pillows.

Pillows add comfort, but you have to constantly bring them in and out. That is why wood is used for seats on garden benches, regardless of the base material. This is how this original bench uses a gabion (a mesh cage filled with stone, crushed stone or pebbles) at the base.

Concrete is no less popular for making the base of a bench. But it’s difficult to make a form with a complex contour for pouring at once, but small formwork is simple. And even a “cold seam” when poured in two steps will not affect the strength of the structure (such as in this photo).

Another option artificial stone– hollow construction concrete blocks. It is enough to fasten them together with good masonry glue, and lay a beam in the cavity, and the bench is ready.

Metal and wood

The simplest benches on a metal frame use a square profile.

Can be welded from profile pipe two sidewalls in the shape of the letter “H”, and a solid wooden seat will also serve as a “stiffening rib”.

The following example also uses solid wood as a stiffening element, but the supports are made in the form of a square with a cross member for attaching the seat.

And this is the simplest self-supporting structure made of a square profile, the strength and rigidity of the welded base is sufficient for the seat to be made from a wooden block.

The following photo shows a factory-made bench.

But if you have a pipe bender in your home workshop (and it’s easy to make one with your own hands), then bend two types of arches and a “wave” from round pipe Just. Then the metal blanks must be welded, plastic plugs must be placed on the legs (sold for any profile and pipe size) and the bars must be secured to the “wave”.

Most owners of country plots, be it a house or a dacha, want to know how garden plots are made, and this is not surprising. You now have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with several options, which include drawings and photos of wooden structures. Such furniture can be made portable or stationary, but if you do not use it during the cold season, then the second option is of no use to you.

Family relaxing on a garden bench

What types of garden benches are there?

Rocking bench for relaxation

First of all, let's understand the meaning of this word. In various dictionaries of the Russian language, it is defined as a device for sitting for several people and can be with or without a backrest. Synonyms include definitions such as bench bench, bench, furniture. But the bench is more considered as a low footrest. In our case, this is garden furniture that has a backrest for support.

Such designs differ not only in size - they also differ in other parameters, such as:

  1. product configuration – standard, non-standard;
  2. armrests – in stock, out of stock;
  3. design - with wood carvings or strict straight lines.

Gorgeous wood carved design

Few people can make furniture like the one in the photo above - it is not enough to be an ordinary carpenter or even a cabinet maker. This is the art of wood carving, which requires the mindset of an artist and, of course, practical skills. But every second person has the opportunity to make the simplest garden benches, if they have the tools and materials.

Materials for assembling a garden bench

Edged polished larch board

The main material for garden benches is wood, but it has absorbent properties, which is highly undesirable for outdoor products. Of course, to protect against street moisture, antiseptics such as “Anti-rot”, Neomid, “Wood Doctor”, etc. are used, but it is better if the lumber itself is classified as moisture-resistant. Therefore, the highest quality garden furniture is made from oak and larch.

In addition, wood exposed to atmospheric conditions (rain, snow, fog, hail, frost, ice, UV radiation (sun rays), wind) is coated with alkyd-urethane varnishes. You can use brands such as Rogneda Eurotex, Varagan Premium Spar Urethane, Dufa Retail, Tikkurila Unica Super, etc. Such compositions will not only protect the wood from atmospheric processes, but also from impacts and scratches - this is possible , thanks to increased wear resistance coverings. You can't expect such an effect from paints.

Stock up on the following materials:

  • polished edged board 40-50 mm thick for a seat of any width;
  • polished edged board 30-40 mm thick for backrest of any width;
  • planed edged board 40×70 mm or 50×100 mm for assembling the frame;
  • timber 100×100 mm for the frame (not always used);
  • 70×70 mm block for frame and lintels;
  • antiseptic (liquid preparation);
  • paint and varnish materials;
  • metal fasteners: wood screws, bolts with nuts and washers, steel angles.

Note. In some cases, to make a garden bench with your own hands, you can even use a log, spreading it lengthwise into two equal parts. Also among the lumber there may be pallets - these are excellent blanks for assembling simple furniture.

Requirements for the quality of lumber

Chamber method of wood drying

The moisture content of lumber plays an important role in determining the quality of products, and this is not without reason, because a structure assembled from a damp board will dry out in the future. Therefore, in order to choose the most suitable board (timber or block), you should pay attention to the instructions of GOST 20850-84, where dry wood is considered a board with 12% moisture content, and the natural (street) state implies 15-20%.

Drying lumber naturally

In our case, both the first and second Gosstandart indicators are suitable, since such furniture is intended for use outdoors. But it will be quite normal if you purchase very dry boards - there are no components here that can be critically affected by the swelling of the lumber when wet.

It is important to pay attention to the presence of stains on the boards: if there are black stains, this indicates that the wood is infected with fungal mold. But if you see blue spots, you can be sure that drying was carried out without ventilation and the board was steamed. The presence of blackness and blueness indicates an irreparable defect and such products should not be purchased. Also check the boards for cracks and knots - there shouldn’t be any of them on high-quality workpieces.

Tools for assembling a garden bench

Minimum set of carpentry tools

We live in times of rapid development of technological progress, therefore, it is not at all necessary to use a minimum set of carpentry tools for work. That is, the purpose may remain the same, but the functionality and processing speed will certainly increase significantly!

What will be useful carpentry tools:

  • manual (stationary) circular saw and/or electric jigsaw;
  • electric drill and/or screwdriver;
  • a set of drills, bits and core cutters for wood;
  • hand router with a set of cutters (not always needed);
  • disk or tape grinding machine(not always needed);
  • chainsaw (for large workpieces such as timber or logs);
  • metalworker's wrenches (socket, socket, open-end);
  • an ax for working with logs;
  • tape measure, construction corner, level, pencil, paint brush.

Some options for making wooden benches

To make a garden bench with your own hands, of course, you will need drawings and photos of finished structures so that you can imagine the end result. All of the furniture examples below are assembled from wood with a small amount of metal fasteners.

There are average indicators for the dimensions of such products, therefore, in order to create conditions for a comfortable stay, you should adhere to the following indicators:

  1. bench seat height – 400-500 mm;
  2. bench seat width – 500-550 mm;
  3. bench and back length – 1000-1900 mm;
  4. back height – 350-500 mm;
  5. The width of the back is at your discretion.

Option No. 1 - a simple bench made of boards

Dimensional drawings

Sketch with names of parts: 1) front legs, 2) rear legs, 3) longitudinal drawers, 4) side drawers, 5) boards for the back and seat, 6) furniture dowel 80 mm long, 7) furniture dowel 40 mm long, 8 ) stiffness gussets

At this stage, after selecting the necessary materials and tools, you need to measure each workpiece to make sure that its dimensions are sufficient for the manufacture of a particular part. You probably understand that when constant loads transverse joining of parts is extremely undesirable and even unsafe for a person under whom such furniture will break.

Joints of main lumber are possible only at the seat, if there is a central pair of legs there. For example, the bench will have 1990 mm and this length can be obtained by connecting two boards on the jumper of the central pair of legs. But for such an operation it is necessary that both fragments of the board be of the same thickness and width, then, perhaps, the joining seam, if properly processed, will not even be noticeable.

Now you need to cut all the parts from the blanks according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing, or according to your own parameters, since your dacha area may have other needs. All connections are made using dowels, self-tapping screws and bolts with nuts and washers (dowels, by the way, can also be replaced with self-tapping screws). But when choosing fasteners, you need to take into account the possible load on the bench. If children will use it, then the nodes can be fixed with self-tapping screws and/or nails, but for a more serious load it is better to use bolts with nuts and washers.

The assembly should begin with the frame, or rather with the legs, of which there will be two or three pairs, depending on the length of the bench, and if it is designed for two people (meter-long), then the third pair is not needed. I would like to draw your attention to the rigidity of the legs.

Usually it's two vertical boards or two beams - one to the top of the back, and the other to the bottom of the bench. There are also two jumpers: the lower one connects the posts in the middle of the short riser, and the upper one forms the basis for fastening the boards to the seat. To ensure that such an assembly never becomes loose, gussets should be screwed under the lower and/or upper jumper - these are triangles from the same profile from which the frame is made.

All components are marked in the order in which they were assembled

Step-by-step instructions for assembling all components (check the picture):

  • Frame molding. Two vertical racks(No. 1 and No. 2) are connected by transverse jumpers (No. 7).
  • Increased rigidity. After this, another pair of legs is assembled in the same way (or two more pairs, if the bench is designed for three support points), strengthened and connected. To do this, additional transverse jumpers are used (No. 4 and No. 5), and all pairs are connected to each other by a longitudinal bar or board (No. 6).
  • Installation of seat and backrest. This operation will require polished bars or boards - they are fixed to the structure frame (No. 3).

Moisture protection

Treating wood with antiseptics and varnishes

If you want the bench on your site to last for many years, it needs to be treated with antiseptics and/or alkyd-urethane varnishes, which were mentioned in the section “Materials for assembling a garden bench.”

Video: Assembling a very simple bench with a backrest with your own hands

Option No. 2 – bench with a back made of logs

Thick boards and logs were used for production.

Today, people are increasingly looking back to the past and, in connection with this, styles such as Russian and English country or French. All this can be combined under a common name in the “rustic style” group. You can look at successful homemade products, photos of making garden benches from logs with your own hands are located at the top and bottom of this paragraph.

Log bench with log table

But how to make a bench so that it matches this design, because the interior has nothing to do with it - it’s the exterior. However, it is possible to follow this direction in a personal plot, especially since in unity with nature it should turn out to be very attractive. In this case, you can use not only logs, but also unedged boards, you just need to first get rid of the wane.

But it is advisable to start from the base, that is, you should build an improvised one on the ground, since you are unlikely to be able to remove such a bench indoors or under a canopy after finishing summer season– too bulky and heavy. As a foundation, you can make shallow holes of 7-10 cm, pour a 5-8 cm layer of sand into it, compact it, and cover it with bricks on top (length 50-51 cm, for two bricks). The standard length or solid brick is 250 mm, width -120 mm, thickness -65 mm. This is quite enough to raise the structure a few centimeters above the ground, saving it from water, and no concrete is needed.

Drawing of a very simple, but very beautiful bench made of logs

Pay attention to the drawing located at the top - you see that the length of the bench is two and a half meters and can comfortably accommodate 5-6 people. Of course, for a 50 mm board this is too much load, but for half a log, where the radius is 100-150 mm, it is not at all difficult to withstand such a weight.

On the left is a scrap for the base, on the right is half a log for a bench

The legs, in the literal sense of the word, do not have to be assembled and installed here - their function will be performed by two blocks of wood installed on bricks (foundation) in a horizontal position. To prevent such stands from rolling, you need to make the bottom flat, as shown in the drawing above, by cutting off part of the log with a chainsaw. In this case, you will need to calculate these stands so that they lie strictly horizontally and are at the same level with each other. Grooves are made on the blank for the bench, into which the rounded stands will then sit - this is also shown in the drawing.

Note. If you do not find thick enough logs to make the final seat height 40-50 cm, then you can attach thinner ones to the supports from thick logs. In the end, it may turn out even more attractive.

Now let's talk about the back - it can be straight or inclined, it all depends on how you install the thrust profiles - strictly vertically or at an angle. In the first case, two round timber ø80-100 mm will be suitable as thrust profiles - they will need to be screwed to horizontally lying logs that serve as legs and to half a log, that is, to the seat. To create structural rigidity, the lower parts of these racks are cut lengthwise to the height of the bench. For fixation, it is best to use not ordinary long self-tapping screws, but anchor bolts For example, for an anchor with a cross-section of 10 mm, mounting holes of ø6 mm are drilled, or for a cross-section of 12-14 mm, a hole with a diameter of 8-10 mm will be needed.

For an inclined back, a 40×70 or 50×100 mm board or ø100-120 mm round timber is used as racks. If it is still round timber, then in the places where it joins the supports (legs) and the bench you need to make cuts to create a plane for rigidity. But when using a 40x70 mm board, you can even use a router to select grooves in horizontally lying logs in order to hammer these stops into them. The groove must be coated with wood glue or PVA, and the board must be screwed to the bench.

The backrest, both on strictly vertical and inclined stops, is fixed according to the same principle as the seat - they select landing grooves in half of the log, and, having coated them with glue, screw them in with self-tapping screws. Upon completion of assembly, the structure is treated with an antiseptic and/or water-repellent paints and varnishes such as alkyd-urethane varnishes. Below is a video where the master tells how he made a bench from logs.

Video: Garden bench made of logs

Option No. 3 – semicircular bench in the garden

Semicircular bench in the garden

You may think that this complex design and its independent construction is beyond your power, but this is only at first glance. It is noteworthy that in this case, for such a design you will need a fairly uniform material, this is a board 40x70 mm, 50x100 mm and timber 100x100 mm. And, of course, fastening materials.

Assembling a semicircular frame for the seat

The top photo shows how the frame is assembled and it is very simple: first, cut five pieces of boards of the same length, for example, one meter long. Then, from four pieces, assemble two small meter-long frames using jumpers 40-45 cm long (three jumpers for each frame). Then another frame will have to be assembled between them in the middle, joining the side boards at an angle. Here it is advisable to use a 50×100 mm board, and fasten it with self-tapping screws.

In total you will need 4 pairs of legs (8 pieces)

If we take into account that the generally accepted height of a bench installed in the garden is about 40-50 cm, then for the legs you will have to cut eight fragments of timber 400-450 mm long.

The legs are screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws

The legs are screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws, but in order for the beam in the upper part to be flush with the frame, a board is placed for leveling, as shown in the photo.

When all the legs are screwed on, proceed to installing the seat.

When all the legs are screwed on, the frame is turned over to its normal position and the seat installation begins. Please note that the sheathing begins from the outer edge of the middle frame in order to set the direction of the 40x70 mm boards. To avoid fussing for a long time, you can screw several boards at once and cut off the excess with a circular saw right at the installation site. But you can also put a mark on each board by drawing a pencil from below. It is advisable to leave a small blockage between the boards - it will be more beautiful.

Supports under the backrest are attached to the legs and frame

Attaching the backrest to the supports

The supports for the backrest are first attached to the legs (to the side of the beam), and then to the frame using reinforced steel corners. When all the inclined stops are set, one or two 40x70 mm boards are screwed to them along the top as a backrest. Upon completion of assembly, the structure is treated with an antiseptic and/or paints and varnishes.

Option No. 4 – garden bench with a back made from old pallets

Corner garden bench made from old pallets

Straight garden bench made from old pallets

I think that in order to get such a garden bench with a back, no drawings are needed. Here the usual block assembly takes place using self-tapping screws, where the size of the structure depends on the geometric parameters of the block.

Standard pallet 1000×1200 mm

There are two types of our pallets (produced in countries former USSR) and European. Our standard perimeter is 1000×1200 mm, and for Euro pallets it is 800×1200 mm. But those experts who have been making furniture from such materials for a long time recommend European stands, since the boards on them are planed, therefore, less time is spent on polishing.

Soft garden corner made from old pallets

You can even arrange a rest in the garden on soft benches; for this, the structure is temporarily covered with pillows, which can always be removed in case of bad weather.

Wood processing in this case is no different from other options, that is, it is coated with an antiseptic and/or paints and varnishes.

Video: Making a garden bench from old pallets


If you want, you can choose one of four options for making a garden bench with a back, made by yourself. You can also use the drawings given in the article, but if necessary, change the dimensions in accordance with specific needs, that is, focusing on the conditions of the site.
