Hamstring muscle training. Leg workout for women with emphasis on the back of the thigh and buttocks

So ladies! Do you want to know about the most effective ways training the muscles of the legs and buttocks? Here's everything you need to create slender legs and a strong ass.

Most women, no matter how active they are in life, have stronger quadriceps muscles (quadriceps) than hamstrings and glutes.

Typical training programs The load is emphasized on the lower part of the body, namely the quadriceps. In addition, your quadriceps are engaged every time you get up from a chair, armchair, sofa, climb the stairs, or simply get out of your car.

So it's not that uncommon for women to have stronger quadriceps than hamstrings. In fact, the ideal hamstring to quadriceps H:Q strength ratio is 2:3. Those. your quadriceps are stronger than the back of your legs.

However, if the H:Q strength ratio changes towards Q and your quadriceps muscles become even stronger, then this imbalance is fraught not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also injury to the hamstrings and knee joint. And this is not the only risk for women.

Physiological differences such as increased joint laxity, increased estrogen levels, and anatomical differences in pelvic structure and lower alignment (Q angle) make women much more susceptible to knee injuries than men.

Let's dwell a little on what angle Q is.

The quadriceps force vector is oriented laterally relative to the joint line. This is due to the large cross-sectional area and potential of the lateral head of the quadriceps. Because there is an association between patellar pathology and excessive lateral motion, assessing the lateral tension of the quadriceps relative to the patella is an important clinical measurement. It is called the “quadriceps angle” or “Q angle.”

The Q angle is determined by a line running from the anterior superior ilium to the center of the patella, and from the center of the patella to the tibial tuberosity. Angle Q can be measured in a lying or standing position. The latter option is preferable, since the knee joint is in this state most of the time.

When measuring, make sure that the lower limb is under right angle to the line connecting the anterior superior iliac bones. The foot should be in a neutral position with respect to supination and pronation, and the hip should be in a neutral position with respect to medial and lateral rotation. Draw a line from the anterior superior iliac bone to the center of the patella, and then from there to the tibial tubercle. These two lines will form an angle, which is commonly called the Q angle.

Positive sign: normal value The Q angle in women is 13-18°, while smaller and larger values ​​are considered a deviation from the norm and may indicate the risk of developing the patella in chondromalacia, as well as pathologies accompanied by its high position or abnormal movement.

Good news! Training the muscles that stabilize the knee joint may reduce the rate of injury seen in women. Not to mention, weak glutes and hamstrings can also cause flat butt syndrome or gluteal amnesia.

Although women are not always genetically predisposed to balanced leg muscles, this does not mean that everyone is stuck with it! By training your hamstrings and glutes, you can correct this imbalance and build beautiful, chiseled legs and round, strong butts.

If you know the lower half of your body needs some work, feel free to train your legs twice a week, focusing on the weaker leg muscles.

In the workouts below, you do not need to perform any isolation exercises for the quadriceps. They are sufficiently receiving a good load from the basics strength exercises such as squats and lunges.

Focus on training your glutes and hamstrings to increase their strength and symmetry in line with your quads.

Weight training

It’s better to train with light weights, because you don’t want to “pump up” So, when this thought creeps into your head, remember, muscles will never change and acquire the desired shape and size if they do not receive the necessary stimulus for growth.

And you've probably heard that the more muscle mass you gain, the more you burn excess calories and subcutaneous fat, because your body will need a lot of energy to create muscle and maintain it in an anabolic state.

Workout with an emphasis on the hamstrings and buttocks.

Use this diagram in your regular workouts along with upper body work.

Rest between sets 60 seconds, between exercises 2 - 3 minutes.


1. – 5 sets of 10 repetitions.

2. – 5 sets of 10 repetitions.

3. or perform in a glute machine – 5 sets of 10 repetitions (each leg)

4. – 5 sets of 10 repetitions.

5. – 5 sets of 10 repetitions.


1. – 3 sets of 3 – 6 repetitions.

2. – 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

3. – 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

4. – 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

5. in Smith or perform in a glute machine - 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Since you're working your legs twice a week and to help your muscles recover faster from workout to workout, supplement with amino acids and omega-3s.

During periods of heavy training, the body's natural supply of glutamine decreases, leading to a weakened immune system and an increased risk of loss. muscle tissue.

Taking a daily dose of 20-30 g of glutamine as a supplement may help you recover faster and increase plasma glutamine concentrations.

Add 1000 mg of omega-3 to reduce muscle inflammation after a hard workout on Monday and be ready for Friday's workout with the same energy and intensity.

Deadlift on one leg. Although this exercise targets both the hamstrings and glutes, it also redistributes the load to the back extensors. So you can add this movement to your back workout day as an additional load.

When working on the abductor/adductor machine, focus on keeping your knees in line with the balls of your feet.

If a girl wants to give her legs and buttocks a beautiful shape, then she should work on all muscle groups. Exercises for the hamstrings help get rid of excess fat in this area, cellulite and for their implementation, part of the training is allocated on specialized simulators. You can use these muscle groups as part of a basic movement (multiple joints) or isolated (specific work). Below are popular options on how to pump up the back of the thigh.

Hamstring muscles

The anatomy of this part of the leg is in some ways similar to the arm. Eg, posterior muscles the thighs are also called biceps or biceps, but the leg does not have triceps. This is the largest group, which, as a rule, should be downloaded. Smaller groups (semitendinosus, semimembranosus) receive their share of the load when training the hips. The biceps of the leg is responsible for flexion knee joint and extension from a sitting position.

How to tighten your thighs

The goal for an athlete can be both to reduce fat deposits in this area and to build muscle mass. Some girls want to get rid of cellulite (which is especially noticeable here), while others have very thin legs naturally and want to give them shape. To tighten your hips, you need to regularly create an unusual load on them, which will directly affect the muscles. Will help you achieve your goal balanced diet, which will contain a minimum of calories and a lot of protein (a substance that is involved in building muscle tissue).

Exercises for the back of the thigh can be divided into basic and isolated. In the first case, the target muscle groups are involved together with others when performing the movement, in the second, only the biceps femoris muscle is specifically loaded. It is recommended to start training with basic ones and end with isolating ones to achieve maximum “load”.

How to pump up the back of the thigh

The choice of training method and type of exercise depends on the goal (lose weight or gain muscle mass). For example, pump up back surface hips can be done by performing a small number of approaches with a large weight, while the muscle itself will not become larger. The muscle fibers will strengthen, become denser and the legs will be strong, beautifully shaped, but will not increase in size. If you do approaches with light weights but a high number of repetitions, then the growth of muscle mass will accelerate. This option is suitable for girls who perform exercises for the back of the thigh in order to increase volume.

Exercises for the back of the thigh

Most of the movements can be done at home, but some can only be done on special machines. For example, hip flexion is very convenient to perform in gym. In a special exercise machine, you place your feet under a bolster and simply pull your heels toward your buttocks. The back surface of the thigh works purposefully, all other muscles are not involved. This is convenient for people who have injuries to the lower back, knees and cannot work with a vertical load. The most popular options for tightening the back of the thigh are described below.


This is one of the “great three” exercises, used by all athletes (men and women) to pump up their legs, back, and buttocks. The deadlift technique involves serious stress on the knees and lower back, so everything should be done correctly. Incorrect tilt of the body, arching in the back and there is a risk of injury. To do this you will need a barbell and a stand (you can do it without it, but it will be easier with it).

The weight of the projectile should be selected based on your physical fitness and condition. It is not recommended for girls to take more than 10 kg (the weight of pancakes without a bar). During squats, try to exclude your back and lower back from the work, and strain your legs. The technique is as follows:

  1. Starting position – stand on the stand and squat down. Take the barbell, but it should not touch the floor, arms are fully straightened.
  2. As you exhale, begin to straighten your legs (not your back), the bar should rise to the level of your knees, then inhale and lower again. Concentrate on keeping the tension on your hips only.
  3. Do 2-3 sets of ten repetitions each.

Such exercises will help strengthen not only the back surface, but also the quadriceps and lower back. Over time, you will be able to lift heavier weights (15-20 kg) to maximally load your muscles and gain more high efficiency from training. You will be able to notice a tangible result after such exercises after a month of alternating or daily workouts. The main condition is adherence to technique.

Dumbbell swing

This effective exercise which can be done at home. The dumbbell swing is performed at the end of the workout, after the basic movements. You will need one dumbbell, the weight is selected individually. The technique is as follows:

  1. Place your feet wider than your shoulders, grab the dumbbell with both hands, and stretch them down.
  2. Stand with your body slightly tilted forward, with a slight arch in your lower back. Direct the projectile between your legs so that it is under your buttocks at knee level, bend your legs.
  3. On the bend, straighten the body and return the dumbbell to its original position.
  4. The exercise helps to load the upper part of the biceps and buttocks. You will see noticeable results after just a few sessions.

Single leg squats

This very technically simple exercise can be successfully performed at home. You will need to stand against the wall so that you can hold on with one hand and have a fulcrum to maintain your balance. Squats on one leg have two options: with the leg fully straightened or with the knee bent. The exercise is performed as follows:

  1. Stand against a wall, shift your weight to your left leg (you will need to change them later), slightly bending your knee.
  2. You need to bend your right leg, raising your knee up. You can grab it with your free hand for convenience.
  3. Perform a squat on your left leg, going deep down and then return to the starting position.
  4. Do 1-15 repetitions for each leg.
  5. The exercise tightens and helps pump up the back of the thigh and buttocks.

King's deadlift

This movement can remove excess volume from the thigh. To do this you will not need any additional projectiles. 10-15 approaches are performed on each leg, the result is felt after 3-4 workouts, and there is a noticeable load on the muscles. The King deadlift technique is as follows:

  1. Shift your weight to your right leg and bend your left leg. You can point it backwards rather than forwards (as in the squats described above), the foot should be parallel to the back.
  2. Stretch your arms towards the floor, bend your back slightly.
  3. At the moment of bending the supporting leg, try to reach the floor with your fingers, you can touch it.
  4. Return to the starting stance.

Jumping Lunges

Combine this exercise with jumping to get greater efficiency and additional explosive load for the hamstrings. To make the exercise more difficult, people perform it on some kind of incline (hill or stairs). Jumping lunges are a popular technique for pumping up the biceps in the gym and at home. The technician is as follows:

  1. Initial position - legs together, arms along the body, back straight (always).
  2. Take a deep step forward with your foot (lunge).
  3. Take a jump and switch your legs.
  4. If you can't jump high, help yourself by waving your arms.
  5. Repeat 10 times on each leg.

Hamstring stretch

To burn fat and cellulite, you need not only to do aerobic exercise, reduce calories and train muscles, but also to stretch them. This will help relieve stress and fatigue after intense training. Hip stretch – important stage on the way to giving your legs beautiful shapes. There are not many options to give elasticity to the muscles and they consist of reaching for socks. There are three ways to stretch your hamstrings:

  1. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward, try to keep your back straight and reach your toes with your hands. Make sure that there is no strong arching in your back; try to lie with your stomach on the front surface of your thigh, as in the photo below.
  2. The second option differs in that it is performed while standing. The same steps should be carried out, but in a vertical position.
  3. Another variation of a similar movement: stand at a table (or bench), throw one leg up on a hill and reach your toes with your hand.

Video: pumping the back of the thigh

The back of the thigh is a problem area for most women. It is susceptible to the formation of cellulite, which causes the skin there to become loose and lumpy. You can tighten it by strengthening your muscles. Men involved in sports also need to pay attention to the development of this muscle group. Otherwise, your legs will look disproportionate. In addition, weak muscles hinder progress in squats and other basic lower body exercises.

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    Muscle anatomy

    A large area on the back of the legs is occupied by the biceps femoris muscle. The semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles are also located there.

    This muscle group performs bending of the legs at the knees and their subsequent extension, as well as moving the pelvis back when tilting the body down. Accordingly, in order to pump up the muscles of the posterior thigh, it is necessary to perform exercises that imitate the listed movements. You can train your hamstrings both at home and in the gym.

    Typically, men focus their leg training on developing the quadriceps. But it's not right. Strong hamstrings are essential to lifting weights in squats and some other lower body exercises. If this muscle group is lagging behind, you can forget about deep squats. In addition, strong muscles help avoid knee injuries and sprains.

    In most exercises aimed at developing the muscles of the hamstrings, the buttocks are also included in the work, since they perform similar functions.

    Effective exercises for home workouts

    You can train your hamstrings at home. As equipment you will need to use dumbbells, a barbell or rubber expanders. If you can’t buy shells, you can take plastic bottles with water or sand.

    To notice results, you need to exercise at home regularly. But you should not overuse training, otherwise the muscles will not be able to recover.

    You should do no more than 2 classes per week. The following should be done no earlier than 24 hours after the muscle pain from the previous workout has passed.

    Effective exercises for losing weight in your arms - training at home and in the gym

    Romanian deadlift

    Basics basic exercise for the biceps - Romanian deadlift. It allows you to stretch the back of your legs well and strengthen your buttocks.

    But this exercise is dangerous if the technique is not followed. Therefore, beginners are recommended to perform it without additional weight until the movement is brought to automaticity.

    The correct technique for performing the Romanian deadlift:

    • pick up an apparatus (barbell or dumbbells);
    • place your legs slightly narrower than your shoulders, feet parallel;
    • from this position, begin to lean down with a straight back;
    • The pelvis should be pulled back, the knees should be slightly bent;
    • the weight should practically slide along the legs, otherwise the load will move from the hamstrings to the arms and back;
    • lower the projectile to the middle of the shin;
    • you should linger at this point, feeling the stretch in the back of your legs;
    • then straighten up, pressing your heels into the floor and lifting the weight with the strength of your thigh biceps and buttocks.

    You must not bend backwards at the top, otherwise you may get injured. Your back should remain perfectly straight throughout the entire movement.

    Perform the exercise at a slow pace, feeling the work of the target muscles. Inhale when lowering, and exhale when lifting.

    Besides classic version, you can do Romanian deadlifts on one leg. This exercise allows you to work out the muscles in more detail and, if necessary, correct their imbalance.

    Romanian single leg deadlift

    Leg curls with dumbbells or band

    At home, you can perform such an effective exercise as lying down leg curls with a dumbbell. It is advisable to do it on a bench, and not on the floor, so that your legs hang in the air. Then the amplitude of movement will be most complete.

    Exercise technique:

    • lie on your stomach on a bench or similar horizontal object;
    • the knees should extend slightly beyond its edge;
    • You need to hold a dumbbell between your feet;
    • firmly grasp the bench with your hands, pressing your body against it;
    • as you exhale, bend your knees, lifting the dumbbell until right angle;
    • fixate at the top point, making a peak contraction;
    • After this, straighten your legs, but do not fully straighten your knees so that the tension is maintained.

    If you don’t have a bench or other suitable object at home, you can do leg curls while lying on the floor. In this case, it is best to use weights or a rubber fitness band rather than a dumbbell. She is pressed to the floor with one leg, and the other is bent at the knee.

    Lying leg curl with rubber band

    Good morning

    This exercise received such an unusual name because it resembles a bow when wishing good morning.

    Several muscle groups are involved in the execution process: buttocks, extensors, muscles of the middle and lower back and the back of the thigh.

    Correct technique:

    • place the barbell on your shoulders;
    • lean forward, moving your pelvis back and slightly bending your knees;
    • when the body becomes almost parallel to the floor, it is necessary to straighten up, straining the biceps of the thigh and buttocks;
    • The back should be straight throughout the entire movement, the shoulders and chest should be turned.

    "Good morning"

    You need to bend by moving the pelvis back, and not by simply bending at the lower back.

    You should not use heavy weights in this exercise, as you may injure your back.


    Squats are aimed at developing the muscles of the lower body. They involve many muscle groups, but usually the quadriceps receive the most work. To shift the emphasis and maximize the use of the hamstrings and buttocks, you must follow several rules:

    • the movement should begin by moving the pelvis back, and not bending the legs at the knees;
    • you need to squat deeply - to parallel with the floor or lower;
    • At the same time, the lower back should not peck, and the back should be rounded;
    • the knees cannot be brought inward, they should point in the same directions as the socks;
    • It is necessary to get up from a squat using the force of the buttocks.

    If you squat correctly, the load will fall on the butt and hamstring muscles, which is especially important for girls. After practicing the technique, you can take weights - put a barbell on your shoulders, pick up dumbbells or bottles of water.

    Gluteal Bridge

    A glute bridge will help you work out your hamstrings and buttocks in isolation. This exercise is easy to perform both at home and in the gym.


    • lie on your back with your knees bent;
    • as you exhale, raise your pelvis, straining your buttocks so that your body forms a straight line;
    • stop at the top and squeeze the muscles as much as possible;
    • then return to the starting position, but do not lie on the floor so that the tension does not go away.

    To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, it is necessary to use weights. To do this, you can take a pancake or a small barbell.

    Glute bridge with a plate

    Home workout program

    To create a training program from the given exercises, you need to put them in the correct order. The table shows an approximate training plan for the hamstrings and buttocks.

    It is advisable to perform exercises 1-2 times a week. The rest of the time the muscles must recover. On rest days, it's a good idea to train other muscle groups or do cardio.

    In the gym

    You can also work out in the gym. There are several more opportunities there, as special simulators are installed. In addition, the gym has more equipment and you can train in a frame that allows you to safely take a barbell for squats, Romanian deadlifts, etc.

    In the gym you can perform all the exercises that are suitable for home exercises. Besides this, there are a few more additional ones.

    Leg bending in the simulator

    Almost all gyms have a lying leg curl machine. To pump up your hamstrings with its help, you need to customize the design to suit you. This should be done in such a way that your knees hang slightly over the edge of the machine, and the roller is above your ankles.

    After this setup, you can proceed directly to the exercise. Correct technique:

    • lie down on the exercise machine bench, place your legs under the bolster;
    • as you exhale, bend your knees, almost touching your buttocks;
    • “squeeze” the biceps at the top and then straighten your legs;
    • There is no need to completely straighten your knees so as not to damage them and maintain tension in the muscles.

    It is important to hold the handles tightly and not arch your lower back, as this shifts the emphasis of the load from the muscles of the back of the thigh to the lower back.

    The leg curl machine is of the block type, when the weights are placed in tiles (blocks). It can also work with free weights when adding plates is required.

    You can use a similar design to perform this exercise while standing. The technique will be almost identical.

    Less commonly, you can find a seated leg curl machine. Its advantage is that there is no pressure on the lower back.

    Hyperextension with round back

    Another exercise that targets the hamstrings and glutes is hyperextension. It is performed in a special simulator, which first needs to be adjusted to suit you. To engage the necessary muscles, and not the lower back, the cushions of the exercise machine should be lowered as low as possible.

    Technique for performing hyperextension:

    • take a position on the simulator;
    • cross your arms over your chest or behind your head;
    • while inhaling, lower yourself, rounding your upper back so that the angle between your legs and body is 90 degrees;
    • the gaze should be directed downwards;
    • as you exhale, you should rise so that the body becomes parallel to the floor;
    • perform the required number of repetitions.

    Hyperextension with round back

    It is advisable to lower slowly, and rise sharply due to the efforts of the rear muscles of the thigh and buttocks.

    There is an opinion that this exercise negatively affects the back. To avoid problems, you can only slightly round your upper back and keep your lower back straight. Once the technique has been learned, you can pick up a barbell plate and press it to your chest. But you shouldn’t use a lot of weight in this exercise.

    Gym training program

    The workout plan at the gym will be slightly different. An example of a training program is shown in the table.

    The last two exercises can be performed as a superset. That is, first you need to do required amount repetitions of hyperextension, and then immediately, without interruption, proceed to perform the gluteal bridge.

    You should exercise in the same way as at home: 1–2 times a week. The next workout cannot be carried out until the muscle pain from the previous one has passed.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

    I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

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If a girl wants to give her legs and buttocks a beautiful shape, then she should work on all muscle groups. Exercises for the back of the thigh help get rid of excess fat in this area, cellulite, and to perform them, part of the workout is allocated on specialized exercise machines. You can use these muscle groups as part of a basic movement (multiple joints) or isolated (specific work). Below are popular options on how to pump up the back of the thigh.

How to stretch your hamstrings?

Stretching is the basis of any workout. Poorly stretched muscles not only work worse, but are also extremely susceptible to all kinds of injuries. It is recommended both before training - warm-up, and after - cool-down. Before starting classes, it is better to warm up your joints well, and also perform dynamic warm-up - running, jumping, jumping rope. For a cool down would be better suited smooth stretching of the muscles involved in training.

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The following exercises are good for stretching your backside:

  • Fold - sitting on the floor, legs straight, back straight. We raise our arms up and then smoothly lower ourselves down to our feet. Try not to bend your knees and press them firmly into the floor.
  • Deep lunge with a straight leg - one leg is bent at the knee, the other is pushed back as far as possible. Try to keep your knee straight.
  • Boat – lie on your stomach. As you inhale, clasp your ankle with your hands and arch your back and sway slightly, like a boat. As you exhale, relax and return to the starting position.

All exercises must be performed slowly, as if freezing for a certain time.

How to pump up the back of the thigh

The choice of training method and type of exercise depends on the goal (lose weight or gain muscle mass). For example, you can pump up the back of the thigh by performing a small number of approaches with a large weight, but the muscle itself will not become larger. The muscle fibers will strengthen, become denser and the legs will be strong, beautifully shaped, but will not increase in size. If you do approaches with light weights but a high number of repetitions, then the growth of muscle mass will accelerate. This option is suitable for girls who perform exercises for the back of the thigh in order to increase volume.

Example of a hamstring workout

Below are some exercises for the hamstrings that you can do at home. They do not require complex sports equipment. Dumbbells and weights can easily be replaced with bottles or bags of sand. After a short warm-up, proceed to the first exercise.

Leg raise while lying on your stomach

Lie on the floor with your stomach down. Bend your elbows and place them under your chin. This is the starting position for the first two exercises in this section. Tighten your buttock muscles as much as possible and lift your right leg up without bending it. Slowly lower your leg down, but try not to touch the floor. Perform the required number of repetitions and change legs. In the future, you can make this movement more difficult by wearing weights on your working leg or securing your legs with a rubber band. Also, to increase the load, you can lift the upper part of the body by stretching your arms forward. Then you will work the entire back surface of your body.

Information for men

Raising your legs bent at the knees while lying on your stomach

Return to the starting position. Bend both knees at right angles, keeping your feet parallel to the floor. Raise both legs up at the same time. Slowly return them to their original position, but do not lower them completely to the floor.

Raising your hips up

Get on your knees, place your hands on your palms in front of you, body parallel to the floor. Tighten your abs. Stretch your right leg back, bend it at the knee and lift your thigh up as much as possible. Repeat with your left leg.


You can just squat, but to pump your back better, use 1-1.5 kg weights (dumbbells, water bottles). Stand straight, knees slightly bent, weight in hands. Bend your elbows and lift the equipment towards your chest. We do squats so that our thighs are parallel to the floor.

Jumping Lunges

Lunges are the most common exercise for developing the hamstrings. This exercise does not have to be done in the gym; it is well suited for home use. In addition, the lunge exercise does not require additional equipment such as a dumbbell or barbell.

  • You need to stand in the basic stance: arms along the body, legs together. Make sure your back is straight.
  • Lunge forward with your foot. It is best to start the exercises with the right leg.
  • When jumping up, switch legs. To ensure that the jump is at a sufficiently large distance from the floor, help yourself by waving your arms.

In order to achieve the desired effect, you need to perform this exercise daily. The exercise tightens the leg muscles well and keeps the body in good shape.

Tips to keep your back thighs beautiful and toned

To keep the back of the thigh beautiful and toned, you need to train regularly and do the exercises correctly. To achieve better effect, observe the following recommendations:

The most important thing is to do the exercises correctly. If you can’t do it yourself, then you need to contact a trainer and get instructions, then you can practice at home.

Exercises should be performed slowly and diligently, trying to work all the necessary muscles. You need to feel how they work, contract, then the training will be effective.

Before and after training, you should definitely stretch to avoid injury and prevent muscle pain the next day.

You need to know when to stop, don’t overload your legs today if you plan to run tomorrow morning.

If you want to get rid of cellulite, then after performing exercises on the back of the thigh you need to do a massage and a warm wrap.

It is very important to breathe correctly, inhale with effort, and exhale with relaxation.

When not to do hamstring exercises

For most people, the hamstrings are worked during leg training. Sometimes people break up their strength training, preferring to include exercises for a given muscle group with back work.

If the muscles of the back of the thigh are in a state of tension, then isolation exercises, lying or sitting, should be excluded. If you plan to go running the day after strength training, then isolation exercises for the back of the thigh should not be done.

Exercises for the back of the thigh in the gym

The muscle group in question is quite difficult to load well without the use of exercise machines and weights. Therefore, you will have much more opportunities in the hall. We'll talk about them now.

Wide Leg Squats

Similar to the “home” version. But now we have the opportunity to use a barbell as a weight or squat with dumbbells. Perform 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps

Deadlift on straight legs

One of best exercises on the back of the thigh. When performing it, it is important to bend the torso by rotating in hip joint. Your back must be kept straight. Your knees can be slightly bent. Perform 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps

High-stance platform press

If in a leg press machine you place your feet higher than usual, approximately on the top edge of the platform, then most of the load will go to the back of the thighs. It is important not to lift your pelvis from the seat while performing presses. Perform 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

We will break down the hip exercises by the muscle groups they work. The number of sets and repetitions depends on the working weight and your training. If you do exercises without weights, aim for three sets of 20–25 reps. With weighting, the number of times can be reduced to 5–10 per approach, depending on the working weight.

Exercises for the front of the thigh

These exercises help strengthen the quadriceps, a strong muscle with four heads that is located on the front of the thigh.

1. Squats

If you're just starting out, regular squats will be enough. Pay attention to the technique: do not round your back, turn your toes and knees to the sides, squat until parallel to the floor or slightly lower.

When your muscles get used to the load, master squats with a barbell. Here is a more detailed look at the technique of proper squatting.

2. Lunges

There are many options for lunges: in place, backward, in motion. If space is limited, you can do lunges on the spot.

Make sure your knee does not go past your foot. Lower yourself low until the knee of your back leg touches the floor, keeping your back straight.

If you work out at the gym or on the street, try moving lunges.

You can make the exercise more difficult by picking up dumbbells or weights. If your balance is okay, try lunges with a barbell.

3. Stepping onto a pedestal

You can climb to any elevation that suits your height: a chair, a stand, a step, a step, a bench in the park. At the same time, make sure that the knee does not curl inward.

If you want to make the exercise more challenging, try walking backwards into a lunge. Step onto the pedestal with your right foot, bend your left knee and bring it forward. Step off the pedestal by stepping on your left foot. Take your right leg back and go into a lunge, reaching your knee to the floor. Straighten up and repeat the exercise.

You can pick up dumbbells or weights and perform the exercise with a bodybar or barbell.

4. Leg row with expander

For this exercise you will need a crossover trainer or resistance band.

Lie on the floor on your back, hook a resistance band or crossover strap to the ankle of your working leg. Overcoming resistance, lift your leg while bending it at the knee.

5. Single-leg Pistol Squats

Single-leg squats require fairly developed thigh muscles. If you still can't squat without support, try doing the exercise while holding loops or gymnastic rings.

Split squat

Split squats can be performed with one leg on a bench, stand, or other elevated surface. You can also use loops or gymnastic rings.

During the squat, make sure that the knee of the leg in front is above the foot and does not curl inward. If you cannot rise with your knee facing outward, it is too early for you to do this exercise.

The lower you squat, the better you will work the muscles of your hips and buttocks. To make it more difficult, you can pick up dumbbells or weights.

7. Squat Jumps

This explosive exercise will help to better pump your muscles if you don't have enough time and can't use free weights.

Do a deep squat and jump up from the bottom. While squatting, do not lift your heels off the floor. You can hold your hands in front of you or behind your head.

Try to squat deeply throughout the entire set, even when your muscles are tired.

8. Alternating legs while jumping

Another explosive exercise. Stand straight, feet together, hands on your waist. Jump up and land in a lunge position: right leg forward, left leg behind. From the bottom point, jump as high as possible, switch legs in the air and land with your left leg in front.

9. Jumping with your foot on a pedestal

This is an even more difficult exercise. Stand with your back to the cabinet and place a sock on it. Do a squat on one leg and jump up from the bottom point.

Exercises for the back of the thigh

The following exercises help to pump up the muscles of the hamstrings: biceps, semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles.

This is probably the best for working the hamstrings.

Carrying out deadlift, watch the position of your back: it should be straight throughout the entire exercise, otherwise the load will go to the lower back. To avoid this, tighten your glutes extra during the lift.

The bar of the barbell is as close as possible to the shins; the knees do not turn inward.

The deadlift is ideal for stretching and pumping the hamstrings by minimally bending the knees. The exercise is also called a straight-legged deadlift, but it is better if the knees are slightly bent.

During the tilt, the pelvis does not move back much (unlike the Romanian deadlift), you move by stretching the back of the thigh. Never round your spine. If you don't have enough stretch to lower the barbell to the floor with a straight back and almost straight knees, try reaching only to the middle of your shins.

The difference between the Romanian deadlift and the deadlift is that it requires you to push your pelvis back strongly, bend your knees a little more and lower the barbell only to the middle of your shin.

The downward movement begins with moving the pelvis back, due to which the body bends. Lower yourself until the bar reaches mid-calf, then rise back up. Try to keep your shoulder blades retracted during the exercise.

4. Lying leg row with expander

This exercise can be performed in a crossover or with rubber expander. Lie on the floor on your stomach, wrap the loop around your leg. Overcoming the resistance of the expander, bend your leg at the knee to a right angle or more.

This exercise works great on the back of the thigh, but requires a developed sense of balance.

Take dumbbells in your hands, take one leg back and do not lower it to the floor until the end of the exercise.

6. Pull-ups with legs on a pedestal

This exercise can be performed on two horizontal bars on the sports field or simply put your feet on a cabinet or chair. I will describe an option for home training.

Sit on the floor with your feet elevated. Raise your body on your arms so that your pelvis hangs in the air. Bend your knees and lift your pelvis up so that your body is parallel to the floor.

Perform three sets of 10 reps.

Exercises for the inner thigh

Deadlift with expander

The exercise can be performed with a crossover exercise machine or an expander rubber band. Stand with your right side to the crossover, hook the loop around the ankle of your right foot. Step back a little, pulling on the expander or crossover cable, and raise your working leg - this is the starting position.

Overcoming resistance, put your working leg to the supporting leg, and then take it back.

Lie on your right side and lift your body, resting on your forearm. Bend your left knee and place your foot on the floor. Raise your right leg straight off the floor, hold for two to three seconds and lower.

Sumo squat

Take a dumbbell or kettlebell in your hands, spread your legs wider, spread your toes to the sides. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor or lower. Straighten up and repeat.

The exercise can be performed using steps or other elevations to deepen the squat.

Exercises for the outer thigh

The exercises presented below help pump up the abductors (abductor muscles of the thigh): the gluteus medius and the tensor fasciae lata, as well as the vastus lateralis muscle - one of the heads of the quadriceps.

This simulator allows you to pump the hip abductor muscles in isolation. For greater effect, before starting the exercise, tighten your buttocks so that you slightly rise in the chair, and then begin the exercise, without relaxing your buttocks until the end of the approach.

However, in some cases this exercise can be dangerous. In addition to the gluteus medius muscles and the tensor fascia lata, the piriformis muscles are included in the work. And if you do not calculate the load, these deep muscles can contract and press on the sciatic nerve, causing pain.

Therefore, add weight or number of repetitions gradually, performing the exercise no more than once a week.

Leg abduction with expander

The exercise can be performed in a crossover or with an expander.

Hook the loop on your right leg and turn to the machine with your left side. Overcoming resistance, lift your leg 45 degrees.

An hourglass resistance band or a small resistance band is suitable for this exercise. Place the expander on your legs above the knees, lie on your side, leaning on your forearm, bend your legs.

Exercise every other day if you choose weight-bearing exercises, and every day if you like easier options without weights, and you will see progress after just a few days of intense exercise.
