Insulation of a metal chimney pipe: materials, nuances and methods. Insulation of heating pipelines Insulation of a chimney in a steam room

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Installation of a chimney in a bathhouse

The chimney in the bathhouse must be made detachable, that is, from two parts: lower and upper. Not only because it will be easier to install it this way, but also in order to achieve the best efficiency.

Firstly, steel pipe the inside of the bathhouse will release heat, warming the space in the steam room faster.

Secondly, it can be replaced without damaging the thermal insulation layer.

The lower pipe, which extends directly from the fire source - the stove, heats up more and burns out, which is why it needs periodic replacement.

The connection of the parts of the riser must be made in the middle of the attic of the bathhouse. This will allow for proper thermal insulation of the upper part of the chimney. Both pipes usually have the same cross-section because they are sections of one.

The upper part of the riser should be insulated according to following instructions. First of all, you need to wrap it with insulation, then measure the diameter of the resulting structure. This size will be needed in order to determine the width of the galvanized steel sheet from which the casing for the outer pipe will be made.

Scheme of installing the furnace on the foundation for additional insulation.

Having received the initial data, we proceed to isolation:

  • we cut out two rectangles from a sheet of galvanized steel and roll them around the circumference, connecting the edges by rolling;
  • we cut off a strip of 20 cm from the same sheet and the length of the corresponding circumference of the riser, adding 30 mm, - we get a clamp with which we connect the lower and upper parts of the chimney;
  • We make four more rings using the same dimensions in order to close the insulation at the upper and lower ends;
  • We weld a metal strip 4 cm wide and 2 mm thick around the circumference to the end of the upper part of the chimney from below to form a pipe on which the upper pipe will be supported.

A 40 cm square hole should be cut in the ceiling above the passing riser so that the chimney is located exactly in its center. A similar hole is made in the outer roof of the bathhouse. Then you should cut out two squares from a thick sheet of metal measuring 50x50 cm. They need to be fixed to the ceiling and roof. It is necessary to drill holes in the corners of the workpieces for subsequent fastening. Holes should be made in the center of the metal squares equal to the diameter of the riser. On the workpiece that will be attached to the roof, the hole must be made not round, but oval, because it will need to be hemmed to the roof slope.

Making a sandwich chimney

Further steps for installing a sandwich chimney are carried out in the following order:

  • We put a galvanized casing on the insulated riser mineral wool, the ends of the segments of which should first be sealed with rings, bending the edges of the outer pipes to fix them;
  • the upper, insulated end of the lower riser is pushed into round hole on the ceiling, the lower single-circuit section of the chimney is put on the stove pipe;
  • making sure that the chimney runs exactly in the center of the hole in the ceiling, you should screw a sheet of metal to the ceiling;
  • We push the upper part of the chimney through the hole in the roof, then place it in the same way on the lower part of the riser, flush against the pipes welded in advance. We connect both parts with a clamp;
  • screw it on top sheet metal to inside roofs;
  • We pour expanded clay onto a sheet of metal located around the riser or fill it with clay or asbestos.

Diagram of a sandwich pipe with insulation.

However, insulation is possible using another method - by putting it on top tube ready-made sections of thermal insulation, which can withstand temperatures up to 1500°C. Teploizol is a layer of foamed polyethylene, which is covered with aluminum foil. Rectangular pieces are also cut out of it and wrapped around the chimney to insulate it.

The material Folgoizol, the outer shell of which is made of food-grade aluminum, has a similar property.

The upper part of the chimney is wrapped with any of these materials: from the junction with the bottom to the exit from the roof opening. Metal clamps are used to secure the insulation.

Before you start wrapping the pipe with mineral wool, thermal insulation or foil insulation, the outer surface of the chimney should be treated with a special heat-resistant sealant that can withstand temperatures up to 1000°C. This is necessary so that the outer layer of the sandwich chimney does not slip on the surface metal pipe.

After insulating the chimney, care should be taken to ensure sufficient waterproofing. Where the pipe passes through the roof of the bathhouse, you need to install a seal using factory sealant. A tin cap should be welded to the top to protect the chimney opening from atmospheric precipitation.

The article will discuss how and with what to insulate a chimney pipe. Several practical methods are presented.

Insulation of the chimney pipe is required to avoid leaks and overheating. Simply put, it allows you to increase the service life of the structure. Experts recommend performing complex work, which includes hydro and fire insulation.

Bath chimney

When performing isolation chimney In a bathhouse, the safety of people should be a priority. The main threat indoors comes from open fire. Therefore, it must be protected by first making the ceiling resistant to high temperatures.

Basically, baths are built from wood, a flammable material. A very common misconception is the idea that covering the ceiling with metal sheets will be sufficient. But in reality, such protection is not enough. After all, the upholstery will still heat up, which can lead to fire. A popular solution to the problem is to insulate the chimney pipe with red brick. But this is not suitable for every bath design.

There are now two good options for chimney insulation:

  • Folgoizol. A bathhouse with such insulation will not lose heat; everything works like a thermos. At the same time, it warms up quite quickly, maintaining the temperature for a long time.
  • Teploizol. The material is used for winding the chimney.

A popular solution is to use sandwich pipes, which demonstrate high degree security. The insulation design consists of several sections that are easily combined with each other. Such option will do including for saunas with a metal stove.

It is important to take a responsible approach to brickwork in the bathhouse. The service life of the building directly depends on its quality. You cannot save on materials or work. After all, the need for repairs in the future will be associated with much greater costs.

Metal chimney winding

“What should I use to wrap a metal chimney pipe in a bathhouse?” - a popular question among summer residents. After all, there are many materials used for this garden. The absence of flammable substances in the coating is a primary nuance that must be taken into account. Preferably use quality material, having all the necessary properties. It should also be completely safe to use.

The most common materials:

  1. Glass wool;
  2. Fibrous building materials;
  3. Mineral wool.

Insulation of a metal chimney

Insulation of chimney pipes metal chimney- a separate topic for discussion. After all, it contains a number of nuances, which will be discussed below. This is a very difficult task, so it is recommended to perform it during the construction of the bathhouse. It is more difficult to work with a finished building, because the roof may need to be reconstructed.

Good decision Sandwich pipes will be used. This design is easy to manufacture and will also reduce the cost of specialists. However, the material itself is not budget-friendly. But the service life and quality fully justify its cost. Sandwich pipes are additionally insulated with mineral wool.

How to insulate a chimney pipe is up to everyone to decide for themselves. It is important to remember that such insulation allows you to protect the chimney from negative impact combustion products, as well as moisture. If you do not take care of the insulation in time, there is a risk of destruction of the bathhouse. After all enhanced by action Acid condensate slowly destroys building materials. It poses the greatest threat in the spring, when the pipe begins to thaw (more details: " ").

Making boxes

About what to insulate iron pipe chimney, it was said earlier. Now you can move on to the next step. Many people think that making a chimney box is too difficult a task. In reality this is not the case. It is enough to approach the work responsibly and competently.

Required tools:

  • Drill;
  • Metal scissors;
  • Compass;
  • Metal sheets;
  • Self-tapping screws.

Stages of work:

  1. Preparing the hole. Along the edges it is necessary to secure the bars, which will act as a support for the body.
  2. Two blanks are cut from a metal sheet. They are given a U-shape. Then the finished parts are screwed to the ceiling using self-tapping screws.
  3. Again, two blanks are made, but they are already secured to standing sheets with a small spade. This results in a seamless frame in the ceiling.
  4. Now the bottom for the box is made from a metal sheet. There should be a hole for the chimney in the center of the workpiece; a compass will be needed here.
  5. The box contains four two-centimeter fasteners. They are cut out and bent perpendicular to the bottom.
  6. Walls are attached to the bottom. Now the chimney is inserted into the box, it is additionally secured with clamps. The voids are filled with an insulating layer.

Chimney installation

Chimney installation - not so much simple task, as it might seem at first glance. There are many nuances that should be taken into account. If the chimney is installed insufficiently well, this can lead to damage to property, as well as creating discomfort for the people inside and harming their health.

Stages of work:

  1. The preparatory stage, where a work project is selected, materials are purchased, and the form of construction is determined. There are straight chimneys, as well as designs with various bends.
  2. Now you can begin assembling the chimney. Pipe connections, elbows and tees must be secured with clamps.
  3. Placing a chimney through the roof using special tool. To begin with, the level of the roof slope is determined, based on the data obtained, a suitable place. A hole is cut in it for the workpiece. Everything is insulated from above with a roof section, and from the inside - with a tire sheet. Read also: "".
  4. A special apron is attached to the pipe. The pipe is extended to required sizes, its top is partially isolated by a special umbrella-shaped lid. It will prevent precipitation from entering the chimney.

Chimney fastening

The workpiece must be brought to the roof through the attic. All cracks, especially the voids between the roof and the pipe, are filled with waterproofing. When removing the workpiece, you must remember safety precautions.

An elbow is used to secure the chimney pipe. It is designed to regulate the vertical position of the structure. To give everything reliability, the pipe is additionally attached to the wall using suitable brackets. Usually they are included in a ready-made kit. They can also be made by hand; it is best to use metal corners as a base for them.

Once the insulating structure is in place and securely fixed, it is necessary to cover the chimney pipe with an umbrella. It is designed to protect the structure from precipitation, poplar fluff and fallen leaves. It is also necessary to think in advance about how to coat the chimney pipe in order to prevent leaks.

Replacing a brick pipe with a metal one

If a brick chimney is not enough, it can be further extended using a metal pipe. The task is labor-intensive, but completely achievable. It is important to approach it with full responsibility.

To begin with, a flat steel platform with pipe. Moreover, its diameter should be the same as the diameter of the metal pipe that is planned to be used. The platform must be securely secured. It is fixed with dowels and screws. Sealing will add additional reliability.

Work order:

  • On the brickwork you need to mark the points at which the fastening will be installed. They cannot be placed on a masonry seam. It is advisable to place them closer to the center of the brick, and not on its edge.
  • Holes are drilled in the marked places to place dowels. At the same points, holes are made on the flat surface; the self-tapping screws will go there.
  • Fireproof sealant is applied to the brick base, then a steel platform is placed there. Self-tapping screws are screwed into dowels. It is important to ensure tight fit and uniformity.
  • Now all that remains is to wait for the sealant to dry completely and proceed directly to extending the chimney using a metal pipe.

Important installation details:

  1. If the length of the pipe section above the roof exceeds 1.5 m, it is recommended to equip it with special guy wires that strengthen the structure (read also: " ").
  2. You cannot install a pipe whose length from the stove to the tip is more than 5 m.
  3. Installing special plugs allows you to get rid of condensation.
  4. The section of the chimney above the roof must be longer than 1.5 m.
  5. You cannot narrow the pipe when installing the chimney.
  6. Nearby structures made of flammable materials should not reach a temperature of 50 o C.
  7. The chimney must not be placed near electrical wiring.

The decision on how to insulate a metal chimney pipe should be made based on the budget, as well as the needs of the structure. It is important to approach the task as responsibly as possible, carrying out work in full compliance with all standards and nuances. Then the chimney insulation will last a long time without complaints.

In this article we will talk about the best way to wrap a metal chimney pipe in order to insulate it from fire and at the same time insulate it. In general, in order to isolate a chimney duct you need to know certain rules. In general, insulation helps extend the life of the chimney.

After building a house, carrying out work on roof insulation, and insulating it, it’s time to start waterproofing the channels. There are several positive aspects to such work, which we will look at later. So, insulating a chimney pipe allows you to:

  1. Reduce thermal energy consumption, it is noticeably reduced.
  2. Preserve and secure the passage through the roof itself.
  3. Ensure high wear resistance of the structure.
  4. Create a certain interior style without relying on a pipe.

In principle, there are no special difficulties this work should not cause, but it is still worth understanding that in order to properly insulate, you need to choose the type of insulation that is suitable specifically for your home and performs the functions assigned to it.

Selection of material for thermal insulation

There is no particular difference between insulating the chimney in the house or insulating the chimney in the bathhouse. The choice of insulation must be approached extremely responsibly and under no circumstances should you purchase cheap materials that will not last the required period. The main requirements for insulation must be based on two factors:

  • non-flammable;
  • non-toxic.

The choice can be made from basalt, stone or mineral wool (glass wool). Due to their characteristics, these types of insulation can withstand quite serious temperature changes; in addition, such material can withstand even direct exposure to fire. In addition, the presence of pores allows you to retain heat.

There are also so-called multifunctional types of insulation - teploizol and folgoizol. They are excellent for insulating a chimney in a bathhouse, since the temperature there rarely exceeds 150-200 degrees.

Basalt insulation

Given its spread and popularity, we need to talk a little more about it. So, as already mentioned, it tolerates high temperatures and even direct exposure to fire. Therefore, it is possible to “cover” and insulate the channel along its entire length, even at the junction with the heat source. In addition, for a chimney on the roof, the use of such wool is simply necessary, because it is recommended to make a thermal “layer” between the ceilings from it. After all, it is non-flammable and is perfect for a chimney.

Basalt thermal insulation shell for chimneys

However, despite such wide opportunities and positive aspects, it also has disadvantages:

  • There is no sufficient tightness, and all because of the presence of technological seams.
  • High cost.
  • Harm to health during installation may result if you tear off a piece of the material and gut it; the resulting dust will not have a positive effect on the respiratory tract.
  • The ability to pass steam does not allow its use in some cases.

Stainless steel casing

The casing parts are fastened together using self-tapping screws. The casing itself must be formed from metal profiles, if you use metal sheets, then in principle you can use wood, but judging from experience, it is better to install a base from profiles.

Pipe insulation using stone wool and metal sheet

To make a box in the ceiling, you need to use a stainless steel sheet. Four identical U-shaped sheets of metal with prepared holes are cut out of it. They are connected to each other using self-tapping screws and screwed to the ceiling. After this, you need to prepare the bottom for this casing; use a similar material for it. A square is cut according to size, a hole is made in it for the pipe required diameter. After this, we fasten the bottom, insert the pipe and lay insulation.

For this kind of work on thermal insulation of chimney pipes, wood can also be used. Often taken as a basis wooden blocks, which are sheathed with OSB panels. Also, after installing the pipe in a specially cut hole, the voids are filled with insulation.

Panels made of wood and metal, expanded clay inside

Slag-reinforced concrete insulation slabs

Specifics concrete slabs has some differences, namely, using cotton wool in this case is not recommended. You can insulate using bricks or tiles. In the absence of bricks, you can use glass wool for a slag concrete slab. Also, do not forget about the finishing features; in this case, it is even recommended to use special solutions, which can insulate just as well and are resistant to temperature changes.

Specifics of insulation work

The specifics include a certain stage, which depends on what insulation material was chosen and what the ceiling consists of. Pay attention to the manufacture of the chimney itself. If it is metal, then you will not have any serious problems; it will be enough to use the above plan. But the main thing is to choose the right insulation for the chimney.

Regulatory requirements for installation of thermal insulation

Regulatory rules include compliance with safety standards during work. This includes the use of special protective equipment:

  • Glasses.
  • Gloves.
  • Respirator.

Also, take care of your tools. When working with insulation, you will need various devices, without which you simply will not be able to do anything.

Basic methods of insulation

We have already discussed the insulation of a metal chimney in particular above. Determine what the casing in the ceiling and on the roof will be made of. Special attention Pay attention to places of insulation near the outlet of the pipe, in those places the greatest temperature difference is observed.

Method of insulating a steel chimney

There is no particular difference between the insulation of a stainless steel channel and the like. Also pay attention to the transition directly in the house, as well as in the insulated part of the roof. Often, many owners are careless about arranging a channel in the attic, but in most cases it is from there that the fire begins to spread. According to the advice of many experts, it is better to completely thermally insulate the channel in an unheated room.

Gas boiler flue insulation

IN in this case The same places that were discussed above need to be insulated. You can use the same materials for this as for solid fuel boilers. That is, opt for basalt or asbestos-cement slabs, with a layer of “stainless steel” covered on top.

During the heating process, the liquid, which is used as a coolant, circulates throughout the system. In order not to lose useful heat and avoid excessive overheating of the room, heating pipelines are insulated.

Such work is necessary in country houses, if the heating pipelines run along the street from the boiler room, or when the boiler is located in the far wing of the building, and the pipes are stretched along cold corridors. This helps deliver more heat into the room, retaining it along the entire route: from the boiler room to the heating radiators.

Several types of insulation are used as materials; they differ in thermal conductivity and installation methods, and when choosing a material you need to know at least a little about its qualities.

Foamed polyethylene

This is a flexible insulation that is produced in the form of pipes various sizes, with a cut in the middle (this is made for ease of installation).


When insulating a pipeline with this material, pieces of insulation are applied to the pipes along the entire length and secured with construction tape. The joints or pipe connections must be covered with insulation of a thicker diameter. Therefore, before starting work you need to approximately calculate required quantity insulation different sizes.

This brand of insulation is very convenient; it can be easily cut, and the remaining pieces can be used elsewhere, making one long part from several pieces.

Fiberglass insulation

This type of insulation is most in demand among builders. This material is relatively light in weight and is not at all susceptible to rotting. That is why it is often used to insulate pipes located on the street.


During installation, the pipes are wrapped with insulation and secured with binding wire. For additional protection from exposure to moisture from the outside it is tied with roofing felt or construction foil.

Basalt wool

These are shaped insulation elements, which are made in the form of plates and cylinders. Such insulation is fireproof, has good strength and does not allow moisture to pass through. Its installation is quite simple; as in the case of fiberglass insulation, it is additionally protected with aluminum foil or roofing felt.

Expanded polystyrene

This insulation is made in the form of two shells of different sizes; they are fastened together using special grooves, but to secure the connection they must be additionally secured with special glue or tape.


When connecting on pipes, the halves of the insulation are connected to each other and the two parts are shifted in different directions by several centimeters. The next link is also connected, and the remaining ends are joined together, resulting in a kind of “overlap” of one connection onto another, which provides a better bond.

To insulate awkward areas and corners, shaped shells that have unequal dimensions are used.

In order to carry out high-quality insulation with this material, you need to calculate in advance the length of the pipeline, the number of joints and bends. This is required to purchase required quantity connecting parts.

Polyurethane foam

This insulation is applied by spraying. A specially prepared composition is sprayed onto the installed pipeline. It reliably adheres to the surface and, when foaming, forms a dense protective mass with high strength.

Due to the fact that this insulation does not withstand exposure sun rays insulation of pipes located in the open air with it must be accompanied by their protection: winding with roofing felt or aluminum foil.

For high-quality insulation of pipes, insulation materials can be combined. For example, in a boiler room and outdoors they can be covered with mineral wool or basalt insulation. And in the house, the connections to the heating radiators are made of foamed polyethylene, which looks more aesthetically pleasing.

This material, which is used to insulate heating pipelines, will eliminate some of the difficulties that arise during the installation of other insulation materials.

More the better…

This slogan refers to the installation of such insulation. It is applied with a spray or a regular brush, and the more layers are applied to the pipe, the better the heat will be retained. And the process itself is much easier than installing other types of insulation. It can be applied without any problems both to a smooth pipe located in good accessibility, and to hidden, inconvenient areas.

When do you need to take care of pipeline insulation?

It is best to install insulation while laying pipes and branches in the room. At this stage, it will be easier for you to select sizes (when choosing roll or tubular insulation), and in the end there will be less waste, and this, accordingly, will save money.

Insulation repair

In front of everyone positive qualities For all types of materials, it would be useful to carry out a preventive inspection of the entire heating line before the onset of the winter season. In order to avoid troubles in the future, areas of insulation that have become unusable due to some circumstances must be replaced.


Video on installation of mineral wool cylinders:


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The chimney is the most important element of a stove or heating system private house. For the pipe to function effectively, insulation is necessary, which only seems simple. The design and installation of insulation requires compliance with certain rules and compliance with safety regulations, and professional skills from the contractor.

Why insulate a chimney pipe outdoors?

The chimney experiences heavy loads during operation: the action of hot air and pressure. Tons of combustion products pass through the chimney, which, under certain conditions, enter with air and moisture. chemical reaction. As a result, the process of natural corrosion accelerates, which leads to disruption of the pipe. Insulation reduces the risk of mechanical and chemical corrosion of the chimney. The costs of insulating the system will be fully recouped, as they lead to tangible positive results.

Causes of chimney destruction

During operation, the chimney elements undergo gradual destruction, which can lead to failure of the entire stove (fireplace) system.

There are two factors that damage the chimney pipe:

  • moisture;
  • chemicals.

Moisture on the walls of the pipe is condensation, which is formed as a result of the meeting of hot air rising from the furnace with cold outside air. As the liquid accumulates, it gradually destroys the pipe. High temperatures act as a catalyst, increasing the corrosion rate several times.

Another reason is aggressive substances that arise during fuel combustion. Under the influence high temperature and moisture form active compounds: acids, alkalis, salts, which penetrate into the thickness of the material along with condensate and cause chemical corrosion.

The impact of destructive factors depends on the temperature difference between by air flow rising from the firebox and the walls of the chimney. How stronger pipe cools outside, the stronger the destructive effect.

Advantages of an insulated chimney

Chimney insulation minimizes the impact of factors that reduce the service life of the pipe. Main task The solution that the insulation solves is to raise the level of condensation formation as high as possible (ideally, up to the very end of the pipe, i.e., to direct contact with the outside air). This is achieved by increasing the temperature by inner surface smoke channel and reducing the temperature difference between steam and pipe. Insulation significantly increases the service life of the pipe, and, consequently, its service life. In addition, routine pipe repairs will be carried out less frequently and at lower costs. What does chimney insulation provide:

  1. Eliminates the formation of condensation, prevents the action of aggressive components that simply evaporate along with the flow of hot air.
  2. Protects the structure from external factors(air temperature, precipitation, wind).
  3. Provides an energy-saving effect, which consists in lower thermal output of the chimney. This leads to savings in fuel needed to maintain the required temperature in the furnace.

The insulation prevents the destruction of the pipe material under the influence of precipitation, and also increases the frost resistance of the system. Thermal insulation eliminates the effect of elevated temperature on roofing material in areas of contact with the chimney. This eliminates the risk of roof destruction in the area where the pipe is attached, which leads to cost savings during ongoing repairs.

How to insulate the outside of a chimney?

In order to reliably insulate chimneys, materials are used that provide a high degree of thermal insulation. They exclude the influence of external climatic factors on the heat balance in the chimney duct. Manufacturers building materials offer modern thermal insulation materials V large assortment, some of which are used as insulation for pipes.

Basalt thermal insulation

Thermal insulation, which is made from mineral wool or basalt, is widely used for insulating chimneys. This material is formed by fibers obtained from the melt of volcanic rock - gabbro-basalt, and therefore has high heat resistance and strength. Advantages of basalt thermal insulation:

  • high thermal insulation properties(up to 95% of the heat is stored inside the channel);
  • good permeability to steam with high waterproofing parameters;
  • high chemical and corrosion resistance;
  • resistance to the formation of mold and fungi;
  • vibration resistance;
  • high heat resistance (maintains properties when heated to 100 degrees);
  • non-flammability;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation (sun rays).

Stainless steel casing

Recently, standard metal casings in the form of a stainless steel pipe have been used. The use of a metal shell provides high mechanical strength, reliable protection from moisture and aggressive substances.

This casing is installed on a chimney made of steel stainless pipe smaller diameter. The interpipe space is filled with mineral basalt wool. The outside of the casing is covered with insulation up to 5 cm thick. The thickness of the gap between the pipes is 7-10 cm.

Wooden shields

One of the simplest insulation materials is wooden panels. This insulation is manufactured in the form wooden frame from panels with dimensions corresponding to the dimensions of the chimney pipes. On top wooden shields slate or other roofing material similar to the roof covering is fixed.

After installing the frame around the pipe, the space between them is filled with thermal insulation - felt, mineral wool, slag, asbestos, sand. The seams of the wooden frame must be coated with a waterproofing compound.

Slag concrete, reinforced concrete slabs

Insulation chimney can be made from slag concrete or reinforced concrete slabs. Such plates are installed around the chimney with the smallest gap. The space between the slabs and the pipe, as well as the seams at the corners of the slab joints, are reinforced with steel wire or mesh. The gap is filled with a solution of gypsum, sand and clay. Slab joints are strengthened concrete mortar. Plaster is applied over the tiled insulation.

How to insulate a chimney with your own hands?

The chimneys of houses have different designs and are made from various materials. The most common: brickwork, asbestos-cement slabs, metal tubular chimneys. Each design has specific properties and requires an individual approach during installation.

Brick chimney

Do-it-yourself insulation of a brick chimney can be done in several ways.

  1. The first method is plaster. On outside The brickwork chimney is secured with a steel reinforcing mesh. A layer of plaster mortar 30 mm thick is applied on top of it. The solution is a mixture of lime and slag with the addition of a small amount of cement. After the first layer has dried, apply a second layer of the same solution, and then another 2-3 layers. The last coating is carefully rubbed down, puttied, and after complete drying it is painted or whitened with lime.
  2. Another method involves using mineral insulation. A basalt sheet is attached to the pipe on all sides (you can use tape for fastening). Outside, a cladding made of asbestos-cement slabs with a thickness of more than 40 mm is installed on the cotton wool covering. It is possible to build another one instead of such slabs brickwork. A leveling layer of plaster is applied on top of the cladding.

The main advantages of such a complex design:

  • heat losses are reduced by 2 times;
  • the likelihood of condensation accumulation is significantly reduced;
  • the strength and durability of the structure significantly increases.

Asbestos cement chimney

If the chimney pipe is made of asbestos cement, then insulation is carried out in the following order:

  1. The insulation design with a metal casing, which is made of galvanized steel, is used. In the case where the chimney has longer length, the casing is mounted from several sections in the form of a cylindrical pipe no more than 1.5 m long (the sections are placed on top of each other with an overlap of up to 10 cm).
  2. The gap between the chimney and the casing must be more than 60 mm. It is filled with mineral wool gradually with careful compaction.
  3. After the gap is completely filled, the top of the structure is filled with thick concrete mortar.

A simplified design can be used. 3 layers of mineral basalt wool are wound around the pipe, then polymer film and foil are applied. Strengthening the structure is provided by metal brackets, which are attached on top of the foil layer.

Yulia Petrichenko

Steel chimney

Find application steel chimneys, which are made from stainless pipes of the required diameter. The insulation of such a chimney is done using another stainless pipe larger size. Inner diameter the outer casing must exceed the outer circumference of the chimney by at least 10 cm. The gap between the pipes is filled with thermal insulation material - preferably basalt wool. Filling is done gradually, in parts, with sufficient compaction.

Modern steel chimneys are made in the form of sandwich structures, i.e. V finished form have a layered system with thermal insulation. This chimney pipe does not require installation additional insulation and reliable in operation.

Insulating a chimney in the attic

The need to insulate the chimney in the attic is determined by the type of room: cold or heated in winter time. If the temperature here is the same as outside, then you need to install insulation on the pipe.

To insulate a pipe in a cold attic, you can use any of the considered structures, taking into account that the probability direct impact precipitation is excluded. Therefore, it is recommended to insulate using wooden panels, and outer side the frame must be aesthetically processed.

Heated attics are characterized by this design - a frame made of wooden board or chipboard with a thickness of at least 18 mm, the gap between the chimney and the pipe is at least 50 mm. It is recommended to use basalt wool or felt as a filler.

When making chimney insulation with your own hands, you will need the following standard tool:

  • perforator;
  • electric drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • trowel for plaster;
  • grater;
  • rule;
  • paint brush;
  • metal scissors;
  • scissors;
  • metal ruler;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • plumb line;
  • level.

When planning private construction, people do not think about the special role of chimneys and the need for their insulation. In fact, the insulation is important element, allowing to increase the durability of the entire furnace system.

If you know other methods and secrets of chimney insulation, please share in the comments!
