Registration of an employee for work step-by-step procedure. Entering data into the working time sheet

In the course of conducting the activities of an organization and an entrepreneur, a moment comes when it is necessary to hire an employee from an LLC immediately, because she has a director - she can’t live without him, and the individual entrepreneur will have such a need. At this moment, a number of questions arise - what is needed, what documents, admission procedures, applications, employment contracts, employment contracts, etc. We will reflect these points in this article and consider the option when you have a candidate and he needs to be documented.

In order to hire an employee, you need to request the following documents from him:

  1. Citizen's passport
  2. Work book, if the employee has not worked anywhere before, a new one is created
  3. SNILS – insurance certificate – green card
  4. TIN, if you didn’t have one, it is necessary for the employee to receive it from the Federal Tax Service
  5. Education document - it is needed rather at the request of the employer
  6. Military registration document, if the citizen is liable for military service
  7. In certain cases, medical certificate

Hiring procedure, step-by-step instructions

Step 1. Special assessment of working conditions (previously, until 2014 - certification of workplaces)

If an organization has hired employees performing some kind of work, even office work, it is necessary to carry out work to identify harmful and hazardous factors in their work. This is relatively a fiction, but according to the law this requirement is mandatory and applies to both organizations and entrepreneurs (according to Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Part 1 of Article 8, Federal Law No. 426).

Yes, of course, you can carry out an assessment after you start working, but keep in mind that you may be brought to administrative liability, both as an individual entrepreneur and as an LLC. To begin with, they can issue a warning, but there are also material levers of influence, just like the suspension of the enterprise’s activities, and a repeated violation will be punished more severely.

Important! The administrative fine for the absence of SOUT since 2015 is: for officials and individual entrepreneur 5-10 thousand rubles, for an LLC - 60-80 thousand rubles, in case of repeated fact - from 30 to 40 thousand rubles. and from 100 to 200 thousand rubles. accordingly, they can also suspend the activities of the enterprise for up to 90 days.

Step 2. Honey. reference

Before accepting an employee, in some cases it is necessary to have a medical certificate; for this, he must undergo a medical examination in a special center, after which he will be given a supporting document. It is also possible to request such a document if the employer wishes.

When a medical certificate is required:

  • In case of hiring a minor
  • In the case of work in the catering and food industry, such inspections are carried out preliminary and periodically, and for persons under 21 years of age - annually

Step 3: Job Application

The basis for initiating employment is exactly the same as the conclusion employment contract is written by an employee. If this application is approved by all managers, it is endorsed by the director or general manager The company and the HR department begin receiving and processing all necessary documents.

However, it is worth noting that currently the application is not a mandatory document for employment; you can do without it. This follows from the fact that the basis for the conclusion between the employee and the employer labor relations is an employment contract, on the basis of which an employment order and other personnel documents will be formed.

Step 4. Concluding an employment contract with an employee

The basis for establishing an employment relationship between an employer and an employee is the conclusion of a civil or employment contract with him - in fact, a description of all obligations of the participants in writing and secured with seals and signatures on both sides. It is drawn up in 2 copies - one remains with the employee, the other with the employer.

What is reflected in the employment contract and its validity period

All terms of the contract must not contradict labor laws; it usually contains the following information:

  • The probationary period is established by law to last at least 3 months, but by agreement of the parties it can be shortened or absent altogether
  • The place of work must be described with a description of the subordination structure
  • Responsibilities that an employee must perform
  • Wage amount
  • Describes the mode of work and rest

An employment contract may contain other conditions that need to be reflected on paper. The validity period may include:

  • For an indefinite period or indefinitely, most often this is concluded with employees
  • For a certain period - fixed-term, if after completion of the contract the employee is still working, then such a contract is transferred to an unlimited term

It is also possible to conclude an employment contract on non-disclosure of trade secrets of the enterprise and a full or partial agreement financial liability(most often warehouse workers and other responsible persons).

Step 5. Registration of the employment contract in the journal

After an employment contract has been drawn up with an employee or several contracts - for example, an additional liability contract, the numbers and dates of these contracts are endorsed in.

After receiving their copies of documents, the employee signs in the appropriate box in order to later, if necessary, prove that such an agreement was handed over to the employee.

Step 6. Employment order

The basis on which an employee begins his official duties or is vested with some powers is the hiring order. The order displays the conditions to which the employee is invited and, after review, is endorsed by both parties. The document used is unified for one and T-1a for a group of persons.

Step 7. Familiarize the employee with his job responsibilities

Before an employee begins to perform his or her job duties, they must first be drawn up and described in the appropriate document. After reviewing this list, a stamp and date of review are affixed, and two copies are also printed.

If the responsibilities are for a group of people, or they are typical, then you can make a familiarization sheet where all employees hired for this vacancy will sign, indicating their names and the date of signing.

Step 8. Filling out the work book

After you have filled out everything necessary documents, and you have all the signatures on them, you must do so within 5 days. Sometimes you shouldn’t do this right away, because... Sometimes nuances arise and the employee simply does not come to work, so it is better to wait until the work week.

Step 9. Registration of labor in the labor books

After you have successfully filled out your work book, you will also need to register it with.

Step 10. Personal card

Simultaneously with the reception of the employee, a personal employee card is issued, in which his personal data is entered

Step 11. Time tracking

During the life of the enterprise and visits by its employees, it is necessary to keep records of working hours for each employee. State com. Statistically, two forms are established:

  • T-12 can be used if the company will keep track of working hours and payroll payments to employees. It is allowed to keep records without filling out the section on payroll calculation
  • T-13, can be used when using automated electronic equipment

Step 12. Mandatory registration with the Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund as an employer

After the appearance of hired employees, you need to register (simply, get a number in the system) the organization in the funds as an employer.

We have covered issues related to the correct registration of labor relations between entrepreneurs and employees on our website more than once. For your convenience, we decided to create a simple and clear instructions, showing a picture of the relationship between the individual entrepreneur and his employees as a whole.

Features of an individual entrepreneur as an employer

In addition, in some articles of the Labor Code, without indicating the status of the employer, they use the concept of “employees of the organization,” i.e. Such requirements do not apply to all employers, but only to employer organizations.

The obligation to pay severance pay upon termination of an employment contract due to a reduction in headcount or staff is prescribed only for organizations (Article 178 of the Labor Code). Article 180 of the Labor Code provides for a number of guarantees and compensations, also only for employees of organizations. The employer - individual entrepreneur can also pay severance pay to your employee, but on a voluntary basis, indicating such conditions in the contract.

Thus, you need to know that The law does not always place the employer's responsibilities on individual entrepreneur in full.

Where to start registering an employee when hiring

The employer's brief procedure looks like this:

  1. Concluding a contract with an employee - labor or civil law.
  2. Registration of an individual entrepreneur with the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund if this is the first contract concluded with an employee for the entrepreneur.
  3. Registration of the employee in accordance with the Labor Code, if an employment contract is concluded.

In a small enterprise, an accountant often has to perform the duties of a personnel officer. Accordingly, the accountant is responsible for completing the entire heap of personnel documentation. This matter is very complicated. An accountant who does not have special training runs the risk of serious mistake, which in the future may result in a fine or even disqualification of the head of the organization. Today we will tell you how to avoid such mistakes when registering a new employee.

When going to work, take with you...

Let's start with the documents that the future employee must bring with him for registration. Their list is given in Article 65 Labor Code. It includes a passport, work book, insurance certificate of state pension insurance, military ID (or registration certificate) and a document on education, qualifications or availability special knowledge. That's basically it.

From this we derive the first rule: you cannot require from a future employee an application for employment, a certificate of assignment of a TIN, a document on registration at the place of residence (if you are registering as a citizen of the Russian Federation) and photographs. Accordingly, it is impossible to refuse employment to an employee if he does not have these documents. Moreover, indicating such requirements in organizational orders or in vacancies is in itself a violation. For this, on the basis of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the organization can be fined, and its leader can be disqualified.

The second rule is also based on Article 65 of the Labor Code. It lies in the fact that even the documents listed in it cannot be required from all employees. We are talking not only about a military ID, which, as you know, only those liable for military service have. Thus, a work record book and a “pension” certificate can be requested only in cases where the employee has already worked in another organization. If an employee is hired for the first time, you will have to independently issue him a labor and pension certificate (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And the future employee is obliged to provide documents on education only when job description for the position for which he is hired, clear requirements for qualifications, education or special knowledge are prescribed.

The third rule is related to the formation of an employee’s personal file. Of the documents submitted by him, the employer can only keep the work book. Copies of the remaining documents must be made, certified with the seal of the organization and the signature of the person who accepted the documents. Moreover, in the case of a passport, copies are taken of all pages (by the way, information about place of residence, marriage and presence of children will be useful to the accountant not only when filling out personnel documents, but also for calculating personal income tax).

There is no need to rush into an agreement

So, all the necessary documents are available, and the applicant is ready to find a job. It would seem that everything is clear after that - you can draw up an employment contract. However, this is not true. Before presenting an employment contract for study and signature, the employee should be familiarized with all local acts of the enterprise that relate to the organization of work. Such acts include provisions on bonuses, wages, vacations, labor protection; internal labor regulations, collective agreement, etc. This is the requirement of Article 68 of the Labor Code. Therefore, while you are making and certifying copies of the documents brought by the employee, give him all the necessary documents to study. The employee must confirm the fact of familiarization with each of them with a personal signature on the corresponding familiarization sheet (it is usually attached to the document itself, at the end), indicating the date and time of familiarization.

If this requirement is violated, then in the future the employee will not be able to make claims related to failure to fulfill the duties that are enshrined in these documents. Moreover, if an employee is not familiarized with labor safety rules, then in the event of an accident, the manager may even be brought to criminal liability (Article 143 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). So you should not neglect the obligation to first familiarize the hired employee with local regulations.


After the person being accepted has put his signature on the sheets of familiarization with all local acts, you can begin to sign the employment contract. Here you need to pay attention to the probationary period clause, which is usually included in every employment contract. If the contract contains such a condition, it is necessary to check whether the hired employee is included in the list of persons for whom it is impossible to establish probation.
In accordance with Article 70 of the Labor Code, the period is not established for minors, pregnant women and women with children under the age of one and a half years. Information about the employee’s age and the age of the children is taken from the passport. But the employee must submit a pregnancy certificate herself. If at the time of signing the contract the certificate was not presented, then the probationary period is considered legally established.

In addition, it is impossible to establish a probationary period for graduates of educational institutions. But this ban does not apply to all graduates. So, in order not to be tested when applying for a job, the graduate must, firstly, complete educational institution, which has state accreditation (it is confirmed by a state-issued diploma). Secondly, no more than a year should pass from the date of issuance of the diploma. Thirdly, the employee must go to work in the specialty specified in the diploma. And fourthly, in his work book there should not be a record that he has already worked in this specialty.

If at least one of these four conditions is not met, the graduate being hired can be placed on a probationary period. Please note: the probationary condition is fixed in the employment contract precisely at its conclusion. It is no longer possible to introduce such a condition later (Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Let's note one more important point related to the probationary period. It is strictly forbidden to set an employee a salary lower than stipulated during the probation period. staffing table(Part 3 of Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is also unacceptable to introduce acts into the organization according to which employees during the probationary period are not awarded bonuses or other incentive payments. All this constitutes discrimination against employees and entails administrative liability up to and including disqualification of the manager (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Order, book and card

Based on the signed employment contract, an order must be issued to hire the employee. This order is drawn up according to unified form No. T-1 (approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 05, 2004 No. 1), so there are usually no difficulties with filling it out. The main condition here is full compliance of the order with the contract (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employee must confirm the fact of familiarization with the order with a personal signature. In this case, familiarization with the order is carried out within three days from the actual start of work.

And within 5 days from the date of start of work, the employer must make an entry about hiring in the employee’s work book. Moreover, there is no need to rush to make this entry - you need to wait until the employee actually goes to work, familiarize him with the order, and only then make an entry in the work book. Here's the thing. If an employee, having signed an employment contract, does not return to work within the agreed time frame, the organization can cancel the contract unilaterally (Article 61 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But what to do with the work book, if it already contains a record of employment, the Code is silent. That is why it is better to strictly follow the procedure and make a record of hiring only after the employee has actually started work and is familiar with the order.

Well, the final stage of registering an employee’s appointment is filling out a personal card for the new employee. The form of the card is also unified (T-2, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1), which minimizes difficulties with its registration. Here you only need to remember that the cards must be kept on paper, since they contain records about hiring, transfers, etc. The employee should be familiarized with signature.

In connection with the expansion of business, entrepreneurs have a logical question: how to register an employee as an individual entrepreneur officially in 2019 and what will this entail? The laws of the Russian Federation provide a comprehensive answer to this topic, and their violation will lead to administrative, and in some cases, criminal liability. In this regard, in order to avoid punishment, you need to carefully study the provided material.

Rules for hiring personnel under an employment contract

How to hire an individual entrepreneur in 2019 and prepare all documents in accordance with current legislation? This question worries businessmen who are faced with this problem for the first time. And for other entrepreneurs whose staff includes several people, it will be useful to study detailed information about the admission procedure in order to, if necessary, bring all documentation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

That the rules for registering an employee to work in an individual entrepreneur in 2019 and enterprises of other forms of ownership are unchanged.

They involve the following steps:

  1. Obtaining written consent from the person being accepted for the processing and storage of personal data.
  2. Conducting induction training and recording it in the journal.
  3. Familiarization with the timing of salary transfers, bonus amounts and other conditions that have a significant impact on the labor process.
  4. Direct conclusion of the contract.
  5. Issuance of an order for the reception of an employee and familiarization with it, against signature.
  6. Signing an agreement on financial liability - for citizens related to the storage of property of an individual entrepreneur.
  7. Registration of a personal card and work book.
  8. Registration of an individual entrepreneur as an employer in the Social Insurance Fund and Pension Fund.

Chapter 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the basic rules for handling personal data of citizens. Violating them leads to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, before officially registering an employee as an individual entrepreneur, you need to obtain written consent from him for the processing and storage of information protected by law.

Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the heads of enterprises rules and regulations in the field of labor protection, which are binding regardless of the form of ownership. This also applies to individual entrepreneurs. In order for the instruction to have legal force, the person conducting it must undergo preliminary training in specialized institutions licensed for this type of activity.

During the induction training, the employee is introduced to:

  • with general information about the production function of the individual entrepreneur;
  • with labor safety standards prescribed in the Laws of the Russian Federation;
  • with the concepts of working time and rest period;
  • with working conditions and the presence of harmful factors present in the production process (if any);
  • with the rules of behavior of employees on the territory of the enterprise;
  • with the procedure for issuing special protective equipment;
  • with the circumstances of industrial accidents and acute poisonings (if any) and the procedure for action in the event of a threat of their occurrence;
  • with responsibility for violation of production discipline and labor protection rules;
  • With fire safety on the territory of the organization;
  • from the first medical care to the victims.

If the production process uses equipment, electrified tools, or the work involves the use of materials and raw materials, the individual entrepreneur, according to the Laws of the Russian Federation, is required to conduct other types of instruction (initial, repeated and targeted), as well as on-the-job training and subsequent knowledge testing. All procedures performed must be documented.

If the work performed in an individual entrepreneur is not related to the listed conditions, then an exemption from primary and other types of instructions is possible; for this purpose, an appropriate order is issued.

All listed labor safety instructions must be previously developed. They are updated once every 5 years or when entered into production process new equipment. A record is made of the briefings carried out in the log book.

Documentation of the reception

According to Article 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is possible to conclude an employment contract no later than 3 days from the actual admission to work. But, in order to avoid risks, it is recommended to sign this document before completing production tasks.

Registration of an employee with an individual entrepreneur begins with the applicant providing the following list of documents:

  1. Passport or its notarized copy.
  2. Work book.
  3. Military ID - for persons who, by age, are subject to registration in special-purpose institutions.
  4. Diploma or certificate of education.
  5. Pension Fund insurance certificate.
  6. Medical examination (if the activities of the individual entrepreneur are related to food, work with children and other conditions defined in Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  7. Certificates of absence of cases of criminal or administrative liability from a narcologist and psychiatrist (when working with minors).

It is illegal to require the presentation of other documents. When litigation arises, this issue can have a significant impact on the process.

Depending on the nature of the work, you can issue different types contracts: fixed-term or concluded for an indefinite period, with or without a trial period.

If the head of an individual entrepreneur hires a new employee, planning to use his services on an ongoing basis, then it is advisable to enter into an agreement without a time limit. Conversely, if it is signed for a period of long absence of another person or for a season, then the best option there will be registration fixed-term contract.

The presence of a probationary period provides an opportunity for an entrepreneur to evaluate the professional skills and other abilities of an employee and, if their quality is insufficient, to terminate the employment contract under the relevant article.

The agreement is concluded in two copies, one of which is given to the employee against signature, and the other remains with the individual entrepreneur.

No later than three days from the actual start of production functions by the hired person, an order is issued to hire him. It is signed by the individual entrepreneur and the person to whom he is directly related.

The conclusion of a liability agreement gives the entrepreneur the opportunity to recover damages from the employee for loss or intentional damage to the property of the individual entrepreneur. But lost profits are not compensated, and the amount of compensation is limited to the average monthly earnings of the guilty person.

Additional mandatory activities

So, how to register an employee as an individual entrepreneur?
The organizer of the individual entrepreneur must introduce the employee, but you need to remember certain rules:

  1. When receiving a person for whom this procedure is happening for the first time, the individual entrepreneur must independently draw up the document, purchasing it at his own expense.
  2. For the above applicants maximum term filling out a work book - two weeks, for others - 5 days. The minimum period is not defined by law, but by default it is the day of reception.

The same requirements apply to the storage of work records as for strict reporting forms. In this connection, it is necessary to purchase a safe or metal cabinet, eliminating the possibility of damage or loss of the document. The specified location must be closed and sealed at the end of the working day.

Entries in the work book are made with a blue, black or purple. Abbreviations are not allowed. A sample filling can be found in Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 N 69.

Registration of a personal employee card for individual entrepreneurs is not mandatory. But, to exclude additional questions from regulatory authorities, it should be created. This document, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, is stored for 75 years, therefore it is drawn up on hard paper.

Upon a written application from an employee, an individual entrepreneur is obliged to provide him with copies of documents drawn up upon hiring. They are certified by the employer’s signature and seal.

After an individual entrepreneur has hired an employee, registration with the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund is required:

  • in the Social Insurance Fund - within 10 days;
  • in the Pension Fund of Russia - no later than a month from the time of registration;
  • in the Health Insurance Fund - within 30 days.

A businessman undergoes this procedure once.

To all of the above organizations, according to the deadlines determined by law, the entrepreneur must pay mandatory contributions not only for himself, but also for his entire staff, and transfer to the Federal Tax Service income taxes and provide a report.

Conclusion of a contract with persons of special categories

How to hire a new employee as an individual entrepreneur in 2019, if he belongs to the group of citizens who require special attention? Before answering this question, you need to decide to whom the specific conditions in the registration procedure apply.

Such employees include:

  1. Pensioners.
  2. Minors.
  3. Foreigner.
  4. Disabled people.
  5. Part-timers.

Before employing applicants who are under 18 years of age, an individual entrepreneur must know that:

  • it is permissible to conclude a contract with minors 16 years of age, provided they have no medical contraindications;
  • When hiring a 15-year-old, you should remember that only light work is possible for him;
  • for 14 years old - the above conditions require the consent of parents and guardianship authorities, documented.

Special requirements are also put forward for working conditions - this is part-time working hours, mandatory annual medical examination at the expense of the entrepreneur and other restrictions established by Russian legislation for this category of workers.

When hiring retirees, you should follow the same rules as when hiring other applicants. Age restrictions specified in the Laws Russian Federation, no, except civil servants and senior positions of institutions higher education.

Employment of persons who do not have Russian citizenship is associated with their provision of additional documents to the individual entrepreneur:

  • migrant's patent;
  • temporary residence permits;
  • VHI policy.

The first certificate is not required for citizens who have been granted refugee status, as well as those living in Russia on a permanent basis and having a residence permit.

Due to the fact that all documents of a foreigner who needs a patent are temporary in nature, it is advisable to conclude a fixed-term employment contract with him. The end of the permitted period is a legal basis for dismissal.

Within 3 days, a businessman who has hired a person who does not have Russian citizenship must notify the Federal Migration Service at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur about this by sending it to its address registered letter. Information about dismissal is sent to the FMS in the same manner.

When registering disabled people officially (if they have provided the appropriate documents), one should take into account the recommendations on the nature of the work performed, indicated in their rehabilitation card. The agreement also specifies benefits and special conditions labor for persons in this category.

These include:

  • shortened working week for disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • 30 calendar days of regular vacation;
  • additional days off without pay - up to 60 days per year;
  • additional tax deduction.

Part-time work also involves a number of certain restrictions. The most significant are: the working day is no more than four hours a day and the impossibility of concluding such a contract with minors or when working related to management vehicles or harmful conditions.

Entries in the work book for external part-time workers, at their request, are made at the main place of work.

Hiring personnel without providing social benefits

For obvious reasons, payment sick leave, annual leave and other guarantees are unprofitable for entrepreneurs. And the amount of insurance premiums and personal income tax transferred to the relevant organizations significantly reduces the amount of income received. To legally bypass these payments, it is enough to answer one question - how to register an employee as an individual entrepreneur?

The procedure for registering such a relationship consists of several steps:

  1. Registration of an employee as an individual entrepreneur. For this purpose, documents are prepared according to the list and submitted to the tax authority.
  2. Conclusion of a civil contract with an employee.

Keep in mind that if the text of the agreement indicates the working hours, information about financial responsibility, or designates a position, then any court will recognize this relationship as an employment relationship. As a result, you will be forced to pay all insurance premiums in full.

When registering relations in the option - the employee himself is an individual entrepreneur - the entrepreneur can choose a simplified taxation system and significantly reduce the amount of such payments. At the same time, the businessman does not withhold personal income tax from the staff, and mandatory contributions are not paid to the Social Insurance Fund and Pension Fund. The entrepreneur has the opportunity to regulate the amount of monetary remuneration to the employee, because he pays only for the result of the services performed. And their inadequate quality can be easily confirmed by drawing up a corresponding act signed by three persons.

All information provided explains in detail the issues of employment of citizens in individual entrepreneurs. As you can see, there are a lot of nuances in this procedure that must be paid attention to.

But correct design workers will protect the entrepreneur from the risks of administrative liability, and in cases of violation of labor protection - criminal liability.

A potential employee must provide the future employer with documents, without which it is impossible to formalize an employment relationship.
Established by law mandatory requirements, in accordance with which it is necessary to provide:

  1. Citizen's passport. Alternatively, any other identification document, such as a temporary ID. Necessary in order to identify the employee as a full-fledged subject of labor relations, confirm his rights and obligations;
  2. Pension insurance certificate. Issued by the territorial department of the Pension Fund and is a small light green card. The details of this document will allow the employer to make deductions provided for by law;
  3. TIN– individual taxpayer number. You can contact the tax office. There is also a service in which the TIN will be imprinted on one of the pages of the passport;
  4. Work book records all information about obtaining seniority, work in other organizations, incentives, penalties. Based on this document, work experience is determined. The employer will have to purchase it if the potential employee has not worked anywhere before;
  5. Military ID(attribution or certificate established form). In practice it is not required in all cases. Necessary for the employer to fulfill the obligation to notify the district commissariat if the employee is registered and will have to serve in the armed forces;
  6. Diploma, certificate, certificate, certificate of completion of training. The need for this document depends on the specialization that the candidate must have. You can also hire a worker without education - this is not prohibited;
  7. Other documents, the need for which is assumed due to the specifics of the future labor activity. Requests for these documents must only be made by law. Usually these are various certificates of no criminal record, facts of committing offenses, or crimes. For example, someone who wants to take the position of a teacher must provide a certificate of no criminal record.

Almost all employers practice payment of wages by non-cash method. bank card employee. In this case, you must attach your bank account details for transfers to the main package of documents. You can get them at any branch of a banking organization.

Responsibilities of the employer when employing an employee

To officially register an employee, you will have to undertake several important obligations:

  1. Familiarize the applicant with the main internal documents organizations, regulations that regulate the procedure for carrying out activities, operating hours, schedule. The candidate should study various instructions on compliance with safety regulations. The familiarization procedure itself cannot be carried out after the registration and entry into force of the employment relationship. The candidate must have a clear understanding of the activities that will be required to carry out.
  2. The first official employment of an employee is accompanied by the burden of small financial costs for the employer on the work book form. During the term of the contract, this document will be kept by the employer.
  3. In certain circumstances, the employer is obliged, at his own expense, to organize an examination of a candidate for a position by a medical worker to make sure that, for medical reasons, the applicant will be able to perform his job function and this will not harm his health.

Employment of minor workers

When accepting minors, it should be taken into account that for their employment, the law establishes special requirements to the work regime.

In order to accept them, and at the same time not violate anything, you need to fulfill 2 conditions: organize a medical examination of such an employee and obtain permission from the social protection authorities.

For a medical examination, health care institutions are hired for a fee, but to obtain permission, a minor fills out a special form, to which the employer must attach projects and job descriptions. It will be possible to formalize an employment relationship only after receiving written permission, certified by the authorized head of the social protection body.


Find out if it matches professional level employee requirements of the organization can be achieved by checking his work skills for a certain period of time. If it turns out that the skills leave much to be desired, then the cooperation ends.

However, a probationary period condition may not be established in relation to:

  • Minors;
  • Pregnant;
  • Women with a child 1.5 years or younger;
  • Employees who won the competition;
  • Transferred from another organization;
  • Citizens, no more than a year has passed since graduation from their specialty;
  • Employees whose employment relationship lasts less than 2 months.

To determine the permissible probationary period, you can use a small table:

Algorithm for registering labor relations

To know how to properly register an employee for work, you should use the legal the right plan actions:

Step 1. Familiarize the employee with the internal labor regulations, collective agreement, safety instructions, job description, and labor protection instructions. Familiarization is carried out against personal signature, one of the copies of the job description is handed over. If necessary, you can issue other local acts necessary for the work. At this stage, some potential employees may decide that the job is not right for them. It will be possible to release them without unnecessary bureaucratic procedures.

Step 2. When the employee has studied the basic documents on the basis of which he will conduct his activities and has agreed with everything, he must write a job application. In the application, indicate the position for which you are applying and the salary amount. The secretary accepts the application and begins to create the employee’s personal file. The personal file is assigned a number and a mark is placed on the start date of management.

Step 3. The employee provides all necessary documents for employment. The secretary of the organization checks the originals of these documents for compliance with the laws and makes the necessary copies. Subsequently, they are placed along with the application in the “personal file” folder.

Step 4. An employment contract is concluded, in accordance with which the labor rights and the responsibilities of each party. It is prepared in several copies for each party. This document is signed by them at the time of conclusion. It is advisable that the employee confirm the fact of receipt of his copy with a personal signature. It is recommended to sign each page. As an alternative, you can staple the document and have the glued cover stamped with the inscription “Lapped and Numbered.”

Step 5. An order is issued to accept the employee. This standard form order is established by law. The order is signed by the employer's representative. The employee must be familiarized with it within 3 days of starting work. There is no need to give him a second copy, but upon the employee’s request, he can receive a certified copy.

Step 6. An entry is made in the work book, which was provided by the employee or completed at his own expense by the employer. The record contains information about what date and for what position the employee was hired, the name of the employer and details of the hiring order.

After this, the employment relationship is considered finalized. Next, it will be necessary to carry out mandatory induction training to ensure the safe performance by the employee of his job duties, initial instruction from the immediate supervisor.

Features of hiring for an individual entrepreneur

An employee can be officially accepted legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The algorithm is common in both cases, however, the entrepreneur must know how to properly register an employee , if he does it for the first time.

Feature in in this case the following: any employer is obliged to make special payments for its employees to the pension fund and social insurance fund. The organization must register with these bodies immediately after its creation as an employer. But the individual entrepreneur is not obliged to do this right away.

Many individual entrepreneurs believe that such actions are not necessary, because by default they pay the necessary contributions for themselves. You need to understand that there are very clear distinctions. Simply paying dues and paying them for your employees makes a big difference.

So, how can an individual entrepreneur register an employee and do everything legally correctly:

From the moment the first employee appears, the employer has 30 days to register with pension fund RF. To do this, you need to prepare an application (form on the Pension Fund website), attach the following documents and send the package to the territorial office of the Pension Fund:

  • A copy of the taxpayer identification code;
  • A copy of your passport;
  • A copy of the agreement with the employee;
  • Copies of SNILS and registration certificate, extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

You can register as an employer before and after hiring an employee. After being hired, the employer has 10 days to collect the necessary package of documents and submit to the Social Insurance Fund:

  • A copy of passports, TIN of the entrepreneur and his employees (if they have already been accepted);
  • A copy of the state certificate. registration of an entrepreneur (a certificate is issued upon registration);
  • An extract from the unified register of individual entrepreneurs (to be ordered at tax service, the date of discharge should not exceed 30 days at the time of application);
  • If necessary, a copy of the notice that the individual entrepreneur works for or;
  • Copies of notifications about registration of individual entrepreneurs and employees with the Pension Fund;
  • Copies of employment contracts and work records of employees.

Registration of a half-time employee

The scheme for hiring a half-time employee is practically no different from hiring a full-time employee, but several features should be taken into account. So, the algorithm looks like this.

  1. Accepting a job application from an employee. In the application, the employee must indicate the position and the size of the salary for which he is applying. The floor of the bet is indicated in the statement as 0.5.
  2. Familiarization with the main internal documents regulating the activities of the organization under personal signature.
  3. Conclusion of an employment contract. In this case, attention should be paid to the clauses of the contract related to the employee’s daily hours worked and the rate of pay.
  4. Issuing an employment order. The order indicates that the employee was hired at 0.5 rates.
  5. The work book is accepted for storage. An entry is made in the book, but without specifying what rate the employee was accepted for.

The following features should be taken into account.

  1. Employment contract.
  2. When concluding a contract, the number of hours for a part-time rate is calculated based on the size of the full rate. For different categories of workers, the full rate will be different and, accordingly, the half of the rate will also be different.

In practice this means the following. By general rule the full production rate is 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week. But, for example, teaching staff the rate can be 18, 20 or 24 hours per week.

That is, if for the majority of workers the full rate will be 4 hours a day, 20 a week, etc., then for teachers or other categories this number of hours will be less depending on the full rate.

Therefore, the contract specifically states the number of hours worked per day, week or month, depending on the work schedule.

  1. It is recommended to indicate the full-time salary, and state that the actual salary due to the adoption of a 0.5 rate is a smaller amount (specify exactly what).

Such an indication is necessary due to the fact that in the territory of the Russian Federation there is a legal condition on the amount of the minimum wage, below which it is prohibited to pay an employee. In each region, the minimum wage is slightly different, depending on the current coefficient.

To avoid problems during labor inspection inspections, it is necessary to clarify in the contract how the employee’s remuneration is calculated and why it is less than the minimum established by law.

  1. Work book. Workers who have their main place of work, where the work book is kept, are very often employed at 0.5 rates. Usually it remains at the main place of work, and no records are made about the fact that the employee carries out activities additionally on a half-time basis with another employer.

The employee simply prepares copies of all pages of the work book (certified by the employer at the main place of work) and transfers them to the organization where he will work part-time. This type of work is usually called part-time work.

Registration of a temporary worker

In case of temporary absence from work of one of the employees due to illness, maternity leave, long vacation, etc. the employer may need to hire another person to temporarily perform work for which the absent employee was responsible.

There are several main options for getting involved in this work.

  1. The simplest thing is to transfer the duties of the absentee to another employee of the same organization. To do this, it is enough to draw up an additional agreement with him and issue an order within the organization. The agreement and order should indicate possible changes in wages and a list of functions that are temporarily transferred.

Such an employee will be forced to perform his main job, as well as additional duties assigned to him. Therefore, for the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization, such a solution is not always successful.

  1. In order not to overload your employees with unnecessary responsibilities, you can arrange a transfer. In this case, the employee who is entrusted with replacing a temporarily absent person will be required to perform only new job functions. Job responsibilities according to his previous work, he is completely removed.

Transfer is possible for a period of no more than 1 year. This is usually not recorded in the work book, except in cases where the employee is eventually asked to perform the functions of a substitute on an ongoing basis. In this case, an entry is made in the work book about the transfer to new job from the moment the actual replacement begins.

Otherwise, when the temporarily absent employee returns to perform his duties, the employee who replaced him is moved to the previous position that he previously occupied.

A transfer to another job, regardless of the prospects for such a transfer, is always formalized with the consent of the employee, by concluding additional agreement to the employment contract.

  1. Conclusion of a fixed-term employment contract. Another option for replacing a temporarily absent employee may be to hire a new employee under a fixed-term employment contract. The registration procedure is no different from hiring under an open-ended contract, except that the contract itself states that the citizen is hired to replace a temporarily absent employee, and will have to vacate the position when the main employee returns.

The exact period for which the contract is concluded may be specified if the exact date when the main employee returns to work is known.

How to register an employee so as not to pay taxes

The following options exist to avoid paying taxes for an employee.

  1. Do not enter into an employment contract and do not maintain any accounting, personnel or other documents about his work as a citizen. In other words, the employee will be a person with whom no written agreement is legally entered into. This face gets wages unofficially.

This option is very profitable, but very risky. If the truth is revealed and it is recognized that the contract with him was not concluded illegally, then the legal entity or individual entrepreneur will face serious penalties. The absence of documents on the employee’s performance of a labor function can be challenged by witness testimony or facts of regular transfers of funds.

  1. Drawing up a civil contract with the employee. Unlike an employment contract, such an agreement does not provide for the official status of an employee and, accordingly, the need to pay tax payments.

But if the labor inspectorate finds out that such an employee regularly performs his job function (for example, he must be at the workplace for 8 hours every day), then it can also fine the employer, impose significant penalties on him and force him to conclude an employment contract.

To avoid punishment, you should carefully formulate concepts in a civil contract. Nothing should indicate systematic work. The contract should only include a specific performance result (in fact, in order to achieve such a result, the employee will most likely work for a long time).

An employee can register as an individual entrepreneur and the employer (in this case he will act as a customer) will not have to pay any taxes. But the employee himself will be burdened with paying many different payments, so such a formalization of relations is only advisable for him when performing expensive types of work that can recoup the costs associated with registering an individual entrepreneur.
