Do-it-yourself fountain: construction instructions and stages of constructing a beautiful fountain for your home and garden (90 photos). Homemade mini fountain Make a decorative fountain with your own hands

How nice it is to relax after a hard day at work by the cool, soothing murmur of water fountain made by with my own hands. Even small decorative fountain a chik on a summer cottage will not only bright decoration landscape, but also a favorite place for relaxation, where you can enjoy unity with nature. It won’t be difficult to give yourself this incomparable pleasure if you realize the idea yourself, knowing how to make a fountain in your dacha with your own hands.

Garden fountains – the best way solving the issue of air humidification during the hot summer months. Regardless of the style in which the hydraulic installation will be made, be it classic, rustic, oriental, avant-garde, it will be a bright touch in the landscape design. The mesmerizing play of water streams, playing in the sun's rays with all the colors of the rainbow, will not leave anyone indifferent.

The key to successfully choosing a place for a fountain is proportionality with the appearance of the site and the overall harmony of the garden.

When choosing a location, it is important to consider the possibility of connecting to a power supply for uninterrupted operation of the pump.

When deciding on the location of the fountain, you should take into account the presence and degree of slope of the ground. It is better if the installation is located in a lowland, which will increase the saturation of the air with moisture, as well as adjust the volume of groundwater.

It is not advisable to place fountains:

  • too much open places area, since direct sunlight will provoke “blooming” of water;
  • near trees, since powerful roots can deform the fountain bowl and damage the waterproofing, and leaves from trees, fruits, seeds and fluff entering the reservoir can cause malfunctions;
  • in the immediate vicinity of the house so that wind currents do not bring moisture to the walls of the building.

The best place is a site that is clearly visible from the house and various parts of the garden.

Preparing a suitable container

When deciding to create a fountain with your own hands in the garden, it is important to wisely choose or make your own container for a hydraulic installation.

As a fountain bowl, you can use ready-made plastic containers of various shapes, which allow you to ensure reliable waterproofing

To create larger fountains, it is necessary to dig a pit, at the bottom of which a foundation will be installed. future design. The bottom of the dug pit for the fountain is covered with a layer of sand, the side walls are reinforced with bricks. After that inner surface the tank can be covered plastic film, which does not allow water to pass through. Sealing of surface seams can be achieved by treating them with frost-resistant silicone.

An important point: the depth of the foundation must be below the soil level. This placement will eliminate the possibility of soil being washed away around the fountain bowl.

An emergency drain can be provided not far from the edge of the surface, the presence of which will prevent the water from rising above the required level.

Craftsmen, when creating a fountain with their own hands at the dacha, use any waste materials: natural stones, river pebbles, car tires, glass products, ceramic parts

The main requirement for the material is high strength characteristics and the ability to withstand temperature changes.

The finished bowl can be filled with water.

Pumping system installation

It is impossible to put a garden fountain into operation without connecting its “heart” - a powerful pump that ensures the continuous movement of a powerful flow. The success of the long-lasting operation of the fountain directly depends on the correctness. The general principle of operation of the system is quite simple: water thrown out through the nozzle is collected in a bowl. From the bowl it flows into the drain hole, from where it enters the pipeline and, as it moves, it first undergoes coarse and later finer cleaning. A pump from the pipeline forces already purified water to the nozzle.

When thinking about the question of how to make a fountain in a country house, you should definitely consider installing a drainage system. The piping for the system can be equipped with plastic pipes about 16mm in diameter. The plastic is excellent performance characteristics and long service life. Plastic construction Easily connected using a special soldering iron.

Decorative fountains for the garden are mainly equipped circulation pumps, in which water is taken from a bowl, passes through a circle, and is discharged back into the fountain

The power of the pump directly depends on the capacity of the fountain bowl, as well as the expected power of the jet, which will be knocked out of the water like a bright fireworks display.

The fountain's water circulation system can be supplemented by installing a receiver - a pressure tank. Installing the receiver allows you to provide constant pressure for water to enter the nozzle and stable operation of the system as a whole. With this configuration, water is pumped into the receiver by a pump, and then transferred to a nozzle located a level below.

The action of cascading fountains is based on the same principle.

The water in the cascade smoothly flows down a small waterfall along several steps located on different levels

After installation, the pump should be checked for functionality and only then decorated with decorative elements.

Additional equipment

Installing additional equipment for the fountain will transform and diversify the design.

Special nozzles make it possible to give the jets of ejected water the most unusual shapes: geysers, tulips, domes, umbrellas, hemispheres

The combination of nozzles and the effect of the shapes they form allows you to create fancy water pictures.

Additional lighting amazingly transforms a garden fountain, giving it a magical effect. Since light sources often come into contact with water and are located directly in the body of the fountain, increased requirements should be placed on their selection: contacts protected from water, hermetically sealed.

Decorative lighting, disguised in the bottom of the reservoir, will delight the eye in the coming twilight with the effect of glowing water

Underwater lighting fixtures, as well as all kinds of floating lamps, are very popular for decorating fountains.

An interesting decorative option is a small water mill. Making instructions:

Will help extend the service life of a hydraulic installation proper care behind the fountain: removable structural elements on winter period preferably dismantled. With the onset of cold weather, the tank itself should be emptied of water and securely covered with a film that protects from dust, dirt and precipitation.

Even the most small fountain capable of transforming the landscape of a dacha or private home beyond recognition. This decorative structure will definitely become a favorite relaxation spot on your site, because it will give you the opportunity to unite with nature at any moment. Do you want this to become a reality faster? There is nothing super complicated here - anyone can make a fountain with their own hands. Don't believe me? Then to your attention step by step instructions with a photo, following which you can quickly and without the involvement of professionals get an effective and functional fountain.

Choosing a fountain

First of all, you need to choose suitable option fountain for your site. We are talking about its dimensions, shape and materials. When deciding this issue, focus on the area and style of the yard of your dacha or private house.

Yes, for large plot it is better to choose a classic sculptural model that will become the center of the landscape composition. And for a modest courtyard, fountains in the form of: sea shells, fairy-tale heroes, houses, pots and other similar figures.

But you don’t have to buy a ready-made sculpture, because you can also build a fountain with your own hands. The simplest option is a structure made of stones. To make it, place large flat stones on top of each other, use an electric drill to make holes in each of them and string all the resulting products onto copper pipe- it is through it that water will flow to the top of the structure. Then close the gaps with small stones and treat the cracks silicone sealant.

Choosing a location

The next step is to decide where exactly on the site the fountain will be located. In order for a structure to fully fulfill its aesthetic function, it cannot be installed “anywhere” - it is important to choose the best location. And for this you need to take into account several nuances.

  1. Firstly, there is no place for a fountain to be too open area, since under the influence of active sun rays the water may begin to “bloom.”
  2. Secondly, the fountain cannot be placed among powerful trees - their roots can cause deformation of the tank and waterproofing. In addition, leaves, fluff, fruits and tree seeds will constantly pollute the fountain.
  3. Thirdly, the structure should not be too close to the house, otherwise moisture will fall on its walls with the wind.
  4. Fourthly, it is undesirable to place the fountain in the open wind so that its gusts do not “disrupt” the jets.

Thus, the ideal location for a decorative fountain is light partial shade surrounded by flowers and low bushes.

When you choose a place, proceed directly to arranging the fountain. It assumes phased implementation three main groups of work:

  • tank preparation;
  • pump installation;
  • installation and decoration of the fountain.

Preparing the tank

In order for the fountain to be durable and solid, it is necessary to equip a special reservoir for hydraulic equipment and water. This is done as follows:

  • Dig a pit of pre-calculated depth and the diameter you need.

Important! The depth of the reservoir should be below ground level so that the soil around the fountain bowl is not washed away and the base is not deformed.

  • Place at the bottom of the resulting hole thin layer sand and carefully strengthen its side walls with bricks.
  • Cover the inner surface of the pit with thick plastic film - it will prevent the passage of water.
  • Secure the film along the top edge of the tank and seal the seams with frost-resistant silicone sealant. Place stones at the bottom of the pit, distributing them over the surface of the film. The stones should not be sharp so as not to deform the film.
  • Install a small emergency drain near the pit to prevent the water level in the tank from rising.

Installing the pump

The fountain will not be able to work without the most important mechanism -. It is he who is responsible for the continuous movement of water flow. The general operating principle of the pump is simple: water is released through a nozzle into the tank, then enters the pipeline, where it undergoes coarse and fine cleaning, and then the already purified water is sent back to the nozzle.

The quality of the fountain’s functioning directly depends on the type of pump:

  • Submersible - works on the principle of a centrifuge and is located in the center of the fountain tank under water. It's cheap, but reliable device, for the installation of which no fasteners are needed - the submerged pump is quite heavy, so it does not budge on its own. It is suitable for small weak fountains.
  • Surface is a more serious type of pump, which is installed not inside the tank, but on its edge on the surface of the earth. This device is designed for large fountains with complex designs.

Pipeline for pumping system can be constructed from plastic pipes. Their optimal diameter is 16 mm.

Advice. In order to enhance the operation of the pump, additionally install a pressure tank - it will guarantee a constant pressure of the water flow.

Fountain decoration

After the main functional elements are installed, you need to take care of installing the fountain itself, or rather its upper part. If you are using ready-made sculptures, then they should have special fastenings for installation. But a homemade stone fountain is best installed on metal slats previously laid on top of the tank.

Then start decorating the structure. The fountain can be decorated with plants, different-sized stones, clay figurines, microsculptures and any other details that seem appropriate to you on your site.

Don’t forget about such an effective decorative tool as lighting. These can be underwater lights, light strips, floating lanterns, land lamps - here you are also unlimited. But remember that lighting structures must be completely sealed, and all their contacts must be protected from water as reliably as possible, otherwise it will be unsafe to use them.

When all work is completed, fill the tank with water and start the fountain.

As you can see, to make a beautiful fountain with your own hands, you don’t need to work hard or spend a lot of money. Do not deviate from the instructions, use quality materials and don’t be afraid to experiment with decor – by following these three simple rules, you will definitely get a functional fountain that will delight your eyes and set you in a positive mood for many years.

Which fountain to choose for your dacha: video

Fountain at the dacha: photo

First of all, you need to carry out preparatory work: choose the location and type of fountain.

Selecting a territory

The fountain should be located in a secluded area intended for relaxation, so that those present receive true pleasure from being in beautiful place, in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

Practical advice

You should not place a fountain:

  • nearby trees and bushes. Over time, overgrown roots can damage its bowl.
  • near the building. This can lead to the appearance of mold on the wall, and, accordingly, to unpleasant smell.
  • To prevent frequent changes of water due to blooms, open sunny areas should be avoided.

Choosing the fountain itself

You should pay attention to the size and variety.


When choosing the size of the fountain, you should take into account the shape and size of the area. They must be comparable. Only then will we get the necessary visual impression. In addition, the size of the fountain significantly affects the power of the selected pump, and, consequently, its cost.

Type of fountains

A garden fountain consists of two components:

  • a source of water that creates a stream;
  • container for this water;

According to the principle of operation, garden fountains are divided into two groups:

  1. Circulation fountains. The principle of their operation is that water constantly circulates in a closed cycle (that is, in a fountain bowl). They can work with or without a pump.
  2. Flow fountains. Most often they are intended for drinking water. The bowl is connected to the sewer.

How to make a fountain at your summer cottage

As an example, let’s look at making the simplest, but quite decorative, circulation-type fountain. Depending on the nozzle, it may look like a fontanel, a bell, or a spraying stream.

To do this, you need to perform the following sequential operations:

  • purchase the bowl of the future fountain round shape from any material, such as plastic;
  • in the chosen place you should dig a hole somewhat larger in size than the bowl itself;
  • remove a small layer of earth around the main pit along its entire diameter, approximately 10 - 12 cm to a depth of about 15 cm;
  • put sand at the bottom of the hole and level it;
  • Insert a plastic container into the prepared hole and thoroughly compact the sand. The bowl is installed correctly if its edges protrude 5-6 cm above the surface;
  • pour water into the bowl, but not to the very edge;
  • install a pump in the center;
  • waterproof the entire area of ​​the fountain and the surface of the bowl using a special film;
  • To keep the sealant stable, reinforce it with a metal mesh with small holes;
  • decorate the resulting surface with crushed stone or other types of stone;
  • Place the desired nozzle on the pump, turn on the pump;

The fountain is ready!

The manufactured fountain has closed view(the source comes out of the ground). But, if you slightly modify the design, you can get a lot of options:

  • if you want to have an open reservoir, then you do not need to cover the surface of the water surface, but only decorate the edges of the bowl;
  • you can change the shape of the reservoir at your request (rectangular, square, arbitrarily irregular);
  • to create a popular multi-stage cascade fountain, you need to increase the length of the tube and beautifully decorate it with stone;

Designing a fountain without a pump

The operation of such fountains is based on the principle of communicating vessels. Therefore, the duration of their work depends on the volume of the vessels (the larger the capacity, the longer the work). For example, a fountain made from five-liter bottles will work for about an hour. Extending the operation of the fountain is simple: you need to swap the lower and middle containers.

We prepare the necessary elements for work:

  • two containers of the same size and shape (you can use larger ones plastic bottles with lids);
  • a bowl for the future fountain (this can be a plastic basin, a wide mug, etc.)
  • thin silicone tubes;
  • glue - sealant;
  • materials for decoration (stones, small flowers in pots, shells, etc.);

Main stages of work:

  • Drill two holes in the cap of each bottle. The diameter should be less than the thickness of the tube;
  • insert the tubes into the holes. One should reach the bottom of the container, the other should reach the lid. Treat thoroughly with glue;
  • pour water into one bottle and place it above the empty bottle;
  • make a hole in the bowl, connect it with a tube to the bottom bottle, thoroughly lubricate everything with glue;
  • place the bowl over a full bottle;
  • The result is a design: at the bottom is an empty bottle, in the middle is a full bottle, at the top is a fountain bowl;
  • decorate according to your desire and imagination.

Making a home fountain

Nowadays, it has become very popular to have a small fountain in your home. According to the laws of ancient Chinese teaching, fountains are specially placed indoors to provide its owners with prosperity and abundance. In addition, the sound of flowing water has a calming effect, promotes relaxation and rest.

Is it possible to make a home fountain with your own hands? Of course - yes!

In order for the creative process to bring you true pleasure and joy, you need to carefully prepare for it.

Required purchase:

  • regular aquarium pump;
  • silicone tube for pump;
  • glue – sealant;
  • a base for a fountain in the form of a vase, flowerpot, flower pot or ordinary small basin (the main condition is tightness);
  • decorative stones large and medium sizes, shells and other elements to your taste;
  • upper reservoir. It is used in specially prepared (that is, drilled) jugs, plates, etc.;

Manufacturing method:

  • install an aquarium pump into the bowl of the future fountain using glue or special suction cups that come with the pump;
  • insert the silicone tube into the pump in a strictly vertical position;
  • lay out the prepared decorative elements in the form of a slide, leave the end of the tube open;
  • attach the upper decorative tank to the tube;
  • special attention pay attention to sealing and structural strength (due to glue).

Regardless of the type or shape, any decorative fountain made by yourself will delight you and everyone around you.

Decorating a site is a favorite pastime of summer residents and homeowners. Beautiful flower beds, flower beds and even beds are a true decoration. However, nothing pleases the eye more than ponds and ponds surrounded by beautiful vegetation. And if a stream of water still comes out of it, then the corner turns into best place rest. If you still manage to make not only a fountain with your own hands, but also beautiful lighting, put a swing or bench nearby, in the evenings all the inhabitants will gather on this patch.

This fountain is DIY and so is the lighting: a waterproof LED light with remote control for changing colors

Fountain device

To make a fountain at your dacha you don’t need to spend a lot of money. Of course, it all depends on the size of the reservoir and how you imagine it. According to the method of construction, fountains are either closed or open type. We are talking about the cyclical use of water. The closed type uses the same volume of water, driving it in a circle. Open - new all the time. Garden and country fountains They are mainly made of a closed type: their design is simpler and more economical. Of course, water has to be added and changed periodically - it evaporates and becomes dirty, but still, the costs are not very high.

When installing an open type system, you will have to think through the water supply system, control of its level, drainage and disposal. You can, of course, use the fountain’s reservoir as a container for heating water before watering, and use the bowl to distribute it throughout the garden, but watering is not needed around the clock, and the fountain can operate in this mode.

Visible plastic container, and the pump is located at the bottom, right in the place where the pipe sticks out of the water

In the very simple version To make a small-sized fountain, you need some kind of sealed container and submersible pump. Any container can be adapted - a special plastic one for a pond, a barrel, old bath, basin, trimmed tire covered with film, etc. With pumps it’s a little more complicated.

Fountain pumps

Fountain pumps are sold specially, with built-in filters. To make it easier to make a fountain with your own hands, you can buy such models. It’s very easy to work with them: put them in a container, secure it so that it doesn’t move, fill it with water, carry out the starting manipulations (described in the instructions) and turn it on.

Fountain pumps come in different capacities and raise the jet to different heights. Often the kit comes with replaceable nozzles that change the nature of the jet. They are powered from a 220 V network, there are models that operate from solar panels. They are made hermetically, so there will be no problems when connecting, no step-down transformers are needed. The only thing that won’t hurt is an automatic machine and an RCD on the line to which the pump will be connected. This is just in case, to increase security. The price of the smallest and lowest-power fountain pump is $25-30. Productive models cost several hundred or more.

You can use any submersible pump for the fountain. But you need to buy or make a filter for it (you can make a sand filter) and a step-down transformer. A security group from a machine gun and an RCD on the line will not be out of place here either. This circuit is worth tinkering with if you have an old pump that is not currently being used.

How to do it without a pump

Is it possible to make a fountain without a pump? It is possible, but it is open type. For example, bring a water supply pipe into the pond - central or supplying water from a well or borehole. The water coming out under pressure will produce a jet of some height. By installing a tip on the pipe, we can change its shape. But with such a construction, it is necessary to figure out where to divert the water. You can go back to the well or to the river, to the irrigation area, etc. Although with such an organization there is a pump, it pumps water into the house, and the fountain is only one of the flow points.

Scheme of organizing a fountain without a submersible pump

The second option is to place some kind of container at a height, supply water to it, and from there it is supplied through pipes to the fountain located below. To create a more or less decent jet height, the container must be raised 3 meters or higher. But the question remains: how to supply water there. Again using a pump, but no longer submersible. They are cheaper, but require a filter. You will also need a pit in which the equipment is installed. A system of pipes connects it to the bowl of the fountain.

Read how to make a waterfall here.

Fountain lighting

In this area, everything has become easier with the advent of LEDs. They are powered by 12V or 24V, which is much safer than regular mains. There are even lamps that run on solar-powered batteries.

Fountain lighting

Illumination can be done using waterproof LED strips or the same spotlights and lamps. To power them, you need an adapter that converts 220 V into 12 or 24 V, but they are usually sold in the same place where LEDs are sold, so there shouldn’t be any problems. Installation is simple: the spotlights have mounting brackets, the tape can be “shot” with a stapler, you just need to find the brackets more sizes tape: there is no need to punch it, so as not to break the tightness.

There are LEDs that change color. Shades from 8 to several thousand

Schemes of fountains of different configurations and photos of their design

Surely you know that the main component of a fountain is its bowl. Essentially this is the same pond, but with additional equipment- pump. A pond can be made with at least a dozen different ways and some of them are described in a separate article, because we will not describe how to make a bowl for a pool. We will pay maximum attention to the organization of fountains and their decor.

Small fountain

The device requires a container and a pump. Decoration is put on the tube that comes from the pump. These can be slabs of stone in which it is necessary to drill a hole, with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe. These slabs are strung on top of each other like a children's pyramid.

Scheme of organizing a decorative fountain for a summer residence

To avoid overflow of water, it is necessary to provide a drainage system - just below the maximum level, cut a pipe into the container, the second edge of which is led into the sewer, drainage system or to the garden. You can do it another way: arrange a water collector around the bowl - make a concrete groove or dig in a plastic one. The collected water should also be taken somewhere. Usually in closed systems the problem is not overflow, but a lack of water - it evaporates, but you can play it safe.

DIY fountain: photo report 1

And now a photo report of how a mini-fountain was made with your own hands according to this scheme. It turned out interesting.

This decorative fountain took several hours to create.

To make this fountain you needed:

  • square plastic flowerpot without holes;
  • small fountain pump;
  • a plastic pipe 0.7 m long, the diameter is such that it fits over the pump outlet;
  • a bag of decorative pebbles;
  • three bricks;
  • red granite sawn into slabs.

From the tool - drilling machine to drill holes in granite with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe.

Installing a fountain container

We install a bowl in the prepared hole and place bricks in it, closer to the edges. They are needed for the stability of the structure and to reduce the amount of pebbles. They also serve as support for the stone structure. Between installed bricks We install the pump with the tube on, fill it with water and check how it works.

Holes were pre-drilled in the slabs in the workshop. They should be located approximately in the center so that the weight of the stones does not overturn the structure.

Folding the fountain

The first slab rests on lying bricks, the rest are strung so that the center of gravity does not shift. Having laid the first one, we fill the remaining space with pebbles. After the last piece is laid, a mark is made on the pipe. The very last stone is removed, the pipe is cut down just below the mark, then the last fragment is returned to its place. When the water is turned on, it seems to come straight out of the stone. Very unusual and uncomplicated.

Photo report 2

The next version of a small fountain is made according to the same principle, only instead of a pipe it is used flexible hose, and instead of a stone - driftwood. The effect was simply wonderful.

Making a small fountain with your own hands

Everything is so clear that there is no need for comments. It differs from the previous design only in the presence of a mesh. This is to increase the volume of water: the tray is small in size.

Fountain decoration

Until you see it, it’s hard to imagine how easy it is to make amazingly beautiful things. As for pipes, it is better to use polyethylene pipes - they bend well and are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation.

How to make a fountain from a tire, see the video report.

Room or tabletop

Mini-fountains are made according to the same principle, only they use very low-power pumps. Suitable even for aquariums, but without aeration. They even work almost silently. We will make a fountain in Japanese style. In addition to the pump, you will need a small ceramic container for this. In our case, oval made of baked clay. A piece of bamboo - about 70 cm long (bought in flower shop, sold as a support for climbing plants), a bunch of living growing bamboo and some small pebbles. From all this comes such beauty.

Do-it-yourself home mini fountain

First of all, cut a piece of bamboo into pieces of different lengths. It's hollow inside natural pipes, which are also for a long time don't rot. One of the sides should have an oblique cut, the other should have an even cut. Saw so that the longest piece near the evenly cut end has a “joint”. The lower incision goes approximately 5 mm below this thickening. There is simply a partition inside, with its help it will be easy to attach this segment to the pump outlet. It is difficult to cut, but I managed to saw through the thin trunk with a metal blade.

We cut bamboo into three pieces of different lengths

We put a small pump in the vessel, put the longest piece of bamboo on it - its length is about 35 cm. On the other side we put a bunch of living bamboo, filling the space between them with pebbles.

Filling the mini fountain

We tie the two remaining pieces of dry bamboo to our “pipe”. You can use hemp rope. That's all, we made a mini fountain with our own hands. All that remains is to add water and turn on the pump.

Other models can be made using the same principle. Now you understand how and it will be easy to change the design. A few photos for inspiration.

Another indoor fountain Japanese style bamboo

Outdoor fountain made of granite bowl and bamboo

Another type, more traditional and familiar to us, uses almost the same idea and the same tools. The difference is in the design. You can take a large ceramic or even plastic pot. It is only important that it has no holes for drainage. Then it’s a matter of technique: divide it with a plastic partition into two or three zones, pour more soil into one and plant one of the moisture-loving plants.

How to make a mini fountain

The second part will be the reservoir. Only when organizing circulation is multi-stage filtration necessary: ​​the water becomes very polluted. Therefore, glasses made of filter materials with different meshes are inserted one after another - first - a wire or plastic mesh, then - fabric with different meshes, and inside this structure - a small pump.

Tabletop mini fountain

You can make with your own hands not only the composition of such a tabletop fountain, but also a pump. How? Watch the video.

Pebble fountain

Very interesting design at the fountains with pebbles. Their bowl is disguised, so it looks like a dry fountain, without a bowl. In fact, there is a bowl, but it is decorated with pebbles, which are laid on a mesh covering the tank.

Dry pebble fountain - device diagram

A container is installed in the dug pit. Its volume and size should be quite decent: to collect all the splashes, or at least most of them. Place the pump in the container, cover the top with metal or plastic mesh with a small cell. It serves to protect against large contaminants getting into the water, and a thick wire mesh can be laid on top of this fine mesh. This is if you use pebbles. If you are laying stone slabs, you can use boards or bars.

How to make a “dry” fountain with your own hands

With pebbles, it’s probably better to do the opposite: first lay a mesh with a large cell as a base, and on top of it with a small one. This way you won’t have to worry about choosing large pebbles, and debris won’t get into the water.

Rockery with a source - this is what this fountain might look like

To decorate a garden in modern style this option would be more suitable

If you use your imagination, you can come up with very interesting compositions based on this. For example, one of the options with a garden watering can. If your garden is designed in classic style, a fountain made from a watering can will hardly fit well, but it will fit very well into the country style.

Watering can garden fountain

As you can see, water is collected in the same vessel, hidden under pebbles, and from there it is pumped into a watering can with a small pump.

Against the wall

This classic version- a small or large stream of water runs from the wall, flowing into the bowl. As you may have guessed, there is a pump in the bowl that supplies water through a pipe to the water outlet point. It's simple if you know how. It's just a matter of implementation and decoration.

Scheme of organizing a waterfall near the wall

To prevent the pump from floating, it is screwed to some kind of heavy plate. At least for the sidewalk, as long as the size fits. The case usually has corresponding holes for mounting, but when choosing, you should pay attention to this.

Classic design of wall fountain

If you plan to do something similar near the wall of a house or fence, take care of its waterproofing. Even if the water does not flow down the wall, splashes will fall on it and the humidity will be increased. At a minimum, it is necessary to coat it several times with a hydrophobic compound. Try to find one that doesn't change the color of the surface too much.

Another option for a fountain against the wall

The design style may be different. At the top bowl they do flat surface, from which water flows off like a wall. The effect is very interesting. It is important that the surface from which the water falls is mirror-smooth and absolutely horizontal.

Beautiful fountain for a garden in a minimalist or modern style


The iridescent jets look very interesting. Fountains of this type are called cascades or cascading. With this organization, water is poured from one bowl to another. In the case of a country or garden fountain, you can come up with interesting shapes. For example, a fountain made from buckets, watering cans, teapots and even old garden carts.

Fountain cascade of garden carts

The principle of organizing such a cascade is simple: several vessels or bowls mounted above each other so that a stream of water flows from one to the other. At the bottom is the largest tank, where the pump is located. He delivers water through a hose to the highest of the vessels.

Another decorative garden fountain

How to make a fountain bowl

If you need a classic shape - a round, square or oval bowl from which a stream of water flows, the easiest way to find a suitable plastic tank. They are different shapes and volume - from tens of liters to several tons. In color they are mainly black and blue. Although it seems that for our purposes it is better to take blue color, please note that against such a background, pollution is more visible. To prevent your fountain from looking like a swamp, you will have to clean this bowl often. From this point of view, it is more practical to take black - the water looks the same, but you need to wash it less often.

Garden fountain made of plastic bowl

The selected tank can either be buried flush with the ground level, or leave a side. Most often, the sides are decorated with stone or pebbles. Depending on this, choose the depth of the pit. It is dug out and is slightly larger than a bowl.

You can read about how and with what you can decorate the site here.

When the required depth is reached, all stones, roots, snags are removed, the bottom is leveled, compacted, sand is added in a layer of about 10 cm. It is well leveled and spilled so that it becomes compacted. Place the bowl on the prepared base and fill it with water. Sand or soil is poured into the gap between the walls of the bowl and the pit. Sand - if the soil is clayey, and soil - if it drains normally. Having filled in a small layer, it is compacted - carefully, using a pole or deck to get into the gap to be filled. But no matter how well you compact, be prepared for the fact that in a couple of weeks you will have to add more: the soil will shrink by several centimeters.

The bowl protrudes above the ground level

You can do without a plastic bowl. There are two other options: make a tank from monolithic concrete. In this case, you can make a fountain with sides. The process is long and expensive, and you also need to worry about waterproofing.

Most cheap option— dig a pit and line it with film. In principle, any high-density polyethylene will do, but it will last a year, maybe two. Then it begins to let water through. Special films for swimming pools are more reliable in this regard, but they cost a lot of money, but can be used for years. The technology for making such a fountain bowl is captured in the photo.

Pit marking and excavation work

The first stage is digging a pit and leveling the walls. After the required shape and dimensions have been achieved, the horizontal areas are leveled and covered with a layer of sand. It will protect the film from possible damage.

We lay the film in the finished pit. It should lie inside without tension, freely. Its edges are covered with soil and pressed down with boulders. To prevent plant roots from growing through the film, it is not advisable to lay geotextiles underneath. This non-woven fabric, very tensile strength. It is used when laying roads to prevent the soil from being crushed and trees from sprouting. So she can protect the fountain without difficulty.

Laying film in the pit

Boulders are laid out on the laid film. If the pit is stepped, boulders should lie on each step. When the design of the bowl is almost complete, a pump is installed. The bowl is filled with water and the bowl is tested for leaks and pump performance.

The film laid in the pit is decorated with boulders. After installing the pump

Actually, that’s it, if the electricity is supplied, you can start the fountain.

Photo design ideas

A small homemade pond framed by properly selected plants is always a highlight suburban area. And to make it look more impressive, you can install a fountain. How to make a fountain with your own hands, and what is required for this?

Types of fountains

On appearance The fountain is influenced by the number of nozzles, their location, and the pressure of the water supply. The jets can splash to the sides, hit straight up, and smoothly flow down the walls of the structure. Depending on the method of water supply, all fountains are divided into several types.

Table. Types of fountains

Type of designMain Features
The most common option for summer cottages. The water is supplied under low pressure, so the stream rises low, and the nozzle distributes it evenly around the circumference. Thanks to this, a hemisphere of water film is formed, in which the sun's rays are beautifully refracted.
In such a fountain, the water supply pressure is much stronger, the jets are thrown upward or to the sides (this depends on the location of the nozzle). By adjusting the pressure force, you can change the height of the jets within a fairly wide range.
The most spectacular option: the design consists of several containers located at different levels, and the water flows down to form a stepped mini-waterfall.
Complex design, in which the cascade version is combined with a geyser or bell fountain. It looks very impressive, but it also requires more effort to construct.

When choosing the type of fountain, you need to take into account not only its decorative qualities, but also the complexity of installation, the cost of all components, as well as overall design plot and size of the reservoir. For example, for a very small one, a bell fountain is best suited; for a larger one, a geyser or combined option. If the garden with a pond is designed in oriental style, perfect choice there will be a cascade fountain.

Choosing a place for a fountain

The correct location of the fountain not only ensures maximum decorativeness of the structure, but also makes it easier to care for during operation. If the fountain is located in a completely open area, which is actively heated by the sun, the water will evaporate and bloom faster.
