Do-it-yourself eternal fountain for your home. How to make an indoor fountain with your own hands at home? Using a plastic bottle

Decorative ponds and fountains on a personal plot can be the main elements landscape design. Next to them you can arrange a cozy relaxation area. The murmur of living water will create a feeling of peace and tranquility. You can create such a corner with your own hands, even if you have little skill and means.

The principle of operation of the fountain and its types

In order to understand the structure of this useful and decorative structure, a basic knowledge of physical laws is sufficient. All existing fountains are divided into two large groups:

  • having a closed system of fluid movement;
  • having an open water flow system.

The first type of fountains requires a reservoir filled with water. This can be either a pond or a specially selected container, for example, a plastic basin. Water circulation is started by a pump. After the wet “fireworks” splashes out, the liquid returns to the tank and repeats the same path again. It turns out that there is a water cycle - but not in nature, but in a system of tubes connected to the pump.

Fountains of the second type are characterized by the absence of a circulation and, as a rule, are connected to flow-through hydraulic structures. In particular, if done in the outside water pipe hole, you get the most primitive fountain. In this case, no container is required. All that remains is to think about which way to direct the water flows further.

The diagram shows all the components of the fountain

The operating principle of any type of fountain is that liquid is supplied under pressure into a pipe ending with a spray nozzle. The type of nozzle gives the water discharged out a certain shape.


The liquid, pouring alternately from one container to another, resembles a multi-tiered waterfall. Instead, you can also run water down “steps” of stones. You can also do without nozzles; the end of the pipe is masked.

Water is transferred from one bowl to another, forming a cascade


Vertical water discharge - distinctive feature this is the most common type. It resembles natural springs gushing out of the ground - geysers. Noisy splashes add vitality to the garden area and irrigate nearby plantings.

The geyser resembles springs gushing out of the ground


A vertical stream of water passes through a special nozzle made of two disks, distributed evenly along its edges. The walls of the resulting water hemisphere become smooth and continuous.

Water passes through the nozzle and is converted into a “bell”


The nozzle for the spray fountain has a lot of holes for releasing water. Some types of nozzles are capable of moving and rotating under pressure, creating either rain or a shower.

The nozzle has many holes, the water at the outlet turns into small splashes

Pump selection

For small fountains the best option will submersible pump. It is not only more expedient in homemade structure, but also cheaper.

External pumps are only required where the fountain has complex structure and occupies a large area. Their noise is not dampened by the water column, and to avoid theft, outdoor equipment must be masked separately. On the other hand, “dry” outdoor pumps are easier to maintain.

An important parameter of the equipment is its power. If the height of the water jet does not exceed one and a half meters, then you should limit yourself to 70 W. If the power is greater, then the cascade will come out higher. Pumps with the ability to adjust the pressure force are preferred; they allow you to change the height of the fountain.

The strength of the water output depends on the power of the equipment

When choosing a pump, you should focus on the ratio of indicators such as pressure and performance of the device. The first parameter characterizes the height to which an upward jet can rise. The second indicates the volume of water that is pumped by the fountain pump per hour.

Table: pump selection for different types of fountains

Type of fountain maximum head (Hmax), m maximum productivity (Qmax), m3/h
Geyser 0,2 2
0,3 3
0,5 4
0,7 5
0,8 7
Cascade 0,6 1
1 2
1,5 3
2 5
2,5 6
3 8
Bell 0,3 0,9
0,4 1,2
0,5–0,6 3
0,8 4
0,9 6

How to make a fountain with your own hands

The first step is to decide on the location of the hydraulic structure. It should be:

  • away from trees so that the tank remains free from foliage falling into it;
  • away from walls that can deteriorate from excess moisture;
  • away from the paths so as not to block the road.

A good choice would be to decorate a playground or a place for relaxation with a fountain. Flowers, stones, etc. would be appropriate nearby. If on a site with a slope the fountain is placed in a low place, the air for plants growing higher will become more humid and favorable. If you settle at the top, and even with open system, then excess water will automatically water the garden.

Preparation of materials

In addition to the pump purchased in the store, the remaining parts can be assembled from scrap materials. You will need either an unnecessary container or a pond. For the latter, a special hydro-repellent film - liner - is added to the shopping list. To hold the film in place, its edges are pressed with bricks or stones.

Sand, gravel or expanded clay are suitable for drainage.

Often a metal mesh is installed on top of the bowl, on which stones masking the pump are placed. The presence of such a clever detail significantly saves the amount of other materials that would have to be used to fill the water space without it.

A simple diagram of a spray fountain

Work algorithm

  1. Under a reservoir or pond, dig a hole in the ground equal to the height of the container plus 5 cm.
  2. In the direction where the drain will be directed, they are deepened by 40 cm.
  3. Geotextiles are laid on the bottom.
  4. Equipping drainage layer made of coarse sand 5 centimeters thick.
  5. The reservoir is immersed in the resulting “hole”.
  6. The submersible pump is installed at the bottom of the tank. To keep it there, the device is made heavier. To do this, attach any object of great weight to it. Alternatively, the pump is placed in a basket and filled with stones.

A hole is dug for a pond or reservoir.

To install the pump correctly, three rules must be followed:

  • disguise. All electrics must be hidden;
  • transformer. The device is connected to a low-voltage transformer located inside the nearest room;
  • electrical safety. All connectors for extending the electrical cable must be reliably protected from moisture. A separate machine and RCD on the line would not be superfluous.

They ensure uninterrupted operation of the pump by protecting it from contamination. To do this, a filter is installed in front of the device nozzle to trap debris. There is also protection against “dry running”.

The finished fountain mechanism is decorated, the reservoir is filled with water and the pump is started. If required, the pump power is adjusted. If desired, the structure can be illuminated for evening hours rest.

Is it possible to make a fountain without a pump?

Magnificent Peterhof is famous for its 176 fountains that operate without pumps. The source of water in them is the Ropshinsky springs, passing through many pools and locks. Therefore, if on summer cottage there is a spring, you can “connect” the fountain directly to it.

Another way to do without a pump would be to create a device called Heron's fountain. This option is also suitable for those who have natural sources not on site.

The principle of the “eternal” fountain is cyclical

Two of the three containers shown in the diagram - namely B and C - are closed hermetically, water is poured into A - this is a visible fountain reservoir. The whole trinity is located on top of each other and is connected by a system of tubes. In order to start the mechanism, it is enough to add water into the open bowl A. Pressure is created and the liquid begins to move. The magic stops when all the water from the middle vessel goes into the bottom one. The thinner the tubes, the longer this moment is delayed.

You can create a fountain with your own hands using the law of communicating vessels according to the ancient Heronian method even from ordinary plastic bottles. If you use five-liter ones, then one charge of water is enough for 40 minutes of continuous operation of the mechanism. The preferred tubes are those used in IVs. The tightness of the vessels is ensured with silicone sealant.

Primitive fountain model

Video: how to make a fountain yourself

How to arrange

Statues and figurines always remain classics of the genre. Modeling enthusiasts with artistic talent will enjoy working on masking the pump. The material for the manufacture of monumental figures is polymer concrete - artificial stone. It retains the strength of its shape even in bitter frosts.

Modeling and statues are traditional decorative elements

On large plot Even a car can be scrapped. Let currents of living water pass through it and give strength to the green shoots around, and let the neighbors stop to take a selfie against such an unusual background.

Even an old car can come in handy

A still life like this will be more appetizing. Antique samovars, teapots and cups will be used, and the pump tube will be hidden in the leg of the tea table. The abundance pouring out onto the earth will be a symbol of the endless hospitality of the owner of the dacha.

Fountain-still life - original composition in the recreation area

Imitation of a natural source will always be appropriate among amateurs natural farming. To decorate the fountain, only the stone that is under your feet is taken. Naturalness is ensured by this technique one hundred percent.

Natural stone is one of the popular materials used in landscape design

Great illustration of what to do earthworks not necessary for arranging a fountain. A geometrically adjusted stone slab becomes an obstacle in the way of a source supposedly gushing from the depths and, unable to withstand its power, lets it upward.

An ordinary stone slab can be installed among plants on large pebbles

The fountain in the Art Nouveau style is modern and minimalistic with its right angles. The emphasis is given to the construction good lighting at the point of falling water flow. Bulbs for underwater “chandeliers” are purchased exclusively from LEDs and are completely protected from moisture getting inside.

Successful backlighting will make the entire composition more lively

You can even imitate the miracle of levitation. To create the illusion of a water tap floating above the ground, simply veil the pump hose in a transparent plastic tube. The water flows into the tap, turns around and falls down.

By skillfully decorating tubes and wires, you can create an unusual composition

In this version, it is as if an invisible gardener is watering the flowers in the flowerbed. If the tube is thin enough, it will not be visible from a distance. For such a fountain, any used utensils are taken. Here a bowl was added to the teapot.

An old kettle and a rusty bowl were put to good use

From these bottles will flow continuous fun. With such an original fountain, there is no shame in inviting friends to a barbecue. And let alcohol remain at the celebration of life only in this form - in the form of cooling water.

An original fountain, next to which you can sit with friends

There's nothing easier than putting the old one musical instrument into a bathtub filled with water. A child's rubber duck quietly sways on the waves of pouring “music.” Such an installation may be envied best museums peace. If desired, the structure is removed and the bath is used for its intended purpose. The versatility of the tank is another feature of the presented masterpiece.

The structure is easy to assemble and disassemble

Care and maintenance rules

The same water, circulating in a circle, gradually evaporates. Adding a new portion is the very first thing you will have to deal with when operating the fountain.

Periodically, the water must be completely replaced to avoid spoilage. Over time, dust settles in the liquid, contaminating it. The water becomes cloudy and appears bad smell. You can reduce the amount of dirt coming from outside simple measures- after each use, it is enough to cover the top of the fountain with any available material.

When draining the water, you need to clean everything internal surfaces fountain. The filter, attached to the pump nozzle, is rubbed with a brush.

Shading the fountain helps delay the blooming of water.

Before the onset of the winter months, all water is removed completely and the fountain is dried. The pump is removed and moved indoors until spring. If the device is to be stored in cold room, after drying it is cleaned of deposits. If the room is warm, you can avoid the cleaning procedure by storing the pump in a bucket of water.

If the size allows and the fountain is mobile, it is moved entirely under cover. If not, the structure is covered with film.

In a pond equipped with a hydraulic structure, it is difficult to frequently change the water. Large debris floating on the surface is caught with a net with a long handle. The process of purifying a reservoir can be started by planting algae and populating it with mollusks. The stronger the pump nozzle sprays, the more oxygen the pond will receive - this also has a positive effect on the freshness of the water.

A properly selected pump and a creative touch in the design are all that is required for complete dacha happiness. They say that a person can look at fire and water endlessly. However, even five minutes spent near a murmuring fountain can give you a feeling of infinity.

For those who want to update their exterior, make it special and memorable, we suggest using a small homemade fountain. Step by step instructions Making a fountain with your own hands is quite simple and anyone who has a certain set of tools and materials can create this beauty in their yard.

Installing a fountain at the dacha

The first point of the fountain installation plan is planning its size and type. Consider the size of the yard; do not make the fountain too large or small - this will not give a positive visual effect. Remember, the power of pumping equipment is directly proportional to the size of the structure.

Now you should select correct area land for installation. Firstly, the fountain should be located where it can be clearly seen. Secondly, it should be close to the vacation spot. The sound of running water and cool freshness in the summer heat are important components of a pleasant and peaceful holiday in the fresh air. Try not to install the fountain in direct sunlight. The water will have to be changed frequently due to blooms. There is also no place for structures near trees; the roots can damage the thicket and for repairs you will have to dismantle the entire decorative element.

To install a fountain with your own hands on the site correctly, do not choose places near the walls. In this case, the structure will not avoid exposure to mold and mildew. And this, in turn, will not only spoil appearance, but will also cause an unpleasant musty smell.

Plan future buildings on the site in advance. You should not install a fountain on the road to them.

Step-by-step guide for installing a fountain in your country house with your own hands

Let's talk about how to make a fountain with your own hands using the example of a very simple design - fountain-fontanel. A structure of this type has a number of advantages:

  • Spectacular appearance;
  • Easy care;
  • Easy access to parts for repair purposes;
  • Possibility of dismantling for winter.

Having selected a place for installation, we dig foundation pit slightly larger than a fountain bowl. Additionally, a shallow hole should be dug around it. gutter(about 10 cm).

DIY fountain. Instructions in photo

At the bottom of the pit there should be sand cushion 15 cm thick. This will protect the underground part of the structure from plant roots. Level the surface and install it on it plastic bowl. We level the font, pour in and compact sand. The container should be installed in such a way that its edges protrude by 5-8 cm.

The next stage is filling plastic container under a bowl of water. There is no need to pour “heaping”; leave 4-6 cm to the edge.

Now it is necessary install a fountain and check the operation of pumping equipment. If power pumps can be adjusted, then we adjust it so that the water falls back into the bowl. The choice of equipment should be approached very carefully. Ideally, when purchasing, explain to the seller what bowl size and bowl volume is expected. Then he will help you choose equipment of the required power.

DIY fountain. Instructions in photo

After installing the bowl and pump, you need to do waterproofing fabric. We cut out a canvas with a diameter the size of a fountain pit. Starting from its center, cut strips. This must be done so that the diameter of the resulting inner circle is equal to the diameter of the structure’s bowl. We bend the resulting strips of material and lower them into the container. They can be secured using sealant. Do-it-yourself fountains always require a lot of patience and accuracy in work, especially this stage construction.

To ensure that the base of the structure does not lose its shape and is stable, we place a couple of rods on a sealed fabric fittings, and on top of them - galvanized fine mesh. The mesh size will influence the size of the stones or crushed stones used used in the decor of the fountain.

DIY fountain. Instructions in photo

The final stage of construction - decoration designs. The border of the fountain can be laid out with larger stones, but you should not make it too clear. Small stones like sea pebbles or crushed stone are laid out on the mesh. If it is necessary to add naturalness to the fountain, then its boundaries should not be too clear. Various plants will look good along the edges of the structure.
Thematic japanese fountainfor lovers of oriental exoticism it is installed in a similar way. Step-by-step instructions for making a fountain with your own hands for a Japanese-style garden consists of the same points. You will find a diagram of the structure below.

DIY waterfall fountain

We will not build anything grandiose, but small, about 1 m high, cascading waterfall We are quite capable. It has already been described in detail above how to prepare a pit for a pond bowl. But this time we are building a waterfall. And if there is no natural elevation for him, he will have to create it himself.

Do embankment convenient in the process of digging a pit. We simply throw the earth where the slide should be and carefully compact it. For the hose supplying water to the point where the water falls, make a small groove There are holes and embankments in the wall.

DIY waterfall fountain. Instructions in photo

After the foundation pit and embankment for the waterfall are ready, we begin to cover the bottom and walls of the mini-pond waterproofing material (for example, PVC film). The fabric must be laid in such a way that it not only completely covers the bottom and walls of the pit, but also protrudes about half a meter on the sides of the pit.

Be sure to lay a pipe for supplying water to the top of the waterfall in a previously prepared channel-ditch. Bend one edge 30-40 cm up.

This time we are making a permanent structure, and therefore it is best concrete a bowl of a pond. To begin, carefully lay out metal mesh at the bottom of the pit. The waterproofing must not be allowed to become damaged. Next, pour a layer of concrete about 12-15 cm thick.

How to make a fountain at your dacha with your own hands. Photo

Now you need to prepare bowl walls. We lay out the mesh, strengthening it in the solution that has not yet hardened. You can continue installing a fountain with a pump with your own hands, which will look like a cascading waterfall, within a day. We fill the walls of the pond bowl and complete the most difficult stage of construction.

The next part of the construction is decoration the resulting structure. We build steps on a pre-compacted slide. The step should be about 30 cm and three ledges will be enough.

On the resulting flat surfaces we post it flat sandstone, pebbles or any other material to your taste. We decorate the rest of the fountain, including the film around the perimeter, with stones, crushed stone, marble or other pre-prepared materials.

All that remains is to turn on the pump and fill the font of the structure with water. We watch the stream flow steadily down the steps of the waterfall and enjoy the originality of our suburban area.

DIY stone fountain

How to build stone fountain? We'll talk about this right now. First you need to make sure you have everyone necessary devices and materials. We will need:

  • Water pump (underwater with medium power is suitable);
  • Plastic container for the bowl;
  • A metal or PVC tube for carrying an electrical cable;
  • coupling;
  • Flat stones and gravel;
  • Wooden bars;
  • Water flow power regulator;
  • Copper tube with a diameter of 15 mm.

Pit for the fountain bowl there should be a slightly larger container prepared for these purposes. By filling the space between it and the walls of the pit with soil, we will significantly strengthen the position of the bowl. As in previous cases, do not forget to create a pit at the bottom sand cushion. On top you need to lay a layer of pebbles.

Water pump fits freely in the water tank. This will make it easier to repair it if the need arises. You can protect your water tank from debris by simply fine mesh. To give strength to the structure, they are placed on top of the metal mesh. wooden blocks (if desired, they can be replaced with metal fittings).

The base of the fountain will be metal pipe, which is attached vertically to the pump.

The next stage is preparation flat stones. To do this using special tools make holes with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter metal pipe- foundations of the structure.

Next, using the principle of a children’s pyramid, we “place” the stones on the pipe. All that remains is to add decorative elements to the fountain and connect the pump. Very simple but effective and beautiful fountain at the dacha with your own hands, ready for use.

A variety of do-it-yourself fountains in personal plots

Submersible fountains

If there is already a pond in the yard, then it can be used as a basis submersible fountain. The principle of its operation is simple. Water is supplied via a pump directly from the pond. In this case, to install a submersible fountain you will need:

  • Pump;
  • Water supply pipe;
  • An appropriate nozzle for forming a water jet and giving it the correct direction.

The attachments come in a variety of different types. For example, bell attachment is a two-disk design. The flow of water passes between them and changes when the gap is adjusted. Nozzle " geyser"—a tube narrowed toward the top—quite effectively copies the corresponding natural phenomenon.

Such structures have quite a lot of possibilities. For example, you can create the effect of a key gushing out of the ground. To do this, install the fountain yourself so that the end of the pipe does not protrude above the surface of the reservoir.

Using more complex attachments, you can significantly expand your decor options. The effect of spraying water, the simultaneous combination of several nozzles and many other variations for the choice of those who construct a fountain in their dacha.

Stationary fountains

A fountain of this type is a real find for amateurs and professionals of design art. Structures can take the form of natural stone fonts, antique structures; they are made from clay pots, plastic bottles and any material that is at hand. Fountains for Japanese gardens have become especially popular lately.

Any frost-resistant material will do: marble, artificial stone, sea pebbles, etc. To decorate such fountains, they often resort to painting. There are two ways to do it:

  • Coloring the material before manufacturing the structure;
  • Painting the finished figure.

The first option costs much more, but it is also much more reliable. To protect against moss, fungus and mold, it is useful to treat the fountain structure with special products.

Small stationary fountain It will look good in family recreation areas or near children's playgrounds. Our master class “Do-it-yourself fountain in the country” will help novice designers correctly build, perhaps, one of the main decorative elements in the garden. suburban area. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a small geyser fountain or a large cascading waterfall 2 meters high. The main thing is that it pleases the owners and does not cause problems.

Video instructions for making a fountain at the dacha

Today you can start building a small fountain in your summer cottage. We will show you how to do this simply, beautifully and inexpensively.

Types of fountains

A fountain is a decorative hydraulic structure in which water can be supplied under pressure upwards and to the sides, or simply flow down the walls of the structure. The water in the fountain circulates due to the operation of the pump (this principle is also used in artificial and). Depending on the nature of the movement of the water flow, cascade, geyser and “bell” fountains are distinguished.

  • Geyser. The most common type of fountain is when water under pressure is thrown out vertically or at an angle. The height to which the liquid is supplied can vary widely. By changing this indicator, you can create both a cozy low fountain and an impressive noisy stream of water reaching a height of several meters.
  • Bell. Another simple solution that fits perfectly into the landscape. The water in such a fountain is supplied to a small height, from where it is evenly distributed around the perimeter by a nozzle, forming a continuous water film in the shape of a hemisphere.
  • Cascade. The implementation of cascades is varied and most impressive: water slowly flows from one container to another, creating the illusion of stepped waterfalls.
  • Hybrid solutions. Usually they combine geyser and cascade types of fountains. Pressurized water is supplied to the upper part of the cascade structure, where one or more geysers are formed due to excess pressure. Further, the path of water runs along the cascade.

Construction of a stone fountain

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the technology of making a simple cascade fountain from scrap materials. The techniques underlying its construction will allow you to build any decorative fountain with your own hands.

Before you begin, sketch out a diagram of your future creation on a piece of paper. This will allow you to evaluate the pros and cons of the planned design and already at this stage select the optimal pump option.

Improve your garden area in just 10 simple steps:

  1. Choose a suitable location. Try to find a site on the leeward side of the house, otherwise its walls may suffer from moisture. Decide on the height of the garden fountain X ( see fig. higher). The distance between the house and the fountain should not be less than three times the height to which the water is supplied.
  2. Decide on the size. Use a ready-made container (plastic, ceramic, metal, etc.) or dig a small ditch and cover it with waterproofing material or fill the bottom and walls with concrete.
  3. Dig a pit and trench. Make the dimensions of the pit 10-20 cm larger than the dimensions of the container. This is required for the device sand cushion. If after installing the plastic container there are voids on the sides, fill them with soil and crushed stone. Dig a trench 30 cm deep from the pit to the house - it is necessary for laying the cable feeding the pump. For protection, place it in plastic pipe or hose suitable size. Route the cable into the house.
  4. Install a submersible pump. To avoid having to frequently clean the filter of pumping equipment, install it on a brick pedestal.
  5. Connect the pump to stainless pipe . The tube will serve as a frame for the structure made of stones, and water will be supplied through it. Determine the size of the tube taking into account the depth of the container and the height of the fountain X.
  6. Cover the container with a wire rack and bars. To avoid contamination of the water with large debris, cover the container with a plastic or stainless mesh with a mesh no larger than 1x1 cm. Place several bars across the container that can support the weight of the stone structure.
  7. Prepare the stones for installation. Give preference to flat stones of interesting colors and shapes. Wash and dry them thoroughly. Consider their location and drill a hole for the tube (see point 5).
  8. Collect decorative design made of stones. Carefully place the stones onto the tube, trying to place the center of mass in the bottom 1/3 of the height of the structure. This means that the larger stones should be at the bottom.
  9. Fill the container with water and check the fountain operation. The water should evenly cover most of the stones. Adjust the pressure and swap stones if necessary.
  10. Finishing touch. Mask the cracks with small stones and decorate the top of the fountain to your own taste.

Don't quite understand how to make a fountain? The process of constructing such a structure is presented in some detail in the following video.

You can use the most unexpected objects as nozzles. The next video shows a garden fountain made from bottles – it looks unusual.

Choosing a fountain pump

The range of pumps is extremely large, so don’t rush to buy the first model you come across. Your task is to select the device with optimal characteristics and suitable for use in specific conditions. And the first thing you need to decide on is to buy a submersible or surface pump?

Features of surface and submersible pumps


Submersible pumps

Surface pumps

A device hidden under water or separate designs, remains invisible to prying eyes

Placement of pumping equipment on open area involves the construction of additional camouflage structures ( decorative stone, bushes, box). High risk of theft

Reduces to installing the pump on a pedestal at the bottom of the reservoir, connecting pipes and power supply to it

The work is carried out near the reservoir, water is discharged to any part of the fountain


The device is underwater, which makes it difficult to carry out scheduled maintenance. Most models must be dismantled for the winter to avoid damage

The pump is located in a dry place and has easy access. Easily tolerates wintering on the work site

Hidden underwater pumping equipment almost inaudible

Even when the pump is disguised decorative elements, his work is noticeable by the characteristic sound

Best choice

For small fountains

For difficult constructively fountains when sold on large bodies of water

As a rule, with equal characteristics, submersible models are cheaper than surface ones

For each specific case, select a pump with the appropriate characteristics. First of all, you should be interested in the following indicators:

  • maximum head. Usually denoted Hmax, measured in meters. Characterizes the maximum height of water rise;
  • maximum performance. Designated Q max, measured in m 3 / h or l / h. Determines the volume of liquid that can be pumped through the pump within an hour.

To make it more convenient for you to select equipment, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the data in the table below. With their help you can determine approximate specifications pump

Indicative data for choosing a fountain pump

Fountain type/Characteristics

H max, m (maximum pressure)

Q max, m 3 / h (maximum productivity)



A fountain without a pump - is it real?

There are two approaches to making a fountain without installing a pump:

  • pressure due to the pressure of the liquid column. To build such a structure, you will need a sealed container, pipe or hose installed at the location of the fountain nozzle. Secure the container above the level at which the nozzle is located (the pressure depends on the height), connect it with a hose or pipe to the nozzle. Fill the tank with water - you will get a periodic design: the fountain will work until the water container is empty;
  • pressure due to pressure in the water pipe. Take advantage of the pressure potential created in a centralized plumbing system your gardening partnership. Simply connect the fountain to the pipe and you can adjust its operation as you wish. Only in this case, do not forget to provide options for using the resulting volume of water!

Regardless of what kind of fountain you decide to build on garden plot, be sure to check out the most. Someone else's negative experience is worth a lot! And you can always buy a fountain - ready-made factory solution, which does not require complex work.

By making an indoor fountain with your own hands at home, you can not only save a fairly large amount of money, but also purchase a useful interior decoration. According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the symbol of Water, placed in the northwestern part of the home, ensures prosperity in the family. An excellent embodiment of the moving element in the house can be a babbling brook, a cascade of waterfalls or another form of fountain.

Small decorative cascades for interior decoration should be made taking into account the fact that there is nowhere to drain the constantly rising water at home. This means that the amount of liquid in the system must be constant. To comply with this requirement, the fountain installed in the room must be made to operate in a closed cycle. In this case, the water will collect in the storage tank. The pump installed in the system must lift it to the top point of the structure, from where the liquid will flow out, again falling into the tank.

In order for a thin stream to beautifully flow, drip or shoot up, decorative obstacles should be made of shells, stones, shards or other objects in its path. In Ancient China and Japan, specially trained craftsmen built a channel for a stream so that it would babble beautifully. Tuners of the “music of water” created real masterpieces from ordinary pebbles, laying them so as to form cascades with depressions into which drops and streams fell, producing the noise characteristic of a stream or waterfall.

What to prepare for work?

To create a mini fountain, you need to choose a suitable pump. Its power depends on the height to which the liquid needs to be raised. This value is dictated by the dimensions of the structure and is determined individually. If you want to make a fountain with your own hands so that the stream of water shoots upward, it is better to buy a pump with more power and a regulator. To assemble a small tabletop cascade, an aquarium pump for filtering water is sufficient.

Before you make a fountain with your own hands, you need to prepare:

  • a reservoir into which water will flow;
  • silicone tubes;
  • waterproof glue;
  • materials for decorating the product.

The reservoir bowl should be spacious. In addition to its direct function - collecting liquid circulating in the system - it will also serve as the basis for a composition made of stone or other materials. Some of them can be placed directly in the container.

What to do if there is no pump?

You can make a low-power pump that can raise water to a height of about 20 cm. For this you need:

  • a motor from a children's toy, camera or other, protected from water;
  • batteries (phone or finger batteries);
  • charging connector if using a mobile phone battery;
  • LEDs - optional;
  • switch of any type;
  • electrical wires;
  • plastic gear;
  • a small round container (aerosol cap, plastic bottle);
  • waterproof glue.

Make an impeller for supplying water from a gear from an unnecessary mechanism: adjust the wheel to the diameter of a round container, glue 4 pieces of plastic crosswise onto the shaft: fig. 1 (1). Drill a hole in the bottom of the container for the motor shaft, and in the side for water. Place the motor shaft inside the container, glue the motor housing to the bottom of the pump reservoir from the outside, and secure the impeller to the shaft inside (2). Cut a piece of plastic, make a small hole in it, and seal the open part of the pump body. Attach a tube to the hole in the side and seal the connection (3). Connect the wires to the motor and carefully insulate the connection, protecting it from water. Any sealant will do for this.

To connect the motor to the power source, use diagram (4). It is important to remember that batteries should not be exposed to moisture. You can attach them to the outside of the pool, and glue the switch here.

You can include a resistor in the circuit to adjust the speed of rotation of the motor or LEDs for decorative lighting.

Assembly method

A homemade or purchased pump must be attached to the bottom of the tank (storage container). Its depth should be such that the pump is completely immersed in water. You can hide the pump in different ways: place a mesh cover on top of it, on which pebbles or shells will be placed to represent the bottom of a reservoir, or hide it inside a large decorative element. One of the design options - a dry fountain - provides for a completely hidden water surface in the storage tank. To do this, you need to lay a grate on top of it and secure the stones. The water will pass through the stones into the container without forming a visible pool. Rice. 2.

A short master class will tell you how to make a mini fountain in an apartment with your own hands from ceramic pots (Fig. 3):

  1. 1 Prepare 2 ceramic pots and 5 trays (2 large and 3 small). Cover them with waterproof varnish, drill a hole for the tube in the center of 1 larger and 1 smaller tray. Make cuts on the edges of the pallets to drain water.
  2. 2 Install the pump at the bottom of the tank, following the diagram in the figure. Cover it with a large pot, and lead the tube through its drainage hole and drilled holes in the trays to the very top of the structure.
  3. 3 Place a smaller pot next to it and secure the tray to it. The next tier consists of 2 small pallets (one is upside down and serves as a base for the bowl from the other). The pallets must be placed so that the holes cut into their sides allow water to flow from one to another, forming a cascade.
  4. 4 Decorate a fountain, assembled with your own hands from the most simple materials, beautiful stones, plants and shells, figures of aquatic animals or birds.

Such a miniature pond can be placed on the table or given a special corner among indoor plants. Iridescent water will not only enliven and decorate the composition, but will also slightly humidify the air.

Waterfalls in the room

A stylish and fashionable interior decoration is a vertical waterfall (Fig. 4). Making this type of indoor fountain with your own hands is not much more difficult than a mini tabletop fountain. The only difference is the pump power for such a large structure. When looking for a pump, you need to pay attention to the fact that the height of the water column is at least 1.8-2 m. This will make it possible to build a water wall or stream originating from the ceiling of the room.

Before you do home waterfall, you need to waterproof the floor in case the tank leaks. Polyethylene film can be used for this. It is advisable to cover with it a section of the floor 15-20 cm larger than the perimeter of the future structure.

For the panel on which water will flow, you will need:

  • thick glass or mirror;
  • 5x5 cm bars for support posts;
  • boards for the base of the top cover;
  • a plastic pipe with a diameter of 2 cm for distributing water over the glass;
  • a block or thick board for the clamp step.

The structure of the fountain supply system is the same as discussed above.

On top of the fountain tray, you need to install and secure a board with a stop to fix the glass in a vertical position. Knock down the frame from the support bars and crossbars on top. The role of the crossbar can be played by the horizontal bar of the top cover.

A piece of plastic water pipe, the length of which is equal to the width glass panel, drill along one line along the axis. The holes should not be located too far from each other so as to avoid the impression of separate streams. Plug one end of the sprinkler tube and secure it to the top cover strip. Install backlighting if necessary.

Place the glass panel vertically, resting the lower edge against the step of the latch. Attach the side parts to the support bars using liquid nails. To prevent water from spreading beyond the panel, sides made of strips of glass, wood, and plastic must be glued to its edges.

Install the pump into the pan and run the water supply tube up to the open end of the distribution pipe. Connect and seal the connection. Hang the front part of the top cover. Decorate your home fountain with your own hands according to your own taste. Through many holes in the sprinkler pipe, streams of water will fall on the glass and flow down it into the pan, creating the illusion of a falling stream.

Materials for decorative finishing indoor fountains, made with your own hands in tabletop or floor-standing options, can be found in pet stores (colored soil, castles, shells, ships in the aquarium department). Flower shops sell bamboo plant supports and beautiful containers. In the souvenir departments you can find artificial bonsai, figurines of birds and animals.

There is nothing more pleasant than relaxing after a hard day under the quiet splash of water in a man-made stream. The decorative functions of the fountain are perfectly combined with its main purpose - to humidify the air in the room. You can add live indoor plants to the streams of flowing water.

From improvised means?

A pumpless fountain can be made small, but if you want to equip a larger structure, you will have to design it with a pump; this device can work with a large flow of water.

In order to construct a fountain without a pump, you must:

  • Find two suitable containers, identical in shape and size. An ordinary plastic canister, which any homeowner will have, works great.
  • Then connect them with a thin tube. The thickness of the tube determines how long it takes for the water to pour out of the fountain. A thick tube gives too fast a flow, and a thin tube gives a slow flow.
  • The tubes are inserted into the lower parts of the canisters, so two holes need to be made in their bottom, the width of which is slightly less than the diameter of the tube itself, because it must be secured tightly. You can apply glue to this tube to make the quality of the fountain better and prevent water from leaking.
  • The third container is larger in size than the previous two, since their contents must fit in the lower container. An adapter must be placed at the bottom in the center in the shape of the letter “T”, after which two holes need to be made in the walls through which the hoses coming from the first two containers should be pulled out. These canisters will also have to be sealed for the same reason as the third one.


Typically, the production of such mechanisms is carried out by homeowners whose house or cottage is located far from the city, so finding a place to install a fountain will not be difficult. To correctly position the fountain, we must not forget that the containers located at the top must be at the same height, but lower than the third. If you place a fountain outside, the water can simply flow onto the ground. If it is located in any room, then it is better to equip the lower container so that it is removed and the water is poured into the upper reservoirs.

You can decorate the building to your taste. The best option would be natural materials, which will give a natural look to the structure due to their natural appearance.

The hydraulic mechanism can be placed anywhere, but its upper containers must still be located high at the same distance. An outdoor fountain can be equipped without a bottom container to allow water to flow onto the ground. If the structure will be located in any building, the lower container should be made removable. You can decorate the fountain at your own discretion.

Fountain location and design

To determine the location of the fountain, you will have to consider:

  • Distance from water source.
  • Stylistically designed arcatures.
  • Lack of trees.
  • A nearby place to relax.
  • It is undesirable for the fountain to interfere with other nearby structures.

The fountain will have to be installed away from the house so that the water flowing in its direction does not damage the walls, roads and passages. A place where there is little sunlight is great. Nearby plants that can damage the structure with their root system will be unsuccessful. If the fountain is located in an area that has uneven surfaces, its best location will be at the bottom, which will give best conditions in hot weather, where you can adjust the direction of the water stream, it is better to place it on a small hillock, where these streams will flow a little more beautifully.

Design and planning

After choosing a suitable location for installing the fountain, you can move on to decorating it (it’s probably better to create it yourself rather than buy it in a store).

Need to know:

  • Fountain design style.
  • Mechanism parameters to match the dimensions of the fountain to other structures located in this recreation area.
  • Type of installation of the structure.

Great attention should be paid to the style of the fountain and its proportions. Everything should look beautiful, tasteful, symmetrical in all sizes, and consistent with the surrounding environment. A person with good imagination and imagination will definitely cope with this issue. The fountain can always be decorated natural materials, tree bark, decorative pebbles of any size. If you have a knack for fine art, you can paint the structure with beautiful patterns. Everything must correspond to the general style.

Now let’s decide on the type of suitable hydraulic installation or pump. There are 2 types:

  • Stationary.
  • Submersible.

The principle of operation of the submersible system will resemble a stream from which water makes its way out. To create it you will need a jet nozzle and a pipeline. It is worth noting that the mechanism will be installed in water.

The principle of operation of a stationary structure is to create a figure from a bowl and stone in which water will be collected. This is where a tube and pump come in handy. For small fountains, the pump power must be appropriate. Approximately 1-2 l/s, medium ones have a little more, but for normal operation of the system more energy will be needed.

Choosing a fountain pump

The efficiency of a pump is determined by how the stream bed is designed and the water level. The dimensions of the pumps must correspond to the dimensions of the streams. Let’s say that for a stream 0.4-0.7 m wide, it will be quite normal to use a pump whose flow will be 60-80 l/min or more. Obviously, by the stream with a little large size, the pump flow will have high performance.

The pump performance parameter affects the water level. The lower this indicator, the greater the water rise parameter. At water height equal to zero, the pump flow becomes maximum and vice versa.

The length of the tube affects the loss of water pressure. The work can be reduced by both resistance and a filter defined at the input. The pressure becomes low when the hose is 1 meter long. It should be noted that a pump without a filter will stop working due to unwanted particles entering it. Only a pump with more power can compensate for the losses.

The power rating and type of fountain affect the cost of installation. Submersible systems are often more expensive than ordinary ones, since their production uses specific materials that are resistant to high blood pressure, continuous interaction with liquid.

Manufacturers often equip their pumps with additional accessories. The presence of various attachments and modules is determined by the device model. Ultraviolet light and illumination contribute to a noticeable increase in the cost of a fountain pump.

To select the right pump, you need to follow these instructions:

  • First of all, you need to choose a pump with additional extensions, special nozzles, hoses, a water flow control device, and spray heads.
  • It is necessary to correctly compare the dimensions of the pool with the power of the device.
  • When arranging a multi-level fountain or waterfall good results show surface installations.
  • Good pumps are impact resistant. This should not be neglected, since the pump is always submerged and ready for use. The operating life of the pump increases if you select a reliable protective coating.
  • You should always read the device documentation first. You need to verify the authenticity of documents and the presence of quality certificates.
  • You need to pay attention to the terms of the warranty. Devices of this type should be serviced free of charge by special services.

If these selection guidelines are followed, the pump will operate efficiently for a very long time. Water compressors vary in size and shape. Manufacturers will always have to make certain adjustments when designing devices.

Heron's Fountain operating principle - on video:
