How long should a warm floor be? Designing heated floors: general recommendations

Floor heating is one of the most effective and cost-effective ways to heat rooms. Judging from the point of view of operating costs, water “warm floor” looks preferable, especially if the house already has a water heating system. Therefore, despite the rather high complexity of installing and debugging water heating, it is often chosen.

Work on a water-heated floor begins with its design and calculations. And one of the most important parameters will be the length of the pipes in the laid circuit. The point here is not only, and not so much, the cost of material - it is important to ensure that the length of the circuit does not exceed the permissible maximum values, otherwise the operability and efficiency of the system is not guaranteed. The calculator for calculating the length of the water heated floor circuit, located below, can help with the necessary calculations.

Several necessary explanations for working with the calculator are given below.

Without preliminary calculations it is not feasible. To obtain the length of the pipes, the power of the entire heating system and others required values, you will only need to enter accurate data into the online calculator. You can learn more about the rules and nuances of calculation below.

General data for calculation

The first parameter that needs to be taken into account before making calculations is the choice of heating system option: whether it will be the main or auxiliary. In the first case, it must have more power in order to independently heat the entire house. The second option is applicable for rooms with low heat output from radiators.

The temperature regime of the floor is selected according to building codes:

  • The floor surface of the living room should be heated to 29 degrees.
  • At the edges of the room, the floor can be heated up to 35 degrees to compensate for heat loss through cold walls and from drafts coming through opening doors.
  • In bathrooms and high humidity areas optimal temperature– 33 degrees.

If the installation of a heated floor is carried out underneath parquet board, then you need to take into account that the temperature should not exceed 27 degrees, otherwise the floor covering will quickly deteriorate.

The following auxiliary parameters are used:
  • Total length of pipes and their pitch (installation distance between pipes). It is calculated using an auxiliary parameter in the form of the configuration and area of ​​the room.
  • Heat loss. This parameter takes into account the thermal conductivity of the material from which the house is built, as well as its degree of wear.
  • Flooring. Choice flooring affects the thermal conductivity of the floor. It is optimal to use tiles and porcelain stoneware, since they have high thermal conductivity and warm up quickly. When choosing linoleum or laminate, it is worth purchasing a material that does not have a thermal insulation layer. From wooden covering It is worth refusing, since such a floor will practically not heat up.
  • Climate of the area, in which there is a building with a heated floor system. It is necessary to take into account the seasonal change in temperatures in this region and the most low temperature in winter.

Most of the heat in a home escapes through its thin walls and low-quality materials. window design. Before implementing the heating system in question, it makes sense to insulate the house itself, and then calculate its heat loss. This will significantly reduce the energy costs of its owner.

Calculation of pipes for heated floors

Water heated floor is a connection of pipes that are connected to the collector. It can be made of metal-plastic, copper or corrugated pipes. In any case, it is necessary to correctly determine its length. To do this, it is proposed to use a graphical method.

The future outline is drawn on graph paper to scale or life-size. heating element", having previously selected the type of pipe laying. As a rule, the choice is made in favor of one of two options:

  • Snake. Selected for small living spaces with low heat losses. The pipe is positioned like an elongated sinusoid and extends along the wall to the collector. The disadvantage of this installation is that the coolant in the pipe gradually cools, so the temperature at the beginning and end of the room can vary greatly. For example, if the pipe length is 70 m, then the difference may be 10 degrees.
  • Snail. This scheme assumes that the pipe is initially laid along the walls, and then bent 90 degrees and twisted. Thanks to this installation, it is possible to alternate cold and hot pipes, obtaining a uniformly heated surface.

Having chosen the type of installation, the following indicators are taken into account when implementing the scheme on paper:
  • The pipe pitch allowed in a spiral varies from 10 to 15 cm.
  • The length of the pipes in the circuit does not exceed 120 m. To determine the exact length (L), you can use the formula:

    L = S/N * 1.1, Where

    S– area covered by the contour (m?);
    N– pitch (m);
    1,1 – safety factor for bending.

    It is worth understanding that the pipe must be located as a single piece from the outlet of the pressure manifold to the “return”.

  • The diameter of the pipes being laid is 16 mm, and the thickness of the screed does not exceed 6 cm. There are also diameters of 20 and 25. Ideally, the larger this parameter, the higher the heat transfer of the system.
The coolant temperature and its speed are determined based on average values:
  • Water consumption per hour with a pipe diameter of 16 cm can reach from 27 to 30 liters per hour.
  • To warm the room to a temperature of 25 to 37 degrees, the system itself needs to heat up to 40-55 °C.
  • A pressure loss in the housing of 13-15 kPa will help reduce the temperature in the circuit to 15 degrees.
As a result of applying the graphical method, the input and output of the heating system will be known.

Calculation of the power of a water heated floor

It begins in the same way as in the previous method - by preparing graph paper, only in this case it is necessary to apply not only the contours, but also the location of windows and doors. Drawing scaling: 0.5 meters = 1 cm.

To do this, it is worth considering several conditions:

  • Pipes must be located along the windows to prevent significant heat loss through them.
  • The maximum area for installing heated floors should not exceed 20 m2. If the room is larger, then it is divided into 2 or more parts, and a separate circuit is calculated for each of them.
  • It is necessary to maintain the required value from the walls to the first branch of the contour of 25 cm.
The choice of pipe diameter will be influenced by their location relative to each other, and it should not exceed 50 cm. The heat transfer value per 1 m2 equal to 50 W is achieved with a pipe pitch of 30 cm, if during the calculation it turns out to be larger, then it is necessary to reduce the pipe pitch.

Determining the number of pipes is quite simple: first measure their length, and then multiply it by a scale factor, add 2 m to the resulting length to connect the circuit to the riser. Considering that the permissible length of pipes ranges from 100 to 120 m, you need to divide the total length by the selected length of one pipe.

The parameter of the underfloor heating is determined based on the area of ​​the room, which is obtained after multiplying the length and width of the room. If the room has a complex configuration, to obtain an accurate result, it must be divided into segments and the area of ​​each of them calculated.

Examples of calculating water heated floors

Below you can see two examples of calculating a water heated floor:

Example 1

In a room with walls 4–6 m long, the furniture in which takes up almost a quarter of it, the heated floor should occupy at least 17 m2. To carry it out, pipes with a diameter of 20 mm are used, which are laid like a snake. A step of 30 cm is maintained between them. Laying is carried out along a short wall.

Before laying pipes, it is necessary to draw a diagram of their location on the floor on the most appropriate scale. In total, such a room will fit 11 rows of pipes, each of which will be 5 m long, for a total of 55 m of pipeline. Another 2 m is added to the resulting pipe length. This is the distance that must be maintained before connecting to the riser. The total length of the pipes will be 57 m.

If the room is very cold, it may be necessary to install double-circuit heating. Then you should stock up on at least 140 m of pipes; this length of pipeline will help compensate for the strong pressure drop at the outlet and inlet of the system. Each contour can be made of different lengths, but the difference between them should not be more than 15 meters. For example, one circuit is 76 m long, and the second is 64 m long.

Heated floor calculations can be carried out using two methods:

  • For the first method, the formula is used:

    L = S? 1.1/B, Where

    L– pipeline length;
    B– laying step, measured in meters;
    S– heating area, in m2.
  • The second option uses the tabular data below. They are multiplied by the area of ​​the contour.

Example 2

It is required to install a heated floor in a room with walls 5x6 m long, the total area of ​​which is 30 m2. For the system to work effectively, it must heat at least 70% of the space, which is 21 m2. We will assume that the average heat loss is about 80 W/m2. So, the specific heat loss will be 1680 W/m2 (21x80). The desired temperature in the room is 20 degrees, and pipes with a diameter of 20 mm will be used. A 7 cm screed and tiles are placed on them. The relationship between pitch, coolant heat, heat flux density and pipe diameter is presented in the diagram:

So, if there is a 20 mm pipe, to compensate for heat loss of 80 W/m2 it will take 31.5 degrees with a step of 10 cm and 33.5 degrees with a step of 15 cm.

The temperature on the floor surface is 6 degrees less than the temperature of the water in the pipes, which is due to the presence of screed and coating.

Video: Calculation of a warm water floor

From the video you will be able to learn the theory of hydraulics associated with the installation of heated floors, its application to calculations, an example of calculating a water heated floor in a special online program. First, simple pipe connection circuits for such a floor will be considered, and then more complex versions of them, in which all components of the underfloor heating system will be calculated:

If you do your own calculations, errors may occur. To avoid them and check the correctness of the calculations, you should use computer programs, which contain correction factors. To calculate a warm floor, you need to select the pipe laying interval, their diameter, and material. The error of calculations by the online program does not exceed 15%.

In order to avoid unnecessary costs and technological errors, which can lead to partial or complete rework of the system with your own hands, the calculation of the water heated floor is made in advance, before installation begins. The following input data is required:

  • Materials from which housing is built;
  • Availability of other heating sources;
  • Room area;
  • Availability of external insulation and quality of glazing;
  • Regional location of the house.

You also need to determine what maximum air temperature in the room is required for the comfort of the residents. On average, it is recommended to design the water floor contour based on 30-33 °C. However, such high performance may not be necessary during operation; a person feels most comfortable at temperatures up to 25 degrees.

In the case when additional heat sources are used in the house (air conditioning, central or independent heating etc.), the calculation of heated floors can be based on average maximum values ​​of 25-28 °C.

Advice! It is strongly recommended not to connect warm water floors with your own hands directly through central system heating. It is advisable to use a heat exchanger. The ideal option is completely autonomous heating and connection of heated floors through a manifold to the boiler.

System efficiency directly depends on the material of the pipes through which the coolant will move. There are 3 varieties used:

  • Copper;
  • Polyethylene or cross-linked polypropylene;
  • Metal-plastic.

U copper pipes maximum heat transfer, but quite high cost. Polyethylene and polypropylene pipes have low thermal conductivity, but are relatively cheap. The best option in terms of price and quality – metal-plastic pipes. They have low heat transfer consumption and a reasonable price.

Experienced specialists primarily take into account the following parameters:

  1. Determining the desired t value in the room.
  2. Correctly calculate heat loss at home. To do this, you can use calculator programs or invite a specialist, but it is also possible to make an approximate calculation of heat loss yourself. A simple way to calculate a warm water floor and heat loss in a room is the average value of heat loss in a room - 100 W per 1 sq. meter, taking into account a ceiling height of no more than 3 meters and the absence of adjacent unheated premises. For corner rooms and those that have two or more windows - heat loss is calculated based on a value of 150 W per 1 sq. meter.
  3. Calculation of how much heat loss the circuit will have for each m2 of area heated by the water system.
  4. Determination of heat consumption per m2 based on decorative material coatings (for example, ceramics have higher heat transfer than laminate).
  5. Calculation of surface temperature taking into account heat loss, heat transfer, and desired temperature.

On average, the required power for every 10 m2 of laying area should be about 1.5 kW. In this case, you need to take into account point 4 in the above list. If the house is well insulated, the windows are made of quality profile, then 20% of the power can be allocated to heat transfer.

Accordingly, with a room area of ​​20 m2, the calculation will take place according to the following formula: Q = q*x*S.

3kW*1.2=3.6kW, where

Q – required heating power,

q = 1.5 kW = 0.15 kW - this is a constant for every 10 m2,

x = 1.2 is the average heat loss coefficient,

S – area of ​​the room.

Before you begin installing the system yourself, it is recommended to draw up a plan diagram, accurately indicate the distance between the walls and the presence of other heat sources in the house. This will allow you to calculate the power of the water floor as accurately as possible. If the area of ​​the room does not allow the use of one circuit, then it is correct to plan the system taking into account the installation of the collector. In addition, you will need to install the cabinet for the device yourself and determine its location, distance to the walls, etc.

How many meters is the optimal contour length?


There is often information that the maximum length of one circuit is 120 m. This is not entirely true, since the parameter directly depends on the diameter of the pipe:

  • 16 mm – max L 90 meter.
  • 17 mm – max L 100 meter.
  • 20 mm – max L 120 meter.

Accordingly, the larger the diameter of the pipeline, the lower the hydraulic resistance and pressure. This means the contour is longer. However experienced craftsmen It is recommended not to “chase” the maximum length and choose pipes D 16 mm.

You also need to take into account that thick pipes D 20 mm are problematic to bend, so the laying loops will be larger than the recommended parameter. And this means a low level of system efficiency, because the distance between the turns will be large; in any case, you will have to make a square outline of the snail.

If one circuit is not enough to heat a large room, then it is better to install a double-circuit floor with your own hands. In this case, it is strongly recommended to make the contours the same length so that the heating of the surface area is uniform. But if the difference in size cannot be avoided, an error of 10 meters is allowed. The distance between the contours is equal to the recommended step.

Hydraulic pitch between turns

The uniformity of surface heating depends on the pitch of the coil. Typically, two types of pipe laying are used: snake or snail.

It is preferable to make a snake in rooms with minimal heat loss and a small area. For example, in a bathroom or hallway (since they are located inside a private house or apartment without contact with the outside environment). The optimal loop pitch for a snake is 15-20 cm. With this type of installation, the pressure loss is approximately 2500 Pa.

Snail loops are used in spacious rooms. This method saves the length of the circuit and makes it possible to evenly heat the room, both in the middle and closer to the outer walls. The loop pitch is recommended within 15-30 cm. Experts say that the ideal step distance is 15 cm. Pressure loss in the cochlea is 1600 Pa. Accordingly, this do-it-yourself installation option is more profitable in terms of system power efficiency (you can cover less usable area). Conclusion: the cochlea is more efficient, its pressure drops less, and its efficiency is correspondingly higher.

The general rule for both schemes is that closer to the walls the step should be reduced to 10 cm. Accordingly, from the middle of the room the loops of the circuit are gradually compacted. Minimum distance styling up outer wall 10-15 cm.

Another important point- pipes cannot be laid on top of the seams concrete slabs. It is necessary to draw up the diagram in such a way that the same location of the loop is maintained between the joints of the slab on both sides. For installation with your own hands, you can first draw a diagram on a rough screed with chalk.

How many degrees are allowed when temperature changes

System design, in addition to heat and pressure losses, involves temperature changes. The maximum difference is 10 degrees. But it is recommended to focus on 5 °C for uniform operation of the system. If the specified comfortable floor surface temperature is 30 °C, then the direct pipeline should supply about 35 °C.

Pressure and temperature, as well as their losses, are checked during crimping (checking the system before final filling of the finishing screed). If the design is done correctly, then the specified parameters will be accurate with an error of no more than 3-5%. The higher the t difference, the higher the floor power consumption.

One of the conditions for the implementation of high-quality and proper heating The purpose of a room using a heated floor is to maintain the temperature of the coolant in accordance with the specified parameters.

These parameters are determined by the project, taking into account required quantity heat for a heated room and floor covering.

Required data for calculation

The efficiency of the heating system depends on a correctly laid circuit.

To maintain a given temperature regime indoors, it is necessary to correctly calculate the length of the loops used to circulate the coolant.

First, you need to collect the initial data on the basis of which the calculation will be performed and which consists of the following indicators and characteristics:

  • temperature that should be above the floor covering;
  • layout diagram of loops with coolant;
  • distance between pipes;
  • maximum possible pipe length;
  • the ability to use several contours of different lengths;
  • connection of several loops to one collector and to one pump and their possible number with such a connection.

Based on the listed data, you can correctly calculate the length of the heated floor circuit and thereby ensure a comfortable temperature regime in the room with minimal costs to pay for energy supply.

Floor temperature

The temperature on the surface of the floor, made with a water heating device underneath, depends on the functional purpose of the room. Its values ​​should be no more than those indicated in the table:

Compliance with the temperature regime in accordance with the above values ​​will create a favorable environment for work and rest for the people in them.

Pipe laying options used for heated floors

Options for laying heated floors

The laying pattern can be made with a regular, double and corner snake or snail. Various combinations of these options are also possible, for example, along the edge of the room you can lay out a pipe like a snake, and then the middle part - like a snail.

IN large rooms For complex configurations, it is better to lay them in a snail shape. In rooms of small size and having a variety of complex configurations, snake laying is used.

The pipe laying pitch is determined by calculation and usually corresponds to 15, 20 and 25 cm, but no more. When laying out the pipes at intervals of more than 25 cm, a person’s foot will feel the temperature difference between and directly above them.

Along the edges of the room, the heating circuit pipe is laid in increments of 10 cm.

Allowable contour length

The length of the circuit must be selected according to the diameter of the pipe

This depends on the pressure in a particular closed loop and hydraulic resistance, the values ​​of which determine the diameter of the pipes and the volume of liquid that is supplied to them per unit time.

When installing a heated floor, situations often occur when the circulation of the coolant in a separate loop is disrupted, which cannot be restored by any pump; water is blocked in this circuit, as a result of which it cools down. This results in pressure losses of up to 0.2 bar.

Based on practical experience, you can adhere to the following recommended sizes:

  1. Less than 100 m can be a loop made of metal-plastic pipe with a diameter of 16 mm. For reliability optimal size is 80 m.
  2. No more than 120 m is accepted maximum length contour of an 18 mm pipe made of cross-linked polyethylene. Experts try to install a circuit 80-100 m long.
  3. No more than 120-125 m is considered an acceptable loop size for metal-plastic with a diameter of 20 mm. In practice, they also try to reduce this length to ensure sufficient reliability of the system.

For more precise definition The size of the length of the loop for a heated floor in the room in question, in which there will be no problems with the circulation of the coolant, it is necessary to perform calculations.

Application of multiple contours of different lengths

The design of the floor heating system involves the implementation of several circuits. Of course, the ideal option is when all the loops are the same length. In this case, there is no need to configure and balance the system, but it is almost impossible to implement such a pipe layout. Detailed video For information on calculating the length of the water circuit, see this video:

For example, it is necessary to install a heated floor system in several rooms, one of which, say a bathroom, has an area of ​​4 m2. This means that heating it will require 40 m of pipe. It is impractical to arrange 40 m loops in other rooms, whereas 80-100 m loops can be made.

The difference in pipe lengths is determined by calculation. If it is impossible to perform calculations, you can apply a requirement that allows a difference in the length of the contours of the order of 30-40%.

Also, the difference in loop lengths can be compensated by increasing or decreasing the diameter of the pipe and changing the pitch of its installation.

Possibility of connection to one unit and pump

The number of loops that can be connected to one collector and one pump is determined depending on the power of the equipment used, the number of thermal circuits, the diameter and material of the pipes used, the area of ​​the heated premises, the material of the enclosing structures and many other various indicators.

Such calculations must be entrusted to specialists who have knowledge and practical skills in carrying out such projects.

The size of the loop depends on the total area of ​​the room

Having collected all the initial data, having considered possible options creating a heated floor and having determined the most optimal one, you can proceed directly to calculating the length of the water heated floor circuit.

To do this, you need to divide the area of ​​the room in which the loops for water floor heating are laid by the distance between the pipes and multiply by a factor of 1.1, which takes into account 10% for turns and bends.

To the result you need to add the length of the pipeline that will need to be laid from the collector to warm floor and back. Watch the answer to key questions about organizing a heated floor in this video:

You can determine the length of the loop laid in increments of 20 cm in a room of 10 m2, located at a distance of 3 m from the collector, by following these steps:

10/0.2*1.1+(3*2)=61 m.

In this room, 61 m of pipe must be laid, forming a thermal circuit, to ensure high-quality heating of the floor covering.

The presented calculation helps create conditions for maintaining a comfortable air temperature in small individual rooms.

In order to correctly determine the pipe length of several heating circuits for a large number of rooms powered from one collector, it is necessary to involve a design organization.

She will do this with the help of specialized programs that take into account many various factors, on which uninterrupted water circulation, and therefore high-quality floor heating, depends.
