Making ppu with your own hands. Do-it-yourself insulation with polyurethane foam - economical, technologically advanced, affordable

If insulation is necessary various rooms from basement to attic great solution will become polyurethane foam. A material with outstanding properties obtained by mixing polymer substances fits perfectly on any type of surface. With its help, even alone, you can produce high-quality insulation to homes at a reasonable price.


The synthetic nature of the polymer allows its properties to be modified, improving them to levels inaccessible to natural materials. In particular, polyurethane foam is an excellent insulation material and has excellent adhesion properties to almost all types of surfaces encountered when installing thermal insulation.

Strong adhesion is ensured with materials such as:

  • wood – 1.5 kg/cm²;
  • galvanized and cast iron – 2.0 kg/cm²;
  • aluminum – 1.0 kg/cm²;
  • stainless steel – 1.5 kg/cm²;
  • cement – ​​2.5 kg/cm²;
  • steel – 3 kg/cm².

In addition, the positive features of the material include the following:

  • low thermal conductivity – 0.019–0.028 W/m²;
  • lightness without affecting the weight of structures - from 40 to 60 kg/m³;
  • does not require fasteners - saving money;
  • protects coated metal from corrosive processes;

  • there are no cold bridges;
  • the ability to cover surfaces with any geometry;
  • high durability, the material does not rot, does not dry out, does not collapse under the influence of atmospheric phenomena, temperature changes and other environmental phenomena, except ultraviolet radiation;
  • absolute safety, polyurethane foam is chemically and biologically inert, approved for use in food refrigeration chambers;
  • using form with the required dimensions can be created thermal insulation blocks any format;
  • the material is not interesting as food for rodents and insects, fungus and other microorganisms do not multiply on it, and it also prevents the growth of plant roots;
  • resistant to aggressive substances: solvent, softener, fuel, mineral oil, diluted acid and alkali, fumes of various origins;
  • refers to low-flammability substances, burns from the side of contact with direct fire and only when it is present; when it disappears, it goes out, the burnt layer turns into coals and no longer supports combustion.

Except positive qualities, PPU also has its disadvantages, among which the following are worth highlighting:

  • the finished layer of polyurethane foam is vulnerable to sunlight (ultraviolet radiation). To compensate for this drawback, polyurethane foam is coated with paint or film with the necessary protective properties;
  • although polyurethane foam is slow-burning, it is near a fire source, for example, a fireplace or gas stove, it should not be used, even if it does not catch fire, it may smolder or melt;
  • relatively high cost.


Polyurethane foam is a material related to gas-filled plastics with a cellular structure filled with air.

The liquid phase of polyurethane foam is formed due to the combination of two substances: isocyanate and polyol.

2–4 seconds after mixing the components, the polymer foams; when applied to the surface, a homogeneous mass with high heat-insulating properties is formed. Foaming is accompanied by an increase in temperature and an increase in viscosity, after which the material hardens.

PPU is divided into two main types:

  • open cell or soft polyurethane foam, which is used in light industry;
  • closed cell or hard polyurethane foam, which is used in thermal insulation.


Solid polyurethane foam with a closed cell structure is formed by combining two components.

  • Polyol (A) is a hydroxyl substance that serves as the polymer base of polyurethane foam. It is slightly toxic and non-explosive and should be stored at temperatures from 0ºC and above in a room with low humidity and good ventilation. Due to the tendency to separate, component “A” must be stirred before use.
  • Isocyanate (B) is a mixture based on diphenylmethane diisocyanate (50 to 60%) and polyisocyanate. It is highly active when in contact with air, resulting in the formation of unusable sediment, which necessitates hermetically sealed storage.


From a technical point of view, PPU has the following characteristics:

  • Density is 18–300 kg/m³;
  • Thermal conductivity – from 0.019 to 0.03 W/m²;
  • breaking stress for compression – from 0.15 to 1 MPa, for bending – from 0.35 to 1.9 MPa;
  • moisture absorption – from 1.2 to 2.1%;
  • number of closed pores – from 85 to 95%;
  • flammability according to GOST 12.1.044 (non-flammable substances).

Review of manufacturers

Quality of components and correct proportion- This the most important conditions to obtain a good PPU. Small stores often sell polyurethane foam cylinders with unclear markings, the result of which is a loss of money and extremely unsatisfactory insulation. That is why it is recommended to choose trusted manufacturers whose products only have positive reviews from buyers.

  • Yantai Wanhua is a large Chinese company that produces polyurethane foam. It is one of the world leaders in the sale of polyurethane foam. The products are certified in accordance with all quality standards and at the same time have a reasonable price. By purchasing such a product, you can be sure of a guaranteed exchange if there is a manufacturing defect. Product names: component A – Wanfoam-323С-1, component B – Wannate РМ-200.
  • Bayer is a large German chemical and pharmaceutical concern with a worldwide reputation and excellent reputation. Trade names of PU foam components: component A – Bayer Spray 150, component B – Desmodur 44V20 L.

  • BASF is a German chemical company with more than 150 years of experience, considered a world leader in the production of polyurethane foam components high quality. The resulting insulation has a uniform structure; the components are mixed without any side complications. Product names: component A – Elastospray 1652/1-3, component B – IsoPMDI 92140.

How to calculate consumption?

When calculating the consumption of polyurethane foam components, several factors are paramount.

  • Thickness of the applied layer. It is directly determined by the required level of thermal insulation and depends on the density of a particular polyurethane foam.
  • Treated area (S). Calculated by standard form S=l*h, where l is the length of the surface, and h is its height. The volume of required polyurethane foam (V) is calculated from the formula V=S/р, where р is the consumption per 1 m².
  • Foaming agent used and type of work: pouring or spraying. It is standardly believed that the consumption of components A and B is 1: 1. In practice, when using a freon system, 1: 1 is consumed for spraying, and 1: 1.1 for filling. When using a water system, 1:1 is also consumed for spraying, and 1:1.5 for pouring.

How to make it yourself?

There is a simple option to do the spraying yourself. To do this, you need to buy one of the disposable kits. FoamKit from an American manufacturer is an excellent choice. With its help you can insulate yourself private house, cottage, cottage attic or other premises. A disposable set consists of two small cylinders, which are accompanied by a hose and a special gun with different nozzles.

After the start of use, the components remain suitable for 30 days, and in packaged form - 12 months.

In general, the spraying process is as follows:

  • you need to position yourself at such a distance that there is approximately 80 cm from the gun to the wall;
  • the first thin spray layer is applied to ensure better adhesion to the wall;
  • after 20 minutes, when it dries, the next layer is applied, which should not exceed 2.5 cm in thickness and so on until the required thickness, stopping for the fresh layer to dry;
  • In the final layer, excesses and sagging are smoothed out 2–5 minutes after application. Homemade spraying completed.

When working, the following conditions must be met:

  • the surface must be dry and free of dust and dirt;
  • the temperature should not be lower than +5ºС, while depending on the humidity the temperature work surface should exceed the dew point temperature by 3 degrees.

Alternative option With independent production The components of polyurethane foam are very complex and require high knowledge of chemistry, and in addition, the manufacture of a high-pressure installation, which will require advanced mechanical skills.

The use of disposable spray kits is financially justified when working on areas not exceeding 30 square meters. m. And there are also many subtleties in determining the proportions for the desired result, non-specific surface and other nuances that need to be taken into account even if there are factory components and equipment.


In addition to cylinders with components, the disposable kit includes such parts as hoses, a gun and nozzles. Professional equipment consists of many parts and is often a mobile unit like a gas welding machine.

High pressure sprayers include the following:

  • "Foam-20" is a product from a Russian company that can mix components in 11 different variations. The device is equipped with two 2.5 meter hoses, extendable to 60 meters if necessary. It allows the production of 1–3 kg of PU foam per minute, mixed in proportions from 1: 0.93 to 1: 1.7. Dimensions are 115x55x90 cm, and weight is 110 kg.
  • Reactor E-10 is an American installation for spraying polyurethane foam, polyurea, polyurethane, epoxies and others. It has compact dimensions of 52x55x95 cm and a relatively low weight of 72 kg. It produces up to 5.4 kg of mixture per minute, the hose length is up to 32 m.

When carrying out construction and insulation work with polyurethane foam or any other material, the issue of economy often becomes an obstacle to quality. Almost all construction work can be done independently, having solid experience and qualifications. The question of whether to hire experienced specialists or do everything yourself has recently become very relevant. After the appearance on the market of disposable kits for spraying polyurethane foam, many decided to abandon the services construction companies and take everything into your own hands.

Today, polyurethane foam is one of the advanced materials for thermal insulation. This material is used in almost all industries, from mechanical engineering to filling children's toys.

Despite its chemical origin, polyurethane foam is one of the most environmentally friendly and safe insulation materials used in construction. When creating its constituent elements, no formaldehyde, asbestos or freon are harmful to the lungs. In the process of spraying onto a certain surface, polyurethane foam becomes a stable and inert substance, which after many years does not release anything into the air, that is, it does not harm environment and the general ecology of the planet.

Spraying with polyurethane foam: basic requirements for the process

Polyurethane foam is the only insulation of its kind that adheres to almost all building surfaces, be it wood, foam concrete, glass, and so on. Exceptions are possible only with surfaces made of fluoroplastic and polyethylene. In this case, the entire area in contact with polyurethane foam must be carefully prepared for spraying with this material.

Basic requirements for the surface for insulation:

  1. The surface to be treated must be thoroughly cleaned.
  2. It should be dry and without any signs of moisture.
  3. Defects larger than 6 mm must be eliminated.
  4. The temperature during work should be from 12 to 16 degrees Celsius.

Only if all surface preparation requirements are met can the required level of adhesion be achieved, which is the basis technological process when sprayed with polyurethane foam.

Due to strong adhesion, as well as the spraying method, polyurethane foam, in comparison with various insulation materials, has the necessary advantages and qualities, therefore it is widely used for insulating rooms with high level humidity.

Possessing impressive characteristics, the material effectively protects the room from penetration low temperatures V winter period, moisture and other atmospheric phenomena.

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Scope and advantages of insulation

The main advantages of polyurethane foam:

  • high thermal insulation;
  • lack of sensitivity to the harmful effects of the environment;
  • long service life;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • allows for spraying in hard-to-reach areas of the room;
  • high strength and reliability;
  • has no seams, joints, cracks;
  • fire resistance and fire safety.

The very wide use of polyurethane foam in the field of insulation of premises and buildings leads to the leadership of the material in modern construction.

Today this is one of the the best ways insulation, which involves obtaining the desired coating without additional loads on the main structure.

When using polyurethane foam, the correct calculation of vapor permeability should be carried out in order to avoid heat losses and excessive consumption of energy resources for heating.

It is important to move the dew point inside the material, which will significantly reduce heating costs. In addition, it will lead to significant sound insulation.

Ceiling insulation is important, since polyurethane foam has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, which will prevent significant heat loss.

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Where and when to start insulation work?

According to the technology of spraying polyurethane foam, work should take place in good weather or in a warm room. It is prohibited to carry out insulation in conditions high humidity, during rain or snow. When the surface temperature is below normal, the work should be performed in two stages: first, apply the first layer, and after it hardens, apply the second layer of the recommended thickness.

Insulation must begin with hard-to-reach areas: chimney pipes, pipelines, ventilation hatches. Considering the thickness of the layer is about 15 mm, for more reliable insulation it is necessary to pass the surface with polyurethane foam at least three times.

Scroll necessary tools for spraying polyurethane foam:

  • apparatus for spraying polyurethane foam;
  • protective overalls with a special coating;
  • safety glasses;
  • rubber boots;
  • protective mask.

Do-it-yourself insulation with polyurethane foam? If you don't have any special construction skills? Nonsense? A large amount of practically unused space on a balcony or loggia can be easily used to arrange a study or a flower greenhouse. Provided that work is carried out to insulate them, this is more than realistic. Afterwards, all that remains is to lay a layer of thermal insulation. What material should I choose for this? Many professional builders recommend using polyurethane foam for work. Is this really a way out? What is known about this type of thermal insulation material?

Polyurethane foam - what is it?

Few people know, but polyurethane foam (PPU), which is in demand today, was manufactured back in the last century. It was first used as thermal insulation in 1957. Since then, it has not only not lost its relevance, but has also begun to be used in other areas far from construction. It is polyurethane foam that is one of the fillers in upholstered furniture, children's toys, etc. What is polyurethane foam?

At its core, polyurethane foam is one of the types of plastics. The uniqueness of the material lies in the fact that the main percentage of the substance is gas bubbles. According to studies that have been repeatedly carried out with the finished product, modified plastic in finished products only 10-15%. The rest of the space is occupied by gas bubbles. As a result, the material acquires special thermal insulation and performance characteristics . Namely:

  • A 3 cm layer of polyurethane foam is identical in thermal conductivity to 7 cm, 16 cm mineral wool, 38 cm foam block and 1 m 70 cm brick wall.
  • The material can be prepared directly on construction site or purchase ready-made mixture in cylinders.
  • Tests have shown that polyurethane foam retains its performance characteristics over a range of - 150° to + 220°.
  • Has high adhesion to any surface. Using polyurethane foam you can even insulate a metal structure.
  • After drying, the surface can be plastered or used as a base for laying ceramic tiles.

You need to know that there are several ways to insulate using polyurethane foam. Can be purchased sheet material, prepare a two-component composition yourself or use a ready-made mixture sold in containers resembling polyurethane foam.

Advantages of polyurethane foam insulation

Although polyurethane foam has been used as thermal insulation for more than half a century, it has only recently become widespread. It is not surprising that for domestic consumers this method of insulation is new, and accordingly raises many questions and disputes. Is it really more practical and economical to use polyurethane foam compared to, for example, or mineral wool? Let's look at the advantages:

1. Easy to do DIY insulation with polyurethane foam. For this there is no need to make metal frame as is the case with mineral insulation, attach sheets of material using special adhesives and even prepare the surface. Simply apply the mixture to the wall, like polyurethane foam.

2. Thermal insulation characteristics. Even extruded polystyrene foam cannot compare with polyurethane foam in this regard. And if you consider that after insulation all the cracks are completely filled and there are no cold bridges that necessarily accompany any sheet heat-insulating material, the advantage of polyurethane foam becomes obvious.

3. Does not require additional work . After applying it, you can safely carry out the rest of the finishing: plaster, tiling, plastic and other materials.

4. Speed ​​of work completion. Application is fairly quick. To insulate a balcony, even with your own efforts and without professional equipment, it will only take one day.

5. Possibility of application on uneven surfaces. Any sheet insulation requires that the surface be completely leveled before installation. PPU can be applied to any type of wall with any irregularities, cracks, etc.

Attention: The most advantageous is the use of two-component formulations. Even taking into account the purchase of tools, the costs per 1 sq. m. will be significantly lower than when purchasing a ready-made mixture in cylinders.

Do you want to perform polyurethane foam insulation yourself? Get the right tool.

Unless insulation is planned with sheet polyurethane foam, then you will need to use special equipment. Moreover, such a tool will need to be purchased regardless of what type of polyurethane foam (two-component or ready-made mixture) will be used for insulation. To carry out polyurethane foam thermal insulation yourself you will need:

  1. Gun for ready mix. On the market building materials appeared completely ready mix for application without the need for pre-mixing. It is sold in cylinders, much like polyurethane foam. With its help, you can apply a layer up to 4 cm thick in one pass. The consumption is approximately one can per 1 sq. m. m. Regular mounting gun for foam is not suitable for spraying polyurethane foam!
  2. Disposable equipment for applying polyurethane foam. At its core, a polyurethane spraying installation consists of two conventional cylinder. They contain the main components of polyurethane foam under pressure. The cylinders are connected to a spray gun that has several different attachments to perform specific functions.

Note: There is professional low and high pressure equipment. It is designed for simultaneous processing of large surfaces. Usually it is used by installation teams; there is no need to purchase it, only for insulating a balcony or loggia.

Polyurethane foam - do-it-yourself spraying

Spraying any type of polyurethane foam is carried out simply and without unnecessary complications. So any person who has experience in applying polyurethane foam will be able to cope with independent insulation balcony or loggia with polyurethane foam. To do this you will need the following:

  • Wear protective clothing that you won’t mind throwing away and protective equipment.
  • Start applying the composition, starting from the edge, gradually filling the space.
  • If necessary, after the polyurethane foam has dried, a second layer can be applied.
  • Enjoy the finished result.

Considering the simplicity of spraying, the possibility of finishing works directly on the surface of the applied material after hardening, as well as high thermal insulation characteristics it becomes clear that polyurethane foam has no competitive analogues in the field of thermal insulation materials, at least for today.

DIY polyurethane foam spraying video

We invite you to watch a video on the topic of our article, in which you can see how easily and quickly you can insulate polyurethane foam with your own hands.

Still have questions? Ask them in the comments!



  • Foam Kit (USA) - the most affordable product on the Russian market

  • Froth—Pak(USA) — There is a representative office of the manufacturer in Russia. But it’s practically impossible to buy.

  • Handi-Foam (USA) - not sold in the Russian Federation

  • Tiger Foam (USA) — can be ordered from Europe or on eBay

  • Versi-Foam (USA) - Distributed only in the USA

  • Penoglas Kit (Russia) — test product from a Russian manufacturer

  • Foam package KZS (Russia) — jellied two-component polyurethane foam in a double package


Manufacturer: Convenience Products (USA)

Product: FOAM KIT

Today's most affordable portable kit for spraying and pouring closed-cell and open-cell PU foam. Foam Kits have been used in Russia since 2008, and in the USA for more than 15 years. You can order delivery within Russia directly from the supplier. The cost of the kits at all dealers is the same, so the purchase of this equipment should be made where it is more convenient for you.

On PPU CONTRACTORS PORTAL PM&PPU you can familiarize yourself with the areas of application of Foam Kits, instructions for assembly and operation of the installation, the intricacies of working with polyurethane foam, and also order FoamKit with free shipping across Russia.

Manufacturer: The Dow Chemical Company (USA)


The concern produces a variety of materials for waterproofing, thermal insulation, and sealing. Glues, sealants. Components for polyurethane foam PPU. A wide range of products allows us to comprehensively solve issues heat and waterproofing in any area of ​​life activity. Series of polyurethane foam sealants Froth Pak. The kits are no different from the Foam Kit. But buying them in Russia is quite problematic. It is almost impossible to find due to the complexity of the dealer network. And the cost of such kits is more expensive than analogues due to the peculiarities of import into our country.

Manufacturer: Fomo Products, Inc. (USA)

Handi-Foam- mini kits for spraying thermal insulation with polyurethane foam on loggias, balconies, loggias and other small objects. Finding it in Russia is also problematic. Although you can search on eBay. Exactly the same as all previous kits, the only differences are the box and the design of the applicator gun. By the way, this is one of the most basic indicators when choosing the most suitable equipment for the job. Unlike the Foam Kit, Fomofoam has supply hoses located in the upper part of the gun under acute angle to the deposition axis, this makes the deposition process itself not very convenient. Manufacturer's plant address: 2775 Barber Rd. PO Box 1078 Norton, Ohio 44203 USA

Manufacturer: Commercial Thermal Solutions, Inc. (USA)

Tiger Foam— mini kit for spraying and pouring polyurethane foam. Similar kits for spraying and filling polyurethane foam of various volumes. Often found in European countries. Not sold in Russia. As mentioned earlier, the entire line of kits presented by this manufacturer is no different from the previous ones. Just like everyone else, there are sets of different volumes, different densities, and different foaming speeds. Manufacturer Address Foam Products Division 524 Brighton Avenue Spring Lake, NJ 07762


Manufacturer: SprayFoamKitShop (USA)

A small family-owned American company produces disposable spray kits. Guys special attention They focus on the fact that the product is American and helps Americans keep warm, and therefore money, in their families. Their product line is called VERSI-FOAM. It also provides options: open cell, closed cell, fast foaming, slow foaming, door and window mounting foams. The set can also be purchased disassembled.


Manufacturer: PPU 21st century (Russia)

A large domestic company, which is perhaps the largest organization that professionally deals with spraying polyurethane foam and polyurea, and also carries out trading activities in equipment for polymer processing. Based on the experience of foreign colleagues and the variety of disposable spraying kits, we decided to release PENOGLAS KIT. Initially, Penoglas was a brand of components for spraying polyurethane foam. It can be sprayed without heating. The trial batch was tested at our own facilities, but did not enter the wide spraying market. There are websites and advertisements on the Internet selling these kits for self-spraying. But in fact, buying them is very problematic, unlike kits. It is not clear what exactly was developed in Russia, since the cylinders and gun are extremely similar to Froth Pak. Let's hope that Russian manufacturer will reach the quality level of leading manufacturers of this type of kits.


MANUFACTURER: Guardian Energy Technologies

What to do if you need to complete a small amount of work, but contractors and teams either refuse to go. Or do they simply charge unaffordable prices because they will travel longer than they will work?

Especially for small volumes of work from 1-50 sq.m. disposable portable kits were invented and produced Foam Kit. With their help, anyone can as soon as possible independently insulate or seal any surface (floor, ceiling, walls). The Foam Kit comes fully equipped with everything you need: Cylinders with chemicals under pressure, a hose from 3-9 m.p., a spray gun, and replaceable nozzles. No connection to the compressor or power supply is required. Spraying polyurethane foam with your own hands is easy and reliable.

You can provide your home with high-quality thermal insulation in different ways. One of the popular options is to insulate the house with polyurethane foam. The use of this technique will reduce the cost of paying heating bills.

It will be possible to carry out work with polyurethane foam to insulate walls on stone, wooden or brick surfaces. Modern coating interacts well with various materials, has a minimum hygroscopicity coefficient, does not crumble or deform during operation. How to properly carry out insulation work and what is needed for this is in our article.

Types of material

Manufacturers offer several types of this material. It is based on two components: polyisocyanate and polyol. According to the basic characteristics, polyurethane foam for wall insulation is differentiated as rigid, semi-rigid, and also applied as a suspension on the prepared surface.

After insulating the walls with polyurethane foam in the form of slabs, the closed cells of the material block the movement of moisture. These properties of the hard substance make it look like foam plastic or basalt wool.

The presented semi-rigid material has an open, cellular, dense structure. Thanks to these properties, it is possible to carry out insulation wooden houses polyurethane foam. Both varieties do an excellent job of sound insulation.

Depending on the circumstances, wall insulation with polyurethane foam is carried out both with outside, and from the inside. In addition to walls, it is used in the following cases:

  • for installation of slabs in basements or semi-basements;
  • when insulating floors or ceilings;
  • due to high degree waterproofing and heat resistance, it is used to insulate foundations, underground or above-ground pipelines.

In the production of lightweight blocks, polyurethane foam granules are used. They are introduced using technology into ready solution to reduce the weight of manufactured products.

As an alternative, you can use foam to insulate the space between the walls. This method is certainly a leader in terms of insulation characteristics, but in the end it is very expensive.

Particularly popular is filling cavities or spraying polyurethane foam. The resulting result is much more durable with a high degree of efficiency.

Spray processing

Materials for the composition - liquid polymers and CO2

To prepare the composition, use 2 liquid polymer- polyisocynate and polyol, which are mixed without air and foam when carbon dioxide is added. It is applied to the surface or to workpieces with a special sprayer (gun). It is an excellent insulating agent because, firstly, it has excellent adhesion, and secondly, when it expands, it fills even small pores, completely eliminating even potential bridges and cold spots.

Polyurethane foam introduced in this way and hardened in the desired area, it gives any frame additional strength, does not allow moisture to penetrate the walls, protecting it from dampness.

The composition can insulate any vertical and horizontal surfaces

The price of sprayed thermal insulation with your own hands and with the help of specialists is different, but the result will be almost the same. When spraying constituent elements in liquid form are mixed in an airless environment and under high pressure. The result obtained is dispensed onto the prepared surface using a special gun connected to the container via a hose.

A well-foamed solution forms excellent adhesion to any surface, located vertically or horizontally, without creating unwanted runoff.

The foam hardens after a short period of time, as soon as it increases several times. This process allows a specialist or homeowner, if spraying polyurethane foam is carried out with his own hands, to control the process as precisely as possible.

Carrying out work

Spraying polyurethane foam with your own hands requires special equipment. Theoretically, it can be assembled using ready-made diagrams, but there are certain nuances associated with operation. Do-it-yourself equipment for polyurethane foam requires precise settings in order to produce high-quality results. Such procedures require certain experience and practical skills in working with such installations.

The way out of this situation is to rent ready-made units and carry out insulation with polyurethane foam yourself without outside help. However, the cost may be quite high, which will make the procedure unprofitable financially.

The most accessible and accordingly effective method It turns out that the house is insulated with polyurethane foam by professionals. The costs will be repaid with high-quality and quick results.

VIDEO: New materials for wall and roof insulation

It is also practiced to purchase ready-made mats, which are pre-blown into blanks, hardened and cut into required sizes. This method cannot be called rational, since its characteristics are in no way inferior to penoplex, and the price is almost 2 times more expensive.

Specifics of the procedure

Whatever method is chosen, either do-it-yourself foam insulation or inviting outside specialists, the homeowner is obliged to understand the intricacies of the procedure;

  • the process of insulating polyurethane foam (as in the video above) is carried out both during the construction of the building and after its final construction;
  • the layer can be applied to a separate area or to the entire prepared surface;
  • cavities can be filled through drilled technological holes.

The procedure includes the following steps:

  • Before applying polyurethane foam, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work by clearing the walls of old decorative or functional layers, removing plaster or old paint.
  • A frame is formed over the entire plane from a building profile made of metal or wooden beam. The cross-section of the beams is selected in such a way that cavities of the required thickness are formed inside for filling with insulation.

  • All beams or profiles on the surface are fixed by level and by beacons in order to level the plane, if necessary.
  • The cavities are foamed with polyurethane foam by spraying yourself or an invited specialist will do it. A special pistol is used in the work.

  • Previously, adjustment and adjustment work is carried out with the gun in order to achieve a jet output of the required intensity, forming a uniform layer.

  • As a rule, the process begins from the lower level, moving up the wall between the fixed beams.

Work proceeds layer by layer from bottom to top

  • Polyurethane foam insulation as shown in the video thin layer, which swells almost immediately, increasing its volume. It is allowed to add spraying when it is not possible to achieve required thickness right the first time.
  • The frozen mass is trimmed with a construction knife to a height not exceeding the thickness of the beams. Excessive relief will interfere with the external decorative coating.
  • The leveled insulation can be plastered, covered with clapboard, covered brickwork. Before applying the plaster, it is necessary to cover the surface with a reinforcing mesh. It is fixed on wooden beams or a metal profile.

It is strictly forbidden to leave exposed treated surfaces under sun rays for more than 3 days. Under the influence of ultraviolet carbon dioxide evaporates and the material loses all its properties. As soon as it hardens, it must be closed immediately. decorative panels- siding, lining, etc.

Disadvantages of PPU

In addition to a large number of positive factors, polyurethane foam has a number of disadvantages that must be taken into account when designing:

  • the cost of the material depends on the proportions and quality of its components; it does not belong to the budget group of insulation materials;
  • after applying the layer to the wall, you need to take care of protecting it from solar ultraviolet radiation;
  • Spraying work must be carried out with a high degree of safety, wearing protective suits and masks, since the components are aggressive chemical irritants that can quickly damage the respiratory, digestive, and vision organs.

After hardening, the material does not pose any health hazard. Even when heated, it does not emit chemically aggressive substances.

When applying the layer, it must be taken into account that when it expands, it can deform the rafter systems.

And the last thing you should not forget about. It does not pose a serious obstacle for rodents. Of course, mice don’t “love” polyurethane foam as much as polystyrene foam, but it won’t be a serious obstacle in their path.

VIDEO: How to apply it to walls yourself
