Is penoplex harmful: practical recommendations for safe insulation. Penoplex insulation Penoplex burns or not

Insulation material made from extruded polystyrene foam is the widely known penoplex. It was invented by the Dow Chemical Company in the United States in 1941 and was first used as a non-sinking component in naval lifeboats and boats. Over time, penoplex began to be used to reduce the thermal conductivity of structures, it was improved and modified. Today there are several varieties that have high efficiency, determining consumer demand.


For the production of penoplex, polystyrene foam semi-finished product is used - granules. They are placed in a chamber of high pressure and temperature, where they melt, and under the influence of a catalyst (carbon dioxide and freon), swelling of the raw material occurs. The resulting foam leaves the molding unit (extruded), and the catalyst gases are replaced by an air mixture from the environment. The result is a uniform, highly porous structure of polystyrene foam boards, providing basic operational properties penoplex.

Despite the use of synthetic components, the production of insulation at PENOPLEX® is environmentally friendly and does not cause harm environment.


Penoplex insulation has a porous structure with closed cells no larger than 0.22 mm in size, evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the product, which determines the main properties of the material:

  • high thermal insulation rates - protection coefficient against heat loss is 0.03 W/(m K);
  • compressive and bending strength;
  • minimum water absorption - no more than 0.4% of the volume per day;
  • minimum vapor permeability - in the range of 0.007-0.008 mg/(m·h·Pa);
  • durability of penoplex - guaranteed service life of at least 50 years, taking into account unfavorable operating conditions;
  • wide temperature range - from -50 to +75 °C;
  • biological resistance of penoplex - the insulation will not be harmed by rodents and pathogenic microflora;
  • environmental safety due to the absence of harmful emissions.

Penoplex practically does not absorb water, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage: on the one hand, the thermal conductivity does not change, on the other hand, moisture does not pass through it, which can lead to dampening of the structures. To prevent the formation of dampness, it is necessary to provide ventilation gaps. All penoplex slabs are distinguished by the presence of a tongue-and-groove connection for easy installation without leaving cold bridges and seams.


For use in different types of structures, special types of penoplex insulation have been developed; they differ in individual technical indicators and product sizes.

i>"PENOPLEX® ROOFING" is an insulation material that is suitable for use in flat roof structures of large areas on buildings of any purpose (residential, administrative, industrial, shopping and entertainment complexes, etc.).

  • The density of penoplex varies between 28-32 kg/m3;
  • compressive strength indicator - 0.25 MPa;
  • the degree of flammability of penoplex due to the use of fire retardants corresponds to class G3 (normally flammable materials);
  • thickness - 30-100 mm.

"PENOPLEX® PITCHED ROOF" Designed for thermal insulation of pitched roofs of buildings for any purpose. The material replaces another popular insulation of mineral origin in cases where it is necessary to equip a “pie” of minimal thickness without loss of heat-shielding properties. The thickness of the slabs is 100-150 mm.

"PENOPLEX® FOUNDATION" assumes use in heavily loaded structures, including as one of the load-bearing layers of self-leveling floors, concrete screed. Insulation is also relevant for organizing stylobates and pedestrian paths. The material can be used inside any structures protected from fire due to its high flammability (class G4). Because of this, the layer must be insulated. Distinctive feature penoplex - compressive strength up to 0.27 MPa in the presence of 10% deformation. The thickness of the insulation is 50-100 mm.

"PENOPLEX® WALL" has a relatively low density (from 25 to 32 kg/m 3) for easy installation on vertical structures and, accordingly, low strength (0.2 MPa), quite sufficient for this application. The insulation can be used as a base for plaster, inside suspended and ventilated façade and frame systems. For safety, the flammability class is maintained at G3, the thickness of the slabs is 50 mm.

"PENOPLEX® COMFORT"- a thermal insulation material created specifically for private construction. Its characteristics are designed in such a way that all thermal protection requirements for each individual structure are covered. Penoplex is a universal insulation for country house, baths and saunas, apartments and other types of buildings. Consumer demand is also driven by affordable price, the quality does not suffer at all.

"PENOPLEX® 45(C)" used in structures with significant loads. Penoplex is suitable for laying under railway tracks, highways, airfield pavement, screed in industrial premises with installed machines, in hangars and similar buildings. The insulation is distinguished by increased density (38-45 kg/m3) and strength at deformation of 10% (0.5 MPa, corresponding to a pressure of 50 tons per 1 square meter). It is necessary to take into account the high flammability (G4), requiring appropriate protection. The thickness of the slabs is 20-100 mm.

"PENOPLEX® BASIS"- a more durable and versatile material in comparison with COMFORT series slabs. The thickness of penoplex (20-120 mm) allows it to be used in walls, pitched roofs, basements of the first floors, etc. Density - 28-35 kg/m 3, maximum load - 0.2 MPa. Used by professionals at sites for various purposes.

"PENOPLEX® GEO" designed for laying loaded structures of roads, sidewalks, decorative objects buried in the ground, structural elements buildings (for example, under the foundation). Penoplex can withstand pressure of 0.3 MPa, but requires protection from fire. Sheet thickness - 40-100 mm.

"PENOPLEX® FACADE" used for insulation of external walls and internal structures fencing. Penoplex is used primarily in large-scale construction of industrial and apartment buildings. Available in slabs with a thickness of 20-150 mm.

"PENOPLEX® UCLON"- these are mats with a beveled plane for arranging roof slopes or inclined structures, as well as for organizing this very slope on flat roof 1.7; 3.4 or 8.3%. Convenient for isolating stagnant zones near parapets, chimneys and ventilation shafts. This penoplex can be used in combination with Roofing slabs.

Installation methods

Penoplex insulation can be attached to surfaces made of any material: wood, concrete of all types, brickwork. Installation is carried out in several ways.

Dowel-nails This is the main way of fixing foam boards to the wall, suitable for use on uneven grounds. The fastener is a polymer anchor with a wide head. The dowel shaft is inserted into the concrete or brick base and is fixed in the structure by means of toothed embossing. The hat presses the sheet to the wall.

How the installation is carried out: a hole up to 60 mm deep is drilled in the wall using a drill, hammer drill or drill with a nozzle of the appropriate diameter (depending on the thickness of the insulation and the length of the anchor leg), then the recess is filled with foam. Afterwards, the anchor itself is driven into it through the slab with a hammer - 5 fasteners per mat. They also need to be placed one at a time at the junction of adjacent mats.

Bitumen-polymer mastic used as fasteners on metal or metal bases artificial stone V unfavorable conditions, as well as when it is impossible to use dowels. The advantage of use is that there is no need to violate the integrity of the structure.

How the installation is carried out: a tube of mastic is inserted into a construction sealant gun. The mass is applied to the base along the perimeter of the insulation board and pointwise in the middle, then the penoplex is pressed tightly against the structure and quickly fixed on it.

Dry cement-based adhesive mixtures and polymers are used on uneven bases - the solution simultaneously fills the recesses and corrects the surface horizon.

How to install: the mixture is diluted with water according to the instructions and mixed with a mixer, applied to the wall (floor), the insulation is pressed against it and held for 1 minute.

Adhesive foam on a polyurethane basis can be used on imperfectly level substrates - it is able to level out surface defects. Apply to stone or wood in a similar way along the perimeter of the slab and pointwise in the center.

Methods for an emergency when you don’t have it at hand special means:

  • Self-tapping screws with gasket can be used to attach insulation to a pre-installed wood paneling. The length of the leg should correspond to the width of the mat plus 2-3 cm for fixation. To prevent the penoplex from being pressed through, the self-tapping screw must be deepened through a lining - a cut washer made of plastic or metal sheet.
  • Polyurethane foam can be used for fastening, it is applied in the same way as mastic or adhesive foam, but the plate for fixing will have to be aligned vertically and held in this position for several minutes until it sets.
  • Liquid nails- this is a rather expensive method, but in the case of fragmentary repairs it can be used.

Fastening is carried out directly to the base. Provides protection from getting wet vapor barrier membrane And ventilation gap, inserted between polyurethane foam and subsequent sheathing. When plastering, the dew point moves outward, and such protection is not needed.

More and more people are using penoplex as insulation in the most different areas construction and repair and more and more people are asking questions:

  • Is there any health risk from Penoplex?
  • is it a fire hazard?
  • Do mice eat it?

The article will answer these and other nuances regarding one of the the best insulation materials in the world.

Penoplex () - durable modern insulation, characterized by the highest thermal insulation and sound insulation qualities, as well as extremely low water absorption. It compares favorably with other insulation materials due to its moderate cost and ease of installation. Its main disadvantage is the increased flammability, which is inherent in all other types of foam.

Does penoplex burn or not?

Penoplex is a low-flammable material

According to classification building materials In terms of fire hazard, penoplex is assigned flammability classes G3-G4 (highly flammable and normally flammable materials). However, modern heat-insulating boards are produced with the addition of special substances that prevent combustion - fire retardants, which increases the fire resistance class of Penoplex to G1 (lowly flammable materials).

Although it produces increased smoke, when burned it does not emit toxic substances such as hydrocyanic acid and phosgene. Carbonic acid released with smoke and carbon monoxide are also formed during the combustion of other materials - for example, wood or mineral wool.

It is possible to minimize the fire hazard of penoplex by observing basic safety measures. When working with it, there should be no open flame sources nearby. Penoplex without fire retardants can be used for floors, basements, but when insulating facades and walls, it is strictly recommended to use a heat insulator with anti-flammable additives. Baths, saunas and wooden buildings– mineral wool, expanded clay and other heat insulators are better suited here.

Do mice chew penoplex?

Penoplex is not suitable for mice nutritional value

The common misconception that foam is the favorite food of rodents is incorrect. Penoplex does not contain biologically active substances, therefore it cannot be of nutritional value for rodents, but they are able to gnaw through thermal insulation, making nests, looking for water and food. In order to protect against rodents, the heat insulation slabs are covered with a metal mesh. If the mice have grown excessively, deratization will be required.

Since penoplex is biologically neutral, it is not of interest to harmful insects, is not susceptible to infection by mold, does not rot, and does not decompose.

Does Penoplex lose its thermal insulation properties over time?

Since this is a very durable material, when correct operation it retains its properties for up to 50-70 years. However, its thermal insulation qualities sharply deteriorate when stored in the open air, as well as during prolonged exposure to direct sun rays.

To make working with penoplex easy, pleasant and safe, you need to follow a few basic rules:

  1. Work with penoplex should be carried out at positive temperatures in the range of 5-30 Celsius. Violation temperature regime may affect the quality of thermal insulation.
  2. Penoplex does not tolerate the effects of certain organic substances and solvents - white spirit, creosote, acetone, which simply corrode it. Therefore, when working, you need to use special adhesives or mounting adhesive foam without toluene.
  3. For convenience, it is better to choose corrugated rough slabs, which provide increased adhesion to insulated surfaces. This is especially important when it comes to insulating buildings made of smooth foam and gas blocks.
  4. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the quality of the insulating board. It should be smooth, dense, without cracks or chips. It shouldn't smell. Chemical smells indicate that the heat insulator was produced in gross violations of technological standards. Products must be stored in a closed warehouse and have all the necessary sanitary, environmental, and fire safety certificates. The marking must contain full information about the manufacturer, as well as detailed description thermal and physical-mechanical properties of products. It is better to choose penoplex enriched with fire retardants - it has the letter C on it.

If you want, a new type of insulation. Penoplex offers more effective characteristics than other representatives of the segment. This is due to the fact that to solve a specific problem, the manufacturer produces a certain type of material.

Next, Penoplex will be discussed in detail - from technical parameters to the main areas of use. First of all, it is worth noting that this material is characterized by high strength, maximum degree of water resistance, and is endowed with a low thermal conductivity.

Properties of Penoplex and features of its manufacture

The very first extrusion equipment appeared in America more than fifty years ago. During production, polystyrene granules are exposed to high pressure and hot temperatures. A special foaming agent speeds up the process.

Thus, an extremely fluffy mass is obtained, similar to whipped cream or thick sour cream. It is squeezed out of the apparatus. After a certain period of time, the gas involved in the foaming disappears, and oxygen enters the vacated cells. A large air mass forms inside, and we know from school: a layer of air at rest is the best insulation.

Thanks to the extrusion process created material a structure with small pores is formed. And each of these absolutely identical pores is completely isolated. Their size does not exceed 0.2 mm, they are evenly spaced inside. Thanks to this, the insulation is durable.

Penoplex insulation brands are available with different characteristics and a wide range of applications. Penoplex slabs are used to insulate foundations and plinths. Insulate layered masonry and plaster facade. The manufacturer pays special attention to roofing; there are Penoplex brands for inversion, traditional and used roofs. Floors have not been forgotten, including “warm” options.

Technical characteristics of penoplex:

  • low thermal conductivity coefficient 0.03 W/m·ºK;
  • high strength (both compressive and bending);
  • low water absorption (no more than 0.2 - 0.4% by volume in 24 hours);
  • maximum vapor permeability coefficient 0.007-0.008 mg/m·h·Pa);
  • simple installation work
  • service life of at least 50 years;
  • clean product from an environmental point of view: no toxicity, no rotting;
  • operating mode within -50…+75ºС.

We suggest taking a closer look at each aspect separately:

Good moisture resistance

Moisture absorption is a very important parameter for insulation. Therefore, a special test was organized for Penoplex. The insulating tiles were dipped into water and left there for thirty days. A little moisture was absorbed only at the very beginning of the month. And after that, the water stopped being absorbed into the insulation.

After a set month, the volume of “accepted” water was on average at the level of 0.5% of the volume of the test sample. This means that water can only enter the outer pores of the insulator, which may have been damaged during cutting of the material. But moisture does not get inside the structure.

Low thermal conductivity

If you compare Penoplex insulation with similar products, its thermal conductivity will be significantly lower. The thermal conductivity coefficient of Penoplex during operation remains practically unchanged. That is why not only attics, but also foundations and even basements are insulated with the material.

Since Penoplex does not absorb water, it can be used in regions with high humidity levels. During construction you will not need additional water.

Long service life

By subjecting Penoplex to repeated freezing and subsequent defrosting, scientists were able to establish that technical parameters materials remain at the original level. If you believe the final conclusion of the NIISF research institute, Penoplex insulation is capable of performing direct functions for at least half a century. And that's not even the limit.

High level of durability

Thanks to extrusion, the structure of the heat insulator is completely homogeneous, all pores are evenly distributed. This is what makes Penoplex insulation so durable that it remains the same, including under the influence of heavy loads.

Processing and installation is a snap

The thermal insulation product is easy to cut with a regular knife. Its slabs can quickly cover walls without making significant efforts. When working with insulation, there is no need to fear that the weather will deteriorate and it will start to rain. After all, this insulation does not need protection from bad weather at all.

High degree of environmental friendliness

It is likely that someone may be put off by the fact that freon is used to create Penoplex. However, freons of this type are completely safe - non-toxic, non-flammable, and do not affect the ozone layer.

The absence of harmful impurities in the composition of the material must be assessed, realizing that we are describing branded products from a time-tested manufacturer. The brand is built on quality and adherence to production technology. Beware of counterfeit products, ask for a certificate of conformity at the point of sale.

Almost complete absence of chemical reaction

Most of the chemicals used in the construction industry cannot react with Penoplex. But even this rule, of course, has its exceptions. For example, some organic solvents may well make the thermal insulation material softer, change the shape of the boards, and even dissolve Penoplex boards.

These substances are:

  • Acetone;
  • Petrol;
  • Tar from coal;
  • Kerosene;
  • Oil paints;
  • Polyester;
  • Toluene;
  • Formalin;
  • Formaldehyde;
  • Ether.

Penoplex boards must remain the same shape and size when exposed to certain temperature limits. Information about the temperature at which operation is allowed is indicated in the insulation passport. If the temperature is not maintained, not only can it change appearance Penoplex, but also its main properties.

Among other things, it can be noted that the biostability of heat insulation slabs is at a high level - they are completely resistant to rotting.

Does Penoplex burn or not burn?

Penoplex burns without any “BUT”. Marketers show miracles of resourcefulness by declaring self-extinguishing. Advertising is replete with announcements that penoplex is less dangerous than wood - unfortunately, this is not entirely true. The statement that penoplex does not burn is nothing more than deceit and directly contradicts Russian GOST 30244-94. In the document, all categories of Foam plastic are classified as G3 and G4 - the most dangerous flammability groups.

The easiest way to distort reality is to effectively hang penoplex in the air. Having demonstrated the sample, the presenter tries to set it on fire using the flame of a burner from below. As a result, the viewer sees that a small piece that was in contact with the fire burns out, but the penoplex does not burn. The tricky part is that the experiment does not correspond to real operating conditions. Such a study only shows how successfully the trick was performed.

But it is worth mentioning that most foam plastics suffer from this drawback. And this video will help you verify this. How penoplex insulation burns and - video:

Varieties of Penoplex

Penoplex has specially developed grades for insulating walls, facades, plinths and other structures. The grades meet the increased requirements for adhesion of thermal insulation boards and the base. Penoplex is often used for thermal insulation of the walls of balconies and loggias.

Penoplex 45 - able to withstand the most impressive weight

It is noteworthy that this material can be used to insulate not only roofs, but also roads, railways and runways. It is the most durable in the entire list. Its main advantage is that it does not lose its qualities throughout its rather long service life.

By the way, insulating roads for any purpose protects them from swelling after freezing. For example, if in spring and summer the soil accumulated moisture, in winter a road built on this soil may crack from excess water. Thanks to insulation, the soil will not freeze.

Penoplex Comfort - a universal heat insulator

The material (formerly designated Penoplex 31C) is truly multi-purpose. They can be insulated country house, loggia or roof. If you have a swimming pool or you have built one on a country plot, then Penoplex Comfort will be an excellent option for their walls.

Its versatility is mainly due to the fact that the material can withstand not only high levels of humidity, but also high temperatures. Penoplex Comfort is a fully multifunctional heat insulator that is suitable for most insulation options.

Penoplex Roofing - what you need for a roof

It is perhaps worth mentioning that in the past this heat insulator was called Penoplex 35. Suitable for insulating any type of roof. In the construction industry these days, “lightweight” roofing is very often used. It is extremely important to take care of its reliability, strength, and durability.

A similar problem is solved in the case of repair work on a flat roof, the base of which is profiled metal sheets. IN in this case the best solution would be to use a fireproof material called Penoplex Proof. It is often used to insulate flat roofs. Penoplex Proof is suitable for equipping attics and ventilated roofs.

Currently, non-standard inversion roofs are becoming increasingly popular. Due to the lack of free space in densely populated cities, such roofs provide this space on which you can make your own personal relaxation area or organize, for example, a small garden with flowers. Based on the fact that they can easily withstand heavy loads, even transport parking can be arranged on such roofs.

Penoplex Wall - inside and outside

This is a new name. Somewhat earlier it was called Penoplex 31 with fire retardants. However, the essence itself has not changed much. Insulation of facades, walls, partitions of houses - this material is ideal for such work.

It is noteworthy that it is necessary to insulate the wall from the inside only if, for one reason or another, this process cannot be carried out from the outside. Or, if during the express repair process it is much more convenient to cover the walls with a heat insulator using inside. Penoplex Wall is an excellent and convenient material that is very easy to work with.

If we talk about outside use, this heat insulator showed itself very well during the laying of well walls. Compared to conventional brick walls, these walls are much thinner, but they are no less reliable. As well as the ability to retain heat.

The Penoplex Wall brand can be used in the process of creating facades treated with plaster. Since it is now in great demand, it boasts a large selection of colors and varieties, such a move will give the house individual originality.

What are the differences between Penoplex Foundation

The name itself (which a little earlier sounded like Penoplex 35 without a fire retardant) makes the buyer understand that this insulation option is ideal for the underground part of the building. Its characteristics are endowed high degree strength and are quite capable of withstanding heavy loads.

The “Foundation” type of thermal insulation offer is very suitable for floors in the house - that is, where there is no need for a high level of fire resistance. “Foundation” can be used to insulate some structures with protective coating. For example, it could be a screed made of sand and cement.

Flooring made from Penoplex Foundation slabs will help in a short time to solve the tasks directly related to the creation of the foundation of the house and the equipment of the basement. High level protection from moisture, drainage of groundwater - this is not all the advantages of the material described. Additionally, it allows you to reduce groundwater pressure on the basement of the building.

Let's talk about the shortcomings

The disadvantages are predictable and apply to a greater extent to all materials made from extruded polystyrene foam. The disadvantages are not significant and there are not many of them:

  • bad;
  • fire risks, poor fire safety;
  • does not interfere with the attacks of rodents and ants
  • Product cost average price range– polystyrene foam is cheaper

Noting the risks of attacks by insects and rodents that spoil the insulation, we note that the disadvantage applies to thermal insulation material of any kind. Reviews on the use of the product found on thematic forums indicate efficiency, functionality and cost-effectiveness. If you have your own negative experience with the material, please add shortcomings to the review in the comments block.

Here are two great materials for home insulation. Invented in the first half of the 20th century and still relevant. But under the yoke of the market economy and individual sellers, developers often get the wrong impression about them.

Dmitry Belkin

Penoplex and Expanded polystyrene: properties, myths, use cases

Penoplex (Extruded polystyrene foam) and expanded polystyrene are popular building materials today. Both are made from polystyrene by foaming. Both are used as building insulation materials. However, they have different physical and mechanical properties. Before you read the article, I want to express my general opinion about these materials in order to give you the right intonation when reading. Well... by correct, I mean exactly the one with which I wrote this article myself. So here it is. I consider these materials to be really good, having exceptional consumer properties, and I myself use them in my practice.

In this regard, I remember a funny incident. A colleague once wrote to me on ICQ... I don’t remember what exactly was the matter, but it was like, “Can you tell me such and such?” I'm programming. You have to search, but it’s hard to get distracted. I think: “At least I’ll finish the sentence...” And I write to him “Shcha.” A second later he responded: “Wait, is it like wait, or has he gone to hell?” Since then, I know that you can read an article by putting any intonation into the written words. And different intonation can change the meaning of what is written exactly to the opposite.

Expanded polystyrene- this is the same one polystyrene foam, about which so many articles have been written on the project website and many copies have been broken. Penoplex is the domestic name for extruded or extruded polystyrene foam. Let's look at these two materials with an open mind and with passion.

Myths and popular statements regarding the materials in question

They claim that polystyrene foam is not flammable, and penoplex even more so

I DON'T BELIEVE! Set it on fire many times. Burns for the sweet soul! Why should I try to convince you! Take a yogurt cup. It's most likely polystyrene. Light it and make sure it burns. Foam will burn even better because there is more air in the foam. Yes, indeed, there is a so-called self-extinguishing polystyrene foam. In order for expanded polystyrene to become self-extinguishing, it is impregnated with fire retardants. But, as usually happens in nature, if it departs from one place, it must arrive in another. Self-extinguishing polystyrene foams are characterized by increased smokiness when burning and, accordingly, increased toxicity of the smoke itself. But due to fire retardants, this material will not ignite from a spark, and most likely will not ignite from a cigarette butt.

The non-flammability of expanded polystyrene, both extruded and regular, is a myth propagated by its sellers. According to official information, which I love to understand, expanded polystyrene is a combustible building material and has the appropriate class fire safety. To make it clear, I note that according to official information and my experience, polystyrene foam burns no worse than wood and the smoke, by the way, is about the same in toxicity. But the good thing is that polystyrene foam does not flare up like gasoline.

For reference

If someone thinks that fire safety classes are given only to non-flammable, that is, fireproof substances, then he is in a sweet delusion.

Flammability classes of building materials:
Building materials are classified as flammable (G) and non-combustible (NG).

Combustible building materials are divided into:

  1. Low flammable G1
  2. Moderately flammable G2
  3. Normally flammable G3
  4. Highly flammable G4

Expanded polystyrene belongs to group G3, and extruded polystyrene foam to group G4. That's it!

Why are we witnessing such different assessments of the flammability of a material? But because in our country there are several, and completely mutually exclusive, assessments of the flammability of building materials. According to some, expanded polystyrene belongs to group G3 (normally flammable), and according to others to group G1 (low-flammable). Which ones are more profitable - we use them.

What kind of techniques are these? I'm telling you in an extremely simplified way. We take the wall. We glue polystyrene foam onto it. From the side where there is no polystyrene foam, we begin to heat it. Is polystyrene foam burning? No! It just heats up, melts, flows and smells very unpleasant. But it doesn't burn!!! So it's not flammable!

They say that penoplex and expanded polystyrene have a unique, incomparable low thermal conductivity.

It is true that the thermal conductivity characteristics are good, and I have written about this many times. I argued that any good building material can reach the thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam, but never exceed it. According to the latest information, it seems that penoplex has better these characteristics, although by an insignificant amount. Please note that I, like your favorite author Dmitry Belkin, admit my mistakes and/or can change my opinion.

So the thermal conductivity is good, just great, but not unique! Don't mislead people! Besides, what is there to compare with? Thermal insulation materials Available in different densities. “Heavy” polystyrene foam may have worse thermal conductivity characteristics than “light” mineral wool.

They say that penoplex and expanded polystyrene are almost eternal

And this is also true. However, it needs clarification. The fact is that the specific molecular structure of polystyrene foam is such that factors such as heat, air, light, radiation, and so on have a destructive effect on them. Of course, polystyrene foam and penoplex are very resistant substances, but try leaving them in the fresh air under the scorching rays of the sun. I assure you that you will very quickly lose your eternal building material.

Expanded polystyrene practically does not absorb moisture. 50 freeze-thaw cycles are practically nothing for them. At the same time, expanded polystyrene is much more breathable than penoplex. Let's remember this circumstance. I will definitely return to it when I consider the areas of application of this or that material.

High-quality expanded polystyrene type PSB. In the fracture there are polyhedrons of the same size firmly connected to each other; in some places the fracture passes through living things.

Low-quality polystyrene foam type PSB. In the fracture there are rounded balls of different sizes. The fault runs along the contact zone between them.

They claim that penoplex and expanded polystyrene are used for sound insulation

I don't believe it!!! I put 3 exclamation points because publications that I respect (manufacturers’ materials and independent expert publications) write about the use of these materials as sound insulation. But honestly, I could never be convinced of this. Moreover, I was always convinced of the opposite! The fact is that sound passes through polystyrene foam completely unhindered. mineral wool doesn't work! I was convinced too. I haven’t tried Penoplex, so what the hell isn’t it? Suddenly penoplex insulates noise? But no. I will be principled! Until I’m convinced myself, I won’t believe it.

Environmental aspect (is polystyrene and products made from it safe)

Polystyrene and products made from it are safe if they do not contain harmful impurities. Above, I wrote that in order to reduce flammability, thermal insulation made of polystyrene foam is impregnated with fire retardants. This is in general case poison and such processed insulation materials are dangerous. They must be processed in well-ventilated areas and using protective equipment.

How can you tell if your polystyrene foam has been treated? Ask the seller. Unfortunately, I don’t know any other ways. I've never smelled fire retardants and don't know what they smell like. By the way, I hope I never find out.

And of course, you shouldn’t inhale smoke from burning plastic. Smoke is always either useless or downright harmful.

Areas of application

From the above properties we can conclude that both expanded polystyrene and penoplex are very valuable building materials and have a number of invaluable properties. What properties can be mentioned in addition to those indicated?

  • the lightness of both materials, in the sense of weight, and the ease of their processing, in the sense of simplicity;
  • possibility of transportation, storage and processing (cutting, laying) without the use of protective equipment.
  • compressive strength;
  • breathability of expanded polystyrene;
  • practical air Not penoplex permeability

And here, finally, I come to the most important section, for the sake of which I started the article. I'll notice! For each application, I only consider penoplex and polystyrene foam. There may be better options for some applications. I admit this, but I consider only these two and no others. I would also like, with a preliminary apology, to insert a small watermark into the article and remind you that I always prepare articles for reprinting strictly individually, and if now you are reading this article not on the Belkin Labs dotka ru website, but on some other site, then this This means that the article was taken and used without my knowledge, that is, stolen. I ask you to read my articles on my website, namely on Belkin Labs dot ru. Of course, in Latin letters.

What material should be used for external insulation of the wall of a residential building?

What goals do we pursue when we build a house? Quite obvious. We need it to be comfortable in the house and so that the construction of this house does not cost us too much. That is, the pocket, of course, will suffer, but the main thing is that it does not die from too much beating. How can we achieve this? Obviously, you need to use progressive building materials and not invent anything too complicated and abstruse, since everything reliable and ingenious is always simple. Still very important point which is usually forgotten. To ensure the desired simplicity, we need to use for insulation exactly the material that is intended for this, and not the one that the market economy in general and the individual seller in particular advises us.

If you choose between expanded polystyrene and penoplex for external insulation walls of a residential building, it is the winner expanded polystyrene, not penoplex. Why? Yes, because it is more breathable and we don’t have to use expensive vapor barriers on the inside of the house. At the same time, we get a breathable wall, which is good, because it gives us additional comfort (at least it should) and we don’t use a vapor barrier, which is also good, because we save money and time on this, which, ultimately, is also money.

Both expanded polystyrene and penoplex allow plastering over a metal mesh. This makes it possible to save on exterior decoration, because plastering until recently was one of the cheapest options for exterior finishing.

Insulation of facade on brick. One of the most common methods of external insulation in Germany (more than 200 million square meters are insulated in this way).

For external insulation of the wall of a non-residential building or roof?

You can use both. You can take the one that is cheaper, since in this case we don’t need anything other than thermal insulation from the material. It is difficult to use either material on uneven walls or roofs. This material implies very flat bases on which it is laid.

For a flat roof?

Either material will do. The key property here is extremely low moisture absorption and low thermal conductivity. I honestly think that flat roof- in general, the idea is, to put it mildly, controversial (I don’t use the word “idiotic” only due to good upbringing, innate political correctness and tolerance acquired over the years), and the only digestible way to implement this idea is to lay a thick (10 centimeters) layer of one or another polystyrene on a continuous layer of some kind of waterproof glue, and then fill everything with a layer of bitumen 2 centimeters thick, no less, with a layer of roofing felt with significant overlaps.

For ceiling insulation?

You can use both materials. Penoplex is even better. If you lay it down carefully, you can avoid making any floor coverings in the attic and walk directly on the foam. If you use expanded polystyrene, you should not cover it with anything, because moisture may collect under the covering material (or it may not collect - it depends on the specific implementation). It's not fatal, but it's unpleasant.

To insulate the wall on the living room side?

Either none, due to the danger of shifting the dew point, which I have repeatedly mentioned, or penoplex, since its careful use will reduce the need for additional vapor barrier. Here the key property of the material is its air Not permeability. Do not forget that both materials can be impregnated with fire retardants, which are toxic and “stink” in any condition, not necessarily only in case of fire.

To insulate a balcony?

Definitely penoplex. The reasons are the same as in the previous question.

For floor insulation?

Any. Both of them are great. The key properties are compressive strength, water resistance, good (in the sense of low) thermal conductivity. I believe that both materials are simply ideal for flooring. Cheap and harsh! We make a subfloor on joists. We use simple unedged boards in two layers diagonally. You just have to remember to debark. We attach polystyrene foam or penoplex to the boards. We pour a screed directly onto the slabs (2-3 centimeters). We put anything on the screed. Not gender, but a sight for sore eyes! Just to die for, how wonderful it is.

The use of polystyrene foam for floor insulation

To fill a frame wall?

Here I will answer evasively. I would not use the materials described in frame construction. And let me emphasize! Only one property of these materials played a role - their low, again in my experience, noise insulation. Imagine, you built a house, but in the end it turns out that you can hear everything that is happening outside. Cars are driving, roosters are crowing, birds are chirping, planes are flying, people are talking loudly at night... And you can’t hide! It's terrifying!!! But if there is no other way out, then I would use penoplex. Firstly, maybe it doesn’t transmit noise as well as polystyrene foam, and secondly, air would play a role Not penoplex permeability.

For thermal insulation of foundations and plinths of buildings?

For this purpose, as well as for the foundation of runways, hockey boxes, ice arenas, sports grounds, grounds for railways ideal for especially heaving soils and for the construction of roads through swamps penoplex. For this purpose it is almost ideally suited and cannot be replaced by any other material. If someone inherits a swamp, the Grimpinskaya bog, then I will propose to build their family estate on a foundation made of polystyrene foam. True, the slabs should be about a meter thick in my opinion.

For starters, some information from the section on market economics

Dear friends, do you think I have described all the wonderful characteristics of such wonderful materials? No! I left one property for a snack. But in fact, this property is perhaps the main one.

Both polystyrene and penoplex are phenomenally cheap to produce. That is why in any box with a TV, or with a computer, or even with furniture, this polystyrene foam is simply missing.

Sellers of building materials especially like this property, since this material allows them to put into practice the basic principle of business - buy low and sell high!

When preparing this article I used various materials informational and advertising purposes. I would like to express my special gratitude to this wonderful resource.
