Construction foam sprayer in ic2 experimental. Do-it-yourself penoizol: the advantages of this insulation and features of the installation for production

To clean your hands you will need a special solvent for foam; if you don’t have one on hand, a solution of table salt will do. You should put your hands in it, hold it for a while and then wipe off the residue with a hard washcloth. After using a specialized solution, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and apply cream. If damage has been caused to clothing, it can be cleaned. Cut first sharp knife the main part of the foam.

Modern construction sites can't do without using polyurethane foam, technical specifications which played an important role in its mass use. Professional builders and amateur craftsmen who have decided to handle repair work on their own have recently not imagined installing doors, window sills and windows, as well as construction activities related to waterproofing pipelines and large containers, such as water heating tanks and bathtubs, without the use of polyurethane foam , the technique of using which will be discussed in the article.

Polyurethane foam: performance characteristics

The widespread use of polyurethane foam is primarily due to its operational properties.

At the same time, the tool itself is not cheap and will obviously be needed in the future - at least for those who are not used to calling repair team for every little thing.

Therefore, it is worth remembering the most important rule: the foam must be removed in a fresh state. However, if you missed this moment, you should not fall into despair and throw away a valuable tool: it can still be saved.

How to clean a gun from polyurethane foam, including frozen foam, is the topic of our article. We hope that our advice will help you decide.

Any person who has.

Good afternoon, friends!

Today I will show you how to work with polyurethane foam. This is a very important and useful thing to repair, and you definitely need to acquire this skill. (I’ll say right away that there is an inaccuracy in the video - I’d like to test your powers of observation. I’ll tell you about it at the end of the article).

We will learn from the example of filling a long hole in the corner of your room, which can form as a result of preparing the walls when you remove old wallpaper, peel off dried glue and putty, beat off crumbling plaster and pieces of cement. You can read my article about such holes and other chips on your walls: How to repair holes in a wall.

So, see how you can foam a long hole with Makroflex foam in 1 minute and solve the problem of the junction of two walls.

After foaming is complete, you need to wait 24 hours and carefully cut off the foam. (You can see how to do this in the article How to cut polyurethane foam).

Is it possible to make it yourself at home?

From the point of view of domestic and professional use, polyurethane foam is a product household chemicals in aerosol packaging. Foam absorbs moisture, and polyurethane bonds are formed, which is why polyurethane foam is also called polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam is used when installing windows and doors, sealing seams, etc. It is easier to buy polyurethane foam because you will spend more of your time and more money on production. This means there is no time to go to the city for foam, but there is time to make it and look for suitable components.
Polyurethane foam cannot be made; it is made in a special production facility, under special conditions, yes, and I think that it is not so easy to get all the components that make up it. I want to build a house, but I was taught to choose the right material for this construction, that is, wood. Due to the fact that the gases from which the propellant is made have a low boiling point and.

If you often do repair work, you have probably used polyurethane foam. And you certainly know how difficult it is to get rid of its remnants. The main advantage of this product is excellent adhesion and adhesion to materials. This same property also becomes a disadvantage of polyurethane foam when it accidentally gets on clothes.

Methods for removing fresh polyurethane foam

Experienced builders and repairmen recommend immediately purchasing a special cleaner along with the mounting foam. No matter how confident you are in your strengths and dexterity, such work cannot be done without contamination. Fresh polyurethane foam is easier to remove from fabric than hardened foam, but this task also requires effort. A special cleaning product will do a great job, so don’t neglect it. Moreover, it can be bought at the same hardware or construction store, and it is inexpensive.

Buy a special cleaner along with the polyurethane foam.

So, if you stain your clothes with polyurethane foam, pick it up immediately.

The question of how to wash foam from your hands will definitely interest you during renovations in your apartment. Especially if you do it yourself. Indeed, despite all the diligence during work with this much-needed sealant, no one is immune from the fact that foam can get on hands, clothes, floors and other surfaces in the room.

How to prevent product from getting on your skin

Still at the stage of purchasing everything necessary materials for repairs you need to stock up special means, which will allow you to quickly and effectively wash off the mounting foam from any surface.

In addition, when working with sealant, you should not forget about the means personal protection. First of all, you must protect your hands. The easiest way to do this is with gloves. Depending on your personal preference, these could be thick rubber, cotton, or even medical grade latex gloves.

When working with polyurethane foam, even the most experienced craftsmen wearing personal protective equipment may become dirty. For those who are working with this product for the first time, foam will probably get on their hands. But not everyone knows how to remove it from the skin.

To avoid getting foam on your hands, you must work with this material wearing protective gloves. But even when using workwear, it sometimes gets on the skin and you have to decide how to wash the foam from your hands.

Some sources suggest that before work, generously lubricate your hands with Vaseline or greasy cream, to which the foam does not stick well, and it will not be difficult to remove it. But nowhere is it described how convenient it is when all the tools slip out of your hands, and how difficult it is to clean everything that was taken and touched with greasy hands.

Methods for removing liquid construction foam

If polyurethane foam gets on your skin, try to remove it as soon as possible. Under no circumstances should this product be smeared.

Recently, plastic windows have become increasingly popular. This is understandable, such windows are not only better than wooden ones from an aesthetic point of view, but also surpass them in technical characteristics. Plastic windows retain heat better and do not allow unnecessary noise and dust into the house. In general, some advantages. So if you haven't yet plastic windows, then think about installing them.

When installing plastic windows, as well as any structures made of glass, plastic, concrete and even metal (for example, doors), polyurethane foam is used. This excellent sealant can rightfully be called an indispensable assistant! It gets into even the smallest and narrowest cracks, seals seams, and glues parts together. In addition, high-quality polyurethane foam has heat, sound and moisture insulation characteristics.

However, as is usually the case, among all these significant advantages, comparable to a huge barrel of honey, there was a small drawback. The fly in the ointment is complexity.

Polyurethane foam was invented almost a hundred years ago. Initially, it was used in the form of fairly large slabs, and after 20 years they learned how to produce foam in special aerosol cans. The first bottle of foam that was used during construction was made in England and used in Sweden.

Today, polyurethane foam is produced in two types of cylinders. One is intended for professional construction and is designed for use with a pistol. The second type can be used at home for one-time work. I would like to talk in more detail about how to properly use polyurethane foam without a gun.

If a gun is not provided for the cylinder, then a special tube must be screwed onto the adapter instead. Then you can start using it for its intended purpose. Such a cylinder is not always convenient to use, but it is great for one-time use. This is an ideal option in that situation if you need to close it up.

Many categories of repair work carried out in enclosed spaces and associated with the installation of building elements such as door and window units require mandatory sealing of the latter. To seal existing joints, a special tool is used that allows them to be filled with polyurethane foam. In this article you can familiarize yourself with how polyurethane foam is applied to joints that need reliable sealing.

Preparing the compaction site

Preparing the mounting gun

Before starting work, you must carefully inspect the area of ​​the proposed seal, and then thoroughly clean it of dust, debris, stains and other contaminants. After cleaning working area it should be moistened with water; in this case, you can resort to using a spray bottle. The fact is that after the joint surface is moistened, the polyurethane foam interacts more actively with it and increases in volume faster.

In addition, before work begins.

The emergence of a new generation of windows in the modern construction industry has opened up wide possibilities for the use of modern polyurethane-based sealant - polyurethane foam. It is designed to connect various elements structures among themselves. Installation of plastic windows is no longer complete without construction foam. Previously, window installation was characterized by inconvenience and increased labor-intensive sealing due to the use of tow on cement mortar, which ignored numerous small, inaccessible spaces. Polyurethane foam is able to fill them, thereby providing heat, sound insulation and sealing properties during installation. Filling voids and cracks in door and window blocks, water pipes, roofing materials and others building structures, polyurethane foam creates not only tightness and sound insulation by filling voids, but also reliable fixation of elements.

Polyurethane foam is a sealant used in various construction and repair work. IN recent years this material has actively entered our lives, and it is impossible to imagine without it possible repair. How to remove polyurethane foam - those who make repairs need to know about this in order to react quickly in emergency situations.

  • Knowledge of foam composition
  • Foam balloon

The composition of the foam includes a propellant gas, a prepolymer, and active substances. Therefore, you should forget about the question of how to make polyurethane foam. It's all the same process, home conditions will not suit. In addition, some substances in the foam can cause irritation to the skin and mucous membranes; you must work with it with extreme caution. Anyone who has worked or who will work with foam should know how to remove polyurethane foam from skin or clothing. No matter how carefully you try to do your work, all sorts of situations can happen. We must be prepared.

To clean your hands you will need a special solvent for foam; if you don’t have one on hand, a solution of table salt will do. You should put your hands in it, hold it for a while and then wipe off the residue with a hard washcloth. After using a specialized solution, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and apply cream. If damage has been caused to clothing, it can be cleaned. First, cut off the main part of the foam with a sharp knife, then apply demixide, it will dissolve the foam and you can easily remove it with a napkin. Before such miracle foam appeared on the market, similar work was carried out in many stages, because cement was used as the material.

The quality of work using cement cannot be compared to the results of working with foam. It will be an order of magnitude inferior. Another advantage of the foam is its ability to harden on its own; it also penetrates into the smallest cracks. To date, there are about a thousand ways to use polyurethane foam. And this figure will grow. Even if someone has not used foam themselves, they have probably seen a yellowish mass protruding from the cracks of houses, windows or doors. These are the so-called surpluses that have come out; from an aesthetic point of view, they can be eliminated. How to remove polyurethane foam, this should be taken care of by the person doing the repairs.

Foam is used mainly for work related to sealing: installing windows and doors. Polyurethane foam is able to penetrate and spread into hard-to-reach crevices, thoroughly envelop the entire space, and after some time it becomes a fairly solid substance. You can purchase foam at any hardware store or order it from an online store. Foam is sold in a container; no resources are required when using it, no electricity or special devices. Very easy to use. How to use polyurethane foam is described in detail in the instructions. There is nothing complicated in this process. When the foam is squeezed out under the influence of moisture in the air, a reaction occurs and the foam gradually hardens.

Foam is used mainly for sealing purposes, as insulation, sealant, and has sound insulation. In addition, it can be used to fasten structures. Another advantage of foam is that it can be used when working with literally all materials (wood, concrete, metal, stone). But we should not forget about the possibility of deformation of the structure after using foam; to avoid such a problem, spacers are used that hold back the pressure of the foam increasing in volume. The polyurethane foam should not crumble after hardening and should fit tightly to the surface and not roll off it.

Tell me, who knows how to make equipment for mantling foam yourself and what ingredients are needed. Thanks in advance

is this a joke??)) why??

Interesting further development topics

toluene isocyanate, mix with water and you get something

So, polyurethane foam comes not only in aerosol cans, but also in large barrels, and it can be two-component. Maybe they worked with it, what they watered with, I hope not in buckets.

Sergey.D wrote:
I saw guys in Tomsk pouring liquid on the walls and it hardened in the air forming a layer of foam. Who knows what it is

I know! This is sprayed polyurethane foam. I used to work, I just sprayed everything. The device and a few chemical components are still there.
Dirty and harmful work. But money - at least before. I played a lot of good tricks.

When it comes to improving living conditions, the question immediately arises: what material is better to insulate a house?

Modern heat-insulating materials come to the rescue: ecowool, polystyrene foam and others. They are quite popular in the construction industry, but today they have acquired worthy competitors.

Thanks to your positive qualities penoizol has a number of advantages:

Disadvantages of penoizol:

  • has a tendency to shrink;
  • occurs when drying out bad smell, which indicates that the material is of poor quality, and its production technology was violated.

Be careful: when buying penoizol, pay attention to how it smells - quality material should not have an unpleasant odor.

For comparison, here are some of the disadvantages of a similar heat-insulating material, polystyrene foam:
  • flammability;
  • the material does not allow air to pass through;
  • incompatibility with some materials, for example, wood;
  • It is destroyed under the influence of the sun, despite its rigid structure.

These disadvantages once again emphasize the practicality of penoizol.

Interesting fact: expanded polystyrene looks like polystyrene foam, so they are often confused. In fact, they do have a lot in common and are made from the same material. The only difference is in the technology of their production.


Foam insulation installation Currently, manufacturers have a wide range of various installations, making it possible to produce insulation at home.

The main dilemma is choosing the right equipment from two options:

  1. Purchase a ready-made structure, including a gas-liquid installation, a set of taps and a supply hose. To produce compressed air, you will also need a compressor and special containers: barrels with a volume of 20-300 liters.
  2. Make the unit yourself, using ready-made drawings.

Production scheme and necessary ingredients

If the choice is made in favor of the second option, you will need to purchase drawings for assembling the structure and all its components:

All parts of the kit are mobile and easy to transport. The equipment is assembled into a single complex at the construction site.

The main components of penoizol are:

  • urea-formaldehyde resin - the liquid from which foam is formed;
  • orthophosphoric acid - a hardener, thanks to which the foam hardens;
  • foaming agent;
  • technical water.

Supply of penoizol to the prepared area The ingredients enter through the pump into the unit, where, with the help of compressed air, the components are mixed, foamed and transformed into an excellent thermal insulation material.

Commercial benefit

Penoizol finds its application in everyday life and commerce. Due to its low cost, this is a very profitable type of business, which involves the production and sale of penoizol in a liquid state or ready-made frozen sheets.

The sale of penoizol does not cause any particular difficulties, such as the process of its manufacture, which is a profitable trump card in the hands of a good entrepreneur.

Watch the video in which the user shares his experience of making penoizol with his own hands:

I am working on fiberglass, and today I thought about the fact that the consumption of foam from the cylinder is very high. This raised the question: is it possible to make foam at home? what ingredients are needed and is it profitable? Maybe someone tried it) Thanks in advance! Sincerely, Evgeniy.

Construction: Is it possible to make polyurethane foam (construction foam) at home?

Is it possible to foam the junction with polyurethane foam? chimney and corrugated sheets on the roof of a private 1-story residential building or are there other ways to seal seams? If there are ways, then tell me which ones

How can I secure the bricks to the drain (so that they don’t fall on someone’s head from the 5th floor) while I’m blowing it up with foam from below?

Tell me how to prepare fast and furious at home

Here is a version of a foam generator. In principle, it is possible to make construction foam in it. How realistic it is to create it at home is quite realistic. Will it be economically profitable - more likely no than yes. Specialized production will provide a noticeably better economic effect. On the other hand, if you make a large enough installation and run it 24/7/365, then the savings will be obvious.

Polyurethane foam without a gun how to use

Polyurethane foam was invented almost a hundred years ago. Initially, it was used in the form of fairly large slabs, and after 20 years they learned how to produce foam in special aerosol cans. The first bottle of foam that was used during construction was made in England and used in Sweden.

Today, polyurethane foam is produced in two types of cylinders. One is intended for professional construction and is designed for use with a pistol. The second type can be used at home for one-time work. I would like to talk in more detail about how to properly use polyurethane foam without a gun.

If a gun is not provided for the cylinder, then a special tube must be screwed onto the adapter instead. Then you can start using it for its intended purpose. Such a cylinder is not always convenient to use, but it is great for one-time use. This is an ideal option if you need to seal small seams and so on.

It is worth noting the important fact that if you use polyurethane foam without a gun, then in such a situation all of it must be used at one time. Otherwise, you will have to throw away what you didn't use. In order to find out exactly how you can use this building material without a gun, look at our website. They will tell you in detail about all the intricacies of using polyurethane foam, which will allow even a beginner in this matter to skillfully use this type of material.

Types of polyurethane foam and their application

Polyurethane foam can be found on sale in small cylinders that are filled with either propellant or pre-polymer. Due to the fairly high air humidity, the composition gradually becomes hard, and its structure becomes quite rigid.

Today, there are only two types of polyurethane foam, which can be found in any store that specializes in construction.

  1. Foam for professional use. It is sold in fairly large cylinders that can hold more than one and a half liters. Such foam comes out of the packaging under quite high pressure and in some cases can be sold complete with straws (they are used for manual application polyurethane foam). It would be unwise to take this type of foam without a gun, because due to the high pressure you will spend too much foam.
  2. Polyurethane foam, which is used in everyday life, is sold in small cylinders, which have half the volume - 600-800 ml; a special tube is also sold complete with a cylinder of foam. It has the same technical characteristics as for professional use. It is worth noting that a cylinder of this size can also be used with a pistol. The second type of foam is usually used to fill some minor depressions or seams. Its cost is much lower than the professional one, although the volume is several times smaller.

Polyurethane foam is widely used in construction for a variety of purposes. Most often it is used to reduce noise levels. This building material is an ideal option for sound insulation. In order to achieve a positive result, it is enough to fill with foam the places where the pipes touch and all the holes that are in the walls (see details).

If, for example, there are cracks in the roof, then they can be perfectly sealed by using polyurethane foam. The same can be done with window or door frames, cold rooms and voids, which are often observed directly around the pipes.

What is polyurethane foam and its features

Recently, they have even begun to use it to glue together various kinds elements. It perfectly and reliably glues a variety of materials and over time they do not come off and hold quite firmly. In order to perform these types of work, you can use both professional foam and household use. It is worth noting that you need to know and train how to use polyurethane foam without using a gun, because using it with a gun is much easier. than with a straw.

Step-by-step instructions on how to properly use polyurethane foam without a gun

Of course, to some extent, using polyurethane foam without using a professional tool - a gun - is not difficult. Instead of a gun, a special tube is used, and the instructions are almost the same. With more detailed application can be found in the material.

  • You need to wear gloves to protect your hands from getting foam on them, otherwise you will have to sweat to remove it from your skin.
  • The place where you will blow the foam needs to be protected as reliably as possible. Remove all debris and dust present there. If the gap is large or deep, then, as a rule, it is additionally filled with small pieces of foam plastic.
  • Shake the can for a minute, according to the instructions. different brands foam can be specified different times, but on average it is 30-60 seconds. Thanks to shaking, the foam will become as homogeneous as possible, its output will be several times more intense, which will make the work easier, and the process will go several times faster.
  • The planes that are inside the recess must be well moistened, but make sure that water does not drip from them and that there is no excess moisture.
  • Remove the small cap from the cylinder, which is put on so that it does not work in advance. On the same protrusion you need to put a special tube, which is sold complete with polyurethane foam.
  • Bring the edge of the tube about 5 cm to the area you want to fill with foam and then press the valve. It is important to note that the hole is only half filled, because the foam will expand not only as it comes out of the container, but also for some time after that.
  • After half an hour, you need to again inspect the place you treated. If there are still pits or unfilled cavities, add a small amount of foam. As numerous practice shows, when manually filling a cavity, the foam very often crawls out of its limits, and therefore there is no need to fill additional foam. On the contrary, it is necessary to eliminate its excesses.

Some people who rarely use foam are afraid that the foam will not stop coming out of the tube even when they release the button. There is no need to worry about this, because each cylinder has a special restriction valve that will prevent foam from escaping immediately after you make the pressure weaker.

After 8 hours the foam will become as hard as possible and then its excess needs to be trimmed off. To do this, use the most ordinary, but always sharp knife.

Disadvantages of using polyurethane foam without a gun

There are no disadvantages when using polyurethane foam professional looking not so much. Experts call the first disadvantage that when manual way a large amount of foam will come out beyond the recess being processed. Even with a pistol it is often impossible to avoid excesses, and in this case there are several times more of them.

Foam mounting feature

At the same time, it is much easier to work with a pistol, because it is, after all, a special professional tool. The tube, if you accidentally removed it from the cylinder, cannot be put back on and you can continue to use the polyurethane foam. You will have to buy a new cylinder.

Polyurethane foam is a truly unique material that allows you to perform a large number of jobs. A specialist or numerous ones that you will find on our website can teach you how to use polyurethane foam without using a gun.

Perhaps none of the materials that have appeared on the construction market relatively recently can boast of such widespread introduction into all industrial and household areas as polyurethane foam. Without its use, it is impossible to imagine either the construction of a hypermarket filled with orderly rows of pallet racks, or summer shower at my dacha.

The starting components in the production of the familiar foam are products of the synthesis of hydrocarbons based on crude oil. This is a polyol and polyisocyanate. The first component is a rather inert liquid, which can only separate over time, so the container with polyol must be shaken before use. The second component of the future foam is a dark liquid with a pungent odor, capable of absorbing even atmospheric moisture, precipitating in the form of a polymeric substance - solid and useless to anyone. It must be stored only in a closed state in the manufacturer's container. Transport with extreme caution using 30s41nzh and self-propelled stackers or forklifts.

The combination of two components in a ratio of 1/1.25 leads to the onset of a polymerization reaction with intense, depending on the amount of water, release carbon dioxide, which foams the resulting polyurethane foam polymer. If the reaction is not given the opportunity to develop and the mixture of components is placed in a hermetically sealed container with a valve cover, and then some gas that does not contain water vapor is pumped into it under pressure, then the container will contain a prepolymer - the progenitor of the future foam.

Cans with this composition undergo a series of control operations, are equipped with the necessary accessories and are packaged in cardboard boxes. The boxes are marked and placed on hydraulic trolleys and sent to the warehouse. There they settle for 72 hours and after verification they can already be sold as a finished product such as the AVK valve.

When the valve is opened, the prepolymer base comes out under the pressure of the displacing gas (propellant), actively absorbs atmospheric moisture and foams, and then finally polymerizes, turning into a monolithic porous material with excellent heat-insulating and sound-absorbing properties, capable of filling all kinds of cracks, joints and cavities. It is in this form that polyurethane foam is familiar to most of its users who are not privy to technological features production.


Polyurethane foam is a unique building material that is widely used for installation, sealing of structures and increasing their thermal insulation. Lovers of garden decorations have expanded the scope of application of this building material. Every owner can easily make garden figures from polyurethane foam with his own hands. country house or summer cottage. In this article you can see photos of finished crafts, as well as step-by-step master classes popular sculptures made from polyurethane foam.

Advantages of polyurethane foam for Hand-made crafts

1. Light weight.
2. Ease of use (applied to any surface, easy to cut).
3. The ability to make crafts of any size.
4. The finished product is not affected by precipitation and temperature changes.

Conditions for using polyurethane foam for garden sculptures

If you have never worked with polyurethane foam, we recommend that you read the instructions from the manufacturer. Do not forget that the foam inside the container is a liquid mass, and when it comes into contact with air, it begins to harden. Complete hardening occurs after 10-12 hours. When working with foam, use personal protective equipment. It is not recommended to carry out work at sub-zero air temperatures.

Before each use of the foam, shake the container well. While working, keep the can with the cap down so that gas does not escape from it and all the foam can be used. You should not apply many layers at once, as the uncured ones will fall off. Do everything gradually, apply the next layer at least 10-15 minutes after the previous one. For ease of application, use a special gun.

The appearance of a polyurethane foam figure directly depends on the type of frame. You should first find a picture of the figure or make a sketch so that all the nuances are taken into account and the finished product looks like a wooden or plaster sculpture.

To make the frame, you can take different materials, for example, plastic bottles or iron cans are suitable. You will also find it useful wooden planks, fittings and wire. To make the sculpture stable, you need to fill it with sand.

Now you can start decorating the craft with foam. Distribute the foam evenly over the frame, taking into account the future reliefs of the craft. When it has completely hardened, you can remove it with a stationery knife. unnecessary details and correct defects. If necessary, add foam to places where you forgot or want to correct something in the craft.

A layer of putty will help protect the mounting foam from destruction. To garden craft turned out smooth, grout with sandpaper. Now take acrylic paints and cover the figure. Preferably two layers or more. To extend the service life of the future masterpiece, it is coated with varnish on top.

Garden figures can be additionally decorated with the most different materials, for example, beads, flowers or make LED backlight so that the sculpture glows at night.

DIY polyurethane foam snail

In order to make a snail for the garden, you will need half a bottle of foam. Cover the table with oilcloth and begin applying foam for the base of the snail. When the first layer has dried a little, apply the second and insert a kefir bottle to make the snail's neck. Cover your neck with foam too and form a head with your hands.

Give the snail horns and a slightly elongated muzzle. After this you can start making the shell. To do this, a round mound of foam is applied to the snail's body. Now insert a bucket, which will be intended for flowers and will turn the garden craft into an original flowerbed.

Use a marker to mark where your snail shell begins and ends, and make curls. When the foam is completely dry, sand the product. All that remains is to decorate the snail and the garden craft is ready.

- old saucepan;
- iron can:
- oil or acrylic paint;
- foam container;
- wire;
- beads.

Master class craft frog for the garden

1. Separately fill the pan and jar with foam and let dry.
2. The jar is the head, and the pan is the body of the frog. Fasten these parts with wire and secure with foam.

3. In the place where the frog’s arms should be, secure the wire and also cover it with foam.
4. Now shape the head and body so that they look like a frog. Make the lower legs as well.
5. Paint the craft with paints and then insert the eyes. The frog is ready, now it can be placed near a pond in the garden or near the pool.

To make a garden fox figurine, you will need plastic bottle. Fill it with sand or pebbles, then the wind will not be able to turn your product over. Foam the bottle, but not immediately in a thick layer, but gradually, pausing for about 15 minutes for the foam to set.

You can use a rubber tube to make the paws. To make the legs flexible, insert a wire into the tube. The tail can also be made from a tube, which will need to be well foamed. For the neck, use a cardboard cylinder from under toilet paper. Install some kind of round blank for the head.

Foam everything well and give it to the sculpture appearance foxes. After that, paint the figure oil paints and varnish. Keep in mind that if the paint is white, the varnish will make it yellow.

Garden figure bun

You can use a plastic ball as the frame of the kolobok. Place it on some kind of support, such as a jar or bowl. Now apply the foam, waiting for each layer to dry. To make handles, insert wire.

Also form the scarf from foam, and you can make the ears from cardboard. When the foam is completely dry, use a utility knife to cut out the eyes, mouth and nose. Make legs from wooden planks. All that’s left is to color the craft and the bun – it’s ready!

Garden lantern made of polyurethane foam

Interestingly, polyurethane foam can be used to make not only garden figures, but an original lantern that will give your personal plot notes of exclusivity and will help decorate the garden in Japanese style. To make a lantern stand, take a pipe that needs to be foamed on the bottom side and installed on a level surface. wooden base. For the lantern bowl, you can use a plastic bowl that needs to be secured on top.

Now pour the foam in layers, waiting for each layer to partially dry. Come up with a design to decorate the lantern, draw a diagram and implement the idea using polyurethane foam. You need to make a hole in the center of the bowl so that you can secure the lid with self-tapping screws. Insert the bars into the bowl and foam them.

Attach the lid to the bowl with self-tapping screws. Now cut out a smaller square from the chipboard. Foam it on one side and secure the racks on the other. In the center of the squares you need to make a hole in order to insert a lamp into it later. solar battery. Hide the wires.

After this, a roof is made from a large piece of plywood, which is installed on racks. To make the relief design beautiful, first draw it with a marker on the surface of the lantern, and then carefully cover it with foam.

The finished product is completely painted. To install it in the garden, you need to dig the pipe a little into the ground or make a small flower bed around the lantern.

DIY polyurethane foam figures will help transform any garden plot. Even without the skills of a sculptor and artist, you can make a beautiful sculpture that will enliven your exterior.


Now it’s hard to imagine how, when doing most construction work do without using polyurethane foam. It is used when filling various cracks, used when installing new windows and doors, gluing some building elements, and many other types of work.

When using polyurethane foam, even with extremely careful actions, it is impossible to avoid some amount of foam getting on nearby construction surfaces and, of course, on clothing and open areas bodies. And from this the question naturally follows: how and with what can you wash the polyurethane foam, both already hardened and still in a soft state.

Polyurethane foam is made from polyurethane foam, and is a type of sealant with high degree adhesion. Typically, it takes 7 to 12 hours for the foam released from the cylinder to completely harden, depending on the quality and composition of the material. In a frozen state, it is no longer possible to soften or dissolve the polyurethane foam, but in a soft state it is still possible to remove the remaining foam.

How can you clean polyurethane foam?

Polyurethane foam is one of the building materials that is very difficult to remove. Until recently, the only means that should be used to remove foam was called acetone.

Nowadays you can use a lot in various ways for removing and cleaning foam various surfaces, skin of hands and clothes. To remove residues of this sealant from various types surfaces, numerous aids should be used.

When removing excess foam, you must use:

  1. Directly acetone and other solvents based on it. Acetone-based nail polish remover perfectly dissolves fresh, not yet fully hardened foam. It should be used with extreme caution on varnished and glossy surfaces, as these surfaces can be damaged and unpleasant stains may appear.
  2. Special products for removing and dissolving foam. On the shelves in construction stores You can find many names of such solvents. Some are used only to remove freshly applied foam, others can remove old and frozen spots foam. Fresh foam can be removed using such products as: PENOSIL Foam Cleaner or ULTIMA Professional. For cured sealants, Cosmofen 5, PENOSIL Premium Cured or Isofoam R621 can be used.
  3. From pharmaceutical preparations, you can use regular dimexide. After some time, its solution softens and destroys the foam. After interacting with the solution, the foam is easily removed from any material. It is advisable to wear protective gloves when using this drug.
  4. Normal vegetable oil. When exposed to foam, it softens it. Oil should be used to lubricate areas and stains that remain after removing the foam sealant.
  5. You can also soften it slightly with regular water. top layer foam. After wetting, after some time the foam can be mechanical influences remove from surfaces.
  6. Exposure to cold. Under the influence subzero temperature the foam molecules bind and freeze. In most cases, the sealant can be cleaned off after it freezes.

Cleaning foam from hands

If you use protective gloves when working with polyurethane foam, you will not need to clean it with your hands. But if your hands become contaminated during construction work, you can use the following means:

  • Acetone;
  • Petrol;
  • Medical alcohol;
  • 3% vinegar solution.

To remove foam, moisten a cotton swab with one of the listed products and treat the contaminated areas of the skin. After removing the foam from your hands, you should wash them thoroughly with soap and water and lubricate them with a neutral cream, preferably a children’s cream.

Other methods for removing foam from hands at home:

  1. Use of kitchen salt. In a small container, dissolve one teaspoon of salt in slightly warm water, dip your contaminated hands into the resulting solution and hold for a while.
  2. For fresh stains, a soap solution works well. Contaminated hands are placed in a warm soap solution; for faster cleaning, you can rub the dirt with a washcloth or sponge.
  3. Warm vegetable oil. Areas of skin with foam are moistened with warm oil. Then these contaminants are sprinkled with washing powder, foamed and, together with the mounting foam, thoroughly washed off under running water.

Removing foam from various surfaces

Cleaning PVC windows and doors. How to remove the remaining foam from windows or doors made of polyvinyl chloride? To clean the PVC surface, do not use active solvents, especially those based on acetone. When applying solvents, the appearance of the PVC surface can be spoiled and permanent stains may appear.

For cleaning, a simpler and gentler method should be used. Once the foam has hardened, it can be easily removed with a piece of wood or a non-metallic scraper. After such cleaning there are usually no traces left. If available, you can use vegetable oil, which is applied for 20-30 minutes. Then the oil and sealant can be washed off with a regular kitchen sponge or scraper.

Cleaning wooden doors and windows . Usually wooden doors and windows are protected with paint or varnish. How to remove foam residue from varnished or painted doors or windows? It is not recommended to use special solvents on such surfaces, as they can damage the top smooth layer and ruin the appearance of the product.

In such cases, you can use a salt solution. To do this, dissolve a tablespoon of regular salt in 200-250 ml warm water and the resulting solution wets the contaminated area. After 5 minutes, the surface should be wiped with a kitchen sponge soaked in water.

Cleansing metal surfaces . Can't clean the metal surface from polyurethane foam? For these purposes, you can use sunflower oil. To begin with, the bulk of the foam is removed. Remains of unremoved contamination are moistened sunflower oil and leave for 25-30 minutes. Then the dirt can be easily removed with a soft cloth. Remaining oil can be removed with a concentrated soap solution.

Removing stains from glass . Polyurethane foam with glass surfaces can be removed only after the composition has completely hardened. Usually, foam is removed from glass using a blade or knife, without leaving any traces. If any traces remain, they can be additionally wiped with solvent or regular nail polish remover.

Cleaning linoleum . Polyurethane foam, when it gets on the surface of linoleum, does not bind to it. To remove foam from linoleum, it is enough to wait for it to dry completely and remove it mechanically. Of course, it won’t be possible to completely remove it this way, and this raises the question of how to wipe off polyurethane foam from linoleum? Remains of foam can be easily removed with a solvent designed to dissolve foam, and Dimexide can also be used.

Pay attention! When using acetone-based solvents, you can ruin the appearance of linoleum.

Carpets . How to clean dried foam from carpets and others soft coverings, without removing lint? The most the best option can be called the use of ordinary water.

The foam very quickly penetrates the pile of the carpet or carpet and binds to it. In this case, you should not use a solvent, especially if the foam has not yet hardened. Place a cloth well soaked in water on foam stains. After a few hours, the foam will soften and can be removed with a spatula or brush.

Laminate . If the laminate is contaminated with foam, you can use dimexide or a special cleaner that softens the hardened foam. Once the sealant has softened, it can be easily removed with a sponge or soft cloth.

Pay attention! Strong solvents are not suitable for cleaning varnished and matte surfaces, since after their use stains remain on such a surface and the top layer is damaged.

Parquet and parquet board . If the foam has not yet dried, it can be easily removed from such surfaces with any cleaning agent. When deleting frozen foam The parquet will take a little work. First you need to cut off the bulk of the foam. Then apply dimexide to the remaining foam using a cotton swab or brush. The foam under the influence of the solution will become soft after 15 minutes and can be removed with a damp kitchen sponge.

Tree . To remove hardened foam from wooden surfaces You can use pharmaceutical Demixide or special cleaning solvents. These solutions penetrate well into the wood and destroy the composition of the trapped foam. After 40-60 minutes, the softened polyurethane foam can be removed with a brush or sponge. This method removes contaminants from wooden windows and doors.

If after cleaning there are still traces of foam residue, there is only one way out - to clean these places with a sander or sandpaper.

Cleaning soiled clothing . How to clean polyurethane foam from clothes? The solution to this issue is of interest to a large number of people, since clothes are the first to become contaminated.

It is impossible to remove polyurethane foam from clothing without leaving any residue. When injected, the foam bonds very firmly to the fibers. Using the cleaning products above will help reduce interaction with the fabric. First of all, it is worth noting that the use of acetone and other solvents based on it is undesirable, since it can ruin the fabric - it can fade.


After reading this article, we conclude that when carrying out construction work using polyurethane foam, you should carry out preventive measures to prevent possible contamination, so that you don’t have to wash the foam with your own hands.

Of course, pollution can be eliminated to some extent using the above methods, but it is still easier to prevent it.
