How to remove old polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam - how and with what to remove frozen stains from different coatings? Video - Removing foam from the surface quickly

Currently, polyurethane foam is one of the most popular building materials. And this is not surprising. After all, it is polyurethane foam that is used today as a sealant, as an adhesive, and as a sound or heat insulator.

Most of both external and internal construction work directly related to its use. These are works related to the installation of doors or windows, insulating houses, covering them with siding, and work involving pipe routing.

But, as it turned out, such a multifunctional building material also has one small but very serious drawback: it adheres equally firmly to any material. Therefore, it is not at all easy to remove once it gets into unwanted places. Such a nuisance can happen even to a professional in his field. And what can we say about the one who did the renovation for the first time?

Ways to clean dried foam

In fairness, it should be noted that a small drop of polyurethane foam can cause a lot of unpleasant minutes for a professional. The same one who has never worked with it building material, you may not realize how difficult it will be to get rid of even a small speck of polyurethane foam, because this material adheres so tenaciously to any surface.

It cannot be washed off under running water; rather, you can get the opposite effect, because the foam expands and hardens under the influence of water. There is little hope to be placed on some of the solvents or cleaners we are used to. For example, white spirit will not cope with polyurethane foam.

So is everything really so hopeless?

How to wash off foam from hands

How do you wash it off? polyurethane foam that got on the skin of your hands? Of course, it will be much easier to remove a fresh stain using a damp cloth or some kind of cloth.

Some people use some kind of skin-safe solvent. If the foam has frozen, then, first of all, you should know that this material does not contain any harmful substances, so there is no need to worry in this direction.

As for the aesthetic side of the issue, experienced builders most often in this case use one proven folk method.

Before you begin to remove foam that has gotten on your hands, you should soak your hands in a solution of table salt for some time, approximately 5 minutes. After this, you need to take a regular pumice stone and carefully scrape the problem area. So, the desired effect has been achieved: hands are clean. Now you should lubricate them with moisturizing hand cream.

If you still haven’t managed to completely clean your hands, don’t worry. It won't be long before the foam stains disappear on their own.

How to clean plastic, linoleum and wood

It often happens that polyurethane foam accidentally gets not only on your hands, but also on nearby surfaces made of plastic, linoleum or wood. If the foam stain is still very fresh, then you can remove it from a plastic or glass surface using a scraper whose use would not damage the surface or leave scratches on it. After this, use a hard sponge or cloth to clean the surface again.

Some people prefer to use a cleaner instead of a cloth. However, it should first be checked on the most inconspicuous area of ​​the same surface. Most often, acetone or products such as solvent 646, Isofoam r621, Cosmofen, and Macroflex remover are used.

But the foam that was not noticed immediately, and it has already hardened, will be more problematic to clean. We'll have to be patient.

Some builders recommend first cutting off the frozen stain with a blade as close to the surface as possible, and then trying to soak it with a solvent and rubbing it with a fairly stiff sponge. It is best to use SOUDAL PU Remover solvent, which is specifically designed to remove foam that has already hardened.

To remove polyurethane foam from more delicate surfaces, such as plastic, wood, linoleum, you cannot use solvents that are considered aggressive. Some recommend using dimexide in this case. This is a well-known drug and is sold in any pharmacy. Moreover, it is quite inexpensive, almost pennies.

The existing stain is well moistened and left for several minutes, and then removed using a cloth, sponge or even a cotton swab.

If polyurethane foam gets on plastic windows, then the easiest way to get rid of it is to remove it with an oil solution.

Ordinary sunflower oil is applied to the contaminated area for half an hour, and then cleaned with intense movements using an ordinary sponge intended for washing dishes.

Remove frozen foam from clothes

The issue is much more difficult to resolve if the polyurethane foam gets on fabric or clothing. Whether it can be washed or not will largely depend on the structure of the fabric itself.

It is almost impossible to clean knitted fabrics or knitted items. Foam stains can be removed from denim and leather items using white spirit.

How to remove from glass or metal door

In some cases, get rid of frozen foam This can only be done by simply mechanically rubbing the surface with a small piece of plastic. This is how it is recommended to clean a metal door or radiator painted with enamel from polyurethane foam.

Co glass surface Spray foam stains can be removed in several ways. Some builders scrape it off with a knife or blade, while others prefer to use a cleaner. Using a plastic scraper, carefully remove the stain from the foam that has got on the car.

As you can see, in order to remove stains from polyurethane foam from various surfaces you will have to put in a lot of effort, and sometimes additional material costs will be required. At the same time, there are also cases when it is not possible to achieve the expected effect. Therefore, it would be more correct to prevent the development of this situation and try to protect yourself as much as possible from the contact of polyurethane foam on surfaces for which it was absolutely not intended.

Video: how to remove polyurethane foam from a car

The video talks about one of the most the best means for removing dried foam from almost any surface. How to use, how long this procedure takes and what you should pay attention to is described in detail in a short but informative video with clear step-by-step instructions.

Of course, it is necessary to take adequate measures to remove accidental splashes or run-on excess from visually noticeable, beautiful areas.

Important! Early removal of polyurethane foam is the key to the best possible result!

In any case, before starting manipulations with chemical reagents, you should check their interaction with the surface being cleaned in an area hidden from view. For example, a special factory foam cleaner can be used on surfaces that are tolerant to acetone.

The following factors are very significant:

  • speed of start of events;
  • surface type;
  • duration of splashing and adhesion of foam.

It is clear that you need to start removing the polyurethane foam as early as possible, that is, using available means: a spatula, knife or scraper. However, actions must be careful so as not to damage the surface being cleaned (scratches, tears, etc.).

This method will allow you to cut off only the main, upper part of the foam mass. Next, it is necessary to determine the most correct method for dissolving the remaining foam to completely eliminate it.

We clean frozen polyurethane foam with special means

On the question of how to clean polyurethane foam, of course, the solution would be to use special solvents that will help completely get rid of residues and lump fragments of polyurethane foam. For example, good options are:

  • "Phenozol";
  • "Cosmofen";
  • "Reiniger".

The mentioned solvents should not be left on the contaminant for a long time, otherwise they may have a negative effect on the subject finishing material.

Attention! Conventional, classic solvents are absolutely unsuitable for use on most surfaces, since they penetrate into their structure, carrying with them some of the pollutant. Visible stains will form that will subsequently be impossible to remove.

Completely dried polyurethane foam can be cleaned using the following method:

  • The top layers of the foam composition are carefully removed mechanically. You can’t go deeper!;
  • on the remaining fragments and stains you need to apply one of the above products, strictly according to the attached instructions. For example, “Cosmofen” should not be left on for more than three minutes.

A good alternative is the drug "Dimexide". This medicine in concentrated form (slightly oily to the touch), sold freely in any pharmacy. You need to soak a clean napkin (cotton fabric or cellulose fabric) with it and cover the foam with it for 3.5–5 minutes.

Under the influence of the drug, the residues will soften and can be easily removed by wiping with a dry cloth without damaging the underlying surface.

How to clean polyurethane foam with gasoline or acetone

When analyzing the basic properties of polyurethane foam, it becomes clear that this filler, expanding in volume, has increased adhesive ability (adhesion, adhesion to surfaces). For this reason, numerous difficulties arise during the removal of residues, and the risk of serious damage to the soiled item increases.

In most situations, you can solve the problem with gasoline, acetone or white spirit, however, these organic solvents are very aggressive and damage many materials. They should be used carefully, only after testing in an inconspicuous area.

To do this, you should pipette a couple of drops of the selected composition onto the surface and wait a few minutes (3-4 minutes will be enough), and then carefully examine the “test” area. If there is no change in color, softening or dissolution of the material, then the listed compositions can be safely used to remove stains or dirt from polyurethane foam.

Conventional foam removers

By the way, using the same laminate and other surfaces is much easier, so try to prepare in advance workplace and will prevent the penetration of polyurethane foam.

We remove polyurethane foam from skin, hair and clothes

When foam gets on your skin or hair, you need to clean it carefully:

  • firstly, there is no need to rush - after 2.5–4 days, under the influence of natural skin secretions (steam, sebaceous gland secretions, sweat), the contamination will disappear without additional influences;
  • secondly, you can use vegetable oil;
  • thirdly, use the Reiniger composition, but in such a situation it is ineffective, so you will have to try.

Unfortunately, removing foam from hair is not so easy, so you will have to cut off the affected curls.

Clothes can be cleaned with Phenosol, Reiniger or Cosmofen, although noticeable stains remain. You can try dimexide cleaning, but the likelihood of a successful outcome is low.


There are enough ways to remove contaminants, but in order to prevent polyurethane foam from getting on your skin, hair, clean areas of coverings, shoes and clothes, you should prepare for work in advance. It is necessary to use preventive measures: covering the floor with film, sticking strips masking tape, protective cap, mask, etc.

Any builder knows that cleaning foam is not so easy. It quickly eats into the material, sticks to your hands and often causes damage to clothes. It is impossible to wash off fresh foam with water - upon contact with it, it expands and hardens. It is removed with special cleaners, mechanical methods or using folk remedies. All options have their own nuances, which we will discuss below.

Cleaning hard surfaces

No matter how carefully the work is carried out, occasional splashes and excess foam always end up on nearby surfaces. It is better to remove stains immediately: fresh polyurethane foam is more pliable and does not require the use of caustic solvents.


  1. Remove top layer foam with a wooden spatula or rag. It is also easy to assemble plastic bag or cling film– she sticks to them best. If the foam is already dry, use sharp knife.
  2. Treat the remaining adhesive mass with a special cleaner, dimexide (pharmaceutical), white spirit, acetone or nail polish remover.
  3. Rub the stained area with a hard surface sponge.

In this way, you can easily clean plastic windows, enamel surfaces, and tiles, metal door. If there are no solvents in the house, it remains mechanical method. You can try to scrub the stain with a plastic scraper or a hard sponge using cleaning products.

Cleaning delicate materials

Particular care should be taken when removing polyurethane foam from floors, varnished and laminated objects. Linoleum, laminate and other delicate surfaces may lose color or become deformed from the use of strong solvents. Here it is better to use other methods:

  • Mechanical cleaning. Wait until the foam dries a little and stops sticking to your hands (2-4 hours). Grasp its edge and smoothly pull it towards you.
  • Using oil. Cut off the foamy top at the root and pour generously over the sticky residue sunflower oil. Now they can be easily wiped off with a stiff brush or sponge.
  • Removing dried foam from laminate and linoleum. If 8 hours have passed since the foam sealant hit the floor, all that remains is to cut it off. Remaining dirt should be covered with wet rags. After 20–30 minutes they will get a little wet and will be easier to wipe off.

Many special fresh foam cleaners are suitable for processing plastic, laminate, linoleum, MDF. They impregnate a napkin or cloth and spot remove dirt.

How to remove foam from hands?

Putting your hands with fresh foam under the tap is completely pointless and reckless. From water it expands, becomes larger and harder. But then how to properly clean your hands from mounting sealant?

  1. Dry your hands with rags or tissues.
  2. To wash away any remaining foam, prepare a saline solution of 3 tbsp. spoons of table salt and 1 liter of warm water.
  3. Place your hands in the container with the solution for 5 minutes.
  4. Try scrubbing away traces of foam with a piece of pumice.
  5. Lubricate your hands with moisturizer.

Some builders prefer to remove foam from their hands with sunflower oil. You can also try removing it with a rag soaked in a vinegar solution (diluted in half with water).

Polyurethane foam is non-toxic and does not pose a health risk. Its presence on the skin is a purely aesthetic problem. If it was not possible to completely wipe off the remaining foam, there is no need to worry. After a few days, the skin of your hands will cleanse itself due to the natural renewal of epithelial cells and the release of sebum.

Removing polyurethane foam from clothing

Clothing is much more difficult to clean than hands or hard surfaces. Polyurethane foam can penetrate deeply into fabrics. The thinner the material, the less likely it is that the item cannot be restored. However, it's worth a try anyway.

First, you should let the foam dry, otherwise the stain will spread even more. Then they carefully cut it with a sharp knife “at the root” and begin cleaning.

  • Method number 1.

The surest way to remove foam from clothing is to dissolve it. But the product itself is highly likely to be damaged. Do a test somewhere on the underside: drop a drop of white spirit, acetone, cleaner, gasoline or dimexide. If the fabric has not lost its properties, use a tested detergent for washing clothes.

  • Method No. 2.

If you don’t want to clean your clothes urgently, you can try to destroy the polyurethane foam with ultraviolet rays. Just hang it in the sun and leave it for a week or more. From direct exposure sun rays the dirt will harden, turn yellow and begin to crumble. You will need to rub the fabric vigorously and shake out the crumbs.

If an attempt to remove foam from clothes is unsuccessful, creativity will help save it. The affected areas need to be cut out and patches installed. After this, you can sew pockets on top, glue emblems, and embroider a design with satin stitch.

Special cleaners

First of all, when working with construction foam the instrument suffers ( mounting gun), as well as adjacent surfaces: window and door openings.

Special cleaners are available to remove both fresh and hardened residues:

  • PENOSIL Foam Cleaner;
  • ULTIMA Professional;
  • 100% repair;
  • OPPA;
  • WS profi;
  • PENOSIL Cured PU-Foam Remover for dried foam.

The peculiarity of this type of product is the content of caustic substances that can dissolve the foam. But at the same time, they can damage delicate surfaces and are especially dangerous for the skin of the hands and mucous membranes.

Cleaners are used with extreme caution and only with protective gloves.

Some of these products can clean clothes. Before using any cleaner, you should read the instructions on the package and conduct a test by spraying the chemical in an inconspicuous place.

People say that dirty hands reveal a bad master. Of course, during repairs, dust and fine dirt will always be present. But sprays of polyurethane foam and heavy pollution can be avoided. Firstly, when working with it you need to wear gloves and clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Secondly, adjacent surfaces should be covered in advance with old newspapers or oilcloth. And thirdly, the gap must be filled with foam glue in stages and no more than a third. Follow these three rules, and then you won’t have to rack your brains wondering how to remove the polyurethane foam.

Polyurethane foam is an excellent building material appreciated by consumers.

This is an excellent sealant, sound and heat insulator, and can be used as a reliable adhesive.

Working with the composition is easy and convenient, but with all its obvious advantages, there is a small disadvantage.

Even if you carry out work with all care and accuracy, foam can get on your hands, clothes and surrounding objects.

The material has features that are important to consider when choosing a removal method. They are as follows:

But even if you get dirty in the product, you shouldn’t be afraid: it is not toxic and not dangerous to health.

How to get rid of foam

How to wipe dried foam from hands and other parts of the body?

Of course, fresh stains that have not had time to harden are much easier to remove than old ones.

Laminate, thin fabrics

Usage chemical compositions is a last resort, so it is advisable to try to do without them.

What options for removing such stains are available at home?

Using oil

So what should we do? How to remove foam from clothes?

As annoying as it may sound, if the foam has polymerized on clothing, most often it will not be possible to wash it.

In addition, extreme persistence can cause tissue damage. Using a blade or sharp knife, it is advisable to cut the stain right down to the base, being careful not to touch the fabric. Apply a little solvent to the trace of it with a cotton swab, and after waiting about ten minutes, you can try to carefully scrape off the remaining dirt.

If all of the above does not help, you can try to creatively cover the stain using a tailor’s method - cover it with an appliqué, a pocket or a deliberately bright patch.

When installing a door, window or other construction work, you cannot do without using polyurethane foam. This is popular in repair work the product very effectively and reliably holds together various building elements, but removing the foam remaining after construction can be quite difficult, especially if we are talking about hardened material. Even if all measures to protect against the sealant have been taken in advance, its particles can remain anywhere - on the floor, walls, doors, windows, clothes and hands. The question arises - how and with what to wash polyurethane foam at home?

How to remove fresh sealant stains from the surface of a door, window, floor

Fresh polyurethane foam can be removed best. It is easier to quickly remove excess residues than to wipe off already dried material. Eat various ways removing fresh stains:

For metal door The process of removing polyurethane foam is somewhat simpler than with wooden foam. If for cleaning wooden door If a variety of solvents were used, then immediately after wiping, you need to wash this area with soapy water so that the aggressive substances of the solvent do not damage the paintwork.

You can also use solvents to clean foam from clothing. If everything is done quickly, the fabric will not be damaged. After cleaning, clothes should be washed with plenty of washing powder.

How to wash foam from hands

To avoid questions like how to clean polyurethane foam from your hands, it is better to wear thick leather gloves during construction work involving the use of this product. If you still cannot avoid getting the sealant on your hands, you can remove it using the following means:

  • Medical alcohol
  • Petrol
  • 3% vinegar solution
  • Acetone.

You need to moisten a regular cotton swab with one of these products and gently wipe the skin of your hands. Then you need to wash your hands well under running water using liquid soap, and rub with baby cream.

There are other methods for removing sealant from your hands.

  • Using table salt. Pour into a small basin warm water, add a teaspoon of salt, lower your hands and hold them a little in the saline solution.
  • Soapy water is suitable for fresh stains on hands. Place your hands in a warm soapy solution to quick effect Remaining foam can be wiped off with a sponge or washcloth.
  • Heated vegetable oil. The oil needs to be slightly heated and rubbed onto areas with remaining sealant. Then fill the areas stained with foam with a small amount of washing powder, foam it and rinse the entire solution from your hands with plenty of water.

How to remove dried polyurethane foam from various surfaces

It is quite problematic to completely remove already hardened and dried foam from the surface the first time. The procedure for removing old stains will have to be repeated several times. Lumps and stains are easier to clean from metal, glass or stone surfaces than from other materials. In these cases, there are also methods that will help solve the problem partially or completely.

No matter what means you have to use to remove the remaining sealant, it is a tedious task and not always as effective as you would like. Experienced builders use protective film during the repair process and work in gloves and special clothing intended for construction work.
