Steam hood in the dressing room. Reliable ventilation in the dressing room with your own hands - how to do it right How to make ventilation in the dressing room with your own hands

Hike to bathhouse For everyone initiated into the mysteries, steaming is not a way to wash away dirt, it is a procedure that will result in the removal of impurities and toxins. And a ritual, during which the stress of a hard day, and sometimes a week, will be relieved, along with the pores, something elusive in the soul will open and begin to sing.
Associations associated with visiting baths– a lot of hot humid steam, a feeling of cleanliness and relaxation. In order for the steam to be beneficial, to circulate correctly in the steam room compartment, for the remaining condensation not to affect the condition of the wood from which the bathhouse is made, and for the building itself to serve faithfully for more than one year, it is necessary to think through and calculate even when the project is being created ventilation in the bathhouse.
Correctly calculated mechanism ventilation, exchange of air masses will increase the service life of the wood, and the steaming procedure in such a bathhouse is good for health. The service life of a bathhouse, for example, made of timber, is seventy-five years, but if the ventilation is not designed, moisture constantly accumulates in the steam room and washing room, plus temperature changes , the bathhouse building will have to be rebuilt or overhauled in five years. Within a year, a putrefactive fungus will develop, the decay products of which will have to be breathed in, carbon monoxide will no longer evaporate normally, and it is not safe to steam in such a room. In a good bathhouse, the flow of hot steam is directed by precise calculations.
The constant supply of additional oxygen also increases draft, which means the intensity of heating increases, and, consequently, fuel economy. Steam is removed, which makes drying easier. Wood absorbs less moisture, it does not create a favorable environment for the growth of microorganisms, and the wood lasts longer.

A correctly calculated mechanism for ventilation and exchange of air masses will increase the service life of wood, and the steaming procedure in such a bathhouse is beneficial to health.

Typical ventilation schemes in a bathhouse

Based on the principle of outflow and inflow air flow There are three types of circulation patterns.

  1. Natural ventilation. Natural ventilation is an arrangement of vents; air exchange occurs due to the difference in pressure and temperature outside and inside the building. This method of air exchange is effective in the case of “breathing” walls made of wood and no insulation. Air penetrates through the pores and cracks in the wood.
  2. Mechanical or forced ventilation. This ventilation technology uses special devices that provide forced air inflow and outflow. The more complex and functional the devices, the more expensive they are.
  3. Combined ventilation. In this case, the principles of natural ventilation are used, which are supplemented with simple mechanisms, for example, a fan that additionally pumps out waste.

The following schemes are considered popular options.
Mixing of air layers due to convection. The first vent is installed below, behind the heater, the second on the opposite wall, at the top. The inlet flow rushes through the lower exhaust hole, and the waste is squeezed out into the upper one. This gas recirculation option is suitable for a small steam room for one family. This method can be strengthened by using a fan and opening the door. An effective option would be to place the hoods at the same height on opposite walls, but the second, opposite the stove, is necessarily strengthened by a fan. The third method of arranging the holes is both on the same wall, the one that faces the street. Holes are made at two points on the wall equidistant from each other. Both of the latter options save the generated steam and condensate is removed. Sometimes, instead of the lower vent, a furnace vent is used. Air from the street enters through a hole, which is located next to the stove, and exhaust air is discharged through the ash pan due to draft. The second hole is not made. This kind of ventilation works while the stove is burning; after heating ends, in this case it is necessary to additionally ventilate both the steam room and the washing room. If the stove is lowered below floor level and the vent is designed into the foundation, the used air will also escape through the stove vent.

Air from the street enters through a hole, which is located next to the stove, and exhaust air is discharged through the ash pan due to draft. The second hole is not made.

But options that use the stove in the ventilation circuit work while the stove is burning. Recirculation will have to be strengthened - think through a window, leave the door half open, adjust the air with a towel, and so on.
It is impossible to give exact instructions. It is necessary to think over the ventilation device in the bathhouse for each individual steam room, taking into account the peculiarities.
To equip a steam room with natural ventilation, serious requirements are taken into account.

  • It is required that one wall borders the street for ease of exhaust gas removal.
  • There should be no draft.
  • When installing bath doors, a gap of 20 mm is made under them to enhance ventilation.
  • A correctly calculated gas exchange scheme changes the total volume of air three times in one hour.
  • Holes in the correct pattern support required volume steam so that it does not have time to come out in an amount that will cool the room and does not stagnate.
  • Formula for calculating the diameter of the exhaust hole: Volume of the ventilated room * 24 cm

Practice tip! In Russian baths, which were built taking into account traditions, we have reached folk remedies ventilation. The bottom of the door to the steam room is decorated ventilation grille, thereby ventilating the room.

In Russian baths, which were built taking into account traditions, folk means of ventilation have come down to us

Although natural ventilation- reliable and cheap way get rid of dampness and ensure an influx of air mass into the steam room, but it also has disadvantages. This method is enough for one family and for a wooden bathhouse. It will not be possible to regulate the inflow and exit of gases; the mechanism obeys natural conditions behind the walls of the room. To account for these shortcomings, mechanical ventilation is used.

In mechanical models it is used special equipment, controlling air flows using instruments and sensors. This technology has many advantages. The volume of incoming air is regulated and purified. The device itself maintains the desired microclimate and distributes air indoors. Disadvantages - noise during equipment operation, additional costs for electricity and equipment installation. And the price of this method of ventilation is, of course, higher than the cost of natural ventilation.

Types of mechanical ventilation

  1. Supply- the kit includes an air duct, grille, air filter and valve. To obtain the effect, recirculation is enhanced by a fan.
  2. Exhaust. The scheme provides for the outflow of cooled air using an air duct, grille, motor and fan.
  3. Supply and exhaust. Mechanical ventilation. Combination of exhaust and supply model. The principle of operation is either displacement of heated air coming from the street, or constant mixing of layers of air.

Mechanical effect better effect natural.

Types mechanical ventilation

Secrets and nuances that will help when creating ventilation in the bathhouse

Exhaust holes in the wall, floor and foundation of the bathhouse are made during construction. Cutting holes in a finished room is hard Sisyphean work. The ventilation model is selected during the creation of the project, along with the location of the vents. To speed up the exit of exhaust air, the linear area of ​​the hood is increased, or two holes are made. Valves or special blinds are installed on the vents to regulate recirculation. During heating, the hoods are closed, so the temperature will reach the desired level faster. In winter, during severe frosts, cold air literally “bursts” into the room, and this flow can be restrained with a plug.

Taking a steam bath is becoming a fashionable ritual for caring for your health and appearance. And its device is becoming more complicated and improved, taking into account the wishes of those who like to steam. About ten years ago, the arrangement of a bathhouse was limited to the dressing room and steam room, today it includes three or even four rooms. A separate washing room and rest room were added to the steam room and dressing room. Particular care should be taken when it comes to ventilation in the washing room and steam room, but moisture also spreads into the dressing room, and therefore all rooms need an air exchange mechanism.

Any of the schemes is suitable for the steam room. But before flooding, be sure to ventilate the steam room and leave the door and vents open. You need to ventilate for about fifteen minutes. When the steam room is ventilated, the door and vents are closed. When the temperature rises to the desired level, the hoods, using valves, are carefully and slowly opened to regulate the flow. The exhaust vent must be larger in diameter than the inlet vent, otherwise due to reverse draft the volume incoming air will fall. It is important to ensure that circulation does not disturb the temperature microclimate.

The exhaust vent must be larger in diameter than the inlet vent, otherwise the volume of incoming air will drop due to reverse draft

Ventilation in the washing room

Moisture accumulates in the washing room no less than in the steam room, and getting rid of it is no less important. Dampness and mold are not beneficial either to humans or to the bathhouse. Water in the washroom accumulates under the floors. Therefore, it is better to place the ventilation pipe in a corner, placing one end between the floors and the other leading to the roof.

Ventilation in the waiting room

The dressing room is also a locker room, and there is a stove in it. The stove is placed in the dressing room when there is not enough space in the steam room. In such cases, the air flows are recirculated through the stove; if there is no stove there, then the dressing room is additionally ventilated and dried after steaming. You can additionally make an vent in the wall, reinforced with a fan.
As can be seen from the above, ventilation in a bathhouse is not a complicated thing, but it is necessary, so it is worth considering the project when planning a future building, thereby extending the service life of the building and a healthy life.

DIY ventilation

The long-term functioning of a bathhouse of any size and type depends on proper construction, installation of the stove and finishing, as well as the organization of the ventilation system. Air circulation in such a building will occur in accordance with the laws of physics, therefore circuit diagram the hood is simple.

What do you need

To equip it, outlet and supply holes should be made. Through the latter, fresh air will penetrate into the room from the street. When designing a ventilation system, such openings are provided almost near the floor. They are located near the stove. This is done so that the cold air heats up and the overall temperature does not decrease.

Design Features

Before you make ventilation in the dressing room, you must take into account several nuances. Among others, it should be highlighted: carbon monoxide accumulating inside and overheated airborne moist masses must be removed from the room. For this purpose, exhaust openings should be provided. They are located slightly below the ceiling, opposite the supply channels. In this case, the air can be renewed without stagnating inside. There is no need for an exhaust hole in the ceiling, because the bathhouse will cool quickly.

The layout of the outlet and inlet holes is simple. More worries will come from the need for effective and timely removal carbon monoxide and simultaneous maintenance of the temperature that is necessary for a comfortable stay in the dressing room.

Ventilation in a warm dressing room must be designed before construction of the building. Air circulation can be spontaneous or forced. What the scheme should be is up to you to decide. It is important to consider the size of the room and its functional features. Natural movement of air masses can be achieved due to the difference in temperature and pressure outside and inside. If you choose such a scheme, it is important to correctly position the exhaust and supply windows. Cold air should come from below; an entrance should be arranged near the floor, 35 cm from the floor. The outflow of hot air will be carried out through a hood 20 cm from the ceiling. This air exchange option is not suitable for a steam room, because cold air will accumulate and stagnate near the floor, and hot air will stagnate near the ceiling.

Create a schema

Before you make ventilation in the dressing room with your own hands, you must design a circuit. It may provide for the installation of a forced hood. Air masses will move using mechanisms. When installing forced ventilation you can use electronics or a combined method of exhaust air removal. When choosing the first method, you will need to install appropriate equipment that will control the level of humidity, temperature, and be responsible for air supply and purification. The device is so complex technological scheme can be expensive.

Which type to choose

The combined method involves the installation of special fans that force air masses to move, while ensuring natural air exchange. If you want to arrange proper ventilation in the dressing room, you must create a design that takes into account the size of the exhaust and supply openings, as well as the location of the air duct windows. The area of ​​the holes is determined taking into account the volume of the room where they are located. Standard size air ducts vary from 15 to 20 cm.

If you have a Russian bathhouse, assembled from timber and logs, then it is better to arrange natural ventilation in it. It will work correctly and efficiently if the vents are located according to the calculations, and their dimensions correspond to the volume of the room.

If you are wondering how to properly ventilate a dressing room, it is important to consider the type of building. If it is frame sealed, then it is better to use a forced system. At the same time, in external wall there must be an inlet hole, which is filled by a blower fan. When it is planned to build a bathhouse from foam block or brick, ventilation should be exclusively forced.

Techniques for installing ventilation in the floor

Air exchange can also be ensured by a ventilated floor. If the coating is made of wood and is constantly in contact with water, then it will become unusable after five years of operation. In this regard, it is important to comply with the requirements for ventilation.

Small vents should be made in the foundation of the bathhouse to ensure air outflow. The floor is laid in such a way that centimeter gaps remain between the boards. Supply openings should be laid in parallel walls, protecting them with bars from rodents.

If there is a stove in the dressing room

When arranging ventilation in the dressing room with your own hands, you must take into account that a heating stove is sometimes installed in this room. In order for it to serve as an additional exhaust hood, the finished floor should be laid above the level of the ash pit. After completing all bath procedures, it is better to leave the doors open until the floor is completely dry.

Work methodology

If you want to provide effective ventilation to a warm dressing room, you should ensure that equal volumes of air enter and exit the room. The intensity of ventilation can be adjusted using dampers. If you close them, you can quickly warm up the room.

An exhaust air duct is installed outside, and the location of the deflectors above the top point of the roof should be 0.5 m. This requirement is prescribed by mechanical air exchange. When arranging ventilation in the dressing room of the bathhouse, you must create a movement of flows from the washing rooms to the dressing room, vestibule and bathroom. It is necessary to install a ventilation grille 2 m from the zero mark, which will ensure the flow of air under a forced system.

It is important at the planning stage to consider the outflow of moist air from the recreation area through the sink or bathroom compartment. The bathhouse may have a water heater that runs on gas. On individual highways, it is important to provide exhaust from it. Oxygen-saturated air should flow into the steam room through the ventilation duct. This channel should be located next to the stove, removing it 0.5 m from the floor.

In order for the auxiliary rooms to heat up, high air temperature from the steam room through the mains should be used. Tap-offs air channels should be laid in the recreation area and dressing room, where it will be possible to maintain comfortable conditions.

When arranging ventilation in the sauna dressing room with your own hands, you will need to install an exhaust duct with a damper in the upper part of the room. It is important to correctly determine the area of ​​highways. The cross-section of the air duct and vent is determined by the size of the steam room. On cubic meter the volume should be 24 cm 2 of the ventilation duct area.

To make it comfortable to be in a heated room, you should provide five air exchanges. This means that the air must be renewed 5 times every hour. If you want to increase the service life of your floors, it is important to ensure effective air exchange. To do this, channels are drilled in the basement of the building.

What indicates an improperly equipped ventilation system

If you want to make ventilation in the sauna dressing room with your own hands, you must be able to determine whether the system is working correctly. Errors during installation are indicated by moisture in the form of condensation, which accumulates on the ceiling and walls. If on the pipe exhaust system there are greasy marks, this also indicates ineffective ventilation.

If there is an unpleasant and musty smell in the room, you will immediately understand that moisture is not being removed as intensively as necessary. To check its functionality, you should bring a burning match to it. If the flame does not deviate to the side, then the ventilation system needs to be reviewed.

Making holes for ventilation

If internal and outer skin you have already completed the walls, but have not made holes for ventilation, then you need to start work immediately. First the marking is done on interior lining. At this stage, it is important to know where the recesses will be placed, what their parameters and dimensions are. The supply openings should be located behind the stove, 30 cm away from the floor. An exhaust duct is made on the opposite side under the ceiling.

At this stage, you need to prepare the metal grilles and air ducts. This will allow you to control the dimensions of the product and not carry out extra work. Ventilation in the dressing room can be natural. If you decide to proceed according to the described scheme, the next step is to prepare a long wood drill. A through hole should be drilled at the central point of the vent from inside the room. The exit of the drill from the outside will be the center of the air flow. The dimensions of the hole should be drawn around. The sheathing is removed within the marked boundaries. If the building is covered with clapboard, you will only need to dismantle the slats. If sheets of steel were used outside, you will need an angle grinder.

When the casing parts are damaged, they should be repaired. It is necessary to make through holes along the vent contour for ventilation, which will be located as close to each other as possible. In this case, you need to ensure that the drill is perpendicular to the surface. The same recesses are drilled throughout the entire area of ​​the vent. The more of them, the easier it will be to make a hole in the wall.

When doing ventilation in the dressing room, the next step is to remove the bridges between the holes with a chisel or chisel. It will not be possible to make a through hole on one side of the wall, because getting there with the tool used is quite problematic. Some of the work has to be done from the inside of the dressing room, and the other from the outside. You should not level the base of the recesses too carefully; it is important that the air duct can fit into the channel. It will take a lot of time to prepare such holes. Even if a specialist works, he can only do two blows a day. Next, you can begin installing the air duct and grille.

Working on the duct

Pipes made of galvanized metal or plastic are suitable for this. The length can be determined by considering the length of the passage. The grille must be selected taking into account the size of the hole. To regulate the ventilation efficiency, there must be a damper on the grille.

When doing ventilation in the dressing room, at the next stage you must isolate the planes of the recesses mineral wool, laying it in one layer. An air duct is installed in the prepared place. Construction foam should be used to securely fasten the pipe. As soon as it hardens, its excess is cut off.

If there is insulation between the sheathing and the wall, the gap is treated with foam. This will seal the slots and prevent liquid from penetrating the wood. A grille is installed on top. The method of fixing it will depend on what material the walls are made of. Self-tapping screws can be used silicone sealant or other fasteners. Ventilation in the dressing room can be supplemented with a valve. It is attached according to the same principle as the grille.

In conclusion

If you properly organize the air exchange in the dressing room, you can extend the life of the finishing materials and provide comfortable conditions for visitors. Only in this case can relaxation in the bathhouse bring true pleasure, and the room will be comfortable and easy to breathe.

The specifics of the bathhouse presuppose the high-quality organization of the ventilation system. Large amount of moisture high temperature, hot water steam, residues in the air of burning particles, smoke, combustion products solid fuel etc. - all these factors require constant ventilation. Moreover, this process should be carried out not only after the completion of the procedures, but also directly during their implementation. Ventilation in the dressing room is as important as for other sauna sections and is connected to common system ventilation.

Features of the bath

Differs in characteristics:

  • Occasional use. It is heated at regular intervals and is not used every day. The rest of the time the temperature inside is not regulated. It is not a residential building.
  • High humidity. When used, it is exposed to large amounts of water and water vapor. Due to the large temperature difference, condensation may collect on the ceiling of the waiting room.
  • Hot air. High temperature inside is one of the main characteristics of the structure of the bathhouse. Hot air from excess humidity prevails inside the washing room and steam room. It makes it difficult to breathe freely and puts a strain on the body.
  • Solid fuel. As a rule, it is heated with wood, the combustion products of which, along with the smoke, partially enter the building.
  • Minimum windows. The building is always built with minimum quantity windows to avoid heat loss. The steam room is deprived window openings at all. The largest number of windows are located inside the antechamber.
  • Carbon monoxide. If the air exchange inside the bathhouse is not properly organized during its use, there may be a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

The need for ventilation

Ventilation must be done during heating, as well as after completion of all procedures.

For heating and direct use:

  • ventilation helps to establish air exchange so that the polluted air flow leaves the room, being replaced by a cleaner, but warmer one;
  • fresh air supply is needed directly for the furnace;
  • adjustment of the temperature and humidity indicators of the specific air environment of the bath;
  • maintaining a more comfortable temperature inside the waiting room and relaxation area.

Ventilation after visiting:

  • allows you to dry the bathhouse to prevent the appearance of mold and mildew on wooden finishing elements, accessories, etc. Excessive dampness in a poorly lit space can easily provoke mold and rotting of wood;
  • long-term exposure to moisture on wooden structures will lead to distortion of the original parameters and properties (for example, doors and window sashes will close poorly and loosely);
  • The pores of mold fungi in a poorly ventilated room are in the air, there is a constant smell of dampness and musty air. This prevents you from feeling comfortable when visiting the bathhouse;
  • ventilation after taking bath procedures is also necessary for the building itself. It will last longer and function better if it is thoroughly and regularly ventilated and equipped with a proper ventilation system.

Types of ventilation

Proper ventilation in the dressing room and other sections of the bathhouse is generally organized according to the same natural laws as the ventilation systems of other premises and buildings. Ventilation according to the supply method is:

  • natural - the intake and removal of air masses occurs according to the physical laws of the replacement of warm air with incoming cold and heavy air;
  • mechanical - does not take into account natural processes. Fans are installed inside ventilation openings and air ducts for forced air exchange inside the room;
  • combined – combines the listed types. As a rule, the exhaust is mechanical, the inflow is organized in a natural way.

Ventilation in the bathhouse is organized naturally using ventilation openings and window vents. After the visit, the doors are additionally opened for final drying of the washing and steam rooms, as well as the dressing room.

A forced ventilation system is installed if there are signs that the existing ventilation scheme is not effective:

  • Condensation collects on the ceiling of the dressing room if hotter water vapor from the washing room or steam room gets there;
  • the appearance of mold, initial signs of rotting wooden elements finishing;
  • constant dampness that cannot be removed by ventilation;
  • unpleasant smell of the bathhouse.

How is the ventilation of a bathhouse arranged?

Most often, the bathhouse is equipped with natural ventilation. Inlet ventilation holes mounted at the bottom of the walls, 10-15 cm above the floor level. If there is a stove with a firebox in the dressing room, the inflow is located close to the stove so that the incoming flow warms up without reducing the overall temperature inside the room.

In addition, a ventilation duct should be placed under the finished floor, supplying fresh air directly to the furnace. The pipe entrance begins inside the foundation of the bathhouse, the exit is below, near the combustion compartment.

Supply openings are also located in the steam room. They are placed at the bottom (for the stove, if it is placed there), at the top for proper air circulation.

Exhaust vents remove excess hot, humid air that collects, as well as carbon monoxide if it is likely to occur. They are mounted 10 cm below the ceiling, opposite the inlet openings or diagonally so that the air exchange covers the room area as completely as possible.

It is not recommended to install ventilation openings on the ceiling, as this will lead to rapid cooling of the bath room or dressing room. It is important to organize ventilation so that fresh air comes in regularly, replacing hot stale air, while the temperature of the premises does not decrease and remains comfortable. You should also avoid a situation where the supply flow excessively cools the lower tier of the bath. The temperature transition from the upper to the lower tier should be gradual and not cause discomfort.

Requirements for dressing room ventilation

Proper ventilation in the sauna dressing room is organized with your own hands, following the criteria:

  • supply and exhaust flows must be of the same volume;
  • The direction of the air flow should be strictly organized from the dressing room to the bathroom or vestibule. When the air moves back, foreign odors may get inside;
  • the outlet of the ventilation opening is located at a height of at least 2 m above ground level;
  • if the hot air flow is removed from the steam room through air ducts, it would be advisable to use it to organize heating of other rooms in the bathhouse;
  • for a dressing room, a combined ventilation system will be effective, when a mechanical hood is installed and supply air is supplied naturally;
  • the air exchange rate should be 3;
  • Mounted fans must be moisture resistant.

How to make ventilation in the dressing room

It is not difficult to organize a ventilation system in the dressing room on your own, taking into account the basic patterns of natural air exchange. The easiest way to do this is when the foundation is being built, the frame of the bathhouse. Ventilation openings are provided for the foundation. Ventilation openings are also left near the walls, calculated in advance and commensurate with the layout of the future building.

Step-by-step instructions on how to properly ventilate a waiting room:

  • The location of the steam room door is determined. It is best to place it closer to the stove to maintain temperature balance;
  • an opening (15-20 cm) is laid on the opposite wall from the steam room door;
  • the distance from the ceiling to the edge of the vent is 10-15 cm;
  • the supply opening must be equipped with a sliding plug to regulate the volume of hot air removed;
  • To improve the speed of removal of moist hot flow from the dressing room, it is recommended to install an axial fan inside the exhaust hole. It will create an area low pressure and the supply air flow will be drawn in naturally;
  • Instead of an exhaust vent, you can install a ventilation duct that will take in hot, humid air and discharge it outside. This method is effective;
  • on the wall opposite from the hood (or the diagonally opposite corner) an inlet opening of the same size is installed;
  • height from floor to opening – 50 cm;
  • if the stove firebox is located in the dressing room and the flow of fresh air is necessary for heating, a separate ventilation supply duct is installed. It is placed under the floor, starts from the opening inside the foundation, and is supplied directly to the combustion chamber of the furnace.

In order for the ventilation device in the waiting room to be effective, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • additional ventilation in the bathhouse using window vents is desirable;
  • the waiting room itself must be insulated, since with a large temperature difference condensation (moisture, foggy suspension under the ceiling) can accumulate here;
  • ventilation openings are also necessary for the steam room so that high-quality circulation of air masses occurs;
  • If possible, the waiting room should be made spacious at the rate of 1.3 m² per person, since smaller dimensions can create inconvenience and discomfort;
  • the waiting area should be warm to provide comfortable conditions for relaxation after the steam room;
  • there should not be a sharp temperature difference between rooms, as well as between tiers of air space;
  • The supply channel, which supplies fresh air to the furnace firebox, is recommended to be made of galvanized steel, with a built-in plug that can be used to regulate the supply flow.

The level of ventilation depends on how well the ventilation of the bathhouse structure is organized. comfortable conditions indoors, the service life of the building, the microclimate that directly affects human health.

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Ventilation in the apartment with your own hands. How to organize?

High-quality ventilation in a bathhouse solves two important problems:

  1. providing people with the necessary amount of fresh air during procedures;
  2. rapid reduction of humidity and drying of the bath after completion.

At the same time, the required temperature is maintained, comfortable conditions are ensured, the danger of musty odors, mildew, and mold is eliminated, and fuel consumption is reduced. If proper ventilation is not organized in the bathhouse, then its wooden structures will become unusable in just a couple of seasons.

Reliable ventilation of the bathhouse protects against the effects of carbon dioxide during stove heating.

If necessary, ventilation can solve the problem of quickly adjusting the temperature. In some cases, sick people or children require an accelerated decrease in temperature and its further maintenance at a new level.

According to current standards, high-quality ventilation of a bathhouse should ensure an air exchange rate of 5...10 room volumes per hour.

Natural or forced supply and exhaust air exchange using a fan can be used. Natural ventilation for a bathhouse is simple, has no energy costs, and is reliable. Its feature is the mandatory presence of air supply/exhaust vents with control dampers.

Combined option uses a fan to intensify air exchange. For the mechanical type of ventilation, control is carried out by humidity and temperature sensors.

Effective ventilation is necessary in all areas of the bathhouse

Proper ventilation for a bath should comply with the following principles:

  1. when designing a bathhouse it is chosen
  2. arrangement ventilation ducts, inlet and outlet vents are made during construction;
  3. the area of ​​the exhaust opening must necessarily exceed the area of ​​the inlet opening, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve access required quantity fresh air;
  4. the calculation of the area of ​​the ventilation hole is made from the dependence of 24 cm2 of the vent area per one cubic meter of room volume;
  5. It is forbidden to place the exhaust and supply openings on the same straight line to avoid disrupting the correct air circulation;
  6. Ventilation valves for the bathhouse must be installed at the inlet and outlet openings.

The presence of adjustment of the live cross-section of inflow and outlet allows you to:

  • significantly speed up the achievement of the desired steam room temperature with closed ventilation;
  • achieve comfortable conditions by regulating the intensity of air exchange;
  • adapt to weather conditions.

Combined ventilation in a bathhouse requires the use of fans with a protection level of at least IP44 with a heat resistance of about 130 degrees.

Ventilation in the bathhouse with your own hands - features of the device

Correct and efficient ventilation in the waiting room is organized according to the following rules:

  • hourly productivity should be three times the volume of the dressing room;
  • the inflow must correspond to the air outlet;
  • air movement is directed from the residential area to the economic area;
  • The most effective is considered to be combined air exchange with an exhaust fan;
  • The ventilation grille is installed at a two-meter level from the ground.

Let's look at how to do ventilation in a sauna dressing room with your own hands:

  1. the door from the steam room should be as close as possible to the stove to ensure comfortable temperature regime;
  2. on the opposite side of the steam room they make an vent 0.15x0.2 m with an adjustable damper;
  3. install an axial exhaust fan;
  4. the supply vent is installed at a height of half a meter above the floor;
  5. under the floor of the dressing room, an air duct is installed to release hot air from the steam room, improving heating.

Ventilation of the floor in the bathhouse is extremely important, allowing it to dry quickly and ensure the durability and reliability of the coating. Basic rules for its implementation:

  • they do it underground cement screed with a slope towards the drain pipe;
  • Brick pedestals are used to secure the floor joists;
  • the foundation of the bathhouse under the flooring should have air holes on opposite sides, but not opposite each other;
  • when laying the flooring between the boards, provide gaps of about 8 mm;
  • arrange the finished floor mark above the level of the furnace vent;
  • Ventilation vents in the underground must be equipped with adjustable dampers and protective grilles.

5 best ventilation schemes for a bath

The best results are obtained by bath ventilation - the scheme of which corresponds to one of the five main options.

According to the first air exchange scheme:

  • the supply hole is made at the back of the stove 50 cm above the heater mark;
  • the hood vent with a fan is placed on the opposite wall at a level of about 250 mm above the zero level;
  • the cold air flow heated by the stove goes under the ceiling, cools, and descends lower to the hood opening;
  • Uniform heating of fresh air is guaranteed.

According to second scheme for air exchange:

  • air supply and exhaust holes are made on one wall opposite the stove;
  • the inflow vent is located at the bottom, 200...300 mm from the floor, and the hoods at the top, 200...300 mm below the ceiling;
  • a fan is placed in the exhaust hole;
  • During the circulation process, a flow of cold air goes to the stove, is reflected upward from it and goes under the ceiling to the hood.

The scheme is used when there is only one external wall, used for air inlet/outlet holes.

According to the third scheme Ventilation in the steam room is carried out as follows:

  • the supply vent is located behind the stove 200 mm above the floor;
  • the hood hole is placed on the opposite wall, also 200 mm above the floor level;
  • To intensify the exhaust, a fan installed in the exhaust vent is used.

This scheme is characterized by fast, uniform heating of the air, freshness and comfort.

Fourth scheme Suitable for steam rooms with leaking floors:

  • a hole for inflow is made behind the heater 200...300 mm above the floor;
  • the air heats up as it passes through the heater and falls under the floor;
  • From there, the exhaust air goes up through the ventilation pipe and is discharged beyond the roof.

When the stove is constantly operating, the steam room is ventilated according to the fifth scheme:

  • the supply hole is made opposite the heater on the far wall;
  • The air exits through the stove ash pan.

Often ventilation in a Russian steam bath is performed according to the sixth scheme:

  • inflow occurs through an vent in the lower part of the wall behind the heater;
  • two outlet holes are made on the opposite wall;
  • the hood openings are connected by a flexible pipe and equipped with dampers;
  • during procedures, the upper hole is closed;
  • For quick ventilation and drying of the steam room, both vents open.

Considering the sensitivity of wood to high humidity, for ventilation of a timber bath is necessary:

Features of sauna ventilation

Although the principles are similar, sauna ventilation has some peculiarities. The following air exchange rates are recommended for various sauna rooms:

  • shower room – 50;
  • massage room – 5;
  • steam room – 5;
  • room for rest – 3.

Air supply and exhaust openings located on opposite walls are spaced diagonally.

Most often, sauna ventilation is performed according to two schemes:

  1. Includes an air vent behind the stove above the floor. From the opposite wall there are two connected exit holes ventilation duct. The first outlet is made 100 cm above the floor, and the second below the ceiling. This placement improves the uniformity of air exchange throughout the volume of the steam room.
  2. Provides a supply vent at the stove slightly above its level. The hood hole in the opposite wall is located 50 cm lower. For effective hood, a fan is installed at the outlet.

Bath procedures are not only one of good ways maintain hygiene, but also the ability to remove accumulated harmful substances and toxins. However, in order for the visit to be comfortable and beneficial, a good one is necessary to eliminate the possibility of the formation of fungi and mold due to high humidity. Ventilation in the bathhouse, equipped by specialists or with your own hands, will ensure the flow of fresh air into the room and remove exhaust gases and fumes generated as a result of the operation of the heater and the use of hot water.

Read in the article

Is ventilation really necessary in a bathhouse or can it be done without it?

The functions of bath ventilation are complicated by the fact that it must facilitate the fairly rapid removal of moist air from the premises and efficiently regulate the temperature in the steam room. It is especially important to have a good exhaust system for baths equipped with gas and solid fuel - to maintain the combustion process in such structures, an impressive volume of air is required. Lack of ventilation will result in excess concentration carbon dioxide, which has a negative impact on people's health and can lead to loss of consciousness.

Inexperienced craftsmen try to carefully insulate the premises, sealing the slightest cracks to increase the speed of warming up the steam room and retain heat for a longer time. However, this is the wrong approach, since ventilation holes must be present. Properly designed it allows:

  • create a healthy microclimate in the bathhouse;
  • reduce humidity concentration and quickly dry rooms;
  • get rid of carbon dioxide;
  • quickly warm up the steam room and other bath rooms;
  • eliminate stagnant and unpleasant odors;
  • get rid of pathogenic fungi and mold;
  • preserve the interior decoration of the premises in its original form.

From the above, it becomes clear how important the installation of an exhaust system in a bathhouse is. Before making ventilation in a bathhouse, you must first learn about its types and basic installation schemes.

Effective ventilation in the bathhouse - diagram and device

Before you further understand the exhaust system and begin its arrangement, you should know that ventilation can be natural or forced. There are also differences in ventilation systems and their designs depending on their location. Well, now let's talk about everything in order.

Natural ventilation

This option is optimal for most baths, since it is the cheapest and quite effective. The placement of ventilation holes must be determined based on the size of the room, the location of the heater and shelves, as well as the material from which the bathhouse is built. Whatever the ventilation schemes in bathhouses, there is one general rule– the supply opening should be located at a height of 20-30 cm from the floor level, and the exhaust opening at the same distance, but from the ceiling.

The dimensions of the vents should be approximately 300-400 mm 2. If the air exchange is too rapid, which will cause the temperature in the steam room to drop, the ventilation openings must be covered with special control flaps. To improve appearance It is advisable to install decorative grilles on the vents, which you can easily buy in specialized stores or make yourself.

However, this type of ventilation is not suitable for a steam room. All ventilation openings (inlets and outlets) must be at the same level from the floor. Thus, the incoming air flows are heated from the furnace and rise upward, while the cooled ones fall down and fall into the exhaust vents. To preserve heat in the room, the holes can be closed with special dampers.

Forced ventilation

Air movement mechanically is carried out by installing special devices on the ventilation openings (). This will allow you to quickly refresh the air, which is very important, especially in the washing room. This ventilation option is well suited in cases where a forced exhaust system in the bathhouse has a number of advantages over the natural one:

  • it is possible to filter incoming air masses;
  • maintaining a given microclimate;
  • uniform distribution of heated air.

To allow large volumes of fresh air to enter the steam room, it is necessary that the ventilation openings be located diametrically to each other. When installing, you should not place the inlet and exhaust vents at the same level to avoid short circuiting of air flows, which will cause a concentration of cooled air below, and on the contrary, it will be very hot at the top.

Important! Since high humidity and high temperatures are the main enemies of any electrical equipment, the fan housing must have reliable moisture protection, and the connection must be made in full accordance with the PUE.

The advantage of forced ventilation is accelerated air exchange and advanced adjustment parameters. This exhaust system is equally effective regardless of the strength and direction of the wind, as well as weather conditions.

Installation of floor ventilation in bathhouses

Floors in bath rooms are used in extreme conditions. The impact of moisture on the floor occurs both from below from the ground and from above. The most difficult conditions are created in the steam room, where hot steam comes into contact with the wooden floor covering, cooling and condensing. The resulting condensate penetrates and creates a favorable environment for the development of fungus and mold.

Efficient scheme floor ventilation helps prevent the destructive effects of mold and remove excess steam. Floor ventilation can be done naturally or forced. However, to be effective, the following conditions must be adhered to when installing a ventilation system:

  • prevent the floor from cooling during procedures;
  • ensure fast and effective drying, but it is important not to overdo it to prevent cracking of the wood;
  • The arrangement of the ventilation system must be carried out at the construction stage.

When locating ventilation vents, you need to take into account climate, wind conditions, landscape, sources of pollution, as well as internal factors - the type and placement of the heater, structures doorways, the presence of windows. Most often, ventilation vents are located at 3 different levels:

  • under floor covering or in ;
  • under the heating structure or at the level of its foundation;
  • in the wall at a distance of 350-450 mm. from the floor level (best done behind the heater).

Installing ventilation under the floors in baths has a number of advantages. In addition to eliminating condensation and improving the quality of drying the floor covering, the air flow from below does not create drafts and, therefore, ventilation can also be used during bathing procedures. For greater efficiency It is important to properly create a drainage system to remove wastewater outside the building.

Creating air exchange in the foundation of the bathhouse

Creating an exhaust system in a bathhouse is extremely necessary, since it not only prevents the formation of mold, but also protects the building from rot. The characteristics of the ventilation system are calculated at the design stage. The type and location of bathhouse ventilation largely depends on the prevailing winds, topography and the presence of bodies of water, which often cause flooding of buildings.

You can ensure normal air circulation by installing several holes, the number and dimensions of which are calculated in accordance with the size of the bath. The diameter of the vents must be at least 110 mm. Ventilation openings are usually made opposite each other. If the building is located in a low area, tightly surrounded by other buildings, or there are natural barriers to the free movement of air flows, then vents must be installed on all sides of the foundation, since this is the only way to achieve high-quality ventilation.

Ventilation system in bathhouses in steam rooms

Traditionally, a heater stove is installed in the steam room, which forms the basis. The air from the steam room passes through the blower, which ensures good circulation. To obtain maximum outflow of air masses, the stove should be installed below the level of the finished floor, and to start the process of ventilating the room, it is enough to slightly open the window or front door. The disadvantage of this ventilation scheme in steam rooms is that when there is no combustion process, air circulation stops.

In addition to the heater, ventilation in the steam room is provided by additional openings with special dampers to regulate air exchange. After each bath procedure should be opened for a while, otherwise the air in the room will be heavy and humid, and there is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

When the stove is firing and the room is heating, the ventilation in the steam room should be closed. After the steam room has completely warmed up, the exhaust dampers can be opened. To prevent the formation of reverse draft, it is necessary at this stage to ensure that the exhaust openings are larger in area than the supply openings.

If the stove is not installed in the steam room itself, then a different ventilation scheme is used in steam Russian baths. Near at a height of 300 mm. An inlet opening is made from the floor level, and an exhaust opening is installed on the wall opposite it at a distance of 300 mm. from the ceiling. Sometimes an inlet opening is made at the bottom of the wall behind the stove so that the air coming from the street is heated by the heater and the room cools down moderately. On the wall opposite the heating device, make 2 holes that will form a single exhaust duct. The first opening is located at a height of 1,000 mm. from the floor level, and the other under the ceiling. With this ventilation scheme, the steam room warms up faster and, accordingly, fuel is saved.

Air exchange device in the washing room

In the washing room, as well as in the steam room, there is high humidity, which contributes to the appearance of mold and fungi. To avoid this, it is necessary to create an effective ventilation system in washing baths. In the washing room, a large amount of moisture accumulates under the floor, so to remove it, it will be enough to lay an asbestos pipe, one end of which is located under the floor covering, and the other is discharged to the roof and is equipped with a deflector.

Creating effective controlled ventilation in bathhouse sinks will ensure dryness, moderate temperature, fresh air flow, carbon monoxide removal and fuel economy.

Ventilation diagram in dressing rooms

The proximity of the dressing room to the steam room leads to the fact that wooden surfaces condensation settles on the casing. To preserve the cladding and prevent rotting processes, the room must be well insulated and drafts excluded. Most simple circuit ventilation for the dressing room consists of removing moist air through a washing or washing room. It is best to organize a forced ventilation system for this room.

How to properly ventilate a bathhouse

Having more or less understood the ventilation system in the bathhouse, you also need to take into account other important points. The exhaust device must not:

  • cause a violation of the temperature regime in the premises;
  • allow cold air to rise to the ceiling;
  • remove fresh air from the room.

The principles by which proper ventilation of rooms is created in a bathhouse depend on architectural features building structures. If the floors have special slots for water drainage, then fresh air can flow through them and there is no need to make additional exhaust openings.

Often small windows are made, which, when opened, act as a hood. In addition, if the firebox of the heater is located directly in the steam room, then ventilation is even easier - just open the combustion chamber and adjust the air exchange by changing the position of the damper. These are the simplest, but most effective and low-cost options for installing a ventilation system.

Features of air exchange in frame baths

If in or air circulation is carried out through rows of lower crowns, then in frame-type buildings sheathed with a large number of thermal insulation material, there is no natural ventilation and for this reason it is necessary to provide for the creation of special openings with dampers.

The most effective system for a bath is supply and exhaust ventilation. To organize high-quality air exchange, it is necessary to create two channels. One of them is located near the floor and serves to bring fresh air into the room (if necessary, you can install a fan), and the second is located at a short distance from the ceiling and is necessary to remove hot and humid air masses and carbon monoxide. Ventilation openings in frame baths must be equipped with special adjustment valves.

When creating a ventilation system, it is necessary to take into account the area and shape of the steam room, as well as the location of the heater.

Ventilation of a chopped bath

In a Russian bathhouse, where steam was traditionally prepared manually, forced air circulation schemes are not suitable. To wooden baths ventilation natural type contributed to health improvement, when creating it you should adhere to the following schemes:

  • provide the possibility of ventilation (creation of windows, doors and ventilation openings);
  • the upper boundaries of doors and windows should be at the same level;
  • for small steam rooms, simple ventilation is sufficient;
  • a heater with a chimney is a natural exhaust of exhaust air and gases;
  • For normal air exchange, you can install a ventilation opening with a damper next to the heater and an exhaust hole under the ceiling.

Providing good ventilation in a log bathhouse is very important point, since it is necessary to exclude the accumulation of excess moisture, which negatively affects wooden structure and can cause the development of pathogenic fungi and mold.

Ventilation system in a brick building

About the arrangement of ventilation in brick baths should be considered at the construction stage. Since natural air circulation is not provided for in a brick building, the number and location of openings should be taken into account in advance.

Air exchange system naturally identical to the one installed in a Russian bath - the inlet is located next to the stove, and the exhaust is under the ceiling. However, if the bathhouse is designed for a large number of people, then you should think about creating forced system ventilation.

The fan must be installed at the entrance of the exhaust duct leading to. To speed up air circulation, several exhaust pipes are installed, but it may be necessary to install supply valves so that the air masses are not discharged due to the difference in the volumes of the supply and exhaust air. A fan that is too powerful can lead to the same problem, and a device with a power that does not match the area of ​​the room will not be able to perform its functions normally and the air exchange in the steam room will be quite weak.

Ventilation Bastu

Recently, to create ventilation systems, new and more effective solutions. Such novelties include the ventilation scheme in the Bastu bathhouse. This system is very popular among Russians due to its ease of installation and high efficiency.

The principle of ventilation according to Bast is as follows. The red-hot heater plays the role heat pump and draws air from the supply channel. Cold streams, passing through, heat up very quickly and rise to the ceiling. Naturally, they push an equal volume of near-field air through the exhaust duct. In the Bastu ventilation system, the supply and exhaust openings are located at the bottom.

To install such ventilation, two stainless steel pipes are required - the lower one is installed diagonally from the heater at a height of 200 mm. from the floor, and the top above the stove. Both exits must be equipped with grilles with dampers. However, like all natural ventilation systems, Bastu can only work when the stove is running or when there is strong wind on the street.

The main advantage of Bastu ventilation installed in Russian baths is the ease of installation, which you can do yourself, thereby saving your money.

Proper ventilation device in the bathhouse

Normal ventilation can only exist if conditions are created in the room for the influx of fresh air and the removal of exhaust air. Despite the common concept of ventilation, this is not entirely true, since it is always supply and exhaust. The operating principles of ventilation for any room are almost the same - fresh air enters through the supply opening and is exhausted through the exhaust.

When calculating ventilation systems, it is necessary to take into account the volume and purpose of the premises, the presence or likelihood of the formation of carbon monoxide or other chemical compounds harmful to health. Regulatory acts establish the frequency of air exchange per hour, which can fluctuate 1-10 times or more. Next, the parameters and location of future air ducts are determined, taking into account climatic zones and weather conditions typical for the area. If natural ventilation is not able to provide the required air exchange rate, then forced-type systems are used.

Where to place the window in the bathhouse?

Windows in a bathhouse are not only a source of light, but also a way to ventilate it. There is a misconception that a window in a steam room adversely affects the preservation of steam in the room and temperature. However, experienced bath attendants advise making even two windows in the steam room. One window is located above the shelves, and if the steam turns out to be too hot or someone feels unwell, then just open the window slightly and everything will be fine. The second window is placed under the shelves, which allows you to dry the sunbeds quite quickly. It is made small in size and opaque.

Important! According to safety regulations, bath windows must open into the room.

It is also worth installing a window in the washing room. It will not only help to ventilate the room, but also to urgently evacuate in case of fire. The dimensions of the window should be such that an average-sized adult can crawl through it. Some bathhouse owners are interested in the question: is it possible to install? If there is a washing room in the room, then yes. However, in a steam room, where the temperature reaches one hundred and above, the material from which the windows are made will begin to release toxic substances and warp. For windows into the steam room, it is best to use non-resinous wood. You can easily install a window in a bathhouse with your own hands, since the technology is no different from installing it in a residential building.

A grille made of wood or heat-resistant plastic and a metal mesh will prevent insects and pets from entering the room. A corrugated hose or galvanized pipe is usually used as an air duct. Experts do not recommend installing in a steam room plastic pipes, since they are not designed for use in high temperature conditions.

It is advisable to install the fan on only one, for example, on the supply one. Fans used for baths must be made of heat-resistant materials and have good sealing.

A video on how to make a fan with your own hands will show the process more clearly (a bladeless version is presented):

Vent valves

The ventilation valve for the bath is mounted in the supply and exhaust ducts. There are two types of this device - KIV (air infiltration valve) and KPV (forced ventilation valve). Outwardly, they practically do not differ from each other, and their operating principle is the same. External part The damper is equipped with inclined louvres to prevent water from entering from the outside, and the inner damper is equipped with a head and membranes for sound and heat insulation.

When installing valves, you should follow several recommendations:

  • for bath ventilation it is necessary to install dampers made of heat-resistant materials;
  • installation must be performed on load-bearing walls baths;
  • It is not advisable to install valves on walls facing a garbage can.

