Do-it-yourself mechanical ventilation of the cellar. Forced ventilation in the cellar: rules and arrangement schemes

Owners of private houses, as a rule, use a cellar to store food. But due to the lack of windows, the room is deprived normal level air exchange. This leads to high humidity, the formation of fungus and mold, accelerated spoilage of food, which is very unpleasant, isn’t it?

Do you want to prevent such problems, but don't know how? We will tell you a solution - after all, properly organized ventilation of the cellar with two pipes will help ensure air flow. And you can do it yourself.

The main stages of the work and the rules of arrangement are discussed in detail in our article. The material is supplemented with visual photo instructions and provided with detailed video recommendations for organizing optimal climatic conditions in the cellar. Having studied which, even a beginner will be able to understand the basics of installing a ventilation system at home.

As a rule, every private house has a basement. Many residents of the private sector equip it with utility rooms, a cellar, set up saunas, gyms, and relaxation rooms, which requires arrangement complex system.

However, most often the basement is used for storing food supplies, which, although they require a certain microclimate, do not require a forced exhaust device.

In this case, it will be enough to make it natural.

Lack or insufficient ventilation of the cellar is main reason increased humidity and mold formation

However, in order to ensure the safety of food and the proper functioning of the cellar, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules in the arrangement of this room.

Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. Eliminate natural light from entering the basement. There should be no windows in the basement; periodic use of electric lighting is allowed.
  2. Organize a favorable temperature regime. To do this, the cellar is arranged in such a way that one of its sides is in contact with outer wall Houses.
  3. Ensure normal air exchange in the room, which is ensured by the presence of ventilation.
  4. Maintain the required room humidity. The optimal figure is about 90%. This parameter also depends on ventilation.
  5. Equip good waterproofing to prevent groundwater from entering the cellar.

From the above list of requirements for proper arrangement the basement shows that two out of five necessary conditions are provided by ventilation.

But for it to function effectively and create optimal mode To store food, you need to follow certain rules for its installation.

The most basic ventilation system is vents, which are installed in the basement on opposite sides of the house. They are suitable for small basements with a ceiling height of no more than two meters. To prevent debris from getting into the cellar and rodents from getting through, the openings are covered with bars

Insufficient ventilation of the room leads to an increase in humidity and the formation of mold; excessive ventilation can cause excessive dryness in the basement, which will also adversely affect the safety of the crop.

Therefore, here you need to adhere to the rule of the golden mean, but in order to comply with it, it is important to make the correct calculations, which depend on the size and characteristics of the room.

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Air duct installation rules

To organize a supply and exhaust ventilation system you will need. To ensure uniform air circulation, pipes of the same diameter are used. To speed up the removal of stagnant air, it is possible to install an exhaust pipe with a slightly larger cross-section.

The air ducts are located at a considerable distance from each other in opposite walls of the room. In this way, the maximum possible favorable conditions for ventilation of the cellar.

It is desirable that there be as few pipes along the route as possible, and even better, there should be no bends or turns.

The exhaust pipe is installed in one of the corners of the basement. Its lower end should be located near the ceiling (about 1.5 m from the cellar floor) so that all the warm air directed to the upper part of the room is completely removed outside.

The air duct passes through all rooms of the house and is discharged onto the roof at an elevation of one and a half meters above the ridge.

As air masses pass through the pipe, condensation accumulates, and in winter, frost forms inside it. To avoid this, it is necessary to insulate the air duct located outside.

To do this, put a pipe on top larger size, and any insulation is placed in the resulting space.

The outlet is covered with a fine mesh. But it’s best to use the pipe head, around which an artificial vacuum is created, which helps to increase traction.

The supply air duct is placed in another corner of the cellar, its open end should rise 40-50 cm above the basement floor. It is necessary that the opening of the supply pipe be one meter below the exhaust pipe. The pipe can be run through the house and exit onto the roof of the building.

It should be taken into account that the intake inlet on the roof should also be located below the exhaust; in this case, a large difference in air pressure is created at the inlet and outlet, which increases draft and improves air flow. Therefore, the outer edge of the pipe is raised on the roof no higher than 20-25 cm.

Often when arranging a basement residential building, the supply air duct is led out through the basement ceiling into a hole made in the outer wall of the building.

On the outside, a grille is placed on the inlet pipe, which prevents dust and debris from entering the opening and does not allow rodents to enter the cellar.

Inside the basement, special dampers must be installed in each air duct, the opening or closing of which regulates the intensity of air inflow and outflow.

The supply pipe can be removed from the basement by installing it outside the house. In this case, the air duct opening is raised above the ground by about 80 cm

Installation of a natural ventilation system

It is advisable to design and install the ventilation system during the construction of the house. During this period, all work is much easier to carry out than installing the air duct in a finished box.

However, this is not always possible; often the air duct is installed in a ready-made structure.

If ventilation is installed during the construction of a cellar, a recess is made in the ground for laying an exhaust air duct. IN brickwork a hole is left where the pipe is led out

If ventilation is installed in a free-standing cellar, then a hole is made in its ceiling where the exhaust pipe is led out. It is strengthened indoors and outdoors in accordance with the recommendations given above.

When installing ventilation for a cellar located under a residential building, the exhaust air duct must be installed in the place where the general building ventilation duct goes to the roof of the building.

On the opposite side of the basement, a hole is made in the ceiling or in the upper part of the wall to install the supply pipe. In a separate cellar, the pipe is led to the roof below the level of the exhaust duct.

In the cellar under a residential building, the conclusion is made in outer wall buildings. Inside the basement, the pipe is lowered to a distance of 30-50 cm from the floor.

Exhaust duct basement located under the house, as a rule, is built into a common air duct, and the supply pipe is discharged into the side wall

After installing the supply and exhaust air ducts, it is necessary to close their external openings and install dampers inside the pipes. Even with insulation in severe frosts, condensation can accumulate in the outlet channel, so it is recommended to install a tap at the bottom of the pipe to drain the water.

To check the operation of the ventilation system, apply thin paper to the inlet duct. If the air duct is working properly, the leaf will flutter.

Photo guide for installing a chimney

Let's consider a practical option for enhancing cellar ventilation by installing a high exhaust pipe.

According to previously performed calculations, such a solution will increase the exhaust air, and will also allow one to escape the zone of wind pressure created by neighboring buildings and trees. As planned, the pipe is installed on the ventilation duct:

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The cellar is a brilliant invention of man, which can be put on a par with the invention of penicillin and automatic washing machines. Thanks to the presence of this underground room, man was able not only to grow crops, but also to preserve them. The special shape, a thick layer of earth above its top and proper ventilation of the cellar created a special microclimate in which almost all year round it maintained the same temperature and humidity. The correct microclimate did not allow human agricultural reserves to deteriorate, as in the summer heat and at the most harsh winters. And in this, ventilation plays an important, and perhaps the main role.

Basement and cellar: purpose and main differences

We would like to make a reservation right away that the cellar and basement are absolutely different rooms, with different tasks. The basement is the ground floor of a building, which is part of the house. This floor can be used as a storage room for any supplies, various things, sports and tourist equipment. In the basements, many owners of private houses equip gyms.

The higher the exhaust pipe, the better the draft and, accordingly, ventilation in the cellar. If underground storage is not part of the basement of the house, then the issue of attaching the exhaust pipe becomes quite acute. It can be secured using guy ropes, with lanyards installed on each for tension. The simplest and effective way fastening the air duct is enclosing it in an insulated wooden box, which is strengthened in the ground using concrete.

Calculation of the cross-section of air ducts and selection of fan power

To effectively ventilate an underground storage facility, the air ducts must be able to pass through required quantity air masses, and this depends on their diameter. How to find out what cross-section of air ducts is needed to arrange an efficient ventilation system DIY cellars? Find out exactly required diameter air ducts can be installed in two ways:

  1. Order a calculation from the appropriate organization. This will give you a guarantee that all calculations will be made correctly. True, this procedure is not the cheapest and for the calculation you will need to pay an amount that may exceed the cost of organizing the entire cellar.
  2. Perform the calculations yourself, and you will have to remember the arithmetic, but it will be absolutely free. Which method to choose is entirely up to you.

In order to do the ventilation of the cellar with our own hands, we will need to find out the volume of the room for storing food and the frequency of air exchange. The recommended air exchange (how many times the air in the cellar is changed) is from 2 to 4, depending on the products stored in it.

  • To find out the volume of a room, you need to multiply its length by its width and height. Consider a cellar with dimensions of 2 m x 3 m x 2.5 m = 15 cubic meters
  • To find out the amount of air passed in an hour, you need to multiply the volume of the cellar by the recommended air exchange rate. Let's consider the average value 3. As a result, we get that in 1 hour 15 cubic meters x 3 = 45 cubic meters should pass through the cellar

We find the cross-sectional area of ​​the air ducts using the following formula:

F = L / (S x 3600)

  • S— recommended air speed
  • L- air flow.

In our case, the speed of air flow is 1 m/s. (norm for natural ventilation).

We get the cross-sectional area of ​​the air duct:

45 / (1 m/s x 3600) =) 0.0125 sq.m.

We calculate the radius data for a round pipe:

R =√ (F / π)

  • R- duct radius (mm)
  • F- air duct cross-section (mm.kv)
  • π — constant = 3.14

Based on the data we get:

√ (0.0125 / 3.14) = 0.063 sq.m.

The radius of the round air duct we need must be at least 125 mm

Now let's move on to performance calculations exhaust fan. You can use a simplified method. To do this, you need to multiply the volume of the room by 12. In our case, it is 15 cubic meters x 12 = 180 cubic meters/hour. The performance of an exhaust fan for a cellar with an area of ​​6 square meters, with a ceiling height of 2.5 m, is 180 cubic meters per hour.

We arrange the cellar ourselves

Many people ask: “How to make ventilation in the cellar?” Now that all the calculations have been made and money has been saved, we begin to purchase air ducts and equipment. To install a combined ventilation system we will need:

  • Required quantity PVC pipes, diameter 125 mm.
  • One end tee for draining condensate.
  • One brass or plastic tap for insertion into the end tee.
  • Pipe fasteners.
  • Exhaust fan, capacity 180 m3/h. Important! The fan is installed inside the exhaust pipe, so look for a model that will fit the diameter of your ducts.
  • The required amount of wire, with a cross-section of at least 1.5 mm2, plug.
  • Round air intake grille with a diameter of 125 mm – 2 pcs.
  • Metal mesh to prevent rodents from entering the cellar 15 cm x 15 cm.
  • Deflector. Purchasing a deflector is optional. It serves to increase draft in the exhaust duct in the event of a power outage and the fan stops.

Ventilation in the underground food storage room, which is located under the house, is somewhat easier. Moreover, all calculations remain the same, and the fastening of air ducts is made easier. Exhaust - must exit through the basement and pass with outside Houses. The height of the exhaust pipe should be 0.5 m higher than the roof ridge.

Expert advice:
Before installing the exhaust pipe, install a fan in it and secure it with standard fasteners.

Using our tips, we hope you can easily equip your underground storage facility with the right ventilation system.

Providing food storage is closely related to the humidity of the surrounding air. When it increases, depending on temperature conditions, either frost or condensation may form.

To ensure the required humidity levels and regulate air exchange in rooms located below ground level, several ventilation schemes can be used. Natural ventilation is characterized by ease of manufacture and lack of energy costs, however, it is not able to provide optimal performance air exchange.

Forced ventilation in the cellar has a more complex structure and depends on the availability of electricity, but at the same time it provides the necessary indicators of air humidity and the speed of its circulation at any time of the year.

The use of ventilation of rooms located below ground level more than 2 m is a necessary condition for the absence of mold, musty smell. To ensure the safety of food in the cellar, the following conditions must be provided:

  • the humidity of rooms located below ground level should not exceed 90%;
  • the air temperature in the warm season should be noticeably lower than above;
  • air exchange is provided by natural or supply and exhaust system air circulation.

In addition to the above conditions, controlling the humidity of a cellar or basement-type room will eliminate the possibility short circuit electrical wiring and the occurrence of a fire.

Principles of forced ventilation

This type of ventilation involves forced injection and removal of air from basement-type rooms, for which a fan is used. A supply and exhaust circuit is used if the temperature is above ground level and in the cellar is almost the same. Depending on the volume of the room and taking into account losses, one fan is used, which is mounted in the exhaust air duct or several, with the second placed in the supply pipe for air injection. With a purpose correct installation devices that provide air supply or exhaust for the cellar, some principles outlined below should be taken into account.

When installing a device that provides air circulation, interference with the natural ventilation of the room should be avoided; for this purpose, the diameter of the exhaust air duct is taken to be slightly larger than the calculated value.

The fan is mounted on the exhaust air duct from the basement side in such a way that during its operation it creates a suction of air masses. The ideal case is the creation of a vacuum effect, in which the switching on of the device to eliminate stale air coincides with the influx of fresh air through the supply pipe, located diagonally to cover a larger volume of the room.

During planning and implementation electric drive, it is necessary to use transformers and electrical equipment with a voltage no higher than 36 V. This is due to the fact that basements belong to the group of rooms with high humidity, and therefore, if this recommendation is violated, damage may occur electric shock in the event of a breakdown on the fan.

Rules for installing supply and exhaust pipelines

To ensure ventilation of the entire volume of the room, forced ventilation of the cellar must take into account the following principles of proper installation of air ducts.

The supply air duct is a system of several pipes and an elbow with an angle of 90°, mounted in such a way as to provide a protrusion above the ground surface within 30-40 cm. The lower end of the pipe should not reach the surface of the basement floor by half a meter, the rest of the pipe is evenly fixed along the entire length using clamps and screws.

As pipes, you can use blanks made of galvanized sheet or PVC; they provide the necessary air exchange characteristics with low weight and comparative ease of installation.

The diameter of the pipes depends on the area of ​​the cellar, however, there are recommendations substantiated by experts who say that for a room no larger than 40 m², the sufficient pipe diameter to ensure complete air exchange within half an hour is 12 cm.

A fan can be mounted outside in the pipe or under the surface of the hood to provide air injection; such a system is used in cases of weak air draft inside the room due to improper location or installation of the pipeline.

The supply air duct protruding above ground level is covered with a mesh with small holes, the size of which prevents living organisms from getting inside. A cap is mounted above the mesh to protect the system from precipitation.

The supply pipe can be equipped with filter elements that ensure cleaning of the air entering the room.

To ensure air removal, it is important to choose the right fan power, since too fast air circulation, especially in summer, can lead to drafts.

In addition, warm air coming from outside will be removed within a short period of time, without having time to normalize the microclimate of the room. When selecting a fan of the required power, you should take into account the length of the pipeline, losses along the length of the channel, and the area of ​​the room.

The basic value of pressure loss per square meter air channel is 2 cubic meters/hour per m². The required fan performance is the product of losses and the volume of the ventilated room. However, taking into account losses along the length and depending on the diameter of the pipes, it is better to choose a fan that has a performance margin.

The part of the exhaust pipeline located in the cellar is fixed at least one and a half meters from the floor level and must contain a condensate collection and removal system and a fan that forces air outside.

The outlet pipe of the exhaust pipeline must be mounted so that its upper end protrudes half a meter above the roof level. If there is a stove in the house, the installation of the exhaust air duct pipe is greatly simplified. However, in any case, in order to prevent the formation of condensation, the protruding part of the pipe must be insulated to avoid the accumulation of frost in winter period year.

The outlet of the exhaust air duct, similar to the inlet, must be covered with a mesh and a cap.


Ensuring the safety of food in the cellar is closely related to the microclimate inside it. To ensure the circulation of air masses, supply and exhaust ventilation schemes or a combination of them can be used. The described types of ventilation systems are not a dogma, and a prudent owner, with a little ingenuity, can use wind energy as a drive for the supply ventilation system.

Another modernization option is to install automatic control systems for the microclimate of the basement. In any case, it is important to remember that proper organization air exchange in rooms with limited air access will not only ensure the safety of supplies, but will also extend the service life of the building.

The basement is an integral part of a modern private house or cottage. It serves to house communications for heating and water supply systems, and can be used as a garage, workshop or vegetable storage. In any case, the basement needs to maintain a given level of temperature and humidity. Dampness negatively affects the safety of agricultural products, leads to the appearance of mold, destroys the walls of the house and negatively affects other objects. Properly equipped basement ventilation will help solve this problem.

Let us note the positive aspects of using ventilation systems in the basement and ground floor:

  • Comfortable microclimate in the house, there is no feeling of dampness on the ground floor;
  • Possibility to arrange a storage room, in which a constant temperature and moisture content in the air is maintained;
  • Increased service life load-bearing structures a residential building or cellar, especially if they are made of wood;
  • Operation of gas and heating equipment not possible in an unventilated area for safety reasons;
  • A dry basement will never cause mold spores., causing ARVI, allergies and asthma.


All types of ventilation are divided into several types, depending on its purpose, complexity of arrangement and principle of operation. But the principle of operation of any of them will be based on the laws of physics on the movement of air masses. Cold air goes down and warm air rises.

Natural supply ventilation

The simplest, vent system in the foundation or basement. It is installed during the construction of a house and consists of small holes in the upper part of the basement.

If the basement is located below ground level, then the hood is equipped with plastic or asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 10-15 cm. They are brought above the surface to a height of 30 cm and covered with grates to prevent debris and rodents. This method is natural and depends on vibrations outside temperature, wind force, humidity.

When calculating its throughput, 1/400 of the total area of ​​the basement is taken - this way we get the total area of ​​​​all vents.

The holes should be located on the leeward side, least susceptible to precipitation. At home with complex shape foundation and located in low-lying areas can have up to one hole every 3-4 meters. We close the vents with grilles on the outside.

This inexpensive option well suited for ventilation of garages and non-residential basements or as additional means to the main ventilation system.

Natural exhaust ventilation

Supply and exhaust type. For proper operation you will need to install two pipes for ventilation, and the device supply and exhaust ventilation looks like this.

  • The first pipe is located under the very ceiling of the basement and is intended for outflow warm air. We place the exhaust pipe as high as possible, preferably at the level of the roof ridge. This is necessary to ensure good traction. The part of the pipe that is located in the open air must be insulated to prevent freezing in winter and covered with a canopy from precipitation.
  • The second pipe for the supply of fresh air is located at a height of 30-40 centimeters from the floor level, and we place its entrance on the street a meter above the ground and cover it with a grille. Convection will occur due to the temperature difference between the street and basement air. Such a system will work most effectively when spaced supply channels on different sides of the basement.

All natural exhaust ventilation systems have one drawback - their dependence on weather conditions and prevailing winds. It will not work if the temperature in the basement and outside are equal.


Applicable if natural supply ventilation cannot cope or is not physically able to use it. Typically used in the following cases:

  • Basement area from 40 m2 or has several rooms isolated from each other;
  • High humidity rooms when condensate in the exhaust duct freezes in winter and impairs the permeability of air masses;
  • The architecture of the house does not provide for high ventilation pipes;
  • A sauna, cafe, gym, workshop or other is equipped in the basement source of unpleasant odors.

The forced supply and exhaust ventilation device has a system of channels and fans that circulate air.

The main condition is to make the air constantly circulate, which is ensured by the synchronous operation of exhaust and supply fans. Their number is calculated depending on the volume of the cellar or basement and the throughput of the air ducts.

Supply and exhaust ventilation with heat recovery

For ground floor, in which it is planned permanent residence It is not enough to simply install a forced ventilation system. The room must be insulated and waterproofed. The issue of heating and heating is also resolved.

Increasingly, supply and exhaust with heat recovery is being built into such schemes.

Well-heated air enters the exhaust pipe, and in order not to release ready-made calories into the atmosphere, the air is passed through a special ceramic recuperator. When heated, it gives off heat to fresh air. Air currents however, they do not intersect. The efficiency of such a device is 50-90% depending on the design of the heat exchanger. All heat recuperators are very reliable, do not require additional maintenance and can last for decades.

Equipped with moisture traps, dust filters, sensors that monitor humidity and air temperature. For a residential premises, these indicators lie in the range of 50-65% relative humidity and 18-220C. Such systems are most often found in " smart homes", and their installation is complicated and should only be carried out by professionals.

Supply and exhaust ventilation device

Now let's look at how to make ventilation in the basement. The easiest way would be to make ventilation in the cellar or basement of the supply and exhaust type or forced.

First, let's do the calculation.

For 1 m2 of area there should be 25 cm2 of the cross-section of the air duct.

As the ceiling height or humidity increases, the diameter of the duct increases. Wooden box can be divided into two halves for supply and exhaust ventilation, but it is best to use plastic pipes or metal corrugated boxes.

Wooden ventilation parts must be treated against mold and painted.

The supply and exhaust ventilation device can be supplemented with a deflector on the roof of the house. It will create additional vacuum in the pipe and improve the release of warm air.

Managed coercive system will be much more efficient with comparable labor costs. To do this, we will need special duct fans that operate on a voltage of 36 V. This feature is associated with the category of all basements that allow the use of only such currents.

Therefore, a transformer is installed in the electrical panel, reducing the voltage from 220 V to 36 V. And the wiring must be laid in cable channels. These and other rules can be found in.

For small rooms Only one such fan per exhaust arm will be sufficient. The flow of fresh air will be carried out due to the vacuum in the basement. But the efficiency of the system will be much higher if you install a second supply pump and combine their work into one control panel.

Now on sale you can find programmable control panels with temperature and humidity sensors, and the duct fans themselves are available in all sizes and are compatible with almost any ventilation ducts. For convenience, they are already built into the body, have a protective grille and replaceable filters.

As pipes for ventilation ducts V own home It is preferable to use PVC. They are strong and lightweight enough to be attached to walls and ceilings using regular dowels. They are not afraid of moisture and temperature changes, and the cost is lower than steel structures.

Condensation will always form in the exhaust ventilation ducts, which must be removed periodically. To do this, you can provide a special hole for draining water. Excess moisture leads to corrosion metal structures and increases the likelihood of duct freezing in winter. If this happens, you should definitely clean and defrost the channel.

Functionality check

Determining air circulation is quite simple. You can use an open flame for this. alcohol burner or candles or attach a sheet of paper to the opening of the exhaust duct. Good hood will hold the sheet securely. A thermometer installed in the area of ​​the supply air duct will not do any harm.

The following signs indicate poor ventilation in a basement or garage:

  • The appearance of condensation on the walls, and humidity exceeds 95%. The permissible maximum humidity for storing workpieces and crops is 85-90% at a temperature of 3-40C. For residential premises and garages, humidity levels should not exceed 40-50%;
  • Mold and fungal formations on the walls and ceiling;
  • Unpleasant smell indoors and heavy stale air;
  • Sudden changes in temperature they talk about an incorrect supply and exhaust ventilation device or errors in calculating the channel cross-section;
  • In warm weather, condensation may not be noticeable, but in winter the walls will be covered abundantly with frost;
  • Can accumulate in the vegetable cellar carbon dioxide. You can identify it by a dying candle or match. In this case, it is necessary to open all the dampers and ventilate for 24 hours, without going into the room without protective equipment.

The installation of ventilation systems will be much more effective if, together with it, measures are taken to maintain the microclimate:

  • Periodic ventilation with the opening of all doors and hatches. This requirement is especially relevant for cellar owners. It is best to do this in the summer, and remove all wooden objects from the cellar;
  • Treat walls regularly lime or special compounds. They will protect against mold and unpleasant smell indoors. Sample recipe this composition: per bucket of water 3 kg of lime and 50 g of copper sulfate;
  • You can combat excess moisture in the air with a sandbox., sawdust, salt, quicklime. Periodically, the box is taken out and thoroughly dried in the sun. In the cellar, you can leave the hole unlocked and cover it with old blankets or mattresses to improve air circulation;
  • Installing an additional heat source helps ( small stove, brazier, heater, lamp) or just a burning candle;
  • Waterproof the basement or cellars with bitumen compounds;
  • Install adjustable dampers on the supply and exhaust ventilation. With their help, it will be possible to eliminate drafts and freezing of the basement in winter;
  • If the cellar is located in a garage, then it should have a separate ventilation system. High humidity in a vegetable cellar is contraindicated for a car;
  • Install a regular home fan.

How much does it cost to do ventilation?

Providing a good microclimate in the basement is inexpensive. Simple options can be made from construction waste and scrap materials; more complex ones will require additional investments.

The cost of the entire system will be influenced by the following factors:

  • The area of ​​the basement and the height of the entire building. Based on these parameters, the number and size of air ducts are calculated, which will make up a significant part of the entire project;
  • Air box material. PVC is cheaper, but has limitations on the size and maximum diameter of the pipe. Galvanized steel is more reliable and allows ventilation of any degree of complexity and configuration, but is much more expensive, heavier and may require special equipment;
  • Degree of automation (a simple duct fan costs from 2000 rubles, a switch from 1400 rubles);
  • The presence of complex and expensive additional devices– split systems, recuperators, dehumidifiers, hygrometers and sensors (the cost of such a turnkey system can exceed 100 thousand rubles);

Ventilation in the basement is important both for the safety of the food stored there and for the well-being of the entire home. The simplest options can be made independently or laid down during the construction stage. More complex types of ventilation will require special skills and experience. In any case, this system must always be in good working order and promptly serviced.

The cellar must have racks and shelves for storing food, preparations, fresh vegetables and fruits, and be equipped with a ventilation system. Uniform temperature conditions indoors will ensure the safety of food until the next harvest. Proper ventilation of the cellar allows you to maintain optimal conditions for storing vegetables.

This will relieve it from room dampness and high humidity. Using the basic rules for designing ventilation systems, you can stay dry without the help of specialists.

There are several options for how to properly ventilate a cellar: you can use ready-made air conditioning devices and simply install them, or you can make an air duct yourself.

The second option is suitable for household use cellars, the first - for the arrangement of large industrial storage facilities.

Before ventilating the cellar, you should choose the most suitable option systems. They can be natural or forced.

ventilation - diagram 1

Main differences between the systems:

  • The forced method involves installing a mechanism - a stationary fan. This seemingly simple method is suitable for large volumes. The cellar fan is placed on the exhaust duct;
  • For natural ventilation, a fan is also used, but not permanently, but temporarily - the device is installed for several days to quickly dry the storage.

Features of ventilation arrangement:

  • the supply pipe is laid through part of the foundation;
  • the supply pipe must be level;
  • part of the exhaust pipe must be insulated to prevent condensation.

When choosing a specific type of ventilation system, you should take into account the frequency of use and temperature maintenance mode.

Important! To effectively ventilate any other room, air ducts must have high throughput. To avoid a lack of air mass, it is very important to choose the correct pipe diameter for the cellar ventilation device.

Natural air exchange system

Ventilation of an underground room with two pipes for supply and exhaust purposes is the simplest and most effective way to do natural system air exchange.

Suitable materials for air duct equipment are asbestos or PVC pipes. For galvanized steel pipes, the correct diameter works - 25 cm2 is required per 1 m2, calculated from the total size.

Opposite corners are usually used to place pipes. This reduces the likelihood of stagnant, moist air forming.

Exhaust system structure

Exhaust pipe - used to purify air masses indoors. Suitable place for installation - in one of the corners of the cellar. It is important to note that the lower part of the duct should be installed at the very top of the room. In the room, the ventilation passage must be vertical. At the exit points there should be a protrusion above the ridge part of about 50 cm or more.

To reduce the condensate masses that will form inside the pipe, it is necessary to insulate the air duct. The insulation procedure does not take much time and does not require special skills. To work, you will need one pipe of slightly larger diameter and mineral wool or other insulation. One pipe is placed inside the second, and the hollow space is filled with insulation.

Installation methods:

  1. A simple cellar ventilation scheme - through the through method: the pipe passes through the floor, rises along the corner of the wall and is discharged through the ceiling and roof;
  2. A more complex one is through the wall, when the lower part of the exhaust pipe is located horizontally and rises up already on the surface. This scheme is also suitable for.

The supply pipe provides the cellar with fresh air. Typically the pipe is installed in the corner opposite the exhaust type duct. The height of the open end of the pipe from the floor level is 40-50 cm. Then it passes through sections of the floors and also rises 25-30 centimeters from the floor.

ventilation in the cellar diagram 3

The supply air duct should be installed in such a way that its lower cut does not reach the floor level by about 45-50 cm. Approximately the same distance should be between the upper cut and the ground level.

It is important to note that the upper cut must be covered with a protective grille. This will help protect food supplies from rodents, mice, rats and others uninvited guests. You can use a metal mesh.

Air moves along ventilation ducts due to the difference in the specific gravity of warm and cold air masses.
If the temperature difference is too dramatic, drafts will form inside the room.

Otherwise, on the contrary, the air will stagnate. Valves are used to regulate the movement of air masses. They are installed on both pipes - both exhaust and supply.

Benefits of natural ventilation:

  • low cost - ventilating a cellar with your own hands does not require significant financial costs;
  • energy savings;
  • possibility of self-installation;
  • there is no need for constant monitoring, usually only required in winter time with a sharp cold snap;
  • compatibility with other ventilation systems or air conditioning systems that can be installed in the house; if necessary, you can additionally install forced ventilation for the cellar.

Upon completion of installation, it is very important to check the functionality of the system. To check the correct operation of the ventilation system, a regular piece of paper is suitable and should be applied to the ventilation hole.

It is very easy to check: if the sheet fluctuates under the air currents, then the ventilation in the cellar is installed correctly with your own hands. In the same way, the functionality of the air duct system in a cellar with one pipe is checked.

Forced air exchange system

Forced ventilation involves the installation of a stationary, permanent fan - optimal solution for arranging a large cellar. It can also be used for natural ventilation of the cellar, but not permanently, but temporarily. The fan is installed on the exhaust pipe.

The ventilation of a cellar located in a residential building has some peculiarities - the air duct for the influx of air masses is laid only through the above-ground part of the foundation. If there is already a basement, then the supply air duct passes through it. The pipe must be level, with minimum quantity bends and corners. You should also pay attention to the length; it should not be very long. The outer section of the exhaust system needs to be insulated.

Cellar exhaust ventilation is usually located inside load-bearing wall cottages or houses. If ventilation of the cellar under the house is installed after construction, then special recesses are made in the wall or a passage along the wall.

If the cellar is small in size, then the temperature and Humidity regimes will be able to provide ventilation even with one supply and exhaust pipe. Forced ventilation of the cellar in winter when installing negative temperatures, can be turned off, since there is no urgent need for additional ventilation of the room.

Ventilation system diagram

If the cellar is already covered, holes are punched in the opposite corners of the walls for the installation of air ducts with a pitch of 26 cm2 per 1 m2 of area.

The exhaust air duct is lowered inside through the hole so that the lower end is right under the ceiling, the indentation distance is no more than 10-15 cm. The upper part of the hood is brought out into the air through the hole through the roof to a height of 15-25 cm.

The supply air duct is routed into another hole. There should be a distance of at least 20-25 cm from the floor. All cracks are carefully sealed with cement mortar.

The calculation of cellar ventilation is done as follows: the amount of air passed in 1 hour must be multiplied by the volume of the room by the recommended air exchange rate.

Formula for calculating the cross-sectional area of ​​ducts: F = air flow: (air velocity x 3600)

Cellar ventilation in a private house or country house performs 2 important functions at once:

  • provides suitable conditions for storing food for a long time;
  • helps maintain a comfortable temperature in the house above the cellar.

Improper ventilation of the cellar in the house negatively affects comfort and coziness. In this case, dampness and musty air easily penetrate into living spaces. Sanitary standards are violated, which leads to the risk of developing various diseases among residents of the premises.

Important! Remember that even a tightly closed lid, door or cellar damper will not replace the ventilation system, without which no living space is complete.

Preparing the cellar for food storage

In the warm season, as well as during those periods when food is being prepared for storage, you should open everything, doors, windows, and do not forget about the valves on the pipes. This is done to additionally dry the cellar and establish the same temperature inside.

If the room is heavily saturated with moisture, in order to dry the air faster, all the wood is removed from it and dried separately under the sun. If necessary, the cellar can be ventilated with fans for 3-5 days before storing food.

Simple advice: moisture is removed by placing a bucket of quicklime in the cellar. A popular way to improve draft is to use a candle; it should be placed in front of the exhaust pipe.

An effective way is also to use electric heaters. Fans that are installed in the middle of the cellar are also suitable. After drying with a fan is completed, the walls and ceiling will need to be applied in layers. This should result in a waterproof surface.

In cases where the hood works normally, the ventilation scheme in the cellar provides for normal ventilation not only inside the cellar, but also throughout the living space as a whole.
