Installing a septic tank at your dacha with your own hands. How to make a septic tank for a summer house with your own hands: construction technology and recommendations

To avoid problems with sewage disposal, private households install a septic tank without pumping. The treatment plant does not require constant maintenance and does not generate unpleasant odors. Design features ensure effective processing of all wastewater without exception.

To make a structure with your own hands, you need inexpensive and accessible material. You can choose an acceptable option, taking into account your financial status, existing skills and the number of family members. In any case, it will cost less than inviting third-party contractors, and the device will serve for a long time and reliably.

How does an autonomous septic tank work without pumping?

The structure consists of separate tanks, which are located under a layer of soil, connected to each other by pipes. Several containers are used, the first of which is a settling tank. In a two-chamber device it occupies 75% of the total volume, and in a three-chamber device it occupies half. This is where preliminary wastewater treatment takes place.

The first tank has a hard, impervious bottom on which dense sediment collects. When the liquid level reaches the overflow pipe, it begins to flow into the next container, and from there further according to the same principle, if the system is three-chamber. Individual septic tanks never overflow and are always ready to receive a new portion of wastewater.

If there are more than two tanks in the structure, the bottom of the second is concreted, and the process occurring in the first is repeated. In the latter, a layer of crushed stone is laid, through which excess water seeps into the ground without accumulating. Sometimes they make holes in the walls that perform the same function.

Heavy particles fall out and remain, a biochemical process begins, as a result of which they are processed, releasing gas. He comes out through ventilation holes, arranged in each chamber. All containers, except the last one, are closed with an airtight lid. The waste is further treated and relatively clean water is sent to a drainage tank with a crushed stone bed or to a filtration field. It can be used to water the garden or simply directed into a ditch dug specifically for this purpose without polluting the soil.

For a more complete and rapid reaction with sediments, powder biological products with enzymes are used. To increase the efficiency of bacteria working with waste, they are initially prevented from receiving fresh air, and then oxygen is periodically pumped in.

The sludge that settles at the bottom is converted into acid and then into carbon dioxide and methane. As a result, the septic tank becomes absolutely waste-free, independent of energy sources and harmless. Some craftsmen even create special devices for collecting gas, then use them to operate kitchen stoves.

Budget septic tanks without pumping have significant advantages:

  • they provide good cleaning waste;
  • sanitary and hygienic standards are observed;
  • compact structures;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • easy to maintain, the level of which is minimal.

It is impossible to completely eliminate waste disposal because the effluent contains insoluble particles that precipitate. But they resort to such a procedure extremely rarely - once every five years, and with moderate water consumption every ten. The liquid is pumped out from the chambers, and solid components are removed that can be used to fertilize the garden.

Arrangement options - materials, calculations, design features

There are several ways to make a non-volatile septic tank for a summer residence that can function without pumping for a long time. The differences relate primarily to the number of tanks and the final cleaning method. The wastewater is discharged into a drainage well without a sealed bottom, and it goes into the soil. Another option involves installing a filtration field.

Another important difference is the number of containers, of which two or three are used. A second tank at a dacha, where people come infrequently, may not be available. They arrange one with crushed stone at the bottom, through which the liquid component will go into the soil until the next visit of the owners. They take into account the depth at which the groundwater lies so that runoff does not penetrate into it. If it is less than 2.5 meters, drainage wells are not suitable; a filtration field is arranged, and the bottom and walls are reliably sealed.

What are waste tanks made of?

Range available materials for production is not wide, but varied:

  • clinker brick;
  • concrete;
  • industrial well rings;
  • Eurocubes;
  • metal containers.

The brick sump is made round or rectangular, which is easier. The external walls are treated with waterproofing mastic and covered with a 20-centimeter layer of rich clay. Cover from the inside cement mortar.

The bottom is concreted, except for the last chamber, if it is intended for a drainage well. It is covered with crushed stone and sand, and gaps are left in the walls to help water drain into the soil. The containers are connected by pipes through tees.

Having decided on a monolithic reinforced concrete structure, first pour sand cushion cement mortar. When it hardens, formwork is constructed and reinforcement bars connected to each other are installed. The walls are poured with concrete. Sewer tees are pre-installed, where overflow pipes are then connected. The top is made of the same material, but holes are left in it for hatches.

Concrete rings have different diameters, which is taken into account when choosing. Usually no more than four pieces are used, it is difficult to go deeper. The products are lowered sequentially. First, they install the first one and begin to dig from the inside, selecting all the soil.

It gradually settles, and when the top is level with the soil, a second one is installed. The operation is performed in the same way with others. They are fastened together using protruding reinforcement. Cement mortar and a layer of waterproofing are applied to the seams.

An affordable way to reduce labor costs and save money is to use Eurocubes, plastic containers specially designed for collecting water. Only at first glance it will seem that it is expensive, but if you calculate the costs of other materials, it will turn out cheaper.

Eurocups are installed in dug pits. To prevent them from moving to the sides, they are first enclosed in a frame made of welded reinforcement. Lightweight structures not filled with water can be squeezed out by soil during frosts. To prevent this from happening, they are anchored - the pins are forgotten in the ground, to which the iron shell of the containers is attached. Another option is to install it on concrete base. If the last tank is drainage, the bottom is cut out.

A good option is to use metal containers. Nowadays it is not difficult to purchase barrels or tanks that have served their purpose at a price several times lower than the cost of new ones. They do not corrode from the inside - there is no oxygen. Bituminous mastic is applied on the outside.

Calculation of dimensions and parameters

Making your own septic tank requires correctly deciding on the location and volume. Even with the highest quality residential cleaning private house should be at a distance of no closer than 5 meters. This is justified from a hygiene point of view and also prevents flooding in the event of unforeseen situations. Water from a nearby drainage well can gradually destroy the foundation. The treatment plant is located 50 meters away from the nearest source.

Too large a distance is also undesirable - the risk of sewer pipes becoming clogged increases. This disables the system and causes inconvenience associated with cleaning. If it is nevertheless necessary to build a septic tank at a considerable distance, it is necessary to install additional sealed wells along the path of the sewage main.

The next step in the design is determining the required capacity. All residents using the sewer system are taken into account. Usually calculations are carried out according to the consumption rate - 200 liters per person per day. Use the formula: V=(n×200+200)×2×1.3. Here V is the volume, n is the number of people. It is taken into account that in a two-chamber structure the first occupies 75% of the volume, with two containers - half.

If there is a bathhouse at the dacha, washing is carried out frequently and the capacity is increased. A small supply will not hurt, the system will work more efficiently and will never overflow, even with a large discharge from the sewer.

Drainage well and filtration field

These are systems that provide the same wastewater treatment functions. A specially equipped reservoir is used when groundwater is deep. If their level is high, pipes are laid that remove the purified liquid and allow it to seep into the soil.

The role of a filter well is performed by the first or second chamber in the septic tank. It does not have a concrete bottom; water flows freely into the ground. If it is dense, clay, several wells are made to penetrate this layer, lined with plastic pipes. Additionally, small holes are left in the walls. The bottom should be closer to the sand or gravel in the ground, then the device works without problems.

The drainage field is located over a large area, the dimensions are determined by the number of drains. A filtration bed is made of sand and crushed stone, on which a main line with branches is laid. Execution is costly in time, labor and money, but if the groundwater is closer than one meter, there is no other way out.

How to build a septic tank without pumping with your own hands - step-by-step instructions

The best option, despite the fact that the work is hard and takes a lot of time, is a treatment facility made of monolithic concrete. Its advantages are an almost unlimited service life and excellent tightness. You can choose any location – vertical or horizontal. If you understand the device, you can easily make it from a different material, because the basic elements are present in each.

Construction stages:

  • digging a pit according to size;
  • installation of formwork;
  • installation of fittings;
  • pouring the solution;
  • internal partition;
  • making a lid.

Any septic tank for a dacha with your own hands begins to be built from a trench. If the calculations are carried out correctly, then the volume is quite small. For an ordinary family of three people, two cubic meters of volume is enough. These are dimensions 2x1x1 m with any orientation in space. Dig a common pit for all containers at once. Its depth is always at least one meter.

Moving 10–15 cm away from the walls, install formwork panels. For production they use boards or sheets of plywood, OSB, chipboard - it’s faster. They are nailed or fastened with screws to the bars. Space is left for drainage of waste from the sewer and flow between adjacent chambers. To do this, pipe sections are inserted into the holes made in the panels. They are located at a height of 30 cm from the top.

The structure is strengthened by spacers installed inside. It is recommended to install reinforcement in the formwork so that the concrete is strong and monolithic. Next, prepare a solution of sand, fine crushed stone and cement in a ratio of 2:2:1. First, mix thoroughly dry, then add water. The mixture is poured gradually, in layers of approximately 20 cm, passed in a circle with an iron rod so that the air comes out and no voids remain. They continue this way until they reach the top.

In the last well, if the design does not provide for the installation of a filter field, drainage is done. Holes are punched in the ground or drilled out. Pipes are inserted there and covered with a mesh. The top is covered with a thin layer of crushed stone. This design will not allow silting, water will flow freely into the ground, the device will last up to 10 years. In the remaining chambers the bottom is sealed, for which concrete is poured.

When the walls dry out after a few days, proceed to internal partition, or two, if the septic tank is three-chamber. The formwork is installed, holes with pipes are left in it, through which water will flow. The overflow is located 40 cm below the main line through which waste from the house or bathhouse enters the container. It is allowed to make partitions from brick, but reliable sealing is required.

Lids left. You can simply lay a sheet of iron, but it is better to use concrete. Channels are laid, thick boards treated with tar are placed on them, then roofing felt, and everything is poured with concrete. Do not forget to leave space for hatches and ventilation holes. Sections of sewer pipes are inserted into them and brought to the surface. This is necessary so that the generated gases escape and fresh air enters, which improves the quality of wastewater treatment.

In the form of a cesspool, today more and more lovers of country life are thinking about more modern options.

Septic tanks for dachas are much more advanced and practical. But purchasing and installing such equipment can be quite expensive. Therefore, it would be reasonable to consider the question of how to make a septic tank with your own hands at the dacha. The device will quickly pay for itself, and for many years you will be able to forget about cleaning the containers, because the liquid part of the waste flowing here after cleaning is removed from the septic tank into the soil.

If the design of a septic tank for a summer residence provides for the presence of two or three chambers, and it is planned to intensify the cleaning with the help of special biological additives, then the maintenance of the septic tank will be simplified as much as possible. A similar septic tank for a summer residence can be used for decades without pumping.

Requirements for septic tanks for summer cottages

All country septic tanks must meet certain requirements:

  • The design of the septic tank is calculated taking into account the principle of multi-stage cleaning in two or three chambers in series. The first container of a septic tank for a summer residence serves to accumulate the separation of wastewater into fractions. Solid waste sinks to the bottom, and liquid and light fractions go to the top. This water enters the second chamber, where it is further purified from organic matter. In the filter well, water is purified and subsequently discharged into the soil.
  • All chambers, except the one where wastewater is discharged to the outside, are as sealed as possible.

Location of septic tanks for summer cottages on the site

When planning how to make a septic tank with your own hands at the dacha, you need to calculate the location of the structure:

  • When placing a septic tank, the distance from the house according to standards should not be less than five meters.
  • Roads and parking lots should be no closer than two meters.
  • But at the same time, placing the septic tank too far from the house is also wrong. It is easy to make mistakes in calculating the slope of the pipe system. As a rule, long pipelines are more likely to become clogged. Therefore, experts advise installing inspection wells every 15 meters.

Septic tank installation depth

Septic tanks for dachas are dug in taking into account the groundwater level and the average depth of soil freezing.

In order for the cleaning process to be stable in all weather conditions, a positive temperature is required. If the structure of a country septic tank cannot be buried below the freezing level, which often happens when groundwater is high, then careful insulation cannot be avoided using:

  • foam chips;
  • foamed polystyrene sheet;
  • expanded clay and other modern materials suitable for these purposes.

With proper design of a septic tank for a summer residence, the bottom of the last tank is located at the level of the sand layer, which has a high absorption capacity.

Septic tank volume

The volume of storage and filter chambers should be calculated based on the amount of existing daily wastewater. And here it is impossible not to take into account the mode of use of the dacha, the number of people regularly living, the features of the system of plumbing fixtures and available household appliances.

If the dacha is used year-round and is equipped no worse than city housing, then on average each resident receives approximately 200 liters of water, and the dacha septic tank can process this wastewater in three days. In this case, the volume of the septic tank is calculated using the formula:

Volume of containers = Number of residents * 200l * 3 days

Material for septic tank

When planning to build a septic tank at your dacha with your own hands, different materials are used:

  • Reinforced concrete well rings;
  • Concrete;
  • Eurocubes;
  • Brick;
  • Car tires and other auxiliary materials.

Septic tank made of concrete rings

This option is one of the most common. Installation is carried out quite quickly, and the volume of the chambers is determined taking into account the diameter of the well rings used:

  • Before installing the rings for the storage chambers, the bottom of the pits is concreted, and where a filter well is supposed to be installed, a cushion of crushed stone is made.
  • Concrete structures are installed one on top of the other. When building a septic tank with your own hands from rings, the diagram must take into account the supply to the wells of all necessary pipes taking into account their slope and diameter.
  • Future chambers are carefully sealed inside and out using cement mortar, modern coatings and weld-on waterproofing materials.
  • When the cameras are installed, the pipeline is connected and thermal and waterproofing is done, the pits are backfilled.

Concrete septic tank

When planning the construction of a septic tank for a summer residence, quite a lot of people choose the most durable and durable option, in their opinion, which is a monolithic concrete structure:

  • When building such a septic tank, at the first stage, the bottom of the future chambers is concreted, after laying the reinforcing mesh. To prevent the metal from undergoing corrosion, which is inevitable in conditions of constant moisture, the layer of concrete on top of the mesh should not be thinner than three centimeters.
  • Then, having erected the formwork and strengthened it with reinforcement, the walls of the chambers are concreted and partitions are made between them.
  • Construction ends with pouring the ceiling.

Concrete construction requires careful and sufficiently long drying. This stage may take up to two weeks, and to ensure even drying, the solution is covered with film.

Country septic tanks from improvised means

If the dacha is used periodically and only in summer time, then considering the question of how to make a septic tank for a dacha with your own hands, you can make a fairly simple septic tank from scrap materials. These could be tires or plastic barrels. It will not be possible to achieve tightness and long-term durability here, so you should not use the structure for cleaning and storing toilet drains. But for country shower such a septic tank would be perfect.

Installation of a septic tank with high groundwater

A serious obstacle to the arrangement country sewerage any design there are high groundwater levels on the site. In such a situation, it becomes impossible to clean the wastewater passing through the chambers in the ground. And not all septic tanks can withstand being in such conditions. But there is a solution to the problem.

The easiest way is to use a sealed storage septic tank for your dacha. A high level of ground moisture will not affect the drainage and treatment process. The only and significant disadvantage of such a septic tank is the need to regularly use the services of vacuum cleaners.

A more advanced and complex design makes it possible to create a cleaning system without pumping.

Typical septic tank layout

This design requires the presence of a sealed container made of high-strength plastic or concrete. The container is divided into several chambers, where wastewater is supplied and already purified moisture is removed:

  1. In the first chamber, where household wastewater is supplied, it is subjected to rough cleaning and separation into fractions.
  2. In the second chamber of the septic tank for a summer residence, anaerobic decomposition of organic matter occurs, here the breakdown of fats and alcohols occurs.
  3. In the last chamber, decomposition products either precipitate or pass into a gaseous state. As a result of this process, two thirds of the contaminants are neutralized.
  4. At the last stage, soil purification occurs waste water.

When using a septic tank for a summer residence without pumping, in conditions of high groundwater, it is recommended to carry out additional purification of moisture not using filtration fields, but to build special filter cassettes on the soil surface.

Rules for choosing septic tanks for cottages with high groundwater:

  • The safest and most reliable would be a septic tank made of polymer materials or, in extreme cases, concrete;
  • The volume of the septic tank is calculated taking into account the rate of wastewater treatment per day;
  • Preferred horizontal structures that do not require great depth;
  • Possible type of septic tank: storage or with the possibility of forced pumping of moisture that has already been purified.
  • The more chambers there are in a septic tank design for a summer residence, the better the quality of sewage treatment;

If the groundwater on the site comes close to the surface, then some materials will have to be immediately discarded when making septic tanks for a summer residence, since they cannot provide the proper strength and degree of sealing:

  • tire septic tank;
  • from brick when laying it with gaps;
  • with perforated pipes for drainage.

Construction of a septic tank from Eurocubes

You can make a reliable septic tank for your dacha with your own hands from plastic containers - Eurocubes. Under such chambers, a concrete base of sufficient thickness must be made, to which the septic tank is securely attached, in order to prevent its displacement when soil moves or rises in ground moisture. The plastic container must be insulated with polystyrene foam and placed in the pit. After which it is filled with water and concreted on the sides. The septic tank for the dacha is also insulated from above. Ventilation pipes are brought to the surface.

Since wastewater in such a septic tank is not completely purified, soil additional treatment is required using filtration fields or filter fields.

To ensure that cleaning of the septic tank chambers is required as rarely as possible, and the cleaning process is more intensive, you can use biological additives that promote the decomposition of solid waste and significantly reduce the percentage of sediment formed.

Video: do-it-yourself septic tank at the dacha (diagrams)

Today, a good bathroom is no longer a novelty. It can be installed on any summer cottage or in any private home and use something that is not familiar to everyone drain hole, and the treatment complex is a septic tank.

A do-it-yourself septic tank for the private sector is a kind of innovation that came into use a couple of decades ago. A septic structure built in compliance with all standards does not require regular cleaning (pumping) and can be made from unnecessary materials at hand - barrels, tires, etc. How to make a septic tank yourself? You will find out the answer to this question by reading this article.

Features of creating a septic tank

Making a septic tank with your own hands for your home and garden is very simple. Installing a septic tank with your own hands requires compliance with some features, which we will discuss below. Anyone can make a homemade septic tank. First of all, it will eliminate the need for monthly calls for special equipment to clean the pit; the number of orders for special equipment will be reduced to one or two times a year.

Installing a septic tank in a private house with your own hands is carried out in several successive stages. Excavation work carried out during the construction of a septic tank on your own has certain features. A do-it-yourself septic tank pit does not require adherence to a certain technology when digging a pit, it only requires compliance with some basic rules. Self-installation of a sewerage structure must begin with all the necessary calculations. When building a brick or monolithic septic tank, the size of the pit should be calculated taking into account the thickness of the future walls. In the case of constructing a chamber from concrete rings, the pit should be slightly larger, since in the future the rings will outside will be isolated.

Important!After creating a hole, a sand cushion is made at the bottom, filling it with a layer of sand of at least 10 cm. Then it is leveled, using a level.

The bottom of the finished pit must be smoothed (leveled) and compacted. Afterwards, you need to lay a layer of sand, the thickness of which should be at least 30 centimeters and compact it well.

Features of installing a septic tank

How to install a septic tank with your own hands? It should be remembered that such a do-it-yourself structure for a private home has certain installation features. First of all, building a septic tank with your own hands requires competent and accurate calculations of the sewer system, which has an impressive number of mathematical indicators, such as the properties of the soil, groundwater, etc. Do-it-yourself country septic tank with soil purification has certain standards for the location of important objects:

  1. At least 5 m to fruit trees, 3 m - to non-fruitful ones.
  2. At least 5 m to road surface, utility and residential premises.
  3. At least 25-30 m to open reservoirs, reservoirs and water intake wells.
  4. At least 50 m to the well (source of drinking water).

Installing a treatment plant with your own hands requires knowledge of several important parameters:

  1. Groundwater level.
  2. Soil type.
  3. Freezing depth in winter.

Important!A septic tank with soil post-treatment has a wider pit than a closed-type septic tank, since it must be designed for a pair of modules and their connections under a ball of soil. The depth of the trench for the initial waste pipe should be in the region of 80-120 cm.

Installing a septic tank with your own hands implies a slope of the sewer pipe from the in-house bathroom equal to at least 2 cm per linear meter, that is, the pipe must be at a constant slope. It should also be smooth and without any bends.

An equally important indicator is the depth of the pit, which primarily depends on the volume of the septic tank. A do-it-yourself septic tank for a house, if it is located vertically, will be 1.5 - 2 m deeper than the trench. The bottom surface of the pit is filled with concrete, making a reinforced platform 10-15 cm thick. Concrete is poured in parts: first one part is poured, then, after its hardening - the second, and so on, until completely filled.

Next, they lead out from the septic tank body ventilation duct allowing water to flow freely into the soil. The brick well is covered with a protective hatch and is equipped with an exit to the outside. Correct septic tank with your own hands you must maintain the required slope angle, which is 5-10 cm.

Installing a septic tank with your own hands is very simple. Installation of a closed-type septic tank requires the following:

  1. Take into account the depth of soil freezing.
  2. It is good to compact the sand cushion.
  3. The presence of a monolithic base under the container.

At the outlet of the septic tank, you can install a pump, which will be used to water the garden and pump out clean water.

As you can see, the question is: how to make a septic tank with your own hands? There is nothing complicated about it; anyone can build a simple septic tank with their own hands, if only they have the time and desire.

Features of choosing and installing a septic tank for a private home

When arranging a country house or a summer cottage (dacha), without a central sewerage system, sooner or later the question will be relevant - which septic tank to choose for a private house? Someone decides to reduce costs - they will dig and arrange a cesspool themselves. Yes, it would seem like a solution, but it is unhygienic, and the service life is not long. And besides, such a pit has an unpleasant odor that spreads far beyond its boundaries. Therefore, the most suitable option is to build a septic tank on the site.

When choosing a septic tank for your home, first of all, you need to pay attention to the size of the site, the amount of waste generated and the degree of its purification.

Types of septic tanks for a private home

The options for septic tanks for your home are quite large. When making your choice, you need to take into account its characteristics, installation costs and operating principle.

Private sector septic tanks can be classified into the following groups:

System material

When looking for a solution to the question of how to choose a septic tank for your home or cottage, you need to decide on the material, because it is this that affects the service life, strength and a number of other indicators. The options for septic tanks for the home are varied, let’s look at the most popular ones.

Reinforced concrete is the most durable, durable and also waterproof material. It is resistant to temperature changes and does not require special installation costs.

Important! This option will be most effective when the groundwater is located at a depth of at least 1 meter from the bottom of the lower (second or third) tank.

When choosing a country septic tank, you should not stop at monolithic version. It is quite expensive and difficult to install.

Most summer residents, when choosing a septic tank for country house, stop at brick version cleaning systems. They are easy to install, and the quality characteristics are no worse than reinforced concrete.

Plastic is the most used and cheapest type of material, but it is the most vulnerable and short-lived and can easily be damaged.

Important!If your budget for building a septic tank is small, then the most suitable option there will be a single-chamber septic tank or a regular cesspool. If the budget is substantial, build a filtration field or purification station.

Septic tank volume

When choosing a simple septic tank for your dacha, you also need to take into account its volume, which directly depends on the number of people on the site and the frequency of visits to the site. According to certain standards, daily norm water per person is 200 liters. The calculation is carried out according to the standard formula.

Installing a septic tank for a country house that is rarely visited requires a smaller container. If someone will live on a summer cottage in the summer, the volume of autonomous sewerage must be increased.

Number of cameras

After calculating the required volume, the number of sections is determined. How to make a further choice of a septic tank for your dacha will be determined by the previously obtained sewage capacity. In the case of a flow rate of up to 1 cubic meter per day, the installed sewage system is single-chamber, more than one, but less than ten - two-chamber, more than 10 - three-chamber. Septic tank for big house most often it is three-chambered, but there are exceptions.

Features of the soil (soil) of the site

When choosing a septic tank for a country house, the nature of the soil and its hygroscopicity are of great importance. For soil with sandy impurities, any cleaning system is suitable, but for heavy soil it is advisable to install a structure with a storage tank.

If a large amount of groundwater passes through the site, it can only be equipped with a sealed container; other types of septic tanks are inappropriate here.

Important!The most optimal time to install a septic tank is the summer-autumn period. At this time, the groundwater level is at its lowest.

Septic tank location

The septic tank system in a private house, in addition to a number of factors, must be correctly located. If groundwater is located close to the surface, the container is placed horizontally.

Horizontal arrangement of the septic tank

When groundwater lies deep in the bowels of the earth, the septic tank for the house and cottage is placed vertically, which saves space. The only downside to in this case is the depth of the pit, which will take a lot of time to dig.

It must be remembered that the septic tank system in a private house should be located no closer than 10-25 m from a living space or other building and no less than 50 meters from the water source (water intake).

That is why, when solving the dilemma of how to build a septic tank in a private house, it is necessary, first of all, to distribute the free space of the site, taking into account soil characteristics, and only then decide on the location and type of the septic tank itself.

Now you know which septic tank is most suitable for your dacha.

Installation of a septic tank with a high groundwater level

Suburban areas without access to a central sewer system sooner or later have to be equipped independently. Autonomous system drainage takes over main task- wastewater treatment from household waste and their decomposition products. When installing septic tanks, which take on the main function in this process, it is important to ensure the permissible groundwater level. If this indicator is at a critical level (less than 2 m) and the future septic tank is below groundwater, then the landowner has to face problems such as:

  1. The complexity of installing septic tanks.
  2. Risk of the structure floating.
  3. Waterproof problems.
  4. Environmental threat (groundwater pollution).

Taking into account the potential problems, the owner of a private property is faced with the question of which septic tank to choose in case of high groundwater and how to install it correctly?

Choosing a quality septic tank

In the current situation, the concept of “quality” means the same thing as tightness and stability. A number of devices in normal conditions They do their job well, but not every septic tank for a dacha with high groundwater will provide high-quality filtration of wastewater and the safety of the ecosystem. Far from being the most reliable are septic tanks made from concrete rings, tires, brickwork, drainage wells or with perforated drainage pipes. Polymers have proven themselves best - plastic containers are strong, durable and resistant to sudden temperature changes.

Which septic tank should you rely on if the groundwater level is high? What should not be forgotten before purchasing and installing it? Based on the experience of people and the recommendations of specialists, we can highlight the following useful rules:

  1. You should choose only septic tanks made of polymer materials, giving preference to fiberglass.
  2. The volume of the septic tank is calculated in advance - this figure is based on the amount of wastewater it must cope with.
  3. A septic tank for a high groundwater level must have enough chambers so that it can efficiently clean sewage.
  4. The septic tank must be either storage or with compulsory system pumping out filtered water.
  5. You should make sure that the conditions on the site are conducive to long-term downtime of the septic tank.

If you cannot turn to specialists and have to install a septic tank yourself, a high groundwater level will not become a critical obstacle. But since the situation requires a serious approach, it is impossible to do without special equipment.

The optimal solution for independent equipment of a water treatment system is chambers made of Eurocubes. Experience has shown that these containers, at an affordable price, have the qualities that a septic tank should have when high waters, - tightness and strength. Depending on the volume of wastewater being processed, two or more eurocubes may be required - new containers should be added based on calculations for the site.

Important! E Vrocubes must be attached to a pre-prepared concrete platform. If this is not done, then the septic tank you install yourself with high groundwater will often float to the surface. During the warmer months, conditions are often conducive to installation. But if it rains or the work is carried out out of season, then excess liquid will have to be pumped out using a drainage well. This process will be discussed in more detail later.

What should you take care of during installation?

Anti-float protection. A floating septic tank with high groundwater will lead to catastrophic consequences: the sewer system will collapse and the environment will be polluted. To prevent this from happening, the following steps must be followed during installation:

Organization of soil purification. If there is high groundwater in the area, it will not be possible to equip the septic tank with a drainage well or filtration field. The only way to solve the problem is to install a filtration cassette. The design scheme is complemented by a storage well and pumping device. The process is carried out as follows:

  • A 30 or 40 cm layer of soil is removed.
  • Sand is poured down to the ground level.
  • The contour of the pit is lined concrete blocks 30-40 cm wide, which are fastened together.
  • Crushed stone is poured into the gorge.
  • Then the infiltrator is installed. It must be insulated with polystyrene foam or expanded clay.
  • The finished cassette is covered with a soil layer of about 30 cm.

Ensuring tightness. Tightness is the main property due to which plastic containers are so valued. If you ignore this requirement, then groundwater will appear in the septic tank quickly. A careless attitude to the degree of waterproofness of the chambers can lead to contamination of groundwater, due to which water from the well will become undrinkable and can cause an outbreak of infection among the population. That is why it is highly not recommended to choose a brick or concrete septic tank as a water purification device when the groundwater level is high.

Septic tank without pumping and odor

Sewage facilities are an integral part of any country house, without which comfortable living becomes unthinkable. The most optimal solution This problem becomes a septic tank without pumping, which does not require regular cleaning and allows you to save a lot of money on hiring special equipment and services from organizations.

What is the essence of the structure?

A septic tank without pumping for a home or cottage is a series of tanks that have certain installation requirements. As a rule, the first tank acts as a settling tank; the heaviest waste settles in it. That is why it occupies the largest volume. Next, the tanks are smaller, and the cleaning in them is more subtle.

What should I consider during installation?

The main question that haunts us constantly is what is needed to create a septic tank with your own hands without pumping out waste? First you need to solve the following problems:

  1. Volume of the structure.
  2. Dimensions of the septic tank.
  3. Location for the structure.

To calculate the volume, it is worth starting from the norm of water consumption per person, it is 200 liters per day. We multiply this value by the number of users, then general norm increase it three times and add 20% of the resulting number.

In terms of dimensions, septic tanks for a dacha without pumping are installed exactly such that their cubic capacity covers the required volume. It is important to note that the distance from the bottom to the drain pipe must exceed 80 cm.

It’s easy to choose a location, the main thing is to install it further than 5 meters from the room. But it’s not worth installing very far, because it’s profitable to make septic tanks for a dacha without pumping yourself, but no one wants to spend money on extra lines. As for the rest of the landscape, when installing a septic tank without pumping for your home, consider the following:

What materials can be used?

  1. The brick is usually clinker. The perimeter is treated with mastic and covered with clay, it is also necessary inner part treat with cement. The bottom of all chambers is concreted, and the bottom of the last one is filled with crushed stone or sand. The walls of the last chamber provide gaps, so excess purified water will go into the ground. The chambers are connected by tees.
  2. Concrete monolith. The principle is the same as with brick, but in the last chamber a pipe is dug into the bottom, and the top of the chambers is closed with hatches.
  3. Concrete rings. Like the monolith, with the exception of some features.
  4. Plastic containers. The main feature is that it is necessary to make holes through which the ventilation pipes and drainage passages will pass.

Important!Treatment facilities made of plastic can be washed out by groundwater; to avoid this, they are weighted with metal lathing.

These are all the basic secrets you need to know to make a septic tank for your home with your own hands without pumping out waste.

Creation of septic tanks from concrete rings

The most common materials for the construction of septic tanks are considered. Thanks to them, you can quickly and easily equip a sewage system in your home. Let's talk about how to properly make a septic tank from concrete rings.

A concrete septic tank is quite easy to install and maintain. It has the following appearance:

Septic tank devices made of concrete rings

Septic tanks for a private house made of rings when built on soils with a high level of heaving require the creation of a protective soil belt that counteracts the heaving. Before you bet concrete rings under the septic tank, it is necessary to make a sand cushion 0.2 - 0.4 m thick into the pit. To prevent any movement, the rings under the septic tank are connected to each other by welding using metal plates or staples.

Waterproofing the seams of a reinforced reinforced concrete septic tank is a rather important point. The seams must be protected not only with cement mortar, but also with a waterproofing compound. Also important point be a waterproofing of the internal and external sides of concrete. This is primarily done to counteract the corrosion of concrete, which significantly reduces its service life.

The reinforced concrete septic tank is waterproofed from the outside with ordinary roofing felt, from the inside - with mastic or special liquid glass.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The construction of a septic tank made of concrete rings has a number of pros and cons. Let's look at them in more detail.

Advantages of a concrete septic tank:

  1. The construction of a concrete septic tank is the simplest design. Construction of a septic tank from concrete rings does not require special knowledge, all you need is a shovel and knowledge of sewerage.
  2. Relatively cheap cost. A septic tank made of reinforced concrete rings will cost much less than self-concrete containers.
  3. A septic tank for a private house made of rings has a fairly high construction speed. The sooner construction is completed, the faster the treatment plant will be used.

Another important factor is the almost complete absence of the use of special equipment. It will only be needed to deliver the rings to the construction site.

Installation of septic tanks made of concrete rings

Installing a septic tank from concrete rings is quite easy. Let's look at the installation process in more detail.

  1. Installation of a septic tank made of concrete rings begins with the installation of two concrete rings in a pre-selected location.

Important! Install the rings at a distance of no more than 1 meter from each other. The further away they are, the deeper the hole will have to be dug for the last ring. Digging a septic tank from concrete rings is not an easy task, do not neglect this rule.

Important! Remember, the bottom of the last ring is not flooded, it must have access to the ground, which will absorb filtered water. Otherwise, the septic tank of the concrete well will quickly overflow.

  1. Further, the construction of septic tanks from rings requires the laying of sewer pipes, under which trenches are dug.

Important! Remember, the water outlet hole should be lower than the inlet hole. The difference in height should be at least 0.2 m. That is why each ring is placed lower than the previous one.

  1. After the trench is ready, a sand cushion is made in it and pipes are laid. We punch holes in the rings for the pipes to enter; the gaps formed at the points of contact are sealed.
  2. The next step in deciding how to make a septic tank from rings with your own hands is to install the lid. In most cases, a regular concrete cover rests on the rings.

Important! Do not cover the well tightly. In the future, it may be necessary to open it to perform some work.

  1. Ventilation of a septic tank made of concrete rings is the final stage of construction. The cover placed on the well should have a hole slightly larger than 100 mm. A sewer pipe is inserted into it, the first part of which is located inside the septic tank, and the second part is outside.

That's it, the installation of septic tanks made of concrete rings is completed. The concrete septic tank is ready for use. After it has worked steadily for a month, its lid can be filled in and used to your advantage. That's it, now you know how to make a septic tank from concrete rings.

Features of creating septic tanks from materials: plastic, brick, tires

Construction of a plastic septic tank

How to make a septic tank from a barrel? In order to make a sewer structure from polypropylene, you can use both new and used barrels. But when using used barrels, you must check their tightness. These containers have holes at the bottom and a metal sheathing. The holes must be sealed and a lid placed on top.

We make a plastic septic tank with our own hands:

Construction of a brick septic tank

Before you start making a septic tank out of brick, you need to determine the area of ​​the future structure, focusing on the number of people who will use it.

How to make a septic tank from brick with your own hands:

  1. First you need to dig a pit.
  2. In order to make the bottom of a brick septic tank, two layers are laid: the first of crushed stone, the second of sand. A special metal grate is placed on top and everything is filled with concrete.
  3. The walls of the septic tank structure are laid the width of one brick, coated with a solution of cement and liquid glass, then covered with bitumen, ideally in several layers. Clay is used to backfill a brick septic tank.
  4. The top of the brick septic tank is covered with a concrete slab with holes for the hatch.

Construction of a septic tank from tires

In order to make a septic tank from tires with your own hands, you need to use large-diameter tires.

How to make a septic tank from tires or the most economical option for making a septic tank:

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Without a septic tank, normal functioning of the sewage system in a country house is impossible. Septic tanks themselves are containers for storing and treating wastewater. They can be made from different materials– plastic, metal, reinforced concrete structures. Septic tanks for summer cottages, regardless of the material from which they are made, function due to the activity of various bacteria. It is necessary to understand the issue of How to build a septic tank with your own hands.

Without a septic tank, normal functioning of the sewage system in a country house is impossible

The installation of a septic tank at the dacha begins with studying the principle of its operation. The most effective designs are considered to be those in which the container is divided into several sections or chambers, then the liquid is gradually purified from various impurities, which makes it possible to achieve sufficient high degree cleansing. In each of these chambers, water (wastewater) settles, and the heavy fraction settles, and waste decomposes. After the primary purification process is completed, the water will fall into a filter well or a field specially constructed for this purpose, which is made of crushed stone, gravel, and construction slag. And from this field, the treated wastewater already goes into the ground.

In septic tanks, wastewater undergoes both mechanical and biological treatment. Mechanical is produced by settling the wastewater, resulting in the formation of sediment and a certain amount of floating compounds. Biological treatment carried out with the help of anaerobic bacteria that perform their work without the participation of oxygen. However, aerobic bacteria also participate in the cleaning process, which also ensures the decomposition of organic waste.

Before you make a septic tank at your dacha with your own hands, you need to choose the right position for it and provide access roads. After all, with such a device, regular cleaning of activated sludge will be required, and for this it is necessary that the access route for the sewage disposal truck remains clear.

The question of whether it is necessary to introduce bacteria into a septic tank cannot be answered unambiguously. Theoretically, bacteria will enter the septic tank with wastewater and will clean the wastewater. This process will just be quite slow. Therefore, to start the system, experts advise introducing a bacterial starter at the start. This is done when an existing population of bacteria dies due to strong chemicals entering the drains or due to sudden temperature changes.

The most effective designs are those in which the container is divided into several sections or chambers.

The choice of septic tank largely depends on the available budget. But in general, a device with a biofilter is considered the most effective option. From a design point of view, a biofilter is another chamber of a septic tank. Oxygen is simply supplied to it (this is done using a compressor). As a result, directly into the container purification plant a culture of aerobic bacteria is formed. This allows you to achieve a higher degree of wastewater treatment - up to 95%. Such cleaning is important not only for the preservation of the external environment. The water obtained in this case can be used again for technical purposes, which saves water resources.

It is clear that the operation of a septic tank with a biofilter largely depends on the operation of the compressor, which is powered from the mains. If for some reason the power supply is cut off, the system will operate like a regular country septic tank, providing a purification rate of 60-70%. As soon as the electricity is turned on, the functionality of the system is immediately restored. A septic tank with a biofilter requires more labor-intensive maintenance, since the bacterial population needs to be replenished regularly, otherwise an unpleasant odor will appear.

The simplest and most effective DIY device (video)

Where to start and what to consider

Based on the principle of operation described above, we can say that even the simplest septic tank is always part of the system, so it is considered only together with other components - a filtration well or field. Moreover, water purification is carried out both in the septic tank itself and in the well.

Creating a septic tank for a summer residence with your own hands is not an easy task, but it can be solved. You need to start with a plan. First of all, with the choice of location for the septic tank. It is very important that it meets hygienic standards. The distance from this device to the house must be at least 5 m. The filtration well must be at least 15 m away from the residential building. The distance from the filtration source of the well to the nearest source of water supply (this can be a regular well or borehole) also matters. The distance between them must be at least 25 m.

A septic tank of natural purification and a filtration field are installed only in large areas, provided that the groundwater lies close enough.

When creating a project, the following factors are taken into account:

  • how many people will permanently live in the house;
  • whether the house will be intended for permanent residence at all;
  • what is the approximate volume of wastewater per day - in addition to the number of people living in the house, it also depends on the number of installed sanitary facilities;
  • square land plot, its relief and geological characteristics of the soil.

A septic tank for a dacha must comply in its volume with city water consumption standards, that is, on average 200 liters for each person living in the house per day. This will help determine the volume of the entire wastewater treatment system, not just the septic tank.

If the site is mainly clay soils This means that natural filtration of water will occur more slowly, because clay has a high density. If you install a filtration field on it, you will first have to take measures to change the composition of the soil underneath it, which will significantly increase the cost of installing a septic tank and make it ineffective. Therefore, in such cases it is good to replace classical system with a filtration field for a septic tank with a biofilter. Since bacteria can do an excellent job of cleaning wastewater, there is no need to spend money on a filtration field or well.

A septic tank for a dacha with your own hands is not an easy task, but it can be solved

Types of septic tanks depending on the material of manufacture

In a house with a small amount of drainage, instead of a septic tank, a regular cesspool is often installed, where the drainage settles before pumping. Sometimes such a device is called a “wild filter,” but this is not a completely correct name. Indeed, in some places you can still see cesspools in which a metal container, concrete rings, or even several tires stacked on top of each other are installed. They have holes through which wastewater goes into the ground. If the owner values ​​his home and land, then he cannot agree to such a design, since wastewater can contaminate the aquifer and soil.

More modern version Such a cesspool requires the installation of a sealed container. Indeed, it will be safe for the environment. This is a completely acceptable option for home and garden, given its low cost, but it is only suitable for small amounts of wastewater and requires regular pumping of waste using a sewage system.

Septic tanks are also made of concrete and brick (all possible options: concrete rings, ordinary brick, so-called Eurocube, etc.). Their advantages include reasonable cost, environmental friendliness, strength and durability of the structure. The disadvantages are the complexity of installation in areas with high groundwater levels and problems with arranging a filtration field on clay soils.

Rules for arranging a system made of concrete or brick

This septic tank is made in the form of a multi-chamber structure. Biological waste is broken down by anaerobic bacteria. Additionally, you need to take care of the filtration well. Installing such a septic tank is not an easy task. Here it is very important to properly prepare the pit, lay the reinforcement, and seal the structure with bitumen mastic etc. It is best to choose a solid one for such a septic tank ceramic brick. Its service life in this case can be 30-40 years.

The most labor-intensive part is preparing the pit (if the volume of the septic tank is large, you may even need to rent special equipment for such work). The pit itself can be of any shape - rectangular or cylindrical.

Before you begin laying, you need to mark the location of all the pipes in order to leave holes of the appropriate diameter. If the master has not yet had experience in constructing a similar design, then in this case it is better to choose the option with a rectangular-shaped chamber, since in this case it is easier to carry out the work correctly.

If the septic tank is rectangular in shape, then the foundation pit can be made common for both chambers, just then divide it using brick partition. But if the septic tank is cylindrical in shape, then you will have to make 2 separate holes, dig a trench and connect the chambers using a pipe.

In any case, the bottom of the pit must be compacted and a drainage layer must be installed. You can use sand for this. The height of such a layer should be 25-30 cm. If the project provides for a sealed septic tank, then the bottom needs to be concreted, and if the volume is large, even reinforced.

When developing a project, you need to calculate the dimensions of sewer pipes. Their diameter is 110 mm. The depth of pipe laying is determined depending on the depth of soil freezing. Sometimes laying to a shallower depth is possible, but then it is required additional insulation. The pipes are laid with a slope - for each meter of length at the rate of 2 cm.

This septic tank is made in the form of a multi-chamber structure. Biological waste is broken down by anaerobic bacteria

The thickness of the brickwork should be 250 mm, if we are talking about the walls of a septic tank, but if it is a partition between chambers, then the masonry should be less than 120 mm. The tightness of the masonry is ensured by grouting the walls with cement mortar. An obligatory step is to treat the walls with mastic. Experts advise adding liquid glass to the solution. Around external walls the septic tank must be arranged so-called clay castle, the layer thickness is 20-30 cm.

If the design of the septic tank does not provide a bottom, but only a drainage layer, then there is no need to make a hatch for pumping out wastewater. In such cases, the septic tank is simply covered with a board. However, it needs waterproofing, so it is covered with roofing felt. When constructing a sealed system, it is better to make such a cover from a reinforced concrete slab. In such cases, you can even cast it yourself.

The septic tank is covered above ground level. This will prevent it from being flooded by melt and rain water. Before pouring the ceiling, you need to make a ventilation drain.

Septic tank made from tires (video)

Filtration well

When thinking about how to make a septic tank with your own hands, you need to decide from the very beginning whether it will have a filtration well or a field. A filtration well is a whole system consisting of a bottom filter, walls and ceilings. But its use is severely limited by the volume of wastewater, so the option of a filtration field is more often considered. It consists of several horizontal trenches that are filled with drainage material (crushed stone, gravel or slag, the layer thickness should be 20 cm).

Water is supplied to this system using a pipeline. We can say that the field is something like a filtration well, only with a horizontal location. The pipes are laid to a depth of up to 1.2 m from the ground surface, but in each specific case a calculation is made depending on the freezing of the soil. Where pipes branch off, inspection wells must be provided from the very beginning. It is better to choose plastic pipes.

Metal, concrete and plastic devices

Theoretically, septic tanks can also be made from a metal container. Among its advantages is the rigidity of the structure. Such septic tanks are usually made from stainless steel, since only such alloys resist corrosion. Containers of different shapes and with different numbers of chambers can be made of metal. The advantage of metal septic tanks is that they are insensitive to soil swelling and flooding, since they are heavy and simply will not float up even with a strong increase in the groundwater level. Such metal septic tanks manufactured in a factory. As a rule, manufacturers set a service life of 10-15 years. Since this is a ready-made structure, all work on its construction comes down to digging a pit and installing a container.

In no case should you use “improvised” containers for this, for example, old tanks, since a novice craftsman can hardly determine the type of alloy and the age of the metal and does not know how quickly such a structure will begin to collapse in the ground.

Another option for a septic tank is a monolithic concrete structure. It has many advantages, the only drawback is its heavy weight, which means serious costs for installing the septic tank itself, regardless of what exactly it is made of, whether it is slabs or rings. But such a septic tank will last about 50 years.

IN modern conditions The plastic septic tank is popular. Such tanks are made of polypropylene or polyethylene. Containers must be purchased from a manufacturer or a company that sells products from well-known manufacturers. Their main advantage is resistance to aggressive environmental factors.

What plastic is better to choose for such devices? Each option has its own advantages. Polyethylene produced by modern technologies, allows you to obtain products without welds, which increases the strength and durability of the product, its resistance to deformation (stiffening ribs are specially made for this purpose). Polypropylene septic tanks can last 30 years, and they have a fairly wide operating temperature range - down to -50°C. Polypropylene is considered a less dense polymer material compared to polyethylene. But on the other hand, it is more resistant to all types of influences, including temperature. Tanks made from this material are also made with stiffeners. There are also fiberglass products that are made from fiberglass with the addition of synthetic resins. Such products are considered the most durable - they can withstand up to 50 years of operation.

Any plastic septic tanks sealed and corrosion resistant. But they have a drawback - they are light weight. Therefore, such containers can be raised by melt or rainwater closer to the surface. To prevent the septic tank from floating up and destroying the entire sewer system, you need to dig a pit and build a concrete sarcophagus in it, into which a plastic container is installed. In some cases, the plastic housing is rigidly fixed to reinforced concrete slab, which is placed at the bottom of the pit.

Septic tank made of plastic barrels

This option is only suitable for country houses with a small volume of wastewater, since barrels can hold a maximum of three days’ volume of wastewater with a limited set of plumbing equipment installed in the house.

To create such a septic tank, you need to build a trench at least 1 m deep and 1.5 m wide (the length of the system is about 6 m). Then you need to prepare the first barrel for the septic tank. To do this, you need to make a hole in it to connect the sewer pipe supplied from the house. The barrel must be covered with a removable lid, since the contents of such containers will often have to be pumped out.

For country and country houses, four types of septic tanks are mainly used: industrial production, multi-chamber septic tanks made of concrete rings, two-section chambers without pumping and septic tanks from old automobiles. Cesspools with pumping, so popular for a couple of decades, are almost never used anymore for obvious reasons: inconvenience, unsanitary conditions, unpleasant odor.

Each type may have different design features and sizes, which depend on the specific operating conditions and needs of your family, first of all, on the daily volume of all wastewater, including a residential building and technical premises. But, if you want to make a septic tank at your dacha, you have to exclude industrially manufactured septic tanks and settle on the three remaining types.

How does a septic tank work?

To choose the type of septic tank that suits you, you need to know the principle by which this sewer system operates. Regardless of the design, it should consist of several chambers. Sewage directly from the bathroom and kitchen enters the sump, which is the first chamber. In it, depending on the type of septic tank, the wastewater undergoes primary treatment - it is filtered and undergoes biological decomposition, or it only decomposes.

Decomposition is ensured by the presence of anaerobic microorganisms in the sump; as a result of their action, organic matter is converted into an insoluble residue, clarified water and gas, which is removed from the septic tank chamber through the sewer pipe. The resulting water flows through a special hole into the second chamber - the filtration well. Unlike a sump tank, it is not sealed - there are perforated holes on its walls, and at the bottom there is a filter made of a thick layer of gravel. Through this cushion, the thickness of which is 0.5-1 m, clarified water seeps into the ground. Septic tanks, therefore, completely decompose organic waste into environmentally safe components and do not harm the environment.

DIY septic tank

The design of a multi-chamber septic tank made of concrete rings is quite simple, it’s easy, that’s why this type sewer systems Most often used in dachas. In this case, ready-made concrete rings are used to construct a settling tank and a filtration chamber (there may be two of them) standard sizes, the same as for the construction of wells. To choose the size of the rings on which the performance of the septic tank depends, make a calculation taking into account the daily amount of waste.

When laying sewer pipes, do not forget to provide the required angle of inclination - for each linear meter of pipes - 2 cm vertically.

Dig a hole large enough to fit both cameras. Under the first chamber, which will act as a sump, concrete the bottom, and at the bottom of the second, make a gravel cushion. In the sump, seal the seams between the rings and between the bottom ring and the concrete bottom. Between the cameras standing nearby, make an overflow hole; if they are located at a distance from each other, mount sewer pipes at an angle from the settling tank to the filtration chamber. Cover the chambers with a concrete slab on top, which should have hatches located above the chambers and covered with lids. Place an exhaust pipe 2-2.5 m high above the sump chamber. You can see how to make such a septic tank near your country house
