Iron barrel for septic tank. Do-it-yourself septic tank from barrels at the dacha

To the owners country houses you don’t want to give up your usual city amenities and have to install a sewer system on your property yourself. Often it is a simple cesspool made from a barrel or something else, but if there is running water and household members actively use plumbing fixtures, its capabilities will clearly not be enough.

Scheme country sewerage includes a sewage collector, internal and external pipeline networks. Depending on financial capabilities, the collector is built from brick, concrete rings, large in size car tires, eurocubes or 200 l barrels.

Sewage scheme with a barrel as a septic tank

Scheme and rules for organizing sewerage with a septic tank in the country

It is quite possible to equip a septic tank for a dacha with your own hands. Before starting work, draw up detailed diagram sewerage installations. Drawings can be seen in the photo. The diagram must show the location of the storage tank, internal and external wiring of the pipeline network. Building codes and the rules determine the required angle of inclination of the pipes, features of the collector design and other parameters. Please note, simple drain waste water into a pit without pumping pollutes the soil and nearby aquifers.

Requirements for the placement of treatment facilities on a summer cottage

Treatment facilities at a summer cottage should be located no closer than thirty meters from reservoirs, wells and artesian wells. In order to bad smell did not penetrate into residential premises, the minimum distance of the septic tank from the house is five meters. This distance should not be extended much either, since this will significantly increase the cost of laying the external sewer network.

Minimum distances from the septic tank to various objects

Care must be taken to ensure that the unpleasant odor does not disturb the neighbors, and the treatment plant should not be located too close to the boundaries of the site. Fruit trees and other green spaces with a developed root system should be located at a distance of at least three meters.

Types of country sewerage

The easiest way to do it yourself is to make a regular cesspool for a private home or summer house, into which waste will simply be drained. At the same time, it will pollute the environment. To prevent unpleasant consequences, a sealed container is installed in the cesspool.

The simplest cesspool from a barrel

This is a more acceptable way of arranging a waste disposal system, but in this case, frequent “visits” of the sewer truck are necessary. More modern look The dacha sewage system is a septic tank in which the liquid fraction of waste settles and, after filtration, is removed from the collector. The use of bacteria that decompose organic matter helps to create a septic tank without pumping.

Sealed cesspool

To construct a cesspool, dig a pit at least two meters deep. If the terrain of the site is difficult, it is located at the lowest level.

Sealed drain hole convenient for small waste volumes

The walls of the tank are laid out brickwork or they stack ready-made concrete rings, tires from the Kirovets tractor, two-hundred-liter barrels on top of each other, and so on. A layer of waterproofing is placed on the bottom of the container, all butt joints are securely sealed to prevent waste water leakage.

Filter well

A filter well is constructed in the same way as a sealed cesspool, only instead of waterproofing, a fill of gravel or crushed stone with sand is made at the bottom of the shaft. It forms a filter layer, percolating through which liquid waste fractions get rid of contaminants before penetrating into the soil.

Construction of a filter well made of a plastic barrel

This design of the treatment plant makes it possible to pump out waste from the tank much less frequently, since it is filled only with solid fragments. The quality of wastewater treatment is improved if you install not one, but several filter wells connected to each other by overflow pipes.

Applying a filter field

Using a filtration field helps to make a septic tank without pumping. Its design requires a large area of ​​free space on the site.

Device of a small filtration field

The filtration field is an underground area in which sedimentation and purification of wastewater passing through the sewer occurs. From there they are discharged through perforated pipes into the drainage system.

Using the gutter

It is good if there is a drainage ditch not far from the storage tank. In this case, the wastewater passing through the collector can be directed directly into it. To do this, they dig a hole near the canal, filling it with crushed stone or gravel as a filter layer. Wastewater is sent there, which, after passing through the filter, enters the drainage ditch.

Options for materials for a septic tank in the country

Depending on financial capabilities, the septic tank at the dacha is made from the most various materials. With virtually no material costs, you can get discarded tires from your nearest tire repair shop or auto company. large diameter.

An example of organizing a two-chamber septic tank from tires

Tires from the Kirovets tractor are suitable. They are laid on top of each other in a dug pit. A septic tank made from ready-made concrete rings is even faster and more reliable. The wastewater receiver can be lined with brickwork. Large-volume barrels and so-called Eurocubes, which are sealed plastic containers, are also used.

When installed, they are concreted on the sides, since they are light in weight and can move when the ground water level rises.

Installation depth of the septic tank and pipe laying

The depth of installation of the septic tank and laying of the sewer pipe directly depends on the level of soil freezing in a particular region. If wastewater freezes in sewer system, they will burst the pipes, and in the spring everything will have to start again.

A sewer pipe used only in summer does not need to be buried

The optimal volume of a septic tank in a country house

The required volume of a septic tank at a dacha depends on the number of people permanently residing there. It is believed that one person consumes up to two hundred liters of water per day. By multiplying this figure by the number of household members and increasing the resulting value by approximately twenty percent, we obtain the optimal volume of storage capacity.

Of course, in a summer cottage, that is, without the use of a shower and bath, this parameter will be much less.

Construction of a simple cesspool from a 200 liter barrel

A cesspool from a 200 liter barrel can be easily made with your own hands. For its arrangement, it is better to choose plastic containers. Compared to metal products they have the following advantages:

  • excellent resistance to aggressive chemical environments;
  • longer service life;
  • simplified installation due to low weight;
  • no need for anti-corrosion treatment;
  • high levels of tightness.

A plastic barrel can serve as a cesspool for a long time

When buried in the ground, plastic containers should be securely secured using cables pulled to a concrete slab installed as the base of the structure. Otherwise, a homemade septic tank may “float” to the surface at the most inconvenient moment. Plastic barrels installed in the pit should be filled very carefully so as not to damage them.

Do-it-yourself assembly and connection of a septic tank from plastic barrels

Do-it-yourself assembly and connection of a septic tank from plastic barrels is not particularly difficult. First, a pit is dug to bury the tanks in the ground. For better cleaning wastewater, two plastic containers with a volume of at least two hundred liters each should be installed. They are connected to each other using an overflow pipe.

Two-chamber septic tank with overflow from plastic barrels - practical option

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Which you will only use in summer time, then there is no point in making or buying an expensive autonomous septic tank. You can use material that ultimately will not incur large financial costs. So, you can make a septic tank from plastic barrels with your own hands. But it is important to understand that this design can only be used for small volumes of wastewater.

If a family of three lives at the dacha and only in the summer, it will be enough to install 2 or 3 barrels. The volume of one barrel can be 250 liters. The barrels are mounted one after another with overflow. As a result, a bundle is formed in one line. The overflow is mounted at a slight angle. The difference between them must be at least 100 mm. As for the installation depth of the barrels, each subsequent one is buried 150 mm deeper in relation to the previous one.

Tool and material

To make a homemade septic tank from plastic barrels, you will need to prepare the following building material and tools:

  • Jigsaw.
  • Rake.
  • Shovel.
  • Construction level.
  • Plumbing tape.
  • Epoxy two-component sealant.
  • Glue for PVC pipes.
  • Flanges.
  • Couplings.
  • Perforated pipe (for arranging drainage).
  • Elbows and tees.
  • Sewer pipes Ø 110 mm.
  • 2-3 plastic barrels, volume 250 l.
  • Geotextile fabric.
  • Sand.
  • Crushed stone, fractions 1.8-3.5 cm.

It is necessary to start creating a septic tank by preparing plastic barrels. So, in the barrel, use a jigsaw to cut holes for the overflow, according to the diameter of the pipe. In this case, retreat 200 mm from the top of the container. On the other side of the barrel, drill a second hole, only 300 mm lower in height from the top of the container. Between the two holes you will have a difference of 100 mm. To organize ventilation, a pipe is installed in the first barrel. In order to be able to clean the septic tank from solid waste particles from time to time, the lid must be opened. As for the second barrel, which will serve as a sump, make two holes at the bottom. In relation to each other they should be at 45°. This is necessary to connect the drainage pipe going to the filtration field.

Each pipe-to-barrel connection must be treated with epoxy sealant. This will prevent wastewater from leaking into the ground.

The connection of all these barrels can be done on the surface, so all you have to do is immerse the homemade septic tank in the pit.

As for digging a pit, this is one of the most labor-intensive processes. The barrels should be installed easily, so make the pit width 250 mm larger. You will then fill the resulting gap between the barrel and the pit with a cement-sand mixture, which will prevent destruction or damage to the walls during soil movement.

If there is a risk of the barrel floating out under the influence groundwater, then the bottom will need to be equipped with a concrete screed. It is also necessary to install embedded metal parts with hinges that will hold the homemade septic tank in place.

Installation of barrels and production of filtration field

At the next stage, the septic tank is installed in the pit. Carefully lower the entire barrel structure to the bottom and secure it with straps to the concrete hinges. If it is not possible to lower the entire structure, then after installing the barrels, all pipe joints are connected and sealed. After this, fill the resulting space between the barrel and the foundation pit with a sand-cement mixture.

As you fill and compact the mixture of sand and cement, fill the barrel with water. This will reduce the risk of deformation.

Now it's time to make the filter fields. At a depth of 700 mm, near the buried septic tank, dig a trench. Place perforated pipes in it. First cover the walls and bottom of the trench with geotextile fabric. The laid pipes from below and above are covered with crushed stone, 100 mm thick. When joining geotextiles, make a slight overlap of up to 200 mm. This is especially important when laying the canvas on top of crushed stone. When the “pie” of perforated pipe, crushed stone and geotextile is ready, the remaining space of the trench is filled with earth. Finally, the field with filtration channels is decorated and sown with lawn grass.

Advantages and disadvantages

The technology of using plastic barrels has its pros and cons. For objectivity, when choosing material for a septic tank, they should be mentioned.

  • Easy installation and transportation.
  • Light weight.
  • It's very easy to make overflow holes.
  • There is no risk of soil contamination.
  • The entire structure is waterproof.
  • Resistance to corrosion under the influence of aggressive substances and water.

Disadvantages of plastic barrels:

  • Reliable fastening of the barrels to the bottom of the pit is required.
  • There is a risk of the barrels floating outwards if installed incorrectly.
  • During the cold season, the plastic material of the tank may be compressed.

As you can see, anyone can make a septic tank from plastic barrels. Once again, it is worth remembering that such a septic tank is only relevant for seasonal use. Permanent residence will require more than reliable design. We will be interested in your experience in making a septic tank from plastic barrels with your own hands. Leave comments and feedback at the end of this article. And if you still have questions or certain uncertainties, ask our expert.


From the provided video material, you can see the principle of creating a septic tank from plastic barrels using the example of Eurocubes:

Today you can easily purchase a ready-made industrial septic tank or build capital treatment plants yourself. But if you need to organize temporary sewerage or wastewater volume in country house is small, simpler and more affordable solutions can be used. For example, build DIY septic tank from plastic barrels . Such a treatment plant will help make life more comfortable and at the same time cope well with the wastewater treatment tasks assigned to it.

Building a house is quite a long process. In order not to give up your usual amenities during construction, you can build a temporary local sewer system - a homemade septic tank. It can be assembled from two 200 liter plastic barrels.

To build such an installation, you can use old, but leak-free plastic barrels. Usage metal barrels impractical, since the metal is quickly destroyed by sewage. An installation made from metal barrels will not last long.

A septic tank made from barrels is easy installation, but it is still more convenient than a cesspool or storage tank. Such a septic tank purifies rather than heats the water, so the need for pumping occurs less frequently.

When can you build a septic tank from barrels?

Today there are many different models of septic tanks offered by manufacturers. But they are all quite expensive to build, so in some cases it is advisable not to spend money, but to assemble a septic tank using plastic barrels. The advantages of this option include:

  • Cheapness. To construct the chambers, you can use used plastic containers with a capacity of 200-250 liters;
  • Simplicity of the device. The construction work of such a septic tank is not complicated.

The main disadvantage of a septic tank assembled from barrels is the limited volume of chambers. The small volume that a septic tank has from barrels is the reason that there will be a need for frequent pumping of sediment.

Advice! It is clear that with a chamber volume equal to the volume of the barrel (200 or 250 liters), the amount of waste should be minimal.

A septic tank assembled from barrels is perfect in the following cases:

  • Dachas that are used only as a place for periodic recreation. That is, dachas where permanent residence not planned;
  • Traditional baths (without a swimming pool, jacuzzi and toilet), in this case, the septic tank will not require frequent pumping;
  • For construction sheds as temporary installations.

Planning stage

Even the construction of such a simple installation as a septic tank assembled from two barrels must begin with planning. You should choose the location of the septic tank, and also draw up a diagram of the future treatment plant.

Choosing an installation location

Just like any other local sewerage installation, the septic tank should be located at a distance from the well or well from which production is made. drinking water. In addition, the septic tank must be located at least 5 meters from the foundation of a residential building and 1 meter from other structures on the site (bathhouse, garage, etc.).

The possibility of pumping out sediment should also be considered. If a sewage truck will be used for pumping, access to the septic tank must be provided.

Selecting an installation scheme

If the cottage will be used by 2-3 vacationers, then you can choose the following septic tank design:

  • Two or three barrels connected in series, the last of which has no bottom and serves as a filter well;
  • Each subsequent barrel is located 10 cm lower than the previous one;
  • The barrels are connected by overflow pipes. The pipe entering the septic tank is located 10 cm above the exit pipe;
  • Under the first two barrels, which are used as settling tanks, sand cushion made of sand 10 cm high;
  • Under the last barrel, which has no bottom, a 30-centimeter cushion of crushed stone and a 50-centimeter cushion of sand are first made. This layer is used for final purification of water that is absorbed into the soil;
  • If the soil waters are high on the site and installing a filter well is not possible, it is necessary to construct filtration fields.

Materials for the construction of a septic tank

  • Two barrels made of plastic, 250 liters in volume. If you plan to install a filtration well, you will need another barrel without a bottom. The use of metal barrels is possible if a temporary sewer system is being built that will be used for several months.
  • Fine crushed stone – the size of individual elements is 1.8-3.5 cm;
  • Geotextiles;
  • Sewer pipes having a diameter of 110 mm;
  • Drainage pipes for the construction of filtration fields;
  • Angles for connecting pipes.

Septic tank installation

Let's look at how a septic tank assembled from barrels should be installed.

Barrel preparation

  • It is necessary to prepare a hole for connecting inlet and outlet pipes. In the first barrel you need to make a hole for the incoming pipe at a distance of 20 cm from the top lid of the barrel. The inlet hole is made on the opposite side of the barrel, moving it 10 cm down relative to the first;

  • In addition, you need to make a hole in the first barrel for the ventilation riser. It is better to make the lid of the first barrel removable, since it is in this chamber that solid waste will accumulate the most, so it will need to be cleaned regularly;
  • In the second settling barrel, the hole for the incoming pipe is made at a distance of 20 cm from the top cover. The outlet pipe is located on the opposite side of the barrel, 10 cm above the hole inlet pipe. If drainage pipes leading to the filtration fields are connected to the barrel, then it is better to make two holes in it, located at an angle of 45 degrees to each other.

Pit preparation

  • The pit should be larger in size than the barrels. The gap between the walls of the barrels and the sides of the pit should be about 25 cm around the entire perimeter;
  • The bottom of the pit must be well compacted, after which a sand cushion 10 cm high should be made;

  • If possible, fill the bottom of the pit concrete mortar. Embedded metal parts with loops to secure the barrels should be installed in the concrete;

Advice! If a septic tank from barrels is being built as a permanently operating installation, then it is recommended to secure the barrels to a concrete slab using bandage belts. If this is not done, then in the spring during a flood the barrels may float and destroy the entire sewer system.

  • When preparing the pit, you need to remember that each subsequent chamber was located lower than the previous one. That is, the outlet pipe of the previous chamber should be at the level of the inlet of the next one.

Installation of a septic tank

  • The barrels are installed in prepared places, pipes are connected to them;
  • Backfilling of containers is carried out using a mixture of sand and dry cement powder. This backfill will protect the septic tank from damage due to seasonal soil movements;
  • Backfilling must be done very carefully so as not to damage the joints of the pipes with the chambers;

  • Having poured about 30 cm of the mixture, you need to compact it well around the perimeter of the barrel. Then you can start filling the next layer;
  • Simultaneously with filling, you need to fill the barrels with water. Filling the containers with water will prevent deformation of the plastic walls when backfilling.

Construction of soil treatment plants

In order for the water settled in settling chambers to be completely cleared of impurities and contaminants, it is necessary to build filtration fields or a filtration well.

Construction of a filtration well

  • To construct a filtration well, you can use a barrel without a bottom. Additionally, it is recommended to make holes in the bottom of the barrel;
  • Before installing the prepared container, sand is poured into the pit, the layer height is 50 cm. Then you need to pour crushed stone, the height of the layer is 30 cm. The diameter of the backfill layer should be 50 cm larger than the diameter of the barrel in all directions from the side of the barrel;
  • After installing the container in place, it should be filled to a third of its height with crushed stone.

Constructing filter fields

  • Trenches are dug for installation drainage pipes. The trenches must be prepared so that the pipe lies on a slope. The slope size is 2 cm per meter of length;
  • When building a septic tank from barrels, as a rule, the aeration field is constructed from two drainage pipes diverted from the second settling chamber;
  • Ditches prepared for laying pipes are covered with geotextile fabric so that the side sections of the material cover the sides;
  • A thirty-centimeter layer of crushed stone is poured on top of the geotest, on which drainage pipes are laid;

Advice! You can purchase already perforated pipes or make holes in regular pipes intended for assembling systems external sewerage. In the latter case, you will need to drill holes for water outlet yourself.

  • The pipes are covered with crushed stone on top, and then the whole thing is wrapped in geotextiles. The fabric is wrapped so that an overlap of 10 cm wide is formed;
  • The last stage of work is backfilling the trenches with soil.

So, a septic tank made from plastic barrels is an inexpensive and practical solution for a bath, construction shed or dachas. This installation cleans wastewater and does not require frequent pumping.

Do-it-yourself septic tank from barrels for a country house

One of the simplest treatment facilities that you can build with your own hands is a septic tank made from (plastic) barrels. This type of septic tank is affordable.

Plastic barrels: building a budget septic tank

In the conditions of country life, arrangement autonomous sewerage is as urgent a need as keeping your home clean drinking water from a well or well.

One of the most important components for local sewerage is a storage tank or septic tank designed to collect human waste and wastewater. There are several types of septic tanks. This could be a well made of concrete rings with additional sealing, old barrels dug into the ground, or modern system biological treatment. Each owner selects the type of septic tank that suits his needs.

An important factor is the cost of such a structure and the entire sewer system as a whole.

Description and principle of operation

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to purchase an expensive treatment facility. And in In some cases there is no need for it at all. For example, if you plan to seasonally collect wastewater at your dacha, entering the sewer system from a bathhouse or any temporary building. The owners quite reasonably believe that in the above cases there is no point in spending a lot of money on construction work or purchasing a biological treatment station. You can get by with an old container - a tank or a barrel.

With the spread and growing popularity of plastic products, the choice has become much easier.

On the farm or, as a last resort, on the market there is always a suitable plastic barrel that can be used as country septic tank. You can dig either one barrel or several into the ground, connecting them to each other according to the principle of communicating vessels. In a design of several barrels, sewage water will be purified more efficiently. And the capacity of the septic tank will increase significantly.

From the three-chamber structure, filtered and settled water can be discharged through drains onto the lawn or garden, thereby moistening the soil near the root system of plants. Of course, the water in such septic tanks will not be completely purified. Therefore, three-chamber structures are used only when working with relatively clean sewage water draining by gravity from bathhouses, showers and temporary buildings.

If fecal matter, water from kitchen sinks or dishwashers and washing machines are discharged into the sewer system, it will not be possible to purify the water in a filtering septic tank from several barrels. In these cases, it is advisable to use a large-volume sealed container.

The operating principle of a septic tank made from barrels is quite simple. The containers are dug into the ground below the level of the sewer pipes. Waste enters the septic tank by gravity. Depending on the degree of contamination of wastewater, a sealed barrel or a system of barrels is used, followed by filtration of purified water into the ground.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like anything engineering structure, a septic tank made from plastic barrels has its pros and cons.

The advantages include:

  • relative low cost of construction;
  • ease of installation and operation;
  • resistance to aggressive environments and low temperatures.
  • the relatively small capacity of the septic tank (especially if the first old small container that comes to hand is used);
  • the likelihood of the container being squeezed out when the ground freezes.

Design Features

The selected barrel or several containers are buried in the ground below the level of the sewer pipes. This is done to ensure gravity flow. The pipes are laid with a slight slope towards the storage or filter tank.

To serve the family from three people in the summer, you will need a container with a capacity of not less than 200-250 liters. If several barrels are used, they are installed in one line and connected in series to each other via overflow pipes. Moreover, each of the containers is buried 15-20 centimeters below the previous one (the so-called stepped arrangement), which ensures a slope between the incoming and outgoing pipes.

Typically, the first two containers are used for settling, and the third is used to filter clarified water into the soil. Accordingly, the first containers are always sealed, and the last one has a perforated bottom and is filled halfway broken brick or other filter material. A special cushion of crushed stone and sand is installed under the filter tank. 50 cm of sand and 30 cm of crushed stone are poured into the pit.

This bottom filling provides additional filtration sewer water. And in areas with high level For groundwater, it is recommended to build a drainage field instead of a filter well, to which water is discharged using a drain system.

If the sewage system is not actively used, as mentioned above, it is enough to install one sealed barrel, from which the water will be regularly pumped out by a drainage or fecal pump.

DIY installation

This is done in case of depressurization of the sewer drain. Spilled dirty water poses a risk to human health and can pollute the environment.

A distance of 50 meters should separate the septic tank from any source of drinking water. From rivers and streams - 10, and from public reservoirs 30 meters. There are also requirements for placement relative to roads and even fruit trees. The septic tank is installed 5 meters from the road and buildings, and 3 meters from garden plants.

  • digging a pit and trenches for pipes;
  • backfilling the sand cushion and sloping the trenches;
  • filling concrete base in the pit;
  • installation of barrels;
  • connecting pipes (sewer products with a diameter of 10-11 cm are used, which are connected by pipes using sealant);
  • backfill (a sand-cement mixture is used for the pit around the barrel).

Important points and mistakes

Common installation mistakes include:

  • Failure to comply with the slope of the pipes. As a result, sewage water cannot move by gravity.
  • There are several sharp turns. The more bends in the pipeline, the higher the likelihood of sewer clogging.
  • Failure to comply with the stepwise burial of two- and three-chamber septic tanks. This engineering error leads to poor drainage of water between the chambers of the structure.

We use a 250-liter barrel as a septic tank to collect water from a bathhouse in the country. We bought a new one because we couldn’t find a plastic container that was the right size at home.

When connecting the barrels to each other, keep the slope! We made a mistake at first, and the water in the first barrel began to stagnate. An unpleasant odor appeared. It is necessary that the inlet for connection be made 20 centimeters from the edge of the barrel, and the outlet at thirty centimeters - 10 centimeters lower.

Very comfortable and cheap septic tank. I used several old barrels. In the latter I installed a filter. There are no problems with operation - the liquid goes into the soil itself.

Selection and installation diagram

  • Barrels can be of any size. However, when choosing, it is important to consider the number of family members.
  • A 250 liter capacity is enough for a family of two or three people.
  • The product should not have too thin walls.
  • Installation is carried out in compliance with all sanitary standards (the distance to residential buildings, sources of drinking water, roads is maintained).
  • It is not advisable to use containers with a capacity of less than 200 liters.

Installation work includes:

  1. Preliminary preparation of barrels - sawing holes for pipes. A hole is cut into the lid of the first container ventilation window for the riser through which air will flow.
  2. Preparation of the pit - backfilling with a sand cushion, pouring a concrete base with metal brackets for fastening containers.
  3. Installation of barrels and connection of pipes. Silicone cannot be used as a sealant!
  4. Backfilling of the pit and compaction of the cement-sand mixture.


To ensure uninterrupted operation of the sewerage system, it is necessary:

  • avoid clogging of pipes;
  • regularly clean the first chamber (tank) of the septic tank from accumulated solid waste;
  • carefully insulate the cover of the first chamber, equipped with a ventilation hole.

Subject to these simple rules The septic tank will serve its owners for several decades, because plastic barrels have increased strength and reliability in operation.

Septic tank made of plastic barrels - an economical solution

Septic tank technical specifications for plastic barrels: its operating principle, what are the advantages of designs made from plastic barrels. How to choose a barrel, typical mistakes during installation

DIY septic tank from barrels

DIY septic tank from barrels

Country house, small sauna, a summer camp site or temporary living quarters, equipped for the period of construction of a capital structure, will not be comfortable enough for living without a sewerage system. But purchasing an expensive local treatment plant is not always advisable.

Plastic barrels for the construction of a septic tank

As alternative solution You can consider a simple septic tank made of lightweight polymer barrels, which are very easy to bring to the site and install with your own hands in a short time. There are also metal barrels, but due to exposure of this material corrosion, their use is not recommended. Wooden containers are even less durable. Their service life is no more than two seasons.

Operating principle

Since a septic tank is a system in which household wastewater and waste not only accumulate, but are treated. For construction, you will need two or three barrels, which will become loading and secondary cleaning chambers. To make the system as efficient as possible, it is worth thinking about installing a drainage or storage well into which purified water from the septic tank will flow.

Approximate diagram of a septic tank made of barrels

Let's consider the principle of operation of a two-chamber septic tank made of barrels, equipped with a storage well.

  1. Used water (from the shower, toilet, etc.) enters the plumbing drain hole, from where it flows by gravity through the internal and external sewerage pipes into the first loading barrel-chamber.
  2. The first chamber is called a “settlement tank”, since here, with the participation of constantly acting gravitational forces, wastewater settles. Light fractions and fats float to the top, heavy particles precipitate. In the center of the container, a layer of primary purified technical liquid is formed, which is transported through the overflow pipe into the second chamber-barrel.
  3. The second post-treatment chamber is designed for better treatment of wastewater. Here, in an airless environment, colonies of microorganisms “work” (they are formed 2-5 weeks after the system is put into operation). For greater efficiency Bioseptic preparations can be loaded into the post-treatment chamber, allowing you to quickly decompose all sewage into water, sediment that falls to the bottom, as well as gases escaping through the ventilation pipe.
  4. The degree of purification in the first two chambers can reach 80-90%. To increase the quality of cleaning, you can install another septic tank chamber, which will work on the principle of a post-treatment chamber. If the result suits you, then this measure is not relevant, and technically purified water will be transferred to a storage well.
  5. The storage well has a sealed bottom, preventing water from penetrating into the ground. Disposal of liquid from the well is carried out using a sewer truck or drain pump subject to installation of filters.

Instead of a storage well, you can install a filter (drainage) well. In this case, all the liquid enters the well container, where, passing through a crushed stone filter, it is absorbed into the soil. The method is not applicable at high groundwater levels and clay soil types with low filtration capacity.

Where to start?

Any sewerage construction requires a minimum design. As prescribed by the standards, cleaning chambers must not only be located at a distance from green spaces (at least 3 meters), the foundation of the house (5-10 m), reservoirs and wells (30-50 m), but also at the same time be located within the reach of a sewer truck. place. Of course, if you plan to carry out preventive cleaning of the septic tank with a drainage pump or bucket, the last rule loses its relevance.

Pay attention! The septic tank should not be too far from the building to avoid the need to lay an excessively long pipeline. It is also not recommended to plan the laying of pipes with turns, as this may cause pipe clogging and an additional need for installing a rotary (inspection) well. The best option– a septic tank located 7-10 meters from the house and connected to the system internal sewerage direct pipeline Ø110 mm. For a pipe section of 10 meters slope (the difference between the opposite ends of the pipe) will be 20 cm.

It is important to have information about soil type and groundwater levels. The nuances of installation and the method of disposal of the purified liquid will depend on this.

Septic tanks differ from conventional sewage systems in the volume of wastewater processed. If when connecting to central system the volume of water consumption does not matter, then small installation from barrels implies economical use of water (maximum washbasin, shower and toilet). At the same time, about connection washing machine there is no longer any talk. A three-chamber septic tank with a volume of about 250 liters is quite suitable for temporary living arrangements for 2-3 people. For more users, it is recommended to choose larger capacity barrels.

It is also theoretically necessary to register the fact of installing a septic tank in the SES, but this design from casks is unlikely to be approved, so obtaining official approval is left to the discretion of the owners.

Preparation of materials and tools

After creating a project for a future mini-sewage system and the associated calculations (distance from the house, length of pipes, dimensions of the pit for barrels, slope), you should start purchasing all the necessary elements of the septic tank, consumables and tools.

  1. Polymer barrels (2 or 3), plus plastic corrugated pipe or an additional barrel for a well.
  2. Sewer covers for septic tanks.

Sewer covers for septic tanks

Sewer pipes 110 mm

For installation you will also need: sand, fine crushed stone (no more than 4 cm), glue for PVC assembly structures, sealant ( epoxy base), rubber seals for connecting pipes to septic tanks, pegs and cord, building level and a tape measure, a shovel, a turbine (grinder).

If the groundwater level is high, you will need to pour a concrete base, for which you need to prepare: cement, a mixing container, an electric mixer, fittings (loop-shaped fastenings), cables for fastening the barrels.

Container for mixing cement mortar

If the soil is very crumbling, formwork will be needed; it is organized from unnecessary boards or metal mesh with a fine mesh.

Additional thermal insulation materials: insulation for a sewer pipe, polystyrene foam or penoplex for a septic tank.

How to make a septic tank from barrels with your own hands?

Find out how easy it is to arrange life in your dacha and save money on it. Do-it-yourself septic tank from barrels: step by step instructions, selection of materials, installation tips.

An example of a homemade septic tank made from plastic barrels

It is impractical to purchase an expensive factory-made septic tank for installing an autonomous sewer system on a summer cottage, which is used only in the summer. There is a simple way to solve this problem that does not require large financial costs. You can build a septic tank with your own hands from barrels by combining several into one system plastic containers of various volumes. Previously, such structures were made from metal barrels. However, with the advent of lightweight plastic products on the market, metal structures are used less and less. The operation of such a sewerage facility is possible only with a small amount of liquid waste. In practice, a homemade septic tank made from barrels is installed to collect wastewater from bathhouses and temporary buildings.

Requirements for the installation site of the septic tank

When choosing a location for installing plastic containers for collecting sewage waste, they are guided by the sanitary standards and rules in force in Russia. We have to endure required distances from the septic tank to wells and wells used to collect drinking water, as well as to the foundations of nearby buildings. It is recommended to retreat at least 5 meters from the house, and you can retreat at least one meter from the garage and bathhouse.

Requirements for choosing the location of a homemade septic tank in relation to other life support facilities for people living or vacationing outside the city

Approximate installation diagram for plastic containers

If no more than three people live in a country house in the summer, then two or three plastic barrels will be needed to build a septic tank. The volume of these containers must be at least 250 liters. Barrels connected in series to each other using overflow pipes are installed in one line. Holes are cut in the plastic walls of the containers for installing overflow pipes. At the same time, it is taken into account that the pipe leaving the chamber should be located 10 centimeters lower than the incoming one. The depth of placement of each subsequent container should be 10-15 cm greater than the previous chamber (stepped arrangement).

Two sealed barrels are designed to settle wastewater, and the third with a cut out bottom is adapted for a drainage well for natural filtration of clarified water. The first two chambers are installed on 10-centimeter sand pads, well compacted and level. The third chamber (drainage well) is placed on a layer of crushed stone, 30 cm thick, which is poured onto a 50 cm layer of sand. This sand and gravel filter allows for additional treatment of wastewater that goes into the ground. In areas with high groundwater levels, filtration fields are installed instead of a drainage well.

The simplest diagram of a homemade septic tank, which can be built from plastic barrels, concrete rings, galvanized containers, etc.

List of required materials for installation

If a septic tank is being built from plastic barrels with an aeration field, then the following building materials and equipment will be required:

  • fine-grained crushed stone (fraction size 1.8-3.5 cm);
  • geotextile fabric;
  • a pair of plastic barrels with a volume of 250 l;
  • sewer pipes orange color diameter 110 mm;
  • tees and angles for connecting pipes at different angles;
  • perforated pipes intended for drainage;
  • couplings, flanges;
  • glue for PVC pipes;
  • two-component epoxy sealant;
  • Plumbing tape.

The tools you will need are a level, a shovel, a rake, and a jigsaw. In addition to the listed devices and tools manual labor Wooden pegs are also useful when marking the area for a septic tank and filtration field.

Features of installation work

First, using a jigsaw, holes are cut in the barrels for installing overflow pipes and a ventilation riser. The hole intended for connecting the incoming pipe into the chamber is made at a distance of 20 cm from the top edge of the container. The outlet hole is made on the opposite side of the chamber 10 cm lower than the inlet hole, that is, at a distance of 30 cm from the top edge of the barrel.

Installing the overflow pipe into the hole cut in the first plastic settling barrel and filling the gap with two-part epoxy sealant

The ventilation riser for removing gases is installed only in the first settling barrel. It is also advisable to provide this chamber with a removable lid, which allows periodic cleaning of the bottom from settled solid particles. In the second settling barrel, two holes are made at the bottom, located at an angle of 45 degrees relative to each other, to connect drainage pipes laid along the filtration field.

Important! Gaps in the holes formed due to loose contact between the pipes and the walls of the barrel are filled with two-component epoxy sealant.

Stage #1 - calculation of dimensions and construction of the pit

When calculating the dimensions of the pit, it is assumed that there should be a gap of 25 cm around the entire perimeter between the barrels and its walls. This gap will subsequently be filled with a dry sand-cement mixture, which will serve to protect the walls of the septic tank from damage during seasonal soil movement.

If you have the funds, the bottom under the settling chambers can be filled with concrete mortar, providing the “cushion” with embedded metal parts with loops that will serve to secure plastic containers. Such fastening will not allow the barrels to “float” through the veins, and thereby disrupt the equipped autonomous sewage system.

The stepped bottom of the pit must be leveled and covered with a layer of compacted sand, the thickness of which must be at least 10 cm

Stage #2 - installation of plastic containers

Barrels are placed on the prepared bottom of the pit and secured with straps to metal loops embedded in concrete. All pipes are connected and gaps in the holes are sealed. Fill the remaining space between the walls of the pit and the containers with a mixture of cement and sand, not forgetting to compact them layer by layer. As the pit is filled with backfill, water is poured into the containers to prevent deformation of the walls of the barrels under the pressure of the sand-cement mixture.

Preparing the hole in the second settling barrel to connect the overflow pipe. In this version, the flange is connected not from the side, but from the top

Stage #3 - setting up a filtration field

In the immediate vicinity of the septic tank, a trench 60-70 cm deep is dug, the dimensions of which should allow the placement of two perforated pipes. The bottom and walls of the trench are lined with geotextile fabric with a reserve that is necessary to cover pipes covered with crushed stone on top.

A 30-centimeter layer of crushed stone is poured onto the geotextile and leveled bulk material and compact

Drainage pipes are laid with perforations in the walls, which are connected to the second settling barrel. Then another 10 cm of crushed stone is poured on top of the pipes, leveled and the backfill is covered with geotextile fabric so that the edges overlap each other by 15-20 cm. Next, all that remains is to fill the filtration field with soil and decorate this place with lawn grass.

As you can see, any summer resident can make a septic tank from barrels. Just remember that this building designed for the collection and disposal of small amounts of liquid household waste.

Homemade septic tank from plastic barrels: do it yourself

Selecting plastic containers for making a homemade septic tank: video. Diagram of a simple septic tank made from plastic barrels for a summer house or bathhouse.


Since, due to this, the size of the cesspool is limited, it is permissible to use metal barrels only in summer cottages, where it is not planned to live permanently, and the amount of wastewater will be small. A small sewage tank would be inappropriate in a house where several people live permanently.

The main advantage of metal containers is their high strength, due to which they can withstand severe mechanical loads.

However, they have many more disadvantages, which is why their use is limited:

Advantages of barrels made of polymer materials:

  • corrosion resistance, so the containers can last 30-50 years;
  • high mechanical strength, which is almost similar to metal products;
  • most types of plastic are resistant to aggressive chemical compounds that are part of sewage;
  • The plastic sewer barrel is completely sealed and does not require additional waterproofing.

However, such containers also have significant drawback– despite their large volume, their weight is insignificant. For this reason, the tank can be pushed to the surface under the influence of groundwater or frost heaving of the soil. Therefore, the construction of a septic tank requires that the sewer tank be well secured.

How to bury a tank with your own hands

Before burying a sewer container, you need to decide on its location. There are certain sanitary standards regarding the distance to residential buildings, water sources, site boundaries. It would be a good idea to entrust the choice of location for installing a septic tank to a specialist who will take into account the location of buildings on the site, communications, groundwater level and other nuances.

A plastic barrel for sewerage is installed in a pre-prepared pit; its dimensions must be larger than the tank. Thanks to this, if necessary, it will be possible to insulate the structure and securely fasten the barrel. The depth of the pit should be such that the inlet and inlet sewer pipe were on the same level.

How to bury a barrel under a sewer, procedure:

  1. At the bottom of the pit, a crushed stone or sand cushion more than 20 centimeters thick is created.
  2. After this, the base is concreted, and a frame with anchors or hinges is installed for further attachment of the container.
  3. After 5-7 days, the concrete foundation becomes strong enough and the barrel can be installed.
  4. The container is attached to the foundation using steel strips or a bandage of cables.
  5. If necessary, the septic tank is insulated with polyurethane foam or extruded polystyrene foam (read: "").
  6. Before backfilling the soil, the container must be filled to a certain level. During this work, it is important to take into account the manufacturer’s recommendations - depending on what polymer material the barrel is made of, the features backfill may vary.
  7. The barrel is connected to all inlet and outlet communications, ventilation pipe, after which it is finally covered with soil.
Currently, containers made of polymer materials are the most common - this is due to their advantages over metal products. An important role in this is played by their durability and ease of installation.

Sewerage from barrels is created quite simply with your own hands, which makes it possible to save on the services of specialists. If the barrel was securely fastened, and all installation requirements were followed, including the manufacturer’s recommendations, then the container can last for several decades.

In a country house that is rarely used, an expensive industrial septic tank is usually not installed. An alternative is wastewater treatment plants made from inexpensive plastic or metal barrels. The article talks about design features similar structures.

Manufacturers offer cleaning devices with different capacities and a wide range of price range. Many owners summer cottages prefer to make them with their own hands. This option is in demand for good reasons:

  • saving money - purchasing material at a low cost, including used ones, choosing where it is cheaper;
  • use of existing containers on the farm;
  • the possibility of using a modular scheme - options for future changes and additions are calculated in advance.

Review by Golodov A.N. At the dacha, I first built a septic tank from barrels for the toilet. Then I connected the bathhouse, kitchen, and washing machine. To do this, I prepared the connection points in advance: I cut the pipes into containers and plugged them for a while.

How does a wastewater treatment plant work?

The homemade design consists of several containers located nearby. They are connected by pipes. Sections are filled sequentially, which is achieved by installing the overflow at different heights. Wastewater treatment occurs mechanically:

  • large particles settle in the first barrel;
  • the clarified liquid from the filled container flows into the second;
  • it can be final and serve to filter liquid into the soil;
  • with a three-chamber version of the septic tank, additional treatment occurs in the same way as in the first section.

The bottom of the last barrel is cut out and a backfill of crushed stone, gravel or sand is made, which serves as a filter. Layer thickness up to one meter. The first containers remain sealed.

This is what it looks like two-chamber septic tank with exit to the filter field

Removing clarified wastewater into the ground provides optimal results, but if groundwater is close, the method is unacceptable. To ensure environmental safety, a filtration field is installed. These are perforated pipes insulated with geotextiles that are buried in trenches. The exit is made from the last chamber.

The most common and efficient scheme of three sections. If the drains are kitchen or come from a bathhouse, two containers are enough for the washing machine. Such waste can also be cleaned immediately in the last chamber by connecting pipes directly to it, bypassing the previous ones.

Important! The drainage from the toilet must be filtered according to a complete scheme.

Characteristics and cost of materials

Plastic or metal containers are suitable for sewage. To anticipate possible errors in installation, you should know about the advantages and disadvantages of materials. The comparison table will help you figure it out:

Plastic Metal
Pros Cons Advantages Flaws
Light weight, easy to ship and install It is required to be securely fixed to the foundation so that the spring flood does not destroy the system Robust design, no additional fastening required
Frost can compress the container Tough, not afraid of exposure to cold
Completely sealed Waterproof if the walls and bottom are intact
Are not afraid of corrosion and harmful effects chemicals contained in wastewater Over time they are destroyed by rust, the service life depends on the reliability of treatment with an anti-corrosion compound

Mostly products made from other liquids are used, which are sold wholesale and individually. Prices for used ones are low. There are few manufacturers of new barrels for the construction of a small septic tank.

It is better to buy unwashed barrels of fuel and lubricants. They form a film on the inner surface that protects against corrosion.

Manager of the Second-Tara company V.N. Martynov

Cost table for 200 liter barrels:

Correct choice of volume and location of construction

Standardized water consumption is 200 liters per day per person. The capacity of the septic tank is calculated for 72 hours. During this time, a structure of three 200-liter barrels processes this volume. If you regularly use water in large quantities, this is enough for one person. In fact, consumption is lower and can be reduced by using, for example, a shower rather than a bath. Structures of this type are used mainly for summer cottages with temporary residence or for bathhouses. The volume is increased by installing three chambers rather than two.

The larger the camera capacity, the further its location from the house

The second requirement concerns sanitary rules. Distance from wells or boreholes is 30–50 meters, fruit-bearing trees, berry bushes, vegetable garden - 3 m. To the road - 5 meters.

Preparing everything necessary for construction

Purchase materials. The main ones include:

  • sewer pipes 110 mm;
  • fittings, turns for the main - the quantity is determined by the project;
  • barrels.

It is advisable to buy thick-walled containers in order to achieve a rigid connection with the pipes. WITH thin material The seal may be compromised due to soil pressure.

Others are purchasing consumables. They take care of the insulation of the chambers in advance to protect them from freezing - they buy thermal insulation. Need seam sealant . It is recommended to use automotive polyurethane, silicone is short-lived. The foundation for a barrel requires cement, sand, and crushed stone. The reinforcement can be made from any iron rods; there is no need to weld, just twist it with wire. Sand is required without clay and organic impurities.

After choosing a location and purchasing materials, construction begins.

Construction of a septic tank from plastic barrels

They start by preparing the containers. In one filtration chamber, cut out the bottom using a jigsaw or grinder. All chambers are connected by pipes, so holes with a diameter of 110 mm are cut out in the sidewalls. The entrance hole to the first container is located higher, all the others are 10–20 cm lower than the previous one.

If you plan to build a filtration field, then two holes are cut in the last barrel at an angle of 45° to one another. Drainage pipes are subsequently connected here.

The depth of each trench exceeds the previous one by 10 cm

Having outlined circles whose diameter is 25 cm larger than the size of the barrels, they begin to dig a pit. All containers are placed on the same line with a distance of 30 cm between them. First, dig a hole for the first barrel.

The bottom of the first sealed pits is covered with a 10 cm thick layer of sand and compacted. Next, the reinforcement is laid, slightly raised above the surface. The ends of the rods are bent and brought above the expected thickness of the concrete. Barrels are then tied to them, or the second option is used, when the hooks are filled with solution.

Advice. Alternative option– threaded rods. Hooks are made from them, metal plates are secured with nuts in a straight section, and fixed in cement mortar.

The last chamber is filtration. It is covered with a layer river sand 30 cm, on top - crushed stone or pebbles, expanded clay. The total thickness is adjusted to 0.8–1 m.

Start assembling the barrels:

  1. Install containers in pits. They are fixed to the foundation using one of the methods described above and insulated.
  2. Cover with removable lids. They serve to pump out wastewater when necessary.
  3. Ventilation is constructed above the barrels from a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm. Minimum quantity– above the first, but it’s better to supply everything. Then the unpleasant smell will not be heard.
  4. The containers are connected by pipes, observing the slope. All joints are coated with sealant. If it is automotive, the surface can be painted.

Hatches are raised above the surface to a height of 20 cm

Fill the pit with dry sand and cement. It is important to guard against mistakes. To prevent it from being crushed, add a little water into the barrel, fill the space layer by layer with the mixture and tamp it down.

Features of installation of metal barrels

It is easier and cheaper to purchase iron containers, especially if they have been used before, than plastic ones. Installation is almost no different, the procedure is the same. Larger volume chambers are constructed from metal barrels, stacked one on top of the other. You will need a welding machine and the ability to use it so as not to involve outside help. Stiffening ribs are installed at the connection points. Their absence sometimes leads to squeezing of the container, especially with thin walls.

The volume of the septic tank is doubled by placing one barrel on top of another

You can use plastic pipes by sealing the seams with sealant. To cut holes, it is better to use a jigsaw and a metal file. It is more difficult to achieve a round shape with a grinder. Before installation in pits, protect the surfaces on both sides with bitumen or anti-corrosion paint. It is advisable to remove rust earlier. Anchoring the containers is not necessary, but it is better to do it - it is not difficult and easier than with a plastic barrel.

Answers to questions

Question No. 1. Is it necessary to secure the filtration chamber, since there is no foundation at the bottom?

It is better to fix it to avoid being squeezed out by frost or soil waters. It is done in a slightly different way. 3-4 iron rods are driven into the bottom. A barrel is tied to them with belts.
