Cleaning the septic tank from sludge. Proper cleaning of a septic tank, how to clean a septic tank yourself? How to deal with siltation of a septic tank

Due to the influence of microorganisms, active septic tanks do not require special care and systematic cleaning. But still, the time comes when the accumulated sediment becomes too much and needs to be removed. To determine how often to clean a septic tank, you need to be guided by factors such as: frequency of sewer use, design and volume of the septic tank. Basically, this cleaning period ranges from 1 to 3 years.

Since active bacteria play the role of an assistant in the processing of sewage, cleaning a septic tank is not difficult. Let's take a closer look at how to clean a septic tank and all the methods for cleaning it.

Microorganisms living in the septic tank perfectly process all sediment, so there are no hard deposits or crusts in the pit. This makes cleaning easier and liquid can be quickly pumped out with a fecal or drainage pump.

In private houses with large land plot Processed sewage can be pumped directly into the ground. The pumped out liquid is completely processed by bacteria and can be used to water plants. If the pumping will not be carried out to the garden, then you should dig a hole away from the wells with drinking water and courtyard buildings. Using a drainage pump, pump out all the liquid and begin cleaning the sludge.

Do-it-yourself septic tank cleaning is done using a ladle and buckets. Can also be applied vacuum pump or call a sewer truck. The sediment processed by bacteria does not have the smell of sewage, so it is placed in compost pit and let it rot. For homestead farming, such fertilizer will be of great benefit. It must be remembered that after cleaning, about 20% of the sludge should remain. The residue promotes the growth of bacteria in new sewage coming from the sewer.

Flushing the septic tank

There are septic tank designs with sludge pipes for drainage. In this case, the liquid along with the sediment is drained by gravity after opening the drain valve. After cleaning the septic tank, you need to start washing the filter. The filler contained in the filter is washed away from dirt by water pressure. The washing procedure is performed at least twice a year.

This is followed by washing the drainage pipes with high pressure water, which is also performed 2 times a year. This should be done to clean the drainage holes and is done through the ventilation fungus. If the length of the sewer is too long, then there must certainly be an inspection well. You can also flush the system from the well.

There is also an automated cleaning method. It provides for the removal of sediment when replacing a removable tank, if it is included in the design. During wastewater treatment, all heavy impurities settle into the storage tank. The fullness of the tank is determined visually, and after filling, it is replaced with an empty one.

Effective methods for dealing with septic tank blockages

  1. Along with mechanical cleaning of the septic tank, biological cleaning is used. It is performed by bacteria that are introduced into the septic tank. Active microorganisms are developed specifically for the biological processing of fecal matter and do not pose a danger to people, animals and plants. They are added directly to the septic tank chamber and, multiplying, begin to process the contents of the septic tank to a liquid state. At the bottom of the septic tank, the sediment is loosened and completely recycled. This is how a kind of biological cleaning of the septic tank occurs. To maintain the vital activity of microorganisms, it is unacceptable for cleaning agents containing chlorine and manganese to enter the sewer system. These chemical elements harmful to bacteria. If chlorine waste gets in, it is necessary to add new bacteria to the septic tank and add clean water. If the mass in the septic tank becomes thick or a crust forms on top, you should also add bacteria.
  2. Ingress of solids into drainage pipes, and protects them from clogging. One end of the tee should be submerged in water, and the other should be on the surface. In case of crust formation, solids will not end up in the drainage.
  3. Detrimental effects on the septic tank are performed waste water caught during rain or melting snow. Bacteria cannot cope with processing, and acid is formed, which slows down the life processes of microorganisms. Therefore, after cleaning the inspection wells, do not forget to close the hatches tightly and repair the damaged well in a timely manner. Ensure that as little debris and wastewater enters the contents of the septic tank as possible.

As you can see, cleaning a septic tank with your own hands, as well as maintaining it, is not very difficult. Proper Use and timely maintenance will ensure the cleanliness of the pipeline. Timely prevention and cleaning of clogged areas will save you from unnecessary repairs.


This video shows how to clean a Topas septic tank:

The septic tank allows you to cleanse various contaminants huge volumes of water. But it itself begins to need cleaning from time to time, because silt or other solid waste settles in it. Cleaning septic tanks is a very important task that has to be solved from time to time.

How to do this job in the best possible way, and what are the specifics of cleaning different types of septic tanks?

What is a septic tank?

A septic tank is a flow-through structure, usually of the simplest type, which is designed for treating domestic wastewater.

When using them, we usually talk about fecal and domestic water in a volume not exceeding 25 cubic meters per day, and their purification by trapping insoluble compounds and organic matter and decomposing them anaerobically, that is, without access to oxygen. Any septic tanks biological treatment accumulate sediment during operation, which must be removed.

Design Features

Each septic tank is a kind of septic tank, which consists of one, two, or even more chambers. Are being created septic tanks from the materials itself different types, among which we can list brick, polyethylene, steel, and concrete. These units are located underground, and all wastewater is supplied to them ().

It makes sense to install these structures in cases where there is simply no access to the usual sewage system, and therefore they became widespread just outside the city, at dachas and country houses. With such structures, no problems with wastewater arise - all wastewater is sent to a septic tank, where it is purified to an acceptable level and re-entered into the environment.

How does this work?

The process of water purification is quite simple.

  • So, fecal or domestic water from the house they end up in a septic tank, where the water settles for at least a day. And all suspended particles, as the water moves through the chambers, sink to the bottom.
  • At the same time, a deep biological treatment septic tank is densely populated with microorganisms, among which there are anaerobic ones, which live in this sediment and transform it into sludge in a period of 6 days to 2 months.
  • The clarified wastewater is sent to a filter well, from where it gradually goes into the soil thanks to the drainage network.

The water leaves, but the silt remains. It needs to be removed from septic tanks from time to time.

How are septic tanks cleaned?

Don’t know how to clean a septic tank and how often such an event should be carried out? – It should be cleaned at least once a year. But cleaning this structure does not mean it is necessary to remove all the sludge completely.

It is necessary to leave about 20 percent of it - this will preserve the bacteria that decompose organic matter, and therefore will allow the septic tank to operate successfully in the future. Yes, you can clean out the septic tank completely and buy bacteria to populate them artificially, but the most practical approach is still to preserve part of the sludge in its rightful place.

The very cleaning of the septic tank from sludge can occur in the following ways.

  • If there are special sludge pipes, the sludge can be removed with their help; it will flow out by gravity in the presence of some pressure.
  • If there are no sludge pipes provided by the design, it is necessary to pump out the sludge by immersing the suction pipes of the sewer machine.
  • All pipes and communications leading to the septic tank, if correct operation no cleaning required. If, for one reason or another, a dense congestion has formed, sewage disposal equipment will again help.

Important! If you have long pipes leading to a septic tank, you should also provide an inspection well when laying them, which will help solve problems with pipes and possible blockages, and change the direction of the pipeline itself. Also, do not forget about preventive measures that allow you to maintain pipes in good condition and not encounter problems.

Professional option

In some cases, sludge removal does not turn out to be a problem at all - if the biological treatment septic tank is equipped with an automatic solids removal system. In this case, all sediments and activated sludge are removed into storage tanks using pumps and filters. This is very convenient system, which does not make a person wonder how to clean a septic tank.

After all, maintenance in such a situation consists only of replacing removable tanks - you need to replace a filled one with an empty one, and that’s it. The fullness can be assessed visually; the system provides full access to removable elements, allowing you to perform maintenance completely yourself - no need to invite any vacuum cleaners. Yes, the price of such systems is higher, but their operation always pays off.

In almost all other cases, you cannot do without vacuum cleaners, or you have to independently purchase equipment that will help in removing accumulated masses - pump, hoses, pipes.

Microbiology will help!

There is another rather interesting one that prevents the formation of sludge.

With them, too, the question of how to clean a septic tank does not arise - with such a “population” of the septic tank, which can be bought in specialized stores, the water is purified to a safe state, and no sludge is formed, because its layer is loosened and even the smell is eliminated - they work so effectively these microorganisms. They can decompose not only neutral or fecal waters, but also fats.

There are special instructions that will help you cope with microorganisms and provide them with all the conditions for optimal performance. So:

  • You cannot pour chlorine into a septic tank; it quickly kills bacteria. Manganese and other chemicals are also dangerous for them.
  • If chemicals get into the septic tank, you should immediately purchase and add new drugs that will allow you to repopulate the structure. Before this, the septic tank should be filled with additional volumes of plain water.
  • If the contents have thickened or hardened, it is also necessary to fill everything with water and populate it with new microorganisms. Using suitable crops will help reduce siltation levels and you will save on cleanup costs.

Thus, the septic tank deep cleaning It is not always necessary to clean it manually. And the video in this article will help you understand all the many cleaning methods.

Important! The tee at the outlet of the septic tank should be periodically cleaned manually.


Thus, cleaning it yourself is quite possible. You can do this yourself with the help of bacteria and preparations containing them, or by using design features septic tank, or using hoses and a pump ().

In the photo you could see all the main options for performing such tasks. You can also simply call a vacuum cleaner who will clean the drains and structure using their own professional equipment.

Cleaning the septic tank is an important part of maintaining the hygiene of a private home at the proper level. Regularly performed surgery will help get rid of the remains of vital activity and create an obstacle to the spread of pathogenic diseases. Therefore, you need to know how to properly clean.

Typical problems with a clogged septic tank

In a private house where there is no connection to a centralized sewerage system, the owners equip a special place for collecting and settling domestic wastewater. Such places are called septic tanks (which means cleansing). In them dirty water settles in one or more chambers. The suspended and undissolved particles of biological and mineral origin contained in it settle to the bottom of pits located behind houses. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to clean the septic tank from accumulated bottom sediments.

By type, septic tanks are divided into:

  • single-chamber settling wells;
  • multi-chamber deep cleaning facilities.

Both of them become clogged over time. The main sources of problems are the biological waste of the family, which, together with the water, ends up in the sump. They contain active microflora in which bacteria multiply.

Their activity leads to the appearance of sludge, which accumulates on the bottom and walls of the septic tank. After a while, the silting process causes the filtration of water to stop, which stops going into the soil.

Therefore, there is a need to clean the septic tank from accumulated biologically non-degradable particles and bottom sediments.

How often should you clean your septic tank?

Cleaning the sump and pipes is a troublesome task and also requires money. Therefore, the owners of a private house try to deal with these issues as rarely as possible. Most often, when there is simply no free space left in the drive.

Meanwhile, the period of transformation of biological residues of vital activity into sludge is, on average, about 6 months. It all depends on the number of microorganisms inhabiting the septic tank well.

To maintain the system in working condition and not cause silting, it is recommended to carry out work on removing solid residues from the bottom at least once a year.

How often such work should be carried out depends on the size of the sump. For container standard size for a family of four people, the pit is made at the rate of 0.6 m³ per person. The more households there are, the larger the septic tank should be.

Therefore, in such families, cleaning can be carried out 2 times a year. However, most owners recommend not to do this operation too often. Why? The answer to this question is in the next section.

If it is decided that the septic tank will be cleaned with your own hands, the owner must know and follow several important rules.

Firstly, it is not recommended to completely remove all the sludge from the bottom of the settling tank. Some part of it should remain in place. The fact is that as a result of silting in the container, its own microcosm with a stable ecosystem is formed. The microorganisms living in it process all biological waste entering the pit, thanks to them the septic tank is not a source of pathogenic microbes. By leaving part of the sludge (no more than 20%), the owner preserves beneficial bacteria and gives them the opportunity to continue their beneficial activities.

Secondly, cleaning pipes and containers should not be done using chlorine or manganese. These substances will destroy not only bad smell, but also all useful abodes of the system of accumulation and recycling of wastewater in houses. The reader will be surprised, but after such an operation, experienced owners advise buying in specialized stores a set of substances that contain microorganisms that process biological waste into sludge.

Currently, cleaning a septic tank with your own hands is done in two ways: mechanical and biological. Each of them will be discussed separately.

Mechanical cleaning of the drive

A traditional method of cleaning septic tanks, which can be done either independently or with the involvement of outside specialists.

The most primitive option is to remove the accumulated silt and debris yourself using a shovel and bucket. However, it is associated with a number of unpleasant aspects, the main of which is the smell. And picking through the dirt left after water purification is not the most pleasant experience.

Therefore, owners prefer to pump out using pumps and hoses. To do this, water is pumped into the container, it “stirs up” the bottom sediments, which makes it easier to remove them along with the liquid.

In some systems, sludge is removed from the system using special pipes. They are cleaned under pressure, which makes it easier to remove solid particles from the storage tank.

Those home owners who don’t want to bother with cleaning the septic tank call septic tank specialists, who, using the equipment they have, do all the work. The advantage of this method is that there is no problem with where to put the sludge taken from the settling tank. Hired specialists remove the suspended matter and dump it in specially designated areas.

Biological sludge removal

Some people clean the septic tank with their own hands using special biological agents. They can be purchased in specialized stores. These agents are similar in their action to the processes that occur in the septic tank itself. The active microorganisms contained in the preparations, once in a fertile environment, begin to actively eat sludge.

Note that bacteria do not completely destroy all bottom sediments. Therefore, having decided how to clean the septic tank with their help, you should understand that after a while you will still have to do mechanical sludge removal. But microorganisms will significantly reduce its amount in the container, which means you will have to resort to the help of specialists or do it yourself much less often than usual.

When colonizing a septic tank with a colony of microorganisms, a number of conditions must be observed. First, immediately after adding bacteria to the storage tank, you need to pour a large amount of water. If you leave the pit dry for any length of time, the colony will die and the expense will be in vain.

Secondly, after colonization with beneficial bacteria, it is strictly forbidden to add chlorine or substances containing this element to the system. It will kill all microflora, and the expenses will again be in vain.

In conclusion, we note that no matter what method of cleaning a septic tank is chosen by the owner of the house, this must be done regularly and efficiently. Biological additives will help remove excess bottom sediments, but general cleaning in the drive you still need to do it once a year. This will keep the system in order. Without cleaning, it will silt and become a health hazard.

Living in a private household is not only characterized by greater freedom of action than in the city, but also entails some additional problems that have to be solved. For example, organizing the proper functioning of a sewerage system can be quite a serious issue. And if you can hire specialists to install the equipment and install all the elements, then the daily maintenance required for proper operation systems will have to be carried out independently. From this follows many other smaller-scale works and tasks of no less importance. For example, you need to prepare before cleaning the septic tank, since this seemingly simple task has certain features.

General description

Before moving on to a direct description of the work on cleaning a septic tank, it is necessary to say a few words about what this element of the sewage system is and what the principle of its operation is.

A septic tank serves for cleaning and some neutralization of human waste. In other words, a septic tank is a kind of filter, passing through which sewage is divided into component fractions, some of which are neutralized under the influence of bacteria that naturally form inside the tank. Speaking in simple language, large organic impurities settle to the bottom and decompose, and the liquid, passing through the septic tank and drainage, is cleaned and goes into the ground.

Over time, the layer of decomposed waste, which is more likely to be sludge, reaches such volumes that it prevents the normal operation of the septic tank. Failure to pay attention to the problem can lead to quite undesirable consequences, so it is recommended to clean the septic tank regularly.

Pay attention! The frequency of work depends on the volume of waste produced, but in any case, the procedure should be carried out at least once every six months.

Cleaning methods

So, you should immediately decide that cleaning a septic tank with your own hands is a feasible task for most people, but there are certain features. Here we can add that cleaning can be done in several ways. Decide exactly how to proceed specific situation, it is necessary individually, but to choose, you need to familiarize yourself with the options.

Mechanical cleaning

First of all, it is worth mentioning mechanical method cleaning the septic tank. This may include both the option of using sewer equipment and manual removal of contaminants using tools. Depending on the situation, you can choose any type of cleaning.

  1. The use of special sewage disposal machines is possible only in cases where the design of the septic tank provides for special reservoirs for the accumulation of sewage. The machine sleeve is immersed inside the storage tank and contaminants are removed using built-in pumps. This option is fast and convenient, but entails some material costs, as well as the need to organize free entry/exit of equipment, which is not always possible.
  2. The second option is manual cleaning septic tank The method is somewhat more labor-intensive and can hardly be called pleasant, but at the same time it is quite effective and easy to implement, and does not require any additional investments. The procedure is that the drain is closed in advance and after the bulk of the liquid has gone into the soil, the contamination is mechanically removed using a suitable tool and transported outside the site. The method is quite slow, which must be taken into account in advance. In addition, it should be taken into account that it is not worthwhile to completely remove the formed sludge, since the process of decomposition of elements requires the presence of specific bacteria. It is recommended to leave about 15% of sludge for subsequent reaction.

Dry cleaning

Another option for cleaning a septic tank is the so-called chemical cleaning. This refers to the use of special substances that initiate the occurrence of biochemical reactions in which a minimum of pollution is formed. The main part of the pollution is decomposed by bacteria, and the rest, passing through the drainage, is naturally cleaned.

Pay attention! This method is rather preventative, since the need for direct cleaning occurs extremely rarely. Everything happens naturally, and human participation is limited only to adding chemicals to the septic tank.

This option is suitable in most cases, but it is worth considering that bacteria cannot live in the presence of chlorine and other aggressive chemical compounds. If something similar does end up in the septic tank, then after that it is necessary to add an additional amount of biological substance.

In conclusion, it can be noted that it is impossible to say specifically how to clean a septic tank. All options are suitable to one degree or another and can be used.

Even simplest form sewer with cesspool can significantly increase the level of comfort suburban area. However, this solution has a significant disadvantage - the container for the accumulation and primary processing of wastewater requires periodic removal of the contents. Agree, cleaning of cesspools should be carried out according to the rules so that no damage is caused environment.

Owners of private houses and dachas not connected to centralized sewer networks, we offer scrupulously verified, systematized information about the methods and specifics of cleaning. With our help you can choose best option disposal of sewage accumulations and learn how to implement it.

A detailed description of the methods used in practice is based on personal experience household owners. The requirements of utility standards are taken into account. The information is confirmed by photo and video applications.

Things will go much faster, there will be significantly fewer dangerous contacts with a lot of wastewater. But in this case we must not forget about security measures.

To clean the cesspool with your own hands, you can use a fecal pump. This pump needs to be flushed periodically as it becomes clogged with solid waste.

It is much more convenient to clean the cesspool using specialized equipment, for example, a sludge sucker. This is a machine that drives up to the site and pumps out wastewater through a special wide hose.

The distance between the suction pump and the cleaning object should be no more than four meters. This technique does not service pits more than three meters deep, but such deep structures are usually not found.

For the sake of safety, when manually cleaning a cesspool, it is better to perform all procedures together: one works below, and the second insures it from above

Even when constructing a pit, you should take into account this nuance: vacuum cleaners charge not for the volume of pumped out waste, but for each visit. To reduce costs, it is necessary to calculate the volume of the cesspool so that a quantity of wastewater that is a multiple of the capacity of the suction pump is intended for pumping. It must be remembered that pumping begins if the pit is two-thirds full, and not “to capacity.”

Method #2 - biological decomposition of wastewater

The process of recycling wastewater with the help of microorganisms is widely used in various septic tanks and industrial VOCs. But today, even for cesspools, a line of biological products has been developed that can do what is not possible when emptying cesspools - reduce or completely eliminate the unpleasant odor characteristic of sewers.

Depending on the form of release of preparations for biological treatment, they may need to be preliminary preparation. Usually the granules or powder just need to be dissolved in a small amount of water

The sewage disposal truck leaves, and a suffocating sewer spirit hovers over the site for several more hours, or even days. The use of biological drugs significantly improves the situation.

To do this, you need to choose a suitable product and use it in accordance with the instructions. Available in the form of gels, liquids, powders, granules, etc.

Microorganisms decompose the contents of the sewer into water and environmentally neutral sludge. From the permeable pit, water flows into the surrounding soil, and silt gradually accumulates. Naturally, the degree of such purification is lower than that of high-tech VOCs; the water cannot be used for irrigation, and the sediment cannot be used as fertilizer. But the speed of filling the cesspool is reduced significantly.

Of course, the sediment from the sewerage structure itself will not go anywhere; it also needs to be removed or pumped out using the method described above using sewer trucks. There is one more important nuance– not all wastewater can be processed using bacteria.

Special preparations are intended for biological cleaning of cesspools. Some of them are designed to recycle toilet paper dissolved in drains

Inorganic waste that enters the sewer accumulates at the bottom and reduces the amount of free space in the storage tank. Aggressive household chemicals, for example, containing chlorine, can create an environment that is harmful to microorganisms. Owners of washing machines and dishwashers one should be careful in this regard.

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