Monuments for the grave made of concrete. Foundation for a monument in a cemetery with your own hands Make a tombstone yourself

Unfortunately, everything in our life cannot be smooth; sometimes the worst thing happens, namely loss. loved one. In such situations, we can no longer help the person dear to us, but we can at least send him off with dignity and do everything to honor his memory. If you have a question about making or ordering a monument, this article will be useful to you. Of course, most people in such cases go to specialists, but if you are confident in your abilities, then why not install a monument with your own hands.

Types of monuments

Monuments come in several types, the choice depends on the desired price spent on the material and appearance:

  1. Stele. This is the most popular type of monument. The stele is made of marble or granite, different shapes and size, and also has a fairly seasoned and beautiful view. Steles made of black granite with an engraved pattern look very beautiful. Sometimes such a monument is placed on two graves, which is called a “family monument.”
  2. Memorial complexes. These types of monuments are very expensive and therefore they are usually installed on the graves of famous or very rich people. This design more complex and consists of fences (preferably forged), a small gravestone with an inscription and a photograph of the deceased or a stele, which can be combined with figures or bas-reliefs made of marble, and a structure is also provided small table and benches so that relatives of the deceased could arrange commemorations, chapels and other elements.
  3. Crosses. This is the most common type of monument. The shape of the cross depends on the faith of the deceased. Grave crosses can be quite simple and cheap, made of wood or iron, but can also be very expensive in the form of structures made of marble or granite.

Installation of a tombstone cross

A monument such as a cross is one of the most common, due to its practicality and low cost. Crosses are made at will from three materials: wood, stone and metal.

The most short-lived and worst option is wood, because, as you know, it deteriorates faster than other materials and is quite susceptible to moisture, starting to rot and deteriorate. But if you decide to install a wooden cross, you should do the following:

  1. First you need to dig a fairly deep hole (the depth depends on the size of the cross).
  2. Then 2 pairs must be attached to the bottom of the cross wooden legs. One pair should be mounted vertically, the second horizontally.
  3. Next, the cross must be placed in the hole with the bottom side and filled with clay mortar. A year later, it is necessary to repeat the procedure with filling the hole, since the clay will settle due to rain and the reliability of the strength of the cross will be reduced.

An iron cross can be installed in the same way as a wooden one, but more in a reliable way will fill the hole with concrete. It is also necessary to dig a hole sufficient for the cross, place it in it, then try to drive it into the ground at least 10 centimeters and then fill the hole with concrete. After the concrete has dried, cover the hole with soil.

It is quite difficult to install a stone cross on your own due to its heavy weight. To install this type of monument, it is necessary to attach length and width metal piles to the base of the cross. When installing, you just need to bury the piles a little and, due to the massive weight, the cross will hold.

Installation of a granite monument

If you decide to install a granite monument yourself, then you need to approach the matter responsibly in order to complete the work efficiently and for many years to come.

This type of granite structure consists of 3 elements:

  1. Flower garden. This is the part of the monument that limits the territory of the grave. In this part, most people plant flowers, filling the area with fertilized soil.
  2. Pedestal. The part on which the stele is installed.
  3. Stele. This is the highest part of the structure.

The monument is usually erected a year after the burial. Because after this time the earth will settle and become compacted.

Before starting work, it is necessary to evenly level the soil and make sure that the ground does not sag anywhere.

To install a granite monument it is used concrete foundation, as a rule, it is tape. First you need to dig a trench 10-15 centimeters deep. The size of the trench depends on the diameter of the tombstone, but it should be 10 centimeters larger in width and length than the grave pit. Using pegs and a cord, you need to distribute the perimeter of the proposed tombstone, and you can start digging.

If necessary, a sand or stone cushion is made, depending on the soil.

After this, it is necessary to place reinforcement in it from reinforcement (steel rods connected to each other) or wire rod according to the size of the foundation, 2-3 steel rods along and across the pit. Next you need to install the formwork. Measure with a building level so that the formwork lies evenly both horizontally and vertically.

Also, in the place where the monument itself will be installed, you need to place several rods in a vertical position, on which the pedestal will later be installed. The distance at which they will protrude must coincide with the one drilled in the pedestal.

Next, having securely fixed the vertical rods, it is necessary to fill the formwork with mortar. The prepared and infused solution must be poured into the prepared base and evenly distributed and compacted with a shovel so that the layer of solution is strong and even. After the base of the formwork has been filled with mortar, it is necessary to allow the concrete to completely harden. Depending on weather conditions, this will take at least 15-20 days.

Then a flower bed is installed on the frozen foundation. Next, install the pedestal on cement mortar and guides located vertically to the foundation. You need to be careful when doing this, as you can knock out the polish. After being carried out installation work, it is necessary to level the entire structure using building level, since the pedestal must be installed perfectly level. Then we remove the excess mortar and rub the seams.

After everything, you need to start installing the stele. The stele is mounted on reinforcement that protrudes from the pedestal using special glue, placing under it wooden boards and carefully gradually remove them as they are placed on the reinforcement. Such work is carried out slowly, rocking the monument from side to side. Then we check the evenness of the structure using a building level and wait until the glue dries completely. After this, you can start decorating the flower garden.

We arrange a flower garden for the monument

The design of a flower garden must begin by filling the space allocated for it with a special mixture of soil. The soil must be fertilized in advance and is beneficial for many plants. After you have filled the soil, you need to choose what flowers you would like to plant. Often chosen for monuments perennials resistant to changes in weather conditions. For the monument you can choose flowers such as:

  • periwinkle;
  • irises;
  • crocuses;
  • pansies;
  • lobelia;
  • marigold;
  • petunias;
  • ragwort;
  • hosts.

Lawn grass is also often used to decorate a flower garden. It can be used throughout the flower garden, or combined with other plants. Drop off option lawn grass along the entire perimeter of the flower garden is extremely practical and easy to use.

Also, before planting plants, it is worth considering whether there are tall trees or shrubs nearby, and based on this, it is necessary to decide which flowers to plant, because many of them are light-loving.

Monument care

If you have figured out the installation of the monument, you need to learn about caring for it. No maintenance required for granite monuments special effort, the main thing that needs to be done is to periodically wipe the monument with a weak soap solution, then wipe it with a dry cloth. This procedure will help to cope with dust and minor dirt. If the monument was hit by denser and heavy pollution, such as pieces of dirt, bird droppings, or seeds, then you need to buy it at the store special means for cleaning stone, which will allow you to remove stains without damaging the monument.

If cracks or pits begin to form on the monument, then it is necessary to cover up all the damage with a special putty for stone, and after drying, cover the defects with a special polish.

Proper care and timely restoration will help keep the monument in good condition for many years.

The bright memory of the person who left our world remains forever in the hearts of his loved ones and relatives. The path to the grave is not overgrown; there are always fresh flowers there. To emphasize the love for the deceased and the depth of their grief, family members install a tombstone at the grave, where the dates of birth and death, the name of the deceased, epitaphs are usually written, and a photograph is often placed (either embossed on the slab itself or printed). What are monuments made of? Read about this in the article.

Installation of a tombstone

Today you can order a monument at every funeral home. The staff will provide you with a catalog of samples from which you can choose suitable option. Also, if you want, the tombstone can be made according to an individual sketch. Before placing an order, you need to select a material. You will be told about what the monuments are made of at the office of the manufacturing company. Keep in mind that the better and stronger the material, the longer the tombstone will last. original appearance, however, the price will be correspondingly higher. Currently on the market they offer all kinds of tombstones: made of stone, metal, polymer granite, concrete and even wood. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each option in more detail.

Monuments made of natural stone

Such tombstones are considered the most reliable and noble; they will look dignified for a long time and can stand for centuries. What stone are monuments made of? The most the best material Granite is rightfully considered, marble is no less often used. Let's talk about the properties of these stones.

1. Granite tombstones

This material does not turn gray or fade when exposed to sunlight, and does not crack due to temperature changes. A granite monument can have any thickness and shape, because the material is easy to process. At the same time, you can be sure that the finished product will not have any damage: cracks or chips. It will be possible to apply a portrait image of any complexity onto it, and the surface will not lose its neatness and will not look too scratched. The advantage of this stone is that it comes in a huge variety of color variations, so you can choose absolutely any color. Gabbro granite is considered the most beautiful and expensive.

2. Marble tombstones

This material is softer than granite, therefore, working with it is more problematic. Perhaps the advantages include more low price. It is impossible to carve a portrait on such a stone, so usually a photo oval is attached to it.

Manufacturers make tombstones not only from natural marble, but also make monuments from artificial stone. In any case, the material requires regular care and is less durable than granite. If you live at a considerable distance from the burial site and do not have the opportunity to often come to the cemetery to clean the marble from dirt, it is better to choose another tombstone option. The fact is that grease and moisture leave stains on such monuments, and the colored material is also characterized by low frost resistance.

Metal monuments

This group includes bronze, iron and other tombstones. Various metals have different properties, but have in common significant drawback- susceptibility to corrosion. Unfortunately, you should also be wary of vandalism. Hardware You can take it to a recycling center for money, so there are cases when monuments are simply taken away from the cemetery.

1. Bronze tombstones

They look expensive and solid, even corrosion looks noble on them. Nevertheless, they are quite rare in their entirety; often letters or bronze decorations are applied to stone slabs. In this way, even the most modest tombstone can be given individuality.

2. Iron monuments

These products are simple and easy to install. But dismantling, unfortunately, will not cause any difficulties either. In general, it is better not to choose this material: it quickly rusts and is easily deformed. To some extent, this situation can be prevented if the tombstone is regularly painted.

What other material are monuments made from?

Nowadays polymer granite is often used for this type of product. This is a mixture of granite chips, which is first cast into molds and, after hardening, covered protective composition and draw up decorative elements. Such a tombstone will last less than a stone one, but it also costs less. Despite the fact that the monument will look like granite on the outside, it is often hollow inside. This means that after some time the joints will begin to separate, and the beautiful view will be lost. In terms of manufacturing technology, polymer granite products are very similar to gravestones made from stone chips. The only difference is in the binding substance - instead of concrete, a polymer is used.

Other materials

When talking about what monuments are made of, it is impossible not to mention concrete. From of this material the tombstone is cast entirely, that is, apart from concrete, no other components are present. This design is unreliable; even with proper reinforcement, the monument will not retain its original appearance for long: the concrete quickly crumbles and begins to crumble under the influence of the external environment.

In conclusion

We have not listed all the options for what monuments are made from. The choice is quite extensive; To avoid mistakes, it is better to seek advice from professionals. After all, it is important to install a tombstone that will leave for descendants the memory of the deceased forever!

Remembering relatives and friends who have passed away, memorial plaques, obelisks, and pedestals are installed on their graves.

Tombstones are made of marble, granite, small stone chips and metal. The burial sites are looked after, maintained in order and ennobled.

Basically, they turn to specialized companies funeral services, where they order the installation of monuments in combination with foundation work. You can make the foundation for a monument in a cemetery yourself, without contacting construction organizations.

At the site of installation of the monument, the soil is first examined. Neighboring burial sites will be a good guide. On stable ground, the monuments look level and do not warp anywhere. You can make a foundation even for heavy slabs and tombstones.

On clay soil under massive ritual complexes they lay strip foundation. In sandy soils, without going deep, a strip base is made.

Preference is given to the construction of monuments of small and medium size. The main focus of the project is on the center of gravity. In the most difficult place, the foundation is thoroughly strengthened. Particular strength keeps the structure in good condition for many years.


  • Shovels;
  • Roulette;
  • Spatula;
  • Trowel;
  • Rubber mallet;
  • Hard rubber from 5 mm;
  • Construction level.

In a bucket or special container. If dismantling is carried out, you will need a crowbar.


  • Reinforced concrete beams - three pieces;
  • One reinforcement each with a diameter of 16 mm, a length of 30 cm and 14 by 15.

Standard set of material:

  • Glue;
  • Boards;
  • Sand;
  • Cement;
  • Crushed stone.

A base made of durable metal is used at the place of optimal load.

Site preparation

The construction of a foundation for a monument begins with clearing and preparing the site. If an old monument is erected, the location of the foundation and beams is determined. After clearing, marking is carried out. Using a crowbar, the edges of the burial are determined.

The length of the beams is calculated. A trench is dug under the ends of the beams and the frame is immersed. Reinforced concrete beams are laid taking into account that the cabinet and. Using a level will save a lot of time.

It is important at all stages to check the dimensions as often as possible.

Installation of formwork

Formwork is installed on the frame. The formwork is assembled from wooden material or metal shields. Temporary spacers are made under the tree, and the inside is covered with roofing felt insulation.

Ready-made formwork panels have great strength. The panels are connected with bolts. The design is easy to use. The formwork can be quickly removed from the foundation. After metal formwork, a smooth and level area remains.

For professional builders metal shields become an indispensable assistant. If you build the foundation yourself, wooden formwork will cost less. The material is selected to be reliable to maintain concrete pressure.

Foundation reinforcement

Reinforcement increases the strength of the monument's base. Auxiliary fasteners reliably maintain the stability of the ritual complex. The frame is knitted from special wire or welded.

To install the stand, cement and water are diluted to a pasty state. Laitance of cement is fed into the lower opening of the pipe. The reinforcement pin is coated with the same solution. The pin is dipped in dry cement and inserted into the prepared hole at the bottom of the cabinet.

The beams are immersed in a trench filled with mortar. The beams must be recessed into the concrete itself. Excess mortar must be removed and wait until the structure “sets.” Next, a pillow is formed, and a stand is installed on it with a pin into the ground.

A large rubber mallet is used to compact the material evenly, and at the same time the stand is leveled.

Important! There must be connecting holes between the stand and the monument. Cement mortar is first poured into them and metal reinforcement is inserted.

Pouring concrete

For installation of the cabinet, a sand-cement mortar of high rigidity is made. Humidity should be low. Sand should not be allowed to spill. A weak solution is not suitable for such work.

Cement laitance is applied completely over the entire area of ​​the reinforcement. Concrete is poured into the trench so that the beam is supported and located in the concrete. The structure is sprinkled with dry soil on top. The distance between the gaps is two mm or less.

After pouring, the joints are grouted. Cement is mixed with water until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. First, the long part of the flower bed is carefully removed and a concrete solution is laid. The middle remains empty to drain water during rain.

A slight downward deviation is allowed so that there is no gathering near the monument. rainwater. The seams are sprinkled with cement and deep cleaning is done. The remaining parts are also installed. The solution quickly sets and hardens.

To correctly place the monument without disturbing the structure, small planks are used on the stand. Check the alignment of the holes. After which the boards are removed. Having removed the last devices, the monument is carefully moved to release the free solution. A control check is made based on the level.

After sprinkling the seam, you must not:

  • Move and loosen;
  • Check the strength of the connection;
  • Fill the flower bed with soil. This can be done in two weeks.

If no auxiliary work is expected, all that remains is to prime the visible solution near the monument.

Cladding works

There are many ways of facing monuments: from modern to classic options. Facing granite tiles strong, durable, looks beautiful, but the price is more expensive than paving slabs.

Previously with concrete base remove dirt and dust. Fat is removed from the surface with special glue. Markings are made on the foundation. With a special circle, notches are applied where the glue will be poured. The tiles are laid according to the markings and pressed tightly. Within 24 hours the glue sets to the surface. Excess glue from the surface is removed with a solvent.

Recommends watching the video:

Instead of concrete tiles You can put a special slab made of heavy-duty reinforced concrete on the grave. A minimum of time is spent on installation - maximum aesthetics and reliability. Conventional cladding is an old proven installation method without glue, without cement, without a monolith. All work is carried out using a hammer and loose clinching.

Installation of monuments on graves is a specific type of construction and installation work, which is characterized by increased complexity. Firstly, grave monuments require a foundation built using a special technology, and secondly, the monument itself must be installed correctly.

It is important to take into account the design of the foundation, since if you do not follow the laying technology, distortions, shrinkage and other deformations may occur due to complex heaving soil (specifically, sand).

Basic working conditions

There are a number of features that determine the process of laying the foundation and installing monuments on graves. These features include:

  1. The installation of monuments is permitted with the permission of the administration, which is at each cemetery. He is registered, and the person responsible for the grave receives a certificate to erect a tombstone.
  2. Construction of the monument is possible only after 6 months.
  3. Installation of the monument is carried out only in warm weather.
  4. To minimize shrinkage and distortions, the foundation must have reinforcement elements.

Requirements for concrete mixture

If you erect a monument yourself, with your own hands, then you need to take into account the type of cement-sand mixture that will strengthen the structure. The most common option for pouring concrete is a mixture with a ratio of 1:5-1:3 sand to cement.

In this case, you can use cement 400 and 500. These grades of cement withstand shrinkage well and have increased bearing capacity and resistance to deformation on heaving soils.

Nuances of foundation installation

To make a foundation for a grave yourself, you first need to take into account the type of soil. Complex soils (clay and with high heaving) quickly destroy the foundation due to increased pressure, stagnant underground water, etc.

Therefore, it will be necessary to install reinforcement in the foundation pie, as well as carry out waterproofing. Sandy soils quickly drain water, making the base less susceptible to corrosion, but the instability of sand can lead to shrinkage and further distortions of the base.

The location of the center of gravity is also taken into account. The center of gravity falls on the pedestal on which the stele will be installed. In this place the foundation is strengthened metal frame, a mesh of rods or pipes. To learn more about how monuments are made and how to install them, it is recommended to study the video with the stages of work.

To make the base with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • bayonet or shovel;
  • container for mixing cement mortar;
  • trowel;
  • measuring level.

The materials you need to use are:

  • cement;
  • crushed stone and coarse sand;
  • profile;
  • special glue;
  • formwork (plywood or wooden boards);
  • reinforcement (frame or mesh).

Stages of creating a foundation (video)

Stages of foundation construction

Laying the foundation with your own hands begins with digging a pit. Usually the base is placed at the edge of the grave, where the soil density is maximum. Further work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Pouring sand into the pit. A mound of sand is necessary to compact the soil. To prevent sand from mixing with it, the soil can be pre-covered with roofing felt.
  2. Making the frame. You can make the frame yourself. The material can be metal - it will provide reliable fixation to the base. Next, the internal and external formwork are knocked together.
  3. Reinforcement. It is necessary to lay a metal mesh made of pipes or rods into the installed frame. Laying is done in several rows - each row requires concrete pouring. It is produced to the edges of the formwork, after which it is compacted tightly. This is necessary to eliminate air bubbles, which can further reduce the stability of the base.

Features of cladding

Facing is usually done with granite tiles. A budget alternative can be paving slabs. The following steps will be required for cladding:

  • prepare the concrete base (degrease, clean from soil, etc.);
  • lay the tiles on an uncured mortar (laying must be carried out at a temperature of +5 °C, therefore work is not carried out in the winter season);
  • install horizontal elements in places with notches (they are prepared in advance);
  • wait 24 hours for the tiles to fully set.

Installation of the monument

How to install a monument so that the tombstone stands securely (without distortions, shrinkage, etc.)? The process begins with the installation of the stand. To do this, use a special circle, which is used to cut notches for glue.

Similar notches are made not only on the stand, but also on the base plate. Next, the notches filled with glue are degreased for better adhesion (setting) to the stand.

The final stage required to install the monument is the installation of the stele. To do this, you need to make deep notches at the base of the monument, then insert a strong metal pin.

The pin is generously coated with glue, and only then the stele is installed on the pyron ( rotational movements to remove excess glue). To better understand how to place monuments on a grave, you can watch a video with step-by-step instructions.

Making a Victory Monument with an Eternal Flame with your own hands

Fimina Ekaterina Borisovna
Description: The master class is intended for high school children, teachers, educators, and all those who are not indifferent to the heroic heritage of our country
Purpose: The product is made to decorate a classroom, stage, corners dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, as a decoration for performances, etc.
Target: Making a monument as a decoration for staging a song dedicated to Victory Day
Tasks: Develop patriotic feelings, respect for the heroic past of our country, war veterans, improve skills in working with cutting tool, cardboard, paper, glue.
On the eve of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, many different events dedicated to this event are being held. Great value is given to decorating public institutions so that the anniversary celebration remains in the memory for a long time. This master class serves the same purpose.
For making of this product we need the following
Materials and tools:
- cardboard boxes;
- pieces ceiling tiles;
- wallpaper with a marble pattern;
- scissors, stationery knife;
- metal ruler;
- pencil, black felt-tip pen;
- adhesives: wallpaper, for ceiling tiles, PVA, pencil;
- red gouache.
We begin gluing the thin box on all sides, having previously cut out pieces of cardboard (ears) from the back side and lowered them down for subsequent fastening of the box in a vertical position.

Now we take the largest box, cover its bottom and sides with wallpaper using wallpaper glue.

TO back surface glue a large box perpendicular to a flat box, using pre-cut pieces (ears) of cardboard for better fixation. Additionally, we fix it using a construction stapler.

While the structure dries, we make a star for the eternal flame. To do this, we use a template, increasing it to the desired size.

We cut out the shape along the solid lines, use a ruler and scissors to draw along the dotted lines and fold a three-dimensional star. Using strips of cardboard and ceiling tile adhesive, glue the rays of the star together.

We paint the resulting star with red gouache.

While the star is drying, we cover the horizontal part of the monument with wallpaper.

Using the template, we print out the letters of the words “We are proud. We remember” on red paper.

Also, using the template, we print out the numbers 1941, 1945 on red paper.

We print St. George's ribbons on white paper.

Order of the Great Patriotic War.

We cut everything out, glue it onto pieces of foam plastic using pencil glue or PVA and cut it out again, we get three-dimensional parts. The order and ribbons, if necessary, can be corrected using a black felt-tip pen.

Of course, you can draw and draw everything yourself directly on the tile, but printing it is faster.
Now you can begin gluing the parts to the monument using ceiling tile adhesive or PVA.

The star has dried up, but it is not a simple star, but an “Eternal Flame”. To do this we need to make a torch. Take a cardboard tube from food foil or from toilet paper, the diameter should be such that a battery-powered flashlight fits into the tube to illuminate the “flame.” You will also need corrugated paper in yellow and red shades.

Cut a 17/27cm strip from the red paper. We cut off the required section from the tube, lubricate one end with pencil glue and glue the red paper together. Using scissors we cut out the flames.

Cut a 6/15cm strip from the yellow paper, apply glue on top of the red paper and glue it in place, cutting out the flames. You can also add a fiery color.

In the center of the star, cut out a hole for the torch, insert it into the hole, after smearing it with glue. Glue the star to the pedestal.